Software and Datasets
This page contains links to downloadable datasets and software packages recorded by our group. See also our Research page.
People Detection, Pose Estimation and Tracking
- Poselet Conditioned Pictorial Structures (code)
Strong Appearance and Expressive Spatial Models for Human Pose Estimation.
Leonid Pishchulin, Mykhaylo Andriluka, Peter Gehler and Bernt Schiele. In ICCV'13 - MPII Cooking and Human Eva groundtruth (datasets)
Multi-view Pictorial Structures for 3D Human Pose Estimation.
Sikandar Amin, Mykhaylo Andriluka, Marcus Rohrbach and Bernt Schiele. In BMVC'13 - Occluded People (dataset)
Detection and Tracking of Occluded People.
Siyu Tang, Mykhaylo Andriluka and Bernt Schiele. In BMVC'12 - TUD Multiview Pedestrians and TUD Stadmitte (datasets)
Monocular 3D Pose Estimation and Tracking by Detection.
Mykhaylo Andriluka, Stefan Roth and Bernt Schiele. In CVPR'10 - TUD-Brussels and TUD-MotionPairs (datasets)
Multi-Cue Onboard Pedestrian Detection.
Christian Wojek, Stefan Walk and Bernt Schiele. In CVPR'09 - Caltech-Pedestrians
Pedestrian Detection: A Benchmark.
Piotr Dollar, Christian Wojek, Bernt Schiele and Pietro Perona. In CVPR'09 - Pictorial Structures (code) and TUD-UprightPeople (dataset)
Pictorial Structures Revisited: People Detection and Articulated Pose Estimation.
Mykhaylo Andriluka, Stefan Roth and Bernt Schiele. In CVPR'09 - TUD-Pedestrians, TUD-Campus and TUD-Crossing (datasets)
People-Tracking-by-Detection and People-Detection-by-Tracking.
Mykhaylo Andriluka, Stefan Roth and Bernt Schiele. In CVPR'08
Visual Privacy
- PrivacEye: Privacy-Preserving Head-Mounted Eye Tracking Using Egocentric Scene Image and Eye Movement Features (MPIIPrivacEye)
Julian Steil, Marion Koelle, Wilko Heuten, Susanne Boll, Andreas Bulling. In ETRA'19. - Privacy-Aware Eye Tracking Using Differential Privacy (MPIIDPEye)
Julian Steil, Inken Hagestedt, Michael Xuelin Huang, Andreas Bulling. In ETRA'19.
Vision and Language
- Visual Turing Challenge (dataset)
Mateusz Malinowski and Mario Fritz. In NIPS'14 and AAAI-15 Workshop. - Learning Spatial Relations (dataset)
Mateusz Malinowski and Mario Fritz. In arXiv'14. - TACoS (dataset)
Michaela Regneri, Marcus Rohrbach, Dominikus Wetzel, Stefan Thater, Bernt Schiele, and Manfred Pinkal. In TACL'13.
Marcus Rohrbach, Wei Qiu, Ivan Titov, Stefan Thater, Manfred Pinkal, and Bernt Schiele. In ICCV'13. - TACoS Multi-Level (dataset)
Anna Rohrbach, Marcus Rohrbach, Wei Qiu, Annemarie Friedrich, Manfred Pinkal, and Bernt Schiele. In GCPR'14. - MPII Movie Description (dataset)
Anna Rohrbach, Marcus Rohrbach, Niket Tandon, Bernt Schiele. In CVPR'15.
Human Activity Recognition
- MPII Cooking Activities (dataset)
A Database for Fine Grained Activity Detection of Cooking Activities.
Marcus Rohrbach, Sikandar Amin, Mykhaylo Andriluka, and Bernt Schiele. In CVPR'12. - MPII Cooking Composite Activities (dataset)
Script Data for Attribute-based Recognition of Composite Activities.
Marcus Rohrbach, Michaela Regneri, Mykhaylo Andriluka, Sikandar Amin, Manfred Pinkal, and Bernt Schiele. In ECCV'12. - Long-term Visual Behaviour (dataset)
Discovery of Everyday Human Activities From Long-term Visual Behaviour Using Topic Models.
Julian Steil, Andreas Bulling. In UbiComp'15.
Knowledge Transfer and Semi-supervised Learning
- RALF: A Reinforced Active Learning Formulation for Object Class Recognition (code)
Sandra Ebert, Mario Fritz and Bernt Schiele. In CVPR'11 - Large Scale Knowledge Transfer (code)
Evaluating Knowledge Transfer and Zero-Shot Learning in a Large-Scale Setting.
Marcus Rohrbach, Michael Stark and Bernt Schiele. In CVPR'11 - Semantic Relatedness for Knowledge Transfer (code)
What Helps Where – And Why? Semantic Relatedness for Knowledge Transfer.
Marcus Rohrbach, Michael Stark, György Szarvas, Irina Gurevych and Bernt Schiele. In CVPR'10
Combining Language Sources and Robust Semantic Relatedness for Attribute-Based Knowledge Transfer.
