M. Afshinmehr, A. Danaei, M. Kazemi, K. Mehlhorn, and N. Rathi, “EFX Allocations and Orientations on Bipartite Multi-Graphs: A Complete Picture,” in Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2025), Detroit, MI, USA. (Accepted/in press)
We consider the problem of selecting a committee of $k$ alternatives among<br>$m$ alternatives, based on the ordinal rank list of voters. Our focus is on the<br>case where both voters and alternatives lie on a metric space-specifically, on<br>the line-and the objective is to minimize the additive social cost. The<br>additive social cost is the sum of the costs for all voters, where the cost for<br>each voter is defined as the sum of their distances to each member of the<br>selected committee.<br> We propose a new voting rule, the Polar Comparison Rule, which achieves upper<br>bounds of $1 + \sqrt{2} \approx 2.41$ and $7/3 \approx 2.33$ distortions for $k<br>= 2$ and $k = 3$, respectively, and we show that these bounds are tight.<br>Furthermore, we generalize this rule, showing that it maintains a distortion of<br>roughly $7/3$ based on the remainder of the committee size when divided by<br>three. We also establish lower bounds on the achievable distortion based on the<br>parity of $k$ and for both small and large committee sizes.<br>
TITLE = {{EFX} Allocations and Orientations on Bipartite Multi-Graphs: {A} Complete Picture},
AUTHOR = {Afshinmehr, Mahyar and Danaei, Alireza and Kazemi, Mehrafarin and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Rathi, Nidhi},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
YEAR = {2025},
PUBLREMARK = {Accepted},
MARGINALMARK = {$\bullet$},
ABSTRACT = {We consider the problem of selecting a committee of $k$ alternatives among<br>$m$ alternatives, based on the ordinal rank list of voters. Our focus is on the<br>case where both voters and alternatives lie on a metric space-specifically, on<br>the line-and the objective is to minimize the additive social cost. The<br>additive social cost is the sum of the costs for all voters, where the cost for<br>each voter is defined as the sum of their distances to each member of the<br>selected committee.<br> We propose a new voting rule, the Polar Comparison Rule, which achieves upper<br>bounds of $1 + \sqrt{2} \approx 2.41$ and $7/3 \approx 2.33$ distortions for $k<br>= 2$ and $k = 3$, respectively, and we show that these bounds are tight.<br>Furthermore, we generalize this rule, showing that it maintains a distortion of<br>roughly $7/3$ based on the remainder of the committee size when divided by<br>three. We also establish lower bounds on the achievable distortion based on the<br>parity of $k$ and for both small and large committee sizes.<br>},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2025)},
ADDRESS = {Detroit, MI, USA},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Afshinmehr, Mahyar
%A Danaei, Alireza
%A Kazemi, Mehrafarin
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Rathi, Nidhi
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T EFX Allocations and Orientations on Bipartite Multi-Graphs: A Complete
Picture :
%G eng
%D 2024
%B 24th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
%Z date of event: 2025-05-19 - 2025-05-23
%C Detroit, MI, USA
%X We consider the problem of selecting a committee of $k$ alternatives among<br>$m$ alternatives, based on the ordinal rank list of voters. Our focus is on the<br>case where both voters and alternatives lie on a metric space-specifically, on<br>the line-and the objective is to minimize the additive social cost. The<br>additive social cost is the sum of the costs for all voters, where the cost for<br>each voter is defined as the sum of their distances to each member of the<br>selected committee.<br> We propose a new voting rule, the Polar Comparison Rule, which achieves upper<br>bounds of $1 + \sqrt{2} \approx 2.41$ and $7/3 \approx 2.33$ distortions for $k<br>= 2$ and $k = 3$, respectively, and we show that these bounds are tight.<br>Furthermore, we generalize this rule, showing that it maintains a distortion of<br>roughly $7/3$ based on the remainder of the committee size when divided by<br>three. We also establish lower bounds on the achievable distortion based on the<br>parity of $k$ and for both small and large committee sizes.<br>
%K Computer Science, Computer Science and Game Theory, cs.GT
%B Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
H. Akrami, B. Ray Chaudhury, M. Hoefer, K. Mehlhorn, M. Schmalhofer, G. Shahkarami, G. Varricchio, Q. Vermande, and E. van Wijland, “Maximizing Nash Social Welfare in 2-Value Instances: Delineating Tractability,” Mathematics of Operations Research, 2025.
We study the problem of allocating a set of indivisible goods among a set of<br>agents with \emph{2-value additive valuations}. In this setting, each good is<br>valued either $1$ or $\sfrac{p}{q}$, for some fixed co-prime numbers $p,q\in<br>\NN$ such that $1\leq q < p$. Our goal is to find an allocation maximizing the<br>\emph{Nash social welfare} (\NSW), i.e., the geometric mean of the valuations<br>of the agents. In this work, we give a complete characterization of<br>polynomial-time tractability of \NSW\ maximization that solely depends on the<br>values of $q$.<br> We start by providing a rather simple polynomial-time algorithm to find a<br>maximum \NSW\ allocation when the valuation functions are \emph{integral}, that<br>is, $q=1$. We then exploit more involved techniques to get an algorithm<br>producing a maximum \NSW\ allocation for the \emph{half-integral} case, that<br>is, $q=2$. Finally, we show it is \classNP-hard to compute an allocation with<br>maximum \NSW\ whenever $q\geq3$.<br>
TITLE = {Maximizing {Nash} Social Welfare in 2-Value Instances: Delineating Tractability},
AUTHOR = {Akrami, Hannaneh and Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar and Hoefer, Martin and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Schmalhofer, Marco and Shahkarami, Golnoosh and Varricchio, Giovanna and Vermande, Quentin and van Wijland, Ernest},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0364-765X},
DOI = {10.1287/moor.2023.0204},
YEAR = {2025},
MARGINALMARK = {$\bullet$},
ABSTRACT = {We study the problem of allocating a set of indivisible goods among a set of<br>agents with \emph{2-value additive valuations}. In this setting, each good is<br>valued either $1$ or $\sfrac{p}{q}$, for some fixed co-prime numbers $p,q\in<br>\NN$ such that $1\leq q < p$. Our goal is to find an allocation maximizing the<br>\emph{Nash social welfare} (\NSW), i.e., the geometric mean of the valuations<br>of the agents. In this work, we give a complete characterization of<br>polynomial-time tractability of \NSW\ maximization that solely depends on the<br>values of $q$.<br> We start by providing a rather simple polynomial-time algorithm to find a<br>maximum \NSW\ allocation when the valuation functions are \emph{integral}, that<br>is, $q=1$. We then exploit more involved techniques to get an algorithm<br>producing a maximum \NSW\ allocation for the \emph{half-integral} case, that<br>is, $q=2$. Finally, we show it is \classNP-hard to compute an allocation with<br>maximum \NSW\ whenever $q\geq3$.<br>},
JOURNAL = {Mathematics of Operations Research},
%0 Journal Article
%A Akrami, Hannaneh
%A Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar
%A Hoefer, Martin
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schmalhofer, Marco
%A Shahkarami, Golnoosh
%A Varricchio, Giovanna
%A Vermande, Quentin
%A van Wijland, Ernest
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
%T Maximizing Nash Social Welfare in 2-Value Instances: Delineating
Tractability :
%G eng
%R 10.1287/moor.2023.0204
%7 2025-01-21
%D 2025
%8 21.01.2025
%X We study the problem of allocating a set of indivisible goods among a set of<br>agents with \emph{2-value additive valuations}. In this setting, each good is<br>valued either $1$ or $\sfrac{p}{q}$, for some fixed co-prime numbers $p,q\in<br>\NN$ such that $1\leq q < p$. Our goal is to find an allocation maximizing the<br>\emph{Nash social welfare} (\NSW), i.e., the geometric mean of the valuations<br>of the agents. In this work, we give a complete characterization of<br>polynomial-time tractability of \NSW\ maximization that solely depends on the<br>values of $q$.<br> We start by providing a rather simple polynomial-time algorithm to find a<br>maximum \NSW\ allocation when the valuation functions are \emph{integral}, that<br>is, $q=1$. We then exploit more involved techniques to get an algorithm<br>producing a maximum \NSW\ allocation for the \emph{half-integral} case, that<br>is, $q=2$. Finally, we show it is \classNP-hard to compute an allocation with<br>maximum \NSW\ whenever $q\geq3$.<br>
%K Computer Science, Computer Science and Game Theory, cs.GT
%J Mathematics of Operations Research
%@ false
I. Caragiannis, K. Mehlhorn, and N. Rathi, “Welfare-Optimal Serial Dictatorships have Polynomial Query Complexity,” in Proceedings of the 39th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Philadelphia, PA, USA. (arXiv: 2407.0447, Accepted/in press)
TITLE = {Welfare-Optimal Serial Dictatorships have Polynomial Query Complexity},
AUTHOR = {Caragiannis, Ioannis and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Rathi, Nidhi},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
EPRINT = {2407.0447},
YEAR = {2025},
PUBLREMARK = {Accepted},
MARGINALMARK = {$\bullet$},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 39th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA, USA},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Caragiannis, Ioannis
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Rathi, Nidhi
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Welfare-Optimal Serial Dictatorships have Polynomial Query Complexity :
%G eng
%D 2025
%B The 39th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
%Z date of event: 2025-03-25 - 2025-04-04
%C Philadelphia, PA, USA
%B Proceedings of the 39th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
M. Afshinmehr, M. Ansaripour, A. Danaei, and K. Mehlhorn, “Approximate EFX and Exact tEFX Allocations for Indivisible Chores: Improved Algorithms,” 2024. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 2410.18655)
We explore the fair distribution of a set of $m$ indivisible chores among $n$<br>agents, where each agent's costs are evaluated using a monotone cost function.<br>Our focus lies on two fairness criteria: envy-freeness up to any item (EFX) and<br>a relaxed notion, namely envy-freeness up to the transfer of any item (tEFX).<br>We demonstrate that a 2-approximate EFX allocation exists and is computable in<br>polynomial time for three agents with subadditive cost functions, improving<br>upon the previous $(2 + \sqrt{6})$ approximation for additive cost functions.<br>This result requires extensive case analysis. Christoforidis et al. (IJCAI'24)<br>independently claim the same approximation for additive cost functions;<br>however, we provide a counter-example to their algorithm. We expand the number<br>of agents to any number to get the same approximation guarantee with the<br>assumption of partially identical ordering (IDO) for the cost functions.<br>Additionally, we establish that a tEFX allocation is achievable for three<br>agents if one has an additive 2-ratio bounded cost function, while the others<br>may have general monotone cost functions. This is an improvement from the prior<br>requirement of two agents with additive 2-ratio bounded cost functions. This<br>allocation can also be extended to agent groups with identical valuations.<br>Further, we show various analyses of EFX allocations for chores, such as the<br>relaxations for additive $\alpha$-ratio-bounded cost functions.<br>
TITLE = {Approximate {EFX} and Exact t{EFX} Allocations for Indivisible Chores: Improved Algorithms},
AUTHOR = {Afshinmehr, Mahyar and Ansaripour, Matin and Danaei, Alireza and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {2410.18655},
YEAR = {2024},
MARGINALMARK = {$\bullet$},
ABSTRACT = {We explore the fair distribution of a set of $m$ indivisible chores among $n$<br>agents, where each agent's costs are evaluated using a monotone cost function.<br>Our focus lies on two fairness criteria: envy-freeness up to any item (EFX) and<br>a relaxed notion, namely envy-freeness up to the transfer of any item (tEFX).<br>We demonstrate that a 2-approximate EFX allocation exists and is computable in<br>polynomial time for three agents with subadditive cost functions, improving<br>upon the previous $(2 + \sqrt{6})$ approximation for additive cost functions.<br>This result requires extensive case analysis. Christoforidis et al. (IJCAI'24)<br>independently claim the same approximation for additive cost functions;<br>however, we provide a counter-example to their algorithm. We expand the number<br>of agents to any number to get the same approximation guarantee with the<br>assumption of partially identical ordering (IDO) for the cost functions.<br>Additionally, we establish that a tEFX allocation is achievable for three<br>agents if one has an additive 2-ratio bounded cost function, while the others<br>may have general monotone cost functions. This is an improvement from the prior<br>requirement of two agents with additive 2-ratio bounded cost functions. This<br>allocation can also be extended to agent groups with identical valuations.<br>Further, we show various analyses of EFX allocations for chores, such as the<br>relaxations for additive $\alpha$-ratio-bounded cost functions.<br>},
%0 Report
%A Afshinmehr, Mahyar
%A Ansaripour, Matin
%A Danaei, Alireza
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Approximate EFX and Exact tEFX Allocations for Indivisible Chores:
Improved Algorithms :
%G eng
%D 2024
%X We explore the fair distribution of a set of $m$ indivisible chores among $n$<br>agents, where each agent's costs are evaluated using a monotone cost function.<br>Our focus lies on two fairness criteria: envy-freeness up to any item (EFX) and<br>a relaxed notion, namely envy-freeness up to the transfer of any item (tEFX).<br>We demonstrate that a 2-approximate EFX allocation exists and is computable in<br>polynomial time for three agents with subadditive cost functions, improving<br>upon the previous $(2 + \sqrt{6})$ approximation for additive cost functions.<br>This result requires extensive case analysis. Christoforidis et al. (IJCAI'24)<br>independently claim the same approximation for additive cost functions;<br>however, we provide a counter-example to their algorithm. We expand the number<br>of agents to any number to get the same approximation guarantee with the<br>assumption of partially identical ordering (IDO) for the cost functions.<br>Additionally, we establish that a tEFX allocation is achievable for three<br>agents if one has an additive 2-ratio bounded cost function, while the others<br>may have general monotone cost functions. This is an improvement from the prior<br>requirement of two agents with additive 2-ratio bounded cost functions. This<br>allocation can also be extended to agent groups with identical valuations.<br>Further, we show various analyses of EFX allocations for chores, such as the<br>relaxations for additive $\alpha$-ratio-bounded cost functions.<br>
%K Computer Science, Computer Science and Game Theory, cs.GT
M. Afshinmehr, M. Kazemi, and K. Mehlhorn, “MMS Approximations Under Additive Leveled Valuations,” 2024. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 2410.02274)
We study the problem of fairly allocating indivisible goods to a set of<br>agents with additive leveled valuations. A valuation function is called leveled<br>if and only if bundles of larger size have larger value than bundles of smaller<br>size. The economics literature has well studied such valuations.<br> We use the maximin-share (MMS) and EFX as standard notions of fairness. We<br>show that an algorithm introduced by Christodoulou et al. ([11]) constructs an<br>allocation that is EFX and $\frac{\lfloor \frac{m}{n} \rfloor}{\lfloor<br>\frac{m}{n} \rfloor + 1}\text{-MMS}$. In the paper, it was claimed that the<br>allocation is EFX and $\frac{2}{3}\text{-MMS}$. However, the proof of the<br>MMS-bound is incorrect. We give a counter-example to their proof and then prove<br>a stronger approximation of MMS.<br>
TITLE = {{MMS} Approximations Under Additive Leveled Valuations},
AUTHOR = {Afshinmehr, Mahyar and Kazemi, Mehrafarin and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {2410.02274},
YEAR = {2024},
MARGINALMARK = {$\bullet$},
ABSTRACT = {We study the problem of fairly allocating indivisible goods to a set of<br>agents with additive leveled valuations. A valuation function is called leveled<br>if and only if bundles of larger size have larger value than bundles of smaller<br>size. The economics literature has well studied such valuations.<br> We use the maximin-share (MMS) and EFX as standard notions of fairness. We<br>show that an algorithm introduced by Christodoulou et al. ([11]) constructs an<br>allocation that is EFX and $\frac{\lfloor \frac{m}{n} \rfloor}{\lfloor<br>\frac{m}{n} \rfloor + 1}\text{-MMS}$. In the paper, it was claimed that the<br>allocation is EFX and $\frac{2}{3}\text{-MMS}$. However, the proof of the<br>MMS-bound is incorrect. We give a counter-example to their proof and then prove<br>a stronger approximation of MMS.<br>},
%0 Report
%A Afshinmehr, Mahyar
%A Kazemi, Mehrafarin
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T MMS Approximations Under Additive Leveled Valuations :
%G eng
%D 2024
%X We study the problem of fairly allocating indivisible goods to a set of<br>agents with additive leveled valuations. A valuation function is called leveled<br>if and only if bundles of larger size have larger value than bundles of smaller<br>size. The economics literature has well studied such valuations.<br> We use the maximin-share (MMS) and EFX as standard notions of fairness. We<br>show that an algorithm introduced by Christodoulou et al. ([11]) constructs an<br>allocation that is EFX and $\frac{\lfloor \frac{m}{n} \rfloor}{\lfloor<br>\frac{m}{n} \rfloor + 1}\text{-MMS}$. In the paper, it was claimed that the<br>allocation is EFX and $\frac{2}{3}\text{-MMS}$. However, the proof of the<br>MMS-bound is incorrect. We give a counter-example to their proof and then prove<br>a stronger approximation of MMS.<br>
%K Computer Science, Computer Science and Game Theory, cs.GT
H. Akrami, N. Alon, B. Ray Chaudhury, J. Garg, K. Mehlhorn, and R. Mehta, “EFX: A Simpler Approach and an (Almost) Optimal Guarantee via Rainbow Cycle Number,” Operations Research, 2024.
TITLE = {{EFX}: {A} Simpler Approach and an (Almost) Optimal Guarantee via Rainbow Cycle Number},
AUTHOR = {Akrami, Hannaneh and Alon, Noga and Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar and Garg, Jugal and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Mehta, Ruta},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0030-364X},
DOI = {10.1287/opre.2023.0433},
PUBLISHER = {informs},
ADDRESS = {Catonsville, MD},
YEAR = {2024},
MARGINALMARK = {$\bullet$},
DATE = {2024},
JOURNAL = {Operations Research},
PAGES = {1--14},
%0 Journal Article
%A Akrami, Hannaneh
%A Alon, Noga
%A Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar
%A Garg, Jugal
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Mehta, Ruta
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T EFX: A Simpler Approach and an (Almost) Optimal Guarantee via Rainbow Cycle Number :
%G eng
%R 10.1287/opre.2023.0433
%7 2024-10-21
%D 2024
%J Operations Research
%& 1
%P 1 - 14
%I informs
%C Catonsville, MD
%@ false
M. Ansaripour, A. Danaei, and K. Mehlhorn, “Gabow’s Cardinality Matching Algorithm in General Graphs: Implementation and Experiments,” 2024. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 2409.14849)
It is known since 1975 (\cite{HK75}) that maximum cardinality matchings in<br>bipartite graphs with $n$ nodes and $m$ edges can be computed in time<br>$O(\sqrt{n} m)$. Asymptotically faster algorithms were found in the last decade<br>and maximum cardinality bipartite matchings can now be computed in near-linear<br>time~\cite{NearlyLinearTimeBipartiteMatching,<br>AlmostLinearTimeMaxFlow,AlmostLinearTimeMinCostFlow}. For general graphs, the<br>problem seems harder. Algorithms with running time $O(\sqrt{n} m)$ were given<br>in~\cite{MV80,Vazirani94,Vazirani12,Vazirani20,Vazirani23,Goldberg-Karzanov,GT91,Gabow:GeneralMatching}.<br>Mattingly and Ritchey~\cite{Mattingly-Ritchey} and Huang and<br>Stein~\cite{Huang-Stein} discuss implementations of the Micali-Vazirani<br>Algorithm. We describe an implementation of Gabow's<br>algorithm~\cite{Gabow:GeneralMatching} in C++ based on<br>LEDA~\cite{LEDAsystem,LEDAbook} and report on running time experiments. On<br>worst-case graphs, the asymptotic improvement pays off dramatically. On random<br>graphs, there is no improvement with respect to algorithms that have a<br>worst-case running time of $O(n m)$. The performance seems to be near-linear.<br>The implementation is available open-source.<br>
TITLE = {Gabow's Cardinality Matching Algorithm in General Graphs: Implementation and Experiments},
AUTHOR = {Ansaripour, Matin and Danaei, Alireza and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {2409.14849},
YEAR = {2024},
MARGINALMARK = {$\bullet$},
ABSTRACT = {It is known since 1975 (\cite{HK75}) that maximum cardinality matchings in<br>bipartite graphs with $n$ nodes and $m$ edges can be computed in time<br>$O(\sqrt{n} m)$. Asymptotically faster algorithms were found in the last decade<br>and maximum cardinality bipartite matchings can now be computed in near-linear<br>time~\cite{NearlyLinearTimeBipartiteMatching,<br>AlmostLinearTimeMaxFlow,AlmostLinearTimeMinCostFlow}. For general graphs, the<br>problem seems harder. Algorithms with running time $O(\sqrt{n} m)$ were given<br>in~\cite{MV80,Vazirani94,Vazirani12,Vazirani20,Vazirani23,Goldberg-Karzanov,GT91,Gabow:GeneralMatching}.<br>Mattingly and Ritchey~\cite{Mattingly-Ritchey} and Huang and<br>Stein~\cite{Huang-Stein} discuss implementations of the Micali-Vazirani<br>Algorithm. We describe an implementation of Gabow's<br>algorithm~\cite{Gabow:GeneralMatching} in C++ based on<br>LEDA~\cite{LEDAsystem,LEDAbook} and report on running time experiments. On<br>worst-case graphs, the asymptotic improvement pays off dramatically. On random<br>graphs, there is no improvement with respect to algorithms that have a<br>worst-case running time of $O(n m)$. The performance seems to be near-linear.<br>The implementation is available open-source.<br>},
%0 Report
%A Ansaripour, Matin
%A Danaei, Alireza
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Gabow's Cardinality Matching Algorithm in General Graphs: Implementation and Experiments :
%G eng
%D 2024
%X It is known since 1975 (\cite{HK75}) that maximum cardinality matchings in<br>bipartite graphs with $n$ nodes and $m$ edges can be computed in time<br>$O(\sqrt{n} m)$. Asymptotically faster algorithms were found in the last decade<br>and maximum cardinality bipartite matchings can now be computed in near-linear<br>time~\cite{NearlyLinearTimeBipartiteMatching,<br>AlmostLinearTimeMaxFlow,AlmostLinearTimeMinCostFlow}. For general graphs, the<br>problem seems harder. Algorithms with running time $O(\sqrt{n} m)$ were given<br>in~\cite{MV80,Vazirani94,Vazirani12,Vazirani20,Vazirani23,Goldberg-Karzanov,GT91,Gabow:GeneralMatching}.<br>Mattingly and Ritchey~\cite{Mattingly-Ritchey} and Huang and<br>Stein~\cite{Huang-Stein} discuss implementations of the Micali-Vazirani<br>Algorithm. We describe an implementation of Gabow's<br>algorithm~\cite{Gabow:GeneralMatching} in C++ based on<br>LEDA~\cite{LEDAsystem,LEDAbook} and report on running time experiments. On<br>worst-case graphs, the asymptotic improvement pays off dramatically. On random<br>graphs, there is no improvement with respect to algorithms that have a<br>worst-case running time of $O(n m)$. The performance seems to be near-linear.<br>The implementation is available open-source.<br>
%K Computer Science, Data Structures and Algorithms, cs.DS
F. Folz, K. Mehlhorn, and G. Morigi, “Self-organized Transport in Noisy Dynamic Networks,” Physical Review E, vol. 110, no. 4, 2024.
TITLE = {Self-organized Transport in Noisy Dynamic Networks},
AUTHOR = {Folz, Frederic and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Morigi, Giovanna},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {1539-3755},
DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevE.110.044310},
PUBLISHER = {American Physical Society},
ADDRESS = {Melville, NY},
YEAR = {2024},
MARGINALMARK = {$\bullet$},
DATE = {2024},
JOURNAL = {Physical Review E},
VOLUME = {110},
NUMBER = {4},
EID = {044310},
%0 Journal Article
%A Folz, Frederic
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Morigi, Giovanna
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Self-organized Transport in Noisy Dynamic Networks :
%G eng
%R 10.1103/PhysRevE.110.044310
%7 2024-10-21
%D 2024
%J Physical Review E
%O Phys. Rev. E
%V 110
%N 4
%Z sequence number: 044310
%I American Physical Society
%C Melville, NY
%@ false
J. Garg, M. Hoefer, and K. Mehlhorn, “Satiation in Fisher Markets and Approximation of Nash Social Welfare,” Mathematics of Operations Research, vol. 49, no. 2, 2024.
TITLE = {Satiation in {F}isher Markets and Approximation of {N}ash Social Welfare},
AUTHOR = {Garg, Jugal and Hoefer, Martin and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0364-765X},
DOI = {10.1287/moor.2019.0129},
PUBLISHER = {Institute for Operations Research and the Manageme},
YEAR = {2024},
MARGINALMARK = {$\bullet$},
DATE = {2024},
JOURNAL = {Mathematics of Operations Research},
VOLUME = {49},
NUMBER = {2},
PAGES = {1109--1139},
%0 Journal Article
%A Garg, Jugal
%A Hoefer, Martin
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Satiation in Fisher Markets and Approximation of Nash Social Welfare :
%G eng
%R 10.1287/moor.2019.0129
%7 2023-07-18
%D 2024
%J Mathematics of Operations Research
%V 49
%N 2
%& 1109
%P 1109 - 1139
%I Institute for Operations Research and the Manageme
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, “Maximizing Nash Social Welfare in 2-Value Instances: A Simpler Proof for the Half-Integer Case,” 2024. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 2411.06924)
A set of $m$ indivisible goods is to be allocated to a set of $n$ agents.<br>Each agent $i$ has an additive valuation function $v_i$ over goods. The value<br>of a good $g$ for agent $i$ is either $1$ or $s$, where $s$ is a fixed rational<br>number greater than one, and the value of a bundle of goods is the sum of the<br>values of the goods in the bundle. An \emph{allocation} $X$ is a partition of<br>the goods into bundles $X_1$, \ldots, $X_n$, one for each agent. The \emph{Nash<br>Social Welfare} ($\NSW$) of an allocation $X$ is defined as \[ \NSW(X) = \left(<br>\prod_i v_i(X_i) \right)^{\sfrac{1}{n}}.\] The \emph{$\NSW$-allocation}<br>maximizes the Nash Social Welfare. In~\cite{NSW-twovalues-halfinteger} it was<br>shown that the $\NSW$-allocation can be computed in polynomial time, if $s$ is<br>an integer or a half-integer, and that the problem is NP-complete otherwise.<br>The proof for the half-integer case is quite involved. In this note we give a<br>simpler and shorter proof<br>
TITLE = {Maximizing Nash Social Welfare in 2-Value Instances: A Simpler Proof for the Half-Integer Case},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {2411.06924},
YEAR = {2024},
MARGINALMARK = {$\bullet$},
ABSTRACT = {A set of $m$ indivisible goods is to be allocated to a set of $n$ agents.<br>Each agent $i$ has an additive valuation function $v_i$ over goods. The value<br>of a good $g$ for agent $i$ is either $1$ or $s$, where $s$ is a fixed rational<br>number greater than one, and the value of a bundle of goods is the sum of the<br>values of the goods in the bundle. An \emph{allocation} $X$ is a partition of<br>the goods into bundles $X_1$, \ldots, $X_n$, one for each agent. The \emph{Nash<br>Social Welfare} ($\NSW$) of an allocation $X$ is defined as \[ \NSW(X) = \left(<br>\prod_i v_i(X_i) \right)^{\sfrac{1}{n}}.\] The \emph{$\NSW$-allocation}<br>maximizes the Nash Social Welfare. In~\cite{NSW-twovalues-halfinteger} it was<br>shown that the $\NSW$-allocation can be computed in polynomial time, if $s$ is<br>an integer or a half-integer, and that the problem is NP-complete otherwise.<br>The proof for the half-integer case is quite involved. In this note we give a<br>simpler and shorter proof<br>},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Maximizing Nash Social Welfare in 2-Value Instances: A Simpler Proof for
the Half-Integer Case :
%G eng
%D 2024
%X A set of $m$ indivisible goods is to be allocated to a set of $n$ agents.<br>Each agent $i$ has an additive valuation function $v_i$ over goods. The value<br>of a good $g$ for agent $i$ is either $1$ or $s$, where $s$ is a fixed rational<br>number greater than one, and the value of a bundle of goods is the sum of the<br>values of the goods in the bundle. An \emph{allocation} $X$ is a partition of<br>the goods into bundles $X_1$, \ldots, $X_n$, one for each agent. The \emph{Nash<br>Social Welfare} ($\NSW$) of an allocation $X$ is defined as \[ \NSW(X) = \left(<br>\prod_i v_i(X_i) \right)^{\sfrac{1}{n}}.\] The \emph{$\NSW$-allocation}<br>maximizes the Nash Social Welfare. In~\cite{NSW-twovalues-halfinteger} it was<br>shown that the $\NSW$-allocation can be computed in polynomial time, if $s$ is<br>an integer or a half-integer, and that the problem is NP-complete otherwise.<br>The proof for the half-integer case is quite involved. In this note we give a<br>simpler and shorter proof<br>
%K Computer Science, Computer Science and Game Theory, cs.GT
B. Ray Chaudhury, J. Garg, and K. Mehlhorn, “EFX Exists for Three Agents,” Journal of the ACM, vol. 71, no. 1, 2024.
TITLE = {{EFX} Exists for Three Agents},
AUTHOR = {Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar and Garg, Jugal and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0004-5411},
DOI = {10.1145/3616009},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY},
YEAR = {2024},
MARGINALMARK = {$\bullet$},
DATE = {2024},
JOURNAL = {Journal of the ACM},
VOLUME = {71},
NUMBER = {1},
PAGES = {1--27},
EID = {4},
%0 Journal Article
%A Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar
%A Garg, Jugal
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T EFX Exists for Three Agents :
%G eng
%R 10.1145/3616009
%D 2024
%J Journal of the ACM
%V 71
%N 1
%& 1
%P 1 - 27
%Z sequence number: 4
%C New York, NY
%@ false
B. Ray Chaudhury, J. Garg, K. Mehlhorn, R. Mehta, and P. Misra, “Improving Envy Freeness up to Any Good Guarantees Through Rainbow Cycle Number,” Mathematics of Operations Research, vol. 49, no. 4, 2024.
TITLE = {Improving Envy Freeness up to Any Good Guarantees Through Rainbow Cycle Number},
AUTHOR = {Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar and Garg, Jugal and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Mehta, Ruta and Misra, Pranabendu},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0364-765X},
DOI = {10.1287/moor.2021.0252},
PUBLISHER = {Institute for Operations Research and the Manageme},
YEAR = {2024},
MARGINALMARK = {$\bullet$},
DATE = {2024},
JOURNAL = {Mathematics of Operations Research},
VOLUME = {49},
NUMBER = {4},
PAGES = {2323--2340},
%0 Journal Article
%A Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar
%A Garg, Jugal
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Mehta, Ruta
%A Misra, Pranabendu
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
%T Improving Envy Freeness up to Any Good Guarantees Through Rainbow Cycle Number :
%G eng
%R 10.1287/moor.2021.0252
%7 2023-11-22
%D 2024
%J Mathematics of Operations Research
%V 49
%N 4
%& 2323
%P 2323 - 2340
%I Institute for Operations Research and the Manageme
%@ false
H. Akrami, N. Alon, B. Ray Chaudhury, J. Garg, K. Mehlhorn, and R. Mehta, “EFX: A Simpler Approach and an (Almost) Optimal Guarantee via Rainbow Cycle Number,” in EC 2023, 24th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, London, UK, 2023.
TITLE = {{EFX}: {A} Simpler Approach and an (Almost) Optimal Guarantee via Rainbow Cycle Number},
AUTHOR = {Akrami, Hannaneh and Alon, Noga and Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar and Garg, Jugal and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Mehta, Ruta},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {979-8-4007-0104-7},
DOI = {10.1145/3580507.3597799},
YEAR = {2023},
MARGINALMARK = {$\bullet$},
DATE = {2023},
BOOKTITLE = {EC 2023, 24th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation},
PAGES = {61--61},
ADDRESS = {London, UK},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Akrami, Hannaneh
%A Alon, Noga
%A Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar
%A Garg, Jugal
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Mehta, Ruta
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T EFX: A Simpler Approach and an (Almost) Optimal Guarantee via Rainbow Cycle Number :
%G eng
%R 10.1145/3580507.3597799
%D 2023
%B 24th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation
%Z date of event: 2023-07-09 - 2023-07-12
%C London, UK
%B EC 2023
%P 61 - 61
%@ 979-8-4007-0104-7
H. Akrami, B. Ray Chaudhury, J. Garg, K. Mehlhorn, and R. Mehta, “Fair and Efficient Allocation of Indivisible Chores with Surplus,” in Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2023), Macao, 2023.
TITLE = {Fair and Efficient Allocation of Indivisible Chores with Surplus},
AUTHOR = {Akrami, Hannaneh and Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar and Garg, Jugal and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Mehta, Ruta},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-1-956792-03-4},
DOI = {10.24963/ijcai.2023/277},
YEAR = {2023},
MARGINALMARK = {$\bullet$},
DATE = {2023},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2023)},
EDITOR = {Elkind, Edith},
PAGES = {2494--2502},
ADDRESS = {Macao},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Akrami, Hannaneh
%A Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar
%A Garg, Jugal
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Mehta, Ruta
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Fair and Efficient Allocation of Indivisible Chores with Surplus :
%G eng
%R 10.24963/ijcai.2023/277
%D 2023
%B Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
%Z date of event: 2023-08-19 - 2023-08-25
%C Macao
%B Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
%E Elkind, Edith
%P 2494 - 2502
%@ 978-1-956792-03-4
H. Akrami, K. Mehlhorn, M. Seddighin, and G. Shahkarami, “Randomized and Deterministic Maximin-share Approximations for Fractionally Subadditive Valuations,” in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36 (NeurIPS 2023), New Orleans, LA, USA, 2023.
TITLE = {Randomized and Deterministic Maximin-share Approximations for Fractionally Subadditive Valuations},
AUTHOR = {Akrami, Hannaneh and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Seddighin, Masoud and Shahkarami, Golnoosh},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
PUBLISHER = {Curran Associates, Inc},
YEAR = {2023},
MARGINALMARK = {$\bullet$},
DATE = {2023},
BOOKTITLE = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36 (NeurIPS 2023)},
EDITOR = {Oh, A. and Neumann, T. and Globerson, A. and Saenko, K. and Hardt, M. and Levine, S.},
PAGES = {58821--58832},
ADDRESS = {New Orleans, LA, USA},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Akrami, Hannaneh
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Seddighin, Masoud
%A Shahkarami, Golnoosh
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
%T Randomized and Deterministic Maximin-share Approximations for Fractionally Subadditive Valuations :
%G eng
%D 2023
%B Thirty-seventh Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
%Z date of event: 2023-12-10 - 2023-12-16
%C New Orleans, LA, USA
%B Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36
%E Oh, A.; Neumann, T.; Globerson, A.; Saenko, K.; Hardt, M.; Levine, S.
%P 58821 - 58832
%I Curran Associates, Inc
F. Folz, K. Mehlhorn, and G. Morigi, “Noise-Induced Network Topologies,” Physical Review Letters, vol. 130, no. 26, 2023.
TITLE = {Noise-Induced Network Topologies},
AUTHOR = {Folz, Frederic and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Morigi, Giovanna},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0031-9007},
DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.267401},
PUBLISHER = {American Physical Society},
ADDRESS = {Woodbury, N.Y.},
YEAR = {2023},
MARGINALMARK = {$\bullet$},
DATE = {2023},
JOURNAL = {Physical Review Letters},
VOLUME = {130},
NUMBER = {26},
EID = {267401},
%0 Journal Article
%A Folz, Frederic
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Morigi, Giovanna
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Noise-Induced Network Topologies :
%G eng
%R 10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.267401
%7 2023-06-30
%D 2023
%J Physical Review Letters
%O Phys. Rev. Lett.
%V 130
%N 26
%Z sequence number: 267401
%I American Physical Society
%C Woodbury, N.Y.
%@ false
H. Akrami, N. Alon, B. Ray Chaudhury, J. Garg, K. Mehlhorn, and R. Mehta, “EFX Allocations: Simplifications and Improvements,” 2022. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 2205.07638)
The existence of EFX allocations is a fundamental open problem in discrete<br>fair division. Given a set of agents and indivisible goods, the goal is to<br>determine the existence of an allocation where no agent envies another<br>following the removal of any single good from the other agent's bundle. Since<br>the general problem has been illusive, progress is made on two fronts: $(i)$<br>proving existence when the number of agents is small, $(ii)$ proving existence<br>of relaxations of EFX. In this paper, we improve results on both fronts (and<br>simplify in one of the cases).<br> We prove the existence of EFX allocations with three agents, restricting only<br>one agent to have an MMS-feasible valuation function (a strict generalization<br>of nice-cancelable valuation functions introduced by Berger et al. which<br>subsumes additive, budget-additive and unit demand valuation functions). The<br>other agents may have any monotone valuation functions. Our proof technique is<br>significantly simpler and shorter than the proof by Chaudhury et al. on<br>existence of EFX allocations when there are three agents with additive<br>valuation functions and therefore more accessible.<br> Secondly, we consider relaxations of EFX allocations, namely, approximate-EFX<br>allocations and EFX allocations with few unallocated goods (charity). Chaudhury<br>et al. showed the existence of $(1-\epsilon)$-EFX allocation with<br>$O((n/\epsilon)^{\frac{4}{5}})$ charity by establishing a connection to a<br>problem in extremal combinatorics. We improve their result and prove the<br>existence of $(1-\epsilon)$-EFX allocations with $\tilde{O}((n/<br>\epsilon)^{\frac{1}{2}})$ charity. In fact, some of our techniques can be used<br>to prove improved upper-bounds on a problem in zero-sum combinatorics<br>introduced by Alon and Krivelevich.<br>
TITLE = {{EFX} Allocations: Simplifications and Improvements},
AUTHOR = {Akrami, Hannaneh and Alon, Noga and Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar and Garg, Jugal and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Mehta, Ruta},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {2205.07638},
YEAR = {2022},
ABSTRACT = {The existence of EFX allocations is a fundamental open problem in discrete<br>fair division. Given a set of agents and indivisible goods, the goal is to<br>determine the existence of an allocation where no agent envies another<br>following the removal of any single good from the other agent's bundle. Since<br>the general problem has been illusive, progress is made on two fronts: $(i)$<br>proving existence when the number of agents is small, $(ii)$ proving existence<br>of relaxations of EFX. In this paper, we improve results on both fronts (and<br>simplify in one of the cases).<br> We prove the existence of EFX allocations with three agents, restricting only<br>one agent to have an MMS-feasible valuation function (a strict generalization<br>of nice-cancelable valuation functions introduced by Berger et al. which<br>subsumes additive, budget-additive and unit demand valuation functions). The<br>other agents may have any monotone valuation functions. Our proof technique is<br>significantly simpler and shorter than the proof by Chaudhury et al. on<br>existence of EFX allocations when there are three agents with additive<br>valuation functions and therefore more accessible.<br> Secondly, we consider relaxations of EFX allocations, namely, approximate-EFX<br>allocations and EFX allocations with few unallocated goods (charity). Chaudhury<br>et al. showed the existence of $(1-\epsilon)$-EFX allocation with<br>$O((n/\epsilon)^{\frac{4}{5}})$ charity by establishing a connection to a<br>problem in extremal combinatorics. We improve their result and prove the<br>existence of $(1-\epsilon)$-EFX allocations with $\tilde{O}((n/<br>\epsilon)^{\frac{1}{2}})$ charity. In fact, some of our techniques can be used<br>to prove improved upper-bounds on a problem in zero-sum combinatorics<br>introduced by Alon and Krivelevich.<br>},
%0 Report
%A Akrami, Hannaneh
%A Alon, Noga
%A Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar
%A Garg, Jugal
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Mehta, Ruta
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T EFX Allocations: Simplifications and Improvements :
%G eng
%D 2022
%X The existence of EFX allocations is a fundamental open problem in discrete<br>fair division. Given a set of agents and indivisible goods, the goal is to<br>determine the existence of an allocation where no agent envies another<br>following the removal of any single good from the other agent's bundle. Since<br>the general problem has been illusive, progress is made on two fronts: $(i)$<br>proving existence when the number of agents is small, $(ii)$ proving existence<br>of relaxations of EFX. In this paper, we improve results on both fronts (and<br>simplify in one of the cases).<br> We prove the existence of EFX allocations with three agents, restricting only<br>one agent to have an MMS-feasible valuation function (a strict generalization<br>of nice-cancelable valuation functions introduced by Berger et al. which<br>subsumes additive, budget-additive and unit demand valuation functions). The<br>other agents may have any monotone valuation functions. Our proof technique is<br>significantly simpler and shorter than the proof by Chaudhury et al. on<br>existence of EFX allocations when there are three agents with additive<br>valuation functions and therefore more accessible.<br> Secondly, we consider relaxations of EFX allocations, namely, approximate-EFX<br>allocations and EFX allocations with few unallocated goods (charity). Chaudhury<br>et al. showed the existence of $(1-\epsilon)$-EFX allocation with<br>$O((n/\epsilon)^{\frac{4}{5}})$ charity by establishing a connection to a<br>problem in extremal combinatorics. We improve their result and prove the<br>existence of $(1-\epsilon)$-EFX allocations with $\tilde{O}((n/<br>\epsilon)^{\frac{1}{2}})$ charity. In fact, some of our techniques can be used<br>to prove improved upper-bounds on a problem in zero-sum combinatorics<br>introduced by Alon and Krivelevich.<br>
%K Computer Science, Computer Science and Game Theory, cs.GT
H. Akrami, B. Ray Chaudhury, M. Hoefer, K. Mehlhorn, M. Schmalhofer, G. Shahkarami, G. Varricchio, Q. Vermande, and E. van Wijland, “Maximizing Nash Social Welfare in 2-Value Instances,” in Proceedings of the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Conference, 2022.
TITLE = {Maximizing {N}ash Social Welfare in 2-Value Instances},
AUTHOR = {Akrami, Hannaneh and Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar and Hoefer, Martin and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Schmalhofer, Marco and Shahkarami, Golnoosh and Varricchio, Giovanna and Vermande, Quentin and van Wijland, Ernest},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-1-57735-876-3},
DOI = {10.1609/aaai.v36i5.20402},
YEAR = {2022},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
PAGES = {4760--4767},
ADDRESS = {Virtual Conference},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Akrami, Hannaneh
%A Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar
%A Hoefer, Martin
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schmalhofer, Marco
%A Shahkarami, Golnoosh
%A Varricchio, Giovanna
%A Vermande, Quentin
%A van Wijland, Ernest
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
%T Maximizing Nash Social Welfare in 2-Value Instances :
%G eng
%R 10.1609/aaai.v36i5.20402
%D 2022
%B 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
%Z date of event: 2022-02-22 - 2022-03-01
%C Virtual Conference
%B Proceedings of the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
%P 4760 - 4767
%@ 978-1-57735-876-3
H. Akrami, B. Ray Chaudhury, M. Hoefer, K. Mehlhorn, M. Schmalhofer, G. Shahkarami, G. Varricchio, Q. Vermande, and E. van Wijland, “Maximizing Nash Social Welfare in 2-Value Instances: The Half-Integer Case,” 2022. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 2207.10949)
We consider the problem of maximizing the Nash social welfare when allocating<br>a set $G$ of indivisible goods to a set $N$ of agents. We study instances, in<br>which all agents have 2-value additive valuations: The value of a good $g \in<br>G$ for an agent $i \in N$ is either $1$ or $s$, where $s$ is an odd multiple of<br>$\frac{1}{2}$ larger than one. We show that the problem is solvable in<br>polynomial time. Akrami et at. showed that this problem is solvable in<br>polynomial time if $s$ is integral and is NP-hard whenever $s = \frac{p}{q}$,<br>$p \in \mathbb{N}$ and $q\in \mathbb{N}$ are co-prime and $p > q \ge 3$. For<br>the latter situation, an approximation algorithm was also given. It obtains an<br>approximation ratio of at most $1.0345$. Moreover, the problem is APX-hard,<br>with a lower bound of $1.000015$ achieved at $\frac{p}{q} = \frac{5}{4}$. The<br>case $q = 2$ and odd $p$ was left open.<br> In the case of integral $s$, the problem is separable in the sense that the<br>optimal allocation of the heavy goods (= value $s$ for some agent) is<br>independent of the number of light goods (= value $1$ for all agents). This<br>leads to an algorithm that first computes an optimal allocation of the heavy<br>goods and then adds the light goods greedily. This separation no longer holds<br>for $s = \frac{3}{2}$; a simple example is given in the introduction. Thus an<br>algorithm has to consider heavy and light goods together. This complicates<br>matters considerably. Our algorithm is based on a collection of improvement<br>rules that transfers any allocation into an optimal allocation and exploits a<br>connection to matchings with parity constraints.<br>
TITLE = {Maximizing Nash Social Welfare in 2-Value Instances: The Half-Integer Case},
AUTHOR = {Akrami, Hannaneh and Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar and Hoefer, Martin and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Schmalhofer, Marco and Shahkarami, Golnoosh and Varricchio, Giovanna and Vermande, Quentin and van Wijland, Ernest},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {2207.10949},
YEAR = {2022},
ABSTRACT = {We consider the problem of maximizing the Nash social welfare when allocating<br>a set $G$ of indivisible goods to a set $N$ of agents. We study instances, in<br>which all agents have 2-value additive valuations: The value of a good $g \in<br>G$ for an agent $i \in N$ is either $1$ or $s$, where $s$ is an odd multiple of<br>$\frac{1}{2}$ larger than one. We show that the problem is solvable in<br>polynomial time. Akrami et at. showed that this problem is solvable in<br>polynomial time if $s$ is integral and is NP-hard whenever $s = \frac{p}{q}$,<br>$p \in \mathbb{N}$ and $q\in \mathbb{N}$ are co-prime and $p > q \ge 3$. For<br>the latter situation, an approximation algorithm was also given. It obtains an<br>approximation ratio of at most $1.0345$. Moreover, the problem is APX-hard,<br>with a lower bound of $1.000015$ achieved at $\frac{p}{q} = \frac{5}{4}$. The<br>case $q = 2$ and odd $p$ was left open.<br> In the case of integral $s$, the problem is separable in the sense that the<br>optimal allocation of the heavy goods (= value $s$ for some agent) is<br>independent of the number of light goods (= value $1$ for all agents). This<br>leads to an algorithm that first computes an optimal allocation of the heavy<br>goods and then adds the light goods greedily. This separation no longer holds<br>for $s = \frac{3}{2}$; a simple example is given in the introduction. Thus an<br>algorithm has to consider heavy and light goods together. This complicates<br>matters considerably. Our algorithm is based on a collection of improvement<br>rules that transfers any allocation into an optimal allocation and exploits a<br>connection to matchings with parity constraints.<br>},
%0 Report
%A Akrami, Hannaneh
%A Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar
%A Hoefer, Martin
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schmalhofer, Marco
%A Shahkarami, Golnoosh
%A Varricchio, Giovanna
%A Vermande, Quentin
%A van Wijland, Ernest
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
%T Maximizing Nash Social Welfare in 2-Value Instances: The Half-Integer
Case :
%G eng
%D 2022
%X We consider the problem of maximizing the Nash social welfare when allocating<br>a set $G$ of indivisible goods to a set $N$ of agents. We study instances, in<br>which all agents have 2-value additive valuations: The value of a good $g \in<br>G$ for an agent $i \in N$ is either $1$ or $s$, where $s$ is an odd multiple of<br>$\frac{1}{2}$ larger than one. We show that the problem is solvable in<br>polynomial time. Akrami et at. showed that this problem is solvable in<br>polynomial time if $s$ is integral and is NP-hard whenever $s = \frac{p}{q}$,<br>$p \in \mathbb{N}$ and $q\in \mathbb{N}$ are co-prime and $p > q \ge 3$. For<br>the latter situation, an approximation algorithm was also given. It obtains an<br>approximation ratio of at most $1.0345$. Moreover, the problem is APX-hard,<br>with a lower bound of $1.000015$ achieved at $\frac{p}{q} = \frac{5}{4}$. The<br>case $q = 2$ and odd $p$ was left open.<br> In the case of integral $s$, the problem is separable in the sense that the<br>optimal allocation of the heavy goods (= value $s$ for some agent) is<br>independent of the number of light goods (= value $1$ for all agents). This<br>leads to an algorithm that first computes an optimal allocation of the heavy<br>goods and then adds the light goods greedily. This separation no longer holds<br>for $s = \frac{3}{2}$; a simple example is given in the introduction. Thus an<br>algorithm has to consider heavy and light goods together. This complicates<br>matters considerably. Our algorithm is based on a collection of improvement<br>rules that transfers any allocation into an optimal allocation and exploits a<br>connection to matchings with parity constraints.<br>
%K Computer Science, Computer Science and Game Theory, cs.GT
V. Bonifaci, E. Facca, F. Folz, A. Karrenbauer, P. Kolev, K. Mehlhorn, G. Morigi, G. Shahkarami, and Q. Vermande, “Physarum-inspired Multi-commodity Flow Dynamics,” Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 920, 2022.
TITLE = {Physarum-inspired Multi-commodity Flow Dynamics},
AUTHOR = {Bonifaci, Vincenzo and Facca, Enrico and Folz, Frederic and Karrenbauer, Andreas and Kolev, Pavel and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Morigi, Giovanna and Shahkarami, Golnoosh and Vermande, Quentin},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0304-3975},
DOI = {10.1016/j.tcs.2022.02.001},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {2022},
DATE = {2022},
JOURNAL = {Theoretical Computer Science},
VOLUME = {920},
PAGES = {1--20},
%0 Journal Article
%A Bonifaci, Vincenzo
%A Facca, Enrico
%A Folz, Frederic
%A Karrenbauer, Andreas
%A Kolev, Pavel
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Morigi, Giovanna
%A Shahkarami, Golnoosh
%A Vermande, Quentin
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Physarum-inspired Multi-commodity Flow Dynamics :
%G eng
%R 10.1016/j.tcs.2022.02.001
%7 2022
%D 2022
%J Theoretical Computer Science
%V 920
%& 1
%P 1 - 20
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
Y. Gao, H. Kamkari, A. Karrenbauer, K. Mehlhorn, and M. Sharifi, “Physarum Inspired Dynamics to Solve Semi-Definite Programs,” 2022. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 2111.02291)
Physarum Polycephalum is a Slime mold that can solve the shortest path<br>problem. A mathematical model based on the Physarum's behavior, known as the<br>Physarum Directed Dynamics, can solve positive linear programs. In this paper,<br>we will propose a Physarum based dynamic based on the previous work and<br>introduce a new way to solve positive Semi-Definite Programming (SDP) problems,<br>which are more general than positive linear programs. Empirical results suggest<br>that this extension of the dynamic can solve the positive SDP showing that the<br>nature-inspired algorithm can solve one of the hardest problems in the<br>polynomial domain. In this work, we will formulate an accurate algorithm to<br>solve positive and some non-negative SDPs and formally prove some key<br>characteristics of this solver thus inspiring future work to try and refine<br>this method.<br>
TITLE = {Physarum Inspired Dynamics to Solve Semi-Definite Programs},
AUTHOR = {Gao, Yuan and Kamkari, Hamidreza and Karrenbauer, Andreas and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sharifi, Mohammadamin},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {2111.02291},
YEAR = {2022},
ABSTRACT = {Physarum Polycephalum is a Slime mold that can solve the shortest path<br>problem. A mathematical model based on the Physarum's behavior, known as the<br>Physarum Directed Dynamics, can solve positive linear programs. In this paper,<br>we will propose a Physarum based dynamic based on the previous work and<br>introduce a new way to solve positive Semi-Definite Programming (SDP) problems,<br>which are more general than positive linear programs. Empirical results suggest<br>that this extension of the dynamic can solve the positive SDP showing that the<br>nature-inspired algorithm can solve one of the hardest problems in the<br>polynomial domain. In this work, we will formulate an accurate algorithm to<br>solve positive and some non-negative SDPs and formally prove some key<br>characteristics of this solver thus inspiring future work to try and refine<br>this method.<br>},
%0 Report
%A Gao, Yuan
%A Kamkari, Hamidreza
%A Karrenbauer, Andreas
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Sharifi, Mohammadamin
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Physarum Inspired Dynamics to Solve Semi-Definite Programs :
%G eng
%D 2022
%X Physarum Polycephalum is a Slime mold that can solve the shortest path<br>problem. A mathematical model based on the Physarum's behavior, known as the<br>Physarum Directed Dynamics, can solve positive linear programs. In this paper,<br>we will propose a Physarum based dynamic based on the previous work and<br>introduce a new way to solve positive Semi-Definite Programming (SDP) problems,<br>which are more general than positive linear programs. Empirical results suggest<br>that this extension of the dynamic can solve the positive SDP showing that the<br>nature-inspired algorithm can solve one of the hardest problems in the<br>polynomial domain. In this work, we will formulate an accurate algorithm to<br>solve positive and some non-negative SDPs and formally prove some key<br>characteristics of this solver thus inspiring future work to try and refine<br>this method.<br>
%K Computer Science, Data Structures and Algorithms, cs.DS,Mathematics, Optimization and Control, math.OC
D. Halperin, S. Har-Peled, K. Mehlhorn, E. Oh, and M. Sharir, “The Maximum-Level Vertex in an Arrangement of Lines,” Discrete & Computational Geometry, vol. 67, 2022.
TITLE = {The Maximum-Level Vertex in an Arrangement of Lines},
AUTHOR = {Halperin, Dan and Har-Peled, Sariel and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Oh, Eunjin and Sharir, Micha},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0179-5376},
DOI = {10.1007/s00454-021-00338-9},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY},
YEAR = {2022},
JOURNAL = {Discrete \& Computational Geometry},
VOLUME = {67},
PAGES = {439--461},
%0 Journal Article
%A Halperin, Dan
%A Har-Peled, Sariel
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Oh, Eunjin
%A Sharir, Micha
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T The Maximum-Level Vertex in an Arrangement of Lines :
%G eng
%R 10.1007/s00454-021-00338-9
%7 2022
%D 2022
%J Discrete & Computational Geometry
%V 67
%& 439
%P 439 - 461
%I Springer
%C New York, NY
%@ false
B. Ray Chaudhury, Y. K. Cheung, J. Garg, N. Garg, M. Hoefer, and K. Mehlhorn, “Fair Division of Indivisible Goods for a Class of Concave Valuations,” Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, vol. 74, 2022.
TITLE = {Fair Division of Indivisible Goods for a Class of Concave Valuations},
AUTHOR = {Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar and Cheung, Yun Kuen and Garg, Jugal and Garg, Naveen and Hoefer, Martin and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {1076-9757},
DOI = {10.1613/jair.1.12911},
PUBLISHER = {AI Access Foundation},
ADDRESS = {S.l.},
YEAR = {2022},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research},
VOLUME = {74},
PAGES = {111--142},
%0 Journal Article
%A Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar
%A Cheung, Yun Kuen
%A Garg, Jugal
%A Garg, Naveen
%A Hoefer, Martin
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Fair Division of Indivisible Goods for a Class of Concave Valuations :
%G eng
%R 10.1613/jair.1.12911
%7 2022
%D 2022
%J Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
%V 74
%& 111
%P 111 - 142
%I AI Access Foundation
%C S.l.
%@ false
H. Akrami, B. Ray Chaudhury, M. Hoefer, K. Mehlhorn, M. Schmalhofer, G. Shahkarami, G. Varricchio, Q. Vermande, and E. van Wijland, “Maximizing Nash Social Welfare in 2-Value Instances,” 2021. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 2107.08965)
We consider the problem of maximizing the Nash social welfare when allocating<br>a set $\mathcal{G}$ of indivisible goods to a set $\mathcal{N}$ of agents. We<br>study instances, in which all agents have 2-value additive valuations: The<br>value of every agent $i \in \mathcal{N}$ for every good $j \in \mathcal{G}$ is<br>$v_{ij} \in \{p,q\}$, for $p,q \in \mathbb{N}$, $p \le q$. Maybe surprisingly,<br>we design an algorithm to compute an optimal allocation in polynomial time if<br>$p$ divides $q$, i.e., when $p=1$ and $q \in \mathbb{N}$ after appropriate<br>scaling. The problem is \classNP-hard whenever $p$ and $q$ are coprime and $p<br>\ge 3$.<br> In terms of approximation, we present positive and negative results for<br>general $p$ and $q$. We show that our algorithm obtains an approximation ratio<br>of at most 1.0345. Moreover, we prove that the problem is \classAPX-hard, with<br>a lower bound of $1.000015$ achieved at $p/q = 4/5$.<br>
TITLE = {Maximizing Nash Social Welfare in 2-Value Instances},
AUTHOR = {Akrami, Hannaneh and Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar and Hoefer, Martin and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Schmalhofer, Marco and Shahkarami, Golnoosh and Varricchio, Giovanna and Vermande, Quentin and van Wijland, Ernest},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {2107.08965},
YEAR = {2021},
ABSTRACT = {We consider the problem of maximizing the Nash social welfare when allocating<br>a set $\mathcal{G}$ of indivisible goods to a set $\mathcal{N}$ of agents. We<br>study instances, in which all agents have 2-value additive valuations: The<br>value of every agent $i \in \mathcal{N}$ for every good $j \in \mathcal{G}$ is<br>$v_{ij} \in \{p,q\}$, for $p,q \in \mathbb{N}$, $p \le q$. Maybe surprisingly,<br>we design an algorithm to compute an optimal allocation in polynomial time if<br>$p$ divides $q$, i.e., when $p=1$ and $q \in \mathbb{N}$ after appropriate<br>scaling. The problem is \classNP-hard whenever $p$ and $q$ are coprime and $p<br>\ge 3$.<br> In terms of approximation, we present positive and negative results for<br>general $p$ and $q$. We show that our algorithm obtains an approximation ratio<br>of at most 1.0345. Moreover, we prove that the problem is \classAPX-hard, with<br>a lower bound of $1.000015$ achieved at $p/q = 4/5$.<br>},
%0 Report
%A Akrami, Hannaneh
%A Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar
%A Hoefer, Martin
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schmalhofer, Marco
%A Shahkarami, Golnoosh
%A Varricchio, Giovanna
%A Vermande, Quentin
%A van Wijland, Ernest
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
%T Maximizing Nash Social Welfare in 2-Value Instances :
%G eng
%D 2021
%X We consider the problem of maximizing the Nash social welfare when allocating<br>a set $\mathcal{G}$ of indivisible goods to a set $\mathcal{N}$ of agents. We<br>study instances, in which all agents have 2-value additive valuations: The<br>value of every agent $i \in \mathcal{N}$ for every good $j \in \mathcal{G}$ is<br>$v_{ij} \in \{p,q\}$, for $p,q \in \mathbb{N}$, $p \le q$. Maybe surprisingly,<br>we design an algorithm to compute an optimal allocation in polynomial time if<br>$p$ divides $q$, i.e., when $p=1$ and $q \in \mathbb{N}$ after appropriate<br>scaling. The problem is \classNP-hard whenever $p$ and $q$ are coprime and $p<br>\ge 3$.<br> In terms of approximation, we present positive and negative results for<br>general $p$ and $q$. We show that our algorithm obtains an approximation ratio<br>of at most 1.0345. Moreover, we prove that the problem is \classAPX-hard, with<br>a lower bound of $1.000015$ achieved at $p/q = 4/5$.<br>
%K Computer Science, Computer Science and Game Theory, cs.GT
H. Akrami, B. Ray Chaudhury, K. Mehlhorn, G. Shahkarami, and Q. Vermande, “Nash Social Welfare for 2-value Instances,” 2021. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 2106.14816)
We study the problem of allocating a set of indivisible goods among agents<br>with 2-value additive valuations. Our goal is to find an allocation with<br>maximum Nash social welfare, i.e., the geometric mean of the valuations of the<br>agents. We give a polynomial-time algorithm to find a Nash social welfare<br>maximizing allocation when the valuation functions are integrally 2-valued,<br>i.e., each agent has a value either $1$ or $p$ for each good, for some positive<br>integer $p$. We then extend our algorithm to find a better approximation factor<br>for general 2-value instances.<br>
TITLE = {Nash Social Welfare for 2-value Instances},
AUTHOR = {Akrami, Hannaneh and Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Shahkarami, Golnoosh and Vermande, Quentin},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {2106.14816},
YEAR = {2021},
ABSTRACT = {We study the problem of allocating a set of indivisible goods among agents<br>with 2-value additive valuations. Our goal is to find an allocation with<br>maximum Nash social welfare, i.e., the geometric mean of the valuations of the<br>agents. We give a polynomial-time algorithm to find a Nash social welfare<br>maximizing allocation when the valuation functions are integrally 2-valued,<br>i.e., each agent has a value either $1$ or $p$ for each good, for some positive<br>integer $p$. We then extend our algorithm to find a better approximation factor<br>for general 2-value instances.<br>},
%0 Report
%A Akrami, Hannaneh
%A Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Shahkarami, Golnoosh
%A Vermande, Quentin
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Nash Social Welfare for 2-value Instances :
%G eng
%D 2021
%X We study the problem of allocating a set of indivisible goods among agents<br>with 2-value additive valuations. Our goal is to find an allocation with<br>maximum Nash social welfare, i.e., the geometric mean of the valuations of the<br>agents. We give a polynomial-time algorithm to find a Nash social welfare<br>maximizing allocation when the valuation functions are integrally 2-valued,<br>i.e., each agent has a value either $1$ or $p$ for each good, for some positive<br>integer $p$. We then extend our algorithm to find a better approximation factor<br>for general 2-value instances.<br>
%K Computer Science, Computer Science and Game Theory, cs.GT
B. R. Chaudhury, J. Garg, K. Mehlhorn, R. Mehta, and P. Misra, “Improving EFX Guarantees through Rainbow Cycle Number,” in EC ’21, 22nd ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, Budapest, Hungary (Virtual), 2021.
