Women's Day 2022

Titelmotiv IFT Programmheft - Bildnachweise Shutterstock.com
March 8, 2022 marks the 111th anniversary of International Women's Day. To mark the occasion, the member organizations of FrauenForum Saarbrücken and institutions, private individuals and associations have put together a diverse and exciting program.
Throughout March, under the title "relevant. resolute. regional", the important issues of our time will be illuminated and discussed in feminist terms. Politics and art, urban planning and homelessness, pornography and global justice, addiction and money, headscarves and self-defense - the topics of the individual events complement each other and highlight social disruptions and approaches to solutions in equal measure.
The program and further information can be found here.
Starting a career in the field of diversity - Empowerment Workshop
Tuesday, 29.03.2022, 14.00 – 18.00 p.m. on Zoom
Organized for BIPoC doctoral students exclusively, the empowerment workshop is led by Dr. Lana Sirri and Loubna Messaoudi.
The workshop aims to provide a safe space and opportunity for discussion about potential career paths for BIPoC after graduation in NGO and start-up work in Germany.
The participants will examine the existing structural and systematic hurdles and learn how to navigate them to center their career in diversity and intersectional justice.
Loubna Messaoudi (CEO, BIWOC* Rising, Berlin)
Dr. Lana Sirri (Project Manager, BIWOC* Rising, Berlin)
More about BIWOC* Rising and their mission: biwoc-rising.org/about/
The working languages will be English and German. To provide a safe space for discussion, the workshop is exclusively offered to BIPoC (Black Indigenous People of Color) PhD students. Please register by Tuesday, 22.03.2022 by sending an email to Yoana Vergilova at vergil@coli.uni-saarland.de.
3rd Saarbrücken Europe Conference
May 12 and 13, 2022

Solidarity in Europe - European Solidarity
Further information at: www.uni-saarland.de/ceus
The Gender Data Gap
Wednesday , 13 April 2022 - 10 a.m. on Zoom
The Gender Data Gap -- And its Implications for Data-Driven Decision Making
Abstract: Most of recorded human history is one big data gap.
Speaker: Meike Zehlike (Senior Scientist)
In this talk it will be cover different examples on how the gender data gap creates a world that disadvantages women in ways ranging from inconveniences to outright life-threatening dangers. And how data-driven decision making has the potential to amplify the problem.
The event is open to everyone who is interested.
19th Saarbrücken Women's Run
Saturday, 28. May 2022 - 3:00 p.m
Dear running enthusiasts!
After a two-year break, the women's run is back this year and you are cordially invited to take part on May 28th, 2022!
Saturday 28 May 2022
Tee times:
From 15:00 clock
Start and finish:
Old Bridge/ Saarwiesen (below State Theater)
66111 Saarbruecken
Online until Thursday, May 26, 2022, 5:00 p.m
at: www.saarbruecker-frauenlauf.de
Make use of ONLINE registration as well as cashless payment! Only in exceptional cases can the start fee and start number issue be set up parallel to the late registrations on the start day from 12:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

The 12th N2Women Workshop at SIGCOMM'22
N2Women'22 Call for Posters
The 12th N2Women workshop (N2Women'22) will be co-located with
SIGCOMM'22 in Amsterdam, Netherlands, in the week of August 22, 2022.
N2Women aims to foster professional networking among women in computer networking and related research fields in which women are traditionally underrepresented. The workshop welcomes women, but also men who share the same research interests and face the same career hurdles. The program of the workshop will include keynotes and discussions on careers in networking, but also technical sessions where, in particular, junior researchers are welcome to present their research as poster presentations.
Posters will not be published and can therefore be under submission to other conferences or workshops. Authors of accepted posters will be required to present their work as part of a lightning presentation
The best poster will be awarded a Best Poster Award and runners-up will receive an honorable mention.
Participation and Travel Grants
N2Women is pleased to provide travel grants to its annual workshop and encourages participants to apply. Information about the application process will be provided on the workshop website.
Important Dates
May 25, 2022: Poster abstract submission deadline
June 6, 2022: Notification of acceptance
N2Women'22 workshop website:
Submit your poster abstract at n2women22.hotcrp.com.
Summer FUNKT 2022
22.08-26.08.22 and 29.08-02.09.22
For UdS students and Employees with elementary school children! Registration for FUNKT Summer 2022 is open. From August 22 to September 2, 2022, the Family Office of the UdS in cooperation with Guido Geisen's Lumbricus - UmweltEdutainment - Umweltbildung natürlich! organizes a vacation care for children of students and employees of the UdS. At FUNKT, children can playfully explore the forest for a week together with qualified supervisors, get to know new animals and plants, grill bread on a campfire, and much more.
FUNKT Summer 2022 is divided into 2 event weeks:
FUNKT Summer 1: 22.08.22 - 26.08.22
FUNKT Summer 2: 29.08.22 - 02.09.22
The week costs only 50 Euro for student's children (proof of current enrollment certificate). Employees pay 150 euros per child / per week. Single parents and parents in financial need can also contact familie@uni-saarland.de for possible funding.
Registration and further information: https://tinyurl.com/FUNKT2022

