International Family Meet & Eat
Wednesday. 15th of January, 4pm to 6 pm - Building E1 5, room 005
The meet up for international employees, guests and their partners.
You are invited to bring your children as well.
Please register online here.
Food, refreshments & Babysitting provided
Parents Café on the Campus Saarbrücken
In cooperation with the AStA, the Family Office (audit familiengerechte hochschule) invites parents and those who are planning to become some to:
Eltern-Café on 21.01.2020 at 11.00 in the KHG Café (building A3 1) Room 1 & 2.
This is an offer for students and employees of the UdS to meet other parents on campus as well as to discuss issues and resources around parenting and child care.
For organizational reasons, please register at familie@asta.uni-saarland.de .
Please also indicate if you need childcare, we will be happy to take care of it. Cake and refreshments will be available.
Series of impulse lectures: You don't talk about money, do you?
Precarious employment (not only) at the university
In the interactive impulse lecture on precarious employment relationships, you will gain a practical insight into how precarious employment relationships present themselves in Germany and learn how easily employees find themselves in precarious employment relationships. In particular, the intertwining of precarious work and experiences of marginalisation will be examined. We also want to take a look at project-funded jobs and fixed-term contracts, which are common in science.
More information is available at: https://tukl.de/emxsu
Target group: All interested employees and students; in particular young researchers and persons with fixed-term employment contracts in the scientific and non-scientific field
- Importance of precarious employment for your own life, as well as the social dimension of its
- Opportunities for reflection on one's own work biography
- An empowerment approach is used to show you ways to change precarious employment relationships on your own. For this purpose, the speaker will present various approaches to self-organisation, as well as successful strategies against precarious employment.
Time: 27.2.2020 from 11-13 hrs
Location: Building 42, Room 105
Speaker*in: Julian Knop, Chair Circle Revolt, Collective for emancipatory educational work and process support, Berlin
Further lectures: Regional Gender Pay Gap (19.3.) and Paying Taxes, but Correctly! (25.3.), a registration is not necessary
Further information: www.uni-kl.de/gleichstellung-vielfalt-familie
Route2025: Information event for the Saarland female scientists on EU funding
Jun 5, 2020 11:00 AM — 1:00 PM | INM - Leibniz Institut für Neue Materialien gGmbH, Saarbrücken
Within the framework of our project Route2025 (www.route2025.eu), Saarland University, Department FT: Research Management and Transfer, supports Saarland universities, research institutions and companies in their successful participation in European research and innovation funding programmes. The consultations and application support as well as the events offered in cooperation with EURICE (European Research and Project Office GmbH) are open and free of charge for all interested parties in Saarland.
On June 5, 2020 from 11 am -1 pm the Route2025 information event will take place only for female scientists of the Saarland in the premises of INM (Leibniz Institut für Neue Materialien gGmbH) in Saarbrücken. All female scientists of Saarland University are cordially invited.
The event will provide information about the funding opportunities of the current ("Horizon 2020") and the upcoming new ("Horizon Europe") EU Research Framework Programme with a focus on the calls for proposals of the European Research Council. Prof. Dr. Anna Hirsch and Prof. Dr. Gentiana Wenzel have both already successfully applied for ERC grants and will be present to report on their experiences and give tips for application.
Further information and the possibility to register online for the event can be found at: https://route2025.eu/en/events/informationsveranstaltung-fuer-wissenschaftlerinnen
Invitation: Parents' Café Online
for (future) parents - Date: 23 June 2020, 10am
The Audit Family Office of the university is hosting a Parents’ Café Online, supported by the AStA family department.
For further information, please visit the family office´s website.
Girls in Control
Online Workshop for girls aged 10-15
"Girls in Control " is a free online workshop targeted towards girls in the age of 10-15 to give them some idea what automation and control is all about and why it is exciting.
It will be held in different languages: English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, and French.
The flyers for the German and the English version are attached. If you are interested in other languages, you can also contact Steffi Knorn (see the German flyer).

Conference for female PhD-candidates and PostDocs
Date: 28./29.09.2020
Note: the conference will be held online
The flyer is in German, but some of the workshops will be held in Englisch.
Gender Roles and their Impact in Academia
13 - 15 October 2020, Virtual
This conference of the EMBL will explore our understanding of how gender roles may be shaped by biology and by social structures.
For more information, please visit the conference website
Mental Health Awareness Week 2020
5 - 10 October 2020
The PhDNet is organising a mental health awereness week.
You can find more information here.