European School Saarland

Enrolement for school year 2022/23

For all those who would like to enrol their child in the P5 of the European School Saarland for the school year 2022/23:

The registration period for P5 at the ESS will take place from 09 February 22 to 15 February 22 (including Saturday):
Wednesday, 09 February to Tuesday, 15 February: each from 11 to 3.30 pm
Thursday, 10 February: 11 am to 6 pm
Saturday, 12 February: 9 am to 12 pm
Please register at or by telephone on 0681/9475570 so that we can provide you with an appointment to register at the European School. Both the registration and a personal counselling and orientation talk with the school management will take place during your registration time slot. We will also advise you on a language entrance test.
Please note that Corona rules apply in our building (vaccinated, recovered or tested).
The registration form for Year 1 at ESS can be found here or follow
We look forward to seeing you and your child!

European School Saarland

As a public school, the European School is open to all interested parents and their children. It will start in the school year 2021/22 with pupils in years 1 and 5 and will grow up under these special conditions in the following years.

The pedagogical profile of the European School is characterized by an aspiration to provide multilingual and multicultural students with a high-quality educational experience from first grade to the Abitur. The following focal points are characteristic of this:

  • Multilingualism
  • mathematics and science education
  • Information technology education and learning with digital media
  • arts, cultural and sports education
  • European education
  • democracy education
  • vocational orientation



  • to sustainably promote the children's strengths on the basis of a broad range of subjects and thus provide them with a solid school education in order to lay a valuable foundation for the following educational and training stages after attending the European School.
  • to promote the multilingual skills of the children, thus enabling them to engage in culturally-connected exchanges at a high level both in their mother tongue and in foreign languages.
  • to complement holistic learning with digital learning systems and learning approaches in a multimedia learning environment, developing and promoting children's digital literacy.
  • to provide children with competencies in the use of all areas of information technology through a broad range of information technology education.
  • to convey a responsible and at the same time a European and global attitude towards values through the subjects of humanities and arts.
  • in addition to promoting mathematical and scientific education, to awaken and encourage the children's individual creativity in artistic subjects.
  • to develop and promote athletic skills and to convey to the children the joy of a holistic, healthy lifestyle.
  • to exemplify to our students the core values of tolerance, communication, and cooperation within the school community and to reinforce their distinctiveness as part of a functioning community.


Further Information