TITLE = {Improving {EFX} Guarantees through Rainbow Cycle Number},
AUTHOR = {Chaudhury, Bhaskar Ray and Garg, Jugal and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Mehta, Ruta and Misra, Pranabendu},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-1-4503-8554-1},
DOI = {10.1145/3465456.3467605},
YEAR = {2021},
BOOKTITLE = {EC '21, 22nd ACM Conference on Economics and Computation},
EDITOR = {Bir{\'o}, P{\'e}ter and Chawla, Shuchi and Echenique, Federico and Sodomka, Eric},
PAGES = {310--311},
ADDRESS = {Budapest, Hungary (Virtual)},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Chaudhury, Bhaskar Ray
%A Garg, Jugal
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Mehta, Ruta
%A Misra, Pranabendu
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Improving EFX Guarantees through Rainbow Cycle Number :
%G eng
%R 10.1145/3465456.3467605
%D 2021
%B 22nd ACM Conference on Economics and Computation
%Z date of event: 2021-07-18 - 2021-07-23
%C Budapest, Hungary (Virtual)
%B EC '21
%E Biró, Péter; Chawla, Shuchi; Echenique, Federico; Sodomka, Eric
%P 310 - 311
%@ 978-1-4503-8554-1
F. Folz, K. Mehlhorn, and G. Morigi, “Interplay of Periodic Dynamics and Noise: Insights from a Simple Adaptive System,” Physical Review E, vol. 104, no. 5, 2021.
TITLE = {Interplay of Periodic Dynamics and Noise: {I}nsights from a Simple Adaptive System},
AUTHOR = {Folz, Frederic and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Morigi, Giovanna},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {1539-3755},
DOI = {10.1103/PhysRevE.104.054215},
PUBLISHER = {American Physical Society},
ADDRESS = {Melville, NY},
YEAR = {2021},
DATE = {2021},
JOURNAL = {Physical Review E},
VOLUME = {104},
NUMBER = {5},
EID = {054215},
%0 Journal Article
%A Folz, Frederic
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Morigi, Giovanna
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Interplay of Periodic Dynamics and Noise: Insights from a Simple Adaptive System :
%G eng
%R 10.1103/PhysRevE.104.054215
%7 2021
%D 2021
%J Physical Review E
%O Phys. Rev. E
%V 104
%N 5
%Z sequence number: 054215
%I American Physical Society
%C Melville, NY
%@ false
B. Ray Chaudhury, J. Garg, K. Mehlhorn, R. Mehta, and P. Misra, “Improving EFX Guarantees through Rainbow Cycle Number,” 2021. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 2103.01628)
We study the problem of fairly allocating a set of indivisible goods among<br>$n$ agents with additive valuations. Envy-freeness up to any good (EFX) is<br>arguably the most compelling fairness notion in this context. However, the<br>existence of EFX allocations has not been settled and is one of the most<br>important problems in fair division. Towards resolving this problem, many<br>impressive results show the existence of its relaxations, e.g., the existence<br>of $0.618$-EFX allocations, and the existence of EFX at most $n-1$ unallocated<br>goods. The latter result was recently improved for three agents, in which the<br>two unallocated goods are allocated through an involved procedure. Reducing the<br>number of unallocated goods for arbitrary number of agents is a systematic way<br>to settle the big question. In this paper, we develop a new approach, and show<br>that for every $\varepsilon \in (0,1/2]$, there always exists a<br>$(1-\varepsilon)$-EFX allocation with sublinear number of unallocated goods and<br>high Nash welfare.<br> For this, we reduce the EFX problem to a novel problem in extremal graph<br>theory. We introduce the notion of rainbow cycle number $R(\cdot)$. For all $d<br>\in \mathbb{N}$, $R(d)$ is the largest $k$ such that there exists a $k$-partite<br>digraph $G =(\cup_{i \in [k]} V_i, E)$, in which<br> 1) each part has at most $d$ vertices, i.e., $\lvert V_i \rvert \leq d$ for<br>all $i \in [k]$,<br> 2) for any two parts $V_i$ and $V_j$, each vertex in $V_i$ has an incoming<br>edge from some vertex in $V_j$ and vice-versa, and<br> 3) there exists no cycle in $G$ that contains at most one vertex from each<br>part.<br> We show that any upper bound on $R(d)$ directly translates to a sublinear<br>bound on the number of unallocated goods. We establish a polynomial upper bound<br>on $R(d)$, yielding our main result. Furthermore, our approach is constructive,<br>which also gives a polynomial-time algorithm for finding such an allocation.<br>
TITLE = {Improving {EFX} Guarantees through Rainbow Cycle Number},
AUTHOR = {Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar and Garg, Jugal and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Mehta, Ruta and Misra, Pranabendu},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {2103.01628},
YEAR = {2021},
ABSTRACT = {We study the problem of fairly allocating a set of indivisible goods among<br>$n$ agents with additive valuations. Envy-freeness up to any good (EFX) is<br>arguably the most compelling fairness notion in this context. However, the<br>existence of EFX allocations has not been settled and is one of the most<br>important problems in fair division. Towards resolving this problem, many<br>impressive results show the existence of its relaxations, e.g., the existence<br>of $0.618$-EFX allocations, and the existence of EFX at most $n-1$ unallocated<br>goods. The latter result was recently improved for three agents, in which the<br>two unallocated goods are allocated through an involved procedure. Reducing the<br>number of unallocated goods for arbitrary number of agents is a systematic way<br>to settle the big question. In this paper, we develop a new approach, and show<br>that for every $\varepsilon \in (0,1/2]$, there always exists a<br>$(1-\varepsilon)$-EFX allocation with sublinear number of unallocated goods and<br>high Nash welfare.<br> For this, we reduce the EFX problem to a novel problem in extremal graph<br>theory. We introduce the notion of rainbow cycle number $R(\cdot)$. For all $d<br>\in \mathbb{N}$, $R(d)$ is the largest $k$ such that there exists a $k$-partite<br>digraph $G =(\cup_{i \in [k]} V_i, E)$, in which<br> 1) each part has at most $d$ vertices, i.e., $\lvert V_i \rvert \leq d$ for<br>all $i \in [k]$,<br> 2) for any two parts $V_i$ and $V_j$, each vertex in $V_i$ has an incoming<br>edge from some vertex in $V_j$ and vice-versa, and<br> 3) there exists no cycle in $G$ that contains at most one vertex from each<br>part.<br> We show that any upper bound on $R(d)$ directly translates to a sublinear<br>bound on the number of unallocated goods. We establish a polynomial upper bound<br>on $R(d)$, yielding our main result. Furthermore, our approach is constructive,<br>which also gives a polynomial-time algorithm for finding such an allocation.<br>},
%0 Report
%A Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar
%A Garg, Jugal
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Mehta, Ruta
%A Misra, Pranabendu
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Improving EFX Guarantees through Rainbow Cycle Number :
%G eng
%D 2021
%X We study the problem of fairly allocating a set of indivisible goods among<br>$n$ agents with additive valuations. Envy-freeness up to any good (EFX) is<br>arguably the most compelling fairness notion in this context. However, the<br>existence of EFX allocations has not been settled and is one of the most<br>important problems in fair division. Towards resolving this problem, many<br>impressive results show the existence of its relaxations, e.g., the existence<br>of $0.618$-EFX allocations, and the existence of EFX at most $n-1$ unallocated<br>goods. The latter result was recently improved for three agents, in which the<br>two unallocated goods are allocated through an involved procedure. Reducing the<br>number of unallocated goods for arbitrary number of agents is a systematic way<br>to settle the big question. In this paper, we develop a new approach, and show<br>that for every $\varepsilon \in (0,1/2]$, there always exists a<br>$(1-\varepsilon)$-EFX allocation with sublinear number of unallocated goods and<br>high Nash welfare.<br> For this, we reduce the EFX problem to a novel problem in extremal graph<br>theory. We introduce the notion of rainbow cycle number $R(\cdot)$. For all $d<br>\in \mathbb{N}$, $R(d)$ is the largest $k$ such that there exists a $k$-partite<br>digraph $G =(\cup_{i \in [k]} V_i, E)$, in which<br> 1) each part has at most $d$ vertices, i.e., $\lvert V_i \rvert \leq d$ for<br>all $i \in [k]$,<br> 2) for any two parts $V_i$ and $V_j$, each vertex in $V_i$ has an incoming<br>edge from some vertex in $V_j$ and vice-versa, and<br> 3) there exists no cycle in $G$ that contains at most one vertex from each<br>part.<br> We show that any upper bound on $R(d)$ directly translates to a sublinear<br>bound on the number of unallocated goods. We establish a polynomial upper bound<br>on $R(d)$, yielding our main result. Furthermore, our approach is constructive,<br>which also gives a polynomial-time algorithm for finding such an allocation.<br>
%K Computer Science, Computer Science and Game Theory, cs.GT,Computer Science, Data Structures and Algorithms, cs.DS
B. Ray Chaudhury, T. Kavitha, K. Mehlhorn, and A. Sgouritsa, “A Little Charity Guarantees Almost Envy-Freeness,” SIAM Journal on Computing, vol. 50, no. 4, 2021.
TITLE = {A Little Charity Guarantees Almost Envy-Freeness},
AUTHOR = {Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar and Kavitha, Telikepalli and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sgouritsa, Alkmini},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0097-5397},
DOI = {10.1137/20M1359134},
ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA},
YEAR = {2021},
JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Computing},
VOLUME = {50},
NUMBER = {4},
PAGES = {1336--1358},
%0 Journal Article
%A Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar
%A Kavitha, Telikepalli
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Sgouritsa, Alkmini
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T A Little Charity Guarantees Almost Envy-Freeness :
%G eng
%R 10.1137/20M1359134
%7 2021
%D 2021
%J SIAM Journal on Computing
%V 50
%N 4
%& 1336
%P 1336 - 1358
%C Philadelphia, PA
%@ false
V. Bonifaci, E. Facca, F. Folz, A. Karrenbauer, P. Kolev, K. Mehlhorn, G. Morigi, G. Shahkarami, and Q. Vermande, “Physarum Multi-Commodity Flow Dynamics,” 2020. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 2009.01498)
In wet-lab experiments \cite{Nakagaki-Yamada-Toth,Tero-Takagi-etal}, the<br>slime mold Physarum polycephalum has demonstrated its ability to solve shortest<br>path problems and to design efficient networks, see Figure \ref{Wet-Lab<br>Experiments} for illustrations. Physarum polycephalum is a slime mold in the<br>Mycetozoa group. For the shortest path problem, a mathematical model for the<br>evolution of the slime was proposed in \cite{Tero-Kobayashi-Nakagaki} and its<br>biological relevance was argued. The model was shown to solve shortest path<br>problems, first in computer simulations and then by mathematical proof. It was<br>later shown that the slime mold dynamics can solve more general linear programs<br>and that many variants of the dynamics have similar convergence behavior. In<br>this paper, we introduce a dynamics for the network design problem. We<br>formulate network design as the problem of constructing a network that<br>efficiently supports a multi-commodity flow problem. We investigate the<br>dynamics in computer simulations and analytically. The simulations show that<br>the dynamics is able to construct efficient and elegant networks. In the<br>theoretical part we show that the dynamics minimizes an objective combining the<br>cost of the network and the cost of routing the demands through the network. We<br>also give alternative characterization of the optimum solution.<br>
TITLE = {Physarum Multi-Commodity Flow Dynamics},
AUTHOR = {Bonifaci, Vincenzo and Facca, Enrico and Folz, Frederic and Karrenbauer, Andreas and Kolev, Pavel and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Morigi, Giovanna and Shahkarami, Golnoosh and Vermande, Quentin},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {2009.01498},
YEAR = {2020},
ABSTRACT = {In wet-lab experiments \cite{Nakagaki-Yamada-Toth,Tero-Takagi-etal}, the<br>slime mold Physarum polycephalum has demonstrated its ability to solve shortest<br>path problems and to design efficient networks, see Figure \ref{Wet-Lab<br>Experiments} for illustrations. Physarum polycephalum is a slime mold in the<br>Mycetozoa group. For the shortest path problem, a mathematical model for the<br>evolution of the slime was proposed in \cite{Tero-Kobayashi-Nakagaki} and its<br>biological relevance was argued. The model was shown to solve shortest path<br>problems, first in computer simulations and then by mathematical proof. It was<br>later shown that the slime mold dynamics can solve more general linear programs<br>and that many variants of the dynamics have similar convergence behavior. In<br>this paper, we introduce a dynamics for the network design problem. We<br>formulate network design as the problem of constructing a network that<br>efficiently supports a multi-commodity flow problem. We investigate the<br>dynamics in computer simulations and analytically. The simulations show that<br>the dynamics is able to construct efficient and elegant networks. In the<br>theoretical part we show that the dynamics minimizes an objective combining the<br>cost of the network and the cost of routing the demands through the network. We<br>also give alternative characterization of the optimum solution.<br>},
%0 Report
%A Bonifaci, Vincenzo
%A Facca, Enrico
%A Folz, Frederic
%A Karrenbauer, Andreas
%A Kolev, Pavel
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Morigi, Giovanna
%A Shahkarami, Golnoosh
%A Vermande, Quentin
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Physarum Multi-Commodity Flow Dynamics :
%G eng
%D 2020
%X In wet-lab experiments \cite{Nakagaki-Yamada-Toth,Tero-Takagi-etal}, the<br>slime mold Physarum polycephalum has demonstrated its ability to solve shortest<br>path problems and to design efficient networks, see Figure \ref{Wet-Lab<br>Experiments} for illustrations. Physarum polycephalum is a slime mold in the<br>Mycetozoa group. For the shortest path problem, a mathematical model for the<br>evolution of the slime was proposed in \cite{Tero-Kobayashi-Nakagaki} and its<br>biological relevance was argued. The model was shown to solve shortest path<br>problems, first in computer simulations and then by mathematical proof. It was<br>later shown that the slime mold dynamics can solve more general linear programs<br>and that many variants of the dynamics have similar convergence behavior. In<br>this paper, we introduce a dynamics for the network design problem. We<br>formulate network design as the problem of constructing a network that<br>efficiently supports a multi-commodity flow problem. We investigate the<br>dynamics in computer simulations and analytically. The simulations show that<br>the dynamics is able to construct efficient and elegant networks. In the<br>theoretical part we show that the dynamics minimizes an objective combining the<br>cost of the network and the cost of routing the demands through the network. We<br>also give alternative characterization of the optimum solution.<br>
%K Computer Science, Data Structures and Algorithms, cs.DS,Computer Science, Neural and Evolutionary Computing, cs.NE
E. Facca, A. Karrenbauer, P. Kolev, and K. Mehlhorn, “Convergence of the Non-Uniform Directed Physarum Model,” Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 816, 2020.
TITLE = {Convergence of the Non-Uniform Directed Physarum Model},
AUTHOR = {Facca, Enrico and Karrenbauer, Andreas and Kolev, Pavel and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0304-3975},
DOI = {10.1016/j.tcs.2020.01.034},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {2020},
DATE = {2020},
JOURNAL = {Theoretical Computer Science},
VOLUME = {816},
PAGES = {184--194},
%0 Journal Article
%A Facca, Enrico
%A Karrenbauer, Andreas
%A Kolev, Pavel
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Convergence of the Non-Uniform Directed Physarum Model :
%G eng
%R 10.1016/j.tcs.2020.01.034
%7 2020
%D 2020
%J Theoretical Computer Science
%V 816
%& 184
%P 184 - 194
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
D. Halperin, S. Har-Peled, K. Mehlhorn, E. Oh, and M. Sharir, “The Maximum-Level Vertex in an Arrangement of Lines,” 2020. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 2003.00518)
Let $L$ be a set of $n$ lines in the plane, not necessarily in general<br>position. We present an efficient algorithm for finding all the vertices of the<br>arrangement $A(L)$ of maximum level, where the level of a vertex $v$ is the<br>number of lines of $L$ that pass strictly below $v$. The problem, posed in<br>Exercise~8.13 in de Berg etal [BCKO08], appears to be much harder than it<br>seems, as this vertex might not be on the upper envelope of the lines.<br> We first assume that all the lines of $L$ are distinct, and distinguish<br>between two cases, depending on whether or not the upper envelope of $L$<br>contains a bounded edge. In the former case, we show that the number of lines<br>of $L$ that pass above any maximum level vertex $v_0$ is only $O(\log n)$. In<br>the latter case, we establish a similar property that holds after we remove<br>some of the lines that are incident to the single vertex of the upper envelope.<br>We present algorithms that run, in both cases, in optimal $O(n\log n)$ time.<br> We then consider the case where the lines of $L$ are not necessarily<br>distinct. This setup is more challenging, and the best we have is an algorithm<br>that computes all the maximum-level vertices in time $O(n^{4/3}\log^{3}n)$.<br> Finally, we consider a related combinatorial question for degenerate<br>arrangements, where many lines may intersect in a single point, but all the<br>lines are distinct: We bound the complexity of the weighted $k$-level in such<br>an arrangement, where the weight of a vertex is the number of lines that pass<br>through the vertex. We show that the bound in this case is $O(n^{4/3})$, which<br>matches the corresponding bound for non-degenerate arrangements, and we use<br>this bound in the analysis of one of our algorithms.<br>
TITLE = {The Maximum-Level Vertex in an Arrangement of Lines},
AUTHOR = {Halperin, Dan and Har-Peled, Sariel and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Oh, Eunjin and Sharir, Micha},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {2003.00518},
YEAR = {2020},
ABSTRACT = {Let $L$ be a set of $n$ lines in the plane, not necessarily in general<br>position. We present an efficient algorithm for finding all the vertices of the<br>arrangement $A(L)$ of maximum level, where the level of a vertex $v$ is the<br>number of lines of $L$ that pass strictly below $v$. The problem, posed in<br>Exercise~8.13 in de Berg etal [BCKO08], appears to be much harder than it<br>seems, as this vertex might not be on the upper envelope of the lines.<br> We first assume that all the lines of $L$ are distinct, and distinguish<br>between two cases, depending on whether or not the upper envelope of $L$<br>contains a bounded edge. In the former case, we show that the number of lines<br>of $L$ that pass above any maximum level vertex $v_0$ is only $O(\log n)$. In<br>the latter case, we establish a similar property that holds after we remove<br>some of the lines that are incident to the single vertex of the upper envelope.<br>We present algorithms that run, in both cases, in optimal $O(n\log n)$ time.<br> We then consider the case where the lines of $L$ are not necessarily<br>distinct. This setup is more challenging, and the best we have is an algorithm<br>that computes all the maximum-level vertices in time $O(n^{4/3}\log^{3}n)$.<br> Finally, we consider a related combinatorial question for degenerate<br>arrangements, where many lines may intersect in a single point, but all the<br>lines are distinct: We bound the complexity of the weighted $k$-level in such<br>an arrangement, where the weight of a vertex is the number of lines that pass<br>through the vertex. We show that the bound in this case is $O(n^{4/3})$, which<br>matches the corresponding bound for non-degenerate arrangements, and we use<br>this bound in the analysis of one of our algorithms.<br>},
%0 Report
%A Halperin, Dan
%A Har-Peled, Sariel
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Oh, Eunjin
%A Sharir, Micha
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T The Maximum-Level Vertex in an Arrangement of Lines :
%G eng
%D 2020
%X Let $L$ be a set of $n$ lines in the plane, not necessarily in general<br>position. We present an efficient algorithm for finding all the vertices of the<br>arrangement $A(L)$ of maximum level, where the level of a vertex $v$ is the<br>number of lines of $L$ that pass strictly below $v$. The problem, posed in<br>Exercise~8.13 in de Berg etal [BCKO08], appears to be much harder than it<br>seems, as this vertex might not be on the upper envelope of the lines.<br> We first assume that all the lines of $L$ are distinct, and distinguish<br>between two cases, depending on whether or not the upper envelope of $L$<br>contains a bounded edge. In the former case, we show that the number of lines<br>of $L$ that pass above any maximum level vertex $v_0$ is only $O(\log n)$. In<br>the latter case, we establish a similar property that holds after we remove<br>some of the lines that are incident to the single vertex of the upper envelope.<br>We present algorithms that run, in both cases, in optimal $O(n\log n)$ time.<br> We then consider the case where the lines of $L$ are not necessarily<br>distinct. This setup is more challenging, and the best we have is an algorithm<br>that computes all the maximum-level vertices in time $O(n^{4/3}\log^{3}n)$.<br> Finally, we consider a related combinatorial question for degenerate<br>arrangements, where many lines may intersect in a single point, but all the<br>lines are distinct: We bound the complexity of the weighted $k$-level in such<br>an arrangement, where the weight of a vertex is the number of lines that pass<br>through the vertex. We show that the bound in this case is $O(n^{4/3})$, which<br>matches the corresponding bound for non-degenerate arrangements, and we use<br>this bound in the analysis of one of our algorithms.<br>
%K Computer Science, Computational Geometry, cs.CG
A. Karrenbauer, P. Kolev, and K. Mehlhorn, “Convergence of the Non-Uniform Physarum Dynamics,” Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 816, 2020.
TITLE = {Convergence of the Non-Uniform Physarum Dynamics},
AUTHOR = {Karrenbauer, Andreas and Kolev, Pavel and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0304-3975},
DOI = {10.1016/j.tcs.2020.02.032},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {2020},
DATE = {2020},
JOURNAL = {Theoretical Computer Science},
VOLUME = {816},
PAGES = {260--269},
%0 Journal Article
%A Karrenbauer, Andreas
%A Kolev, Pavel
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Convergence of the Non-Uniform Physarum Dynamics :
%G eng
%R 10.1016/j.tcs.2020.02.032
%7 2020
%D 2020
%J Theoretical Computer Science
%V 816
%& 260
%P 260 - 269
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
B. Ray Chaudhury, J. Garg, and K. Mehlhorn, “EFX Exists for Three Agents,” in EC ’20, 21st ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, Virtual Event, Hungary, 2020.
TITLE = {{EFX} Exists for Three Agents},
AUTHOR = {Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar and Garg, Jugal and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-1-4503-7975-5},
DOI = {10.1145/3391403.3399511},
YEAR = {2020},
BOOKTITLE = {EC '20, 21st ACM Conference on Economics and Computation},
EDITOR = {Bir{\'o}, P{\'e}ter and Hartline, Jason},
PAGES = {1--19},
ADDRESS = {Virtual Event, Hungary},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar
%A Garg, Jugal
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T EFX Exists for Three Agents :
%G eng
%R 10.1145/3391403.3399511
%D 2020
%B 21st ACM Conference on Economics and Computation
%Z date of event: 2020-07-13 - 2020-07-17
%C Virtual Event, Hungary
%B EC '20
%E Biró, Péter; Hartline, Jason
%P 1 - 19
%@ 978-1-4503-7975-5
B. Ray Chaudhury, J. Garg, and K. Mehlhorn, “EFX exists for three agents,” 2020. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 2002.05119)
We study the problem of distributing a set of indivisible items among agents<br>with additive valuations in a $\mathit{fair}$ manner. The fairness notion under<br>consideration is Envy-freeness up to any item (EFX). Despite significant<br>efforts by many researchers for several years, the existence of EFX allocations<br>has not been settled beyond the simple case of two agents. In this paper, we<br>show constructively that an EFX allocation always exists for three agents.<br>Furthermore, we falsify the conjecture by Caragiannis et al. by showing an<br>instance with three agents for which there is a partial EFX allocation (some<br>items are not allocated) with higher Nash welfare than that of any complete EFX<br>allocation.<br>
TITLE = {{EFX} exists for three agents},
AUTHOR = {Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar and Garg, Jugal and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {2002.05119},
YEAR = {2020},
ABSTRACT = {We study the problem of distributing a set of indivisible items among agents<br>with additive valuations in a $\mathit{fair}$ manner. The fairness notion under<br>consideration is Envy-freeness up to any item (EFX). Despite significant<br>efforts by many researchers for several years, the existence of EFX allocations<br>has not been settled beyond the simple case of two agents. In this paper, we<br>show constructively that an EFX allocation always exists for three agents.<br>Furthermore, we falsify the conjecture by Caragiannis et al. by showing an<br>instance with three agents for which there is a partial EFX allocation (some<br>items are not allocated) with higher Nash welfare than that of any complete EFX<br>allocation.<br>},
%0 Report
%A Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar
%A Garg, Jugal
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T EFX exists for three agents :
%G eng
%D 2020
%X We study the problem of distributing a set of indivisible items among agents<br>with additive valuations in a $\mathit{fair}$ manner. The fairness notion under<br>consideration is Envy-freeness up to any item (EFX). Despite significant<br>efforts by many researchers for several years, the existence of EFX allocations<br>has not been settled beyond the simple case of two agents. In this paper, we<br>show constructively that an EFX allocation always exists for three agents.<br>Furthermore, we falsify the conjecture by Caragiannis et al. by showing an<br>instance with three agents for which there is a partial EFX allocation (some<br>items are not allocated) with higher Nash welfare than that of any complete EFX<br>allocation.<br>
%K Computer Science, Computer Science and Game Theory, cs.GT,
B. Ray Chaudhury, T. Kavitha, K. Mehlhorn, and A. Sgouritsa, “A Little Charity Guarantees Almost Envy-Freeness,” in Proceedings of the Thirty-First ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2020), Salt Lake City, UT, USA, 2020.
TITLE = {A Little Charity Guarantees Almost Envy-Freeness},
AUTHOR = {Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar and Kavitha, Telikepalli and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sgouritsa, Alkmini},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-1-61197-599-4},
DOI = {10.1137/1.9781611975994.162},
YEAR = {2020},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Thirty-First ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2020)},
EDITOR = {Chawla, Shuchi},
PAGES = {2658 --2672},
ADDRESS = {Salt Lake City, UT, USA},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar
%A Kavitha, Telikepalli
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Sgouritsa, Alkmini
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T A Little Charity Guarantees Almost Envy-Freeness :
%G eng
%R 10.1137/1.9781611975994.162
%D 2020
%B 31st Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
%Z date of event: 2020-01-05 - 2020-01-08
%C Salt Lake City, UT, USA
%B Proceedings of the Thirty-First ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
%E Chawla, Shuchi
%P 2658 - 2672
%@ 978-1-61197-599-4
M. Abdulaziz, K. Mehlhorn, and T. Nipkow, “Trustworthy Graph Algorithms,” 2019. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 1907.04065)
The goal of the LEDA project was to build an easy-to-use and extendable<br>library of correct and efficient data structures, graph algorithms and<br>geometric algorithms. We report on the use of formal program verification to<br>achieve an even higher level of trustworthiness. Specifically, we report on an<br>ongoing and largely finished verification of the blossom-shrinking algorithm<br>for maximum cardinality matching.<br>
TITLE = {Trustworthy Graph Algorithms},
AUTHOR = {Abdulaziz, Mohammad and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Nipkow, Tobias},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {1907.04065},
YEAR = {2019},
ABSTRACT = {The goal of the LEDA project was to build an easy-to-use and extendable<br>library of correct and efficient data structures, graph algorithms and<br>geometric algorithms. We report on the use of formal program verification to<br>achieve an even higher level of trustworthiness. Specifically, we report on an<br>ongoing and largely finished verification of the blossom-shrinking algorithm<br>for maximum cardinality matching.<br>},
%0 Report
%A Abdulaziz, Mohammad
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Nipkow, Tobias
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Trustworthy Graph Algorithms :
%G eng
%D 2019
%X The goal of the LEDA project was to build an easy-to-use and extendable<br>library of correct and efficient data structures, graph algorithms and<br>geometric algorithms. We report on the use of formal program verification to<br>achieve an even higher level of trustworthiness. Specifically, we report on an<br>ongoing and largely finished verification of the blossom-shrinking algorithm<br>for maximum cardinality matching.<br>
%K Computer Science, Data Structures and Algorithms, cs.DS,Computer Science, Logic in Computer Science, cs.LO,Computer Science, Software Engineering, cs.SE
M. Abdulaziz, K. Mehlhorn, and T. Nipkow, “Trustworthy Graph Algorithms,” in 44th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2019), Aachen, Germany, 2019.
TITLE = {Trustworthy Graph Algorithms},
AUTHOR = {Abdulaziz, Mohammad and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Nipkow, Tobias},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {1868-8969},
ISBN = {978-3-95977-117-7},
URL = {urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-109456},
DOI = {10.4230/LIPIcs.MFCS.2019.1},
PUBLISHER = {Schloss Dagstuhl},
YEAR = {2019},
BOOKTITLE = {44th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2019)},
EDITOR = {Rossmanith, Peter and Heggernes, Pinar and Katoen, Joost-Pieter},
EID = {1},
SERIES = {Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics},
VOLUME = {138},
ADDRESS = {Aachen, Germany},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Abdulaziz, Mohammad
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Nipkow, Tobias
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Trustworthy Graph Algorithms :
%G eng
%R 10.4230/LIPIcs.MFCS.2019.1
%U urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-109456
%D 2019
%B 44th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
%Z date of event: 2019-08-26 - 2019-08-30
%C Aachen, Germany
%B 44th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
%E Rossmanith, Peter; Heggernes, Pinar; Katoen, Joost-Pieter
%Z sequence number: 1
%I Schloss Dagstuhl
%@ 978-3-95977-117-7
%B Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics
%N 138
%@ false
P. Afshani, M. Agrawal, B. Doerr, C. Doerr, K. G. Larsen, and K. Mehlhorn, “The Query Complexity of a Permutation-based Variant of Mastermind,” Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 260, 2019.
TITLE = {The query complexity of a permutation-based variant of {M}astermind},
AUTHOR = {Afshani, Peyman and Agrawal, Manindra and Doerr, Benjamin and Doerr, Carola and Larsen, Kasper Green and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0166-218X},
DOI = {10.1016/j.dam.2019.01.007},
PUBLISHER = {North-Holland},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {2019},
DATE = {2019},
JOURNAL = {Discrete Applied Mathematics},
VOLUME = {260},
PAGES = {28--50},
%0 Journal Article
%A Afshani, Peyman
%A Agrawal, Manindra
%A Doerr, Benjamin
%A Doerr, Carola
%A Larsen, Kasper Green
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T The Query Complexity of a Permutation-based Variant of Mastermind :
%G eng
%R 10.1016/j.dam.2019.01.007
%7 2019
%D 2019
%J Discrete Applied Mathematics
%V 260
%& 28
%P 28 - 50
%I North-Holland
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
H. Akrami, K. Mehlhorn, and T. Odland, “Ratio-Balanced Maximum Flows,” 2019. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 1902.11047)
When a loan is approved for a person or company, the bank is subject to<br>\emph{credit risk}; the risk that the lender defaults. To mitigate this risk, a<br>bank will require some form of \emph{security}, which will be collected if the<br>lender defaults. Accounts can be secured by several securities and a security<br>can be used for several accounts. The goal is to fractionally assign the<br>securities to the accounts so as to balance the risk.<br> This situation can be modelled by a bipartite graph. We have a set $S$ of<br>securities and a set $A$ of accounts. Each security has a \emph{value} $v_i$<br>and each account has an \emph{exposure} $e_j$. If a security $i$ can be used to<br>secure an account $j$, we have an edge from $i$ to $j$. Let $f_{ij}$ be part of<br>security $i$'s value used to secure account $j$. We are searching for a maximum<br>flow that send at most $v_i$ units out of node $i \in S$ and at most $e_j$<br>units into node $j \in A$. Then $s_j = e_j - \sum_i f_{ij}$ is the unsecured<br>part of account $j$. We are searching for the maximum flow that minimizes<br>$\sum_j s_j^2/e_j$.<br>
TITLE = {Ratio-Balanced Maximum Flows},
AUTHOR = {Akrami, Hannaneh and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Odland, Tommy},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {1902.11047},
YEAR = {2019},
ABSTRACT = {When a loan is approved for a person or company, the bank is subject to<br>\emph{credit risk}; the risk that the lender defaults. To mitigate this risk, a<br>bank will require some form of \emph{security}, which will be collected if the<br>lender defaults. Accounts can be secured by several securities and a security<br>can be used for several accounts. The goal is to fractionally assign the<br>securities to the accounts so as to balance the risk.<br> This situation can be modelled by a bipartite graph. We have a set $S$ of<br>securities and a set $A$ of accounts. Each security has a \emph{value} $v_i$<br>and each account has an \emph{exposure} $e_j$. If a security $i$ can be used to<br>secure an account $j$, we have an edge from $i$ to $j$. Let $f_{ij}$ be part of<br>security $i$'s value used to secure account $j$. We are searching for a maximum<br>flow that send at most $v_i$ units out of node $i \in S$ and at most $e_j$<br>units into node $j \in A$. Then $s_j = e_j -- \sum_i f_{ij}$ is the unsecured<br>part of account $j$. We are searching for the maximum flow that minimizes<br>$\sum_j s_j^2/e_j$.<br>},
%0 Report
%A Akrami, Hannaneh
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Odland, Tommy
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Ratio-Balanced Maximum Flows :
%G eng
%D 2019
%X When a loan is approved for a person or company, the bank is subject to<br>\emph{credit risk}; the risk that the lender defaults. To mitigate this risk, a<br>bank will require some form of \emph{security}, which will be collected if the<br>lender defaults. Accounts can be secured by several securities and a security<br>can be used for several accounts. The goal is to fractionally assign the<br>securities to the accounts so as to balance the risk.<br> This situation can be modelled by a bipartite graph. We have a set $S$ of<br>securities and a set $A$ of accounts. Each security has a \emph{value} $v_i$<br>and each account has an \emph{exposure} $e_j$. If a security $i$ can be used to<br>secure an account $j$, we have an edge from $i$ to $j$. Let $f_{ij}$ be part of<br>security $i$'s value used to secure account $j$. We are searching for a maximum<br>flow that send at most $v_i$ units out of node $i \in S$ and at most $e_j$<br>units into node $j \in A$. Then $s_j = e_j - \sum_i f_{ij}$ is the unsecured<br>part of account $j$. We are searching for the maximum flow that minimizes<br>$\sum_j s_j^2/e_j$.<br>
%K Computer Science, Data Structures and Algorithms, cs.DS
H. Akrami, K. Mehlhorn, and T. Odland, “Ratio-Balanced Maximum Flows,” Information Processing Letters, vol. 150, 2019.
TITLE = {Ratio-Balanced Maximum Flows},
AUTHOR = {Akrami, Hannaneh and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Odland, Tommy},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0020-0190},
DOI = {10.1016/j.ipl.2019.06.003},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
YEAR = {2019},
DATE = {2019},
JOURNAL = {Information Processing Letters},
VOLUME = {150},
PAGES = {13--17},
%0 Journal Article
%A Akrami, Hannaneh
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Odland, Tommy
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Ratio-Balanced Maximum Flows :
%G eng
%R 10.1016/j.ipl.2019.06.003
%7 2019
%D 2019
%J Information Processing Letters
%V 150
%& 13
%P 13 - 17
%I Elsevier
%@ false
R. Becker, V. Bonifaci, A. Karrenbauer, P. Kolev, and K. Mehlhorn, “Two Results on Slime Mold Computations,” Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 773, 2019.
In this paper, we present two results on slime mold computations. The first<br>one treats a biologically-grounded model, originally proposed by biologists<br>analyzing the behavior of the slime mold Physarum polycephalum. This primitive<br>organism was empirically shown by Nakagaki et al. to solve shortest path<br>problems in wet-lab experiments (Nature'00). We show that the proposed simple<br>mathematical model actually generalizes to a much wider class of problems,<br>namely undirected linear programs with a non-negative cost vector.<br> For our second result, we consider the discretization of a<br>biologically-inspired model. This model is a directed variant of the<br>biologically-grounded one and was never claimed to describe the behavior of a<br>biological system. Straszak and Vishnoi showed that it can<br>$\epsilon$-approximately solve flow problems (SODA'16) and even general linear<br>programs with positive cost vector (ITCS'16) within a finite number of steps.<br>We give a refined convergence analysis that improves the dependence on<br>$\epsilon$ from polynomial to logarithmic and simultaneously allows to choose a<br>step size that is independent of $\epsilon$. Furthermore, we show that the<br>dynamics can be initialized with a more general set of (infeasible) starting<br>points.<br>
TITLE = {Two Results on Slime Mold Computations},
AUTHOR = {Becker, Ruben and Bonifaci, Vincenzo and Karrenbauer, Andreas and Kolev, Pavel and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0304-3975},
DOI = {10.1016/j.tcs.2018.08.027},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {2019},
DATE = {2019},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper, we present two results on slime mold computations. The first<br>one treats a biologically-grounded model, originally proposed by biologists<br>analyzing the behavior of the slime mold Physarum polycephalum. This primitive<br>organism was empirically shown by Nakagaki et al. to solve shortest path<br>problems in wet-lab experiments (Nature'00). We show that the proposed simple<br>mathematical model actually generalizes to a much wider class of problems,<br>namely undirected linear programs with a non-negative cost vector.<br> For our second result, we consider the discretization of a<br>biologically-inspired model. This model is a directed variant of the<br>biologically-grounded one and was never claimed to describe the behavior of a<br>biological system. Straszak and Vishnoi showed that it can<br>$\epsilon$-approximately solve flow problems (SODA'16) and even general linear<br>programs with positive cost vector (ITCS'16) within a finite number of steps.<br>We give a refined convergence analysis that improves the dependence on<br>$\epsilon$ from polynomial to logarithmic and simultaneously allows to choose a<br>step size that is independent of $\epsilon$. Furthermore, we show that the<br>dynamics can be initialized with a more general set of (infeasible) starting<br>points.<br>},
JOURNAL = {Theoretical Computer Science},
VOLUME = {773},
PAGES = {79--106},
%0 Journal Article
%A Becker, Ruben
%A Bonifaci, Vincenzo
%A Karrenbauer, Andreas
%A Kolev, Pavel
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Two Results on Slime Mold Computations :
%G eng
%R 10.1016/j.tcs.2018.08.027
%7 2018
%D 2019
%X In this paper, we present two results on slime mold computations. The first<br>one treats a biologically-grounded model, originally proposed by biologists<br>analyzing the behavior of the slime mold Physarum polycephalum. This primitive<br>organism was empirically shown by Nakagaki et al. to solve shortest path<br>problems in wet-lab experiments (Nature'00). We show that the proposed simple<br>mathematical model actually generalizes to a much wider class of problems,<br>namely undirected linear programs with a non-negative cost vector.<br> For our second result, we consider the discretization of a<br>biologically-inspired model. This model is a directed variant of the<br>biologically-grounded one and was never claimed to describe the behavior of a<br>biological system. Straszak and Vishnoi showed that it can<br>$\epsilon$-approximately solve flow problems (SODA'16) and even general linear<br>programs with positive cost vector (ITCS'16) within a finite number of steps.<br>We give a refined convergence analysis that improves the dependence on<br>$\epsilon$ from polynomial to logarithmic and simultaneously allows to choose a<br>step size that is independent of $\epsilon$. Furthermore, we show that the<br>dynamics can be initialized with a more general set of (infeasible) starting<br>points.<br>
%K Computer Science, Data Structures and Algorithms, cs.DS,Mathematics, Dynamical Systems, math.DS,Mathematics, Optimization and Control, math.OC, Physics, Biological Physics,
%J Theoretical Computer Science
%V 773
%& 79
%P 79 - 106
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
X. Bei, J. Garg, M. Hoefer, and K. Mehlhorn, “Earning and Utility Limits in Fisher Markets,” ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation, vol. 7, no. 2, 2019.
TITLE = {Earning and Utility Limits in Fisher Markets},
AUTHOR = {Bei, Xiaohui and Garg, Jugal and Hoefer, Martin and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
DOI = {10.1145/3340234},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY},
YEAR = {2019},
JOURNAL = {ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation},
VOLUME = {7},
NUMBER = {2},
EID = {10},
%0 Journal Article
%A Bei, Xiaohui
%A Garg, Jugal
%A Hoefer, Martin
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Earning and Utility Limits in Fisher Markets :
%G eng
%R 10.1145/3340234
%7 2019
%D 2019
%J ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation
%V 7
%N 2
%Z sequence number: 10
%C New York, NY
E. Facca, A. Karrenbauer, P. Kolev, and K. Mehlhorn, “Convergence of the Non-Uniform Directed Physarum Model,” 2019. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 1906.07781)
The directed Physarum dynamics is known to solve positive linear programs:<br>minimize $c^T x$ subject to $Ax = b$ and $x \ge 0$ for a positive cost vector<br>$c$. The directed Physarum dynamics evolves a positive vector $x$ according to<br>the dynamics $\dot{x} = q(x) - x$. Here $q(x)$ is the solution to $Af = b$ that<br>minimizes the "energy" $\sum_i c_i f_i^2/x_i$.<br> In this paper, we study the non-uniform directed dynamics $\dot{x} = D(q(x) -<br>x)$, where $D$ is a positive diagonal matrix. The non-uniform dynamics is more<br>complex than the uniform dynamics (with $D$ being the identity matrix), as it<br>allows each component of $x$ to react with different speed to the differences<br>between $q(x)$ and $x$. Our contribution is to show that the non-uniform<br>directed dynamics solves positive linear programs.<br>
TITLE = {Convergence of the Non-Uniform Directed Physarum Model},
AUTHOR = {Facca, Enrico and Karrenbauer, Andreas and Kolev, Pavel and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {1906.07781},
YEAR = {2019},
ABSTRACT = {The directed Physarum dynamics is known to solve positive linear programs:<br>minimize $c^T x$ subject to $Ax = b$ and $x \ge 0$ for a positive cost vector<br>$c$. The directed Physarum dynamics evolves a positive vector $x$ according to<br>the dynamics $\dot{x} = q(x) -- x$. Here $q(x)$ is the solution to $Af = b$ that<br>minimizes the "energy" $\sum_i c_i f_i^2/x_i$.<br> In this paper, we study the non-uniform directed dynamics $\dot{x} = D(q(x) -<br>x)$, where $D$ is a positive diagonal matrix. The non-uniform dynamics is more<br>complex than the uniform dynamics (with $D$ being the identity matrix), as it<br>allows each component of $x$ to react with different speed to the differences<br>between $q(x)$ and $x$. Our contribution is to show that the non-uniform<br>directed dynamics solves positive linear programs.<br>},
%0 Report
%A Facca, Enrico
%A Karrenbauer, Andreas
%A Kolev, Pavel
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Convergence of the Non-Uniform Directed Physarum Model :
%G eng
%D 2019
%X The directed Physarum dynamics is known to solve positive linear programs:<br>minimize $c^T x$ subject to $Ax = b$ and $x \ge 0$ for a positive cost vector<br>$c$. The directed Physarum dynamics evolves a positive vector $x$ according to<br>the dynamics $\dot{x} = q(x) - x$. Here $q(x)$ is the solution to $Af = b$ that<br>minimizes the "energy" $\sum_i c_i f_i^2/x_i$.<br> In this paper, we study the non-uniform directed dynamics $\dot{x} = D(q(x) -<br>x)$, where $D$ is a positive diagonal matrix. The non-uniform dynamics is more<br>complex than the uniform dynamics (with $D$ being the identity matrix), as it<br>allows each component of $x$ to react with different speed to the differences<br>between $q(x)$ and $x$. Our contribution is to show that the non-uniform<br>directed dynamics solves positive linear programs.<br>
%K Mathematics, Dynamical Systems, math.DS,Computer Science, Data Structures and Algorithms, cs.DS,Mathematics, Optimization and Control, math.OC
A. Karrenbauer, P. Kolev, and K. Mehlhorn, “Convergence of the Non-Uniform Physarum Dynamics,” 2019. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 1901.07231)
Let $c \in \mathbb{Z}^m_{> 0}$, $A \in \mathbb{Z}^{n\times m}$, and $b \in<br>\mathbb{Z}^n$. We show under fairly general conditions that the non-uniform<br>Physarum dynamics \[ \dot{x}_e = a_e(x,t) \left(|q_e| - x_e\right) \] converges<br>to the optimum solution $x^*$ of the weighted basis pursuit problem minimize<br>$c^T x$ subject to $A f = b$ and $|f| \le x$. Here, $f$ and $x$ are $m$-vectors<br>of real variables, $q$ minimizes the energy $\sum_e (c_e/x_e) q_e^2$ subject to<br>the constraints $A q = b$ and $\mathrm{supp}(q) \subseteq \mathrm{supp}(x)$,<br>and $a_e(x,t) > 0$ is the reactivity of edge $e$ to the difference $|q_e| -<br>x_e$ at time $t$ and in state $x$. Previously convergence was only shown for<br>the uniform case $a_e(x,t) = 1$ for all $e$, $x$, and $t$. We also show<br>convergence for the dynamics \[ \dot{x}_e = x_e \cdot \left( g_e<br>\left(\frac{|q_e|}{x_e}\right) - 1\right),\] where $g_e$ is an increasing<br>differentiable function with $g_e(1) = 1$. Previously convergence was only<br>shown for the special case of the shortest path problem on a graph consisting<br>of two nodes connected by parallel edges.<br>
TITLE = {Convergence of the Non-Uniform Physarum Dynamics},
AUTHOR = {Karrenbauer, Andreas and Kolev, Pavel and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {1901.07231},
YEAR = {2019},
ABSTRACT = {Let $c \in \mathbb{Z}^m_{> 0}$, $A \in \mathbb{Z}^{n\times m}$, and $b \in<br>\mathbb{Z}^n$. We show under fairly general conditions that the non-uniform<br>Physarum dynamics \[ \dot{x}_e = a_e(x,t) \left(|q_e| -- x_e\right) \] converges<br>to the optimum solution $x^*$ of the weighted basis pursuit problem minimize<br>$c^T x$ subject to $A f = b$ and $|f| \le x$. Here, $f$ and $x$ are $m$-vectors<br>of real variables, $q$ minimizes the energy $\sum_e (c_e/x_e) q_e^2$ subject to<br>the constraints $A q = b$ and $\mathrm{supp}(q) \subseteq \mathrm{supp}(x)$,<br>and $a_e(x,t) > 0$ is the reactivity of edge $e$ to the difference $|q_e| -<br>x_e$ at time $t$ and in state $x$. Previously convergence was only shown for<br>the uniform case $a_e(x,t) = 1$ for all $e$, $x$, and $t$. We also show<br>convergence for the dynamics \[ \dot{x}_e = x_e \cdot \left( g_e<br>\left(\frac{|q_e|}{x_e}\right) -- 1\right),\] where $g_e$ is an increasing<br>differentiable function with $g_e(1) = 1$. Previously convergence was only<br>shown for the special case of the shortest path problem on a graph consisting<br>of two nodes connected by parallel edges.<br>},
%0 Report
%A Karrenbauer, Andreas
%A Kolev, Pavel
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Convergence of the Non-Uniform Physarum Dynamics :
%G eng
%D 2019
%X Let $c \in \mathbb{Z}^m_{> 0}$, $A \in \mathbb{Z}^{n\times m}$, and $b \in<br>\mathbb{Z}^n$. We show under fairly general conditions that the non-uniform<br>Physarum dynamics \[ \dot{x}_e = a_e(x,t) \left(|q_e| - x_e\right) \] converges<br>to the optimum solution $x^*$ of the weighted basis pursuit problem minimize<br>$c^T x$ subject to $A f = b$ and $|f| \le x$. Here, $f$ and $x$ are $m$-vectors<br>of real variables, $q$ minimizes the energy $\sum_e (c_e/x_e) q_e^2$ subject to<br>the constraints $A q = b$ and $\mathrm{supp}(q) \subseteq \mathrm{supp}(x)$,<br>and $a_e(x,t) > 0$ is the reactivity of edge $e$ to the difference $|q_e| -<br>x_e$ at time $t$ and in state $x$. Previously convergence was only shown for<br>the uniform case $a_e(x,t) = 1$ for all $e$, $x$, and $t$. We also show<br>convergence for the dynamics \[ \dot{x}_e = x_e \cdot \left( g_e<br>\left(\frac{|q_e|}{x_e}\right) - 1\right),\] where $g_e$ is an increasing<br>differentiable function with $g_e(1) = 1$. Previously convergence was only<br>shown for the special case of the shortest path problem on a graph consisting<br>of two nodes connected by parallel edges.<br>
%K Computer Science, Data Structures and Algorithms, cs.DS
B. Ray Chaudhury, T. Kavitha, K. Mehlhorn, and A. Sgouritsa, “A Little Charity Guarantees Almost Envy-Freeness,” 2019. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 1907.04596)
Fair division of indivisible goods is a very well-studied problem. The goal<br>of this problem is to distribute $m$ goods to $n$ agents in a "fair" manner,<br>where every agent has a valuation for each subset of goods. We assume general<br>valuations.<br> Envy-freeness is the most extensively studied notion of fairness. However,<br>envy-free allocations do not always exist when goods are indivisible. The<br>notion of fairness we consider here is "envy-freeness up to any good" (EFX)<br>where no agent envies another agent after the removal of any single good from<br>the other agent's bundle. It is not known if such an allocation always exists<br>even when $n=3$.<br> We show there is always a partition of the set of goods into $n+1$ subsets<br>$(X_1,\ldots,X_n,P)$ where for $i \in [n]$, $X_i$ is the bundle allocated to<br>agent $i$ and the set $P$ is unallocated (or donated to charity) such that we<br>have$\colon$<br> 1) envy-freeness up to any good,<br> 2) no agent values $P$ higher than her own bundle, and<br> 3) fewer than $n$ goods go to charity, i.e., $|P| < n$ (typically $m \gg n$).<br> Our proof is constructive. When agents have additive valuations and $\lvert P<br>\rvert$ is large (i.e., when $|P|$ is close to $n$), our allocation also has a<br>good maximin share (MMS) guarantee. Moreover, a minor variant of our algorithm<br>also shows the existence of an allocation which is $4/7$ groupwise maximin<br>share (GMMS): this is a notion of fairness stronger than MMS. This improves<br>upon the current best bound of $1/2$ known for an approximate GMMS allocation.<br>
TITLE = {A Little Charity Guarantees Almost Envy-Freeness},
AUTHOR = {Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar and Kavitha, Telikepalli and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sgouritsa, Alkmini},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {1907.04596},
YEAR = {2019},
ABSTRACT = {Fair division of indivisible goods is a very well-studied problem. The goal<br>of this problem is to distribute $m$ goods to $n$ agents in a "fair" manner,<br>where every agent has a valuation for each subset of goods. We assume general<br>valuations.<br> Envy-freeness is the most extensively studied notion of fairness. However,<br>envy-free allocations do not always exist when goods are indivisible. The<br>notion of fairness we consider here is "envy-freeness up to any good" (EFX)<br>where no agent envies another agent after the removal of any single good from<br>the other agent's bundle. It is not known if such an allocation always exists<br>even when $n=3$.<br> We show there is always a partition of the set of goods into $n+1$ subsets<br>$(X_1,\ldots,X_n,P)$ where for $i \in [n]$, $X_i$ is the bundle allocated to<br>agent $i$ and the set $P$ is unallocated (or donated to charity) such that we<br>have$\colon$<br> 1) envy-freeness up to any good,<br> 2) no agent values $P$ higher than her own bundle, and<br> 3) fewer than $n$ goods go to charity, i.e., $|P| < n$ (typically $m \gg n$).<br> Our proof is constructive. When agents have additive valuations and $\lvert P<br>\rvert$ is large (i.e., when $|P|$ is close to $n$), our allocation also has a<br>good maximin share (MMS) guarantee. Moreover, a minor variant of our algorithm<br>also shows the existence of an allocation which is $4/7$ groupwise maximin<br>share (GMMS): this is a notion of fairness stronger than MMS. This improves<br>upon the current best bound of $1/2$ known for an approximate GMMS allocation.<br>},
%0 Report
%A Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar
%A Kavitha, Telikepalli
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Sgouritsa, Alkmini
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Little Charity Guarantees Almost Envy-Freeness :
%G eng
%D 2019
%X Fair division of indivisible goods is a very well-studied problem. The goal<br>of this problem is to distribute $m$ goods to $n$ agents in a "fair" manner,<br>where every agent has a valuation for each subset of goods. We assume general<br>valuations.<br> Envy-freeness is the most extensively studied notion of fairness. However,<br>envy-free allocations do not always exist when goods are indivisible. The<br>notion of fairness we consider here is "envy-freeness up to any good" (EFX)<br>where no agent envies another agent after the removal of any single good from<br>the other agent's bundle. It is not known if such an allocation always exists<br>even when $n=3$.<br> We show there is always a partition of the set of goods into $n+1$ subsets<br>$(X_1,\ldots,X_n,P)$ where for $i \in [n]$, $X_i$ is the bundle allocated to<br>agent $i$ and the set $P$ is unallocated (or donated to charity) such that we<br>have$\colon$<br> 1) envy-freeness up to any good,<br> 2) no agent values $P$ higher than her own bundle, and<br> 3) fewer than $n$ goods go to charity, i.e., $|P| < n$ (typically $m \gg n$).<br> Our proof is constructive. When agents have additive valuations and $\lvert P<br>\rvert$ is large (i.e., when $|P|$ is close to $n$), our allocation also has a<br>good maximin share (MMS) guarantee. Moreover, a minor variant of our algorithm<br>also shows the existence of an allocation which is $4/7$ groupwise maximin<br>share (GMMS): this is a notion of fairness stronger than MMS. This improves<br>upon the current best bound of $1/2$ known for an approximate GMMS allocation.<br>
%K Computer Science, Computer Science and Game Theory, cs.GT
P. Sanders, K. Mehlhorn, M. Dietzfelbinger, and R. Dementiev, Sequential and Parallel Algorithms and Data Structures. Cham: Springer, 2019.
TITLE = {Sequential and Parallel Algorithms and Data Structures},
AUTHOR = {Sanders, Peter and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Dietzfelbinger, Martin and Dementiev, Roman},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-030-25208-3; 978-3-030-25209-0},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-030-25209-0},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {Cham},
YEAR = {2019},
DATE = {2019},
PAGES = {434 p.},
%0 Book
%A Sanders, Peter
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Dietzfelbinger, Martin
%A Dementiev, Roman
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
%T Sequential and Parallel Algorithms and Data Structures : The Basic Toolbox
%G eng
%R 10.1007/978-3-030-25209-0
%@ 978-3-030-25208-3
%@ 978-3-030-25209-0
%I Springer
%C Cham
%D 2019
%P 434 p.
P. Chalermsook, M. Goswami, L. Kozma, K. Mehlhorn, and T. Saranurak, “Multi-Finger Binary Search Trees,” in 29th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2018), Jiaoxi, Yilan, Taiwan, 2018.
TITLE = {Multi-Finger Binary Search Trees},
AUTHOR = {Chalermsook, Parinya and Goswami, Mayank and Kozma, L{\`a}sz{\`o} and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Saranurak, Thatchaphol},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {1868-8969},
ISBN = {978-3-95977-094-1},
URL = {urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-100032},
DOI = {10.4230/LIPIcs.ISAAC.2018.55},
PUBLISHER = {Schloss Dagstuhl},
YEAR = {2018},
BOOKTITLE = {29th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2018)},
EDITOR = {Hsu, Wen-Lian and Lee, Der-Tsai and Liao, Chung-Shou},
PAGES = {1--26},
EID = {55},
SERIES = {Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics},
VOLUME = {123},
ADDRESS = {Jiaoxi, Yilan, Taiwan},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Chalermsook, Parinya
%A Goswami, Mayank
%A Kozma, Làszò
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Saranurak, Thatchaphol
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Multi-Finger Binary Search Trees :
%G eng
%R 10.4230/LIPIcs.ISAAC.2018.55
%U urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-100032
%D 2018
%B 29th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation
%Z date of event: 2018-12-16 - 2018-12-19
%C Jiaoxi, Yilan, Taiwan
%B 29th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation
%E Hsu, Wen-Lian; Lee, Der-Tsai; Liao, Chung-Shou
%P 1 - 26
%Z sequence number: 55
%I Schloss Dagstuhl
%@ 978-3-95977-094-1
%B Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics
%N 123
%@ false
C. Croitoru and K. Mehlhorn, “On Testing Substitutability,” Information Processing Letters, vol. 138, 2018.
TITLE = {On Testing Substitutability},
AUTHOR = {Croitoru, Cosmina and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0020-0190},
DOI = {10.1016/j.ipl.2018.05.006},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {2018},
DATE = {2018},
JOURNAL = {Information Processing Letters},
VOLUME = {138},
PAGES = {19--21},
%0 Journal Article
%A Croitoru, Cosmina
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T On Testing Substitutability :
%G eng
%R 10.1016/j.ipl.2018.05.006
%7 2018
%D 2018
%J Information Processing Letters
%V 138
%& 19
%P 19 - 21
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
C. Croitoru and K. Mehlhorn, “On Testing Substitutability,” 2018. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 1805.07642)
The papers~\cite{hatfimmokomi11} and~\cite{azizbrilharr13} propose algorithms
for testing whether the choice function induced by a (strict) preference list
of length $N$ over a universe $U$ is substitutable. The running time of these
algorithms is $O(|U|^3\cdot N^3)$, respectively $O(|U|^2\cdot N^3)$. In this
note we present an algorithm with running time $O(|U|^2\cdot N^2)$. Note that
$N$ may be exponential in the size $|U|$ of the universe.
TITLE = {On Testing Substitutability},
AUTHOR = {Croitoru, Cosmina and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {1805.07642},
YEAR = {2018},
ABSTRACT = {The papers~\cite{hatfimmokomi11} and~\cite{azizbrilharr13} propose algorithms for testing whether the choice function induced by a (strict) preference list of length $N$ over a universe $U$ is substitutable. The running time of these algorithms is $O(|U|^3\cdot N^3)$, respectively $O(|U|^2\cdot N^3)$. In this note we present an algorithm with running time $O(|U|^2\cdot N^2)$. Note that $N$ may be exponential in the size $|U|$ of the universe.},
%0 Report
%A Croitoru, Cosmina
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T On Testing Substitutability :
%G eng
%D 2018
%X The papers~\cite{hatfimmokomi11} and~\cite{azizbrilharr13} propose algorithms
for testing whether the choice function induced by a (strict) preference list
of length $N$ over a universe $U$ is substitutable. The running time of these
algorithms is $O(|U|^3\cdot N^3)$, respectively $O(|U|^2\cdot N^3)$. In this
note we present an algorithm with running time $O(|U|^2\cdot N^2)$. Note that
$N$ may be exponential in the size $|U|$ of the universe.
%K Computer Science, Data Structures and Algorithms, cs.DS,econ.EM
J. Garg, M. Hoefer, and K. Mehlhorn, “Approximating the Nash Social Welfare with Budget-Additive Valuations,” in Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2018), New Orleans, LA, USA, 2018.
TITLE = {Approximating the {Nash} Social Welfare with Budget-Additive Valuations},
AUTHOR = {Garg, Jugal and Hoefer, Martin and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-1-61197-503-1},
DOI = {10.1137/1.9781611975031.150},
YEAR = {2018},
DATE = {2018},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2018)},
EDITOR = {Czumaj, Artur},
PAGES = {2326--2340},
ADDRESS = {New Orleans, LA, USA},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Garg, Jugal
%A Hoefer, Martin
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Approximating the Nash Social Welfare with Budget-Additive Valuations :
%G eng
%R 10.1137/1.9781611975031.150
%D 2018
%B Twenty-Ninth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
%Z date of event: 2018-01-07 - 2018-01-10
%C New Orleans, LA, USA
%B Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
%E Czumaj, Artur
%P 2326 - 2340
%@ 978-1-61197-503-1
P. Koprowski, K. Mehlhorn, and S. Ray, “Corrigendum to ‘Faster algorithms for computing Hong’s bound on absolute positiveness’ [J. Symb. Comput. 45 (2010) 677–683],” Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 87, 2018.
