Qianru Sun (Post-Doc)

Personal Information
see https://scholar.google.de/citations?user=fNfrGMIAAAAJ&hl=en
- Image Generation
- Image Classification
- Meta Learning
- Transfer Learning
- 2018.04 - now Joint Research Fellow, National University of Singapore & MPI for Informatics
- 2016.03 - 2018.03 Post-doc Researcher (Lise Meitner Award), MPI for Informatics
- 2010.09 - 2016.01 Ph.D. (top 10%), Peking University (PKU)
- 2014.10 - 2015.01 Exchange at The University of Tokyo
- 2006.09 - 2010.07 B.S. (rank 1/77), Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications (NUPT)
- ICCV 2019, CVPR 2018, ICCV 2017, Program Committee
- 2019, 2018 CVPR CV-COPS Workshop, Program Committee [link]
- 2018 ECCV CEFRL Workshop, Program Committee [link]
- 2019 CVPR, 2018 ECCV WiCV Workshop, Program Committee [link]
- SPLINE 2016, Technical Committee
- CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology, Editorial Board Member
- IEEE Trans. on PAMI, TMM, TCSVT, and IJCV, Reviewer
- 2018 Jun, ICMR 2018 Tutorial, Japan [slides]
- 2018 Lise Meitner Award Fellowship, Organization Committee [link]
- 2017 Dec, invited talk in DVMM, Columbia University, USA [slides]
- 2017 Jul, invited talk in the ODAR Workshop, CVPR'17, USA [slides]
- 2017 Jul, invited speaker in the Joint Lecture Series (MPI & Saarland University, 2017) [slides]