Information session on Childcare (Kita & Kindertagespflege) in Saarbrücken

This offer is for people who moved to MPI/Saarland University with a child/children or who are planning to have a child in the near future.
Often, childcare is a priority for parents when they are considering moving to a new place, however, it can take some time in understanding the existing system. Therefore, Michelle Froese-Kuhn and Dhara Sheth from Saarland University's family office will share information on  Kitas and child minders (Tagesmütter/-väter) in Saarbrücken. How to get a place for your child in a timely manner will be talked about as well. The presentation will be done in German and English, followed by Q & A.

Presented by audit familiengerechte hochschule-Team

8th February, 11:00 am

A video of the event was created. If you are interested, please contact Alexandra Klasen-Schmitt.


Mentoring program for the promotion of girls in MINT

  • What is CyberMentor?
    CyberMentor is Germany's largest online mentoring program for the promotion of girls in MINT (mathematics, informatics, natural sciences and technology) and is organized by the universities of Regensburg and Erlangen-Nuremberg. Through your involvement as a mentor you can be a role model for the female students and encourage them to put their plans into action, for example, in the form of MINT activities or by choosing a MINT course of study. Our research shows: more than 70% of the interviewees who took part in CyberMentor later decide to study a MINT subject!
  • How does the mentoring work?
    For one year you mentor a 5th to13th grade female student online. This student shares her MINT interests. On the password-protected platform, you can communicate via chat, email and forum. In this way, you can share with the student your knowledge and ideas about the MINT areas, for example, information about education and work or about MINT topics. You can manage your time flexibly -- starting from 30 minutes per week.
    In addition, we offer comprehensive mentoring materials, such as online tutorials or MINT topics in the form of project proposals.
  • How do you benefit as a mentor?
    As a mentor, you not only actively promote young female MINT talent, but also gain access to a network of up to 800 other mentors from all over Germany. We also pass on exclusive offers from our sponsors and partners to you. In this way, you have the opportunity to easily make and use new contacts.
  • Additional offer: What is CyberMentor Plus?
    CyberMentor Plus launches in December 2018 as a subproject of the "Performance is School" initiative. Plus means that mentees receive additional funding from participating schools. MINT faculty members arrange meetings, discuss mentoring with mentee groups, and can provide MINT projects locally (where you, as a mentor, are not actively involved). Together with the teacher, it is possible to offer the girls optimal support. If you want to participate in CyberMentor Plus, please indicate this in the application.
    Further information: CyberMentor Plus
  • How can you register?
    CyberMentor launches a new round four times a year: March, June, September and December.
    The next round starts on December 17, 2018.
    To register, go to www.cybermentor.de/anmeldung-mentorin
  • Further information: homepage cybermentor

    The following information letter can be forwarded to colleagues or other women from the field of MINT:

The Körber European Science Prize

Application Deadline: March 1, 2019

Symposion: Women. Science. Digitalisation.

Thursday, February 14 / 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in building A3 3 - Aula of the Universität des Saarlandes

There will be a symposion about "Women. Science. Digitalisation." It is organised by the Gender Equality Office of Saarland University. You are cordially invited to join for the whole day or for parts of the programm. Please find the schedule attached. Language will be mainly German. Attendance is free, please enrole via E-Mail: gender-symposion@uni-saarland.de

More information: Gleichstellungsbüro der UdS.


Computer science (research) you can touch

The Max Planck Institute for Informatics (http://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de) and The Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (www.mpi-sws.org) conduct basic research in many areas of computer science. But what exactly is computer science? Do you always need a computer for it? And what is a day in the life of a computer scientist like? This is exactly what we demonstrated to the girls with examples that they could touch and try out.

At Girl's Day 2019 we showed 28 participants some of these aspects and prepared a program with hardware, software and even computer science without computers. They were enabled to solder a small embedded system themselves, program a smartphone app and see what questions computer scientists are dealing with.

Participants got the chance to talk to our students, doctoral candidates, and scientists about what it is like to work in research.