TITLE = {Corrigendum to ``{F}aster algorithms for computing {H}ong's bound on absolute positiveness'' [{J. Symb. Comput.} 45 (2010) 677--683]},
AUTHOR = {Koprowski, Przemys{\l}aw and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Ray, Saurabh},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0747-7171},
DOI = {10.1016/j.jsc.2017.05.008},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {2018},
DATE = {2018},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Symbolic Computation},
VOLUME = {87},
PAGES = {238--241},
%0 Journal Article
%A Koprowski, Przemysław
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Ray, Saurabh
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Corrigendum to “Faster algorithms for computing Hong's bound on absolute positiveness” [J. Symb. Comput. 45 (2010) 677–683] :
%G eng
%R 10.1016/j.jsc.2017.05.008
%7 2017
%D 2018
%J Journal of Symbolic Computation
%V 87
%& 238
%P 238 - 241
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
B. Ray Chaudhury, Y. K. Cheung, J. Garg, N. Garg, M. Hoefer, and K. Mehlhorn, “On Fair Division of Indivisible Items,” 2018. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 1805.06232)
We consider the task of assigning indivisible goods to a set of agents in a
fair manner. Our notion of fairness is Nash social welfare, i.e., the goal is
to maximize the geometric mean of the utilities of the agents. Each good comes
in multiple items or copies, and the utility of an agent diminishes as it
receives more items of the same good. The utility of a bundle of items for an
agent is the sum of the utilities of the items in the bundle. Each agent has a
utility cap beyond which he does not value additional items. We give a
polynomial time approximation algorithm that maximizes Nash social welfare up
to a factor of $e^{1/e} \approx 1.445$.
TITLE = {On Fair Division of Indivisible Items},
AUTHOR = {Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar and Cheung, Yun Kuen and Garg, Jugal and Garg, Naveen and Hoefer, Martin and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {1805.06232},
YEAR = {2018},
ABSTRACT = {We consider the task of assigning indivisible goods to a set of agents in a fair manner. Our notion of fairness is Nash social welfare, i.e., the goal is to maximize the geometric mean of the utilities of the agents. Each good comes in multiple items or copies, and the utility of an agent diminishes as it receives more items of the same good. The utility of a bundle of items for an agent is the sum of the utilities of the items in the bundle. Each agent has a utility cap beyond which he does not value additional items. We give a polynomial time approximation algorithm that maximizes Nash social welfare up to a factor of $e^{1/e} \approx 1.445$.},
%0 Report
%A Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar
%A Cheung, Yun Kuen
%A Garg, Jugal
%A Garg, Naveen
%A Hoefer, Martin
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T On Fair Division of Indivisible Items :
%G eng
%D 2018
%X We consider the task of assigning indivisible goods to a set of agents in a
fair manner. Our notion of fairness is Nash social welfare, i.e., the goal is
to maximize the geometric mean of the utilities of the agents. Each good comes
in multiple items or copies, and the utility of an agent diminishes as it
receives more items of the same good. The utility of a bundle of items for an
agent is the sum of the utilities of the items in the bundle. Each agent has a
utility cap beyond which he does not value additional items. We give a
polynomial time approximation algorithm that maximizes Nash social welfare up
to a factor of $e^{1/e} \approx 1.445$.
%K Computer Science, Data Structures and Algorithms, cs.DS
B. Ray Chaudhury, Y. K. Cheung, J. Garg, N. Garg, M. Hoefer, and K. Mehlhorn, “On Fair Division for Indivisible Items,” in 38th IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS 2018), Ahmedabad, India, 2018.
TITLE = {On Fair Division for Indivisible Items},
AUTHOR = {Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar and Cheung, Yun Kuen and Garg, Jugal and Garg, Naveen and Hoefer, Martin and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {1868-896},
ISBN = {978-3-95977-093-4},
URL = {urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-99242},
DOI = {10.4230/LIPIcs.FSTTCS.2018.25},
PUBLISHER = {Schloss Dagstuhl},
YEAR = {2018},
BOOKTITLE = {38th IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS 2018)},
EDITOR = {Ganguly, Sumit and Pandya, Paritosh},
PAGES = {1--17},
EID = {25},
SERIES = {Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics},
VOLUME = {122},
ADDRESS = {Ahmedabad, India},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar
%A Cheung, Yun Kuen
%A Garg, Jugal
%A Garg, Naveen
%A Hoefer, Martin
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T On Fair Division for Indivisible Items :
%G eng
%R 10.4230/LIPIcs.FSTTCS.2018.25
%U urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-99242
%D 2018
%B 38th IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science
%Z date of event: 2018-12-11 - 2018-12-13
%C Ahmedabad, India
%B 38th IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science
%E Ganguly, Sumit; Pandya, Paritosh
%P 1 - 17
%Z sequence number: 25
%I Schloss Dagstuhl
%@ 978-3-95977-093-4
%B Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics
%N 122
%@ false
B. Ray Chaudhury and K. Mehlhorn, “Combinatorial Algorithms for General Linear Arrow-Debreu Markets,” 2018. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 1810.01237)
We present a combinatorial algorithm for determining the market clearing<br>prices of a general linear Arrow-Debreu market, where every agent can own<br>multiple goods. The existing combinatorial algorithms for linear Arrow-Debreu<br>markets consider the case where each agent can own all of one good only. We<br>present an $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}((n+m)^7 \log^3(UW))$ algorithm where $n$, $m$,<br>$U$ and $W$ refer to the number of agents, the number of goods, the maximal<br>integral utility and the maximum quantity of any good in the market<br>respectively. The algorithm refines the iterative algorithm of Duan, Garg and<br>Mehlhorn using several new ideas. We also identify the hard instances for<br>existing combinatorial algorithms for linear Arrow-Debreu markets. In<br>particular we find instances where the ratio of the maximum to the minimum<br>equilibrium price of a good is $U^{\Omega(n)}$ and the number of iterations<br>required by the existing iterative combinatorial algorithms of Duan, and<br>Mehlhorn and Duan, Garg, and Mehlhorn are high. Our instances also separate the<br>two algorithms.<br>
TITLE = {Combinatorial Algorithms for General Linear {Arrow}-{Debreu} Markets},
AUTHOR = {Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {1810.01237},
YEAR = {2018},
ABSTRACT = {We present a combinatorial algorithm for determining the market clearing<br>prices of a general linear Arrow-Debreu market, where every agent can own<br>multiple goods. The existing combinatorial algorithms for linear Arrow-Debreu<br>markets consider the case where each agent can own all of one good only. We<br>present an $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}((n+m)^7 \log^3(UW))$ algorithm where $n$, $m$,<br>$U$ and $W$ refer to the number of agents, the number of goods, the maximal<br>integral utility and the maximum quantity of any good in the market<br>respectively. The algorithm refines the iterative algorithm of Duan, Garg and<br>Mehlhorn using several new ideas. We also identify the hard instances for<br>existing combinatorial algorithms for linear Arrow-Debreu markets. In<br>particular we find instances where the ratio of the maximum to the minimum<br>equilibrium price of a good is $U^{\Omega(n)}$ and the number of iterations<br>required by the existing iterative combinatorial algorithms of Duan, and<br>Mehlhorn and Duan, Garg, and Mehlhorn are high. Our instances also separate the<br>two algorithms.<br>},
%0 Report
%A Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Combinatorial Algorithms for General Linear Arrow-Debreu Markets :
%G eng
%D 2018
%8 02.10.2018
%X We present a combinatorial algorithm for determining the market clearing<br>prices of a general linear Arrow-Debreu market, where every agent can own<br>multiple goods. The existing combinatorial algorithms for linear Arrow-Debreu<br>markets consider the case where each agent can own all of one good only. We<br>present an $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}((n+m)^7 \log^3(UW))$ algorithm where $n$, $m$,<br>$U$ and $W$ refer to the number of agents, the number of goods, the maximal<br>integral utility and the maximum quantity of any good in the market<br>respectively. The algorithm refines the iterative algorithm of Duan, Garg and<br>Mehlhorn using several new ideas. We also identify the hard instances for<br>existing combinatorial algorithms for linear Arrow-Debreu markets. In<br>particular we find instances where the ratio of the maximum to the minimum<br>equilibrium price of a good is $U^{\Omega(n)}$ and the number of iterations<br>required by the existing iterative combinatorial algorithms of Duan, and<br>Mehlhorn and Duan, Garg, and Mehlhorn are high. Our instances also separate the<br>two algorithms.<br>
%K Computer Science, Computer Science and Game Theory, cs.GT,
B. Ray Chaudhury and K. Mehlhorn, “Combinatorial Algorithms for General Linear Arrow-Debreu Markets,” in 38th IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS 2018), Ahmedabad, India, 2018.
TITLE = {Combinatorial Algorithms for General Linear {A}rrow-{D}ebreu Markets},
AUTHOR = {Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {1868-896},
ISBN = {978-3-95977-093-4},
URL = {urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-99255},
DOI = {10.4230/LIPIcs.FSTTCS.2018.26},
PUBLISHER = {Schloss Dagstuhl},
YEAR = {2018},
BOOKTITLE = {38th IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS 2018)},
EDITOR = {Ganguly, Sumit and Pandya, Paritosh},
PAGES = {1--16},
EID = {26},
SERIES = {Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics},
VOLUME = {122},
ADDRESS = {Ahmedabad, India},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Ray Chaudhury, Bhaskar
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Combinatorial Algorithms for General Linear Arrow-Debreu Markets :
%G eng
%R 10.4230/LIPIcs.FSTTCS.2018.26
%U urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-99255
%D 2018
%B 38th IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science
%Z date of event: 2018-12-11 - 2018-12-13
%C Ahmedabad, India
%B 38th IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science
%E Ganguly, Sumit; Pandya, Paritosh
%P 1 - 16
%Z sequence number: 26
%I Schloss Dagstuhl
%@ 978-3-95977-093-4
%B Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics
%N 122
%@ false
R. Becker, V. Bonifaci, A. Karrenbauer, P. Kolev, and K. Mehlhorn, “Two Results on Slime Mold Computations,” 2017. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 1707.06631)
In this paper, we present two results on slime mold computations. The first
one treats a biologically-grounded model, originally proposed by biologists
analyzing the behavior of the slime mold Physarum polycephalum. This primitive
organism was empirically shown by Nakagaki et al. to solve shortest path
problems in wet-lab experiments (Nature'00). We show that the proposed simple
mathematical model actually generalizes to a much wider class of problems,
namely undirected linear programs with a non-negative cost vector.
For our second result, we consider the discretization of a
biologically-inspired model. This model is a directed variant of the
biologically-grounded one and was never claimed to describe the behavior of a
biological system. Straszak and Vishnoi showed that it can
$\epsilon$-approximately solve flow problems (SODA'16) and even general linear
programs with positive cost vector (ITCS'16) within a finite number of steps.
We give a refined convergence analysis that improves the dependence on
$\epsilon$ from polynomial to logarithmic and simultaneously allows to choose a
step size that is independent of $\epsilon$. Furthermore, we show that the
dynamics can be initialized with a more general set of (infeasible) starting
TITLE = {Two Results on Slime Mold Computations},
AUTHOR = {Becker, Ruben and Bonifaci, Vincenzo and Karrenbauer, Andreas and Kolev, Pavel and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {1707.06631},
YEAR = {2017},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper, we present two results on slime mold computations. The first one treats a biologically-grounded model, originally proposed by biologists analyzing the behavior of the slime mold Physarum polycephalum. This primitive organism was empirically shown by Nakagaki et al. to solve shortest path problems in wet-lab experiments (Nature'00). We show that the proposed simple mathematical model actually generalizes to a much wider class of problems, namely undirected linear programs with a non-negative cost vector. For our second result, we consider the discretization of a biologically-inspired model. This model is a directed variant of the biologically-grounded one and was never claimed to describe the behavior of a biological system. Straszak and Vishnoi showed that it can $\epsilon$-approximately solve flow problems (SODA'16) and even general linear programs with positive cost vector (ITCS'16) within a finite number of steps. We give a refined convergence analysis that improves the dependence on $\epsilon$ from polynomial to logarithmic and simultaneously allows to choose a step size that is independent of $\epsilon$. Furthermore, we show that the dynamics can be initialized with a more general set of (infeasible) starting points.},
%0 Report
%A Becker, Ruben
%A Bonifaci, Vincenzo
%A Karrenbauer, Andreas
%A Kolev, Pavel
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Two Results on Slime Mold Computations :
%G eng
%D 2017
%X In this paper, we present two results on slime mold computations. The first
one treats a biologically-grounded model, originally proposed by biologists
analyzing the behavior of the slime mold Physarum polycephalum. This primitive
organism was empirically shown by Nakagaki et al. to solve shortest path
problems in wet-lab experiments (Nature'00). We show that the proposed simple
mathematical model actually generalizes to a much wider class of problems,
namely undirected linear programs with a non-negative cost vector.
For our second result, we consider the discretization of a
biologically-inspired model. This model is a directed variant of the
biologically-grounded one and was never claimed to describe the behavior of a
biological system. Straszak and Vishnoi showed that it can
$\epsilon$-approximately solve flow problems (SODA'16) and even general linear
programs with positive cost vector (ITCS'16) within a finite number of steps.
We give a refined convergence analysis that improves the dependence on
$\epsilon$ from polynomial to logarithmic and simultaneously allows to choose a
step size that is independent of $\epsilon$. Furthermore, we show that the
dynamics can be initialized with a more general set of (infeasible) starting
%K Computer Science, Data Structures and Algorithms, cs.DS,Mathematics, Dynamical Systems, math.DS,Mathematics, Optimization and Control, math.OC, Physics, Biological Physics,
X. Bei, J. Garg, M. Hoefer, and K. Mehlhorn, “Earning Limits in Fisher Markets with Spending-Constraint Utilities,” in Algorithmic Game Theory (SAGT 2017), L’Aquila, Italy, 2017.
TITLE = {Earning Limits in {Fisher} Markets with Spending-Constraint Utilities},
AUTHOR = {Bei, Xiaohui and Garg, Jugal and Hoefer, Martin and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-319-66699-0},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-319-66700-3_6},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2017},
DATE = {2017},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithmic Game Theory (SAGT 2017)},
PAGES = {67--79},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {10504},
ADDRESS = {L'Aquila, Italy},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Bei, Xiaohui
%A Garg, Jugal
%A Hoefer, Martin
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Earning Limits in Fisher Markets with Spending-Constraint Utilities :
%G eng
%R 10.1007/978-3-319-66700-3_6
%D 2017
%B 10th International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory
%Z date of event: 2017-09-12 - 2017-09-14
%C L'Aquila, Italy
%B Algorithmic Game Theory
%P 67 - 79
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-319-66699-0
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 10504
M. Dirnberger and K. Mehlhorn, “Characterizing Networks Formed by P. Polycephalum,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 50, no. 22, 2017.
TITLE = {Characterizing networks formed by \textsl{P. polycephalum}},
AUTHOR = {Dirnberger, Michael and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0022-3727},
DOI = {10.1088/1361-6463/aa6e7b},
PUBLISHER = {IOP Publishing},
ADDRESS = {Bristol},
YEAR = {2017},
DATE = {2017},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics},
VOLUME = {50},
NUMBER = {22},
EID = {224002},
%0 Journal Article
%A Dirnberger, Michael
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Characterizing Networks Formed by P. Polycephalum :
%G eng
%R 10.1088/1361-6463/aa6e7b
%7 2017
%D 2017
%J Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
%O J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.
%V 50
%N 22
%Z sequence number: 224002
%I IOP Publishing
%C Bristol
%@ false
M. Dirnberger, K. Mehlhorn, and T. Mehlhorn, “Introducing the Slime Mold Graph Repository,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 50, no. 26, 2017.
TITLE = {Introducing the Slime Mold Graph Repository},
AUTHOR = {Dirnberger, Michael and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Mehlhorn, Tim},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0022-3727},
DOI = {10.1088/1361-6463/aa7326},
PUBLISHER = {IOP Publishing},
ADDRESS = {Bristol},
YEAR = {2017},
DATE = {2017},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics},
VOLUME = {50},
NUMBER = {26},
EID = {264001},
%0 Journal Article
%A Dirnberger, Michael
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Mehlhorn, Tim
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Introducing the Slime Mold Graph Repository :
%G eng
%R 10.1088/1361-6463/aa7326
%7 2017
%D 2017
%J Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
%O J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.
%V 50
%N 26
%Z sequence number: 264001
%I IOP Publishing
%C Bristol
%@ false
J. Garg, M. Hoefer, and K. Mehlhorn, “Approximating the Nash Social Welfare with Budget-Additive Valuations,” 2017. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 1707.04428)
We present the first constant-factor approximation algorithm for maximizing
the Nash social welfare when allocating indivisible items to agents with
budget-additive valuation functions. Budget-additive valuations represent an
important class of submodular functions. They have attracted a lot of research
interest in recent years due to many interesting applications. For every
$\varepsilon > 0$, our algorithm obtains a $(2.404 +
\varepsilon)$-approximation in time polynomial in the input size and
Our algorithm relies on rounding an approximate equilibrium in a linear
Fisher market where sellers have earning limits (upper bounds on the amount of
money they want to earn) and buyers have utility limits (upper bounds on the
amount of utility they want to achieve). In contrast to markets with either
earning or utility limits, these markets have not been studied before. They
turn out to have fundamentally different properties.
Although the existence of equilibria is not guaranteed, we show that the
market instances arising from the Nash social welfare problem always have an
equilibrium. Further, we show that the set of equilibria is not convex,
answering a question of [Cole et al, EC 2017]. We design an FPTAS to compute an
approximate equilibrium, a result that may be of independent interest.
TITLE = {Approximating the {Nash} Social Welfare with Budget-Additive Valuations},
AUTHOR = {Garg, Jugal and Hoefer, Martin and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {1707.04428},
YEAR = {2017},
ABSTRACT = {We present the first constant-factor approximation algorithm for maximizing the Nash social welfare when allocating indivisible items to agents with budget-additive valuation functions. Budget-additive valuations represent an important class of submodular functions. They have attracted a lot of research interest in recent years due to many interesting applications. For every $\varepsilon > 0$, our algorithm obtains a $(2.404 + \varepsilon)$-approximation in time polynomial in the input size and $1/\varepsilon$. Our algorithm relies on rounding an approximate equilibrium in a linear Fisher market where sellers have earning limits (upper bounds on the amount of money they want to earn) and buyers have utility limits (upper bounds on the amount of utility they want to achieve). In contrast to markets with either earning or utility limits, these markets have not been studied before. They turn out to have fundamentally different properties. Although the existence of equilibria is not guaranteed, we show that the market instances arising from the Nash social welfare problem always have an equilibrium. Further, we show that the set of equilibria is not convex, answering a question of [Cole et al, EC 2017]. We design an FPTAS to compute an approximate equilibrium, a result that may be of independent interest.},
%0 Report
%A Garg, Jugal
%A Hoefer, Martin
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Approximating the Nash Social Welfare with Budget-Additive Valuations :
%G eng
%D 2017
%X We present the first constant-factor approximation algorithm for maximizing
the Nash social welfare when allocating indivisible items to agents with
budget-additive valuation functions. Budget-additive valuations represent an
important class of submodular functions. They have attracted a lot of research
interest in recent years due to many interesting applications. For every
$\varepsilon > 0$, our algorithm obtains a $(2.404 +
\varepsilon)$-approximation in time polynomial in the input size and
Our algorithm relies on rounding an approximate equilibrium in a linear
Fisher market where sellers have earning limits (upper bounds on the amount of
money they want to earn) and buyers have utility limits (upper bounds on the
amount of utility they want to achieve). In contrast to markets with either
earning or utility limits, these markets have not been studied before. They
turn out to have fundamentally different properties.
Although the existence of equilibria is not guaranteed, we show that the
market instances arising from the Nash social welfare problem always have an
equilibrium. Further, we show that the set of equilibria is not convex,
answering a question of [Cole et al, EC 2017]. We design an FPTAS to compute an
approximate equilibrium, a result that may be of independent interest.
%K Computer Science, Data Structures and Algorithms, cs.DS,Computer Science, Computer Science and Game Theory, cs.GT
K. Mehlhorn, A. Neumann, and J. M. Schmidt, “Certifying 3-Edge-Connectivity,” Algorithmica, vol. 77, no. 2, 2017.
TITLE = {Certifying 3-Edge-Connectivity},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Neumann, Adrian and Schmidt, Jens M.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0178-4617},
DOI = {10.1007/s00453-015-0075-x},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY, USA},
YEAR = {2017},
DATE = {2017},
JOURNAL = {Algorithmica},
VOLUME = {77},
NUMBER = {2},
PAGES = {309--335},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Neumann, Adrian
%A Schmidt, Jens M.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Certifying 3-Edge-Connectivity :
%G eng
%R 10.1007/s00453-015-0075-x
%7 2015-09-22
%D 2017
%J Algorithmica
%V 77
%N 2
%& 309
%P 309 - 335
%I Springer
%C New York, NY, USA
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, S. Näher, and P. Sanders, “Engineering DFS-Based Graph Algorithms,” 2017. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 1703.10023)
TITLE = {Engineering {DFS}-Based Graph Algorithms},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan and Sanders, Peter},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {1703.10023},
YEAR = {2017},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%A Sanders, Peter
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
%T Engineering DFS-Based Graph Algorithms :
%G eng
%D 2017
R. Becker, A. Karrenbauer, and K. Mehlhorn, “An Integer Interior Point Method for Min-Cost Flow Using Arc Contractions and Deletions,” 2016. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 1612.04689)
We present an interior point method for the min-cost flow problem that uses
arc contractions and deletions to steer clear from the boundary of the polytope
when path-following methods come too close. We obtain a randomized algorithm
running in expected $\tilde O( m^{3/2} )$ time that only visits integer lattice
points in the vicinity of the central path of the polytope. This enables us to
use integer arithmetic like classical combinatorial algorithms typically do. We
provide explicit bounds on the size of the numbers that appear during all
computations. By presenting an integer arithmetic interior point algorithm we
avoid the tediousness of floating point error analysis and achieve a method
that is guaranteed to be free of any numerical issues. We thereby eliminate one
of the drawbacks of numerical methods in contrast to combinatorial min-cost
flow algorithms that still yield the most efficient implementations in
practice, despite their inferior worst-case time complexity.
TITLE = {An Integer Interior Point Method for Min-Cost Flow Using Arc Contractions and Deletions},
AUTHOR = {Becker, Ruben and Karrenbauer, Andreas and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {1612.04689},
YEAR = {2016},
ABSTRACT = {We present an interior point method for the min-cost flow problem that uses arc contractions and deletions to steer clear from the boundary of the polytope when path-following methods come too close. We obtain a randomized algorithm running in expected $\tilde O( m^{3/2} )$ time that only visits integer lattice points in the vicinity of the central path of the polytope. This enables us to use integer arithmetic like classical combinatorial algorithms typically do. We provide explicit bounds on the size of the numbers that appear during all computations. By presenting an integer arithmetic interior point algorithm we avoid the tediousness of floating point error analysis and achieve a method that is guaranteed to be free of any numerical issues. We thereby eliminate one of the drawbacks of numerical methods in contrast to combinatorial min-cost flow algorithms that still yield the most efficient implementations in practice, despite their inferior worst-case time complexity.},
%0 Report
%A Becker, Ruben
%A Karrenbauer, Andreas
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T An Integer Interior Point Method for Min-Cost Flow Using Arc
Contractions and Deletions :
%G eng
%D 2016
%X We present an interior point method for the min-cost flow problem that uses
arc contractions and deletions to steer clear from the boundary of the polytope
when path-following methods come too close. We obtain a randomized algorithm
running in expected $\tilde O( m^{3/2} )$ time that only visits integer lattice
points in the vicinity of the central path of the polytope. This enables us to
use integer arithmetic like classical combinatorial algorithms typically do. We
provide explicit bounds on the size of the numbers that appear during all
computations. By presenting an integer arithmetic interior point algorithm we
avoid the tediousness of floating point error analysis and achieve a method
that is guaranteed to be free of any numerical issues. We thereby eliminate one
of the drawbacks of numerical methods in contrast to combinatorial min-cost
flow algorithms that still yield the most efficient implementations in
practice, despite their inferior worst-case time complexity.
%K Computer Science, Data Structures and Algorithms, cs.DS,Mathematics, Numerical Analysis, math.NA,Mathematics, Optimization and Control, math.OC
X. Bei, J. Garg, M. Hoefer, and K. Mehlhorn, “Computing Equilibria in Markets with Budget-Additive Utilities,” in 24th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2016), Aarhus, Denmark, 2016.
TITLE = {Computing Equilibria in Markets with Budget-Additive Utilities},
AUTHOR = {Bei, Xiaohui and Garg, Jugal and Hoefer, Martin and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-95977-015-6},
URL = {urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-63504},
DOI = {10.4230/LIPIcs.ESA.2016.8},
PUBLISHER = {Schloss Dagstuhl},
YEAR = {2016},
BOOKTITLE = {24th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2016)},
EDITOR = {Sankowski, Piotr and Zaroliagis, Christos},
PAGES = {1--14},
EID = {8},
SERIES = {Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics},
VOLUME = {57},
ADDRESS = {Aarhus, Denmark},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Bei, Xiaohui
%A Garg, Jugal
%A Hoefer, Martin
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Computing Equilibria in Markets with Budget-Additive Utilities :
%G eng
%R 10.4230/LIPIcs.ESA.2016.8
%U urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-63504
%D 2016
%B 24th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms
%Z date of event: 2016-08-22 - 2016-08-26
%C Aarhus, Denmark
%B 24th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms
%E Sankowski, Piotr; Zaroliagis, Christos
%P 1 - 14
%Z sequence number: 8
%I Schloss Dagstuhl
%@ 978-3-95977-015-6
%B Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics
%N 57
X. Bei, J. Garg, M. Hoefer, and K. Mehlhorn, “Computing Equilibria in Markets with Budget-Additive Utilities,” 2016. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 1603.07210)
We present the first analysis of Fisher markets with buyers that have
budget-additive utility functions. Budget-additive utilities are elementary
concave functions with numerous applications in online adword markets and
revenue optimization problems. They extend the standard case of linear
utilities and have been studied in a variety of other market models. In
contrast to the frequently studied CES utilities, they have a global satiation
point which can imply multiple market equilibria with quite different
characteristics. Our main result is an efficient combinatorial algorithm to
compute a market equilibrium with a Pareto-optimal allocation of goods. It
relies on a new descending-price approach and, as a special case, also implies
a novel combinatorial algorithm for computing a market equilibrium in linear
Fisher markets. We complement these positive results with a number of hardness
results for related computational questions. We prove that it is NP-hard to
compute a market equilibrium that maximizes social welfare, and it is PPAD-hard
to find any market equilibrium with utility functions with separate satiation
points for each buyer and each good.
TITLE = {Computing Equilibria in Markets with Budget-Additive Utilities},
AUTHOR = {Bei, Xiaohui and Garg, Jugal and Hoefer, Martin and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {1603.07210},
YEAR = {2016},
ABSTRACT = {We present the first analysis of Fisher markets with buyers that have budget-additive utility functions. Budget-additive utilities are elementary concave functions with numerous applications in online adword markets and revenue optimization problems. They extend the standard case of linear utilities and have been studied in a variety of other market models. In contrast to the frequently studied CES utilities, they have a global satiation point which can imply multiple market equilibria with quite different characteristics. Our main result is an efficient combinatorial algorithm to compute a market equilibrium with a Pareto-optimal allocation of goods. It relies on a new descending-price approach and, as a special case, also implies a novel combinatorial algorithm for computing a market equilibrium in linear Fisher markets. We complement these positive results with a number of hardness results for related computational questions. We prove that it is NP-hard to compute a market equilibrium that maximizes social welfare, and it is PPAD-hard to find any market equilibrium with utility functions with separate satiation points for each buyer and each good.},
%0 Report
%A Bei, Xiaohui
%A Garg, Jugal
%A Hoefer, Martin
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Computing Equilibria in Markets with Budget-Additive Utilities :
%G eng
%D 2016
%X We present the first analysis of Fisher markets with buyers that have
budget-additive utility functions. Budget-additive utilities are elementary
concave functions with numerous applications in online adword markets and
revenue optimization problems. They extend the standard case of linear
utilities and have been studied in a variety of other market models. In
contrast to the frequently studied CES utilities, they have a global satiation
point which can imply multiple market equilibria with quite different
characteristics. Our main result is an efficient combinatorial algorithm to
compute a market equilibrium with a Pareto-optimal allocation of goods. It
relies on a new descending-price approach and, as a special case, also implies
a novel combinatorial algorithm for computing a market equilibrium in linear
Fisher markets. We complement these positive results with a number of hardness
results for related computational questions. We prove that it is NP-hard to
compute a market equilibrium that maximizes social welfare, and it is PPAD-hard
to find any market equilibrium with utility functions with separate satiation
points for each buyer and each good.
%K Computer Science, Computer Science and Game Theory, cs.GT,Computer Science, Data Structures and Algorithms, cs.DS
P. Chalermsook, M. Goswami, L. Kozma, K. Mehlhorn, and T. Saranurak, “The Landscape of Bounds for Binary Search Trees,” 2016. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 1603.04892)
Binary search trees (BSTs) with rotations can adapt to various kinds of
structure in search sequences, achieving amortized access times substantially
better than the Theta(log n) worst-case guarantee. Classical examples of
structural properties include static optimality, sequential access, working
set, key-independent optimality, and dynamic finger, all of which are now known
to be achieved by the two famous online BST algorithms (Splay and Greedy).
In this paper, we introduce novel properties that explain the efficiency of
sequences not captured by any of the previously known properties, and which
provide new barriers to the dynamic optimality conjecture. We also establish
connections between various properties, old and new. For instance, we show the
(i) A tight bound of O(n log d) on the cost of Greedy for d-decomposable
sequences. The result builds on the recent lazy finger result of Iacono and
Langerman (SODA 2016). On the other hand, we show that lazy finger alone cannot
explain the efficiency of pattern avoiding sequences even in some of the
simplest cases. (ii) A hierarchy of bounds using multiple lazy fingers,
addressing a recent question of Iacono and Langerman. (iii) The optimality of
the Move-to-root heuristic in the key-independent setting introduced by Iacono
(Algorithmica 2005). (iv) A new tool that allows combining any finite number of
sound structural properties. As an application, we show an upper bound on the
cost of a class of sequences that all known properties fail to capture. (v) The
equivalence between two families of BST properties. The observation on which
this connection is based was known before - we make it explicit, and apply it
to classical BST properties. (...)
TITLE = {The Landscape of Bounds for Binary Search Trees},
AUTHOR = {Chalermsook, Parinya and Goswami, Mayank and Kozma, L{\'a}szl{\'o} and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Saranurak, Thatchaphol},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {1603.04892},
YEAR = {2016},
ABSTRACT = {Binary search trees (BSTs) with rotations can adapt to various kinds of structure in search sequences, achieving amortized access times substantially better than the Theta(log n) worst-case guarantee. Classical examples of structural properties include static optimality, sequential access, working set, key-independent optimality, and dynamic finger, all of which are now known to be achieved by the two famous online BST algorithms (Splay and Greedy). (...) In this paper, we introduce novel properties that explain the efficiency of sequences not captured by any of the previously known properties, and which provide new barriers to the dynamic optimality conjecture. We also establish connections between various properties, old and new. For instance, we show the following. (i) A tight bound of O(n log d) on the cost of Greedy for d-decomposable sequences. The result builds on the recent lazy finger result of Iacono and Langerman (SODA 2016). On the other hand, we show that lazy finger alone cannot explain the efficiency of pattern avoiding sequences even in some of the simplest cases. (ii) A hierarchy of bounds using multiple lazy fingers, addressing a recent question of Iacono and Langerman. (iii) The optimality of the Move-to-root heuristic in the key-independent setting introduced by Iacono (Algorithmica 2005). (iv) A new tool that allows combining any finite number of sound structural properties. As an application, we show an upper bound on the cost of a class of sequences that all known properties fail to capture. (v) The equivalence between two families of BST properties. The observation on which this connection is based was known before -- we make it explicit, and apply it to classical BST properties. (...)},
%0 Report
%A Chalermsook, Parinya
%A Goswami, Mayank
%A Kozma, László
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Saranurak, Thatchaphol
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T The Landscape of Bounds for Binary Search Trees :
%G eng
%D 2016
%X Binary search trees (BSTs) with rotations can adapt to various kinds of
structure in search sequences, achieving amortized access times substantially
better than the Theta(log n) worst-case guarantee. Classical examples of
structural properties include static optimality, sequential access, working
set, key-independent optimality, and dynamic finger, all of which are now known
to be achieved by the two famous online BST algorithms (Splay and Greedy).
In this paper, we introduce novel properties that explain the efficiency of
sequences not captured by any of the previously known properties, and which
provide new barriers to the dynamic optimality conjecture. We also establish
connections between various properties, old and new. For instance, we show the
(i) A tight bound of O(n log d) on the cost of Greedy for d-decomposable
sequences. The result builds on the recent lazy finger result of Iacono and
Langerman (SODA 2016). On the other hand, we show that lazy finger alone cannot
explain the efficiency of pattern avoiding sequences even in some of the
simplest cases. (ii) A hierarchy of bounds using multiple lazy fingers,
addressing a recent question of Iacono and Langerman. (iii) The optimality of
the Move-to-root heuristic in the key-independent setting introduced by Iacono
(Algorithmica 2005). (iv) A new tool that allows combining any finite number of
sound structural properties. As an application, we show an upper bound on the
cost of a class of sequences that all known properties fail to capture. (v) The
equivalence between two families of BST properties. The observation on which
this connection is based was known before - we make it explicit, and apply it
to classical BST properties. (...)
%K Computer Science, Data Structures and Algorithms, cs.DS
C. Croitoru and K. Mehlhorn, “Opposition Frameworks,” in Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA 2016), Larnaca, Cyprus, 2016.
TITLE = {Opposition Frameworks},
AUTHOR = {Croitoru, Cosmina and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-319-48757-1},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-319-48758-8_13},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2016},
DATE = {2016},
BOOKTITLE = {Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA 2016)},
EDITOR = {Michael, Loizos and Kakas, Antonios},
PAGES = {190--206},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
VOLUME = {10021},
ADDRESS = {Larnaca, Cyprus},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Croitoru, Cosmina
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Opposition Frameworks :
%G eng
%R 10.1007/978-3-319-48758-8_13
%D 2016
%B 15th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence
%Z date of event: 2016-11-09 - 2016-11-11
%C Larnaca, Cyprus
%B Logics in Artificial Intelligence
%E Michael, Loizos; Kakas, Antonios
%P 190 - 206
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-319-48757-1
%B Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
%N 10021
O. Darwish and K. Mehlhorn, “Improved Balanced Flow Computation Using Parametric Flow,” Information Processing Letters, vol. 116, no. 9, 2016.
TITLE = {Improved Balanced Flow Computation Using Parametric Flow},
AUTHOR = {Darwish, Omar and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0020-0190},
DOI = {10.1016/j.ipl.2016.04.008},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {2016},
DATE = {2016},
JOURNAL = {Information Processing Letters},
VOLUME = {116},
NUMBER = {9},
PAGES = {560--563},
%0 Journal Article
%A Darwish, Omar
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Improved Balanced Flow Computation Using Parametric Flow :
%G eng
%R 10.1016/j.ipl.2016.04.008
%7 2016-04-22
%D 2016
%J Information Processing Letters
%V 116
%N 9
%& 560
%P 560 - 563
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
R. Duan, J. Garg, and K. Mehlhorn, “An Improved Combinatorial Polynomial Algorithm for the Linear Arrow-Debreu Market,” in Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2016), Arlington, VA, USA, 2016.
We present an improved combinatorial algorithm for the computation of equilibrium prices in the linear Arrow-Debreu model. For a market with $n$ agents and integral utilities bounded by $U$, the algorithm runs in $O(n^7 \log^3 (nU))$ time. This improves upon the previously best algorithm of Ye by a factor of $\tOmega(n)$. The algorithm refines the algorithm described by Duan and Mehlhorn and improves it by a factor of $\tOmega(n^3)$. The improvement comes from a better understanding of the iterative price adjustment process, the improved balanced flow computation for nondegenerate instances, and a novel perturbation technique for achieving nondegeneracy.
TITLE = {An Improved Combinatorial Polynomial Algorithm for the Linear {Arrow}-{Debreu} Market},
AUTHOR = {Duan, Ran and Garg, Jugal and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-1-61197-433-1},
DOI = {10.1137/1.9781611974331.ch7},
YEAR = {2016},
DATE = {2016},
ABSTRACT = {We present an improved combinatorial algorithm for the computation of equilibrium prices in the linear Arrow-Debreu model. For a market with $n$ agents and integral utilities bounded by $U$, the algorithm runs in $O(n^7 \log^3 (nU))$ time. This improves upon the previously best algorithm of Ye by a factor of $\tOmega(n)$. The algorithm refines the algorithm described by Duan and Mehlhorn and improves it by a factor of $\tOmega(n^3)$. The improvement comes from a better understanding of the iterative price adjustment process, the improved balanced flow computation for nondegenerate instances, and a novel perturbation technique for achieving nondegeneracy.},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2016)},
EDITOR = {Krauthgamer, Robert},
PAGES = {90--106},
ADDRESS = {Arlington, VA, USA},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Duan, Ran
%A Garg, Jugal
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T An Improved Combinatorial Polynomial Algorithm for the Linear Arrow-Debreu Market :
%G eng
%R 10.1137/1.9781611974331.ch7
%D 2016
%B Twenty-Seventh Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
%Z date of event: 2016-01-10 - 2016-01-12
%C Arlington, VA, USA
%X We present an improved combinatorial algorithm for the computation of equilibrium prices in the linear Arrow-Debreu model. For a market with $n$ agents and integral utilities bounded by $U$, the algorithm runs in $O(n^7 \log^3 (nU))$ time. This improves upon the previously best algorithm of Ye by a factor of $\tOmega(n)$. The algorithm refines the algorithm described by Duan and Mehlhorn and improves it by a factor of $\tOmega(n^3)$. The improvement comes from a better understanding of the iterative price adjustment process, the improved balanced flow computation for nondegenerate instances, and a novel perturbation technique for achieving nondegeneracy.
%B Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
%E Krauthgamer, Robert
%P 90 - 106
%@ 978-1-61197-433-1
K. Elbassioni, K. Mehlhorn, and F. Ramezani, “Towards More Practical Linear Programming-based Techniques for Algorithmic Mechanism Design,” Theory of Computing Systems, vol. 59, no. 4, 2016.
TITLE = {Towards More Practical Linear Programming-based Techniques for Algorithmic Mechanism Design},
AUTHOR = {Elbassioni, Khaled and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Ramezani, Fahimeh},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {1432-4350},
DOI = {10.1007/s00224-016-9704-2},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY},
YEAR = {2016},
DATE = {2016},
JOURNAL = {Theory of Computing Systems},
VOLUME = {59},
NUMBER = {4},
PAGES = {641--663},
%0 Journal Article
%A Elbassioni, Khaled
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Ramezani, Fahimeh
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Towards More Practical Linear Programming-based Techniques for Algorithmic Mechanism Design :
%G eng
%R 10.1007/s00224-016-9704-2
%7 2016
%D 2016
%J Theory of Computing Systems
%V 59
%N 4
%& 641
%P 641 - 663
%I Springer
%C New York, NY
%@ false
C.-C. Huang, T. Kavitha, K. Mehlhorn, and D. Michail, “Fair Matchings and Related Problems,” Algorithmica, vol. 74, no. 3, 2016.
TITLE = {Fair Matchings and Related Problems},
AUTHOR = {Huang, Chien-Chung and Kavitha, Telikepalli and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Michail, Dimitrios},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0178-4617},
DOI = {10.1007/s00453-015-9994-9},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY},
YEAR = {2016},
DATE = {2016},
JOURNAL = {Algorithmica},
VOLUME = {74},
NUMBER = {3},
PAGES = {1184--1203},
%0 Journal Article
%A Huang, Chien-Chung
%A Kavitha, Telikepalli
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Michail, Dimitrios
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Fair Matchings and Related Problems :
%G eng
%R 10.1007/s00453-015-9994-9
%7 2016
%D 2016
%J Algorithmica
%V 74
%N 3
%& 1184
%P 1184 - 1203
%I Springer
%C New York, NY
%@ false
P. Kolev and K. Mehlhorn, “A Note On Spectral Clustering,” in 24th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2016), Aarhus, Denmark, 2016.
TITLE = {A Note On Spectral Clustering},
AUTHOR = {Kolev, Pavel and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {1868-8969},
ISBN = {978-3-95977-015-6},
URL = {urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-63994},
DOI = {10.4230/LIPIcs.ESA.2016.57},
PUBLISHER = {Schloss Dagstuhl},
YEAR = {2016},
BOOKTITLE = {24th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2016)},
EDITOR = {Sankowski, Piotr and Zaroliagis, Christos},
PAGES = {1--14},
EID = {57},
SERIES = {Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics},
VOLUME = {57},
ADDRESS = {Aarhus, Denmark},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Kolev, Pavel
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Note On Spectral Clustering :
%G eng
%U urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-63994
%R 10.4230/LIPIcs.ESA.2016.57
%D 2016
%B 24th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms
%Z date of event: 2016-08-22 - 2016-08-26
%C Aarhus, Denmark
%B 24th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms
%E Sankowski, Piotr; Zaroliagis, Christos
%P 1 - 14
%Z sequence number: 57
%I Schloss Dagstuhl
%@ 978-3-95977-015-6
%B Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics
%N 57
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, “Algorithms and Programs: Erasmus Lecture 2014,” European Review, vol. 24, no. 1, 2016.
TITLE = {Algorithms and Programs: Erasmus Lecture 2014},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {1062-7987},
DOI = {10.1017/S1062798715000381},
PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press},
ADDRESS = {Cambridge},
YEAR = {2016},
DATE = {2016},
JOURNAL = {European Review},
VOLUME = {24},
NUMBER = {1},
PAGES = {4--16},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Algorithms and Programs: Erasmus Lecture 2014 :
%G eng
%R 10.1017/S1062798715000381
%7 2016
%D 2016
%J European Review
%V 24
%N 1
%& 4
%P 4 - 16
%I Cambridge University Press
%C Cambridge
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn and S. Saxena, “A Still Simpler Way of Introducing the Interior-Point Method for Linear Programming,” Computer Science Review, vol. 22, 2016.
TITLE = {A Still Simpler Way of Introducing the Interior-Point Method for Linear Programming},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Saxena, Sanjeev},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
DOI = {10.1016/j.cosrev.2016.07.001},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {2016},
DATE = {2016},
JOURNAL = {Computer Science Review},
VOLUME = {22},
PAGES = {1--11},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Saxena, Sanjeev
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T A Still Simpler Way of Introducing the Interior-Point Method for Linear Programming :
%G eng
%R 10.1016/j.cosrev.2016.07.001
%7 2016
%D 2016
%J Computer Science Review
%V 22
%& 1
%P 1 - 11
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
M. Sagraloff and K. Mehlhorn, “Computing Real Roots of Real Polynomials,” Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 73, 2016.
TITLE = {Computing Real Roots of Real Polynomials},
AUTHOR = {Sagraloff, Michael and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0747-7171},
DOI = {10.1016/j.jsc.2015.03.004},
PUBLISHER = {Academic Press},
ADDRESS = {London},
YEAR = {2016},
DATE = {2016},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Symbolic Computation},
VOLUME = {73},
PAGES = {46--86},
%0 Journal Article
%A Sagraloff, Michael
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Computing Real Roots of Real Polynomials :
%G eng
%R 10.1016/j.jsc.2015.03.004
%7 2015
%D 2016
%J Journal of Symbolic Computation
%V 73
%& 46
%P 46 - 86
%I Academic Press
%C London
%@ false
P. Chalermsook, M. Goswami, L. Kozma, K. Mehlhorn, and T. Saranurak, “Pattern-avoiding Access in Binary Search Trees,” in FOCS 2015, IEEE 56th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, Berkeley, CA, USA, 2015.
TITLE = {Pattern-avoiding Access in Binary Search Trees},
AUTHOR = {Chalermsook, Parinya and Goswami, Mayank and Kozma, L{\'a}szl{\'o} and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Saranurak, Thatchaphol},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
DOI = {10.1109/FOCS.2015.32},
YEAR = {2015},
DATE = {2015},
BOOKTITLE = {FOCS 2015, IEEE 56th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science},
PAGES = {410--423},
ADDRESS = {Berkeley, CA, USA},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Chalermsook, Parinya
%A Goswami, Mayank
%A Kozma, László
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Saranurak, Thatchaphol
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Pattern-avoiding Access in Binary Search Trees :
%G eng
%R 10.1109/FOCS.2015.32
%D 2015
%B IEEE 56th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science
%Z date of event: 2015-10-18 - 2015-10-20
%C Berkeley, CA, USA
%B FOCS 2015
%P 410 - 423
P. Chalermsook, M. Goswami, L. Kozma, K. Mehlhorn, and T. Saranurak, “Greedy Is an Almost Optimal Deque,” 2015. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 1506.08319)
In this paper we extend the geometric binary search tree (BST) model of
Demaine, Harmon, Iacono, Kane, and Patrascu (DHIKP) to accommodate for
insertions and deletions. Within this extended model, we study the online
Greedy BST algorithm introduced by DHIKP. Greedy BST is known to be equivalent
to a maximally greedy (but inherently offline) algorithm introduced
independently by Lucas in 1988 and Munro in 2000, conjectured to be dynamically
With the application of forbidden-submatrix theory, we prove a quasilinear
upper bound on the performance of Greedy BST on deque sequences. It has been
conjectured (Tarjan, 1985) that splay trees (Sleator and Tarjan, 1983) can
serve such sequences in linear time. Currently neither splay trees, nor other
general-purpose BST algorithms are known to fulfill this requirement. As a
special case, we show that Greedy BST can serve output-restricted deque
sequences in linear time. A similar result is known for splay trees (Tarjan,
1985; Elmasry, 2004).
As a further application of the insert-delete model, we give a simple proof
that, given a set U of permutations of [n], the access cost of any BST
algorithm is Omega(log |U| + n) on "most" of the permutations from U. In
particular, this implies that the access cost for a random permutation of [n]
is Omega(n log n) with high probability.
Besides the splay tree noted before, Greedy BST has recently emerged as a
plausible candidate for dynamic optimality. Compared to splay trees, much less
effort has gone into analyzing Greedy BST. Our work is intended as a step
towards a full understanding of Greedy BST, and we remark that
forbidden-submatrix arguments seem particularly well suited for carrying out
this program.
TITLE = {Greedy Is an Almost Optimal Deque},
AUTHOR = {Chalermsook, Parinya and Goswami, Mayank and Kozma, Laszlo and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Saranurak, Thatchaphol},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {1506.08319},
YEAR = {2015},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper we extend the geometric binary search tree (BST) model of Demaine, Harmon, Iacono, Kane, and Patrascu (DHIKP) to accommodate for insertions and deletions. Within this extended model, we study the online Greedy BST algorithm introduced by DHIKP. Greedy BST is known to be equivalent to a maximally greedy (but inherently offline) algorithm introduced independently by Lucas in 1988 and Munro in 2000, conjectured to be dynamically optimal. With the application of forbidden-submatrix theory, we prove a quasilinear upper bound on the performance of Greedy BST on deque sequences. It has been conjectured (Tarjan, 1985) that splay trees (Sleator and Tarjan, 1983) can serve such sequences in linear time. Currently neither splay trees, nor other general-purpose BST algorithms are known to fulfill this requirement. As a special case, we show that Greedy BST can serve output-restricted deque sequences in linear time. A similar result is known for splay trees (Tarjan, 1985; Elmasry, 2004). As a further application of the insert-delete model, we give a simple proof that, given a set U of permutations of [n], the access cost of any BST algorithm is Omega(log |U| + n) on "most" of the permutations from U. In particular, this implies that the access cost for a random permutation of [n] is Omega(n log n) with high probability. Besides the splay tree noted before, Greedy BST has recently emerged as a plausible candidate for dynamic optimality. Compared to splay trees, much less effort has gone into analyzing Greedy BST. Our work is intended as a step towards a full understanding of Greedy BST, and we remark that forbidden-submatrix arguments seem particularly well suited for carrying out this program.},
%0 Report
%A Chalermsook, Parinya
%A Goswami, Mayank
%A Kozma, Laszlo
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Saranurak, Thatchaphol
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Greedy Is an Almost Optimal Deque :
%D 2015
%X In this paper we extend the geometric binary search tree (BST) model of
Demaine, Harmon, Iacono, Kane, and Patrascu (DHIKP) to accommodate for
insertions and deletions. Within this extended model, we study the online
Greedy BST algorithm introduced by DHIKP. Greedy BST is known to be equivalent
to a maximally greedy (but inherently offline) algorithm introduced
independently by Lucas in 1988 and Munro in 2000, conjectured to be dynamically
With the application of forbidden-submatrix theory, we prove a quasilinear
upper bound on the performance of Greedy BST on deque sequences. It has been
conjectured (Tarjan, 1985) that splay trees (Sleator and Tarjan, 1983) can
serve such sequences in linear time. Currently neither splay trees, nor other
general-purpose BST algorithms are known to fulfill this requirement. As a
special case, we show that Greedy BST can serve output-restricted deque
sequences in linear time. A similar result is known for splay trees (Tarjan,
1985; Elmasry, 2004).
As a further application of the insert-delete model, we give a simple proof
that, given a set U of permutations of [n], the access cost of any BST
algorithm is Omega(log |U| + n) on "most" of the permutations from U. In
particular, this implies that the access cost for a random permutation of [n]
is Omega(n log n) with high probability.
Besides the splay tree noted before, Greedy BST has recently emerged as a
plausible candidate for dynamic optimality. Compared to splay trees, much less
effort has gone into analyzing Greedy BST. Our work is intended as a step
towards a full understanding of Greedy BST, and we remark that
forbidden-submatrix arguments seem particularly well suited for carrying out
this program.
%K Computer Science, Data Structures and Algorithms, cs.DS
P. Chalermsook, M. Goswami, L. Kozma, K. Mehlhorn, and T. Saranurak, “Greedy Is an Almost Optimal Deque,” in Algorithms and Data Structures (WADS 2015), Victoria, Canada, 2015.
TITLE = {Greedy Is an Almost Optimal Deque},
AUTHOR = {Chalermsook, Parinya and Goswami, Mayank and Kozma, L{\'a}sl{\'o} and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Saranurak, Thatchaphol},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-319-21839-7},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-319-21840-3_13},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2015},
DATE = {2015},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithms and Data Structures (WADS 2015)},
EDITOR = {Dehne, Frank and Sack, J{\"o}rg-R{\"u}diger and Stege, Ulrike},
PAGES = {152--165},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {9214},
ADDRESS = {Victoria, Canada},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Chalermsook, Parinya
%A Goswami, Mayank
%A Kozma, Lásló
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Saranurak, Thatchaphol
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Greedy Is an Almost Optimal Deque :
%G eng
%R 10.1007/978-3-319-21840-3_13
%D 2015
%B 14th International Symposium on Algorithms and Data Structure
%Z date of event: 2015-08-05 - 2015-08-07
%C Victoria, Canada
%B Algorithms and Data Structures
%E Dehne, Frank; Sack, Jörg-Rüdiger; Stege, Ulrike
%P 152 - 165
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-319-21839-7
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 9214
P. Chalermsook, M. Goswami, L. Kozma, K. Mehlhorn, and T. Saranurak, “Self-Adjusting Binary Search Trees: What Makes Them Tick?,” in Algorithms -- ESA 2015, Patras, Greece, 2015.
TITLE = {Self-Adjusting Binary Search Trees: {W}hat Makes Them Tick?},
AUTHOR = {Chalermsook, Parinya and Goswami, Mayank and Kozma, Laszlo and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Saranurak, Thatchaphol},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-662-4834},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-662-48350-3_26},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2015},
DATE = {2015},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithms -- ESA 2015},
EDITOR = {Bansal, Nikhil and Finocchi, Irene},
PAGES = {300--312},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {9294},
ADDRESS = {Patras, Greece},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Chalermsook, Parinya
%A Goswami, Mayank
%A Kozma, Laszlo
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Saranurak, Thatchaphol
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Self-Adjusting Binary Search Trees: What Makes Them Tick? :
%G eng
%R 10.1007/978-3-662-48350-3_26
%D 2015
%B 23rd Annual European Symposium on Algorithms
%Z date of event: 2015-09-14 - 2015-09-16
%C Patras, Greece
%B Algorithms -- ESA 2015
%E Bansal, Nikhil; Finocchi, Irene
%P 300 - 312
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-662-4834
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 9294
P. Chalermsook, M. Goswami, L. Kozma, K. Mehlhorn, and T. Saranurak, “Pattern-avoiding Access in Binary Search Trees,” 2015. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 1507.06953)
The dynamic optimality conjecture is perhaps the most fundamental open
question about binary search trees (BST). It postulates the existence of an
asymptotically optimal online BST, i.e. one that is constant factor competitive
with any BST on any input access sequence. The two main candidates for dynamic
optimality in the literature are splay trees [Sleator and Tarjan, 1985], and
Greedy [Lucas, 1988; Munro, 2000; Demaine et al. 2009] [..]
Dynamic optimality is trivial for almost all sequences: the optimum access
cost of most length-n sequences is Theta(n log n), achievable by any balanced
BST. Thus, the obvious missing step towards the conjecture is an understanding
of the "easy" access sequences. [..] The difficulty of proving dynamic
optimality is witnessed by highly restricted special cases that remain
unresolved; one prominent example is the traversal conjecture [Sleator and
Tarjan, 1985], which states that preorder sequences (whose optimum is linear)
are linear-time accessed by splay trees; no online BST is known to satisfy this
In this paper, we prove two different relaxations of the traversal conjecture
for Greedy: (i) Greedy is almost linear for preorder traversal, (ii) if a
linear-time preprocessing is allowed, Greedy is in fact linear. These
statements are corollaries of our more general results that express the
complexity of access sequences in terms of a pattern avoidance parameter k.
[..] To our knowledge, these are the first upper bounds for Greedy that are not
known to hold for any other online BST. To obtain these results we identify an
input-revealing property of Greedy. Informally, this means that the execution
log partially reveals the structure of the access sequence. This property
facilitates the use of rich technical tools from forbidden submatrix theory.
TITLE = {Pattern-avoiding Access in Binary Search Trees},
AUTHOR = {Chalermsook, Parinya and Goswami, Mayank and Kozma, L{\'a}szl{\'o} and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Saranurak, Thatchaphol},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {1507.06953},
YEAR = {2015},
ABSTRACT = {The dynamic optimality conjecture is perhaps the most fundamental open question about binary search trees (BST). It postulates the existence of an asymptotically optimal online BST, i.e. one that is constant factor competitive with any BST on any input access sequence. The two main candidates for dynamic optimality in the literature are splay trees [Sleator and Tarjan, 1985], and Greedy [Lucas, 1988; Munro, 2000; Demaine et al. 2009] [..] Dynamic optimality is trivial for almost all sequences: the optimum access cost of most length-n sequences is Theta(n log n), achievable by any balanced BST. Thus, the obvious missing step towards the conjecture is an understanding of the "easy" access sequences. [..] The difficulty of proving dynamic optimality is witnessed by highly restricted special cases that remain unresolved; one prominent example is the traversal conjecture [Sleator and Tarjan, 1985], which states that preorder sequences (whose optimum is linear) are linear-time accessed by splay trees; no online BST is known to satisfy this conjecture. In this paper, we prove two different relaxations of the traversal conjecture for Greedy: (i) Greedy is almost linear for preorder traversal, (ii) if a linear-time preprocessing is allowed, Greedy is in fact linear. These statements are corollaries of our more general results that express the complexity of access sequences in terms of a pattern avoidance parameter k. [..] To our knowledge, these are the first upper bounds for Greedy that are not known to hold for any other online BST. To obtain these results we identify an input-revealing property of Greedy. Informally, this means that the execution log partially reveals the structure of the access sequence. This property facilitates the use of rich technical tools from forbidden submatrix theory. [Abridged]},
%0 Report
%A Chalermsook, Parinya
%A Goswami, Mayank
%A Kozma, László
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Saranurak, Thatchaphol
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Pattern-avoiding Access in Binary Search Trees :
%G eng
%D 2015
%X The dynamic optimality conjecture is perhaps the most fundamental open
question about binary search trees (BST). It postulates the existence of an
asymptotically optimal online BST, i.e. one that is constant factor competitive
with any BST on any input access sequence. The two main candidates for dynamic
optimality in the literature are splay trees [Sleator and Tarjan, 1985], and
Greedy [Lucas, 1988; Munro, 2000; Demaine et al. 2009] [..]
Dynamic optimality is trivial for almost all sequences: the optimum access
cost of most length-n sequences is Theta(n log n), achievable by any balanced
BST. Thus, the obvious missing step towards the conjecture is an understanding
of the "easy" access sequences. [..] The difficulty of proving dynamic
optimality is witnessed by highly restricted special cases that remain
unresolved; one prominent example is the traversal conjecture [Sleator and
Tarjan, 1985], which states that preorder sequences (whose optimum is linear)
are linear-time accessed by splay trees; no online BST is known to satisfy this
In this paper, we prove two different relaxations of the traversal conjecture
for Greedy: (i) Greedy is almost linear for preorder traversal, (ii) if a
linear-time preprocessing is allowed, Greedy is in fact linear. These
statements are corollaries of our more general results that express the
complexity of access sequences in terms of a pattern avoidance parameter k.
[..] To our knowledge, these are the first upper bounds for Greedy that are not
known to hold for any other online BST. To obtain these results we identify an
input-revealing property of Greedy. Informally, this means that the execution
log partially reveals the structure of the access sequence. This property
facilitates the use of rich technical tools from forbidden submatrix theory.
%K Computer Science, Data Structures and Algorithms, cs.DS,Mathematics, Combinatorics, math.CO
P. Chalermsook, M. Goswami, L. Kozma, K. Mehlhorn, and T. Saranurak, “Self-Adjusting Binary Search Trees: What Makes Them Tick?,” 2015. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 1503.03105)
Splay trees (Sleator and Tarjan) satisfy the so-called access lemma. Many of
the nice properties of splay trees follow from it. What makes self-adjusting
binary search trees (BSTs) satisfy the access lemma? After each access,
self-adjusting BSTs replace the search path by a tree on the same set of nodes
(the after-tree). We identify two simple combinatorial properties of the search
path and the after-tree that imply the access lemma. Our main result (i)
implies the access lemma for all minimally self-adjusting BST algorithms for
which it was known to hold: splay trees and their generalization to the class
of local algorithms (Subramanian, Georgakopoulos and Mc-Clurkin), as well as
Greedy BST, introduced by Demaine et al. and shown to satisfy the access lemma
by Fox, (ii) implies that BST algorithms based on "strict" depth-halving
satisfy the access lemma, addressing an open question that was raised several
times since 1985, and (iii) yields an extremely short proof for the O(log n log
log n) amortized access cost for the path-balance heuristic (proposed by
Sleator), matching the best known bound (Balasubramanian and Raman) to a
lower-order factor.
One of our combinatorial properties is locality. We show that any
BST-algorithm that satisfies the access lemma via the sum-of-log (SOL)
potential is necessarily local. The other property states that the sum of the
number of leaves of the after-tree plus the number of side alternations in the
search path must be at least a constant fraction of the length of the search
path. We show that a weak form of this property is necessary for sequential
access to be linear.