WOMEN STEM Award Creating a future
in cooperation with Uniper SE
The initiative "Creating a MINT future" is looking for OUTSTANDING BACHELOR AND MASTER'S THESES
on various topics together with cooperation partners.
The theses (BA/MA) may date back one and a half years and may be written in German or English.
The main prize is €3,000, 2nd place €2,000 and 3rd place €1,000.
Subject areas:
Digital leadership - ideas are needed on how managers can translate their employee organization into the digital world in order to control processes in real time using KPIs. The question is: How can "digital leaders" and their employees digitally optimize everyday work processes?
People and IT security - How can technologies be used to minimize sources of error due to the human factor or to react quickly to IT risks?
Helpdesk Monitoring – So-called "low-level" IT incidents are time-consuming: solutions are needed to reduce the number of inquiries that reach the helpdesk team.
Data science in HR, IT, procurement etc. - Data is the key! We are looking for creative minds who enjoy solving cross-departmental use cases in relation to data science.
Digital Upskilling - How can employees be encouraged to take part in IT training courses? How must the training be designed so that the prior knowledge of the employees can be individually linked?
Theses or Exposés can be submitted together with the CV until August 29th, 2022. All students and university graduates of MINT subjects (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology) worldwide are eligible to participate.
You can also read all the information here:www.frauen-mint-award.de
MINT-Award IT-Security Creating a future
in cooperation with the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution
The initiative "Creating a MINT future" is looking for OUTSTANDING BACHELOR AND MASTER'S THESES on various topics together with cooperation partners.
The theses (BA/MA) may originate from 2021 or 2022 and may be written in German or English. The main prize is endowed with 3,000 euros, the runner-up gets 2,000 euros and the author of the third-best work can look forward to 1,000 euros.
Subject areas:
» Security of virtualized IT infrastructures through virtual security components
» Automated security analysis of server log files using artificial intelligence
» Confidentiality jeopardized by exploiting compromising emissions
You can work until August 15th. be submitted. The main target group are students of computer science and related departments, students and graduates of all MINT subjects are eligible to participate.
Please send your theses together with your CV and final grade (if you already have one) to leidner@audimax.de.
All information can be found here:
Sign Up! Careerbuilding for Postdocs of the MPS
Since 2009 the MPG has been successfully cooperating with “EAF Berlin. Diversity in Leadership” and will be able to offer the “Sign Up! Careerbuilding Program” for excellent female postdocs of the MPG for the 10th time within this framework starting from January 2023.
The aim is to support women with leadership potential in their career planning and to prepare them for management positions in science. It is the MPG´s concern to bring more women into leading positions in science. This Program puts us in a position to promote such talents.
Continuous participation in the Program (in English language) is expected.
The MPG advocates diversity and equality. We welcome explicitly applications regardless of nationality, ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age, sexual orientation and identity. In particular, we encourage female candidates with severe disabilities to apply.
Nominations for two different program implementations are possible:
- Sign Up! For Your Career: earlier postdoc phase
- Sign Up! For Leadership: advanced postdoc phase (with first leadership experience, e.g. group leader).
Mrs. Roßmayer will be happy to answer any questions you may have (089/2108-1426) or by email: martha.rossmayer@gv.mpg.de
International Family Meet & Eat

Please register online: bit.ly/3lgTB3t
International Family Meet & Eat

The main aim is to bring the international families together for an evening every month to build a community.
After a two-year break we are announcing the dates for the year 2022. We look forward to meeting you and your family!
Please register online: bit.ly/3lgTB3t