FUNKT - Holiday-Uni-Nature-Kids-Days

Holiday offer for elementary school kids at Saarland University.

In 2019, children of Saarland University's students and employees can once again take part in our holiday program FUNKT. Friends and kids from affiliated institutes or the Science Park are also very welcome.

FUNKT is a nature-oriented program offered in cooperation with NABU Saar on the campus Saarbrücken. Daily between 8:30 and 16:30, the kids play together in the forrest by the campus, learn about plants and creatures there, do some crafting and carving etc. It is a lot of fun!

The prize is 110€ per week and child (except "Ostern" 2019: 100 €). The fee includes lunch and childcare between 8:00 and 8:30 as well as 16:30 and 17:00.

Contact (registration, questions etc.):  
audit familiengerechte hochschule, 0681 302-2911,
auditfamilie@uni-saarland.de or familie@uni-saarland.de
Registration form

Founder meeting of the MPS PostdocNet

It is our pleasure to announce the foundation of the MPS PostdocNet, which fills the gap between PhDNet and LeadNet and supports and represents the needs of our junior researchers.
The founder meeting will be at the Harnack-Haus in Berlin on April 29th & 30th, 2019.
Please find attached the invitation letter and the preliminary program for the event.

We strongly encourage our postdocs to connect within our Institute and form a local PostdocNet.
For this purpose, we have also created a new mailing list for postdocs, where all kinds of information for our postdocs will be distributed.
If you are interested, please subscribe to the list here: https://lists.mpi-klsb.mpg.de/listinfo/postdocs.

Information session on Social Support for parents in Saarland, Germany

Pregnancy and child-care bring their own challenges that intensify when you move to a new place and more so when you move to a new country. In this presentation, we will share with you how to navigate the social system around maternity leave, pregnancy rights for students and employees, financial support for children as well as financial support for parents post-birth. Basically, we would cover information about Mutterschutz, Kindergeld, and Elterngeld.
The presentation will be done in English, followed by Q & A.

Presented by Audit Family Office-Team of Saarland University: Michelle Froese-Kuhn and Dhara Sheth

Date: 3rd May
Time: 12:00 pm (noon)
Place: E1 5 Room: 0.29
This session is aimed for people with a child/children or who are planning to have a child in the near future.
The offer is open for students and employees of Saarland University and all affiliated institutions.

Universität des Saarlandes
Stabsstelle Chancengleichheit
Campus, Geb A4 4
66123 Saarbrücken
0681 302 2911
0681 302 5025 (Fax)

International Family Meet & Eat

on several Dates in 2019

Dear members of the Institute,

Are you an international MPII employee/guest and do you have children?
If you would like to meet other families from the campus, you can register for International Family Meet & Eat events.
The events take place in building E1,5 MPI SWS.


4th Networking-Meet-Up for Women in Computer Science

All women computer scientists are welcome to attend the 4th Networking-Meet-Up for Women in Computer Science at
Saarland University. The meet-up will take place on Friday June 14, 2019 from 12 noon to 2 p.m. in building E1 5 (MPI-SWS, ground floor).
There will be two or three short presentations and interviews and then some time for informal talks and exchange with other female computer scientists. Whether bachelor or master student, PhD, postdoc
or researcher in a cs-related field -- all women computer scientists are welcome!
Drinks and snacks will be provided, so anyone wanting to attend must register by June 3, 2019 by email to Alexandra Klasen-Schmitt: aklasen@mpi-klsb.mpg.de
Childcare will also be provided in cooperation with the babysitting service of Saarland University. The children will be supervised in the parent-child-room at MPI, which means they will be in the same building as the meet-up.
The organizers are hoping for a great turnout and fruitful new relationships!

"Frauen können Geld"

lecture by financial expert (herMoney) Birgit Wetjen

Thursday, 19 September 2019, 7:00 p.m.
Schillers Pub, Schillerplatz 2, 66111 Saarbrücken, Germany

This lecture will be held in German!