TITLE = {Self-Adjusting Binary Search Trees: What Makes Them Tick?},
AUTHOR = {Chalermsook, Parinya and Goswami, Mayank and Kozma, Laszlo and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Saranurak, Thatchaphol},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {1503.03105},
YEAR = {2015},
ABSTRACT = {Splay trees (Sleator and Tarjan) satisfy the so-called access lemma. Many of the nice properties of splay trees follow from it. What makes self-adjusting binary search trees (BSTs) satisfy the access lemma? After each access, self-adjusting BSTs replace the search path by a tree on the same set of nodes (the after-tree). We identify two simple combinatorial properties of the search path and the after-tree that imply the access lemma. Our main result (i) implies the access lemma for all minimally self-adjusting BST algorithms for which it was known to hold: splay trees and their generalization to the class of local algorithms (Subramanian, Georgakopoulos and Mc-Clurkin), as well as Greedy BST, introduced by Demaine et al. and shown to satisfy the access lemma by Fox, (ii) implies that BST algorithms based on "strict" depth-halving satisfy the access lemma, addressing an open question that was raised several times since 1985, and (iii) yields an extremely short proof for the O(log n log log n) amortized access cost for the path-balance heuristic (proposed by Sleator), matching the best known bound (Balasubramanian and Raman) to a lower-order factor. One of our combinatorial properties is locality. We show that any BST-algorithm that satisfies the access lemma via the sum-of-log (SOL) potential is necessarily local. The other property states that the sum of the number of leaves of the after-tree plus the number of side alternations in the search path must be at least a constant fraction of the length of the search path. We show that a weak form of this property is necessary for sequential access to be linear.},
%0 Report
%A Chalermsook, Parinya
%A Goswami, Mayank
%A Kozma, Laszlo
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Saranurak, Thatchaphol
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Self-Adjusting Binary Search Trees: What Makes Them Tick? :
%G eng
%D 2015
%X Splay trees (Sleator and Tarjan) satisfy the so-called access lemma. Many of
the nice properties of splay trees follow from it. What makes self-adjusting
binary search trees (BSTs) satisfy the access lemma? After each access,
self-adjusting BSTs replace the search path by a tree on the same set of nodes
(the after-tree). We identify two simple combinatorial properties of the search
path and the after-tree that imply the access lemma. Our main result (i)
implies the access lemma for all minimally self-adjusting BST algorithms for
which it was known to hold: splay trees and their generalization to the class
of local algorithms (Subramanian, Georgakopoulos and Mc-Clurkin), as well as
Greedy BST, introduced by Demaine et al. and shown to satisfy the access lemma
by Fox, (ii) implies that BST algorithms based on "strict" depth-halving
satisfy the access lemma, addressing an open question that was raised several
times since 1985, and (iii) yields an extremely short proof for the O(log n log
log n) amortized access cost for the path-balance heuristic (proposed by
Sleator), matching the best known bound (Balasubramanian and Raman) to a
lower-order factor.
One of our combinatorial properties is locality. We show that any
BST-algorithm that satisfies the access lemma via the sum-of-log (SOL)
potential is necessarily local. The other property states that the sum of the
number of leaves of the after-tree plus the number of side alternations in the
search path must be at least a constant fraction of the length of the search
path. We show that a weak form of this property is necessary for sequential
access to be linear.
%K Computer Science, Data Structures and Algorithms, cs.DS
O. Darwish and K. Mehlhorn, “Improved Balanced Flow Computation Using Parametric Flow,” 2015. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 1512.05974)
We present a new algorithm for computing balanced flows in equality networks
arising in market equilibrium computations. The current best time bound for
computing balanced flows in such networks requires $O(n)$ maxflow computations,
where $n$ is the number of nodes in the network [Devanur et al. 2008]. Our
algorithm requires only a single parametric flow computation. The best
algorithm for computing parametric flows [Gallo et al. 1989] is only by a
logarithmic factor slower than the best algorithms for computing maxflows.
Hence, the running time of the algorithms in [Devanur et al. 2008] and [Duan
and Mehlhorn 2015] for computing market equilibria in linear Fisher and
Arrow-Debreu markets improve by almost a factor of $n$.
TITLE = {Improved Balanced Flow Computation Using Parametric Flow},
AUTHOR = {Darwish, Omar and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {1512.05974},
YEAR = {2015},
ABSTRACT = {We present a new algorithm for computing balanced flows in equality networks arising in market equilibrium computations. The current best time bound for computing balanced flows in such networks requires $O(n)$ maxflow computations, where $n$ is the number of nodes in the network [Devanur et al. 2008]. Our algorithm requires only a single parametric flow computation. The best algorithm for computing parametric flows [Gallo et al. 1989] is only by a logarithmic factor slower than the best algorithms for computing maxflows. Hence, the running time of the algorithms in [Devanur et al. 2008] and [Duan and Mehlhorn 2015] for computing market equilibria in linear Fisher and Arrow-Debreu markets improve by almost a factor of $n$.},
%0 Report
%A Darwish, Omar
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Improved Balanced Flow Computation Using Parametric Flow :
%G eng
%D 2015
%X We present a new algorithm for computing balanced flows in equality networks
arising in market equilibrium computations. The current best time bound for
computing balanced flows in such networks requires $O(n)$ maxflow computations,
where $n$ is the number of nodes in the network [Devanur et al. 2008]. Our
algorithm requires only a single parametric flow computation. The best
algorithm for computing parametric flows [Gallo et al. 1989] is only by a
logarithmic factor slower than the best algorithms for computing maxflows.
Hence, the running time of the algorithms in [Devanur et al. 2008] and [Duan
and Mehlhorn 2015] for computing market equilibria in linear Fisher and
Arrow-Debreu markets improve by almost a factor of $n$.
%K Computer Science, Data Structures and Algorithms, cs.DS,Computer Science, Computer Science and Game Theory, cs.GT
R. Duan and K. Mehlhorn, “A Combinatorial Polynomial Algorithm for the Linear Arrow-Debreu Market,” Information and Computation, vol. 243, 2015.
TITLE = {A Combinatorial Polynomial Algorithm for the Linear {Arrow}-{Debreu} Market},
AUTHOR = {Duan, Ran and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0890-5401},
DOI = {10.1016/j.ic.2014.12.009},
PUBLISHER = {Academic Press},
ADDRESS = {San Diego},
YEAR = {2015},
DATE = {2015},
JOURNAL = {Information and Computation},
VOLUME = {243},
PAGES = {112--132},
%0 Journal Article
%A Duan, Ran
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Combinatorial Polynomial Algorithm for the Linear Arrow-Debreu Market :
%G eng
%R 10.1016/j.ic.2014.12.009
%7 2015
%D 2015
%J Information and Computation
%V 243
%& 112
%P 112 - 132
%I Academic Press
%C San Diego
%@ false
R. Duan, J. Garg, and K. Mehlhorn, “An Improved Combinatorial Polynomial Algorithm for the Linear Arrow-Debreu Market,” 2015. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 1510.02694)
We present an improved combinatorial algorithm for the computation of
equilibrium prices in the linear Arrow-Debreu model. For a market with $n$
agents and integral utilities bounded by $U$, the algorithm runs in $O(n^7
\log^3 (nU))$ time. This improves upon the previously best algorithm of Ye by a
factor of $\tOmega(n)$. The algorithm refines the algorithm described by Duan
and Mehlhorn and improves it by a factor of $\tOmega(n^3)$. The improvement
comes from a better understanding of the iterative price adjustment process,
the improved balanced flow computation for nondegenerate instances, and a novel
perturbation technique for achieving nondegeneracy.
TITLE = {An Improved Combinatorial Polynomial Algorithm for the {A}rrow-{D}ebreu Markets},
AUTHOR = {Duan, Ran and Garg, Jugal and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {1510.02694},
YEAR = {2015},
ABSTRACT = {We present an improved combinatorial algorithm for the computation of equilibrium prices in the linear Arrow-Debreu model. For a market with $n$ agents and integral utilities bounded by $U$, the algorithm runs in $O(n^7 \log^3 (nU))$ time. This improves upon the previously best algorithm of Ye by a factor of $\tOmega(n)$. The algorithm refines the algorithm described by Duan and Mehlhorn and improves it by a factor of $\tOmega(n^3)$. The improvement comes from a better understanding of the iterative price adjustment process, the improved balanced flow computation for nondegenerate instances, and a novel perturbation technique for achieving nondegeneracy.},
%0 Report
%A Duan, Ran
%A Garg, Jugal
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T An Improved Combinatorial Polynomial Algorithm for the Linear Arrow-Debreu Market :
%G eng
%D 2015
%8 16.10.2015
%X We present an improved combinatorial algorithm for the computation of
equilibrium prices in the linear Arrow-Debreu model. For a market with $n$
agents and integral utilities bounded by $U$, the algorithm runs in $O(n^7
\log^3 (nU))$ time. This improves upon the previously best algorithm of Ye by a
factor of $\tOmega(n)$. The algorithm refines the algorithm described by Duan
and Mehlhorn and improves it by a factor of $\tOmega(n^3)$. The improvement
comes from a better understanding of the iterative price adjustment process,
the improved balanced flow computation for nondegenerate instances, and a novel
perturbation technique for achieving nondegeneracy.
%K Computer Science, Data Structures and Algorithms, cs.DS,Computer Science, Computer Science and Game Theory, cs.GT
K. Elbassioni, K. Mehlhorn, and F. Ramezani, “Towards More Practical Linear Programming-Based Techniques for Algorithmic Mechanism Design,” in Algorithmic Game Theory (SAGT 2015), Saarbrücken, Germany, 2015.
TITLE = {Towards More Practical Linear Programming-Based Techniques for Algorithmic Mechanism Design},
AUTHOR = {Elbassioni, Khaled and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Ramezani, Fahimeh},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-662-48432-6},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-662-48433-3_8},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2015},
DATE = {2015},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithmic Game Theory (SAGT 2015)},
EDITOR = {Hoefer, Martin},
PAGES = {98--109},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {9347},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken, Germany},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Elbassioni, Khaled
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Ramezani, Fahimeh
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Towards More Practical Linear Programming-Based Techniques for Algorithmic Mechanism Design :
%G eng
%R 10.1007/978-3-662-48433-3_8
%D 2015
%B 8th International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory
%Z date of event: 2015-09-28 - 2015-09-30
%C Saarbrücken, Germany
%B Algorithmic Game Theory
%E Hoefer, Martin
%P 98 - 109
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-662-48432-6
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 9347
K. Elbassioni, K. Makino, K. Mehlhorn, and F. Ramezani, “On Randomized Fictitious Play for Approximating Saddle Points Over Convex Sets,” Algorithmica, vol. 73, no. 2, 2015.
TITLE = {On Randomized Fictitious Play for Approximating Saddle Points Over Convex Sets},
AUTHOR = {Elbassioni, Khaled and Makino, Kazuhisa and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Ramezani, Fahimeh},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0178-4617},
DOI = {10.1007/s00453-014-9902-8},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY},
YEAR = {2015},
DATE = {2015},
JOURNAL = {Algorithmica},
VOLUME = {73},
NUMBER = {2},
PAGES = {441--459},
%0 Journal Article
%A Elbassioni, Khaled
%A Makino, Kazuhisa
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Ramezani, Fahimeh
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T On Randomized Fictitious Play for Approximating Saddle Points Over
Convex Sets :
%G eng
%R 10.1007/s00453-014-9902-8
%7 2015
%D 2015
%J Algorithmica
%V 73
%N 2
%& 441
%P 441 - 459
%I Springer
%C New York, NY
%@ false
P. Kolev and K. Mehlhorn, “A Note On Spectral Clustering,” 2015. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 1509.09188)
Let $G=(V,E)$ be an undirected graph, $\lambda_k$ the $k$th smallest
eigenvalue of the normalized Laplacian matrix of $G$, and $\rho(k)$ the
smallest value of the maximal conductance over all $k$-way partitions
$S_1,\dots,S_k$ of $V$.
Peng et al. [PSZ15] gave the first rigorous analysis of $k$-clustering
algorithms that use spectral embedding and $k$-means clustering algorithms to
partition the vertices of a graph $G$ into $k$ disjoint subsets. Their analysis
builds upon a gap parameter $\Upsilon=\rho(k)/\lambda_{k+1}$ that was
introduced by Oveis Gharan and Trevisan [GT14]. In their analysis Peng et al.
[PSZ15] assume a gap assumption $\Upsilon\geq\Omega(\mathrm{APR}\cdot k^3)$,
where $\mathrm{APR}>1$ is the approximation ratio of a $k$-means clustering
We exhibit an error in one of their Lemmas and provide a correction. With the
correction the proof by Peng et al. [PSZ15] requires a stronger gap assumption
$\Upsilon\geq\Omega(\mathrm{APR}\cdot k^4)$.
Our main contribution is to improve the analysis in [PSZ15] by an $O(k)$
factor. We demonstrate that a gap assumption $\Psi\geq \Omega(\mathrm{APR}\cdot
k^3)$ suffices, where $\Psi=\rho_{avr}(k)/\lambda_{k+1}$ and $\rho_{avr}(k)$ is
the value of the average conductance of a partition $S_1,\dots,S_k$ of $V$ that
yields $\rho(k)$.
TITLE = {A Note On Spectral Clustering},
AUTHOR = {Kolev, Pavel and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {1509.09188},
YEAR = {2015},
ABSTRACT = {Let $G=(V,E)$ be an undirected graph, $\lambda_k$ the $k$th smallest eigenvalue of the normalized Laplacian matrix of $G$, and $\rho(k)$ the smallest value of the maximal conductance over all $k$-way partitions $S_1,\dots,S_k$ of $V$. Peng et al. [PSZ15] gave the first rigorous analysis of $k$-clustering algorithms that use spectral embedding and $k$-means clustering algorithms to partition the vertices of a graph $G$ into $k$ disjoint subsets. Their analysis builds upon a gap parameter $\Upsilon=\rho(k)/\lambda_{k+1}$ that was introduced by Oveis Gharan and Trevisan [GT14]. In their analysis Peng et al. [PSZ15] assume a gap assumption $\Upsilon\geq\Omega(\mathrm{APR}\cdot k^3)$, where $\mathrm{APR}>1$ is the approximation ratio of a $k$-means clustering algorithm. We exhibit an error in one of their Lemmas and provide a correction. With the correction the proof by Peng et al. [PSZ15] requires a stronger gap assumption $\Upsilon\geq\Omega(\mathrm{APR}\cdot k^4)$. Our main contribution is to improve the analysis in [PSZ15] by an $O(k)$ factor. We demonstrate that a gap assumption $\Psi\geq \Omega(\mathrm{APR}\cdot k^3)$ suffices, where $\Psi=\rho_{avr}(k)/\lambda_{k+1}$ and $\rho_{avr}(k)$ is the value of the average conductance of a partition $S_1,\dots,S_k$ of $V$ that yields $\rho(k)$.},
%0 Report
%A Kolev, Pavel
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Note On Spectral Clustering :
%G eng
%D 2015
%X Let $G=(V,E)$ be an undirected graph, $\lambda_k$ the $k$th smallest
eigenvalue of the normalized Laplacian matrix of $G$, and $\rho(k)$ the
smallest value of the maximal conductance over all $k$-way partitions
$S_1,\dots,S_k$ of $V$.
Peng et al. [PSZ15] gave the first rigorous analysis of $k$-clustering
algorithms that use spectral embedding and $k$-means clustering algorithms to
partition the vertices of a graph $G$ into $k$ disjoint subsets. Their analysis
builds upon a gap parameter $\Upsilon=\rho(k)/\lambda_{k+1}$ that was
introduced by Oveis Gharan and Trevisan [GT14]. In their analysis Peng et al.
[PSZ15] assume a gap assumption $\Upsilon\geq\Omega(\mathrm{APR}\cdot k^3)$,
where $\mathrm{APR}>1$ is the approximation ratio of a $k$-means clustering
We exhibit an error in one of their Lemmas and provide a correction. With the
correction the proof by Peng et al. [PSZ15] requires a stronger gap assumption
$\Upsilon\geq\Omega(\mathrm{APR}\cdot k^4)$.
Our main contribution is to improve the analysis in [PSZ15] by an $O(k)$
factor. We demonstrate that a gap assumption $\Psi\geq \Omega(\mathrm{APR}\cdot
k^3)$ suffices, where $\Psi=\rho_{avr}(k)/\lambda_{k+1}$ and $\rho_{avr}(k)$ is
the value of the average conductance of a partition $S_1,\dots,S_k$ of $V$ that
yields $\rho(k)$.
%K Computer Science, Discrete Mathematics, cs.DM
K. Mehlhorn and S. Saxena, “A Still Simpler Way of Introducing the Interior-Point Method for Linear Programming,” 2015. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 1510.03339)
Linear programming is now included in algorithm undergraduate and
postgraduate courses for computer science majors. We show that it is possible
to teach interior-point methods directly to students with just minimal
knowledge of linear algebra.
TITLE = {A Still Simpler Way of Introducing the Interior-Point Method for Linear Programming},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Saxena, Sanjeev},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {1510.03339},
YEAR = {2015},
ABSTRACT = {Linear programming is now included in algorithm undergraduate and postgraduate courses for computer science majors. We show that it is possible to teach interior-point methods directly to students with just minimal knowledge of linear algebra.},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Saxena, Sanjeev
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T A Still Simpler Way of Introducing the Interior-Point Method for Linear
Programming :
%G eng
%D 2015
%X Linear programming is now included in algorithm undergraduate and
postgraduate courses for computer science majors. We show that it is possible
to teach interior-point methods directly to students with just minimal
knowledge of linear algebra.
%K Computer Science, Data Structures and Algorithms, cs.DS,Mathematics, Optimization and Control, math.OC
K. Mehlhorn, M. Sagraloff, and P. Wang, “From Approximate Factorization to Root Isolation with Application to Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition,” Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 66, 2015.
TITLE = {From Approximate Factorization to Root Isolation with Application to Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sagraloff, Michael and Wang, Pengming},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0747-7171},
DOI = {10.1016/j.jsc.2014.02.001},
PUBLISHER = {Academic Press},
ADDRESS = {London},
YEAR = {2015},
DATE = {2015},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Symbolic Computation},
VOLUME = {66},
PAGES = {34--69},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Sagraloff, Michael
%A Wang, Pengming
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T From Approximate Factorization to Root Isolation with Application to
Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition :
%G eng
%R 10.1016/j.jsc.2014.02.001
%7 2014-02-21
%D 2015
%J Journal of Symbolic Computation
%V 66
%& 34
%P 34 - 69
%I Academic Press
%C London
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, “On the Implementation of Combinatorial Algorithms for the Linear Exchange Market,” in Algorithms, Probability, Networks, and Games, Berlin: Springer, 2015.
TITLE = {On the Implementation of Combinatorial Algorithms for the Linear Exchange Market},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-319-24023-7},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
YEAR = {2015},
DATE = {2015},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithms, Probability, Networks, and Games},
EDITOR = {Zaroliagis, Christos and Pantziou, Grammati and Kontogianni, Spyros},
PAGES = {87--94},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {9295},
%0 Book Section
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T On the Implementation of Combinatorial Algorithms for the Linear Exchange Market :
%G eng
%D 2015
%B Algorithms, Probability, Networks, and Games
%E Zaroliagis, Christos; Pantziou, Grammati; Kontogianni, Spyros; Spirakis, Paul G.
%P 87 - 94
%I Springer
%C Berlin
%@ 978-3-319-24023-7
%S Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 9295
K. Mehlhorn, “From Theory to Library of Efficient Data Types and Algorithms (LEDA) and Algorithm Engineering,” in The Human Face of Computing, London: Imperial College Press, 2015.
TITLE = {From Theory to Library of Efficient Data Types and Algorithms ({LEDA}) and Algorithm Engineering},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-1-78326-643-2; 978-1-78326-645-6},
DOI = {10.1142/9781783266449_0005},
PUBLISHER = {Imperial College Press},
ADDRESS = {London},
YEAR = {2015},
DATE = {2015},
BOOKTITLE = {The Human Face of Computing},
EDITOR = {Calude, Christian S.},
PAGES = {59--71},
SERIES = {Advances in Computer Science and Engineering},
VOLUME = {9},
%0 Book Section
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T From Theory to Library of Efficient Data Types and Algorithms (LEDA) and Algorithm Engineering : Chapter 5
%G eng
%R 10.1142/9781783266449_0005
%D 2015
%B The Human Face of Computing
%E Calude, Christian S.
%P 59 - 71
%I Imperial College Press
%C London
%@ 978-1-78326-643-2 978-1-78326-645-6
%S Advances in Computer Science and Engineering
%N 9
E. Alkassar, S. Böhme, K. Mehlhorn, and C. Rizkallah, “A Framework for the Verification of Certifying Computations,” Journal of Automated Reasoning, vol. 52, no. 3, 2014.
TITLE = {A Framework for the Verification of Certifying Computations},
AUTHOR = {Alkassar, Eyad and B{\"o}hme, Sascha and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Rizkallah, Christine},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0168-7433; 1573-0670},
DOI = {10.1007/s10817-013-9289-2},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {Dordrecht, Holland},
YEAR = {2014},
DATE = {2014},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Automated Reasoning},
VOLUME = {52},
NUMBER = {3},
PAGES = {241--273},
%0 Journal Article
%A Alkassar, Eyad
%A Böhme, Sascha
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Rizkallah, Christine
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Framework for the Verification of Certifying Computations :
%G eng
%R 10.1007/s10817-013-9289-2
%7 2013-06-29
%D 2014
%K Computer Science, Logic in Computer Science, cs.LO,Computer Science, Data Structures and Algorithms, cs.DS,Computer Science, Formal Languages and Automata Theory, cs.FL
%J Journal of Automated Reasoning
%V 52
%N 3
%& 241
%P 241 - 273
%I Springer
%C Dordrecht, Holland
%@ false
S. Bhattacharya, P. Chalermsook, K. Mehlhorn, and A. Neumann, “New Approximability Results for the Robust k-Median Problem,” in Algorithm Theory -- SWAT 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2014.
TITLE = {New Approximability Results for the Robust k-Median Problem},
AUTHOR = {Bhattacharya, Sayan and Chalermsook, Parinya and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Neumann, Adrian},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-319-08403-9},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-319-08404-6_5},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2014},
DATE = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithm Theory -- SWAT 2014},
EDITOR = {G{\o}rtz, Inge Li and Ravi, R.},
PAGES = {50--61},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {8503},
ADDRESS = {Copenhagen, Denmark},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Bhattacharya, Sayan
%A Chalermsook, Parinya
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Neumann, Adrian
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T New Approximability Results for the Robust k-Median Problem :
%G eng
%R 10.1007/978-3-319-08404-6_5
%D 2014
%B 14th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory
%Z date of event: 2014-07-02 - 2014-07-04
%C Copenhagen, Denmark
%B Algorithm Theory -- SWAT 2014
%E Gørtz, Inge Li; Ravi, R.
%P 50 - 61
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-319-08403-9
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 8503
G. Christodoulou, K. Mehlhorn, and E. Pyrga, “Improving the Price of Anarchy for Selfish Routing via Coordination Mechanisms,” Algorithmica, vol. 69, no. 3, 2014.
TITLE = {Improving the Price of Anarchy for Selfish Routing via Coordination Mechanisms},
AUTHOR = {Christodoulou, George and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Pyrga, Evangelia},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0178-4617},
DOI = {10.1007/s00453-013-9753-8},
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY},
YEAR = {2014},
DATE = {2014},
JOURNAL = {Algorithmica},
VOLUME = {69},
NUMBER = {3},
PAGES = {619--640},
%0 Journal Article
%A Christodoulou, George
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Pyrga, Evangelia
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Improving the Price of Anarchy for Selfish Routing via Coordination Mechanisms :
%G eng
%R 10.1007/s00453-013-9753-8
%7 2013-02-15
%D 2014
%J Algorithmica
%V 69
%N 3
%& 619
%P 619 - 640
%I Springer-Verlag
%C New York, NY
%@ false
M. Dietzfelbinger, K. Mehlhorn, and P. Sanders, Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen : die Grundwerkzeuge. Berlin: Springer Vieweg, 2014.
TITLE = {Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen : die Grundwerkzeuge},
AUTHOR = {Dietzfelbinger, Martin and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sanders, Peter},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-642-05472-3},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-642-05472-3_1},
PUBLISHER = {Springer Vieweg},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
YEAR = {2014},
DATE = {2014},
PAGES = {XII, 380 p.},
SERIES = {eXamen press},
%0 Book
%A Dietzfelbinger, Martin
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Sanders, Peter
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen : die Grundwerkzeuge :
%G eng
%@ 978-3-642-05472-3
%R 10.1007/978-3-642-05472-3_1
%I Springer Vieweg
%C Berlin
%D 2014
%P XII, 380 p.
%B eXamen press
K. Elbassioni, K. Makino, K. Mehlhorn, and F. Ramezani, “On Randomized Fictitious Play for Approximating Saddle Points Over Convex Sets,” 2014. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 1301.5290)
Given two bounded convex sets $X\subseteq\RR^m$ and $Y\subseteq\RR^n,$
specified by membership oracles, and a continuous convex-concave function
$F:X\times Y\to\RR$, we consider the problem of computing an $\eps$-approximate
saddle point, that is, a pair $(x^*,y^*)\in X\times Y$ such that $\sup_{y\in Y}
F(x^*,y)\le \inf_{x\in
X}F(x,y^*)+\eps.$ Grigoriadis and Khachiyan (1995) gave a simple randomized
variant of fictitious play for computing an $\eps$-approximate saddle point for
matrix games, that is, when $F$ is bilinear and the sets $X$ and $Y$ are
simplices. In this paper, we extend their method to the general case. In
particular, we show that, for functions of constant "width", an
$\eps$-approximate saddle point can be computed using
$O^*(\frac{(n+m)}{\eps^2}\ln R)$ random samples from log-concave distributions
over the convex sets $X$ and $Y$. It is assumed that $X$ and $Y$ have inscribed
balls of radius $1/R$ and circumscribing balls of radius $R$. As a consequence,
we obtain a simple randomized polynomial-time algorithm that computes such an
approximation faster than known methods for problems with bounded width and
when $\eps \in (0,1)$ is a fixed, but arbitrarily small constant. Our main tool
for achieving this result is the combination of the randomized fictitious play
with the recently developed results on sampling from convex sets.
TITLE = {On Randomized Fictitious Play for Approximating Saddle Points Over Convex Sets},
AUTHOR = {Elbassioni, Khaled and Makino, Kazuhisa and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Ramezani, Fahimeh},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {1301.5290},
YEAR = {2014},
ABSTRACT = {Given two bounded convex sets $X\subseteq\RR^m$ and $Y\subseteq\RR^n,$ specified by membership oracles, and a continuous convex-concave function $F:X\times Y\to\RR$, we consider the problem of computing an $\eps$-approximate saddle point, that is, a pair $(x^*,y^*)\in X\times Y$ such that $\sup_{y\in Y} F(x^*,y)\le \inf_{x\in X}F(x,y^*)+\eps.$ Grigoriadis and Khachiyan (1995) gave a simple randomized variant of fictitious play for computing an $\eps$-approximate saddle point for matrix games, that is, when $F$ is bilinear and the sets $X$ and $Y$ are simplices. In this paper, we extend their method to the general case. In particular, we show that, for functions of constant "width", an $\eps$-approximate saddle point can be computed using $O^*(\frac{(n+m)}{\eps^2}\ln R)$ random samples from log-concave distributions over the convex sets $X$ and $Y$. It is assumed that $X$ and $Y$ have inscribed balls of radius $1/R$ and circumscribing balls of radius $R$. As a consequence, we obtain a simple randomized polynomial-time algorithm that computes such an approximation faster than known methods for problems with bounded width and when $\eps \in (0,1)$ is a fixed, but arbitrarily small constant. Our main tool for achieving this result is the combination of the randomized fictitious play with the recently developed results on sampling from convex sets.},
%0 Report
%A Elbassioni, Khaled
%A Makino, Kazuhisa
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Ramezani, Fahimeh
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T On Randomized Fictitious Play for Approximating Saddle Points Over
Convex Sets :
%G eng
%D 2014
%X Given two bounded convex sets $X\subseteq\RR^m$ and $Y\subseteq\RR^n,$
specified by membership oracles, and a continuous convex-concave function
$F:X\times Y\to\RR$, we consider the problem of computing an $\eps$-approximate
saddle point, that is, a pair $(x^*,y^*)\in X\times Y$ such that $\sup_{y\in Y}
F(x^*,y)\le \inf_{x\in
X}F(x,y^*)+\eps.$ Grigoriadis and Khachiyan (1995) gave a simple randomized
variant of fictitious play for computing an $\eps$-approximate saddle point for
matrix games, that is, when $F$ is bilinear and the sets $X$ and $Y$ are
simplices. In this paper, we extend their method to the general case. In
particular, we show that, for functions of constant "width", an
$\eps$-approximate saddle point can be computed using
$O^*(\frac{(n+m)}{\eps^2}\ln R)$ random samples from log-concave distributions
over the convex sets $X$ and $Y$. It is assumed that $X$ and $Y$ have inscribed
balls of radius $1/R$ and circumscribing balls of radius $R$. As a consequence,
we obtain a simple randomized polynomial-time algorithm that computes such an
approximation faster than known methods for problems with bounded width and
when $\eps \in (0,1)$ is a fixed, but arbitrarily small constant. Our main tool
for achieving this result is the combination of the randomized fictitious play
with the recently developed results on sampling from convex sets.
%K Computer Science, Computer Science and Game Theory, cs.GT,Mathematics, Optimization and Control, math.OC
K. Elbassioni, K. Mehlhorn, and F. Ramezani, “Towards More Practical Linear Programming-based Techniques for Algorithmic Mechanism Design,” 2014. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 1408.1577)
R. Lavy and C. Swamy (FOCS 2005, J. ACM 2011) introduced a general method for
obtaining truthful-in-expectation mechanisms from linear programming based
approximation algorithms. Due to the use of the Ellipsoid method, a direct
implementation of the method is unlikely to be efficient in practice. We
propose to use the much simpler and usually faster multiplicative weights
update method instead. The simplification comes at the cost of slightly weaker
approximation and truthfulness guarantees.
TITLE = {Towards More Practical Linear Programming-based Techniques for Algorithmic Mechanism Design},
AUTHOR = {Elbassioni, Khaled and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Ramezani, Fahimeh},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {1408.1577},
YEAR = {2014},
ABSTRACT = {R. Lavy and C. Swamy (FOCS 2005, J. ACM 2011) introduced a general method for obtaining truthful-in-expectation mechanisms from linear programming based approximation algorithms. Due to the use of the Ellipsoid method, a direct implementation of the method is unlikely to be efficient in practice. We propose to use the much simpler and usually faster multiplicative weights update method instead. The simplification comes at the cost of slightly weaker approximation and truthfulness guarantees.},
%0 Report
%A Elbassioni, Khaled
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Ramezani, Fahimeh
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Towards More Practical Linear Programming-based Techniques for Algorithmic Mechanism Design :
%G eng
%D 2014
%8 07.08.2014
%X R. Lavy and C. Swamy (FOCS 2005, J. ACM 2011) introduced a general method for
obtaining truthful-in-expectation mechanisms from linear programming based
approximation algorithms. Due to the use of the Ellipsoid method, a direct
implementation of the method is unlikely to be efficient in practice. We
propose to use the much simpler and usually faster multiplicative weights
update method instead. The simplification comes at the cost of slightly weaker
approximation and truthfulness guarantees.
%K Computer Science, Computer Science and Game Theory, cs.GT,Computer Science, Data Structures and Algorithms, cs.DS
T. Jurkiewicz and K. Mehlhorn, “On a Model of Virtual Address Translation,” Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, vol. 19, 2014.
TITLE = {On a Model of Virtual Address Translation},
AUTHOR = {Jurkiewicz, Tomasz and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {1084-6654},
DOI = {10.1145/2656337},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY},
YEAR = {2014},
DATE = {2014},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Experimental Algorithmics},
VOLUME = {19},
PAGES = {1--28},
EID = {1.9},
%0 Journal Article
%A Jurkiewicz, Tomasz
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T On a Model of Virtual Address Translation :
%G eng
%R 10.1145/2656337
%7 2014
%D 2014
%J Journal of Experimental Algorithmics
%O JEA J. Exp. Algorithmics
%V 19
%& 1
%P 1 - 28
%Z sequence number: 1.9
%C New York, NY
%@ false
T. Jurkiewicz, K. Mehlhorn, and P. Nicholson, “Cache-Oblivious VAT-Algorithms,” 2014. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 1404.3577)
The VAT-model (virtual address translation model) extends the EM-model
(external memory model) and takes the cost of address translation in virtual
memories into account. In this model, the cost of a single memory access may be
logarithmic in the largest address used. We show that the VAT-cost of
cache-oblivious algorithms is only by a constant factor larger than their
EM-cost; this requires a somewhat more stringent tall cache assumption as for
the EM-model.
TITLE = {Cache-Oblivious {VAT}-Algorithms},
AUTHOR = {Jurkiewicz, Tomasz and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Nicholson, Patrick},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {1404.3577},
YEAR = {2014},
ABSTRACT = {The VAT-model (virtual address translation model) extends the EM-model (external memory model) and takes the cost of address translation in virtual memories into account. In this model, the cost of a single memory access may be logarithmic in the largest address used. We show that the VAT-cost of cache-oblivious algorithms is only by a constant factor larger than their EM-cost; this requires a somewhat more stringent tall cache assumption as for the EM-model.},
%0 Report
%A Jurkiewicz, Tomasz
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Nicholson, Patrick
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Cache-Oblivious VAT-Algorithms :
%G eng
%D 2014
%8 14.01.2014
%X The VAT-model (virtual address translation model) extends the EM-model
(external memory model) and takes the cost of address translation in virtual
memories into account. In this model, the cost of a single memory access may be
logarithmic in the largest address used. We show that the VAT-cost of
cache-oblivious algorithms is only by a constant factor larger than their
EM-cost; this requires a somewhat more stringent tall cache assumption as for
the EM-model.
%K Computer Science, Data Structures and Algorithms, cs.DS
N. Megiddo, K. Mehlhorn, R. Savani, and V. V. Vazirani, Eds., Equilibrium Computation, no. 8. Schloss Dagstuhl, 2014.
TITLE = {Equilibrium Computation},
EDITOR = {Megiddo, Nimrod and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Savani, Rahul and Vazirani, Vijay V.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {2192-5283},
URL = {urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-47990},
DOI = {10.4230/DagRep.4.8.73},
PUBLISHER = {Schloss Dagstuhl},
YEAR = {2014},
PAGES = {16 p.},
SERIES = {Dagstuhl Reports},
VOLUME = {4},
ISSUE = {8},
ADDRESS = {Wadern, Germany},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%E Megiddo, Nimrod
%E Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Savani, Rahul
%E Vazirani, Vijay V.
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Equilibrium Computation :
%G eng
%R 10.4230/DagRep.4.8.73
%U urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-47990
%I Schloss Dagstuhl
%D 2014
%8 09.12.2014
%B Dagstuhl Seminar 14342 “Equilibrium Computation"
%Z date of event: 2014-08-17 - 2014-08-22
%D 2014
%C Wadern, Germany
%P 16 p.
%S Dagstuhl Reports
%V 4
%P 73 - 88
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, “Algorithms for Equilibrium Prices in Linear Market Models,” in Algorithms and Computation (WALCOM 2014), Chennai, India, 2014.
TITLE = {Algorithms for Equilibrium Prices in Linear Market Models},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-319-04656-3},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-319-04657-0_1},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2014},
DATE = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithms and Computation (WALCOM 2014)},
EDITOR = {Pal, Sudebkumar Prasant and Sadakane, Kunihiko},
PAGES = {1--4},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {8344},
ADDRESS = {Chennai, India},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Algorithms for Equilibrium Prices in Linear Market Models :
%G eng
%R 10.1007/978-3-319-04657-0_1
%D 2014
%B 8th International Workshop on Algorithms and Computation
%Z date of event: 2014-02-13 - 2014-02-15
%C Chennai, India
%B Algorithms and Computation
%E Pal, Sudebkumar Prasant; Sadakane, Kunihiko
%P 1 - 4
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-319-04656-3
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 8344
L. Noschinski, C. Rizkallah, and K. Mehlhorn, “Verification of Certifying Computations through AutoCorres and Simpl,” in NASA Formal Methods (NFM 2014), Houston, TX, USA, 2014.
TITLE = {Verification of Certifying Computations through {AutoCorres} and {Simpl}},
AUTHOR = {Noschinski, Lars and Rizkallah, Christine and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-319-06199-3},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-319-06200-6_4},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2014},
DATE = {2014},
BOOKTITLE = {NASA Formal Methods (NFM 2014)},
EDITOR = {Badger, Julia M. and Rozier, Kristin Yvonne},
PAGES = {46--61},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {8430},
ADDRESS = {Houston, TX, USA},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Noschinski, Lars
%A Rizkallah, Christine
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Verification of Certifying Computations through AutoCorres and Simpl :
%G eng
%R 10.1007/978-3-319-06200-6_4
%D 2014
%B Sixth NASA Formal Methods Symposium
%Z date of event: 2014-04-29 - 2014-05-01
%C Houston, TX, USA
%B NASA Formal Methods
%E Badger, Julia M.; Rozier, Kristin Yvonne
%P 46 - 61
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-319-06199-3
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 8430
P. Afshani, M. Agrawal, B. Doerr, C. Doerr, K. G. Larsen, and K. Mehlhorn, “The Query Complexity of Finding a Hidden Permutation,” in Space-Efficient Data Structures, Streams, and Algorithms, Berlin: Springer, 2013.
TITLE = {The Query Complexity of Finding a Hidden Permutation},
AUTHOR = {Afshani, Peyman and Agrawal, Manindra and Doerr, Benjamin and Doerr, Carola and Larsen, Kasper Green and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-642-40272-2},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-642-40273-9_1},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
YEAR = {2013},
DATE = {2013},
BOOKTITLE = {Space-Efficient Data Structures, Streams, and Algorithms},
EDITOR = {Brodnik, Andrej and L{\'o}pez-Ortiz, Alejandro and Raman, Venkatesh and Viola, Alfredo},
PAGES = {1--11},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {8066},
%0 Book Section
%A Afshani, Peyman
%A Agrawal, Manindra
%A Doerr, Benjamin
%A Doerr, Carola
%A Larsen, Kasper Green
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T The Query Complexity of Finding a Hidden Permutation :
%G eng
%F OTHER: Local_ID: 20EA14F7E5BB5FE7C1257C53007A351B-Afshani2013
%R 10.1007/978-3-642-40273-9_1
%D 2013
%B Space-Efficient Data Structures, Streams, and Algorithms
%E Brodnik, Andrej; López-Ortiz, Alejandro; Raman, Venkatesh; Viola, Alfredo
%P 1 - 11
%I Springer
%C Berlin
%@ 978-3-642-40272-2
%S Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 8066
E. Alkassar, S. Böhme, K. Mehlhorn, and C. Rizkallah, “A Framework for the Verification of Certifying Computations,” 2013. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 1301.7462)
Formal verification of complex algorithms is challenging. Verifying their
implementations goes beyond the state of the art of current automatic
verification tools and usually involves intricate mathematical theorems.
Certifying algorithms compute in addition to each output a witness certifying
that the output is correct. A checker for such a witness is usually much
simpler than the original algorithm - yet it is all the user has to trust. The
verification of checkers is feasible with current tools and leads to
computations that can be completely trusted. We describe a framework to
seamlessly verify certifying computations. We use the automatic verifier VCC
for establishing the correctness of the checker and the interactive theorem
prover Isabelle/HOL for high-level mathematical properties of algorithms. We
demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by presenting the verification of
typical examples of the industrial-level and widespread algorithmic library
TITLE = {A Framework for the Verification of Certifying Computations},
AUTHOR = {Alkassar, Eyad and B{\"o}hme, Sascha and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Rizkallah, Christine},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {1301.7462},
YEAR = {2013},
ABSTRACT = {Formal verification of complex algorithms is challenging. Verifying their implementations goes beyond the state of the art of current automatic verification tools and usually involves intricate mathematical theorems. Certifying algorithms compute in addition to each output a witness certifying that the output is correct. A checker for such a witness is usually much simpler than the original algorithm -- yet it is all the user has to trust. The verification of checkers is feasible with current tools and leads to computations that can be completely trusted. We describe a framework to seamlessly verify certifying computations. We use the automatic verifier VCC for establishing the correctness of the checker and the interactive theorem prover Isabelle/HOL for high-level mathematical properties of algorithms. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by presenting the verification of typical examples of the industrial-level and widespread algorithmic library LEDA.},
%0 Report
%A Alkassar, Eyad
%A Böhme, Sascha
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Rizkallah, Christine
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Framework for the Verification of Certifying Computations :
%G eng
%D 2013
%8 30.01.2013
%X Formal verification of complex algorithms is challenging. Verifying their
implementations goes beyond the state of the art of current automatic
verification tools and usually involves intricate mathematical theorems.
Certifying algorithms compute in addition to each output a witness certifying
that the output is correct. A checker for such a witness is usually much
simpler than the original algorithm - yet it is all the user has to trust. The
verification of checkers is feasible with current tools and leads to
computations that can be completely trusted. We describe a framework to
seamlessly verify certifying computations. We use the automatic verifier VCC
for establishing the correctness of the checker and the interactive theorem
prover Isabelle/HOL for high-level mathematical properties of algorithms. We
demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by presenting the verification of
typical examples of the industrial-level and widespread algorithmic library
%K Computer Science, Logic in Computer Science, cs.LO,Computer Science, Data Structures and Algorithms, cs.DS,Computer Science, Formal Languages and Automata Theory, cs.FL
L. Becchetti, V. Bonifaci, M. Dirnberger, A. Karrenbauer, and K. Mehlhorn, “Physarum Can Compute Shortest Paths: Convergence Proofs and Complexity Bounds,” in Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2013), Riga, Latvia, 2013.
TITLE = {Physarum Can Compute Shortest Paths: {Convergence} Proofs and Complexity Bounds},
AUTHOR = {Becchetti, Luca and Bonifaci, Vincenzo and Dirnberger, Michael and Karrenbauer, Andreas and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-642-39211-5},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-642-39212-2_42},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2013},
DATE = {2013},
BOOKTITLE = {Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2013)},
EDITOR = {Fomin, Fedor V. and Freivalds, R{\=u}si{\c n}{\v s} and Kwiatkowska, Marta and Peleg, David},
PAGES = {472--483},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {7966},
ADDRESS = {Riga, Latvia},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Becchetti, Luca
%A Bonifaci, Vincenzo
%A Dirnberger, Michael
%A Karrenbauer, Andreas
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Physarum Can Compute Shortest Paths: Convergence Proofs and Complexity Bounds :
%G eng
%R 10.1007/978-3-642-39212-2_42
%D 2013
%B 40th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming
%Z date of event: 2013-07-08 - 2013-07-12
%C Riga, Latvia
%B Automata, Languages, and Programming
%E Fomin, Fedor V.; Freivalds, Rūsiņš; Kwiatkowska, Marta; Peleg, David
%P 472 - 483
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-642-39211-5
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 7966
S. Bhattacharya, P. Chalermsook, K. Mehlhorn, and A. Neumann, “New Approximability Results for the Robust k-Median Problem,” 2013. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 1309.4602)
We consider a robust variant of the classical $k$-median problem, introduced
by Anthony et al. \cite{AnthonyGGN10}. In the \emph{Robust $k$-Median problem},
we are given an $n$-vertex metric space $(V,d)$ and $m$ client sets $\set{S_i
\subseteq V}_{i=1}^m$. The objective is to open a set $F \subseteq V$ of $k$
facilities such that the worst case connection cost over all client sets is
minimized; in other words, minimize $\max_{i} \sum_{v \in S_i} d(F,v)$. Anthony
et al.\ showed an $O(\log m)$ approximation algorithm for any metric and
APX-hardness even in the case of uniform metric. In this paper, we show that
their algorithm is nearly tight by providing $\Omega(\log m/ \log \log m)$
approximation hardness, unless ${\sf NP} \subseteq \bigcap_{\delta >0} {\sf
DTIME}(2^{n^{\delta}})$. This hardness result holds even for uniform and line
metrics. To our knowledge, this is one of the rare cases in which a problem on
a line metric is hard to approximate to within logarithmic factor. We
complement the hardness result by an experimental evaluation of different
heuristics that shows that very simple heuristics achieve good approximations
for realistic classes of instances.
TITLE = {New Approximability Results for the Robust k-Median Problem},
AUTHOR = {Bhattacharya, Sayan and Chalermsook, Parinya and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Neumann, Adrian},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {1309.4602},
YEAR = {2013},
ABSTRACT = {We consider a robust variant of the classical $k$-median problem, introduced by Anthony et al. \cite{AnthonyGGN10}. In the \emph{Robust $k$-Median problem}, we are given an $n$-vertex metric space $(V,d)$ and $m$ client sets $\set{S_i \subseteq V}_{i=1}^m$. The objective is to open a set $F \subseteq V$ of $k$ facilities such that the worst case connection cost over all client sets is minimized; in other words, minimize $\max_{i} \sum_{v \in S_i} d(F,v)$. Anthony et al.\ showed an $O(\log m)$ approximation algorithm for any metric and APX-hardness even in the case of uniform metric. In this paper, we show that their algorithm is nearly tight by providing $\Omega(\log m/ \log \log m)$ approximation hardness, unless ${\sf NP} \subseteq \bigcap_{\delta >0} {\sf DTIME}(2^{n^{\delta}})$. This hardness result holds even for uniform and line metrics. To our knowledge, this is one of the rare cases in which a problem on a line metric is hard to approximate to within logarithmic factor. We complement the hardness result by an experimental evaluation of different heuristics that shows that very simple heuristics achieve good approximations for realistic classes of instances.},
%0 Report
%A Bhattacharya, Sayan
%A Chalermsook, Parinya
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Neumann, Adrian
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T New Approximability Results for the Robust k-Median Problem :
%G eng
%D 2013
%X We consider a robust variant of the classical $k$-median problem, introduced
by Anthony et al. \cite{AnthonyGGN10}. In the \emph{Robust $k$-Median problem},
we are given an $n$-vertex metric space $(V,d)$ and $m$ client sets $\set{S_i
\subseteq V}_{i=1}^m$. The objective is to open a set $F \subseteq V$ of $k$
facilities such that the worst case connection cost over all client sets is
minimized; in other words, minimize $\max_{i} \sum_{v \in S_i} d(F,v)$. Anthony
et al.\ showed an $O(\log m)$ approximation algorithm for any metric and
APX-hardness even in the case of uniform metric. In this paper, we show that
their algorithm is nearly tight by providing $\Omega(\log m/ \log \log m)$
approximation hardness, unless ${\sf NP} \subseteq \bigcap_{\delta >0} {\sf
DTIME}(2^{n^{\delta}})$. This hardness result holds even for uniform and line
metrics. To our knowledge, this is one of the rare cases in which a problem on
a line metric is hard to approximate to within logarithmic factor. We
complement the hardness result by an experimental evaluation of different
heuristics that shows that very simple heuristics achieve good approximations
for realistic classes of instances.
%K Computer Science, Data Structures and Algorithms, cs.DS
O. Cheong, K. Mehlhorn, and M. Teillaud, Eds., Computational Geometry, no. 3. Schloss Dagstuhl, 2013.
TITLE = {Computational Geometry},
EDITOR = {Cheong, Otfried and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Teillaud, Monique},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {2192-5283},
URL = {urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-40210},
DOI = {10.4230/DagRep.3.3.1},
PUBLISHER = {Schloss Dagstuhl},
YEAR = {2013},
SERIES = {Dagstuhl Reports},
VOLUME = {3},
ISSUE = {3},
PAGES = {1--23},
ADDRESS = {Wadern, Germany},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%E Cheong, Otfried
%E Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Teillaud, Monique
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Computational Geometry :
%G eng
%R 10.4230/DagRep.3.3.1
%U urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-40210
%I Schloss Dagstuhl
%D 2013
%8 04.07.2013
%B Dagstuhl Seminar 13101 "Computational Geometry"
%Z date of event: 2013-03-03 - 2013-03-08
%D 2013
%C Wadern, Germany
%S Dagstuhl Reports
%V 3
%P 1 - 23
%@ false
G. Christodoulou, K. Mehlhorn, and E. Pyrga, “Improving the Price of Anarchy for Selfish Routing via Coordination Mechanisms,” 2013. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 1202.2877)
We reconsider the well-studied Selfish Routing game with affine latency
functions. The Price of Anarchy for this class of games takes maximum value
4/3; this maximum is attained already for a simple network of two parallel
links, known as Pigou's network. We improve upon the value 4/3 by means of
Coordination Mechanisms.
We increase the latency functions of the edges in the network, i.e., if
$\ell_e(x)$ is the latency function of an edge $e$, we replace it by
$\hat{\ell}_e(x)$ with $\ell_e(x) \le \hat{\ell}_e(x)$ for all $x$. Then an
adversary fixes a demand rate as input. The engineered Price of Anarchy of the
mechanism is defined as the worst-case ratio of the Nash social cost in the
modified network over the optimal social cost in the original network.
Formally, if $\CM(r)$ denotes the cost of the worst Nash flow in the modified
network for rate $r$ and $\Copt(r)$ denotes the cost of the optimal flow in the
original network for the same rate then [\ePoA = \max_{r \ge 0}
We first exhibit a simple coordination mechanism that achieves for any
network of parallel links an engineered Price of Anarchy strictly less than
4/3. For the case of two parallel links our basic mechanism gives 5/4 = 1.25.
Then, for the case of two parallel links, we describe an optimal mechanism; its
engineered Price of Anarchy lies between 1.191 and 1.192.
TITLE = {Improving the Price of Anarchy for Selfish Routing via Coordination Mechanisms},
AUTHOR = {Christodoulou, George and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Pyrga, Evangelia},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {1202.2877},
YEAR = {2013},
ABSTRACT = {We reconsider the well-studied Selfish Routing game with affine latency functions. The Price of Anarchy for this class of games takes maximum value 4/3; this maximum is attained already for a simple network of two parallel links, known as Pigou's network. We improve upon the value 4/3 by means of Coordination Mechanisms. We increase the latency functions of the edges in the network, i.e., if $\ell_e(x)$ is the latency function of an edge $e$, we replace it by $\hat{\ell}_e(x)$ with $\ell_e(x) \le \hat{\ell}_e(x)$ for all $x$. Then an adversary fixes a demand rate as input. The engineered Price of Anarchy of the mechanism is defined as the worst-case ratio of the Nash social cost in the modified network over the optimal social cost in the original network. Formally, if $\CM(r)$ denotes the cost of the worst Nash flow in the modified network for rate $r$ and $\Copt(r)$ denotes the cost of the optimal flow in the original network for the same rate then [\ePoA = \max_{r \ge 0} \frac{\CM(r)}{\Copt(r)}.] We first exhibit a simple coordination mechanism that achieves for any network of parallel links an engineered Price of Anarchy strictly less than 4/3. For the case of two parallel links our basic mechanism gives 5/4 = 1.25. Then, for the case of two parallel links, we describe an optimal mechanism; its engineered Price of Anarchy lies between 1.191 and 1.192.},
%0 Report
%A Christodoulou, George
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Pyrga, Evangelia
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Improving the Price of Anarchy for Selfish Routing via Coordination Mechanisms :
%G eng
%D 2013
%8 08.01.2013
%X We reconsider the well-studied Selfish Routing game with affine latency
functions. The Price of Anarchy for this class of games takes maximum value
4/3; this maximum is attained already for a simple network of two parallel
links, known as Pigou's network. We improve upon the value 4/3 by means of
Coordination Mechanisms.
We increase the latency functions of the edges in the network, i.e., if
$\ell_e(x)$ is the latency function of an edge $e$, we replace it by
$\hat{\ell}_e(x)$ with $\ell_e(x) \le \hat{\ell}_e(x)$ for all $x$. Then an
adversary fixes a demand rate as input. The engineered Price of Anarchy of the
mechanism is defined as the worst-case ratio of the Nash social cost in the
modified network over the optimal social cost in the original network.
Formally, if $\CM(r)$ denotes the cost of the worst Nash flow in the modified
network for rate $r$ and $\Copt(r)$ denotes the cost of the optimal flow in the
original network for the same rate then [\ePoA = \max_{r \ge 0}
We first exhibit a simple coordination mechanism that achieves for any
network of parallel links an engineered Price of Anarchy strictly less than
4/3. For the case of two parallel links our basic mechanism gives 5/4 = 1.25.
Then, for the case of two parallel links, we describe an optimal mechanism; its
engineered Price of Anarchy lies between 1.191 and 1.192.
%K Computer Science, Computer Science and Game Theory, cs.GT
R. Duan and K. Mehlhorn, “A Combinatorial Polynomial Algorithm for the Linear Arrow-Debreu Market,” 2013. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 1212.0979)
We present the first combinatorial polynomial time algorithm for computing
the equilibrium of the Arrow-Debreu market model with linear utilities.
TITLE = {A Combinatorial Polynomial Algorithm for the Linear {Arrow-Debreu} Market},
AUTHOR = {Duan, Ran and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {1212.0979},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: D07870B186956D01C1257AE8000EA12F-DK2012},
YEAR = {2013},
ABSTRACT = {We present the first combinatorial polynomial time algorithm for computing the equilibrium of the Arrow-Debreu market model with linear utilities.},
%0 Report
%A Duan, Ran
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Combinatorial Polynomial Algorithm for the Linear Arrow-Debreu Market :
%G eng
%F OTHER: Local-ID: D07870B186956D01C1257AE8000EA12F-DK2012
%D 2013
%8 13.09.2013
%X We present the first combinatorial polynomial time algorithm for computing
the equilibrium of the Arrow-Debreu market model with linear utilities.
%K Computer Science, Data Structures and Algorithms, cs.DS
R. Duan and K. Mehlhorn, “A Combinatorial Polynomial Algorithm for the Linear Arrow-Debreu Market,” in Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2013), Riga, Latvia, 2013.
TITLE = {A Combinatorial Polynomial Algorithm for the Linear {Arrow}-{Debreu} Market},
AUTHOR = {Duan, Ran and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-642-39205-4},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-642-39206-1_36},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2014},
DATE = {2013},
BOOKTITLE = {Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2013)},
EDITOR = {Fomin, Fedor V. and Freivalds, R{\=u}si{\c n}{\v s} and Kwiatkowska, Marta and Peleg, David},
PAGES = {425--436},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {7965},
ADDRESS = {Riga, Latvia},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Duan, Ran
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Combinatorial Polynomial Algorithm for the Linear Arrow-Debreu Market :
%G eng
%R 10.1007/978-3-642-39206-1_36
%D 2013
%B 40th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming,
%Z date of event: 2014-07-08 - 2014-07-12
%C Riga, Latvia
%B Automata, Languages, and Programming
%E Fomin, Fedor V.; Freivalds, Rūsiņš; Kwiatkowska , Marta; Peleg, David
%P 425 - 436
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-642-39205-4
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 7965
K. Elbassioni, K. Makino, K. Mehlhorn, and F. Ramezani, “On Randomized Fictitious Play for Approximating Saddle Points over Convex Sets,” in Computing and Combinatorics (COCOON 2013), Hangzhou, China, 2013.
TITLE = {On Randomized Fictitious Play for Approximating Saddle Points over Convex Sets},
AUTHOR = {Elbassioni, Khaled and Makino, Kazuhisa and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Ramezani, Fahimeh},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0302-9743},
ISBN = {978-3-642-38767-8},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-642-38768-5_8},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: 462364EE2334C4A9C1257C60005317D1-Ramezani2013},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2013},
DATE = {2013},
BOOKTITLE = {Computing and Combinatorics (COCOON 2013)},
EDITOR = {Du, Ding-Zhu and Zhang, Guochuan},
PAGES = {65--76},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {7636},
ADDRESS = {Hangzhou, China},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Elbassioni, Khaled
%A Makino, Kazuhisa
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Ramezani, Fahimeh
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T On Randomized Fictitious Play for Approximating Saddle Points over Convex Sets :
%G eng
%F OTHER: Local-ID: 462364EE2334C4A9C1257C60005317D1-Ramezani2013
%R 10.1007/978-3-642-38768-5_8
%D 2013
%B 19th International Conference on Computing and Combinatorics
%Z date of event: 2013-06-21 - 2013-06-23
%C Hangzhou, China
%B Computing and Combinatorics
%E Du, Ding-Zhu; Zhang, Guochuan
%P 65 - 76
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-642-38767-8
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 7636
%@ false
A. Elmasry, K. Mehlhorn, and J. M. Schmidt, “Every DFS Tree of a 3-connected Graph Contains a Contractible Edge,” Journal of Graph Theory, vol. 72, no. 1, 2013.
TITLE = {Every {DFS} Tree of a 3-connected Graph Contains a Contractible Edge},
AUTHOR = {Elmasry, Amr and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Schmidt, Jens M.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0364-9024},
DOI = {10.1002/jgt.21635},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: 4FE50A6D333665B3C1257AC200498D2D-Elmasry2013},
PUBLISHER = {John Wiley \& Sons.},
ADDRESS = {New York},
YEAR = {2013},
DATE = {2013},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Graph Theory},
VOLUME = {72},
NUMBER = {1},
PAGES = {112--121},
%0 Journal Article
%A Elmasry, Amr
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schmidt, Jens M.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Every DFS Tree of a 3-connected Graph Contains a Contractible Edge :
%G eng
%R 10.1002/jgt.21635
%F OTHER: Local-ID: 4FE50A6D333665B3C1257AC200498D2D-Elmasry2013
%7 2012-03
%D 2013
%J Journal of Graph Theory
%V 72
%N 1
%& 112
%P 112 - 121
%I John Wiley & Sons.
%C New York
%@ false
C.-C. Huang, T. Kavitha, K. Mehlhorn, and D. Michail, “Fair Matchings and Related Problems,” in 33rd International Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS 2013), Guwahati, India, 2013.
TITLE = {Fair Matchings and Related Problems},
AUTHOR = {Huang, Chien-Chung and Kavitha, Telikepalli and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Michail, Dimitrios},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {1868-896},
ISBN = {978-3-939897-64-4},
URL = {urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-43841},
DOI = {10.4230/LIPIcs.FSTTCS.2013.339},
PUBLISHER = {Schloss Dagstuhl},
YEAR = {2013},
BOOKTITLE = {33rd International Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS 2013)},
EDITOR = {Seth, Anil and Vishnoi, Nisheeth K.},
PAGES = {339--350},
SERIES = {Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics},
VOLUME = {24},
ADDRESS = {Guwahati, India},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Huang, Chien-Chung
%A Kavitha, Telikepalli
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Michail, Dimitrios
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Fair Matchings and Related Problems :
%G eng
%R 10.4230/LIPIcs.FSTTCS.2013.339
%U urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-43841
%D 2013
%B 33rd International Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science
%Z date of event: 2013-12-12 - 2013-12-14
%C Guwahati, India
%B 33rd International Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science
%E Seth, Anil; Vishnoi, Nisheeth K.
%P 339 - 350
%I Schloss Dagstuhl
%@ 978-3-939897-64-4
%B Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics
%N 24
%@ false
T. Jurkiewicz and K. Mehlhorn, “The Cost of Address Translation,” in Proceedings of the 15th Meeting on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX 2013), New Orleans, LA, USA, 2013.
Modern computers are not random access machines (RAMs). They have a memory hierarchy, multiple cores, and virtual memory. In this paper, we address the computational cost of address translation in virtual memory. Starting point for our work is the observation that the analysis of some simple algorithms (random scan of an rray, binary search, heapsort) in either the RAM model or the EM model (external memory model) does not correctly predict growth rates of actual running times.
We propose the VAT model (virtual address translation) to account for the cost of address translations and analyze the algorithms mentioned above and others in the model.
The predictions agree with the measurements.
We also analyze the VAT-cost of cache-oblivious algorithms.
TITLE = {The Cost of Address Translation},
AUTHOR = {Jurkiewicz, Tomasz and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-1-61197-253-5},
DOI = {10.1137/1.9781611972931.13},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: 8547751BA6E798C6C1257AD20051B773-VAT2013},
YEAR = {2013},
ABSTRACT = {Modern computers are not random access machines (RAMs). They have a memory hierarchy, multiple cores, and virtual memory. In this paper, we address the computational cost of address translation in virtual memory. Starting point for our work is the observation that the analysis of some simple algorithms (random scan of an rray, binary search, heapsort) in either the RAM model or the EM model (external memory model) does not correctly predict growth rates of actual running times. We propose the VAT model (virtual address translation) to account for the cost of address translations and analyze the algorithms mentioned above and others in the model. The predictions agree with the measurements. We also analyze the VAT-cost of cache-oblivious algorithms.},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 15th Meeting on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX 2013)},
EDITOR = {Sanders, Peter and Zeh, Norbert},
PAGES = {148--162},
ADDRESS = {New Orleans, LA, USA},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Jurkiewicz, Tomasz
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T The Cost of Address Translation :
%G eng
%R 10.1137/1.9781611972931.13
%F OTHER: Local-ID: 8547751BA6E798C6C1257AD20051B773-VAT2013
%D 2013
%B 15th Meeting on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments
%Z date of event: 2013-01-07 - 2013-01-07
%C New Orleans, LA, USA
%X Modern computers are not random access machines (RAMs). They have a memory hierarchy, multiple cores, and virtual memory. In this paper, we address the computational cost of address translation in virtual memory. Starting point for our work is the observation that the analysis of some simple algorithms (random scan of an rray, binary search, heapsort) in either the RAM model or the EM model (external memory model) does not correctly predict growth rates of actual running times.
We propose the VAT model (virtual address translation) to account for the cost of address translations and analyze the algorithms mentioned above and others in the model.
