
The Max Planck Institute for Informatics supports, as does the Max Planck Society as a whole, its employees regardless of gender, nationality, religion, handicap, age, cultural background or sexual identity. The diversity of our employees is the basis for the outstanding research performed at our Institute.

Diversity Charter

The implementation of the "Diversity Charter" https://www.charta-der-vielfalt.de/ at our institute aims to create or maintain an appreciative working environment for all employees - regardless of age, ethnic origin and nationality, gender and gender identity, physical and mental abilities, religion and worldview, sexual orientation and social origin.

Signing the charter brings us the enhancement of the site as well as a Germany-wide network committed to diversity and variety. In addition, action days, conferences, workshops and forums are organized. The charter is a voluntary commitment and is not subject to monitoring.

The charter is not only effective throughout Germany. In the meantime, many European countries have joined the Diversity Charter. An EU Platform of Diversity Charters is coordinated by the European Commission and offers a further opportunity for networking. 

Equal Opportunity Groups of PhDnet

What is the EO Group of PhDnet?

It is a group of 30+ doctoral researchers at the MPS who have different experiences and interests in EO. Within the group, members can join individual subgroups on Slack, and work with other members on EO projects to be implemented both at the local and MPS level.
Current subgroups are: 

  • Mental Health Initiatives
  • Offspring Magazine
  • Gender Equality
  • Parents and PhD
  • EO-related Workshops, Seminars and Symposiums
  • Follow-up on EO mini-survey
  • EO-related Speaker/Workshop Leader Database
  • March Awareness Month Twitter Take-over
  • Transparency in Hiring Practices
  • Training of Management at the level of Group Leader and up/Accountability of Management
  • Communication with the General Administration
  • MPQueer

Anyone can join, at any time: e-mail us at equal.opportunity@phdnet.mpg.de with your name and EO interest.