Women today are emancipated and well educated, but what about money? They don´t care about that! The majority of women, especially young women, leave their finances to their partners. A mistake.  Low incomes (gender pay gap), interrupted employment biographies after starting a family, and inadequate and/or bad private retirement savings arrangements: According to economists from the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW), the risk of poverty in old age is particularly high among women.
Yet, only a few women are enthusiastic about topics such as money, ETFs and pensions. Only the targeted and self-confident handling of one's own money leads to financial independence in the long term.

The Cologne-based financial expert, Birgit Wetjen, explains in her entertaining lecture how important it is, and how easy it can be, to actively take care of one's own money. Once the money comes rolling in, enthusiasm kicks in automatically.
She holds a degree in economics and works as a journalist, author, presenter, and consultant and has led the editorial department of the independent women's finance portal herMoney.de since 2017.

Admission is free.

For further information about HerMoney visit: https://www.hermoney.com/ (also available in German)


Max-Planck symposium "50 Jahre später - 50 Jahre weiter?"

On Wednesday, 16 October 2019, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., the Max Planck Symposium "FÜNFZIG JAHRE SPÄTER – FÜNFZIG JAHRE WEITER?" will take place at the Harnack-Haus in Berlin.
The joint event of the Central Equal Opportunities Officers of the Max Planck Society and the research project on the history of the Max Planck Society will deal with the desiderata and achievements of the second women's movement. Representatives from science, politics and society -- including female directors and the female vice president of the Max Planck Society -- will discuss which of the social and political goals expressed at that time have been achieved in the past five decades and which are still relevant today. These questions will be addressed from the historical, epistemological, political and institutional perspectives.
The event will take place at the Harnack-Haus in Berlin (Ihnestraße 16-20, 14195 Berlin).

The language of the event is predominantly German (Panel 1 English).

If you are interested in participating, please register by 1 October 2019 at

Additional information is available at
https://www.mpg.de/13501456/symposium-frauenbewegung or
at zgb-office@mpg.de


Writing, presenting, networking

A symposium for female scientists

Thursday, October 24, 2019, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
INM, Campus D2.5, Leibniz-Saal

The Equal Opportunities Office of Saarland University and the Equal Opportunities Commissioners of INM – Leibniz Institute for New Materials invite female scientists to the upcoming event in October.
Writing, presenting and networking are main tools for researchers at all stages of their career in academia.
How can you improve your skills? Which mistakes can you avoid?
Join our symposium and benefit from the insider view of our experts!

Learn about the reviewers’ perspective and discuss and network with other female scientists!

The symposium addresses female scientists in the STEM field (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathemathics), particularly PhD students and postdocs.
The event will be in English.
Please sign up until October 12, 2019 via e-mail to: gleichstellung@leibniz-inm.de.
We look forward to meeting you at the symposium!
Best regards,

Saarland University
Equal Opportunities Office
Dr. Sybille Jung, Estelle Klein

INM – Leibniz Institute for New Materials
Equal Opportunities Commissioners
Dr. Christina Sauer-Hormann, Silke Zeiter-Semmet

Barcamp Frauen* Saar

Power - Money - Freedom

02.11.2019 10:00 - 16:00

Saarrondo (Europaallee 4 A, 66113 Saarbrücken)

The sessions already announced will be held in German. 

The 2nd feminist Barcamp in Saarland invites anyone interested to come, meet, and network and to exchange knowledge, ideas, and experiences.
A bar camp is a debate forum where the participants take center stage and create the conference program themselves.

"Power - Money - Freedom" is the motto for the Barcamp Frauen* Saar's action-packed day with people of diverse cultures, genders, age groups, and opinions who come together and work together for an equal and loving social coexistence.

The special thing about a bar camp is that at the beginning of the event, the participants themselves can suggest topics for workshops, lectures, discussion rounds, etc. Then, rooms are designated to these topics and the daily program (the session plan) is created.

Impressions from Girls' Day 2019