The predictions agree with the measurements.
We also analyze the VAT-cost of cache-oblivious algorithms.
%K Computer Science, Data Structures and Algorithms, cs.DS,Computer Science, Computational Complexity, cs.CC,Computer Science, Performance, cs.PF,
%B Proceedings of the 15th Meeting on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments
%E Sanders, Peter; Zeh, Norbert
%P 148 - 162
%@ 978-1-61197-253-5
K. Mehlhorn, A. Neumann, and J. M. Schmidt, “Certifying 3-Edge-Connectivity,” 2013. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 1211.6553)
We present a certifying algorithm that tests graphs for 3-edge-connectivity;
the algorithm works in linear time. If the input graph is not 3-edge-connected,
the algorithm returns a 2-edge-cut. If it is 3-edge-connected, it returns a
construction sequence that constructs the input graph from the graph with two
vertices and three parallel edges using only operations that (obviously)
preserve 3-edge-connectivity. Additionally, we show how compute and certify the
3-edge-connected components and a cactus representation of the 2-cuts in linear
time. For 3-vertex-connectivity, we show how to compute the 3-vertex-connected
components of a 2-connected graph.
TITLE = {Certifying 3-Edge-Connectivity},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Neumann, Adrian and Schmidt, Jens M.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {1211.6553},
YEAR = {2013},
ABSTRACT = {We present a certifying algorithm that tests graphs for 3-edge-connectivity; the algorithm works in linear time. If the input graph is not 3-edge-connected, the algorithm returns a 2-edge-cut. If it is 3-edge-connected, it returns a construction sequence that constructs the input graph from the graph with two vertices and three parallel edges using only operations that (obviously) preserve 3-edge-connectivity. Additionally, we show how compute and certify the 3-edge-connected components and a cactus representation of the 2-cuts in linear time. For 3-vertex-connectivity, we show how to compute the 3-vertex-connected components of a 2-connected graph.},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Neumann, Adrian
%A Schmidt, Jens M.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Certifying 3-Edge-Connectivity :
%G eng
%D 2013
%8 04.11.2013
%X We present a certifying algorithm that tests graphs for 3-edge-connectivity;
the algorithm works in linear time. If the input graph is not 3-edge-connected,
the algorithm returns a 2-edge-cut. If it is 3-edge-connected, it returns a
construction sequence that constructs the input graph from the graph with two
vertices and three parallel edges using only operations that (obviously)
preserve 3-edge-connectivity. Additionally, we show how compute and certify the
3-edge-connected components and a cactus representation of the 2-cuts in linear
time. For 3-vertex-connectivity, we show how to compute the 3-vertex-connected
components of a 2-connected graph.
%K Computer Science, Data Structures and Algorithms, cs.DS,Computer Science, Discrete Mathematics, cs.DM
K. Mehlhorn, “Physarum Computations (Invited talk),” in 30th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS 2013), Kiel, Germany, 2013.
TITLE = {Physarum Computations (Invited talk)},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-939897-50-7},
URL = {urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-39166},
DOI = {10.4230/LIPIcs.STACS.2013.5},
PUBLISHER = {Schloss Dagstuhl},
YEAR = {2013},
BOOKTITLE = {30th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS 2013)},
EDITOR = {Portier, Natacha and Wilke, Thomas},
PAGES = {5--6},
SERIES = {Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics},
VOLUME = {20},
ADDRESS = {Kiel, Germany},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Physarum Computations (Invited talk) :
%G eng
%U urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-39166
%R 10.4230/LIPIcs.STACS.2013.5
%D 2013
%8 18.02.2013
%B 30th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science
%Z date of event: 2013-02-27 - 2013-03-02
%C Kiel, Germany
%B 30th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science
%E Portier, Natacha; Wilke, Thomas
%P 5 - 6
%I Schloss Dagstuhl
%@ 978-3-939897-50-7
%B Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics
%N 20
K. Mehlhorn, M. Y. Vardi, and M. Herbstritt, Eds., Publication Culture in Computing Research, no. 11. Schloss Dagstuhl, 2013.
TITLE = {Publication Culture in Computing Research},
EDITOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Vardi, Moshe Y. and Herbstritt, Marc},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {2192-5283},
URL = {urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-39778},
DOI = {10.4230/DagRep.2.11.20},
PUBLISHER = {Schloss Dagstuhl},
YEAR = {2012},
SERIES = {Dagstuhl Reports},
VOLUME = {2},
ISSUE = {11},
PAGES = {20--44},
ADDRESS = {Wadern, Germany},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%E Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Vardi, Moshe Y.
%E Herbstritt, Marc
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
%T Publication Culture in Computing Research :
%G eng
%R 10.4230/DagRep.2.11.20
%U urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-39778
%D 2013
%8 25.03.2013
%B Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 12452
%Z date of event: 2012-11-06 - 2012-11-09
%D 2012
%C Wadern, Germany
%K scholarly publishing, conference, journal, peer review, open archive, open access, indexing, research evaluation
%S Dagstuhl Reports
%V 2
%P 20 - 44
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, M. Sagraloff, and P. Wang, “From Approximate Factorization to Root Isolation with Application to Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition,” 2013. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 1301.4870)
We present an algorithm for isolating the roots of an arbitrary complex
polynomial $p$ that also works for polynomials with multiple roots provided
that the number $k$ of distinct roots is given as part of the input. It outputs
$k$ pairwise disjoint disks each containing one of the distinct roots of $p$,
and its multiplicity. The algorithm uses approximate factorization as a
In addition, we apply the new root isolation algorithm to a recent algorithm
for computing the topology of a real planar algebraic curve specified as the
zero set of a bivariate integer polynomial and for isolating the real solutions
of a bivariate polynomial system. For input polynomials of degree $n$ and
bitsize $\tau$, we improve the currently best running time from
$\tO(n^{9}\tau+n^{8}\tau^{2})$ (deterministic) to $\tO(n^{6}+n^{5}\tau)$
(randomized) for topology computation and from $\tO(n^{8}+n^{7}\tau)$
(deterministic) to $\tO(n^{6}+n^{5}\tau)$ (randomized) for solving bivariate
TITLE = {From Approximate Factorization to Root Isolation with Application to Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sagraloff, Michael and Wang, Pengming},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {1301.4870},
YEAR = {2013},
ABSTRACT = {We present an algorithm for isolating the roots of an arbitrary complex polynomial $p$ that also works for polynomials with multiple roots provided that the number $k$ of distinct roots is given as part of the input. It outputs $k$ pairwise disjoint disks each containing one of the distinct roots of $p$, and its multiplicity. The algorithm uses approximate factorization as a subroutine. In addition, we apply the new root isolation algorithm to a recent algorithm for computing the topology of a real planar algebraic curve specified as the zero set of a bivariate integer polynomial and for isolating the real solutions of a bivariate polynomial system. For input polynomials of degree $n$ and bitsize $\tau$, we improve the currently best running time from $\tO(n^{9}\tau+n^{8}\tau^{2})$ (deterministic) to $\tO(n^{6}+n^{5}\tau)$ (randomized) for topology computation and from $\tO(n^{8}+n^{7}\tau)$ (deterministic) to $\tO(n^{6}+n^{5}\tau)$ (randomized) for solving bivariate systems.},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Sagraloff, Michael
%A Wang, Pengming
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T From Approximate Factorization to Root Isolation with Application to
Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition :
%G eng
%D 2013
%X We present an algorithm for isolating the roots of an arbitrary complex
polynomial $p$ that also works for polynomials with multiple roots provided
that the number $k$ of distinct roots is given as part of the input. It outputs
$k$ pairwise disjoint disks each containing one of the distinct roots of $p$,
and its multiplicity. The algorithm uses approximate factorization as a
In addition, we apply the new root isolation algorithm to a recent algorithm
for computing the topology of a real planar algebraic curve specified as the
zero set of a bivariate integer polynomial and for isolating the real solutions
of a bivariate polynomial system. For input polynomials of degree $n$ and
bitsize $\tau$, we improve the currently best running time from
$\tO(n^{9}\tau+n^{8}\tau^{2})$ (deterministic) to $\tO(n^{6}+n^{5}\tau)$
(randomized) for topology computation and from $\tO(n^{8}+n^{7}\tau)$
(deterministic) to $\tO(n^{6}+n^{5}\tau)$ (randomized) for solving bivariate
%K Computer Science, Symbolic Computation, cs.SC
K. Mehlhorn, A. Neumann, and J. M. Schmidt, “Certifying 3-Edge-Connectivity,” in Graph-theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG 2013), Lübeck, Germany, 2013.
TITLE = {Certifying 3-Edge-Connectivity},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Neumann, Adrian and Schmidt, Jens M.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0302-9743},
ISBN = {978-3-642-45042-6},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-642-45043-3_31},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2013},
DATE = {2013},
BOOKTITLE = {Graph-theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG 2013)},
EDITOR = {Brandst{\"a}dt, Andreas and Jansen, Klaus and Reischuk, R{\"u}diger},
PAGES = {358--369},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {8165},
ADDRESS = {L{\"u}beck, Germany},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Neumann, Adrian
%A Schmidt, Jens M.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Certifying 3-Edge-Connectivity :
%G eng
%R 10.1007/978-3-642-45043-3_31
%D 2013
%B 39th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science
%Z date of event: 2013-06-19 - 2013-06-21
%C Lübeck, Germany
%B Graph-theoretic Concepts in Computer Science
%E Brandstädt, Andreas; Jansen, Klaus; Reischuk, Rüdiger
%P 358 - 369
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-642-45042-6
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 8165
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, M. Sagraloff, and P. Wang, “From Approximate Factorization to Root Isolation,” in ISSAC 2013, 38th International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, Boston, MA, USA, 2013.
TITLE = {From Approximate Factorization to Root Isolation},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sagraloff, Michael and Wang, Pengming},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-1-4503-2059-7},
DOI = {10.1145/2465506.2465523},
YEAR = {2013},
DATE = {2013},
BOOKTITLE = {ISSAC 2013, 38th International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation},
EDITOR = {Kauers, Manuel},
PAGES = {283--290},
ADDRESS = {Boston, MA, USA},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Sagraloff, Michael
%A Wang, Pengming
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T From Approximate Factorization to Root Isolation :
%G eng
%R 10.1145/2465506.2465523
%D 2013
%B 38th International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
%Z date of event: 2013-06-26 - 2013-06-29
%C Boston, MA, USA
%B ISSAC 2013
%E Kauers, Manuel
%P 283 - 290
%@ 978-1-4503-2059-7
M. Sagraloff and K. Mehlhorn, “Computing Real Roots of Real Polynomials,” 2013. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 1308.4088)
Computing the real roots of a polynomial is a fundamental problem of
computational algebra. We describe a variant of the Descartes method that
isolates the real roots of any real square-free polynomial given through
coefficient oracles. A coefficient oracle provides arbitrarily good
approximations of the coefficients. The bit complexity of the algorithm matches
the complexity of the best algorithm known, and the algorithm is simpler than
this algorithm. The algorithm derives its speed from the combination of
Descartes method with Newton iteration. Our algorithm can also be used to
further refine the isolating intervals to an arbitrary small size. The
complexity of root refinement is nearly optimal.
TITLE = {Computing Real Roots of Real Polynomials},
AUTHOR = {Sagraloff, Michael and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {1308.4088},
YEAR = {2013},
ABSTRACT = {Computing the real roots of a polynomial is a fundamental problem of computational algebra. We describe a variant of the Descartes method that isolates the real roots of any real square-free polynomial given through coefficient oracles. A coefficient oracle provides arbitrarily good approximations of the coefficients. The bit complexity of the algorithm matches the complexity of the best algorithm known, and the algorithm is simpler than this algorithm. The algorithm derives its speed from the combination of Descartes method with Newton iteration. Our algorithm can also be used to further refine the isolating intervals to an arbitrary small size. The complexity of root refinement is nearly optimal.},
%0 Report
%A Sagraloff, Michael
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Computing Real Roots of Real Polynomials :
%G eng
%D 2013
%X Computing the real roots of a polynomial is a fundamental problem of
computational algebra. We describe a variant of the Descartes method that
isolates the real roots of any real square-free polynomial given through
coefficient oracles. A coefficient oracle provides arbitrarily good
approximations of the coefficients. The bit complexity of the algorithm matches
the complexity of the best algorithm known, and the algorithm is simpler than
this algorithm. The algorithm derives its speed from the combination of
Descartes method with Newton iteration. Our algorithm can also be used to
further refine the isolating intervals to an arbitrary small size. The
complexity of root refinement is nearly optimal.
%K Computer Science, Symbolic Computation, cs.SC,Computer Science, Numerical Analysis, cs.NA,Mathematics, Numerical Analysis, math.NA
P. Afshani, M. Agrawal, B. Doerr, K. G. Larsen, K. Mehlhorn, and C. Winzen, “The Query Complexity of Finding a Hidden Permutation,” Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) : Report Series, vol. 87 (Revision 1), 2012.
TITLE = {The Query Complexity of Finding a Hidden Permutation},
AUTHOR = {Afshani, Peyman and Agrawal, Manindra and Doerr, Benjamin and Larsen, Kasper Green and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Winzen, Carola},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {1433-8092},
PUBLISHER = {Hasso-Plattner-Institut f{\"u}r Softwaretechnik GmbH},
ADDRESS = {Potsdam},
YEAR = {2012},
JOURNAL = {Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) : Report Series},
VOLUME = {87 (Revision 1)},
PAGES = {1--36},
%0 Journal Article
%A Afshani, Peyman
%A Agrawal, Manindra
%A Doerr, Benjamin
%A Larsen, Kasper Green
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Winzen, Carola
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T The Query Complexity of Finding a Hidden Permutation :
%G eng
%7 2012-11-05
%D 2012
%8 05.11.2012
%K Query complexity; randomized algorithms; guessing games; Mastermind
%J Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) : Report Series
%V 87 (Revision 1)
%& 1
%P 1 - 36
%I Hasso-Plattner-Institut für Softwaretechnik GmbH
%C Potsdam
%@ false
P. Afshani, M. Agrawal, B. Doerr, K. G. Larsen, K. Mehlhorn, and C. Winzen, “The Deterministic and Randomized Query Complexity of a Simple Guessing Game,” Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) : Report Series, vol. 87, 2012.
TITLE = {The Deterministic and Randomized Query Complexity of a Simple Guessing Game},
AUTHOR = {Afshani, Peyman and Agrawal, Manindra and Doerr, Benjamin and Larsen, Kasper Green and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Winzen, Carola},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {1433-8092},
PUBLISHER = {Hasso-Plattner-Institut f{\"u}r Softwaretechnik GmbH},
ADDRESS = {Potsdam},
YEAR = {2012},
JOURNAL = {Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) : Report Series},
VOLUME = {87},
PAGES = {1--33},
%0 Journal Article
%A Afshani, Peyman
%A Agrawal, Manindra
%A Doerr, Benjamin
%A Larsen, Kasper Green
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Winzen, Carola
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T The Deterministic and Randomized Query Complexity of a Simple Guessing Game :
%G eng
%7 2012
%D 2012
%K Query complexity; randomized algorithms; guessing games; Mastermind
%J Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) : Report Series
%V 87
%& 1
%P 1 - 33
%I Hasso-Plattner-Institut für Softwaretechnik GmbH
%C Potsdam
%@ false
V. Bonifaci, K. Mehlhorn, and G. Varma, “Physarum Can Compute Shortest Paths,” in Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2012), Kyoto, Japan, 2012.
Physarum Polycephalum is a slime mold that is apparently able to solve shortest
path problems.
A mathematical model has been proposed by biologists to describe the feedback
mechanism used by the slime mold to adapt its tubular channels while foraging
two food sources s_0 and s_1. We prove that, under this model, the mass of
the mold will eventually converge to the shortest s_0-s_1 path of the
network that the mold lies on, independently of the structure of the network or
of the initial mass distribution.
This matches the experimental observations by the biologists and can be seen as
an example of a "natural algorithm", that is, an algorithm developed by
evolution over millions of years.
TITLE = {Physarum Can Compute Shortest Paths},
AUTHOR = {Bonifaci, Vincenzo and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Varma, Girish},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-1-611972-11-5},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: CA211EE0A1B815F8C1257AC200545CEC-Bonifaci2012a},
YEAR = {2012},
DATE = {2012},
ABSTRACT = {Physarum Polycephalum is a slime mold that is apparently able to solve shortest path problems. A mathematical model has been proposed by biologists to describe the feedback mechanism used by the slime mold to adapt its tubular channels while foraging two food sources s_0 and s_1. We prove that, under this model, the mass of the mold will eventually converge to the shortest s_0-s_1 path of the network that the mold lies on, independently of the structure of the network or of the initial mass distribution. This matches the experimental observations by the biologists and can be seen as an example of a "natural algorithm", that is, an algorithm developed by evolution over millions of years.},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2012)},
EDITOR = {Ravani, Yuval},
PAGES = {233--240},
ADDRESS = {Kyoto, Japan},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Bonifaci, Vincenzo
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Varma, Girish
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Physarum Can Compute Shortest Paths :
%G eng
%F OTHER: Local-ID: CA211EE0A1B815F8C1257AC200545CEC-Bonifaci2012a
%D 2012
%B Twenty-Third Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
%Z date of event: 2012-01-17 - 2012-01-19
%C Kyoto, Japan
%X Physarum Polycephalum is a slime mold that is apparently able to solve shortest
path problems.
A mathematical model has been proposed by biologists to describe the feedback
mechanism used by the slime mold to adapt its tubular channels while foraging
two food sources s_0 and s_1. We prove that, under this model, the mass of
the mold will eventually converge to the shortest s_0-s_1 path of the
network that the mold lies on, independently of the structure of the network or
of the initial mass distribution.
This matches the experimental observations by the biologists and can be seen as
an example of a "natural algorithm", that is, an algorithm developed by
evolution over millions of years.
%B Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
%E Ravani, Yuval
%P 233 - 240
%@ 978-1-611972-11-5
V. Bonifaci, K. Mehlhorn, and G. Varma, “Physarum Can Compute Shortest Paths,” Journal of Theoretical Biology, vol. 309, 2012.
Physarum Polycephalum is a slime mold that is apparently able to solve shortest
path problems.
A mathematical model has been proposed by biologists to describe the feedback
mechanism used by the slime mold to adapt its tubular channels while foraging
two food sources s_0 and s_1. We prove that, under this model, the mass of
the mold will eventually converge to the shortest s_0-s_1 path of the
network that the mold lies on, independently of the structure of the network or
of the initial mass distribution.
This matches the experimental observations by the biologists and can be seen as
an example of a "natural algorithm", that is, an algorithm developed by
evolution over millions of years.
TITLE = {Physarum Can Compute Shortest Paths},
AUTHOR = {Bonifaci, Vincenzo and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Varma, Girish},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0022-5193},
DOI = {10.1016/j.jtbi.2012.06.017},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: 2E63427366C2D939C1257AC2005DC800-Bonifaci2012c},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {2012},
DATE = {2012},
ABSTRACT = {Physarum Polycephalum is a slime mold that is apparently able to solve shortest path problems. A mathematical model has been proposed by biologists to describe the feedback mechanism used by the slime mold to adapt its tubular channels while foraging two food sources s_0 and s_1. We prove that, under this model, the mass of the mold will eventually converge to the shortest s_0-s_1 path of the network that the mold lies on, independently of the structure of the network or of the initial mass distribution. This matches the experimental observations by the biologists and can be seen as an example of a "natural algorithm", that is, an algorithm developed by evolution over millions of years.},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Theoretical Biology},
VOLUME = {309},
PAGES = {121--133},
%0 Journal Article
%A Bonifaci, Vincenzo
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Varma, Girish
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Physarum Can Compute Shortest Paths :
%G eng
%R 10.1016/j.jtbi.2012.06.017
%F OTHER: Local-ID: 2E63427366C2D939C1257AC2005DC800-Bonifaci2012c
%7 2012-06-22
%D 2012
%X Physarum Polycephalum is a slime mold that is apparently able to solve shortest
path problems.
A mathematical model has been proposed by biologists to describe the feedback
mechanism used by the slime mold to adapt its tubular channels while foraging
two food sources s_0 and s_1. We prove that, under this model, the mass of
the mold will eventually converge to the shortest s_0-s_1 path of the
network that the mold lies on, independently of the structure of the network or
of the initial mass distribution.
This matches the experimental observations by the biologists and can be seen as
an example of a "natural algorithm", that is, an algorithm developed by
evolution over millions of years.
%K slime mold, natural algorithm, natural adaptive networks
%J Journal of Theoretical Biology
%V 309
%& 121
%P 121 - 133
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
K. Bringmann, K. Mehlhorn, and A. Neumann, “Remarks on Category-based Routing in Social Networks,” 2012. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 1202.2293)
It is well known that individuals can route messages on short paths through
social networks, given only simple information about the target and using only
local knowledge about the topology. Sociologists conjecture that people find
routes greedily by passing the message to an acquaintance that has more in
common with the target than themselves, e.g. if a dentist in Saarbr\"ucken
wants to send a message to a specific lawyer in Munich, he may forward it to
someone who is a lawyer and/or lives in Munich. Modelling this setting,
Eppstein et al. introduced the notion of category-based routing. The goal is to
assign a set of categories to each node of a graph such that greedy routing is
possible. By proving bounds on the number of categories a node has to be in we
can argue about the plausibility of the underlying sociological model. In this
paper we substantially improve the upper bounds introduced by Eppstein et al.
and prove new lower bounds.
TITLE = {Remarks on Category-based Routing in Social Networks},
AUTHOR = {Bringmann, Karl and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Neumann, Adrian},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {1202.2293},
YEAR = {2012},
ABSTRACT = {It is well known that individuals can route messages on short paths through social networks, given only simple information about the target and using only local knowledge about the topology. Sociologists conjecture that people find routes greedily by passing the message to an acquaintance that has more in common with the target than themselves, e.g. if a dentist in Saarbr\"ucken wants to send a message to a specific lawyer in Munich, he may forward it to someone who is a lawyer and/or lives in Munich. Modelling this setting, Eppstein et al. introduced the notion of category-based routing. The goal is to assign a set of categories to each node of a graph such that greedy routing is possible. By proving bounds on the number of categories a node has to be in we can argue about the plausibility of the underlying sociological model. In this paper we substantially improve the upper bounds introduced by Eppstein et al. and prove new lower bounds.},
%0 Report
%A Bringmann, Karl
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Neumann, Adrian
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Remarks on Category-based Routing in Social Networks :
%G eng
%D 2012
%X It is well known that individuals can route messages on short paths through
social networks, given only simple information about the target and using only
local knowledge about the topology. Sociologists conjecture that people find
routes greedily by passing the message to an acquaintance that has more in
common with the target than themselves, e.g. if a dentist in Saarbr\"ucken
wants to send a message to a specific lawyer in Munich, he may forward it to
someone who is a lawyer and/or lives in Munich. Modelling this setting,
Eppstein et al. introduced the notion of category-based routing. The goal is to
assign a set of categories to each node of a graph such that greedy routing is
possible. By proving bounds on the number of categories a node has to be in we
can argue about the plausibility of the underlying sociological model. In this
paper we substantially improve the upper bounds introduced by Eppstein et al.
and prove new lower bounds.
%K cs.SI,Computer Science, Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing, cs.DC,Computer Science, Discrete Mathematics, cs.DM, Physics, Physics and Society, physics.soc-ph
K. Bringmann and K. Panagiotou, “Efficient Sampling Methods for Discrete Distributions,” in Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2012), Warwick, UK, 2012.
We study the fundamental problem of the exact and efficient generation of
random values from a finite and discrete probability distribution. Suppose that
we are given n distinct events with associated probabilities p_1,...,p_n. We
consider the problem of sampling a subset, which includes the i-th event
independently with probability p_i, and the problem of sampling from the
distribution, where the i-th event has a probability proportional to p_i. For
both problems we present on two different classes of inputs � sorted and
general probabilities � efficient preprocessing algorithms that allow for
asymptotically optimal querying, and prove almost matching lower bounds for
their complexity.
TITLE = {Efficient Sampling Methods for Discrete Distributions},
AUTHOR = {Bringmann, Karl and Panagiotou, Konstantinos},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0302-9743},
ISBN = {978-3-642-31593-0},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-642-31594-7_12},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: 76C613922FECC644C1257AD300348137-BringmannP12},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2012},
DATE = {2012},
ABSTRACT = {We study the fundamental problem of the exact and efficient generation of random values from a finite and discrete probability distribution. Suppose that we are given n distinct events with associated probabilities p_1,...,p_n. We consider the problem of sampling a subset, which includes the i-th event independently with probability p_i, and the problem of sampling from the distribution, where the i-th event has a probability proportional to p_i. For both problems we present on two different classes of inputs {\diamond} sorted and general probabilities {\diamond} efficient preprocessing algorithms that allow for asymptotically optimal querying, and prove almost matching lower bounds for their complexity.},
BOOKTITLE = {Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2012)},
EDITOR = {Czumaj, Artur and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Pitts, Andrew M. and Wattenhofer, Roger},
PAGES = {133--144},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {7391},
ADDRESS = {Warwick, UK},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Bringmann, Karl
%A Panagiotou, Konstantinos
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Efficient Sampling Methods for Discrete Distributions :
%G eng
%R 10.1007/978-3-642-31594-7_12
%F OTHER: Local-ID: 76C613922FECC644C1257AD300348137-BringmannP12
%D 2012
%B 39th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming
%Z date of event: 2012-07-09 - 2012-07-13
%C Warwick, UK
%X We study the fundamental problem of the exact and efficient generation of
random values from a finite and discrete probability distribution. Suppose that
we are given n distinct events with associated probabilities p_1,...,p_n. We
consider the problem of sampling a subset, which includes the i-th event
independently with probability p_i, and the problem of sampling from the
distribution, where the i-th event has a probability proportional to p_i. For
both problems we present on two different classes of inputs � sorted and
general probabilities � efficient preprocessing algorithms that allow for
asymptotically optimal querying, and prove almost matching lower bounds for
their complexity.
%B Automata, Languages, and Programming
%E Czumaj, Artur; Mehlhorn, Kurt; Pitts, Andrew M.; Wattenhofer, Roger
%P 133 - 144
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-642-31593-0
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 7391
%@ false
M. Cygan, S. Kratsch, M. Pilipczuk, M. Pilipczuk, and M. Wahlström, “Clique Cover and Graph Separation: New Incompressibility Results,” in Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2012), Warwick, UK, 2012.
TITLE = {Clique Cover and Graph Separation: New Incompressibility Results},
AUTHOR = {Cygan, Marek and Kratsch, Stefan and Pilipczuk, Marcin and Pilipczuk, Micha and Wahlstr{\"o}m, Magnus},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0302-9743},
ISBN = {978-3-642-31593-0},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-642-31594-7_22},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: 5A998CDCF7D0A3FCC1257AD4004D05AF-CyganKratschPilipczukPilipczukWahlstroem2012},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2012},
DATE = {2012},
BOOKTITLE = {Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2012)},
EDITOR = {Czumaj, Artur and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Pitts, Andrew M. and Wattenhofer, Roger},
PAGES = {254--265},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
DEBUG = {author: Wattenhofer, Roger},
EDITOR = {Czumaj, Artur and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Pitts, Andrew},
VOLUME = {7391},
ADDRESS = {Warwick, UK},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Cygan, Marek
%A Kratsch, Stefan
%A Pilipczuk, Marcin
%A Pilipczuk, Micha
%A Wahlström, Magnus
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Clique Cover and Graph Separation: New Incompressibility Results :
%G eng
%R 10.1007/978-3-642-31594-7_22
%F OTHER: Local-ID: 5A998CDCF7D0A3FCC1257AD4004D05AF-CyganKratschPilipczukPilipczukWahlstroem2012
%D 2012
%B 39th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming
%Z date of event: 2012-07-09 - 2012-07-13
%C Warwick, UK
%B Automata, Languages, and Programming
%E Czumaj, Artur; Mehlhorn, Kurt; Pitts, Andrew M.; Wattenhofer, Roger
%P 254 - 265
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-642-31593-0
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%Y Czumaj, Artur; Mehlhorn, Kurt; Pitts, Andrew; Wattenhofer, Roger
%N 7391
%@ false
A. Czumaj, K. Mehlhorn, A. Pitts, and R. Wattenhofer, Eds., Automata, Languages, and Programming. Springer, 2012.
TITLE = {Automata, Languages, and Programming},
EDITOR = {Czumaj, Artur and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Pitts, Andrew and Wattenhofer, Roger},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0302-9743},
ISBN = {978-3-642-31584-8},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-642-31585-5},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2012},
DATE = {2012},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {7392},
ADDRESS = {Warwick, UK},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%E Czumaj, Artur
%E Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Pitts, Andrew
%E Wattenhofer, Roger
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
%T Automata, Languages, and Programming : 39th International Colloquium, ICALP 2012, Warwick, UK, July 9-13, 2012, Proceedings, Part II
%G eng
%R 10.1007/978-3-642-31585-5
%@ 978-3-642-31584-8
%I Springer
%D 2012
%B 39th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming
%Z date of event: 2012-07-09 - 2012-07-13
%D 2012
%C Warwick, UK
%S Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%V 7392
%@ false
A. Czumaj, K. Mehlhorn, A. Pitts, and R. Wattenhofer, Eds., Automata, Languages, and Programming. Springer, 2012.
TITLE = {Automata, Languages, and Programming},
EDITOR = {Czumaj, Artur and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Pitts, Andrew and Wattenhofer, Roger},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0302-9743},
ISBN = {978-3-642-31593-0},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-642-31594-7},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2012},
DATE = {2012},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {7391},
ADDRESS = {Warwick, UK},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%E Czumaj, Artur
%E Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Pitts, Andrew
%E Wattenhofer, Roger
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
%T Automata, Languages, and Programming : 39th International Colloquium, ICALP 2012, Warwick, UK, July 9-13, 2012, Proceedings, Part I
%G eng
%R 10.1007/978-3-642-31594-7
%@ 978-3-642-31593-0
%I Springer
%D 2012
%B 39th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming
%Z date of event: 2012-07-09 - 2012-07-13
%D 2012
%C Warwick, UK
%S Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%V 7391
%@ false
K. Elbassioni, “A QPTAS for ε-Envy-free Profit-maximizing Pricing on Line Graphs,” in Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2012), Warwick, UK, 2012.
TITLE = {A {QPTAS} for $\varepsilon$-Envy-free Profit-maximizing Pricing on Line Graphs},
AUTHOR = {Elbassioni, Khaled},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-642-31584-8; 978-3-642-31585-5},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-642-31585-5_46},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: 140EF868CCF427F9C1257AD40047FB11-Elbassioni2012e},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2012},
DATE = {2012},
BOOKTITLE = {Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2012)},
EDITOR = {Czumaj, Artur and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Pitts, Andrew M. and Wattenhofer, Roger},
PAGES = {513--524},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {7392},
ADDRESS = {Warwick, UK},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Elbassioni, Khaled
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A QPTAS for ε-Envy-free Profit-maximizing Pricing on Line Graphs :
%G eng
%R 10.1007/978-3-642-31585-5_46
%F OTHER: Local-ID: 140EF868CCF427F9C1257AD40047FB11-Elbassioni2012e
%D 2012
%B 39th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming
%Z date of event: 2012-07-09 - 2012-07-13
%C Warwick, UK
%B Automata, Languages, and Programming
%E Czumaj, Artur; Mehlhorn, Kurt; Pitts, Andrew M.; Wattenhofer, Roger
%P 513 - 524
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-642-31584-8 978-3-642-31585-5
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 7392
A. Elmasry, K. Mehlhorn, and J. M. Schmidt, “An O(n+ m) Certifying Triconnnectivity Algorithm for Hamiltonian Graphs,” Algorithmica, vol. 62, no. 3, 2012.
TITLE = {An O(n+ m) Certifying Triconnnectivity Algorithm for {H}amiltonian Graphs},
AUTHOR = {Elmasry, Amr and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Schmidt, Jens M.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0178-4617},
DOI = {10.1007/s00453-010-9481-2},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A45F18DF4E1C7C57C1257846003F6ADF-ElmasryMehlhornSchmidt2010},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY},
YEAR = {2012},
DATE = {2012},
JOURNAL = {Algorithmica},
VOLUME = {62},
NUMBER = {3},
PAGES = {754--766},
%0 Journal Article
%A Elmasry, Amr
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schmidt, Jens M.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T An O(n+ m) Certifying Triconnnectivity Algorithm for Hamiltonian Graphs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 536712
%R 10.1007/s00453-010-9481-2
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A45F18DF4E1C7C57C1257846003F6ADF-ElmasryMehlhornSchmidt2010
%7 2010
%D 2012
%J Algorithmica
%V 62
%N 3
%& 754
%P 754 - 766
%I Springer
%C New York, NY
%@ false
T. Jurkiewicz and K. Mehlhorn, “The Cost of Address Translation,” 2012. [Online]. Available: (arXiv: 1212.0703)
Modern computers are not random access machines (RAMs). They have a memory
hierarchy, multiple cores, and virtual memory. In this paper, we address the
computational cost of address translation in virtual memory. Starting point for
our work is the observation that the analysis of some simple algorithms (random
scan of an array, binary search, heapsort) in either the RAM model or the EM
model (external memory model) does not correctly predict growth rates of actual
running times. We propose the VAT model (virtual address translation) to
account for the cost of address translations and analyze the algorithms
mentioned above and others in the model. The predictions agree with the
measurements. We also analyze the VAT-cost of cache-oblivious algorithms.
TITLE = {The Cost of Address Translation},
AUTHOR = {Jurkiewicz, Tomasz and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
EPRINT = {1212.0703},
YEAR = {2012},
ABSTRACT = {Modern computers are not random access machines (RAMs). They have a memory hierarchy, multiple cores, and virtual memory. In this paper, we address the computational cost of address translation in virtual memory. Starting point for our work is the observation that the analysis of some simple algorithms (random scan of an array, binary search, heapsort) in either the RAM model or the EM model (external memory model) does not correctly predict growth rates of actual running times. We propose the VAT model (virtual address translation) to account for the cost of address translations and analyze the algorithms mentioned above and others in the model. The predictions agree with the measurements. We also analyze the VAT-cost of cache-oblivious algorithms.},
%0 Report
%A Jurkiewicz, Tomasz
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T The Cost of Address Translation :
%G eng
%D 2012
%X Modern computers are not random access machines (RAMs). They have a memory
hierarchy, multiple cores, and virtual memory. In this paper, we address the
computational cost of address translation in virtual memory. Starting point for
our work is the observation that the analysis of some simple algorithms (random
scan of an array, binary search, heapsort) in either the RAM model or the EM
model (external memory model) does not correctly predict growth rates of actual
running times. We propose the VAT model (virtual address translation) to
account for the cost of address translations and analyze the algorithms
mentioned above and others in the model. The predictions agree with the
measurements. We also analyze the VAT-cost of cache-oblivious algorithms.
%K Computer Science, Data Structures and Algorithms, cs.DS,Computer Science, Computational Complexity, cs.CC,Computer Science, Performance, cs.PF,
D. Kane, K. Mehlhorn, T. Sauerwald, and H. Sun, “Counting Arbitrary Subgraphs in Data Streams,” in Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2012), Warwick, UK, 2012.
TITLE = {Counting Arbitrary Subgraphs in Data Streams},
AUTHOR = {Kane, Daniel and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sauerwald, Thomas and Sun, He},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0302-9743},
ISBN = {978-3-642-31584-8},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-642-31585-5},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: D59F81728CEDD0B9C1257AD000568326-Sun2012b},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2012},
DATE = {2012},
BOOKTITLE = {Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2012)},
EDITOR = {Czumaj, Artur and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Pitts, Andrew M. and Wattenhofer, Roger},
PAGES = {598--609},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {7392},
ADDRESS = {Warwick, UK},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Kane, Daniel
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Sauerwald, Thomas
%A Sun, He
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Counting Arbitrary Subgraphs in Data Streams :
%G eng
%R 10.1007/978-3-642-31585-5
%F OTHER: Local-ID: D59F81728CEDD0B9C1257AD000568326-Sun2012b
%D 2012
%B 39th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming
%Z date of event: 2012-07-09 - 2012-07-13
%C Warwick, UK
%B Automata, Languages, and Programming
%E Czumaj, Artur; Mehlhorn, Kurt; Pitts, Andrew M.; Wattenhofer, Roger
%P 598 - 609
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-642-31584-8
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 7392
%@ false
S. Kratsch, M. Pilipczuk, M. Pilipczuk, and M. Wahlström, “Fixed-parameter Tractability of Multicut in Directed Acyclic Graphs,” in Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2012), Warwick, UK, 2012.
TITLE = {Fixed-parameter Tractability of Multicut in Directed Acyclic Graphs},
AUTHOR = {Kratsch, Stefan and Pilipczuk, Marcin and Pilipczuk, Micha and Wahlstr{\"o}m, Magnus},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0302-9743},
ISBN = {978-3-642-31593-0},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-642-31594-7_49},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: E10E3826E7217AEBC1257AD4004D690C-KratschPilipczukPilipczukWahlstroem2012},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2012},
DATE = {2012},
BOOKTITLE = {Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2012)},
EDITOR = {Czumaj, Artur and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Pitts, Andrew M. and Wattenhofer, Roger},
PAGES = {581--593},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {7391},
ADDRESS = {Warwick, UK},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Kratsch, Stefan
%A Pilipczuk, Marcin
%A Pilipczuk, Micha
%A Wahlström, Magnus
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Fixed-parameter Tractability of Multicut in Directed Acyclic Graphs :
%G eng
%R 10.1007/978-3-642-31594-7_49
%F OTHER: Local-ID: E10E3826E7217AEBC1257AD4004D690C-KratschPilipczukPilipczukWahlstroem2012
%D 2012
%B 39th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming
%Z date of event: 2012-07-09 - 2012-07-13
%C Warwick, UK
%B Automata, Languages, and Programming
%E Czumaj, Artur; Mehlhorn, Kurt; Pitts, Andrew M.; Wattenhofer, Roger
%P 581 - 593
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-642-31593-0
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 7391
%@ false
N. Megow, K. Mehlhorn, and P. Schweitzer, “Online Graph Exploration: New Results on Old and New Algorithms,” Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 463, 2012.
TITLE = {Online Graph Exploration: New Results on Old and New Algorithms},
AUTHOR = {Megow, Nicole and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Schweitzer, Pascal},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0304-3975},
DOI = {10.1016/j.tcs.2012.06.034},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: 18D093BE87A59A63C1257AC5007EF50F-MegowMehlhornSchweitzer2012},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {2012},
DATE = {2012},
JOURNAL = {Theoretical Computer Science},
VOLUME = {463},
PAGES = {62--72},
%0 Journal Article
%A Megow, Nicole
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schweitzer, Pascal
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Online Graph Exploration: New Results on Old and New Algorithms :
%G eng
%R 10.1016/j.tcs.2012.06.034
%F OTHER: Local-ID: 18D093BE87A59A63C1257AC5007EF50F-MegowMehlhornSchweitzer2012
%7 2012-07-08
%D 2012
%J Theoretical Computer Science
%V 463
%& 62
%P 62 - 72
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
N. Megow, M. Skutella, J. Verschae, and A. Wiese, “The Power of Recourse for Online MST and TSP,” in Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2012), Warwick, 2012.
TITLE = {The Power of Recourse for Online {MST} and {TSP}},
AUTHOR = {Megow, Nicole and Skutella, Martin and Verschae, Jose and Wiese, Andreas},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0302-9743},
ISBN = {978-3-642-31593-0},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-642-31594-7_58},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: F9D0FE85F8D1AF2FC1257AC5007D0CF8-MegowSVW2012},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2012},
DATE = {2012},
BOOKTITLE = {Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2012)},
EDITOR = {Czumaj, Artur and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Pitts, Andrew M. and Wattenhofer, Roger},
PAGES = {689--700},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {7391},
ADDRESS = {Warwick},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Megow, Nicole
%A Skutella, Martin
%A Verschae, Jose
%A Wiese, Andreas
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T The Power of Recourse for Online MST and TSP :
%G eng
%R 10.1007/978-3-642-31594-7_58
%F OTHER: Local-ID: F9D0FE85F8D1AF2FC1257AC5007D0CF8-MegowSVW2012
%D 2012
%B 39th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming
%Z date of event: 2012-11-29 - 2012-11-29
%C Warwick
%B Automata, Languages, and Programming
%E Czumaj, Artur; Mehlhorn, Kurt; Pitts, Andrew M.; Wattenhofer, Roger
%P 689 - 700
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-642-31593-0
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 7391
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn and J.-R. Sack, “CGTA-Awards 2011,” Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, vol. 45, no. 4, 2012.
TITLE = {{CGTA}-Awards 2011},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sack, Joerg-Ruediger},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0925-7721},
DOI = {10.1016/j.comgeo.2011.11.005},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {2012},
DATE = {2012},
JOURNAL = {Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications},
VOLUME = {45},
NUMBER = {4},
PAGES = {139--139},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Sack, Joerg-Ruediger
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T CGTA-Awards 2011 :
%G eng
%R 10.1016/j.comgeo.2011.11.005
%7 2012
%D 2012
%J Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications
%V 45
%N 4
%& 139
%P 139 - 139
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
J. M. Schmidt, “Certifying 3-Connectivity in Linear Time,” in Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2012), Warwick, UK, 2012.
TITLE = {Certifying 3-Connectivity in Linear Time},
AUTHOR = {Schmidt, Jens M.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0302-9743},
ISBN = {978-3-642-31593-0},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-642-31594-7_66},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: 9F99A9B8CE9D07A0C1257AC2004AE457-Schmidt2012b},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2012},
DATE = {2012},
BOOKTITLE = {Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2012)},
EDITOR = {Czumaj, Artur and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Pitts, Andrew and Wattenhofer, Roger},
PAGES = {786--797},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {7391},
ADDRESS = {Warwick, UK},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Schmidt, Jens M.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Certifying 3-Connectivity in Linear Time :
%G eng
%R 10.1007/978-3-642-31594-7_66
%F OTHER: Local-ID: 9F99A9B8CE9D07A0C1257AC2004AE457-Schmidt2012b
%D 2012
%B 39th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming
%Z date of event: 2012-07-09 - 2012-07-13
%C Warwick, UK
%B Automata, Languages, and Programming
%E Czumaj, Artur; Mehlhorn, Kurt; Pitts, Andrew; Wattenhofer, Roger
%P 786 - 797
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-642-31593-0
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 7391
%@ false
E. Alkassar, S. Böhme, K. Mehlhorn, and C. Rizkallah, “Verification of Certifying Computations,” in Computer Aided Verification, Snowbird, Utah, USA, 2011.
Formal verification of complex algorithms is challenging. Verifying their
implementations goes beyond the state of the art of
current verification tools and proving their correctness usually
involves non-trivial mathematical theorems.
Certifying algorithms compute in addition to each output a
witness certifying that the output is correct. A checker for such a witness
is usually much simpler than the original algorithm -- yet it is all the
user has to trust. Verification of checkers is feasible with current tools and
leads to computations that can be completely trusted.
In this paper we develop a framework to seamlessly verify certifying
computations. The automatic verifier VCC is used for checking code
correctness, and the interactive theorem prover Isabelle/HOL targets
high-level mathematical properties of algorithms. We demonstrate the
effectiveness of our approach by applying it to the verification of
the algorithmic library LEDA.
TITLE = {Verification of Certifying Computations},
AUTHOR = {Alkassar, Eyad and B{\"o}hme, Sascha and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Rizkallah, Christine},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-642-22109-5},
URL = {},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-642-22110-1_7},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-5C01AA7BBEAB7C26C125785C003095BF-FormalVerificationofCertifyingComputations},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2011},
DATE = {2011},
ABSTRACT = {Formal verification of complex algorithms is challenging. Verifying their implementations goes beyond the state of the art of current verification tools and proving their correctness usually involves non-trivial mathematical theorems. Certifying algorithms compute in addition to each output a witness certifying that the output is correct. A checker for such a witness is usually much simpler than the original algorithm -- yet it is all the user has to trust. Verification of checkers is feasible with current tools and leads to computations that can be completely trusted. In this paper we develop a framework to seamlessly verify certifying computations. The automatic verifier VCC is used for checking code correctness, and the interactive theorem prover Isabelle/HOL targets high-level mathematical properties of algorithms. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by applying it to the verification of the algorithmic library LEDA.},
BOOKTITLE = {Computer Aided Verification},
EDITOR = {Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh and Qadeer, Shaz},
PAGES = {67--82},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {6806},
ADDRESS = {Snowbird, Utah, USA},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Alkassar, Eyad
%A Böhme, Sascha
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Rizkallah, Christine
%+ Cluster of Excellence Multimodal Computing and Interaction
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Verification of Certifying Computations :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 618673
%R 10.1007/978-3-642-22110-1_7
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-5C01AA7BBEAB7C26C125785C003095BF-FormalVerificationofCertifyingComputations
%D 2011
%B CAV 2011
%Z date of event: 2011-07-14 - 2011-07-20
%C Snowbird, Utah, USA
%X Formal verification of complex algorithms is challenging. Verifying their
implementations goes beyond the state of the art of
current verification tools and proving their correctness usually
involves non-trivial mathematical theorems.
Certifying algorithms compute in addition to each output a
witness certifying that the output is correct. A checker for such a witness
is usually much simpler than the original algorithm -- yet it is all the
user has to trust. Verification of checkers is feasible with current tools and
leads to computations that can be completely trusted.
In this paper we develop a framework to seamlessly verify certifying
computations. The automatic verifier VCC is used for checking code
correctness, and the interactive theorem prover Isabelle/HOL targets
high-level mathematical properties of algorithms. We demonstrate the
effectiveness of our approach by applying it to the verification of
the algorithmic library LEDA.
%B Computer Aided Verification
%E Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh; Qadeer, Shaz
%P 67 - 82
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-642-22109-5
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 6806
E. Alkassar, S. Böhme, K. Mehlhorn, C. Rizkallah, and P. Schweitzer, “An Introduction to Certifying Algorithms,” Information technology, vol. 53, no. 6, 2011.
TITLE = {An Introduction to Certifying Algorithms},
AUTHOR = {Alkassar, Eyad and B{\"o}hme, Sascha and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Rizkallah, Christine and Schweitzer, Pascal},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {1611-2776},
PUBLISHER = {Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag},
ADDRESS = {M{\"u}nchen},
YEAR = {2011},
JOURNAL = {Information technology},
VOLUME = {53},
NUMBER = {6},
PAGES = {287--293},
%0 Journal Article
%A Alkassar, Eyad
%A Böhme, Sascha
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Rizkallah, Christine
%A Schweitzer, Pascal
%+ International Max Planck Research School, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T An Introduction to Certifying Algorithms :
%G eng
%7 2011
%D 2011
%J Information technology
%O it
%V 53
%N 6
%& 287
%P 287 - 293
%I Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag
%C München
%@ false
E. Amaldi, C. Iuliano, T. Jurkiewicz, K. Mehlhorn, and R. Rizzi, “Improved Minimum Cycle Bases Algorithms by Restriction to Isometric Cycles.” 2011.
TITLE = {Improved Minimum Cycle Bases Algorithms by Restriction to Isometric Cycles},
AUTHOR = {Amaldi, Edoardo and Iuliano, Claudio and Jurkiewicz, Tomasz and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Rizzi, Romeo},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
YEAR = {2011},
%0 Report
%A Amaldi, Edoardo
%A Iuliano, Claudio
%A Jurkiewicz, Tomasz
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Rizzi, Romeo
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Improved Minimum Cycle Bases Algorithms by Restriction to
Isometric Cycles :
%G eng
%D 2011
S. Baswana, T. Kavitha, K. Mehlhorn, and S. Pettie, “Additive Spanners and (α, β)-Spanners,” ACM Transactions on Algorithms, vol. 7, no. 1, 2011.
TITLE = {Additive Spanners and ($\alpha$, $\beta$)-Spanners},
AUTHOR = {Baswana, Surender and Kavitha, Telikepalli and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Pettie, Seth},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {1549-6325},
URL = {},
DOI = {10.1145/1868237.1868242},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-150FC93C5EEE2627C12579C90051FFA8-MehlhornTALG2011},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY},
YEAR = {2011},
DATE = {2011},
JOURNAL = {ACM Transactions on Algorithms},
VOLUME = {7},
NUMBER = {1},
PAGES = {5:1--5:26},
EID = {5},
%0 Journal Article
%A Baswana, Surender
%A Kavitha, Telikepalli
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Pettie, Seth
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Additive Spanners and (α, β)-Spanners :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 618744
%R 10.1145/1868237.1868242
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-150FC93C5EEE2627C12579C90051FFA8-MehlhornTALG2011
%7 2011
%D 2011
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J ACM Transactions on Algorithms
%V 7
%N 1
%& 5:1
%P 5:1 - 5:26
%Z sequence number: 5
%C New York, NY
%@ false
G. Christodoulou, K. Mehlhorn, and E. Pyrga, “Improving the Price of Anarchy for Selfish Routing via Coordination Mechanisms,” in Algorithms - ESA 2011, Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011.
TITLE = {Improving the Price of Anarchy for Selfish Routing via Coordination Mechanisms},
AUTHOR = {Christodoulou, George and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Pyrga, Evangelia},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-642-23718-8},
URL = {},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-642-23719-5_11},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-D203A9C35EF58BBAC12579A3004010FD-Becker2011},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2011},
DATE = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithms -- ESA 2011},
EDITOR = {Demetrescu, Camil and Halld{\'o}rsson, Mang{\'u}s M.},
PAGES = {119--130},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {6942},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken, Germany},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Christodoulou, George
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Pyrga, Evangelia
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Improving the Price of Anarchy for Selfish Routing via Coordination Mechanisms :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 618742
%R 10.1007/978-3-642-23719-5_11
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-D203A9C35EF58BBAC12579A3004010FD-Becker2011
%D 2011
%B 19th Annual European Symposium on
%Z date of event: 2011-09-05 - 2011-09-09
%C Saarbrücken, Germany
%B Algorithms - ESA 2011
%E Demetrescu, Camil; Halldórsson, Mangús M.
%P 119 - 130
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-642-23718-8
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 6942
A. Eigenwillig and K. Mehlhorn, “Multiplication of Long Integers -- Faster than Long Multiplication,” in Algorithms Unplugged, Berlin: Springer, 2011.
TITLE = {Multiplication of Long Integers -- Faster than Long Multiplication},
AUTHOR = {Eigenwillig, Arno and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-642-15327-3},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-642-15328-0_11},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
YEAR = {2011},
DATE = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithms Unplugged},
EDITOR = {V{\"o}cking, Berthold and Alt, Helmut and Dietzfelbinger, Martin and Reischuk, R{\"u}diger and Scheideler, Christian and Vollmer, Heribert and Wagner, Dorothea},
PAGES = {101--109},
%0 Book Section
%A Eigenwillig, Arno
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Multiplication of Long Integers -- Faster than Long Multiplication :
%G eng
%R 10.1007/978-3-642-15328-0_11
%D 2011
%B Algorithms Unplugged
%E Vöcking, Berthold; Alt, Helmut; Dietzfelbinger, Martin; Reischuk, Rüdiger; Scheideler, Christian; Vollmer, Heribert; Wagner, Dorothea
%P 101 - 109
%I Springer
%C Berlin
%@ 978-3-642-15327-3
D. Halperin and K. Mehlhorn, “Guest Editorial: Selected Papers from European Symposium on Algorithms,” Algorithmica, vol. 60, no. 1, 2011.
TITLE = {Guest Editorial: Selected Papers from European Symposium on Algorithms},
AUTHOR = {Halperin, Dan and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0178-4617},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY},
YEAR = {2011},
DATE = {2011},
JOURNAL = {Algorithmica},
VOLUME = {60},
NUMBER = {1},
PAGES = {1--2},
%0 Journal Article
%A Halperin, Dan
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Guest Editorial: Selected Papers from European Symposium on Algorithms :
%G eng
%7 2011
%D 2011
%J Algorithmica
%V 60
%N 1
%& 1
%P 1 - 2
%I Springer
%C New York, NY
%@ false
T. Kavitha, K. Mehlhorn, and D. Michail, “New Approximation Algorithms for Minimum Cycle Bases of Graphs,” Algorithmica, vol. 59, no. 4, 2011.
TITLE = {New Approximation Algorithms for Minimum Cycle Bases of Graphs},
AUTHOR = {Kavitha, Telikepalli and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Michail, Dimitrios},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0178-4617},
URL = {},
DOI = {10.1007/s00453-009-9313-4},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-9DF47B615A95B3B9C12579CA0043E5C0-KavithaALG2011},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY},
YEAR = {2011},
DATE = {2011},
JOURNAL = {Algorithmica},
VOLUME = {59},
NUMBER = {4},
PAGES = {471--488},
%0 Journal Article
%A Kavitha, Telikepalli
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Michail, Dimitrios
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T New Approximation Algorithms for Minimum Cycle Bases of Graphs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 618754
%R 10.1007/s00453-009-9313-4
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-9DF47B615A95B3B9C12579CA0043E5C0-KavithaALG2011
%D 2011
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Algorithmica
%V 59
%N 4
%& 471
%P 471 - 488
%I Springer
%C New York, NY
%@ false
M. Manjunath, K. Mehlhorn, K. Panagiotou, and H. Sun, “Approximate Counting of Cycles in Streams,” in Algorithms – ESA 2011, 2011.
TITLE = {Approximate Counting of Cycles in Streams},
AUTHOR = {Manjunath, Madhusudan and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Panagiotou, Konstantinos and Sun, He},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-642-23719-5_57},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2011},
DATE = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithms -- ESA 2011},
EDITOR = {Demetrescu, Camil and M. Halld{\'o}rsson, Magn{\'u}s},
PAGES = {677--688},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {6942},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Manjunath, Madhusudan
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Panagiotou, Konstantinos
%A Sun, He
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Approximate Counting of Cycles in Streams :
%G eng
%R 10.1007/978-3-642-23719-5_57
%D 2011
%B ESA 2011
%Z date of event: -
%B Algorithms – ESA 2011
%E Demetrescu, Camil; M. Halldórsson, Magnús
%P 677 - 688
%I Springer
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 6942
N. Megow, K. Mehlhorn, and P. Schweitzer, “Online Graph Exploration: New Results on Old and New Algorithms,” in Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP 2011), Zurich, Switzerland, 2011.
TITLE = {Online Graph Exploration: New Results on Old and New Algorithms},
AUTHOR = {Megow, Nicole and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Schweitzer, Pascal},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-642-22011-1},
URL = {},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-642-22012-8_38},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-19606035D4D26455C12578810025513C-Megow2011-explore},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2011},
DATE = {2011},
BOOKTITLE = {Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP 2011)},
EDITOR = {Aceto, Luca and Henzinger, Monika and Sgall, Ji{\v r}{\'i}},
PAGES = {478--489},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {6756},
ADDRESS = {Zurich, Switzerland},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Megow, Nicole
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schweitzer, Pascal
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Online Graph Exploration: New Results on Old and New Algorithms :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 618681
%R 10.1007/978-3-642-22012-8_38
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-19606035D4D26455C12578810025513C-Megow2011-explore
%D 2011
%B 38th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming
%Z date of event: 2011-07-04 - 2011-07-08
%C Zurich, Switzerland
%B Automata, Languages and Programming
%E Aceto, Luca; Henzinger, Monika; Sgall, Jiří
%P 478 - 489
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-642-22011-1
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 6756
K. Mehlhorn and M. Sagraloff, “A Deterministic Algorithm for Isolating Real Roots of a Real Polynomial,” Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 46, no. 1, 2011.
We describe a bisection algorithm for root isolation of polynomials with real
coefficients. It is assumed that the coefficients can be approximated with
arbitrary precision; exact computation in the field of coefficients is not
required. We refer to such coefficients as bitstream coefficients. The
algorithm is simpler, deterministic and has better asymptotic complexity than
the randomized algorithm of Eigenwillig et al. (2005). We also discuss a
partial extension to multiple roots.
TITLE = {A Deterministic Algorithm for Isolating Real Roots of a Real Polynomial},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sagraloff, Michael},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
DOI = {10.1016/j.jsc.2010.09.004},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A0FD28893140854AC125781C003E51F3-MS:Bistream:2011},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {2011},
DATE = {2011},
ABSTRACT = {We describe a bisection algorithm for root isolation of polynomials with real coefficients. It is assumed that the coefficients can be approximated with arbitrary precision; exact computation in the field of coefficients is not required. We refer to such coefficients as bitstream coefficients. The algorithm is simpler, deterministic and has better asymptotic complexity than the randomized algorithm of Eigenwillig et al. (2005). We also discuss a partial extension to multiple roots.},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Symbolic Computation},
VOLUME = {46},
NUMBER = {1},
PAGES = {70--90},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Sagraloff, Michael
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Deterministic Algorithm for Isolating Real Roots of a Real Polynomial :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 618656
%R 10.1016/j.jsc.2010.09.004
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A0FD28893140854AC125781C003E51F3-MS:Bistream:2011
%7 2011
%D 2011
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X We describe a bisection algorithm for root isolation of polynomials with real
coefficients. It is assumed that the coefficients can be approximated with
arbitrary precision; exact computation in the field of coefficients is not
required. We refer to such coefficients as bitstream coefficients. The
algorithm is simpler, deterministic and has better asymptotic complexity than
the randomized algorithm of Eigenwillig et al. (2005). We also discuss a
partial extension to multiple roots.
%J Journal of Symbolic Computation
%V 46
%N 1
%& 70
%P 70 - 90
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
K. Mehlhorn, R. Osbild, and M. Sagraloff, “A General Approach to the Analysis of Controlled Perturbation Algorithms,” Computational Geometry, vol. 44, no. 9, 2011.
TITLE = {A General Approach to the Analysis of Controlled Perturbation Algorithms},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Osbild, Ralf and Sagraloff, Michael},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
DOI = {10.1016/j.comgeo.2011.06.001},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-2A5C0FDF3B7C1B18C1257861003B9A82-MOS-CP2011},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {2011},
DATE = {2011},
JOURNAL = {Computational Geometry},
VOLUME = {44},
NUMBER = {9},
PAGES = {507--528},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Osbild, Ralf
%A Sagraloff, Michael
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A General Approach to the Analysis of Controlled Perturbation Algorithms :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 618677
%R 10.1016/j.comgeo.2011.06.001
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-2A5C0FDF3B7C1B18C1257861003B9A82-MOS-CP2011
%7 2011
%D 2011
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Computational Geometry
%V 44
%N 9
%& 507
%P 507 - 528
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
N. Shervashidze, P. Schweitzer, E. J. van Leeuwen, K. Mehlhorn, and K. M. Borgwardt, “Weisfeiler-Lehman Graph Kernels,” Journal of Machine Learning Research, vol. 12, 2011.
TITLE = {{Weisfeiler}--{Lehman} Graph Kernels},
AUTHOR = {Shervashidze, Nino and Schweitzer, Pascal and van Leeuwen, Erik Jan and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Borgwardt, Karsten M.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {1532-4435},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-11F8B9324866AC60C12579CA004E38AC-Shervashidze2011},
ADDRESS = {Cambridge, Mass.},
YEAR = {2011},
DATE = {2011},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Machine Learning Research},
VOLUME = {12},
PAGES = {2539--2561},
%0 Journal Article
%A Shervashidze, Nino
%A Schweitzer, Pascal
%A van Leeuwen, Erik Jan
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Borgwardt, Karsten M.
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Weisfeiler-Lehman Graph Kernels :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 618759
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-11F8B9324866AC60C12579CA004E38AC-Shervashidze2011
%7 2011
%D 2011
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Journal of Machine Learning Research
%V 12
%& 2539
%P 2539 - 2561
%I MIT Press
%C Cambridge, Mass.
%@ false
E. Berberich, E. Fogel, D. Halperin, K. Mehlhorn, and R. Wein, “Arrangements on Parametric Surfaces I: General Framework and Infrastructure,” Mathematics in Computer Science, vol. 4, no. 1, 2010.
TITLE = {Arrangements on Parametric Surfaces I: General Framework and Infrastructure},
AUTHOR = {Berberich, Eric and Fogel, Efi and Halperin, Dan and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Wein, Ron},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {1661-8270},
URL = {},
DOI = {10.1007/s11786-010-0042-5},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-745F1A8BE751371AC12577FB002DE576-bfhmw-aos1-2010},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
YEAR = {2010},
DATE = {2010},
JOURNAL = {Mathematics in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {4},
NUMBER = {1},
PAGES = {45--66},
%0 Journal Article
%A Berberich, Eric
%A Fogel, Efi
%A Halperin, Dan
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Wein, Ron
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Arrangements on Parametric Surfaces I: General Framework and Infrastructure :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 536751
%R 10.1007/s11786-010-0042-5
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-745F1A8BE751371AC12577FB002DE576-bfhmw-aos1-2010
%D 2010
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Mathematics in Computer Science
%V 4
%N 1
%& 45
%P 45 - 66
%I Springer
%C Berlin
%@ false
N. Garg, T. Kavitha, A. Kumar, K. Mehlhorn, and J. Mestre, “Assigning Papers to Referees,” Algorithmica, vol. 58, no. 1, 2010.
