Dr. Fabio Galasso
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Saarland Informatics Campus
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Dr. Fabio Galasso is a post-doctoral Research Associate in the Computer Vision and Multimodal Computing Department, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbruecken.
Fabio read Electrical Engineering and Signal Processing for Telecommunications at RomaTre University in Rome. He joined the Department of Engineering and St. John's College in Cambridge for a PhD with Dr. Joan Lasenby on shape-from-texture. Further he researched motion-based video segmentation and spatio-temporal clustering as a post-doctoral associate in the Machine Intelligence Laboratory, under the supervision of Prof. Roberto Cipolla.
Before and after his Master's Degree, he gained experience as a Researcher in the Ericsson Laboratories and as a Project Engineer in Telecom Italia.
Fabio Galasso is passionate about new ideas and transforming them into products.
Web-page updated on August, 1st 2014.
This web-page is no longer maintained. Please refer to my personal web-page for updates: http://fabiogalasso.org/
High-Level Computer Vision (SS2012, SS2013, SS2014), teaching assistant
See list of publications