Marcus Rohrbach, Michael Stark, György Szarvas and Bernt Schiele. In Trends and Topics in Computer Vision: ECCV 2010 Workshops
Image and Video Segmentation
- Sequential Bayesian Model Update under Structured Scene Prior for Semantic Road Scenes Labeling (code, dataset)
Evgeny Levinkov and Mario Fritz. In ICCV'13 - VSB100: A Unified Video Segmentation Benchmark (dataset)
A Unified Video Segmentation Benchmark: Annotation, Metrics and Analysis.
Fabio Galasso, Naveen Shankar Nagaraja, Tatiana Jimenez Cardenas, Thomas Brox and Bernt Schiele. In ICCV'13 - Multi-Class Video Co-Segmentation with a Generative Multi-Video Model (code)
Wei-Chen Chiu and Mario Fritz. In CVPR'13 - Video Segmentation with Superpixels (code)
Fabio Galasso, Roberto Cipolla and Bernt Schiele. In ACCV'12
Object Recognition and Scene Understanding
- Learning Smooth Pooling Regions for Visual Recognition (code)
Mateusz Malinowski and Mario Fritz. In BMVC'13 and ICLR'13 Workshop - KTH-TIPS2 and MPI-VIPS (datasets).
Recognizing Materials from Virtual Examples.
Wenbin Li and Mario Fritz. In ECCV'12 - MPII Multi-Kinect Dataset
3D Object Detection with Multiple Kinects.
Wandi Susanto, Marcus Rohrbach and Bernt Schiele. In CDC4CV ECCV'12 Workshop - Cross-Modal Stereo by Using Kinect (code, dataset)
Improving the Kinect by Cross-Modal Stereo.
Wei-Chen Chiu, Ulf Blanke and Mario Fritz. In BMVC'12
I spy with my little eye: Learning Optimal Filters for Cross-Modal Stereo under Projected Patterns.
Wei-Chen Chiu, Ulf Blanke and Mario Fritz. In CDC4CV ICCV'11 Workshop - Image Warping (code)
Image warping for face recognition: From local optimality towards global optimization.
Leonid Pishchulin, Tobias Gass, Philippe Dreuw and Hermann Ney. In PR'12 - MPIVehicleScenes (dataset)
Monocular 3D Scene Modeling and Inference: Understanding Multi-Object Traffic Scenes.
Christian Wojek, Stefan Roth, Konrad Schindler and Bernt Schiele. In ECCV'10 - CUDA SURF - A Real-time implementation for SURF keypoint detection, description and matching (code)
Andre Schulz, Florian Jung, Sebastian Hartte, Daniel Trick, Christian Wojek, Konrad Schindler, Jens Ackermann and Michael Goesele - TUD Dynamic Scenes (dataset)
A Dynamic Conditional Random Field Model for Joint Labeling of Object and Scene Classes.
Christian Wojek and Bernt Schiele. In ECCV'08 - TUD Shape2 and TUD Shape (datasets)
How Good are Local Features for Classes of Geometric Objects
Michael Stark and Bernt Schiele. In ICCV'07 - Semantic Modeling of Natural Scenes for Content-Based Image Retrieval (annotations)
Julia Vogel and Bernt Schiele. IJCV'07 - ETH-80 (dataset)
Analyzing Appearance and Contour Based Methods for Object Categorization
Bastian Leibe and Bernt Schiele. In CVPR'03 - What is Holding Back Convnets for Detection? Occlusion and Truncation labels.
Ubiquitous Computing
- Educational Activity Recognition Framework and Dataset
Andreas Bulling, Ulf Blanke and Bernt Schiele - Ubicomp08 (dataset)
Discovery of Activity Patterns using Topic Models
Tam Huynh, Mario Fritz and Bernt Schiele. In Ubicomp'08 - Dead Reckoning from the Pocket - An Experimental Study (dataset)
Ulrich Steinhoff, Bernt Schiele in PerCom'10, Mannheim, Germany, April 2010
Gaze-Based Human-Computer Interaction
- Prediction of Search Targets From Fixations in Open-World Settings Dataset
Hosnieh Sattar, Sabine Mueller, Mario Fritz, Andreas Bulling - Appearance-based Gaze Estimation in the Wild
Xucong Zhang, Yusuke Sugano, Mario Fritz, Andreas Bulling - 3D Gaze Estimation from 2D Pupil Positions on Monocular Head-Mounted Eye
Mohsen Mansouryar, Julian Steil, Yusuke Sugano, Andreas Bulling - Labelled Pupils in the Wild (LPW): Pupil detection in unconstrained
Marc Tonsen, Xucong Zhang, Yusuke Sugano, Andreas Bulling - InvisibleEye: Mobile Eye Tracking Using Multiple Low-Resolution Cameras and Learning-Based Gaze Estimation (InvisibleEye)
Marc Tonsen, Julian Steil, Yusuke Sugano, Andreas Bulling - Fixation Detection for Head-Mounted Eye Tracking Based on Visual Similarity of Gaze Targets (MPIIEgoFixation)
Julian Steil, Michael Xuelin Huang, Andreas Bulling - Forecasting User Attention During Everyday Mobile Interactions Using Device-Integrated and Wearable Sensors (MPIIMobileAttention)
Julian Steil, Philipp Müller, Yusuke Sugano, Andreas Bulling