TITLE = {Assigning Papers to Referees},
AUTHOR = {Garg, Naveen and Kavitha, T. and Kumar, Amit and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Mestre, Juli{\'a}n},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0178-4617},
URL = {},
DOI = {10.1007/s00453-009-9386-0},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-213E0759D254F459C12576C500583EE4-MehlhonMestre2009},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY},
YEAR = {2010},
DATE = {2010},
JOURNAL = {Algorithmica},
VOLUME = {58},
NUMBER = {1},
PAGES = {119--136},
%0 Journal Article
%A Garg, Naveen
%A Kavitha, T.
%A Kumar, Amit
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Mestre, Julián
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Assigning Papers to Referees :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 536729
%R 10.1007/s00453-009-9386-0
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-213E0759D254F459C12576C500583EE4-MehlhonMestre2009
%7 2010
%D 2010
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Algorithmica
%V 58
%N 1
%& 119
%P 119 - 136
%I Springer
%C New York, NY
%@ false
R. M. McConnell, K. Mehlhorn, S. Näher, and P. Schweitzer, “Certifying Algorithms,” Computer Science Review, vol. 5, no. 2, 2010.
TITLE = {Certifying Algorithms},
AUTHOR = {McConnell, Ross M. and Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan and Schweitzer, Pascal},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {1574-0137},
URL = {},
DOI = {10.1016/j.cosrev.2010.09.009},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-3814D1CC91136BA8C1257846003BA54F-McConnell2010},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {2010},
DATE = {2010},
JOURNAL = {Computer Science Review},
VOLUME = {5},
NUMBER = {2},
PAGES = {119--161},
%0 Journal Article
%A McConnell, Ross M.
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%A Schweitzer, Pascal
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Certifying Algorithms :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 536711
%R 10.1016/j.cosrev.2010.09.009
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-3814D1CC91136BA8C1257846003BA54F-McConnell2010
%7 2010
%D 2010
%J Computer Science Review
%V 5
%N 2
%& 119
%P 119 - 161
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn and P. Schweitzer, “Progress on Certifying Algorithms,” in Frontiers in Algorithmics (FAW 2010), Wuhan, China, 2010.
TITLE = {Progress on Certifying Algorithms},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Schweitzer, Pascal},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-642-14552-0},
URL = {},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-642-14553-7_1},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-6ADD7B6CDB83F33EC125781800375471-MehlhornSchweitzer2010},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2010},
DATE = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Frontiers in Algorithmics (FAW 2010)},
EDITOR = {Lee, Der-Tsai and Chen, Danny Z. and Ying, Shi},
PAGES = {1--5},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {6213},
ADDRESS = {Wuhan, China},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schweitzer, Pascal
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Progress on Certifying Algorithms :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 536774
%R 10.1007/978-3-642-14553-7_1
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-6ADD7B6CDB83F33EC125781800375471-MehlhornSchweitzer2010
%D 2010
%B 4th International Workshop on Frontiers in Algorithmics
%Z date of event: 2010-08-11 - 2010-08-13
%C Wuhan, China
%B Frontiers in Algorithmics
%E Lee, Der-Tsai; Chen, Danny Z.; Ying, Shi
%P 1 - 5
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-642-14552-0
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 6213
K. Mehlhorn and S. Ray, “Faster Algorithms for Computing Hong’s Bound on Absolute Positiveness,” Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 45, no. 6, 2010.
TITLE = {Faster Algorithms for Computing Hong{\textquoteright}s Bound on Absolute Positiveness},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Ray, Saurabh},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0747-7171},
URL = {},
DOI = {10.1016/j.jsc.2010.02.002},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-F2A3B1100AA47E69C125781800385310-MehlhornRay2010},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {2010},
DATE = {2010},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Symbolic Computation},
VOLUME = {45},
NUMBER = {6},
PAGES = {677--683},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Ray, Saurabh
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Faster Algorithms for Computing Hong’s Bound on Absolute Positiveness :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 536776
%R 10.1016/j.jsc.2010.02.002
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-F2A3B1100AA47E69C125781800385310-MehlhornRay2010
%7 2010
%D 2010
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Journal of Symbolic Computation
%V 45
%N 6
%& 677
%P 677 - 683
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, “Reliable and Efficient Geometric Computing,” in Mathematical Software (ICMS 2010), Kobe, Japan, 2010.
TITLE = {Reliable and Efficient Geometric Computing},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-642-15581-9},
URL = {},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-642-15582-6_3},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-ECD1954FEE1EB130C125781700444D74-Mehlhorn2010},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2010},
DATE = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Mathematical Software (ICMS 2010)},
EDITOR = {Fukuda, Komei and Van der Hoeven, Joris and Joswig, Michael and Takayama, Nobuki},
PAGES = {10--11},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {6327},
ADDRESS = {Kobe, Japan},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Reliable and Efficient Geometric Computing :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 536767
%R 10.1007/978-3-642-15582-6_3
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-ECD1954FEE1EB130C125781700444D74-Mehlhorn2010
%D 2010
%B Third International Congress on Mathematical Software
%Z date of event: 2010-09-13 - 2010-09-17
%C Kobe, Japan
%B Mathematical Software
%E Fukuda, Komei; Van der Hoeven, Joris; Joswig, Michael; Takayama, Nobuki
%P 10 - 11
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-642-15581-9
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 6327
E. Amaldi, C. Iuliano, T. Jurkiewicz, K. Mehlhorn, and R. Rizzi, “Breaking the O(m^2n) Barrier for Minimum Cycle Bases,” in Algorithms - ESA 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2009.
TITLE = {Breaking the {O(m^2n)} Barrier for Minimum Cycle Bases},
AUTHOR = {Amaldi, Edoardo and Iuliano, Claudio and Jurkiewicz, Tomasz and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Rizzi, Romeo},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-642-04127-3},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-642-04128-0_28},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2009},
DATE = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithms -- ESA 2009},
EDITOR = {Fiat, Amos and Sanders, Peter},
PAGES = {301--312},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {5757},
ADDRESS = {Copenhagen, Denmark},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Amaldi, Edoardo
%A Iuliano, Claudio
%A Jurkiewicz, Tomasz
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Rizzi, Romeo
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Breaking the O(m^2n) Barrier for Minimum Cycle Bases :
%G eng
%R 10.1007/978-3-642-04128-0_28
%D 2009
%B 17th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms
%Z date of event: 2009-09-07 - 2009-09-09
%C Copenhagen, Denmark
%B Algorithms - ESA 2009
%E Fiat, Amos; Sanders, Peter
%P 301 - 312
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-642-04127-3
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 5757
C. Burnikel, S. Funke, K. Mehlhorn, S. Schirra, and S. Schmitt, “A Separation Bound for Real Algebraic Expressions,” Algorithmica, vol. 55, 2009.
TITLE = {A Separation Bound for Real Algebraic Expressions},
AUTHOR = {Burnikel, Christoph and Funke, Stefan and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Schirra, Stefan and Schmitt, Susanne},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0178-4617},
DOI = {10.1007/s00453-007-9132-4},
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
ADDRESS = {New York},
YEAR = {2009},
DATE = {2009},
JOURNAL = {Algorithmica},
VOLUME = {55},
PAGES = {14--28},
%0 Journal Article
%A Burnikel, Christoph
%A Funke, Stefan
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schirra, Stefan
%A Schmitt, Susanne
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Separation Bound for Real Algebraic Expressions :
%G eng
%R 10.1007/s00453-007-9132-4
%7 2007
%D 2009
%J Algorithmica
%V 55
%& 14
%P 14 - 28
%I Springer-Verlag
%C New York
%@ false
T. Kavitha, C. Liebchen, K. Mehlhorn, D. Michail, R. Rizzi, T. Ueckerdt, and K. Zweig, “Cycle Bases in Graphs: Characterization, Algorithms, Complexity, and Applications,” Computer Science Review, vol. 3, no. 4, 2009.
TITLE = {Cycle Bases in Graphs: Characterization, Algorithms, Complexity, and Applications},
AUTHOR = {Kavitha, T. and Liebchen, Ch. and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Michail, Dimitrios and Rizzi, R. and Ueckerdt, T. and Zweig, K.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
DOI = {10.1016/j.cosrev.2009.08.001},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-804B2DD468A04320C1257585005C05FE-SurveyCycleBases},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {2009},
DATE = {2009},
JOURNAL = {Computer Science Review},
VOLUME = {3},
NUMBER = {4},
PAGES = {199--243},
%0 Journal Article
%A Kavitha, T.
%A Liebchen, Ch.
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Michail, Dimitrios
%A Rizzi, R.
%A Ueckerdt, T.
%A Zweig, K.
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
%T Cycle Bases in Graphs: Characterization, Algorithms, Complexity, and Applications :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 518293
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-804B2DD468A04320C1257585005C05FE-SurveyCycleBases
%R 10.1016/j.cosrev.2009.08.001
%D 2009
%J Computer Science Review
%V 3
%N 4
%& 199
%P 199 - 243
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
K. Mehlhorn and D. Michail, “Minimum Cycle Bases: Faster and Simpler,” ACM Transactions on Algorithms, vol. 6, no. 1, 2009.
TITLE = {Minimum Cycle Bases: Faster and Simpler},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Michail, Dimitrios},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {1549-6325},
DOI = {10.1145/1644015.1644023},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-2A4064B111CA0E04C1257585005CC8E1-CycleBasisSimplified},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY},
YEAR = {2009},
DATE = {2009},
JOURNAL = {ACM Transactions on Algorithms},
VOLUME = {6},
NUMBER = {1},
PAGES = {8:1--8:13},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Michail, Dimitrios
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Minimum Cycle Bases: Faster and Simpler :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 518294
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-2A4064B111CA0E04C1257585005CC8E1-CycleBasisSimplified
%R 10.1145/1644015.1644023
%D 2009
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J ACM Transactions on Algorithms
%V 6
%N 1
%& 8:1
%P 8:1 - 8:13
%C New York, NY
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn and M. Sagraloff, “Isolating Real Roots of Real Polynomials,” Proceedings of the 2009 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC 2009). ACM, New York, NY, 2009.
We describe a Descartes algorithm for root
isolation of polynomials with real coefficients. It is assumed that
the coefficients of the polynomial can be approximated with arbitrary
precision; exact
computation in the field of coefficients is not required. We refer to such
coefficients as bitstream coefficients. The algorithm is
deterministic and has almost the same asymptotic complexity as the
randomized bitstream-Descartes algorithm of~\citet{BitstreamDescartes}. Besides
being deterministic, the algorithm is also somewhat simpler
to analyze.
TITLE = {Isolating Real Roots of Real Polynomials},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sagraloff, Michael},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-1-60558-609-0},
DOI = {10.1145/1576702.1576737},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-AE8C9A24B63BC4A8C125759E0029B4A4-ms-detbitdesc-09},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY},
YEAR = {2009},
DATE = {2009},
ABSTRACT = {We describe a Descartes algorithm for root isolation of polynomials with real coefficients. It is assumed that the coefficients of the polynomial can be approximated with arbitrary precision; exact computation in the field of coefficients is not required. We refer to such coefficients as bitstream coefficients. The algorithm is deterministic and has almost the same asymptotic complexity as the randomized bitstream-Descartes algorithm of~\citet{BitstreamDescartes}. Besides being deterministic, the algorithm is also somewhat simpler to analyze.},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2009 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC 2009)},
PAGES = {247--254},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Sagraloff, Michael
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Isolating Real Roots of Real Polynomials :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 518292
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-AE8C9A24B63BC4A8C125759E0029B4A4-ms-detbitdesc-09
%R 10.1145/1576702.1576737
%D 2009
%B 2009 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
%Z date of event: 2009-07-28 - 2009-07-31
%C Seoul, Korea
%X We describe a Descartes algorithm for root
isolation of polynomials with real coefficients. It is assumed that
the coefficients of the polynomial can be approximated with arbitrary
precision; exact
computation in the field of coefficients is not required. We refer to such
coefficients as bitstream coefficients. The algorithm is
deterministic and has almost the same asymptotic complexity as the
randomized bitstream-Descartes algorithm of~\citet{BitstreamDescartes}. Besides
being deterministic, the algorithm is also somewhat simpler
to analyze.
%B Proceedings of the 2009 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
%P 247 - 254
%@ 978-1-60558-609-0
N. Sherashidze, S. V. N. Vishwanathan, T. H. Petri, K. Mehlhorn, and K. M. Borgwardt, “Efficient Graphlet Kernels for Large Graph Comparison,” in 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2009), Clearwater Beach, FL, USA, 2009.
TITLE = {Efficient Graphlet Kernels for Large Graph Comparison},
AUTHOR = {Sherashidze, Nino and Vishwanathan, S. V. N. and Petri, Tobias H. and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Borgwardt, Karsten M.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-43BA02F2485CFBF4C1257585005B4454-Graphlets},
PUBLISHER = {Society for Artificial Intelligence and Statistics},
YEAR = {2009},
DATE = {2009},
BOOKTITLE = {12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2009)},
EDITOR = {van Dyk, David and Welling, Max},
PAGES = {488--495},
SERIES = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research},
VOLUME = {5},
ADDRESS = {Clearwater Beach, FL, USA},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Sherashidze, Nino
%A Vishwanathan, S. V. N.
%A Petri, Tobias H.
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Borgwardt, Karsten M.
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Efficient Graphlet Kernels for Large Graph Comparison :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 518242
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-43BA02F2485CFBF4C1257585005B4454-Graphlets
%D 2009
%B 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics
%Z date of event: 2009-03-26 - 2009-03-26
%C Clearwater Beach, FL, USA
%B 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics
%E van Dyk, David; Welling, Max
%P 488 - 495
%I Society for Artificial Intelligence and Statistics
%B Proceedings of Machine Learning Research
%N 5
S. Angelopoulos, “A Near-Tight Bound for the Online Steiner Tree Problem in Graphs of Bounded Asymmetry,” in Algorithms - ESA 2008, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2008.
TITLE = {A Near-Tight Bound for the Online Steiner Tree Problem in Graphs of Bounded Asymmetry},
AUTHOR = {Angelopoulos, Spyros},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-540-87743-1},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-540-87744-8_7},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C125756E0038A185-3EB6F5B2FD7D2467C1257551004AD9C1-Ang:08.steiner},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2008},
DATE = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithms -- ESA 2008},
EDITOR = {Halperin, Dan and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
PAGES = {76--87},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {5193},
ADDRESS = {Karlsruhe, Germany},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Angelopoulos, Spyros
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Near-Tight Bound for the Online Steiner Tree Problem in Graphs of Bounded Asymmetry :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 427974
%R 10.1007/978-3-540-87744-8_7
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C125756E0038A185-3EB6F5B2FD7D2467C1257551004AD9C1-Ang:08.steiner
%D 2008
%B 16th Annual European Symposium on
%Z date of event: 2008-09-15 - 2008-09-17
%C Karlsruhe, Germany
%B Algorithms - ESA 2008
%E Halperin, Dan; Mehlhorn, Kurt
%P 76 - 87
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-540-87743-1
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 5193
G. Christodoulou, E. Koutsoupias, and A. Vidali, “A Characterization of 2-Player Mechanisms for Scheduling,” in Algorithms - ESA 2008, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2008.
TITLE = {A Characterization of 2-Player Mechanisms for Scheduling},
AUTHOR = {Christodoulou, George and Koutsoupias, Elias and Vidali, Angelina},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-540-87743-1},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-540-87744-8},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C125756E0038A185-2E4C37A8576707E2C125753A006C38D1-ChristodoulouKV2008},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2008},
DATE = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithms -- ESA 2008},
EDITOR = {Halperin, Dan and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
PAGES = {297--307},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {5193},
ADDRESS = {Karlsruhe, Germany},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Christodoulou, George
%A Koutsoupias, Elias
%A Vidali, Angelina
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Characterization of 2-Player Mechanisms for Scheduling :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 428015
%R 10.1007/978-3-540-87744-8
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C125756E0038A185-2E4C37A8576707E2C125753A006C38D1-ChristodoulouKV2008
%D 2008
%B 16th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms
%Z date of event: 2008-09-15 - 2008-09-17
%C Karlsruhe, Germany
%B Algorithms - ESA 2008
%E Halperin, Dan; Mehlhorn, Kurt
%P 297 - 307
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-540-87743-1
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 5193
A. Eigenwillig and K. Mehlhorn, “Multiplikation langer Zahlen (schneller als in der Schule),” in Taschenbuch der Algorithmen, Berlin: Springer, 2008.
TITLE = {{Multiplikation langer Zahlen (schneller als in der Schule)}},
AUTHOR = {Eigenwillig, Arno and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {deu},
ISBN = {978-3-540-76393-2},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-540-76393-2},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
YEAR = {2008},
DATE = {2008},
BOOKTITLE = {Taschenbuch der Algorithmen},
EDITOR = {V{\"o}cking, Berthold and Alt, Helmut and Dietzfelbinger, Martin and Reischuk, R{\"u}diger and Scheideler, Christian and Vollmer, Heribert and Wagner, Dorothea},
PAGES = {109--118},
%0 Book Section
%A Eigenwillig, Arno
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Multiplikation langer Zahlen (schneller als in der Schule) :
%G deu
%F EDOC: 572238
%R 10.1007/978-3-540-76393-2
%D 2008
%B Taschenbuch der Algorithmen
%E Vöcking, Berthold; Alt, Helmut; Dietzfelbinger, Martin; Reischuk, Rüdiger; Scheideler, Christian; Vollmer, Heribert; Wagner, Dorothea
%P 109 - 118
%I Springer
%C Berlin
%@ 978-3-540-76393-2
D. Halperin and K. Mehlhorn, Eds., Algorithms - ESA 2008 : 16th Annual European Symposium. Springer, 2008.
TITLE = {Algorithms -- ESA 2008 : 16th Annual European Symposium},
EDITOR = {Halperin, Dan and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-540-87743-1},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-540-87744-8},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C125756E0038A185-14FFC212583C3355C1257571003AEB16-Mehlhorn08},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2008},
DATE = {2008},
PAGES = {XVII, 844},
ADDRESS = {Karlsruhe, Germany},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%E Halperin, Dan
%E Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Algorithms - ESA 2008 : 16th Annual European Symposium :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 428098
%@ 978-3-540-87743-1
%R 10.1007/978-3-540-87744-8
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C125756E0038A185-14FFC212583C3355C1257571003AEB16-Mehlhorn08
%I Springer
%D 2008
%B 16th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms
%Z date of event: 2008-09-15 - 2008-09-17
%D 2008
%C Karlsruhe, Germany
%P XVII, 844
R. Hariharan, T. Kavitha, and K. Mehlhorn, “Faster Algorithms for Minimum Cycle Basis in Directed Graphs,” SIAM Journal on Computing, vol. 38, no. 4, 2008.
TITLE = {Faster Algorithms for Minimum Cycle Basis in Directed Graphs},
AUTHOR = {Hariharan, Ramesh and Kavitha, Telikepalli and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0097-5397},
URL = {},
DOI = {10.1137/060670730},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C125756E0038A185-790E08A3736682E2C125757800338B00-Hariharan2008},
ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA},
YEAR = {2008},
DATE = {2008},
JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Computing},
VOLUME = {38},
NUMBER = {4},
PAGES = {1430--1447},
%0 Journal Article
%A Hariharan, Ramesh
%A Kavitha, Telikepalli
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Faster Algorithms for Minimum Cycle Basis in Directed Graphs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 428101
%R 10.1137/060670730
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C125756E0038A185-790E08A3736682E2C125757800338B00-Hariharan2008
%7 2008
%D 2008
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J SIAM Journal on Computing
%V 38
%N 4
%& 1430
%P 1430 - 1447
%C Philadelphia, PA
%@ false
T. Kavitha, K. Mehlhorn, D. Michail, and K. E. Paluch, “An O˜ (m2n) Algorithm for Minimum Cycle Basis of Graphs,” Algorithmica, vol. 52, no. 3, 2008.
TITLE = {An O{\~{}} (m2n) Algorithm for Minimum Cycle Basis of Graphs},
AUTHOR = {Kavitha, Telikepalli and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Michail, Dimitrios and Paluch, Katarzyna E.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0178-4617},
DOI = {10.1007/s00453-007-9064-z},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C125756E0038A185-7AA9BDC617A56BE7C125757800420759-Kavitha2008},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {New York},
YEAR = {2008},
DATE = {2008},
JOURNAL = {Algorithmica},
VOLUME = {52},
NUMBER = {3},
PAGES = {333--349},
%0 Journal Article
%A Kavitha, Telikepalli
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Michail, Dimitrios
%A Paluch, Katarzyna E.
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T An O˜ (m2n) Algorithm for Minimum Cycle Basis of Graphs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 428121
%R 10.1007/s00453-007-9064-z
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C125756E0038A185-7AA9BDC617A56BE7C125757800420759-Kavitha2008
%7 2008
%D 2008
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Algorithmica
%V 52
%N 3
%& 333
%P 333 - 349
%I Springer
%C New York
%@ false
L. Kettner, K. Mehlhorn, S. Pion, S. Schirra, and C. Yap, “Classroom Examples of Robustness Problems in Geometric Computations,” Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, vol. 40, no. 1, 2008.
TITLE = {Classroom Examples of Robustness Problems in Geometric Computations},
AUTHOR = {Kettner, Lutz and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Pion, Sylvain and Schirra, Stefan and Yap, Chee},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0925-7721},
URL = {},
DOI = {10.1016/j.comgeo.2007.06.003},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C125756E0038A185-113F896EB9E35B7AC12573E60045601C-Kettner2007Classroom},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {2008},
DATE = {2008},
JOURNAL = {Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications},
VOLUME = {40},
NUMBER = {1},
PAGES = {61--78},
%0 Journal Article
%A Kettner, Lutz
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Pion, Sylvain
%A Schirra, Stefan
%A Yap, Chee
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Classroom Examples of Robustness Problems in Geometric Computations :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 428123
%R 10.1016/j.comgeo.2007.06.003
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C125756E0038A185-113F896EB9E35B7AC12573E60045601C-Kettner2007Classroom
%7 2008
%D 2008
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications
%V 40
%N 1
%& 61
%P 61 - 78
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn and P. Sanders, Algorithms and Data Structures: The Basic Toolbox. Berlin: Springer, 2008.
TITLE = {Algorithms and Data Structures: The Basic Toolbox},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sanders, Peter},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-540-77977-3},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-540-77978-0},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-75AD1CF772C0FE5BC12575850043645F-Mehlhorn-Sanders:Toolbox},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
YEAR = {2008},
DATE = {2008},
PAGES = {300},
%0 Book
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Sanders, Peter
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Algorithms and Data Structures: The Basic Toolbox :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 518298
%R 10.1007/978-3-540-77978-0
%@ 978-3-540-77977-3
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-75AD1CF772C0FE5BC12575850043645F-Mehlhorn-Sanders:Toolbox
%I Springer
%C Berlin
%D 2008
%P 300
K. Mehlhorn, “Faster Deterministic and Randomized Algorithms for Minimum Cycle Basis in Directed Graphs,” SIAM Journal of Computing, vol. 38, no. 4, 2008.
TITLE = {Faster Deterministic and Randomized Algorithms for Minimum Cycle Basis in Directed Graphs},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {1042-9832},
URL = {},
DOI = {10.1137/060670730},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C125756E0038A185-2E4A966E27BF5CF7C125755B004DA137-Mehlhorn2008b},
YEAR = {2008},
DATE = {2008},
JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal of Computing},
VOLUME = {38},
NUMBER = {4},
PAGES = {1430--1447},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Faster Deterministic and Randomized Algorithms for Minimum Cycle Basis in Directed Graphs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 428164
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C125756E0038A185-2E4A966E27BF5CF7C125755B004DA137-Mehlhorn2008b
%R 10.1137/060670730
%D 2008
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J SIAM Journal of Computing
%V 38
%N 4
%& 1430
%P 1430 - 1447
%@ false
D. J. Abraham, R. W. Irving, T. Kavitha, and K. Mehlhorn, “Popular Matchings,” SIAM Journal on Computing, vol. 37, no. 4, 2007.
TITLE = {Popular Matchings},
AUTHOR = {Abraham, David J. and Irving, Robert W. and Kavitha, Telikepalli and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0097-5397},
DOI = {10.1137/06067328X},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C12573CC004A8E26-6B07E5D0BA1AD3E5C12573E70031E1C4-Abraham2007Popular},
ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA},
YEAR = {2007},
DATE = {2007},
JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Computing},
VOLUME = {37},
NUMBER = {4},
PAGES = {1030--1045},
%0 Journal Article
%A Abraham, David J.
%A Irving, Robert W.
%A Kavitha, Telikepalli
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Popular Matchings :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 356652
%R 10.1137/06067328X
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C12573CC004A8E26-6B07E5D0BA1AD3E5C12573E70031E1C4-Abraham2007Popular
%7 2007
%D 2007
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J SIAM Journal on Computing
%V 37
%N 4
%& 1030
%P 1030 - 1045
%C Philadelphia, PA
%@ false
E. Berberich, E. Fogel, D. Halperin, K. Mehlhorn, and R. Wein, “Sweeping and Maintaining two-dimensional Arrangements on Surfaces: A First Step,” in Algorithms - ESA 2007, Eilat, Israel, 2007.
TITLE = {Sweeping and Maintaining two-dimensional Arrangements on Surfaces: A First Step},
AUTHOR = {Berberich, Eric and Fogel, Efi and Halperin, Dan and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Wein, Ron},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-540-75519-7},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-540-75520-3_57},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C12573CC004A8E26-5496A47512AF3FBEC12573D1004BD408-bfhmw-samtdaosafs-07},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2007},
DATE = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithms -- ESA 2007},
EDITOR = {Arge, Lars and Hoffmann, Michael and Welzl, Emo},
PAGES = {645--656},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {4698},
ADDRESS = {Eilat, Israel},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Berberich, Eric
%A Fogel, Efi
%A Halperin, Dan
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Wein, Ron
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Sweeping and Maintaining two-dimensional Arrangements on Surfaces: A First Step :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 356662
%R 10.1007/978-3-540-75520-3_57
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C12573CC004A8E26-5496A47512AF3FBEC12573D1004BD408-bfhmw-samtdaosafs-07
%D 2007
%B 15th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms
%Z date of event: 2007-10-08 - 2007-10-10
%C Eilat, Israel
%B Algorithms - ESA 2007
%E Arge, Lars; Hoffmann, Michael; Welzl, Emo
%P 645 - 656
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-540-75519-7
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 4698
E. Berberich, E. Fogel, D. Halperin, K. Mehlhorn, and R. Wein, “Sweeping and maintaining two-dimensional arrangements on quadrics,” University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands, ACS-TR-241402-02, 2007.
TITLE = {Sweeping and maintaining two-dimensional arrangements on quadrics},
AUTHOR = {Berberich, Eric and Fogel, Efi and Halperin, Dan and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Wein, Ron},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {ACS-TR-241402-02},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C12573CC004A8E26-A2D9FC191F294C4BC12573D1004D4FA3-acs:bfhmw-smtaoq-07},
INSTITUTION = {University of Groningen},
ADDRESS = {Groningen, The Netherlands},
YEAR = {2007},
DATE = {2007},
TYPE = {ACS Technical Reports},
%0 Report
%A Berberich, Eric
%A Fogel, Efi
%A Halperin, Dan
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Wein, Ron
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Sweeping and maintaining two-dimensional arrangements on quadrics :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 356692
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C12573CC004A8E26-A2D9FC191F294C4BC12573D1004D4FA3-acs:bfhmw-smtaoq-07
%Y University of Groningen
%C Groningen, The Netherlands
%D 2007
%P 10 p.
%B ACS Technical Reports
C. Gotsman, K. Kaligosi, K. Mehlhorn, D. Michail, and E. Pyrga, “Cycle Bases of Graphs and Sampled Manifolds,” Computer Aided Geometric Design, vol. 24, no. 8/9, 2007.
TITLE = {Cycle Bases of Graphs and Sampled Manifolds},
AUTHOR = {Gotsman, Craig and Kaligosi, Kanela and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Michail, Dimitrios and Pyrga, Evangelia},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0167-8396},
DOI = {10.1016/j.cagd.2006.07.001},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C12573CC004A8E26-CE8DCB4C127284AAC125728E003EFD6F-GKMMP06},
PUBLISHER = {North-Holland},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {2007},
DATE = {2007},
JOURNAL = {Computer Aided Geometric Design},
VOLUME = {24},
NUMBER = {8/9},
PAGES = {464--480},
%0 Journal Article
%A Gotsman, Craig
%A Kaligosi, Kanela
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Michail, Dimitrios
%A Pyrga, Evangelia
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Cycle Bases of Graphs and Sampled Manifolds :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 356742
%R 10.1016/j.cagd.2006.07.001
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C12573CC004A8E26-CE8DCB4C127284AAC125728E003EFD6F-GKMMP06
%7 2007
%D 2007
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Computer Aided Geometric Design
%V 24
%N 8/9
%& 464
%P 464 - 480
%I North-Holland
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
P. Hachenberger, L. Kettner, and K. Mehlhorn, “Boolean Operations on 3D Selective Nef Complexes: Data Structure, Algorithms, Optimized Implementation and Experiments,” Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, vol. 38, no. 1–2, 2007.
TITLE = {Boolean Operations on 3{D} Selective Nef Complexes: Data Structure, Algorithms, Optimized Implementation and Experiments},
AUTHOR = {Hachenberger, Peter and Kettner, Lutz and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0925-7721},
DOI = {10.1016/j.comgeo.2006.11.009},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C12573CC004A8E26-FECC77F07C1A1E72C12573D20003E1DD-Kettner2007Nef3},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {2007},
DATE = {2007},
JOURNAL = {Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications},
VOLUME = {38},
NUMBER = {1-2},
PAGES = {64--99},
%0 Journal Article
%A Hachenberger, Peter
%A Kettner, Lutz
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Boolean Operations on 3D Selective Nef Complexes: Data Structure, Algorithms, Optimized Implementation and Experiments :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 356713
%R 10.1016/j.comgeo.2006.11.009
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C12573CC004A8E26-FECC77F07C1A1E72C12573D20003E1DD-Kettner2007Nef3
%7 2007
%D 2007
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications
%V 38
%N 1-2
%& 64
%P 64 - 99
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
T. Kavitha, K. Mehlhorn, D. Michail, and K. E. Paluch, “Strongly Stable Matchings in Time O(nm) and Extension to the Hospitals-residents Problem,” ACM Transactions on Algorithms, vol. 3, no. 2, 2007.
TITLE = {Strongly Stable Matchings in Time O(nm) and Extension to the Hospitals-residents Problem},
AUTHOR = {Kavitha, Telikepalli and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Michail, Dimitrios and Paluch, Katarzyna E.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {1549-6325},
DOI = {10.1145/1240233.1240238},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C12573CC004A8E26-C2986B86FD6341EBC12573CA0030895C-a15-kavitha},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY},
YEAR = {2007},
DATE = {2007},
JOURNAL = {ACM Transactions on Algorithms},
VOLUME = {3},
NUMBER = {2},
PAGES = {15.1--15.18},
%0 Journal Article
%A Kavitha, Telikepalli
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Michail, Dimitrios
%A Paluch, Katarzyna E.
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Strongly Stable Matchings in Time O(nm) and Extension to the Hospitals-residents Problem :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 356670
%R 10.1145/1240233.1240238
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C12573CC004A8E26-C2986B86FD6341EBC12573CA0030895C-a15-kavitha
%7 2007
%D 2007
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J ACM Transactions on Algorithms
%V 3
%N 2
%& 15.1
%P 15.1 - 15.18
%C New York, NY
%@ false
T. Kavitha, K. Mehlhorn, and D. Michail, “New Approximation Algorithms for Minimum Cycle Bases of Graphs,” in STACS 2007, Aachen, Germany, 2007.
We consider the problem of computing an approximate minimum cycle basis of an
undirected edge-weighted graph G with m edges and n vertices; the extension to
directed graphs is also discussed. In this problem, a {0,1} incidence vector is
associated with each cycle and the vector space over generated by these vectors
is the cycle space of G. A set of cycles is called a cycle basis of G if it
forms a basis for its cycle space. A cycle basis where the sum of the weights
of the cycles is minimum is called a minimum cycle basis of G. Cycle bases of
low weight are useful in a number of contexts, e.g. the analysis of electrical
networks, structural engineering, chemistry, and surface reconstruction.
We present two new algorithms to compute an approximate minimum cycle basis.
For any integer k ≥ 1, we give (2k − 1)-approximation algorithms with expected
running time O(k m n1 + 2/k + m n(1 + 1/k)(ω − 1)) and deterministic running
time O( n3 + 2/k ), respectively. Here ω is the best exponent of matrix
multiplication. It is presently known that ω < 2.376. Both algorithms are o( mω
) for dense graphs. This is the first time that any algorithm which computes
sparse cycle bases with a guarantee drops below the Θ(mω) bound.
We also present a 2-approximation algorithm with expected running time, a
linear time 2-approximation algorithm for planar graphs and an O(n3) time
2.42-approximation algorithm for the complete Euclidean graph in the plane.
TITLE = {New Approximation Algorithms for Minimum Cycle Bases of Graphs},
AUTHOR = {Kavitha, Telikepalli and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Michail, Dimitrios},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-540-70917-6},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-540-70918-3_44},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C12573CC004A8E26-2BFAB74EC24AD32DC125728E003EAFF1-KMM07},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2007},
DATE = {2007},
ABSTRACT = {We consider the problem of computing an approximate minimum cycle basis of an undirected edge-weighted graph G with m edges and n vertices; the extension to directed graphs is also discussed. In this problem, a {0,1} incidence vector is associated with each cycle and the vector space over generated by these vectors is the cycle space of G. A set of cycles is called a cycle basis of G if it forms a basis for its cycle space. A cycle basis where the sum of the weights of the cycles is minimum is called a minimum cycle basis of G. Cycle bases of low weight are useful in a number of contexts, e.g. the analysis of electrical networks, structural engineering, chemistry, and surface reconstruction. We present two new algorithms to compute an approximate minimum cycle basis. For any integer k\,$\geq$\,1, we give (2k\,{\textminus}\,1)-approximation algorithms with expected running time O(k m n1\,+\,2/k\,+\,m n(1\,+\,1/k)($\omega$\,{\textminus}\,1)) and deterministic running time O( n3\,+\,2/k ), respectively. Here $\omega$ is the best exponent of matrix multiplication. It is presently known that $\omega$\,<\,2.376. Both algorithms are o( m$\omega$ ) for dense graphs. This is the first time that any algorithm which computes sparse cycle bases with a guarantee drops below the $\Theta$(m$\omega$) bound. We also present a 2-approximation algorithm with expected running time, a linear time 2-approximation algorithm for planar graphs and an O(n3) time 2.42-approximation algorithm for the complete Euclidean graph in the plane.},
EDITOR = {Thomas, Wolfgang and Weil, Pascal},
PAGES = {512--523},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {4393},
ADDRESS = {Aachen, Germany},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Kavitha, Telikepalli
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Michail, Dimitrios
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T New Approximation Algorithms for Minimum Cycle Bases of Graphs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 356750
%R 10.1007/978-3-540-70918-3_44
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C12573CC004A8E26-2BFAB74EC24AD32DC125728E003EAFF1-KMM07
%D 2007
%B 24th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science
%Z date of event: 2007-02-22 - 2007-02-24
%C Aachen, Germany
%X We consider the problem of computing an approximate minimum cycle basis of an
undirected edge-weighted graph G with m edges and n vertices; the extension to
directed graphs is also discussed. In this problem, a {0,1} incidence vector is
associated with each cycle and the vector space over generated by these vectors
is the cycle space of G. A set of cycles is called a cycle basis of G if it
forms a basis for its cycle space. A cycle basis where the sum of the weights
of the cycles is minimum is called a minimum cycle basis of G. Cycle bases of
low weight are useful in a number of contexts, e.g. the analysis of electrical
networks, structural engineering, chemistry, and surface reconstruction.
We present two new algorithms to compute an approximate minimum cycle basis.
For any integer k ≥ 1, we give (2k − 1)-approximation algorithms with expected
running time O(k m n1 + 2/k + m n(1 + 1/k)(ω − 1)) and deterministic running
time O( n3 + 2/k ), respectively. Here ω is the best exponent of matrix
multiplication. It is presently known that ω < 2.376. Both algorithms are o( mω
) for dense graphs. This is the first time that any algorithm which computes
sparse cycle bases with a guarantee drops below the Θ(mω) bound.
We also present a 2-approximation algorithm with expected running time, a
linear time 2-approximation algorithm for planar graphs and an O(n3) time
2.42-approximation algorithm for the complete Euclidean graph in the plane.
%B STACS 2007
%E Thomas, Wolfgang; Weil, Pascal
%P 512 - 523
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-540-70917-6
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 4393
T. Kavitha and K. Mehlhorn, “Algorithms to Compute Minimum Cycle Basis in Directed Graphs,” Theory of Computing Systems, vol. 40, no. 4, 2007.
TITLE = {Algorithms to Compute Minimum Cycle Basis in Directed Graphs},
AUTHOR = {Kavitha, Telikepalli and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {1432-4350},
DOI = {10.1007/s00224-006-1319-6},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C12573CC004A8E26-4000DCDBCE376944C12573E6004AC629-Kavitha2007TCS},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY},
YEAR = {2007},
DATE = {2007},
JOURNAL = {Theory of Computing Systems},
VOLUME = {40},
NUMBER = {4},
PAGES = {485--505},
%0 Journal Article
%A Kavitha, Telikepalli
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Algorithms to Compute Minimum Cycle Basis in Directed Graphs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 356646
%R 10.1007/s00224-006-1319-6
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C12573CC004A8E26-4000DCDBCE376944C12573E6004AC629-Kavitha2007TCS
%7 2007
%D 2007
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Theory of Computing Systems
%V 40
%N 4
%& 485
%P 485 - 505
%I Springer
%C New York, NY
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn and D. Michail, “Implementing Minimum Cycle Basis Algorithms,” Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, vol. 11, 2007.
In this paper, we consider the problem of computing a minimum cycle basis of an
undirected graph G = (V,E) with n vertices and m edges. We describe an
efficient implementation of an O(m3 + mn2 log n) algorithm. For sparse
graphs, this is the currently best-known algorithm. This algorithm's running
time can be partitioned into two parts with time O(m3) and O(m2n + mn2 log
n), respectively. Our experimental findings imply that for random graphs the
true bottleneck of a sophisticated implementation is the O(m2 n + mn2 log
n) part. A straightforward implementation would require Ω(nm) shortest-path
computations. Thus, we develop several heuristics in order to get a practical
algorithm. Our experiments show that in random graphs our techniques result in
a significant speed-up. Based on our experimental observations, we combine the
two fundamentally different approaches to compute a minimum cycle basis to
obtain a new hybrid algorithm with running time O(m2n2). The hybrid algorithm
is very efficient, in practice, for random dense unweighted graphs. Finally, we
compare these two algorithms with a number of previous implementations for
finding a minimum cycle basis of an undirected graph.
TITLE = {Implementing Minimum Cycle Basis Algorithms},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Michail, Dimitrios},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {1084-6654},
DOI = {10.1145/1187436.1216582},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C12573CC004A8E26-7809D4DD4F26C131C125729C0046E9A4-Mehlhorn2007b},
ADDRESS = {New York, N.Y.},
YEAR = {2007},
DATE = {2007},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper, we consider the problem of computing a minimum cycle basis of an undirected graph G = (V,E) with n vertices and m edges. We describe an efficient implementation of an O(m3 + mn2 log n) algorithm. For sparse graphs, this is the currently best-known algorithm. This algorithm's running time can be partitioned into two parts with time O(m3) and O(m2n + mn2 log n), respectively. Our experimental findings imply that for random graphs the true bottleneck of a sophisticated implementation is the O(m2 n + mn2 log n) part. A straightforward implementation would require $\Omega$(nm) shortest-path computations. Thus, we develop several heuristics in order to get a practical algorithm. Our experiments show that in random graphs our techniques result in a significant speed-up. Based on our experimental observations, we combine the two fundamentally different approaches to compute a minimum cycle basis to obtain a new hybrid algorithm with running time O(m2n2). The hybrid algorithm is very efficient, in practice, for random dense unweighted graphs. Finally, we compare these two algorithms with a number of previous implementations for finding a minimum cycle basis of an undirected graph.},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Experimental Algorithmics},
VOLUME = {11},
PAGES = {2.5.1--2-5-14},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Michail, Dimitrios
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Implementing Minimum Cycle Basis Algorithms :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 356694
%R 10.1145/1187436.1216582
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C12573CC004A8E26-7809D4DD4F26C131C125729C0046E9A4-Mehlhorn2007b
%7 2007
%D 2007
%X In this paper, we consider the problem of computing a minimum cycle basis of an
undirected graph G = (V,E) with n vertices and m edges. We describe an
efficient implementation of an O(m3 + mn2 log n) algorithm. For sparse
graphs, this is the currently best-known algorithm. This algorithm's running
time can be partitioned into two parts with time O(m3) and O(m2n + mn2 log
n), respectively. Our experimental findings imply that for random graphs the
true bottleneck of a sophisticated implementation is the O(m2 n + mn2 log
n) part. A straightforward implementation would require Ω(nm) shortest-path
computations. Thus, we develop several heuristics in order to get a practical
algorithm. Our experiments show that in random graphs our techniques result in
a significant speed-up. Based on our experimental observations, we combine the
two fundamentally different approaches to compute a minimum cycle basis to
obtain a new hybrid algorithm with running time O(m2n2). The hybrid algorithm
is very efficient, in practice, for random dense unweighted graphs. Finally, we
compare these two algorithms with a number of previous implementations for
finding a minimum cycle basis of an undirected graph.
%J Journal of Experimental Algorithmics
%V 11
%& 2.5.1
%P 2.5.1 - 2-5-14
%C New York, N.Y.
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, “Minimum Cycle Bases in Graphs Algorithms and Applications,” in Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2007 : 32nd International Symposium, MFCS 2007, 2007.
TITLE = {Minimum Cycle Bases in Graphs Algorithms and Applications},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-74455-9},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-540-74456-6_3},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C12573CC004A8E26-3E9ED811EBD4E1E9C12573FB002FFF04-MehlhornMFCS07},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2007},
DATE = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2007 : 32nd International Symposium, MFCS 2007},
EDITOR = {Kucera, Ludek and Kucera, Anton{\'i}n},
PAGES = {13--14},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {4708},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Minimum Cycle Bases in Graphs Algorithms and Applications :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 356655
%R 10.1007/978-3-540-74456-6_3
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C12573CC004A8E26-3E9ED811EBD4E1E9C12573FB002FFF04-MehlhornMFCS07
%D 2007
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 2007-08-26 - 2007-08-31
%C Cˇ eský Krumlov, Czech Republic
%B Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2007 : 32nd International Symposium, MFCS 2007
%E Kucera, Ludek; Kucera, Antonín
%P 13 - 14
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-74455-9
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 4708
K. Mehlhorn, “Matchings in Graphs Variations of the Problem,” in Combinatorial Optimization and Applications : First International Conference, COCOA 2007, 2007.
TITLE = {Matchings in Graphs Variations of the Problem},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-73555-7},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-540-73556-4_1},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C12573CC004A8E26-8919E7EBB8E64B8EC12573FB00310490-COCOA07},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2007},
DATE = {2007},
BOOKTITLE = {Combinatorial Optimization and Applications : First International Conference, COCOA 2007},
EDITOR = {Dress, Andreas and Xu, Yinfeng and Zhu, Binhai},
PAGES = {1--2},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {4616},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Matchings in Graphs Variations of the Problem :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 356688
%R 10.1007/978-3-540-73556-4_1
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C12573CC004A8E26-8919E7EBB8E64B8EC12573FB00310490-COCOA07
%D 2007
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 2007-08-14 - 2007-08-16
%C Xi’an, China
%B Combinatorial Optimization and Applications : First International Conference, COCOA 2007
%E Dress, Andreas; Xu, Yinfeng; Zhu, Binhai
%P 1 - 2
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-73555-7
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 4616
B. Aronov, T. Asano, N. Katoh, K. Mehlhorn, and T. Tokuyama, “Polyline Fitting of Planar Points under Min-sum Criteria,” International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, vol. 16, 2006.
Fitting a curve of a certain type to a given set of points in the plane is a
basic problem in statistics and has numerous applications. We consider fitting
a polyline with k joints under the min-sum criteria with respect to L1- and L2
-metrics, which are more appropriate measures than uniform and Hausdorff
metrics in statistical context. We present efficient algorithms for the 1-joint
versions of the problem and fully polynomial-time approximation schemes for the
general k-joint versions.
TITLE = {Polyline Fitting of Planar Points under Min-sum Criteria},
AUTHOR = {Aronov, Boris and Asano, Tetsuo and Katoh, Naoki and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Tokuyama, Takeshi},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-4975B3F8D71B70D6C12571C500423733-mehlhorn06z},
YEAR = {2006},
DATE = {2006},
ABSTRACT = {Fitting a curve of a certain type to a given set of points in the plane is a basic problem in statistics and has numerous applications. We consider fitting a polyline with k joints under the min-sum criteria with respect to L1- and L2 -metrics, which are more appropriate measures than uniform and Hausdorff metrics in statistical context. We present efficient algorithms for the 1-joint versions of the problem and fully polynomial-time approximation schemes for the general k-joint versions.},
JOURNAL = {International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications},
VOLUME = {16},
PAGES = {97--116},
%0 Journal Article
%A Aronov, Boris
%A Asano, Tetsuo
%A Katoh, Naoki
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Tokuyama, Takeshi
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Polyline Fitting of Planar Points under Min-sum Criteria :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 314580
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-4975B3F8D71B70D6C12571C500423733-mehlhorn06z
%D 2006
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X Fitting a curve of a certain type to a given set of points in the plane is a
basic problem in statistics and has numerous applications. We consider fitting
a polyline with k joints under the min-sum criteria with respect to L1- and L2
-metrics, which are more appropriate measures than uniform and Hausdorff
metrics in statistical context. We present efficient algorithms for the 1-joint
versions of the problem and fully polynomial-time approximation schemes for the
general k-joint versions.
%J International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications
%V 16
%& 97
%P 97 - 116
H. Bast, K. Mehlhorn, G. Schäfer, and H. Tamaki, “Matching Algorithms are Fast in Sparse Random Graphs,” Theory of Computing Systems, vol. 39, 2006.
We present an improved average case analysis of the maximum cardinality
matching problem. We show that in a bipartite or general random graph on $n$
vertices, with high probability every non-maximum matching has an augmenting
path of length $O(\log n)$. This implies that augmenting path algorithms like
the Hopcroft--Karp algorithm for bipartite graphs and the Micali--Vazirani
algorithm for general graphs, which have a worst case running time of
$O(m\sqrt{n})$, run in time $O(m \log n)$ with high probability, where $m$ is
the number of edges in the graph. Motwani proved these results for random
graphs when the average degree is at least $\ln (n)$ [\emph{Average Case
Analysis of Algorithms for Matchings and Related Problems}, Journal of the ACM,
\textbf{41}(6), 1994]. Our results hold, if only the average degree is a large
enough constant. At the same time we simplify the analysis of Motwani.
TITLE = {Matching Algorithms are Fast in Sparse Random Graphs},
AUTHOR = {Bast, Holger and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sch{\"a}fer, Guido and Tamaki, Hisao},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {1432-4350},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-257B5C3871441CAAC1256FC0004404AB-BMST05},
YEAR = {2006},
DATE = {2006},
ABSTRACT = {We present an improved average case analysis of the maximum cardinality matching problem. We show that in a bipartite or general random graph on $n$ vertices, with high probability every non-maximum matching has an augmenting path of length $O(\log n)$. This implies that augmenting path algorithms like the Hopcroft--Karp algorithm for bipartite graphs and the Micali--Vazirani algorithm for general graphs, which have a worst case running time of $O(m\sqrt{n})$, run in time $O(m \log n)$ with high probability, where $m$ is the number of edges in the graph. Motwani proved these results for random graphs when the average degree is at least $\ln (n)$ [\emph{Average Case Analysis of Algorithms for Matchings and Related Problems}, Journal of the ACM, \textbf{41}(6), 1994]. Our results hold, if only the average degree is a large enough constant. At the same time we simplify the analysis of Motwani.},
JOURNAL = {Theory of Computing Systems},
VOLUME = {39},
PAGES = {3--14},
%0 Journal Article
%A Bast, Holger
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schäfer, Guido
%A Tamaki, Hisao
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Matching Algorithms are Fast in Sparse Random Graphs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 314609
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-257B5C3871441CAAC1256FC0004404AB-BMST05
%D 2006
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X We present an improved average case analysis of the maximum cardinality
matching problem. We show that in a bipartite or general random graph on $n$
vertices, with high probability every non-maximum matching has an augmenting
path of length $O(\log n)$. This implies that augmenting path algorithms like
the Hopcroft--Karp algorithm for bipartite graphs and the Micali--Vazirani
algorithm for general graphs, which have a worst case running time of
$O(m\sqrt{n})$, run in time $O(m \log n)$ with high probability, where $m$ is
the number of edges in the graph. Motwani proved these results for random
graphs when the average degree is at least $\ln (n)$ [\emph{Average Case
Analysis of Algorithms for Matchings and Related Problems}, Journal of the ACM,
\textbf{41}(6), 1994]. Our results hold, if only the average degree is a large
enough constant. At the same time we simplify the analysis of Motwani.
%J Theory of Computing Systems
%V 39
%& 3
%P 3 - 14
%@ false
S. Funke, C. Klein, K. Mehlhorn, and S. Schmitt, “Controlled Perturbation for Delaunay Triangulations,” Algorithms for Complex Shapes with certified topology and numerics, Instituut voor Wiskunde en Informatica, Groningen, NETHERLANDS, ACS-TR-121103-03, 2006.
TITLE = {Controlled Perturbation for Delaunay Triangulations},
AUTHOR = {Funke, Stefan and Klein, Christian and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Schmitt, Susanne},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {ACS-TR-121103-03},
INSTITUTION = {Algorithms for Complex Shapes with certified topology and numerics},
ADDRESS = {Instituut voor Wiskunde en Informatica, Groningen, NETHERLANDS},
YEAR = {2006},
DATE = {2006},
%0 Report
%A Funke, Stefan
%A Klein, Christian
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schmitt, Susanne
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Controlled Perturbation for Delaunay Triangulations :
%G eng
%Y Algorithms for Complex Shapes with certified topology and numerics
%C Instituut voor Wiskunde en Informatica, Groningen, NETHERLANDS
%D 2006
R. Hariharan, K. Telikepalli, and K. Mehlhorn, “A Faster Deterministic Algorithm for Minimum Cycle Bases in Directed Graphs,” in Automata, Languages and Programming, 33rd International Colloquium, ICALP 2006, Part I, 2006.
We consider the problem of computing a minimum cycle basis in a directed graph.
The input to this problem is a directed graph G whose edges have non-negative
weights. A cycle in this graph is actually a cycle in the underlying undirected
graph with edges traversable in both directions. A {–1,0,1} edge incidence
vector is associated with each cycle: edges traversed by the cycle in the right
direction get 1 and edges traversed in the opposite direction get -1. The
vector space over generated by these vectors is the cycle space of G. A minimum
cycle basis is a set of cycles of minimum weight that span the cycle space of
G. The current fastest algorithm for computing a minimum cycle basis in a
directed graph with m edges and n vertices runs in time (where ω< 2.376 is the
exponent of matrix multiplication). Here we present an O(m3n + m2n2logn)
algorithm. We also slightly improve the running time of the current fastest
randomized algorithm from O(m2nlogn) to O(m2 n + mn2 logn).
TITLE = {A Faster Deterministic Algorithm for Minimum Cycle Bases in Directed Graphs},
AUTHOR = {Hariharan, Ramesh and Telikepalli, Kavitha and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Bugliesi, Michele and Preneel, Bart and Sassone, Vladimir and Wegener, Ingo},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-35904-4},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-C5345CC3A9361E5BC12571CA003B984B-HTM06a},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2006},
DATE = {2006},
ABSTRACT = {We consider the problem of computing a minimum cycle basis in a directed graph. The input to this problem is a directed graph G whose edges have non-negative weights. A cycle in this graph is actually a cycle in the underlying undirected graph with edges traversable in both directions. A {--1,0,1} edge incidence vector is associated with each cycle: edges traversed by the cycle in the right direction get 1 and edges traversed in the opposite direction get -1. The vector space over generated by these vectors is the cycle space of G. A minimum cycle basis is a set of cycles of minimum weight that span the cycle space of G. The current fastest algorithm for computing a minimum cycle basis in a directed graph with m edges and n vertices runs in time (where $\omega$< 2.376 is the exponent of matrix multiplication). Here we present an O(m3n + m2n2logn) algorithm. We also slightly improve the running time of the current fastest randomized algorithm from O(m2nlogn) to O(m2 n + mn2 logn).},
BOOKTITLE = {Automata, Languages and Programming, 33rd International Colloquium, ICALP 2006, Part I},
PAGES = {250--261},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {4051},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Hariharan, Ramesh
%A Telikepalli, Kavitha
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Bugliesi, Michele
%E Preneel, Bart
%E Sassone, Vladimir
%E Wegener, Ingo
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Faster Deterministic Algorithm for Minimum Cycle Bases in Directed Graphs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 314560
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-C5345CC3A9361E5BC12571CA003B984B-HTM06a
%D 2006
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 2006-07-10 -
%C Venice, Italy
%X We consider the problem of computing a minimum cycle basis in a directed graph.
The input to this problem is a directed graph G whose edges have non-negative
weights. A cycle in this graph is actually a cycle in the underlying undirected
graph with edges traversable in both directions. A {–1,0,1} edge incidence
vector is associated with each cycle: edges traversed by the cycle in the right
direction get 1 and edges traversed in the opposite direction get -1. The
vector space over generated by these vectors is the cycle space of G. A minimum
cycle basis is a set of cycles of minimum weight that span the cycle space of
G. The current fastest algorithm for computing a minimum cycle basis in a
directed graph with m edges and n vertices runs in time (where ω< 2.376 is the
exponent of matrix multiplication). Here we present an O(m3n + m2n2logn)
algorithm. We also slightly improve the running time of the current fastest
randomized algorithm from O(m2nlogn) to O(m2 n + mn2 logn).
%B Automata, Languages and Programming, 33rd International Colloquium, ICALP 2006, Part I
%P 250 - 261
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-35904-4
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 4051
R. W. Irving, T. Kavitha, K. Mehlhorn, D. Michail, and K. Paluch, “Rank-Maximal Matchings,” ACM Transactions on Algorithms, vol. 2, 2006.
Suppose that each member of a set A of applicants ranks a subset of a set P of
posts in an order of preference, possibly involving ties. A matching is a set
of (applicant, post) pairs such that each applicant and each post appears in at
most one pair. A rank-maximal matching is one in which the maximum possible
number of applicants are matched to their first choice post, and subject to
that condition, the maximum possible number are matched to their second choice
post, and so on. This is a relevant concept in any practical matching situation
and it was first studied by Irving [2003].We give an algorithm to compute a
rank-maximal matching with running time O(min(n + C,C√n)m), where C is the
maximal rank of an edge used in a rank-maximal matching, n is the number of
applicants and posts and m is the total size of the preference lists.
TITLE = {Rank-Maximal Matchings},
AUTHOR = {Irving, Robert W. and Kavitha, Telikepalli and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Michail, Dimitrios and Paluch, Katarzyna},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-B6D1D2487C87162EC125728E003DA65E-ITMMP2006},
YEAR = {2006},
DATE = {2006},
ABSTRACT = {Suppose that each member of a set A of applicants ranks a subset of a set P of posts in an order of preference, possibly involving ties. A matching is a set of (applicant, post) pairs such that each applicant and each post appears in at most one pair. A rank-maximal matching is one in which the maximum possible number of applicants are matched to their first choice post, and subject to that condition, the maximum possible number are matched to their second choice post, and so on. This is a relevant concept in any practical matching situation and it was first studied by Irving [2003].We give an algorithm to compute a rank-maximal matching with running time O(min(n + C,C$\surd$n)m), where C is the maximal rank of an edge used in a rank-maximal matching, n is the number of applicants and posts and m is the total size of the preference lists.},
JOURNAL = {ACM Transactions on Algorithms},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {602--610},
%0 Journal Article
%A Irving, Robert W.
%A Kavitha, Telikepalli
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Michail, Dimitrios
%A Paluch, Katarzyna
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Rank-Maximal Matchings :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 314364
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-B6D1D2487C87162EC125728E003DA65E-ITMMP2006
%D 2006
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X Suppose that each member of a set A of applicants ranks a subset of a set P of
posts in an order of preference, possibly involving ties. A matching is a set
of (applicant, post) pairs such that each applicant and each post appears in at
most one pair. A rank-maximal matching is one in which the maximum possible
number of applicants are matched to their first choice post, and subject to
that condition, the maximum possible number are matched to their second choice
post, and so on. This is a relevant concept in any practical matching situation
and it was first studied by Irving [2003].We give an algorithm to compute a
rank-maximal matching with running time O(min(n + C,C√n)m), where C is the
maximal rank of an edge used in a rank-maximal matching, n is the number of
applicants and posts and m is the total size of the preference lists.
%J ACM Transactions on Algorithms
%V 2
%& 602
%P 602 - 610
L. Kettner, K. Mehlhorn, S. Pion, S. Schirra, and C. Yap, “Reply to ‘Backward Error Analysis ...,’” in Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2006, I, 2006.
The algorithms of computational geometry are designed for a machine model with
exact real arithmetic. Substituting floating-point arithmetic for the assumed
real arithmetic may cause implementations to fail. Although this is well known,
it is not common knowledge. There is no paper that systematically discusses
what can go wrong and provides simple examples for the di.erent ways in which
floating-point implementations can fail. Due to this lack of examples,
instructors of computational geometry have little material for demonstrating
the inadequacy of floating-point arithmetic for geometric computations,
students of computational geometry and implementers of geometric algorithms
still underestimate the seriousness of the problem, and researchers in our and
neighboring disciplines still believe that simple approaches are able to
overcome the problem. In this paper, we study simple algorithms for two simple
geometric problems, namely computing convex hulls and triangulations of point
sets, and show how they can fail and explain why they fail when executed with
floating-point arithmetic.
TITLE = {Reply to "Backward Error Analysis ..."},
AUTHOR = {Kettner, Lutz and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Pion, Sylvain and Schirra, Stefan and Yap, Chee},
EDITOR = {Gavrilova, Marina and Gervasi, Osvaldo and Kumar, Vipin and Tan, C. J.Kenneth and Taniar, David and Lagan{\`a}, Antonio and Mun, Youngsong and Choo, Hyunseung},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-34070-X},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-47155FF99A36D907C12571F1002C58B0-mehlhorn06},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2006},
DATE = {2006},
ABSTRACT = {The algorithms of computational geometry are designed for a machine model with exact real arithmetic. Substituting floating-point arithmetic for the assumed real arithmetic may cause implementations to fail. Although this is well known, it is not common knowledge. There is no paper that systematically discusses what can go wrong and provides simple examples for the di.erent ways in which floating-point implementations can fail. Due to this lack of examples, instructors of computational geometry have little material for demonstrating the inadequacy of floating-point arithmetic for geometric computations, students of computational geometry and implementers of geometric algorithms still underestimate the seriousness of the problem, and researchers in our and neighboring disciplines still believe that simple approaches are able to overcome the problem. In this paper, we study simple algorithms for two simple geometric problems, namely computing convex hulls and triangulations of point sets, and show how they can fail and explain why they fail when executed with floating-point arithmetic.},
BOOKTITLE = {Computational Science and Its Applications -- ICCSA 2006, I},
PAGES = {60--60},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {3980},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Kettner, Lutz
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Pion, Sylvain
%A Schirra, Stefan
%A Yap, Chee
%E Gavrilova, Marina
%E Gervasi, Osvaldo
%E Kumar, Vipin
%E Tan, C. J.Kenneth
%E Taniar, David
%E Laganà, Antonio
%E Mun, Youngsong
%E Choo, Hyunseung
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Reply to "Backward Error Analysis ..." :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 314401
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-47155FF99A36D907C12571F1002C58B0-mehlhorn06
%D 2006
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 2006-05-08 -
%C Glasgow, UK
%X The algorithms of computational geometry are designed for a machine model with
exact real arithmetic. Substituting floating-point arithmetic for the assumed
real arithmetic may cause implementations to fail. Although this is well known,
it is not common knowledge. There is no paper that systematically discusses
what can go wrong and provides simple examples for the di.erent ways in which
floating-point implementations can fail. Due to this lack of examples,
instructors of computational geometry have little material for demonstrating
the inadequacy of floating-point arithmetic for geometric computations,
students of computational geometry and implementers of geometric algorithms
still underestimate the seriousness of the problem, and researchers in our and
neighboring disciplines still believe that simple approaches are able to
overcome the problem. In this paper, we study simple algorithms for two simple
geometric problems, namely computing convex hulls and triangulations of point
sets, and show how they can fail and explain why they fail when executed with
floating-point arithmetic.
%B Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2006, I
%P 60 - 60
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-34070-X
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 3980
W. Krandick and K. Mehlhorn, “New bounds for the Descartes method,” Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 41, no. 1, 2006.
We give a new bound for the number of recursive subdivisions in the Descartes <br>method for polynomial real root isolation. Our proof uses Ostrowski’s theory of <br>normal power series from 1950 which has so far been overlooked in the <br>literature. We combine Ostrowski’s results with a theorem of Davenport from <br>1985 to obtain our bound. We also characterize normality of cubic polynomials <br>by explicit conditions on their roots and derive a generalization of one of <br>Ostrowski’s theorems.
TITLE = {New bounds for the {D}escartes method},
AUTHOR = {Krandick, Werner and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
DOI = {10.1016/j.jsc.2005.02.004},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-8291BD2AF8984049C12571C50041D379-mehlhorn06e},
YEAR = {2006},
DATE = {2006},
ABSTRACT = {We give a new bound for the number of recursive subdivisions in the Descartes <br>method for polynomial real root isolation. Our proof uses Ostrowski{\textquoteright}s theory of <br>normal power series from 1950 which has so far been overlooked in the <br>literature. We combine Ostrowski{\textquoteright}s results with a theorem of Davenport from <br>1985 to obtain our bound. We also characterize normality of cubic polynomials <br>by explicit conditions on their roots and derive a generalization of one of <br>Ostrowski{\textquoteright}s theorems.},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Symbolic Computation},
VOLUME = {41},
NUMBER = {1},
PAGES = {49--66},
%0 Journal Article
%A Krandick, Werner
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T New bounds for the Descartes method :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 314367
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-8291BD2AF8984049C12571C50041D379-mehlhorn06e
%R 10.1016/j.jsc.2005.02.004
%D 2006
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X We give a new bound for the number of recursive subdivisions in the Descartes <br>method for polynomial real root isolation. Our proof uses Ostrowski’s theory of <br>normal power series from 1950 which has so far been overlooked in the <br>literature. We combine Ostrowski’s results with a theorem of Davenport from <br>1985 to obtain our bound. We also characterize normality of cubic polynomials <br>by explicit conditions on their roots and derive a generalization of one of <br>Ostrowski’s theorems.
%J Journal of Symbolic Computation
%V 41
%N 1
%& 49
%P 49 - 66
D. Kratsch, R. McConnell, K. Mehlhorn, and J. P. Spinrad, “Certifying Algorithms for Recognizing Interval Graphs and Permutation Graphs,” SIAM Journal on Computing, vol. 36, 2006.
A certifying algorithm for a problem is an algorithm that provides a
certificate with each answer that it produces. The certificate is a piece of
evidence that proves that the answer has not been compromised by a bug in the
implementation. We give linear-time certifying algorithms for recognition of
interval graphs and permutation graphs, and for a few other related problems.
Previous algorithms fail to provide supporting evidence when they claim that
the input graph is not a member of the class. We show that our certificates of
nonmembership can be authenticated in O(|V|) time.
TITLE = {Certifying Algorithms for Recognizing Interval Graphs and Permutation Graphs},
AUTHOR = {Kratsch, Dieter and McConnell, Ross and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Spinrad, Jeremy P.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0097-5397},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-90DAACD3D4A0C6A8C1256E20004505E1-mehlhorn06b},
YEAR = {2006},
DATE = {2006},
ABSTRACT = {A certifying algorithm for a problem is an algorithm that provides a certificate with each answer that it produces. The certificate is a piece of evidence that proves that the answer has not been compromised by a bug in the implementation. We give linear-time certifying algorithms for recognition of interval graphs and permutation graphs, and for a few other related problems. Previous algorithms fail to provide supporting evidence when they claim that the input graph is not a member of the class. We show that our certificates of nonmembership can be authenticated in O(|V|) time.},
JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Computing},
VOLUME = {36},
PAGES = {326--353},
%0 Journal Article
%A Kratsch, Dieter
%A McConnell, Ross
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Spinrad, Jeremy P.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Certifying Algorithms for Recognizing Interval Graphs and Permutation Graphs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 314649
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-90DAACD3D4A0C6A8C1256E20004505E1-mehlhorn06b
%D 2006
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X A certifying algorithm for a problem is an algorithm that provides a
certificate with each answer that it produces. The certificate is a piece of
evidence that proves that the answer has not been compromised by a bug in the
implementation. We give linear-time certifying algorithms for recognition of
interval graphs and permutation graphs, and for a few other related problems.
Previous algorithms fail to provide supporting evidence when they claim that
the input graph is not a member of the class. We show that our certificates of
nonmembership can be authenticated in O(|V|) time.
%J SIAM Journal on Computing
%V 36
%& 326
%P 326 - 353
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, R. Osbild, and M. Sagraloff, “Reliable and Efficient Computational Geometry Via Controlled Perturbation,” in Automata, Languages and Programming, 33rd International Colloquium, ICALP 2006, Part I, 2006.
Most algorithms of computational geometry are designed for the Real-RAM and
non-degenerate input. We call such algorithms idealistic. Executing an
idealistic algorithm with floating point arithmetic may fail. Controlled
perturbation replaces an input x by a random nearby in the δ-neighborhood of x
and then runs the floating point version of the idealistic algorithm on . The
hope is that this will produce the correct result for with constant probability
provided that δ is small and the precision L of the floating point system is
large enough. We turn this hope into a theorem for a large class of geometric
algorithms and describe a general methodology for deriving a relation between δ
and L. We exemplify the usefulness of the methodology by examples.
Partially supported by the IST Programme of the EU under Contract No
IST-006413, Algorithms for Complex Shapes (ACS).
TITLE = {Reliable and Efficient Computational Geometry Via Controlled Perturbation},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Osbild, Ralf and Sagraloff, Michael},
EDITOR = {Bugliesi, Michele and Preneel, Bart and Sassone, Vladimir and Wegener, Ingo},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-35904-4},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-1C44F76383A124E7C12571CA003ABB0D-MOS06},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2006},
DATE = {2006},
ABSTRACT = {Most algorithms of computational geometry are designed for the Real-RAM and non-degenerate input. We call such algorithms idealistic. Executing an idealistic algorithm with floating point arithmetic may fail. Controlled perturbation replaces an input x by a random nearby in the $\delta$-neighborhood of x and then runs the floating point version of the idealistic algorithm on . The hope is that this will produce the correct result for with constant probability provided that $\delta$ is small and the precision L of the floating point system is large enough. We turn this hope into a theorem for a large class of geometric algorithms and describe a general methodology for deriving a relation between $\delta$ and L. We exemplify the usefulness of the methodology by examples. Partially supported by the IST Programme of the EU under Contract No IST-006413, Algorithms for Complex Shapes (ACS).},
BOOKTITLE = {Automata, Languages and Programming, 33rd International Colloquium, ICALP 2006, Part I},
PAGES = {299--310},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {4051},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Osbild, Ralf
%A Sagraloff, Michael
%E Bugliesi, Michele
%E Preneel, Bart
%E Sassone, Vladimir
%E Wegener, Ingo
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Reliable and Efficient Computational Geometry Via Controlled Perturbation :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 314533
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-1C44F76383A124E7C12571CA003ABB0D-MOS06
%D 2006
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 2006-07-10 -
%C Venice, Italy
%X Most algorithms of computational geometry are designed for the Real-RAM and
non-degenerate input. We call such algorithms idealistic. Executing an
idealistic algorithm with floating point arithmetic may fail. Controlled
perturbation replaces an input x by a random nearby in the δ-neighborhood of x
and then runs the floating point version of the idealistic algorithm on . The
hope is that this will produce the correct result for with constant probability
provided that δ is small and the precision L of the floating point system is
large enough. We turn this hope into a theorem for a large class of geometric
algorithms and describe a general methodology for deriving a relation between δ
and L. We exemplify the usefulness of the methodology by examples.
Partially supported by the IST Programme of the EU under Contract No
IST-006413, Algorithms for Complex Shapes (ACS).
%B Automata, Languages and Programming, 33rd International Colloquium, ICALP 2006, Part I
%P 299 - 310
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-35904-4
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 4051
K. Mehlhorn, “Reliable and Efficient Geometric Computing,” in Algorithms and Complexity : 6th Italian Conference, CIAC 2006, 2006.
Reliable implementation of geometric algorithms is a notoriously difficult
task. Algorithms are usually designed for the Real-RAM, capable of computing
with real numbers in the sense of mathematics, and for non-degenerate inputs.
But, real computers are not Real-RAMs and inputs are frequently degenerate.
In the first part of the talk we illustrate the pitfalls of geometric computing
by way of examples [KMP+04]. The examples demonstrate in a lucid way that
standard and frequently taught algorithms can go completely astray when naively
implemented with floating point arithmetic.
Partially supported by the IST Programme of the EU under Contract No
IST-2005-TODO, Algorithms for Complex Shapes (ACS).
TITLE = {Reliable and Efficient Geometric Computing},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Calamoneri, Tiziana and Finocchi, Irene and Italiano, Giuseppe F.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-34375-X},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-EC5B8ABF87E0F995C12571F1002BEFEC-mehlhorn06x},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2006},
DATE = {2006},
ABSTRACT = {Reliable implementation of geometric algorithms is a notoriously difficult task. Algorithms are usually designed for the Real-RAM, capable of computing with real numbers in the sense of mathematics, and for non-degenerate inputs. But, real computers are not Real-RAMs and inputs are frequently degenerate. In the first part of the talk we illustrate the pitfalls of geometric computing by way of examples [KMP+04]. The examples demonstrate in a lucid way that standard and frequently taught algorithms can go completely astray when naively implemented with floating point arithmetic. Partially supported by the IST Programme of the EU under Contract No IST-2005-TODO, Algorithms for Complex Shapes (ACS).},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithms and Complexity : 6th Italian Conference, CIAC 2006},
PAGES = {1--2},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {3998},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Calamoneri, Tiziana
%E Finocchi, Irene
%E Italiano, Giuseppe F.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Reliable and Efficient Geometric Computing :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 314562
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-EC5B8ABF87E0F995C12571F1002BEFEC-mehlhorn06x
%D 2006
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 2006-05-29 -
%C Rome, Italy
%X Reliable implementation of geometric algorithms is a notoriously difficult
task. Algorithms are usually designed for the Real-RAM, capable of computing
with real numbers in the sense of mathematics, and for non-degenerate inputs.
But, real computers are not Real-RAMs and inputs are frequently degenerate.
In the first part of the talk we illustrate the pitfalls of geometric computing
by way of examples [KMP+04]. The examples demonstrate in a lucid way that
standard and frequently taught algorithms can go completely astray when naively
implemented with floating point arithmetic.
Partially supported by the IST Programme of the EU under Contract No
IST-2005-TODO, Algorithms for Complex Shapes (ACS).
%B Algorithms and Complexity : 6th Italian Conference, CIAC 2006
%P 1 - 2
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-34375-X
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 3998
K. Mehlhorn and D. Michail, “Implementing Minimum Cycle Basis Algorithms,” ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, vol. 11, 2006.
In this paper, we consider the problem of computing a minimum cycle basis of an
undirected graph G = (V,E) with n vertices and m edges. We describe an
efficient implementation of an O(m3 + mn2 log n) algorithm. For sparse
graphs, this is the currently best-known algorithm. This algorithm's running
time can be partitioned into two parts with time O(m3) and O(m2n + mn2 log
n), respectively. Our experimental findings imply that for random graphs the
true bottleneck of a sophisticated implementation is the O(m2 n + mn2 log
n) part. A straightforward implementation would require Ω(nm) shortest-path
computations. Thus, we develop several heuristics in order to get a practical
algorithm. Our experiments show that in random graphs our techniques result in
a significant speed-up. Based on our experimental observations, we combine the
two fundamentally different approaches to compute a minimum cycle basis to
obtain a new hybrid algorithm with running time O(m2n2). The hybrid algorithm
is very efficient, in practice, for random dense unweighted graphs. Finally, we
compare these two algorithms with a number of previous implementations for
finding a minimum cycle basis of an undirected graph.
TITLE = {Implementing Minimum Cycle Basis Algorithms},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Michail, Dimitrios},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-6975DD6D0B820206C125728E003E04A2-MM06},
YEAR = {2006},
DATE = {2006},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper, we consider the problem of computing a minimum cycle basis of an undirected graph G = (V,E) with n vertices and m edges. We describe an efficient implementation of an O(m3 + mn2 log n) algorithm. For sparse graphs, this is the currently best-known algorithm. This algorithm's running time can be partitioned into two parts with time O(m3) and O(m2n + mn2 log n), respectively. Our experimental findings imply that for random graphs the true bottleneck of a sophisticated implementation is the O(m2 n + mn2 log n) part. A straightforward implementation would require $\Omega$(nm) shortest-path computations. Thus, we develop several heuristics in order to get a practical algorithm. Our experiments show that in random graphs our techniques result in a significant speed-up. Based on our experimental observations, we combine the two fundamentally different approaches to compute a minimum cycle basis to obtain a new hybrid algorithm with running time O(m2n2). The hybrid algorithm is very efficient, in practice, for random dense unweighted graphs. Finally, we compare these two algorithms with a number of previous implementations for finding a minimum cycle basis of an undirected graph.},
JOURNAL = {ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics},
VOLUME = {11},
PAGES = {1--14},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Michail, Dimitrios
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Implementing Minimum Cycle Basis Algorithms :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 314579
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-6975DD6D0B820206C125728E003E04A2-MM06
%D 2006
%X In this paper, we consider the problem of computing a minimum cycle basis of an
undirected graph G = (V,E) with n vertices and m edges. We describe an
efficient implementation of an O(m3 + mn2 log n) algorithm. For sparse
graphs, this is the currently best-known algorithm. This algorithm's running
time can be partitioned into two parts with time O(m3) and O(m2n + mn2 log
n), respectively. Our experimental findings imply that for random graphs the
true bottleneck of a sophisticated implementation is the O(m2 n + mn2 log
n) part. A straightforward implementation would require Ω(nm) shortest-path
computations. Thus, we develop several heuristics in order to get a practical
algorithm. Our experiments show that in random graphs our techniques result in
a significant speed-up. Based on our experimental observations, we combine the
two fundamentally different approaches to compute a minimum cycle basis to
obtain a new hybrid algorithm with running time O(m2n2). The hybrid algorithm
is very efficient, in practice, for random dense unweighted graphs. Finally, we
compare these two algorithms with a number of previous implementations for
finding a minimum cycle basis of an undirected graph.
%J ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics
%V 11
%& 1
%P 1 - 14
D. Abraham, R. Irving, K. Mehlhorn, and T. Kavitha, “Popular Matchings,” in Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2005), Vancouver, Canada, 2005.
TITLE = {Popular Matchings},
AUTHOR = {Abraham, David and Irving, Robert and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Kavitha, Telikepalli},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {0-89871-585-7},
YEAR = {2005},
DATE = {2005},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2005)},
PAGES = {424--432},
ADDRESS = {Vancouver, Canada},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Abraham, David
%A Irving, Robert
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Kavitha, Telikepalli
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Popular Matchings :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 279204
%D 2005
%B Sixteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
%Z date of event: 2005-01-23 - 2005-01-25
%C Vancouver, Canada
%B Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
%P 424 - 432
%@ 0-89871-585-7
D. Abraham, K. Cechlárová, D. F. Manlove, and K. Mehlhorn, “Pareto Optimality in House Allocation Problems,” in Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2004), Hong Kong, China, 2005.
TITLE = {Pareto Optimality in House Allocation Problems},
AUTHOR = {Abraham, David and Cechl{\'a}rov{\'a}, Katarina and Manlove, David F. and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-24131-0},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-540-30551-4_3},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2004},
DATE = {2005},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2004)},
EDITOR = {Fleischer, Rudolf and Trippen, G.},
PAGES = {3--15},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {3341},
ADDRESS = {Hong Kong, China},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Abraham, David
%A Cechlárová, Katarina
%A Manlove, David F.
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Pareto Optimality in House Allocation Problems :
%G eng
%R 10.1007/978-3-540-30551-4_3
%D 2005
%B 15th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation
%Z date of event: 2004-12-20 - 2004-12-22
%C Hong Kong, China
%B Algorithms and Computation
%E Fleischer, Rudolf; Trippen, G.
%P 3 - 15
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-24131-0
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 3341
D. J. Abraham, K. Cechlárová, D. Manlove, and K. Mehlhorn, “Pareto Optimality in House Allocation Problems,” in Algorithms and computation (ISAAC 2005), Sanya, Hainan, China, 2005.
TITLE = {Pareto Optimality in House Allocation Problems},
AUTHOR = {Abraham, David J. and Cechl{\'a}rov{\'a}, Katar{\'i}na and Manlove, David and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-30935-7},
DOI = {10.1007/11602613_115},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2005},
DATE = {2005},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithms and computation (ISAAC 2005)},
EDITOR = {Deng, Xiaotie and Du, Dingzhu},
PAGES = {1163--1175},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {3827},
ADDRESS = {Sanya, Hainan, China},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Abraham, David J.
%A Cechlárová, Katarína
%A Manlove, David
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Pareto Optimality in House Allocation Problems :
%G eng
%R 10.1007/11602613_115
%D 2005
%B ISAAC 2005
%Z date of event: 2005-12-19 - 2005-12-21
%C Sanya, Hainan, China
%B Algorithms and computation
%E Deng, Xiaotie; Du, Dingzhu
%P 1163 - 1175
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-30935-7
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 3827
S. Baswana, T. Kavitha, K. Mehlhorn, and S. Pettie, “New Constructions of (alpha, beta)-Spanners and Purely Additive Spanners,” in Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2005), Vancouver, Canada, 2005.
TITLE = {New Constructions of (alpha, beta)-Spanners and Purely Additive Spanners},
AUTHOR = {Baswana, Surender and Kavitha, Telikepalli and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Pettie, Seth},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {0-89871-585-7},
YEAR = {2005},
DATE = {2005},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2005)},
PAGES = {672--681},
ADDRESS = {Vancouver, Canada},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Baswana, Surender
%A Kavitha, Telikepalli
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Pettie, Seth
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T New Constructions of (alpha, beta)-Spanners and Purely Additive Spanners :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 279195
%D 2005
%B Sixteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
%Z date of event: 2005-01-23 - 2005-01-26
%C Vancouver, Canada
%B Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
%P 672 - 681
%@ 0-89871-585-7
E. Berberich, A. Eigenwillig, M. Hemmer, S. Hert, L. Kettner, K. Mehlhorn, J. Reichel, S. Schmitt, E. Schömer, and N. Wolpert, “EXACUS: Efficient and Exact Algorithms for Curves and Surfaces,” in Algorithms -- ESA 2005, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2005.
We present the first open-source release of the
C\texttt{++} libraries of the \textsc{Exacus} project
of the Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik. Our
software computes arrangements of curves and curve
segments, and boolean operations on polygons bounded
by curve segments. We pursued the goals efficiency,
correctness, and completeness for all input cases,
implying robustness. We present the structure of the
libraries and their generic design. With our work we
contribute one milestone on the way towards a
systematic support of non-linear geometry in software
TITLE = {{EXACUS}: Efficient and Exact Algorithms for Curves and Surfaces},
AUTHOR = {Berberich, Eric and Eigenwillig, Arno and Hemmer, Michael and Hert, Susan and Kettner, Lutz and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Reichel, Joachim and Schmitt, Susanne and Sch{\"o}mer, Elmar and Wolpert, Nicola},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-29118-0},
DOI = {10.1007/11561071_16},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2005},
DATE = {2005},
ABSTRACT = {We present the first open-source release of the C\texttt{++} libraries of the \textsc{Exacus} project of the Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik. Our software computes arrangements of curves and curve segments, and boolean operations on polygons bounded by curve segments. We pursued the goals efficiency, correctness, and completeness for all input cases, implying robustness. We present the structure of the libraries and their generic design. With our work we contribute one milestone on the way towards a systematic support of non-linear geometry in software libraries.},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithms -- ESA 2005},
EDITOR = {St{\o}lting Brodal, Gerth and Leonardi, Stefano},
PAGES = {155--166},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {3669},
ADDRESS = {Palma de Mallorca, Spain},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Berberich, Eric
%A Eigenwillig, Arno
%A Hemmer, Michael
%A Hert, Susan
%A Kettner, Lutz
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Reichel, Joachim
%A Schmitt, Susanne
%A Schömer, Elmar
%A Wolpert, Nicola
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T EXACUS: Efficient and Exact Algorithms for Curves and Surfaces :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 279189
%R 10.1007/11561071_16
%D 2005
%B 13th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms
%Z date of event: 2005-10-03 - 2005-10-06
%C Palma de Mallorca, Spain
%X We present the first open-source release of the
C\texttt{++} libraries of the \textsc{Exacus} project
of the Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik. Our
software computes arrangements of curves and curve
segments, and boolean operations on polygons bounded
by curve segments. We pursued the goals efficiency,
correctness, and completeness for all input cases,
implying robustness. We present the structure of the
libraries and their generic design. With our work we
contribute one milestone on the way towards a
systematic support of non-linear geometry in software
%B Algorithms -- ESA 2005
%E Stølting Brodal, Gerth; Leonardi, Stefano
%P 155 - 166
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-29118-0
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 3669
A. Eigenwillig, L. Kettner, W. Krandick, K. Mehlhorn, S. Schmitt, and N. Wolpert, “A Descartes Algorithm for Polynomials with Bit-Stream Coefficients,” in Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing (CASC 2005), Kalamata, Greece, 2005.
TITLE = {A {D}escartes Algorithm for Polynomials with Bit-Stream Coefficients},
AUTHOR = {Eigenwillig, Arno and Kettner, Lutz and Krandick, Werner and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Schmitt, Susanne and Wolpert, Nicola},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-28966-6},
DOI = {10.1007/11555964_12},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2005},
DATE = {2005},
BOOKTITLE = {Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing (CASC 2005)},
EDITOR = {Ganzha, Victor G. and Mayr, Ernst W. and Vorozhtsov, Evgenii V.},
PAGES = {138--149},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {3718},
ADDRESS = {Kalamata, Greece},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Eigenwillig, Arno
%A Kettner, Lutz
%A Krandick, Werner
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schmitt, Susanne
%A Wolpert, Nicola
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Descartes Algorithm for Polynomials with Bit-Stream Coefficients :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 279177
%R 10.1007/11555964_12
%D 2005
%B The 8th International Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing
%Z date of event: 2005-09-12 -
%C Kalamata, Greece
%B Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing
%E Ganzha, Victor G.; Mayr, Ernst W.; Vorozhtsov, Evgenii V.
%P 138 - 149
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-28966-6
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 3718
S. Funke, K. Mehlhorn, and S. Näher, “Structural Filtering: a Paradigm for Efficient and Exact Geometric Programs,” Computational Geometry, vol. 31, no. 3, 2005.
TITLE = {Structural Filtering: a Paradigm for Efficient and Exact Geometric Programs},
AUTHOR = {Funke, Stefan and Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
DOI = {10.1016/j.comgeo.2004.12.007},
YEAR = {2005},
DATE = {2005},
JOURNAL = {Computational Geometry},
VOLUME = {31},
NUMBER = {3},
PAGES = {179--194},
%0 Journal Article
%A Funke, Stefan
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Structural Filtering: a Paradigm for Efficient and Exact Geometric Programs :
%G eng
%R 10.1016/j.comgeo.2004.12.007
%D 2005
%J Computational Geometry
%V 31
%N 3
%& 179
%P 179 - 194
S. Funke, C. Klein, K. Mehlhorn, and S. Schmitt, “Controlled Perturbation for Delaunay Triangulations,” in Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2005), Vancouver, Canada, 2005.
Most geometric algorithms are idealistic in the sense that they are designed
for the Real-RAM model of computation and for inputs in general
position. Real inputs may be degenerate and floating point arithmetic is
only an approximation of real arithmetic.
Perturbation replaces an input by a nearby input which is (hopefully)
in general position and on which the algorithm can be run with floating point
arithmetic. Controlled perturbation as proposed by Halperin et al. calls for
more: control over the amount of perturbation needed for a given precision of
the floating point system. Or conversely, a control over the precision needed
for a given amount of perturbation. Halperin et al.~gave controlled
perturbation schemes for arrangements of polyhedral surfaces, spheres, and
circles. We extend their work and point out that controlled perturbation is a
general scheme for converting idealistic algorithms into algorithms which can
be executed with floating point arithmetic. We also show how to use controlled
perturbation in the context of randomized geometric algorithms without
deteriorating the running time. Finally, we give concrete schemes for planar
Delaunay triangulations and convex hulls and Delaunay triangulations in
arbitrary dimensions. We analyze the relation between the
perturbation amount and the precision of the floating point system. We also
report about experiments with a planar Delaunay diagram algorithm.
TITLE = {Controlled Perturbation for {Delaunay} Triangulations},
AUTHOR = {Funke, Stefan and Klein, Christian and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Schmitt, Susanne},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {0-89871-585-7},
URL = {},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-51E79341608E6746C1256FA2005B7772-FKMS2005},
YEAR = {2005},
DATE = {2005},
ABSTRACT = {Most geometric algorithms are idealistic in the sense that they are designed for the Real-RAM model of computation and for inputs in general position. Real inputs may be degenerate and floating point arithmetic is only an approximation of real arithmetic. Perturbation replaces an input by a nearby input which is (hopefully) in general position and on which the algorithm can be run with floating point arithmetic. Controlled perturbation as proposed by Halperin et al. calls for more: control over the amount of perturbation needed for a given precision of the floating point system. Or conversely, a control over the precision needed for a given amount of perturbation. Halperin et al.~gave controlled perturbation schemes for arrangements of polyhedral surfaces, spheres, and circles. We extend their work and point out that controlled perturbation is a general scheme for converting idealistic algorithms into algorithms which can be executed with floating point arithmetic. We also show how to use controlled perturbation in the context of randomized geometric algorithms without deteriorating the running time. Finally, we give concrete schemes for planar Delaunay triangulations and convex hulls and Delaunay triangulations in arbitrary dimensions. We analyze the relation between the perturbation amount and the precision of the floating point system. We also report about experiments with a planar Delaunay diagram algorithm.},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2005)},
PAGES = {1047--1056},
ADDRESS = {Vancouver, Canada},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Funke, Stefan
%A Klein, Christian
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schmitt, Susanne
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Controlled Perturbation for Delaunay Triangulations :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 279162
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-51E79341608E6746C1256FA2005B7772-FKMS2005
%D 2005
%B Sixteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
%Z date of event: 2005-01-23 - 2005-01-25
%C Vancouver, Canada
%X Most geometric algorithms are idealistic in the sense that they are designed
for the Real-RAM model of computation and for inputs in general
position. Real inputs may be degenerate and floating point arithmetic is
only an approximation of real arithmetic.
Perturbation replaces an input by a nearby input which is (hopefully)
in general position and on which the algorithm can be run with floating point
arithmetic. Controlled perturbation as proposed by Halperin et al. calls for
more: control over the amount of perturbation needed for a given precision of
the floating point system. Or conversely, a control over the precision needed
for a given amount of perturbation. Halperin et al.~gave controlled
perturbation schemes for arrangements of polyhedral surfaces, spheres, and
circles. We extend their work and point out that controlled perturbation is a
general scheme for converting idealistic algorithms into algorithms which can
be executed with floating point arithmetic. We also show how to use controlled
perturbation in the context of randomized geometric algorithms without
deteriorating the running time. Finally, we give concrete schemes for planar
Delaunay triangulations and convex hulls and Delaunay triangulations in
arbitrary dimensions. We analyze the relation between the
perturbation amount and the precision of the floating point system. We also
report about experiments with a planar Delaunay diagram algorithm.
%B Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
%P 1047 - 1056
%@ 0-89871-585-7
C. Gotsman, K. Kaligosi, K. Mehlhorn, D. Michail, and E. Pyrga, “Cycle bases of graphs and sampled manifolds,” Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, MPI-I-2005-1-008, 2005.
Point samples of a surface in $\R^3$ are the dominant output of a<br>multitude of 3D scanning devices. The usefulness of these devices rests on<br>being able to extract properties of the surface from the sample. We show that, under <br>certain sampling conditions, the minimum cycle basis of a nearest neighbor graph of <br>the sample encodes topological information about the surface and yields bases for the <br>trivial and non-trivial loops of the surface. We validate our results by experiments.
TITLE = {Cycle bases of graphs and sampled manifolds},
AUTHOR = {Gotsman, Craig and Kaligosi, Kanela and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Michail, Dimitrios and Pyrga, Evangelia},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {MPI-I-2005-1-008},
INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {2005},
DATE = {2005},
ABSTRACT = {Point samples of a surface in $\R^3$ are the dominant output of a<br>multitude of 3D scanning devices. The usefulness of these devices rests on<br>being able to extract properties of the surface from the sample. We show that, under <br>certain sampling conditions, the minimum cycle basis of a nearest neighbor graph of <br>the sample encodes topological information about the surface and yields bases for the <br>trivial and non-trivial loops of the surface. We validate our results by experiments.},
TYPE = {Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik},
%0 Report
%A Gotsman, Craig
%A Kaligosi, Kanela
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Michail, Dimitrios
%A Pyrga, Evangelia
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Cycle bases of graphs and sampled manifolds :
%G eng
%Y Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
%C Saarbrücken
%D 2005
%P 30 p.
%X Point samples of a surface in $\R^3$ are the dominant output of a<br>multitude of 3D scanning devices. The usefulness of these devices rests on<br>being able to extract properties of the surface from the sample. We show that, under <br>certain sampling conditions, the minimum cycle basis of a nearest neighbor graph of <br>the sample encodes topological information about the surface and yields bases for the <br>trivial and non-trivial loops of the surface. We validate our results by experiments.
%B Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
K. Kaligosi, K. Mehlhorn, J. I. Munro, and P. Sanders, “Towards Optimal Multiple Selection,” in Automata, Languages and Programming : 32nd International Colloquium, ICALP 2005, 2005.
TITLE = {Towards Optimal Multiple Selection},
AUTHOR = {Kaligosi, Kanela and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Munro, J. Ian and Sanders, Peter},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-540-27580-0},
DOI = {10.1007/11523468_9},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2005},
DATE = {2005},
BOOKTITLE = {Automata, Languages and Programming : 32nd International Colloquium, ICALP 2005},
EDITOR = {Caires, Lu{\'i}s and Italiano, Guiseppe F. and Monteiro, Lu{\'i}s and Palamidessi, Catuscia and Yung, Moti},
PAGES = {103--114},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {3580},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Kaligosi, Kanela
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Munro, J. Ian
%A Sanders, Peter
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Towards Optimal Multiple Selection :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 572236
%R 10.1007/11523468_9
%D 2005
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 2005-07-11 - 2005-07-15
%C Lisboa, Portugal
%B Automata, Languages and Programming : 32nd International Colloquium, ICALP 2005
%E Caires, Luís; Italiano, Guiseppe F.; Monteiro, Luís; Palamidessi, Catuscia; Yung, Moti
%P 103 - 114
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-540-27580-0
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 3580
T. Kavitha and K. Mehlhorn, “A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Minimum Cycle Basis in Directed Graphs,” in STACS 2005, 22nd Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Stuttgart, Germany, 2005.
TITLE = {A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Minimum Cycle Basis in Directed Graphs},
AUTHOR = {Kavitha, Telikepalli and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-24998-2},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-540-31856-9_54},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2005},
DATE = {2005},
BOOKTITLE = {STACS 2005, 22nd Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science},
EDITOR = {Diekert, Volker and Durand, Bruno},
PAGES = {654--665},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {3404},
ADDRESS = {Stuttgart, Germany},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Kavitha, Telikepalli
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Minimum Cycle Basis in Directed Graphs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 279158
%R 10.1007/978-3-540-31856-9_54
%D 2005
%B 22nd Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science
%Z date of event: 2005-02-24 - 2005-02-26
%C Stuttgart, Germany
%B STACS 2005
%E Diekert, Volker; Durand, Bruno
%P 654 - 665
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-24998-2
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 3404
A. Lars, M. A. Bender, E. Demaine, C. Leiserson, and K. Mehlhorn, Eds., Cache-Oblivious and Cache-Aware Algorithms. Schloss Dagstuhl, 2005.
TITLE = {Cache-Oblivious and Cache-Aware Algorithms},
EDITOR = {Lars, Arge and Bender, Michael A. and Demaine, Erik and Leiserson, Charles and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {1862-4405},
URL = {urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-1576},
PUBLISHER = {Schloss Dagstuhl},
YEAR = {2004},
DATE = {2005},
SERIES = {Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings},
VOLUME = {04301},
ADDRESS = {Wadern, Germany},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%E Lars, Arge
%E Bender, Michael A.
%E Demaine, Erik
%E Leiserson, Charles
%E Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Cache-Oblivious and Cache-Aware Algorithms :
%G eng
%U urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-1576
%I Schloss Dagstuhl
%D 2005
%B Cache-Oblivious and Cache-Aware Algorithms (Dagstuhl Seminar 04301)
%Z date of event: 2004-07-18 - 2004-07-23
%D 2004
%C Wadern, Germany
%S Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings
%V 04301
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn and D. Michail, “Network Problems with Non-Polynomial Weights And Applications.” 2005.
TITLE = {Network Problems with Non-Polynomial Weights And Applications},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Michail, Dimitrios},
YEAR = {2005},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Michail, Dimitrios
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Network Problems with Non-Polynomial Weights And Applications :
%D 2005
K. Mehlhorn and D. Michail, “Implementing Minimum Cycle Basis Algorithms,” in Experimental and Efficient Algorithms, 4th InternationalWorkshop, WEA 2005, 2005.
In this paper we consider the problem of computing a minimum cycle basis of an
undirected graph $G = (V,E)$ with $n$ vertices and $m$ edges. We describe an
efficient implementation of an $O(m^3 + mn^2\log n)$ algorithm presented
in~\cite{PINA95}. For sparse graphs this is the currently best known algorithm.
This algorithm's running time can be partitioned into two parts
with time $O(m^3)$ and $O( m^2n + mn^2 \log n)$ respectively.
Our experimental findings imply that the true bottleneck of a
sophisticated implementation is the $O( m^2 n + mn^2 \log n)$ part. A
straightforward implementation would require $\Omega(nm)$ shortest path
computations, thus we develop several heuristics in order to get a practical
algorithm. Our experiments show that in random graphs our techniques result in
a significant speedup.
Based on our experimental observations, we combine the two fundamentally
different approaches to compute a minimum cycle basis used
in~\cite{PINA95,KMMP04} and~\cite{HOR87,MATR02}, to obtain a new hybrid
algorithm with running time
$O( m^2 n^2 )$. The hybrid algorithm is very efficient in practice for random
dense unweighted graphs.
Finally, we compare these two algorithms with a number of previous
implementations for finding a minimum cycle basis in an undirected graph.
TITLE = {Implementing Minimum Cycle Basis Algorithms},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Michail, Dimitrios},
EDITOR = {Nikoletseas, Sotiris},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-25920-1},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-AC9540F47424F880C1256FD400450006-MM05},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2005},
DATE = {2005},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper we consider the problem of computing a minimum cycle basis of an undirected graph $G = (V,E)$ with $n$ vertices and $m$ edges. We describe an efficient implementation of an $O(m^3 + mn^2\log n)$ algorithm presented in~\cite{PINA95}. For sparse graphs this is the currently best known algorithm. This algorithm's running time can be partitioned into two parts with time $O(m^3)$ and $O( m^2n + mn^2 \log n)$ respectively. Our experimental findings imply that the true bottleneck of a sophisticated implementation is the $O( m^2 n + mn^2 \log n)$ part. A straightforward implementation would require $\Omega(nm)$ shortest path computations, thus we develop several heuristics in order to get a practical algorithm. Our experiments show that in random graphs our techniques result in a significant speedup. Based on our experimental observations, we combine the two fundamentally different approaches to compute a minimum cycle basis used in~\cite{PINA95,KMMP04} and~\cite{HOR87,MATR02}, to obtain a new hybrid algorithm with running time $O( m^2 n^2 )$. The hybrid algorithm is very efficient in practice for random dense unweighted graphs. Finally, we compare these two algorithms with a number of previous implementations for finding a minimum cycle basis in an undirected graph.},
BOOKTITLE = {Experimental and Efficient Algorithms, 4th InternationalWorkshop, WEA 2005},
PAGES = {32--43},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {3503},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Michail, Dimitrios
%E Nikoletseas, Sotiris
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Implementing Minimum Cycle Basis Algorithms :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 279141
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-AC9540F47424F880C1256FD400450006-MM05
%D 2005
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 2005-05-10 -
%C Santorini, Greece
%X In this paper we consider the problem of computing a minimum cycle basis of an
undirected graph $G = (V,E)$ with $n$ vertices and $m$ edges. We describe an
efficient implementation of an $O(m^3 + mn^2\log n)$ algorithm presented
in~\cite{PINA95}. For sparse graphs this is the currently best known algorithm.
This algorithm's running time can be partitioned into two parts
with time $O(m^3)$ and $O( m^2n + mn^2 \log n)$ respectively.
Our experimental findings imply that the true bottleneck of a
sophisticated implementation is the $O( m^2 n + mn^2 \log n)$ part. A
straightforward implementation would require $\Omega(nm)$ shortest path
computations, thus we develop several heuristics in order to get a practical
algorithm. Our experiments show that in random graphs our techniques result in
a significant speedup.
Based on our experimental observations, we combine the two fundamentally
different approaches to compute a minimum cycle basis used
in~\cite{PINA95,KMMP04} and~\cite{HOR87,MATR02}, to obtain a new hybrid
algorithm with running time
$O( m^2 n^2 )$. The hybrid algorithm is very efficient in practice for random
dense unweighted graphs.
Finally, we compare these two algorithms with a number of previous
implementations for finding a minimum cycle basis in an undirected graph.
%B Experimental and Efficient Algorithms, 4th InternationalWorkshop, WEA 2005
%P 32 - 43
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-25920-1
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 3503
K. Mehlhorn, “Minimum Cycle Bases and Surface Reconstruction,” in Graph Drawing (GD 2005), Limerick, Ireland, 2005.
TITLE = {Minimum Cycle Bases and Surface Reconstruction},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-31425-3},
DOI = {10.1007/11618058_55},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2005},
DATE = {2005},
BOOKTITLE = {Graph Drawing (GD 2005)},
EDITOR = {Healy, Patrick and Nikolo, Nikola S.},
PAGES = {532--532},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {3843},
ADDRESS = {Limerick, Ireland},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Minimum Cycle Bases and Surface Reconstruction :
%G eng
%R 10.1007/11618058_55
%D 2005
%B GD 2005
%Z date of event: -
%C Limerick, Ireland
%B Graph Drawing
%E Healy, Patrick; Nikolo, Nikola S.
%P 532 - 532
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-31425-3
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 3843
K. Mehlhorn, U. Waldmann, and R. Wilhelm, “Harald Ganzinger : 31.10.1950 - 3.6.2004,” Jahrbuch der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, 2005.
TITLE = {{Harald Ganzinger : 31.10.1950 -- 3.6.2004}},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Waldmann, Uwe and Wilhelm, Reinhard},
LANGUAGE = {deu},
ADDRESS = {M{\"u}nchen},
YEAR = {2005},
DATE = {2005},
JOURNAL = {Jahrbuch der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft},
PAGES = {107--108},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Waldmann, Uwe
%A Wilhelm, Reinhard
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Automation of Logic, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Harald Ganzinger : 31.10.1950 - 3.6.2004 :
%G deu
%D 2005
%J Jahrbuch der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
%& 107
%P 107 - 108
%C München
E. Althaus, F. Eisenbrand, S. Funke, and K. Mehlhorn, “Point Containment in the Integer Hull of a Polyhedron,” in Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA-04), New Orleans, USA, 2004.
We show that the point containment problem in the integer hull of a
polyhedron, which is defined by $m$ inequalities, with
coefficients of at most $\varphi$ bits can be solved in
time $O(m+\varphi)$ in the two-dimensional case and in expected time
$O(m+\varphi^2 \log m)$ in any fixed dimension. This improves on the
algorithm which is based on the equivalence of separation and
optimization in the general case and on a direct algorithm (SODA 97)
for the two-dimensional case.
TITLE = {Point Containment in the Integer Hull of a Polyhedron},
AUTHOR = {Althaus, Ernst and Eisenbrand, Friedrich and Funke, Stefan and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {0-89871-558-X},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256BDD00205AD6-5A66A234AFD82E2DC1256E0C0040AD33-AEFM2004-NWG},
YEAR = {2004},
DATE = {2004},
ABSTRACT = {We show that the point containment problem in the integer hull of a polyhedron, which is defined by $m$ inequalities, with coefficients of at most $\varphi$ bits can be solved in time $O(m+\varphi)$ in the two-dimensional case and in expected time $O(m+\varphi^2 \log m)$ in any fixed dimension. This improves on the algorithm which is based on the equivalence of separation and optimization in the general case and on a direct algorithm (SODA 97) for the two-dimensional case.},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA-04)},
PAGES = {929--933},
ADDRESS = {New Orleans, USA},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Althaus, Ernst
%A Eisenbrand, Friedrich
%A Funke, Stefan
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Discrete Optimization, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Point Containment in the Integer Hull of a Polyhedron :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 241594
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256BDD00205AD6-5A66A234AFD82E2DC1256E0C0040AD33-AEFM2004-NWG
%D 2004
%B Fifteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
%Z date of event: 2004-01-11 -
%C New Orleans, USA
%X We show that the point containment problem in the integer hull of a
polyhedron, which is defined by $m$ inequalities, with
coefficients of at most $\varphi$ bits can be solved in
time $O(m+\varphi)$ in the two-dimensional case and in expected time
$O(m+\varphi^2 \log m)$ in any fixed dimension. This improves on the
algorithm which is based on the equivalence of separation and
optimization in the general case and on a direct algorithm (SODA 97)
for the two-dimensional case.
%B Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA-04)
%P 929 - 933
%@ 0-89871-558-X
B. Aranov, T. Asano, N. Katoh, K. Mehlhorn, and T. Tokuyama, “Polyline Fitting of Planar Points Under Min-sum Criteria,” in Algorithms and Computation: 15th International Symposium, ISAAC 2004, 2004.
TITLE = {Polyline Fitting of Planar Points Under Min-sum Criteria},
AUTHOR = {Aranov, Boris and Asano, Tetsuo and Katoh, Naoki and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Tokuyama, Takeshi},
EDITOR = {Fleischer, Rudolf and Trippen, Gerhard},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-24131-0},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-3575485A1DE95D4CC1256FC500831646-Mehlhorn2004PolylineApprox},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2004},
DATE = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithms and Computation: 15th International Symposium, ISAAC 2004},
PAGES = {77--88},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {3341},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Aranov, Boris
%A Asano, Tetsuo
%A Katoh, Naoki
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Tokuyama, Takeshi
%E Fleischer, Rudolf
%E Trippen, Gerhard
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Polyline Fitting of Planar Points Under Min-sum Criteria :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 232077
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-3575485A1DE95D4CC1256FC500831646-Mehlhorn2004PolylineApprox
%D 2004
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 2004-12-20 -
%C HongKong, China
%B Algorithms and Computation: 15th International Symposium, ISAAC 2004
%P 77 - 88
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-24131-0
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 3341
H. Bast, K. Mehlhorn, G. Schäfer, and H. Tamaki, “Matching Algorithms Are Fast in Sparse Random Graphs,” in 21st Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS-04), 2004.
We present an improved average case analysis of the maximum
cardinality matching problem. We show that in a bipartite or
general random graph on n vertices, with high probability every nonmaximum
matching has an augmenting path of length O(log n). This implies that
augmenting path algorithms like the Hopcroft Karp algorithm for bipartite
graphs and the Micali Vazirani algorithm for general graphs, which have a worst
case running time of O(mpn), run in time O(mlog n) with high probability, where
m is the number of edges in the graph. Motwani proved these results for random
graphs when the average degree is at least ln(n) [Average Case Analysis of
Algorithms for Matchings and Related Problems, Journal of the ACM, 41(6),
1994]. Our
results hold, if only the average degree is a large enough constant. At the
same time we simplify the analysis of Motwani.
TITLE = {Matching Algorithms Are Fast in Sparse Random Graphs},
AUTHOR = {Bast, Holger and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sch{\"a}fer, Guido and Tamaki, Hisao},
EDITOR = {Diekert, Volker and Habib, Michel},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-21236-1},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-1F79D167AE1C3869C1256F9500480213-bast04stacs},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2004},
DATE = {2004},
ABSTRACT = {We present an improved average case analysis of the maximum cardinality matching problem. We show that in a bipartite or general random graph on n vertices, with high probability every nonmaximum matching has an augmenting path of length O(log n). This implies that augmenting path algorithms like the Hopcroft Karp algorithm for bipartite graphs and the Micali Vazirani algorithm for general graphs, which have a worst case running time of O(mpn), run in time O(mlog n) with high probability, where m is the number of edges in the graph. Motwani proved these results for random graphs when the average degree is at least ln(n) [Average Case Analysis of Algorithms for Matchings and Related Problems, Journal of the ACM, 41(6), 1994]. Our results hold, if only the average degree is a large enough constant. At the same time we simplify the analysis of Motwani.},
BOOKTITLE = {21st Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS-04)},
PAGES = {81--92},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {2996},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Bast, Holger
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schäfer, Guido
%A Tamaki, Hisao
%E Diekert, Volker
%E Habib, Michel
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Matching Algorithms Are Fast in Sparse Random Graphs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 231169
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-1F79D167AE1C3869C1256F9500480213-bast04stacs
%D 2004
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 2004-03-25 -
%C Montpellier, France
%X We present an improved average case analysis of the maximum
cardinality matching problem. We show that in a bipartite or
general random graph on n vertices, with high probability every nonmaximum
matching has an augmenting path of length O(log n). This implies that
augmenting path algorithms like the Hopcroft Karp algorithm for bipartite
graphs and the Micali Vazirani algorithm for general graphs, which have a worst
case running time of O(mpn), run in time O(mlog n) with high probability, where
m is the number of edges in the graph. Motwani proved these results for random
graphs when the average degree is at least ln(n) [Average Case Analysis of
Algorithms for Matchings and Related Problems, Journal of the ACM, 41(6),
1994]. Our
results hold, if only the average degree is a large enough constant. At the
same time we simplify the analysis of Motwani.
%B 21st Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS-04)
%P 81 - 92
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-21236-1
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 2996
E. Berberich, A. Eigenwillig, M. Hemmer, S. Hert, L. Kettner, K. Mehlhorn, J. Reichel, S. Schmitt, E. Schömer, D. Weber, and N. Wolpert, “EXACUS : Efficient and Exact Algorithms for Curves and Surfaces,” INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, ECG-TR-361200-02, 2004.
TITLE = {{EXACUS} : Efficient and Exact Algorithms for Curves and Surfaces},
AUTHOR = {Berberich, Eric and Eigenwillig, Arno and Hemmer, Michael and Hert, Susan and Kettner, Lutz and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Reichel, Joachim and Schmitt, Susanne and Sch{\"o}mer, Elmar and Weber, Dennis and Wolpert, Nicola},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {ECG-TR-361200-02},
ADDRESS = {Sophia Antipolis},
YEAR = {2004},
DATE = {2004},
TYPE = {ECG Technical Report},
EDITOR = {{Effective Computational Geometry for Curves and Surfaces}},
%0 Report
%A Berberich, Eric
%A Eigenwillig, Arno
%A Hemmer, Michael
%A Hert, Susan
%A Kettner, Lutz
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Reichel, Joachim
%A Schmitt, Susanne
%A Schömer, Elmar
%A Weber, Dennis
%A Wolpert, Nicola
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T EXACUS : Efficient and Exact Algorithms for Curves and Surfaces :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 237751
%C Sophia Antipolis
%D 2004
%Z name of event: Untitled Event
%Z date of event: -
%Z place of event:
%P 8 p.
%B ECG Technical Report
E. Berberich, A. Eigenwillig, I. Emiris, E. Fogel, M. Hemmer, D. Halperin, A. Kakargias, L. Kettner, K. Mehlhorn, S. Pion, E. Schömer, M. Teillaud, R. Wein, and N. Wolpert, “An empirical comparison of software for constructing arrangements of curved arcs,” INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, ECG-TR-361200-01, 2004.
TITLE = {An empirical comparison of software for constructing arrangements of curved arcs},
AUTHOR = {Berberich, Eric and Eigenwillig, Arno and Emiris, Ioannis and Fogel, Efraim and Hemmer, Michael and Halperin, Dan and Kakargias, Athanasios and Kettner, Lutz and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Pion, Sylvain and Sch{\"o}mer, Elmar and Teillaud, Monique and Wein, Ron and Wolpert, Nicola},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {ECG-TR-361200-01},
ADDRESS = {Sophia Antipolis},
YEAR = {2004},
DATE = {2004},
TYPE = {ECG Technical Report},
EDITOR = {{Effective Computational Geometry for Curves and Surfaces}},
%0 Report
%A Berberich, Eric
%A Eigenwillig, Arno
%A Emiris, Ioannis
%A Fogel, Efraim
%A Hemmer, Michael
%A Halperin, Dan
%A Kakargias, Athanasios
%A Kettner, Lutz
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Pion, Sylvain
%A Schömer, Elmar
%A Teillaud, Monique
%A Wein, Ron
%A Wolpert, Nicola
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T An empirical comparison of software for constructing arrangements of curved arcs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 237743
%C Sophia Antipolis
%D 2004
%Z name of event: Untitled Event
%Z date of event: -
%Z place of event:
%P 11 p.
%B ECG Technical Report
S. Funke, K. Mehlhorn, S. Schmitt, C. Burnikel, R. Fleischer, and S. Schirra, “The LEDA class real number - extended version,” INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, ECG-TR-363110-01, 2004.
TITLE = {The {LEDA} class real number -- extended version},
AUTHOR = {Funke, Stefan and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Schmitt, Susanne and Burnikel, Christoph and Fleischer, Rudolf and Schirra, Stefan},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {ECG-TR-363110-01},
ADDRESS = {Sophia Antipolis},
YEAR = {2004},
DATE = {2004},
TYPE = {ECG Technical Report},
EDITOR = {{Effective Computational Geometry for Curves and Surfaces}},
%0 Report
%A Funke, Stefan
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schmitt, Susanne
%A Burnikel, Christoph
%A Fleischer, Rudolf
%A Schirra, Stefan
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T The LEDA class real number - extended version :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 237780
%C Sophia Antipolis
%D 2004
%Z name of event: Untitled Event
%Z date of event: -
%Z place of event:
%P 2 p.
%B ECG Technical Report
T. Kavitha, K. Mehlhorn, D. Michail, and K. Paluch, “Strongly Stable Matchings in Time O(nm) and Extension to the Hospitals-Residents Problem,” in STACS 2004, 21st Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Montpellier, France, 2004.
TITLE = {Strongly Stable Matchings in Time O(nm) and Extension to the Hospitals-Residents Problem},
AUTHOR = {Kavitha, Telikepalli and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Michail, Dimitrios and Paluch, Katarzyna},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-21236-1},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-540-24749-4_20},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2004},
DATE = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {STACS 2004, 21st Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science},
EDITOR = {Diekert, Volker and Habib, Michel},
PAGES = {222--233},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {2996},
ADDRESS = {Montpellier, France},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Kavitha, Telikepalli
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Michail, Dimitrios
%A Paluch, Katarzyna
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Strongly Stable Matchings in Time O(nm) and Extension to the Hospitals-Residents Problem :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 231218
%R 10.1007/978-3-540-24749-4_20
%D 2004
%B 21st Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science
%Z date of event: 2004-03-25 -
%C Montpellier, France
%B STACS 2004
%E Diekert, Volker; Habib, Michel
%P 222 - 233
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-21236-1
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 2996
L. Kettner, K. Mehlhorn, S. Pion, S. Schirra, and C. Yap, “Classroom Examples of Robustness Problems in Geometric Computations,” in Algorithms – ESA 2004, Bergen, Norway, 2004.
The algorithms of computational geometry are designed for a<br>machine model with exact real arithmetic. Substituting floating point<br>arithmetic for the assumed real arithmetic may cause implementations to<br>fail. Although this is well known, there is no comprehensive documentation of<br>what can go wrong and why. <br>In this extended abstract, we study a simple<br>incremental algorithm for planar convex hulls and give examples which make<br>the algorithm fail in all possible ways.<br>We also show how to construct failure-examples<br>semi-systematically and discuss the geometry of the floating point<br>implementation of the orientation predicate. We hope that our work will be<br>useful for teaching computational geometry. The full<br>paper is available<br>at~\url{}. It contains<br>further examples, more theory, and color pictures. We strongly recommend to read<br> the<br>full paper instead of this extended abstract.
TITLE = {Classroom Examples of Robustness Problems in Geometric Computations},
AUTHOR = {Kettner, Lutz and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Pion, Sylvain and Schirra, Stefan and Yap, Chee},
EDITOR = {Albers, Susanne and Radzik, Tomasz},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-23025-4},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-433D199DFE8DDF4DC1256F170032471A-Kettner2004Classroom},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2004},
DATE = {2004},
ABSTRACT = {The algorithms of computational geometry are designed for a<br>machine model with exact real arithmetic. Substituting floating point<br>arithmetic for the assumed real arithmetic may cause implementations to<br>fail. Although this is well known, there is no comprehensive documentation of<br>what can go wrong and why. <br>In this extended abstract, we study a simple<br>incremental algorithm for planar convex hulls and give examples which make<br>the algorithm fail in all possible ways.<br>We also show how to construct failure-examples<br>semi-systematically and discuss the geometry of the floating point<br>implementation of the orientation predicate. We hope that our work will be<br>useful for teaching computational geometry. The full<br>paper is available<br>at~\url{}. It contains<br>further examples, more theory, and color pictures. We strongly recommend to read<br> the<br>full paper instead of this extended abstract.},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithms -- ESA 2004},
DEBUG = {editor: Albers, Susanne; editor: Radzik, Thomasz},
PAGES = {702--713},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {3221},
ADDRESS = {Bergen, Norway},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Kettner, Lutz
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Pion, Sylvain
%A Schirra, Stefan
%A Yap, Chee
%E Albers, Susanne
%E Radzik, Tomasz
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Classroom Examples of Robustness Problems in Geometric Computations :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 231814
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-433D199DFE8DDF4DC1256F170032471A-Kettner2004Classroom
%D 2004
%B 12th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms
%Z date of event: 2004-09-14 - 2004-09-17
%C Bergen, Norway
%X The algorithms of computational geometry are designed for a<br>machine model with exact real arithmetic. Substituting floating point<br>arithmetic for the assumed real arithmetic may cause implementations to<br>fail. Although this is well known, there is no comprehensive documentation of<br>what can go wrong and why. <br>In this extended abstract, we study a simple<br>incremental algorithm for planar convex hulls and give examples which make<br>the algorithm fail in all possible ways.<br>We also show how to construct failure-examples<br>semi-systematically and discuss the geometry of the floating point<br>implementation of the orientation predicate. We hope that our work will be<br>useful for teaching computational geometry. The full<br>paper is available<br>at~\url{}. It contains<br>further examples, more theory, and color pictures. We strongly recommend to read<br> the<br>full paper instead of this extended abstract.
%B Algorithms – ESA 2004
%E Albers, Susanne; Radzik, Thomasz
%P 702 - 713
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-23025-4
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 3221
L. Kettner, K. Mehlhorn, S. Pion, S. Schirra, and C. Yap, “Classroom examples of robustness problems in geometric computations,” INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, ECG-TR-363100-01, 2004.
TITLE = {Classroom examples of robustness problems in geometric computations},
AUTHOR = {Kettner, Lutz and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Pion, Sylvain and Schirra, Stefan and Yap, Chee},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {ECG-TR-363100-01},
ADDRESS = {Sophia Antipolis},
YEAR = {2004},
DATE = {2004},
TYPE = {ECG Technical Report},
EDITOR = {{Effective Computational Geometry for Curves and Surfaces}},
VOLUME = {3221},
%0 Report
%A Kettner, Lutz
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Pion, Sylvain
%A Schirra, Stefan
%A Yap, Chee
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Classroom examples of robustness problems in geometric computations :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 237797
%C Sophia Antipolis
%D 2004
%Z name of event: Untitled Event
%Z date of event: -
%Z place of event:
%P 12 p.
%B ECG Technical Report
%N 3221
W. Krandick and K. Mehlhorn, “New bounds for the Descartes method,” Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pa., DU-CS-04-04, 2004.
TITLE = {New bounds for the Descartes method},
AUTHOR = {Krandick, Werner and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {DU-CS-04-04},
INSTITUTION = {Drexel University},
ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, Pa.},
YEAR = {2004},
DATE = {2004},
TYPE = {Drexel University / Department of Computer Science:Technical Report},
EDITOR = {{Drexel University {\textless}Philadelphia, Pa.{\textgreater} / Department of Computer Science}},
%0 Report
%A Krandick, Werner
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T New bounds for the Descartes method :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 237829
%Y Drexel University
%C Philadelphia, Pa.
%D 2004
%P 18 p.
%B Drexel University / Department of Computer Science:Technical Report
K. Mehlhorn, D. Michail, K. Telikepalli, and K. Paluch, “A Faster Algorithm for Minimum Cycle Basis of Graphs,” in Automata, languages and programming : 31st International Colloquium, ICALP 2004, 2004.
In this paper we consider the problem of computing a minimum cycle basis in a
graph $G$ with $m$ edges and $n$ vertices. The edges of $G$ have non-negative
weights on them. The previous best result for this problem was an
$O(m^{\omega}n)$ algorithm, where $\omega$ is the best exponent of matrix
multiplication. It is presently known that $\omega < 2.376$.
We obtain an $O(m^2n + mn^2\log n)$ algorithm for this problem. Our algorithm
also uses fast matrix multiplication.
When the edge weights are integers, we have an $O(m^2n)$ algorithm.
For unweighted graphs which are reasonably dense, our
algorithm runs in $O(m^{\omega})$ time. For any $\epsilon > 0$,
we also design a $1+\epsilon$ approximation algorithm to compute a cycle basis
which is at most $1+\epsilon$ times the weight of a minimum cycle basis. The
running time of this algorithm is
$O(\frac{m^{\omega}}{\epsilon}\log(W/{\epsilon}))$ for
reasonably dense graphs, where $W$ is the largest edge weight.
TITLE = {A Faster Algorithm for Minimum Cycle Basis of Graphs},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Michail, Dimitrios and Telikepalli, Kavitha and Paluch, Katarzyna},
EDITOR = {D{\'i}az, Josep and Karhum{\"a}ki, Juhani and Lepist{\"o}, Arto and Sannella, Donald},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0302-9743},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-158CD04BC22EDE8AC1256F4F00523BF7-KMMP2004c},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2004},
DATE = {2004},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper we consider the problem of computing a minimum cycle basis in a graph $G$ with $m$ edges and $n$ vertices. The edges of $G$ have non-negative weights on them. The previous best result for this problem was an $O(m^{\omega}n)$ algorithm, where $\omega$ is the best exponent of matrix multiplication. It is presently known that $\omega < 2.376$. We obtain an $O(m^2n + mn^2\log n)$ algorithm for this problem. Our algorithm also uses fast matrix multiplication. When the edge weights are integers, we have an $O(m^2n)$ algorithm. For unweighted graphs which are reasonably dense, our algorithm runs in $O(m^{\omega})$ time. For any $\epsilon > 0$, we also design a $1+\epsilon$ approximation algorithm to compute a cycle basis which is at most $1+\epsilon$ times the weight of a minimum cycle basis. The running time of this algorithm is $O(\frac{m^{\omega}}{\epsilon}\log(W/{\epsilon}))$ for reasonably dense graphs, where $W$ is the largest edge weight.},
BOOKTITLE = {Automata, languages and programming : 31st International Colloquium, ICALP 2004},
PAGES = {846--857},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {3142},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Michail, Dimitrios
%A Telikepalli, Kavitha
%A Paluch, Katarzyna
%E Díaz, Josep
%E Karhumäki, Juhani
%E Lepistö, Arto
%E Sannella, Donald
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T A Faster Algorithm for Minimum Cycle Basis of Graphs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 231968
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-158CD04BC22EDE8AC1256F4F00523BF7-KMMP2004c
%D 2004
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 2004-07-12 -
%C Turku, Finland
%X In this paper we consider the problem of computing a minimum cycle basis in a
graph $G$ with $m$ edges and $n$ vertices. The edges of $G$ have non-negative
weights on them. The previous best result for this problem was an
$O(m^{\omega}n)$ algorithm, where $\omega$ is the best exponent of matrix
multiplication. It is presently known that $\omega < 2.376$.
We obtain an $O(m^2n + mn^2\log n)$ algorithm for this problem. Our algorithm
also uses fast matrix multiplication.
When the edge weights are integers, we have an $O(m^2n)$ algorithm.
For unweighted graphs which are reasonably dense, our
algorithm runs in $O(m^{\omega})$ time. For any $\epsilon > 0$,
we also design a $1+\epsilon$ approximation algorithm to compute a cycle basis
which is at most $1+\epsilon$ times the weight of a minimum cycle basis. The
running time of this algorithm is
$O(\frac{m^{\omega}}{\epsilon}\log(W/{\epsilon}))$ for
reasonably dense graphs, where $W$ is the largest edge weight.
%B Automata, languages and programming : 31st International Colloquium, ICALP 2004
%P 846 - 857
%I Springer
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 3142
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, D. Michail, K. Telikepalli, R. Irving, and K. Paluch, “Rank-Maximal Matchings,” in Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA-04), 2004.
TITLE = {Rank-Maximal Matchings},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Michail, Dimitrios and Telikepalli, Kavitha and Irving, Robert and Paluch, Katarzyna},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {0-89871-558-X},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-9704AA318902D853C1256EA90050697A-Michail2004a},
YEAR = {2004},
DATE = {2004},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA-04)},
PAGES = {68--75},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Michail, Dimitrios
%A Telikepalli, Kavitha
%A Irving, Robert
%A Paluch, Katarzyna
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Rank-Maximal Matchings :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 231957
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-9704AA318902D853C1256EA90050697A-Michail2004a
%D 2004
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 2004-01-11 -
%C New Orleans, USA
%B Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA-04)
%P 68 - 75
%@ 0-89871-558-X
E. Althaus, D. Duchier, A. Koller, K. Mehlhorn, J. Niehren, and S. Thiel, “An Efficient Graph Algorithm for Dominance Constraints,” Journal of Algorithms, vol. 48, no. 1, 2003.
TITLE = {An Efficient Graph Algorithm for Dominance Constraints},
AUTHOR = {Althaus, Ernst and Duchier, Denys and Koller, Alexander and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Niehren, Joachim and Thiel, Sven},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0196-6774},
DOI = {10.1016/S0196-6774(03)00050-6},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {2003},
DATE = {2003},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Algorithms},
VOLUME = {48},
NUMBER = {1},
PAGES = {194--219},
%0 Journal Article
%A Althaus, Ernst
%A Duchier, Denys
%A Koller, Alexander
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Niehren, Joachim
%A Thiel, Sven
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T An Efficient Graph Algorithm for Dominance Constraints :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 201974
%R 10.1016/S0196-6774(03)00050-6
%7 2003
%D 2003
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Journal of Algorithms
%V 48
%N 1
%& 194
%P 194 - 219
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
C. Banderier, R. Beier, and K. Mehlhorn, “Smoothed Analysis of Three Combinatorial Problems,” in Mathematical foundations of computer science 2003 : 28th International Symposium, MFCS 2003, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 2003.
Smoothed analysis combines elements over worst-case and
average case analysis. For an instance $x$, the smoothed complexity is the
average complexity of an instance obtained from $x$ by a perturbation. The
smoothed complexity of a problem is the worst smoothed complexity of any
instance. Spielman and Teng introduced this notion for
continuous problems. We apply the concept to combinatorial problems and study
the smoothed complexity of three classical discrete problems: quicksort,
left-to-right maxima counting, and shortest paths.
TITLE = {Smoothed Analysis of Three Combinatorial Problems},
AUTHOR = {Banderier, Cyril and Beier, Rene and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Rovan, Branislav and Vojt{\'a}{\v s}, Peter},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-40671-9},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-09CF39E77E5072D5C1256E140059E6C7-Beier2003a},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2003},
DATE = {2003},
ABSTRACT = {Smoothed analysis combines elements over worst-case and average case analysis. For an instance $x$, the smoothed complexity is the average complexity of an instance obtained from $x$ by a perturbation. The smoothed complexity of a problem is the worst smoothed complexity of any instance. Spielman and Teng introduced this notion for continuous problems. We apply the concept to combinatorial problems and study the smoothed complexity of three classical discrete problems: quicksort, left-to-right maxima counting, and shortest paths.},
BOOKTITLE = {Mathematical foundations of computer science 2003 : 28th International Symposium, MFCS 2003},
PAGES = {198--207},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {2747},
ADDRESS = {Bratislava, Slovak Republic},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Banderier, Cyril
%A Beier, Rene
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Rovan, Branislav
%E Vojtáš, Peter
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Smoothed Analysis of Three Combinatorial Problems :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 202044
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-09CF39E77E5072D5C1256E140059E6C7-Beier2003a
%D 2003
%B MFCS 2003
%Z date of event: 2003-08-25 - 2003-08-29
%C Bratislava, Slovak Republic
%X Smoothed analysis combines elements over worst-case and
average case analysis. For an instance $x$, the smoothed complexity is the
average complexity of an instance obtained from $x$ by a perturbation. The
smoothed complexity of a problem is the worst smoothed complexity of any
instance. Spielman and Teng introduced this notion for
continuous problems. We apply the concept to combinatorial problems and study
the smoothed complexity of three classical discrete problems: quicksort,
left-to-right maxima counting, and shortest paths.
%B Mathematical foundations of computer science 2003 : 28th International Symposium, MFCS 2003
%P 198 - 207
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-40671-9
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 2747
H. Bast, K. Mehlhorn, G. Schäfer, and H. Tamaki, “A Heuristic for Dijkstra’s Algorithm With Many Targets and its Use in Weighted Matching Algorithms,” Algorithmica, vol. 36, 2003.
We consider the single-source many-targets shortest-path (SSMTSP) problem in
directed graphs with non-negative
edge weights. A source node $s$ and a target set $T$ is specified and the goal
is to compute a shortest path from $s$ to a node in $T$.
Our interest in the shortest path problem with many targets stems from its use
in weighted bipartite matching algorithms. A weighted bipartite matching in a
graph with $n$ nodes on each side reduces to $n$ SSMTSP problems, where the
of targets varies between $n$ and $1$.
The SSMTSP problem can be solved by Dijkstra's algorithm. We describe a
that leads to a significant improvement in running time for the weighted
problem; in our experiments a speed-up by up to a factor of 12 was achieved.
We also present a partial analysis that gives some theoretical support for our
experimental findings.
TITLE = {A Heuristic for Dijkstra's Algorithm With Many Targets and its Use in Weighted Matching Algorithms},
AUTHOR = {Bast, Holger and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sch{\"a}fer, Guido and Tamaki, Hisao},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-6EE356D1B824CE83C1256D03005D49A1-BMST03},
YEAR = {2003},
DATE = {2003},
ABSTRACT = {We consider the single-source many-targets shortest-path (SSMTSP) problem in directed graphs with non-negative edge weights. A source node $s$ and a target set $T$ is specified and the goal is to compute a shortest path from $s$ to a node in $T$. Our interest in the shortest path problem with many targets stems from its use in weighted bipartite matching algorithms. A weighted bipartite matching in a graph with $n$ nodes on each side reduces to $n$ SSMTSP problems, where the number of targets varies between $n$ and $1$. The SSMTSP problem can be solved by Dijkstra's algorithm. We describe a heuristic that leads to a significant improvement in running time for the weighted matching problem; in our experiments a speed-up by up to a factor of 12 was achieved. We also present a partial analysis that gives some theoretical support for our experimental findings.},
JOURNAL = {Algorithmica},
VOLUME = {36},
PAGES = {75--88},
%0 Journal Article
%A Bast, Holger
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schäfer, Guido
%A Tamaki, Hisao
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Heuristic for Dijkstra's Algorithm With Many Targets and its Use in Weighted Matching Algorithms :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 201912
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-6EE356D1B824CE83C1256D03005D49A1-BMST03
%D 2003
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X We consider the single-source many-targets shortest-path (SSMTSP) problem in
directed graphs with non-negative
edge weights. A source node $s$ and a target set $T$ is specified and the goal
is to compute a shortest path from $s$ to a node in $T$.
Our interest in the shortest path problem with many targets stems from its use
in weighted bipartite matching algorithms. A weighted bipartite matching in a
graph with $n$ nodes on each side reduces to $n$ SSMTSP problems, where the
of targets varies between $n$ and $1$.
The SSMTSP problem can be solved by Dijkstra's algorithm. We describe a
that leads to a significant improvement in running time for the weighted
problem; in our experiments a speed-up by up to a factor of 12 was achieved.
We also present a partial analysis that gives some theoretical support for our
experimental findings.
%J Algorithmica
%V 36
%& 75
%P 75 - 88
M. Dhiflaoui, S. Funke, C. Kwappik, K. Mehlhorn, M. Seel, E. Schömer, R. Schulte, and D. Weber, “Certifying and Repairing Solutions to Large LPs - How Good are LP-Solvers?,” in Proceedings of the 14th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA-03), Baltimore, USA, 2003.
TITLE = {Certifying and Repairing Solutions to Large {LP}s -- How Good are {LP}-Solvers?},
AUTHOR = {Dhiflaoui, Marcel and Funke, Stefan and Kwappik, Carsten and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Seel, Michael and Sch{\"o}mer, Elmar and Schulte, Ralph and Weber, Dennis},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-F01D6B673BC1A37AC1256CC200533255-dfkmsssw2003},
YEAR = {2003},
DATE = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 14th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA-03)},
PAGES = {255--256},
ADDRESS = {Baltimore, USA},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Dhiflaoui, Marcel
%A Funke, Stefan
%A Kwappik, Carsten
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Seel, Michael
%A Schömer, Elmar
%A Schulte, Ralph
%A Weber, Dennis
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Certifying and Repairing Solutions to Large LPs - How Good are LP-Solvers? :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 201850
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-F01D6B673BC1A37AC1256CC200533255-dfkmsssw2003
%D 2003
%B SODA 2003
%Z date of event: 2003-01-12 - 2003-01-14
%C Baltimore, USA
%B Proceedings of the 14th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA-03)
%P 255 - 256
M. Granados, P. Hachenberger, S. Hert, L. Kettner, K. Mehlhorn, and M. Seel, “Boolean Operations on 3D Selective Nef Complexes: Data Structure, Algorithms, and Implementation,” in Algorithms - ESA 2003: 11th Annual European Symposium, Budapest, Hungary, 2003.
We describe a data structure for three-dimensional Nef complexes, algorithms
for boolean operations on them, and our implementation of data structure and
algorithms. Nef polyhedra were introduced by W. Nef in his seminal 1978 book on
polyhedra. They are the closure of half-spaces under boolean operations and can
represent non-manifold situations, open and closed boundaries, and mixed
dimensional complexes. Our focus lies on the generality of the data structure,
the completeness of the algorithms, and the exactness and efficiency of the
implementation. In particular, all degeneracies are handled.
TITLE = {Boolean Operations on {3D} Selective Nef Complexes: Data Structure, Algorithms, and Implementation},
AUTHOR = {Granados, Miguel and Hachenberger, Peter and Hert, Susan and Kettner, Lutz and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Seel, Michael},
EDITOR = {Di Battista, Giuseppe and Zwick, Uri},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-D0F786CC6723EB72C1256E2F0050063D-ghhkms-bo3ds-03},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2003},
DATE = {2003},
ABSTRACT = {We describe a data structure for three-dimensional Nef complexes, algorithms for boolean operations on them, and our implementation of data structure and algorithms. Nef polyhedra were introduced by W. Nef in his seminal 1978 book on polyhedra. They are the closure of half-spaces under boolean operations and can represent non-manifold situations, open and closed boundaries, and mixed dimensional complexes. Our focus lies on the generality of the data structure, the completeness of the algorithms, and the exactness and efficiency of the implementation. In particular, all degeneracies are handled.},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithms -- ESA 2003: 11th Annual European Symposium},
PAGES = {654--666},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {2832},
ADDRESS = {Budapest, Hungary},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Granados, Miguel
%A Hachenberger, Peter
%A Hert, Susan
%A Kettner, Lutz
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Seel, Michael
%E Di Battista, Giuseppe
%E Zwick, Uri
%+ Computer Graphics, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
International Max Planck Research School, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Boolean Operations on 3D Selective Nef Complexes: Data Structure, Algorithms, and Implementation :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 201891
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-D0F786CC6723EB72C1256E2F0050063D-ghhkms-bo3ds-03
%D 2003
%B ESA 2003
%Z date of event: 2003-09-16 - 2003-09-19
%C Budapest, Hungary
%X We describe a data structure for three-dimensional Nef complexes, algorithms
for boolean operations on them, and our implementation of data structure and
algorithms. Nef polyhedra were introduced by W. Nef in his seminal 1978 book on
polyhedra. They are the closure of half-spaces under boolean operations and can
represent non-manifold situations, open and closed boundaries, and mixed
dimensional complexes. Our focus lies on the generality of the data structure,
the completeness of the algorithms, and the exactness and efficiency of the
implementation. In particular, all degeneracies are handled.
%B Algorithms - ESA 2003: 11th Annual European Symposium
%P 654 - 666
%I Springer
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 2832
D. Kratsch, R. McConnell, K. Mehlhorn, and J. Spinrad, “Certifying algorithms for recognizing interval graphs and permutation graph,” in Proceedings of the 14th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA-03), Baltimore, 2003.
TITLE = {Certifying algorithms for recognizing interval graphs and permutation graph},
AUTHOR = {Kratsch, Dieter and McConnell, R. and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Spinrad, J.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-90DAACD3D4A0C6A8C1256E20004505E1-xxxx},
YEAR = {2004},
DATE = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 14th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA-03)},
PAGES = {158--167},
ADDRESS = {Baltimore},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Kratsch, Dieter
%A McConnell, R.
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Spinrad, J.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Certifying algorithms for recognizing interval graphs and permutation graph :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 201954
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-90DAACD3D4A0C6A8C1256E20004505E1-xxxx
%D 2003
%B SODA 2003
%Z date of event: 2004-01-12 - 2004-01-14
%C Baltimore
%B Proceedings of the 14th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA-03)
%P 158 - 167
S. Kwek and K. Mehlhorn, “Optimal Search for Rationals,” Information Processing Letters, vol. 86, no. 1, 2003.
TITLE = {Optimal Search for Rationals},
AUTHOR = {Kwek, St. and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0020-0190},
DOI = {10.1016/S0020-0190(02)00455-6},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-7BB72399D6E566FBC1256E2000449EF3-xxxx},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {2003},
DATE = {2003},
JOURNAL = {Information Processing Letters},
VOLUME = {86},
NUMBER = {1},
PAGES = {23--26},
%0 Journal Article
%A Kwek, St.
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Optimal Search for Rationals :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 201934
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-7BB72399D6E566FBC1256E2000449EF3-xxxx
%R 10.1016/S0020-0190(02)00455-6
%D 2003
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Information Processing Letters
%V 86
%N 1
%& 23
%P 23 - 26
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, “The Reliable Algorithmic Software Challenge RASC,” in Experimental and efficient algorithms (WEA 2003), Ascona, Switzerland, 2003.
Algorithms are the heart of computer science. They make systems work. The
theory of algorithms, i.e., their design and their analysis, is a highly
developed part of theoretical computer science [7].
TITLE = {The Reliable Algorithmic Software Challenge {RASC}},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-40205-5},
DOI = {10.1007/3-540-36477-3_19},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2003},
DATE = {2003},
ABSTRACT = {Algorithms are the heart of computer science. They make systems work. The theory of algorithms, i.e., their design and their analysis, is a highly developed part of theoretical computer science [7].},
BOOKTITLE = {Experimental and efficient algorithms (WEA 2003)},
EDITOR = {Jansen, Klaus and Margraf, Marian and Mastrolli, Monaldo and Rolim, Jos{\'e} D. P.},
PAGES = {222--222},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {2647},
ADDRESS = {Ascona, Switzerland},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T The Reliable Algorithmic Software Challenge RASC :
%G eng
%R 10.1007/3-540-36477-3_19
%D 2003
%B WEA 2003
%Z date of event: 2003-05-26 - 2003-05-28
%C Ascona, Switzerland
%X Algorithms are the heart of computer science. They make systems work. The
theory of algorithms, i.e., their design and their analysis, is a highly
developed part of theoretical computer science [7].
%B Experimental and efficient algorithms
%E Jansen, Klaus; Margraf, Marian; Mastrolli, Monaldo; Rolim, José D. P.
%P 222 - 222
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-40205-5
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 2647
K. Mehlhorn, “The Reliable Algorithmic Software Challenge RASC Dedicated to Thomas Ottmann on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday,” in Computer Science in Perspective, R. Klein, H.-W. Six, and L. Wegner, Eds. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 2003.
TITLE = {The Reliable Algorithmic Software Challenge {RASC} Dedicated to {Thomas Ottmann} on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Klein, Rolf and Six, Hans-Werner and Wegner, Lutz},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-00579-X},
DOI = {10.1007/3-540-36477-3_19},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: A185BAA82C068ABBC1256E1D0048A367-KM03b},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany},
YEAR = {2003},
DATE = {2003},
BOOKTITLE = {Computer Science in Perspective},
DEBUG = {editor: Klein, Rolf; editor: Six, Hans-Werner; editor: Wegner, Lutz},
PAGES = {255--263},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {2598},
%0 Book Section
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Klein, Rolf
%E Six, Hans-Werner
%E Wegner, Lutz
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
%T The Reliable Algorithmic Software Challenge RASC Dedicated to Thomas Ottmann on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 201874
%F OTHER: Local-ID: A185BAA82C068ABBC1256E1D0048A367-KM03b
%R 10.1007/3-540-36477-3_19
%D 2003
%B Computer Science in Perspective
%E Klein, Rolf; Six, Hans-Werner; Wegner, Lutz
%P 255 - 263
%I Springer
%C Berlin, Germany
%@ 3-540-00579-X
%S Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 2598
K. Mehlhorn and M. Seel, “Infimaximal frames: A technique for making lines look like segments,” International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications, vol. 13, 2003.
TITLE = {Infimaximal frames: A technique for making lines look like segments},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Seel, Michael},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A569041E8BA55F92C1256E2000412135-Mehlhorn157},
YEAR = {2003},
DATE = {2003},
JOURNAL = {International Journal of Computational Geometry \& Applications},
VOLUME = {13},
PAGES = {241--255},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Seel, Michael
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Infimaximal frames: A technique for making lines look like segments :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 201910
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A569041E8BA55F92C1256E2000412135-Mehlhorn157
%D 2003
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications
%V 13
%& 241
%P 241 - 255
K. Mehlhorn and P. Sanders, “Scanning Multiple Sequences via Cache Memory,” Algorithmica, vol. 35, no. 1, 2003.
TITLE = {Scanning Multiple Sequences via Cache Memory},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sanders, Peter},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0178-4617},
DOI = {10.1007/s00453-002-0993-2},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E0E179EACB48E199C1256E1D00390DB7-MehSan03},
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY},
YEAR = {2003},
DATE = {2003},
JOURNAL = {Algorithmica},
VOLUME = {35},
NUMBER = {1},
PAGES = {75--93},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Sanders, Peter
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Scanning Multiple Sequences via Cache Memory :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 201936
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E0E179EACB48E199C1256E1D00390DB7-MehSan03
%R 10.1007/s00453-002-0993-2
%D 2003
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Algorithmica
%V 35
%N 1
%& 75
%P 75 - 93
%I Springer-Verlag
%C New York, NY
%@ false
E. Althaus, A. Bockmayr, M. Elf, T. Kasper, M. Jünger, and K. Mehlhorn, “SCIL - Symbolic Constraints in Integer Linear Programming.,” in Algorithms - ESA 2002 : 10th Annual European Symposium, Rom, Italy, 2002.
We describe a new software system SCIL that introduces symbolic constraints
into branch-and-cut-and-price algorithms for integer linear programs. Symbolic
constraints are known from constraint programming and contribute significantly
to the expressive power, ease of use, and efficiency of constraint programming
TITLE = {{SCIL} -- Symbolic Constraints in Integer Linear Programming.},
AUTHOR = {Althaus, Ernst and Bockmayr, Alexander and Elf, Matthias and Kasper, Thomas and J{\"u}nger, Michael and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {M{\"o}hring, Rolf and Raman, Rajeev},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-44180-8},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-5EA058E323C086ACC1256C9300519510-Althaus2002},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2002},
DATE = {2002},
ABSTRACT = {We describe a new software system SCIL that introduces symbolic constraints into branch-and-cut-and-price algorithms for integer linear programs. Symbolic constraints are known from constraint programming and contribute significantly to the expressive power, ease of use, and efficiency of constraint programming systems.},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithms -- ESA 2002 : 10th Annual European Symposium},
PAGES = {75--87},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {2461},
ADDRESS = {Rom, Italy},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Althaus, Ernst
%A Bockmayr, Alexander
%A Elf, Matthias
%A Kasper, Thomas
%A Jünger, Michael
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Möhring, Rolf
%E Raman, Rajeev
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Programming Logics, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Programming Logics, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T SCIL - Symbolic Constraints in Integer Linear Programming. :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 202066
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-5EA058E323C086ACC1256C9300519510-Althaus2002
%D 2002
%B ESA 2002
%Z date of event: 2002-09-17 - 2002-09-21
%C Rom, Italy
%X We describe a new software system SCIL that introduces symbolic constraints
into branch-and-cut-and-price algorithms for integer linear programs. Symbolic
constraints are known from constraint programming and contribute significantly
to the expressive power, ease of use, and efficiency of constraint programming
%B Algorithms - ESA 2002 : 10th Annual European Symposium
%P 75 - 87
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-44180-8
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 2461
E. Berberich, A. Eigenwillig, M. Hemmer, S. Hert, K. Mehlhorn, and E. Schömer, “A Computational Basis for Conic Arcs and Boolean Operations on Conic Polygons,” in Algorithms - ESA 2002 : 10th Annual European Symposium, Rome, Italy, 2002.
We give an exact geometry kernel for conic arcs, algorithms for exact
computation with low-degree algebraic numbers, and an algorithm for
computing the arrangement of conic arcs that immediately leads to
a realization of regularized boolean operations on conic polygons. A conic
polygon, or polygon for short, is anything that can be obtained from
linear or conic halfspaces (= the set of points where a linear or quadratic
function is non-negative) by regularized boolean operations. The algorithm and
its implementation are complete (they can handle all cases), exact (they give
the mathematically correct result), and efficient (they can handle inputs with
several hundred primitives).
TITLE = {A Computational Basis for Conic Arcs and Boolean Operations on Conic Polygons},
AUTHOR = {Berberich, Eric and Eigenwillig, Arno and Hemmer, Michael and Hert, Susan and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sch{\"o}mer, Elmar},
EDITOR = {M{\"o}hring, Rolf and Raman, Rajeev},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-44180-8},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A840A9EA6B064FFDC1256C4D004F2508-behhms-cbcabocp-2002},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2002},
DATE = {2002},
ABSTRACT = {We give an exact geometry kernel for conic arcs, algorithms for exact computation with low-degree algebraic numbers, and an algorithm for computing the arrangement of conic arcs that immediately leads to a realization of regularized boolean operations on conic polygons. A conic polygon, or polygon for short, is anything that can be obtained from linear or conic halfspaces (= the set of points where a linear or quadratic function is non-negative) by regularized boolean operations. The algorithm and its implementation are complete (they can handle all cases), exact (they give the mathematically correct result), and efficient (they can handle inputs with several hundred primitives).},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithms -- ESA 2002 : 10th Annual European Symposium},
PAGES = {174--186},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {2461},
ADDRESS = {Rome, Italy},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Berberich, Eric
%A Eigenwillig, Arno
%A Hemmer, Michael
%A Hert, Susan
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schömer, Elmar
%E Möhring, Rolf
%E Raman, Rajeev
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Computational Basis for Conic Arcs and Boolean Operations on Conic Polygons :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 202059
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A840A9EA6B064FFDC1256C4D004F2508-behhms-cbcabocp-2002
%D 2002
%B ESA 2002
%Z date of event: 2002-09-17 - 2002-09-21
%C Rome, Italy
%X We give an exact geometry kernel for conic arcs, algorithms for exact
computation with low-degree algebraic numbers, and an algorithm for
computing the arrangement of conic arcs that immediately leads to
a realization of regularized boolean operations on conic polygons. A conic
polygon, or polygon for short, is anything that can be obtained from
linear or conic halfspaces (= the set of points where a linear or quadratic
function is non-negative) by regularized boolean operations. The algorithm and
its implementation are complete (they can handle all cases), exact (they give
the mathematically correct result), and efficient (they can handle inputs with
several hundred primitives).
%B Algorithms - ESA 2002 : 10th Annual European Symposium
%P 174 - 186
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-44180-8
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 2461
S. Funke and K. Mehlhorn, “LOOK - A Lazy Object-Oriented Kernel for Geometric Computation,” Computational Geometry - Theory and Applications, vol. 22, 2002.
TITLE = {{LOOK} -- A Lazy Object-Oriented Kernel for Geometric Computation},
AUTHOR = {Funke, Stefan and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-6DE9DF71859BA1C8C1256B98005AB571-fm-look-2002},
YEAR = {2002},
DATE = {2002},
JOURNAL = {Computational Geometry -- Theory and Applications},
VOLUME = {22},
PAGES = {99--118},
%0 Journal Article
%A Funke, Stefan
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T LOOK - A Lazy Object-Oriented Kernel for Geometric Computation :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 202088
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-6DE9DF71859BA1C8C1256B98005AB571-fm-look-2002
%D 2002
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Computational Geometry - Theory and Applications
%V 22
%& 99
%P 99 - 118
K. Mehlhorn, V. Priebe, G. Schäfer, and N. Sivadasan, “All-Pairs Shortest-Paths Computation in the Presence of Negative Cycles,” Information Processing Letters, vol. 81, no. 6, 2002.
TITLE = {All-Pairs Shortest-Paths Computation in the Presence of Negative Cycles},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Priebe, Volker and Sch{\"a}fer, Guido and Sivadasan, Naveen},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0020-0190},
DOI = {10.1016/S0020-0190(01)00242-3},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-8344AA818D3EAAF0C1256D0800462AB0-MPSS2002},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {2002},
DATE = {2002},
JOURNAL = {Information Processing Letters},
VOLUME = {81},
NUMBER = {6},
PAGES = {341--343},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Priebe, Volker
%A Schäfer, Guido
%A Sivadasan, Naveen
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T All-Pairs Shortest-Paths Computation in the Presence of Negative Cycles :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 202096
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-8344AA818D3EAAF0C1256D0800462AB0-MPSS2002
%R 10.1016/S0020-0190(01)00242-3
%D 2002
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Information Processing Letters
%V 81
%N 6
%& 341
%P 341 - 343
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn and U. Meyer, “External-Memory Breadth-First Search with Sublinear I/O,” in Algorithms - ESA 2002 : 10th Annual European Symposium, Rome, Italy, 2002.
Breadth-first search (BFS) is a basic graph exploration technique.
We give the first external-memory algorithm for sparse
undirected graphs with sublinear I/O. The best
previous algorithm requires O( n + sort(n+m) ) I/Os
on a graph with n nodes and m edges and a machine with
main-memory of size M, D parallel disks, and block size B.
We present two versions of a new algorithm which requires only
O( sqrt( n/m * (n+m)/(D*B) ) * log_{M/B} (n/B) + sort(n+m)) I/Os
(expected or worst-case, respectively).
Hence, for m = O(n), they improve upon the I/O-performance
of the best previous algorithm by nearly a factor of sqrt(D*B).
Our approach is fairly simple and we conjecture at least the
randomized version to be practical.
TITLE = {External-Memory Breadth-First Search with Sublinear I/O},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Meyer, Ulrich},
EDITOR = {M{\"o}hring, Rolf and Raman, Rajeev},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-44180-8},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A255EBD0F85324E4C1256C3D004FE88A-MehMey2002},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2002},
DATE = {2002},
ABSTRACT = {Breadth-first search (BFS) is a basic graph exploration technique. We give the first external-memory algorithm for sparse undirected graphs with sublinear I/O. The best previous algorithm requires O( n + sort(n+m) ) I/Os on a graph with n nodes and m edges and a machine with main-memory of size M, D parallel disks, and block size B. We present two versions of a new algorithm which requires only O( sqrt( n/m * (n+m)/(D*B) ) * log_{M/B} (n/B) + sort(n+m)) I/Os (expected or worst-case, respectively). Hence, for m = O(n), they improve upon the I/O-performance of the best previous algorithm by nearly a factor of sqrt(D*B). Our approach is fairly simple and we conjecture at least the randomized version to be practical.},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithms -- ESA 2002 : 10th Annual European Symposium},
PAGES = {723--735},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {2461},
ADDRESS = {Rome, Italy},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Meyer, Ulrich
%E Möhring, Rolf
%E Raman, Rajeev
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T External-Memory Breadth-First Search with Sublinear I/O :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 201793
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A255EBD0F85324E4C1256C3D004FE88A-MehMey2002
%D 2002
%B ESA 2002
%Z date of event: 2002-09-17 - 2002-09-21
%C Rome, Italy
%X Breadth-first search (BFS) is a basic graph exploration technique.
We give the first external-memory algorithm for sparse
undirected graphs with sublinear I/O. The best
previous algorithm requires O( n + sort(n+m) ) I/Os
on a graph with n nodes and m edges and a machine with
main-memory of size M, D parallel disks, and block size B.
We present two versions of a new algorithm which requires only
O( sqrt( n/m * (n+m)/(D*B) ) * log_{M/B} (n/B) + sort(n+m)) I/Os
(expected or worst-case, respectively).
Hence, for m = O(n), they improve upon the I/O-performance
of the best previous algorithm by nearly a factor of sqrt(D*B).
Our approach is fairly simple and we conjecture at least the
randomized version to be practical.
%B Algorithms - ESA 2002 : 10th Annual European Symposium
%P 723 - 735
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-44180-8
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 2461
K. Mehlhorn and G. Schäfer, “Implementation of O(nmlog n) Weighted Matchings in General Graphs: The Power of Data Structures,” Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, vol. 7, 2002.
We describe the implementation of an algorithm which solves the
weighted matching problem in general graphs with $n$ vertices
and $m$ edges in time $O(nm \log n)$. Our algorithm is a variant
of the algorithm of Galil, Micali and Gabow [Galil et al., 1986,
SIAM J. Computing, 15, 120--130] and extensively uses
sophisticated data structures, in particular
\emph{concatenable priority queues}, so as to reduce
the time needed to perform dual adjustments and to find tight
edges in Edmonds' blossom-shrinking algorithm.
We compare our implementation to the experimentally fastest
implementation, named \emph{Blossom IV}, due to Cook and
Rohe [Cook and Rohe, Technical Report 97863, Forschungsinstitut
f{\"u}r Diskrete Mathematik, Universit{\"a}t Bonn].
Blossom IV requires only very simple data structures and
has an asymptotic running time of $O(n^2m)$.
Our experiments show that our new implementation is superior
to Blossom IV.
A closer inspection reveals that the running time of Edmonds'
blossom-shrinking algorithm in practice heavily depends on the
time spent to perform dual adjustments and to find tight edges.
Therefore, optimizing these operations, as is done in our
implementation, indeed speeds-up the practical performance of
implementations of Edmonds' algorithm.
TITLE = {Implementation of $O(nm \log n)$ Weighted Matchings in General Graphs: The Power of Data Structures},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sch{\"a}fer, Guido},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {1084-6654},
DOI = {10.1145/944618.944622},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY},
YEAR = {2002},
DATE = {2002},
ABSTRACT = {We describe the implementation of an algorithm which solves the weighted matching problem in general graphs with $n$ vertices and $m$ edges in time $O(nm \log n)$. Our algorithm is a variant of the algorithm of Galil, Micali and Gabow [Galil et al., 1986, SIAM J. Computing, 15, 120--130] and extensively uses sophisticated data structures, in particular \emph{concatenable priority queues}, so as to reduce the time needed to perform dual adjustments and to find tight edges in Edmonds' blossom-shrinking algorithm. We compare our implementation to the experimentally fastest implementation, named \emph{Blossom IV}, due to Cook and Rohe [Cook and Rohe, Technical Report 97863, Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r Diskrete Mathematik, Universit{\"a}t Bonn]. Blossom IV requires only very simple data structures and has an asymptotic running time of $O(n^2m)$. Our experiments show that our new implementation is superior to Blossom IV. A closer inspection reveals that the running time of Edmonds' blossom-shrinking algorithm in practice heavily depends on the time spent to perform dual adjustments and to find tight edges. Therefore, optimizing these operations, as is done in our implementation, indeed speeds-up the practical performance of implementations of Edmonds' algorithm.},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Experimental Algorithmics},
VOLUME = {7},
EID = {4},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schäfer, Guido
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Implementation of O(nmlog n) Weighted Matchings in General Graphs: The Power of Data Structures :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 202106
%R 10.1145/944618.944622
%7 2002
%D 2002
%X We describe the implementation of an algorithm which solves the
weighted matching problem in general graphs with $n$ vertices
and $m$ edges in time $O(nm \log n)$. Our algorithm is a variant
of the algorithm of Galil, Micali and Gabow [Galil et al., 1986,
SIAM J. Computing, 15, 120--130] and extensively uses
sophisticated data structures, in particular
\emph{concatenable priority queues}, so as to reduce
the time needed to perform dual adjustments and to find tight
edges in Edmonds' blossom-shrinking algorithm.
We compare our implementation to the experimentally fastest
implementation, named \emph{Blossom IV}, due to Cook and
Rohe [Cook and Rohe, Technical Report 97863, Forschungsinstitut
f{\"u}r Diskrete Mathematik, Universit{\"a}t Bonn].
Blossom IV requires only very simple data structures and
has an asymptotic running time of $O(n^2m)$.
Our experiments show that our new implementation is superior
to Blossom IV.
A closer inspection reveals that the running time of Edmonds'
blossom-shrinking algorithm in practice heavily depends on the
time spent to perform dual adjustments and to find tight edges.
Therefore, optimizing these operations, as is done in our
implementation, indeed speeds-up the practical performance of
implementations of Edmonds' algorithm.
%J Journal of Experimental Algorithmics
%V 7
%Z sequence number: 4
%C New York, NY
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, “Exact geometric computation,” in HERCMA 2001 : proceedings of the 5th Hellenic-European Conference on Computer Mathematics and its Applications (HERCMA-01), Athen, Griechenland, 2002.
TITLE = {Exact geometric computation},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Lipitakis, Elias A.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {960-85176-9-9},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-135A2711508AF90200256D110031DCD2-Mehlhorn02},
YEAR = {2001},
DATE = {2002},
BOOKTITLE = {HERCMA 2001 : proceedings of the 5th Hellenic-European Conference on Computer Mathematics and its Applications (HERCMA-01)},
PAGES = {87--87},
SERIES = {Hellenic-European Research on Computer Mathematics and its Applications},
ADDRESS = {Athen, Griechenland},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Lipitakis, Elias A.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Exact geometric computation :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 201789
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-135A2711508AF90200256D110031DCD2-Mehlhorn02
%D 2002
%B HERCMA 2001
%Z date of event: 2001-09-20 - 2001-09-22
%C Athen, Griechenland
%B HERCMA 2001 : proceedings of the 5th Hellenic-European Conference on Computer Mathematics and its Applications (HERCMA-01)
%P 87 - 87
%@ 960-85176-9-9
%B Hellenic-European Research on Computer Mathematics and its Applications
E. Althaus and K. Mehlhorn, “Traveling Salesman-Based Curve Reconstruction in Polynomial Time,” SIAM Journal on Computing, vol. 31, no. 1, 2001.
An instance of the curve reconstruction problem is a finite sample set $V$ of an<br>unknown curve $\gamma$. The task is to connect the points in $V$ in the<br>order in which they lie on $\gamma$. Giesen~\cite{Giesen:TSP} showed recently<br>that the Traveling Salesman tour of $V$ solves the reconstruction problem under<br>fairly week assumptions on $\gamma$ and $V$. We extend his result along three<br>dimensions. We weaken the assumptions, give an alternate proof, and<br>show that in the context of curve reconstruction,<br>the Traveling Salesman tour can be constructed in polynomial time.
TITLE = {Traveling Salesman-Based Curve Reconstruction in Polynomial Time},
AUTHOR = {Althaus, Ernst and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0097-5397},
DOI = {10.1137/S0097539700366115},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-7C04B324978725EFC1256A8E0064302F-AltMeh2001j},
ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA},
YEAR = {2001},
DATE = {2001},
ABSTRACT = {An instance of the curve reconstruction problem is a finite sample set $V$ of an<br>unknown curve $\gamma$. The task is to connect the points in $V$ in the<br>order in which they lie on $\gamma$. Giesen~\cite{Giesen:TSP} showed recently<br>that the Traveling Salesman tour of $V$ solves the reconstruction problem under<br>fairly week assumptions on $\gamma$ and $V$. We extend his result along three<br>dimensions. We weaken the assumptions, give an alternate proof, and<br>show that in the context of curve reconstruction,<br>the Traveling Salesman tour can be constructed in polynomial time.},
JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Computing},
VOLUME = {31},
NUMBER = {1},
PAGES = {27--66},
%0 Journal Article
%A Althaus, Ernst
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Traveling Salesman-Based Curve Reconstruction in Polynomial Time :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344456
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-7C04B324978725EFC1256A8E0064302F-AltMeh2001j
%R 10.1137/S0097539700366115
%D 2001
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X An instance of the curve reconstruction problem is a finite sample set $V$ of an<br>unknown curve $\gamma$. The task is to connect the points in $V$ in the<br>order in which they lie on $\gamma$. Giesen~\cite{Giesen:TSP} showed recently<br>that the Traveling Salesman tour of $V$ solves the reconstruction problem under<br>fairly week assumptions on $\gamma$ and $V$. We extend his result along three<br>dimensions. We weaken the assumptions, give an alternate proof, and<br>show that in the context of curve reconstruction,<br>the Traveling Salesman tour can be constructed in polynomial time.
%J SIAM Journal on Computing
%V 31
%N 1
%& 27
%P 27 - 66
%C Philadelphia, PA
%@ false
E. Althaus, D. Duchier, A. Koller, K. Mehlhorn, J. Niehren, and S. Thiel, “An Efficient Algorithm for the Configuration Problem of Dominance Graphs,” in SODA ’01, 12th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, Washington DC, USA, 2001.
Dominance constraints are logical <br>tree descriptions originating from automata theory that have multiple<br>applications in computational linguistics. The satisfiability problem<br>of dominance constraints is NP-complete. In most applications,<br>however, only \emph{normal} dominance constraints are used. The<br>satisfiability problem of normal dominance constraints can be reduced<br>in linear time to the configuration problem of dominance graphs, as<br>shown recently. In this paper, we give a polynomial time algorithm<br>testing configurability of dominance graphs (and thus satisfiability<br>of normal dominance constraints). Previous to our work no polynomial<br>time algorithms were known.
TITLE = {An Efficient Algorithm for the Configuration Problem of Dominance Graphs},
AUTHOR = {Althaus, Ernst and Duchier, Denys and Koller, Alexander and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Niehren, Joachim and Thiel, Sven},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {0-89871-490-7},
DOI = {10.5555/365411.365788},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-5CB5B8108188485BC12569D600303F32-ADKMNT2001},
YEAR = {2001},
DATE = {2001},
ABSTRACT = {Dominance constraints are logical <br>tree descriptions originating from automata theory that have multiple<br>applications in computational linguistics. The satisfiability problem<br>of dominance constraints is NP-complete. In most applications,<br>however, only \emph{normal} dominance constraints are used. The<br>satisfiability problem of normal dominance constraints can be reduced<br>in linear time to the configuration problem of dominance graphs, as<br>shown recently. In this paper, we give a polynomial time algorithm<br>testing configurability of dominance graphs (and thus satisfiability<br>of normal dominance constraints). Previous to our work no polynomial<br>time algorithms were known.},
BOOKTITLE = {SODA '01, 12th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms},
PAGES = {815--824},
ADDRESS = {Washington DC, USA},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Althaus, Ernst
%A Duchier, Denys
%A Koller, Alexander
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Niehren, Joachim
%A Thiel, Sven
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T An Efficient Algorithm for the Configuration Problem of Dominance Graphs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344446
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-5CB5B8108188485BC12569D600303F32-ADKMNT2001
%R 10.5555/365411.365788
%D 2001
%B 12th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
%Z date of event: 2001-01-07 - 2001-01-07
%C Washington DC, USA
%X Dominance constraints are logical <br>tree descriptions originating from automata theory that have multiple<br>applications in computational linguistics. The satisfiability problem<br>of dominance constraints is NP-complete. In most applications,<br>however, only \emph{normal} dominance constraints are used. The<br>satisfiability problem of normal dominance constraints can be reduced<br>in linear time to the configuration problem of dominance graphs, as<br>shown recently. In this paper, we give a polynomial time algorithm<br>testing configurability of dominance graphs (and thus satisfiability<br>of normal dominance constraints). Previous to our work no polynomial<br>time algorithms were known.
%B SODA '01
%P 815 - 824
%@ 0-89871-490-7
C. Burnikel, S. Funke, K. Mehlhorn, S. Schirra, and S. Schmitt, “A Separation Bound for Real Algebraic Expressions,” in Proceedings of the 9th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA-01), 2001.
TITLE = {A Separation Bound for Real Algebraic Expressions},
AUTHOR = {Burnikel, Christoph and Funke, Stefan and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Schirra, Stefan and Schmitt, Susanne},
EDITOR = {Meyer auf der Heide, Friedhelm},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-42493-8},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-BBC2926A79CD4E5CC1256A9B0057E33B-BFMSS2001},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2001},
DATE = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 9th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA-01)},
PAGES = {254--265},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {2161},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Burnikel, Christoph
%A Funke, Stefan
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schirra, Stefan
%A Schmitt, Susanne
%E Meyer auf der Heide, Friedhelm
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Separation Bound for Real Algebraic Expressions :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344458
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-BBC2926A79CD4E5CC1256A9B0057E33B-BFMSS2001
%D 2001
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: -
%C Aarhus, Denmark
%B Proceedings of the 9th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA-01)
%P 254 - 265
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-42493-8
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 2161
A. Crauser, P. Ferragina, K. Mehlhorn, U. Meyer, and E. A. Ramos, “Randomized External-Memory Algorithms for Line Segment Intersection and Other Geometric Problems,” International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications, vol. 11, 2001.
TITLE = {Randomized External-Memory Algorithms for Line Segment Intersection and Other Geometric Problems},
AUTHOR = {Crauser, Andreas and Ferragina, Paolo and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Meyer, Ulrich and Ramos, Edgar A.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0218-1959},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-EC53310124A686D8C1256B3B0040C68D-CFMMR2001},
YEAR = {2001},
DATE = {2001},
JOURNAL = {International Journal of Computational Geometry \& Applications},
VOLUME = {11},
PAGES = {305--337},
%0 Journal Article
%A Crauser, Andreas
%A Ferragina, Paolo
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Meyer, Ulrich
%A Ramos, Edgar A.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Randomized External-Memory Algorithms for Line Segment Intersection and Other Geometric Problems :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344459
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-EC53310124A686D8C1256B3B0040C68D-CFMMR2001
%D 2001
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications
%V 11
%& 305
%P 305 - 337
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, “A Remark on the Sign Variation Method for Real Root Isolation.” 2001.
TITLE = {A Remark on the Sign Variation Method for Real Root Isolation},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
YEAR = {2001},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Remark on the Sign Variation Method for Real Root Isolation :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344709
%D 2001
K. Mehlhorn and M. Ziegelmann, “CNOP - A Package for Constrained Network Optimization,” in Algorithm engineering and experimentation (ALENEX-01) :Third International Workshop ALENEX 2001 ; revised papers, 2001.
We present a generic package for resource constrained network optimization
problems. We illustrate the flexibility and the use of our package by solving
four applications: route planning, curve approximation, minimum cost
reliability constrained spanning trees and the table layout problem.
TITLE = {{CNOP} -- A Package for Constrained Network Optimization},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Ziegelmann, Mark},
EDITOR = {Buchsbaum, Adam L. and Snoeyink, Jack},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-42560-8},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-4E7833E07426E66AC1256A940043E402-MehlhornZiegelmann2001},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2001},
DATE = {2001},
ABSTRACT = {We present a generic package for resource constrained network optimization problems. We illustrate the flexibility and the use of our package by solving four applications: route planning, curve approximation, minimum cost reliability constrained spanning trees and the table layout problem.},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithm engineering and experimentation (ALENEX-01) :Third International Workshop ALENEX 2001 ; revised papers},
PAGES = {17--31},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {2153},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Ziegelmann, Mark
%E Buchsbaum, Adam L.
%E Snoeyink, Jack
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T CNOP - A Package for Constrained Network Optimization :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344457
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-4E7833E07426E66AC1256A940043E402-MehlhornZiegelmann2001
%D 2001
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 2001-01-05 -
%C Washington, DC, USA
%X We present a generic package for resource constrained network optimization
problems. We illustrate the flexibility and the use of our package by solving
four applications: route planning, curve approximation, minimum cost
reliability constrained spanning trees and the table layout problem.
%B Algorithm engineering and experimentation (ALENEX-01) :Third International Workshop ALENEX 2001 ; revised papers
%P 17 - 31
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-42560-8
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 2153
K. Mehlhorn and G. Schäfer, “A Heuristic for Dijkstra’s Algorithm With Many Targets and its Use in Weighted Matching Algorithms,” in Proceedings of the 9th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA-01), Arhus, Denmark, 2001.
We consider the single-source many-targets shortest-path (SSMTSP) problem in
directed graphs with non-negative edge weights. A source node $s$ and a target
set $T$ is specified and the goal is to compute a shortest path from $s$ to a
node in $T$.
Our interest in the shortest path problem with many targets stems from its use
in weighted bipartite matching algorithms. A weighted bipartite matching in a
graph with $n$ nodes on each side reduces to $n$ SSMTSP problems, where the
of targets varies between $n$ and $1$.
The SSMTSP problem can be solved by Dijkstra's algorithm. We describe a
that leads to a significant improvement in running time for the weighted
problem; in our experiments a speed-up by up to a factor of 10 was achieved.
We also present a partial analysis that gives some theoretical support for our
experimental findings.
TITLE = {A Heuristic for Dijkstra's Algorithm With Many Targets and its Use in Weighted Matching Algorithms},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sch{\"a}fer, Guido},
EDITOR = {Meyer auf der Heide, Friedhelm},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-42493-8},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-39BAFD1DB51E60C5C1256B570055CEAD-MehlhornSchaefer2001},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2001},
DATE = {2001},
ABSTRACT = {We consider the single-source many-targets shortest-path (SSMTSP) problem in directed graphs with non-negative edge weights. A source node $s$ and a target set $T$ is specified and the goal is to compute a shortest path from $s$ to a node in $T$. Our interest in the shortest path problem with many targets stems from its use in weighted bipartite matching algorithms. A weighted bipartite matching in a graph with $n$ nodes on each side reduces to $n$ SSMTSP problems, where the number of targets varies between $n$ and $1$. The SSMTSP problem can be solved by Dijkstra's algorithm. We describe a heuristic that leads to a significant improvement in running time for the weighted matching problem; in our experiments a speed-up by up to a factor of 10 was achieved. We also present a partial analysis that gives some theoretical support for our experimental findings.},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 9th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA-01)},
PAGES = {242--253},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {2161},
ADDRESS = {Arhus, Denmark},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schäfer, Guido
%E Meyer auf der Heide, Friedhelm
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Heuristic for Dijkstra's Algorithm With Many Targets and its Use in Weighted Matching Algorithms :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344460
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-39BAFD1DB51E60C5C1256B570055CEAD-MehlhornSchaefer2001
%D 2001
%B ESA 2001
%Z date of event: 2001-08-18 - 2001-08-31
%C Arhus, Denmark
%X We consider the single-source many-targets shortest-path (SSMTSP) problem in
directed graphs with non-negative edge weights. A source node $s$ and a target
set $T$ is specified and the goal is to compute a shortest path from $s$ to a
node in $T$.
Our interest in the shortest path problem with many targets stems from its use
in weighted bipartite matching algorithms. A weighted bipartite matching in a
graph with $n$ nodes on each side reduces to $n$ SSMTSP problems, where the
of targets varies between $n$ and $1$.
The SSMTSP problem can be solved by Dijkstra's algorithm. We describe a
that leads to a significant improvement in running time for the weighted
problem; in our experiments a speed-up by up to a factor of 10 was achieved.
We also present a partial analysis that gives some theoretical support for our
experimental findings.
%B Proceedings of the 9th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA-01)
%P 242 - 253
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-42493-8
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 2161
K. Mehlhorn and S. Schirra, “Exact Computation with leda_real - Theory and Geometric Applications,” in Symbolic Algebraic Methods and Verification Methods, Berlin: Springer, 2001.
TITLE = {Exact Computation with leda{\textunderscore}real -- Theory and Geometric Applications},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Schirra, Stefan},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-211-83593-7},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-7091-6280-4_16},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-82AADC8763A57B8CC12569DC003B5B40-MeSchi:lede_real},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
YEAR = {2001},
DATE = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Symbolic Algebraic Methods and Verification Methods},
EDITOR = {Alefeld, G{\"o}tz and Rohn, Jiri and Rump, Siegfried M. and Yamamoto, Tetsuro},
PAGES = {163--172},
SERIES = {Springer Mathematics},
%0 Book Section
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schirra, Stefan
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Exact Computation with leda_real - Theory and Geometric Applications :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344450
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-82AADC8763A57B8CC12569DC003B5B40-MeSchi:lede_real
%R 10.1007/978-3-7091-6280-4_16
%D 2001
%B Symbolic Algebraic Methods and Verification Methods
%E Alefeld, Götz; Rohn, Jiri; Rump, Siegfried M.; Yamamoto, Tetsuro
%P 163 - 172
%I Springer
%C Berlin
%@ 978-3-211-83593-7
%S Springer Mathematics
K. Mehlhorn, S. Meiser, and R. Rasch, “Furthest Site Abstract Voronoi Diagrams,” International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications, vol. 11, no. 6, 2001.
TITLE = {Furthest Site Abstract Voronoi Diagrams},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Meiser, Stefan and Rasch, Ronald},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0218-1959},
DOI = {10.1142/S0218195901000663},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-76123C370D5DFE7CC1256B72005250ED-MehlhornMeiser01},
PUBLISHER = {World Scientific},
ADDRESS = {Singapore},
YEAR = {2001},
DATE = {2001},
JOURNAL = {International Journal of Computational Geometry \& Applications},
VOLUME = {11},
NUMBER = {6},
PAGES = {583--616},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Meiser, Stefan
%A Rasch, Ronald
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
%T Furthest Site Abstract Voronoi Diagrams :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344461
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-76123C370D5DFE7CC1256B72005250ED-MehlhornMeiser01
%R 10.1142/S0218195901000663
%D 2001
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications
%V 11
%N 6
%& 583
%P 583 - 616
%I World Scientific
%C Singapore
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, “From Algorithm to Program to Software Library,” in Informatics : 10 years back, 10 years ahead, R. Wilhelm, Ed. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 2001.
TITLE = {From Algorithm to Program to Software Library},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Wilhelm, Reinhard},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-41635-8},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-26A86ECA90FC91D3C12571DC0053DDD4-mehlhorn01g},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany},
YEAR = {2001},
DATE = {2001},
BOOKTITLE = {Informatics : 10 years back, 10 years ahead},
DEBUG = {editor: Wilhelm, Reinhard},
PAGES = {268--273},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {2000},
%0 Book Section
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Wilhelm, Reinhard
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T From Algorithm to Program to Software Library :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344706
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-26A86ECA90FC91D3C12571DC0053DDD4-mehlhorn01g
%I Springer
%C Berlin, Germany
%D 2001
%B Informatics : 10 years back, 10 years ahead
%E Wilhelm, Reinhard
%P 268 - 273
%I Springer
%C Berlin, Germany
%@ 3-540-41635-8
%S Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 2000
E. Althaus, K. Mehlhorn, S. Näher, and S. Schirra, “Experiments on curve reconstruction,” in Proceedings of 2nd Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX-00), 2000.
TITLE = {Experiments on curve reconstruction},
AUTHOR = {Althaus, Ernst and Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan and Schirra, Stefan},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-CCADA1DFC6EF4493C12569DC003AB7A6-Althaus-et-al:experimental-curve},
PUBLISHER = {University of New Mexico},
YEAR = {2000},
DATE = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of 2nd Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX-00)},
PAGES = {103--114},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Althaus, Ernst
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%A Schirra, Stefan
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Experiments on curve reconstruction :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344449
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-CCADA1DFC6EF4493C12569DC003AB7A6-Althaus-et-al:experimental-curve
%I University of New Mexico
%D 2000
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 2000-01-07 -
%C San Francisco, USA
%B Proceedings of 2nd Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX-00)
%P 103 - 114
%I University of New Mexico
E. Althaus and K. Mehlhorn, “TSP-Based Curve Reconstruction in Polynomial Time,” in Proceedings of the 11th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA-00), 2000.
An instance of the curve reconstruction problem is a finite sample set $V$ of an
unknown curve $\gamma$. The task is to connect the points in $V$ in the
order in which they lie on $\gamma$. Giesen~\cite{SCG99*207} showed recently
that the Traveling Salesman tour of $V$ solves the reconstruction problem under
fairly week assumptions on $\gamma$ and $V$. We extend his result along three
dimensions. We weaken the assumptions, give an alternate proof, and
show that in the context of curve reconstruction,
the Traveling Salesman tour can be constructed in polynomial time.
TITLE = {{TSP}-Based Curve Reconstruction in Polynomial Time},
AUTHOR = {Althaus, Ernst and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {0-89871-453-2},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-F4443C2749207139C12568A20039664D-AlthausMehlhorn1999},
YEAR = {2000},
DATE = {2000},
ABSTRACT = {An instance of the curve reconstruction problem is a finite sample set $V$ of an unknown curve $\gamma$. The task is to connect the points in $V$ in the order in which they lie on $\gamma$. Giesen~\cite{SCG99*207} showed recently that the Traveling Salesman tour of $V$ solves the reconstruction problem under fairly week assumptions on $\gamma$ and $V$. We extend his result along three dimensions. We weaken the assumptions, give an alternate proof, and show that in the context of curve reconstruction, the Traveling Salesman tour can be constructed in polynomial time.},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 11th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA-00)},
PAGES = {686--695},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Althaus, Ernst
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T TSP-Based Curve Reconstruction in Polynomial Time :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344435
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-F4443C2749207139C12568A20039664D-AlthausMehlhorn1999
%D 2000
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 2000-01-09 -
%C San Francisco, USA
%X An instance of the curve reconstruction problem is a finite sample set $V$ of an
unknown curve $\gamma$. The task is to connect the points in $V$ in the
order in which they lie on $\gamma$. Giesen~\cite{SCG99*207} showed recently
that the Traveling Salesman tour of $V$ solves the reconstruction problem under
fairly week assumptions on $\gamma$ and $V$. We extend his result along three
dimensions. We weaken the assumptions, give an alternate proof, and
show that in the context of curve reconstruction,
the Traveling Salesman tour can be constructed in polynomial time.
%B Proceedings of the 11th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA-00)
%P 686 - 695
%@ 0-89871-453-2
T. Asano, K. Obokata, and K. Mehlhorn, “LEDA + Algorithm = Program,” Communications of the Operations Research Society of Japan, vol. 45, no. 3, 2000.
TITLE = {{LEDA} + Algorithm = Program},
AUTHOR = {Asano, Tetsuo and Obokata, Koji and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {jpn},
ISSN = {0030-3674},
PUBLISHER = {Nikagiren Shuppansha},
ADDRESS = {Tokyo},
YEAR = {2000},
DATE = {2000},
JOURNAL = {Communications of the Operations Research Society of Japan},
VOLUME = {45},
NUMBER = {3},
PAGES = {132--137},
%0 Journal Article
%A Asano, Tetsuo
%A Obokata, Koji
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T LEDA + Algorithm = Program :
%G jpn
%7 2000
%D 2000
%J Communications of the Operations Research Society of Japan
%O Operēshonzu-risāchi : keiei-no-kagaku-operēshonzu-risāchi
%V 45
%N 3
%& 132
%P 132 - 137
%I Nikagiren Shuppansha
%C Tokyo
%@ false
C. Burnikel, R. Fleischer, K. Mehlhorn, and S. Schirra, “A Strong and Easily Computable Separation Bound for Arithmetic Expressions Involving Radicals,” Algorithmica, vol. 27, no. 1, 2000.
We consider arithmetic expressions over operators + , - , * , / , and <br>$\sqrt[k]$ , with integer operands. For an expression E having value $\xi$ , a <br>separation bound sep (E) is a positive real number with the property that <br>$\xi\neq$ 0 implies $|\xi | \geq$ sep (E) . We propose a new separation bound <br>that is easy to compute and stronger than previous bounds.
TITLE = {A Strong and Easily Computable Separation Bound for Arithmetic Expressions Involving Radicals},
AUTHOR = {Burnikel, Christoph and Fleischer, Rudolf and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Schirra, Stefan},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0178-4617},
DOI = {10.1007/s004530010005},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-409CB75A92466C67C12568B00038A834-BFMS2000},
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
ADDRESS = {New York},
YEAR = {2000},
DATE = {2000},
ABSTRACT = {We consider arithmetic expressions over operators + , -- , * , / , and <br>$\sqrt[k]$ , with integer operands. For an expression E having value $\xi$ , a <br>separation bound sep (E) is a positive real number with the property that <br>$\xi\neq$ 0 implies $|\xi | \geq$ sep (E) . We propose a new separation bound <br>that is easy to compute and stronger than previous bounds.},
JOURNAL = {Algorithmica},
VOLUME = {27},
NUMBER = {1},
PAGES = {87--99},
%0 Journal Article
%A Burnikel, Christoph
%A Fleischer, Rudolf
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schirra, Stefan
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Strong and Easily Computable Separation Bound for Arithmetic Expressions Involving Radicals :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344440
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-409CB75A92466C67C12568B00038A834-BFMS2000
%R 10.1007/s004530010005
%D 2000
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X We consider arithmetic expressions over operators + , - , * , / , and <br>$\sqrt[k]$ , with integer operands. For an expression E having value $\xi$ , a <br>separation bound sep (E) is a positive real number with the property that <br>$\xi\neq$ 0 implies $|\xi | \geq$ sep (E) . We propose a new separation bound <br>that is easy to compute and stronger than previous bounds.
%J Algorithmica
%V 27
%N 1
%& 87
%P 87 - 99
%I Springer-Verlag
%C New York
%@ false
C. Cooper, A. M. Frieze, K. Mehlhorn, and V. Priebe, “Average-Case Complexity of Shortest-Paths Problems in the Vertex-Potential Model,” Random Structures & Algorithms, vol. 16, 2000.
We study the average-case complexity of shortest-paths problems in the
vertex-potential model. The vertex-potential model is a family of probability
distributions on complete directed graphs with arbitrary real edge lengths but
without negative cycles. We show that on a graph with $n$ vertices and with
respect to this model, the single-source shortest-paths problem can be solved
in $O(n^2)$ expected time, and the all-pairs shortest-paths problem can be
solved in $O(n^2 \log n)$ expected time.
TITLE = {Average-Case Complexity of Shortest-Paths Problems in the Vertex-Potential Model},
AUTHOR = {Cooper, Colin and Frieze, Alan M. and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Priebe, Volker},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {1042-9832},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-3661E3997B3C672A4125684E0045AF9E-CooperFriezeMehlhornPriebe00},
YEAR = {2000},
DATE = {2000},
ABSTRACT = {We study the average-case complexity of shortest-paths problems in the vertex-potential model. The vertex-potential model is a family of probability distributions on complete directed graphs with arbitrary real edge lengths but without negative cycles. We show that on a graph with $n$ vertices and with respect to this model, the single-source shortest-paths problem can be solved in $O(n^2)$ expected time, and the all-pairs shortest-paths problem can be solved in $O(n^2 \log n)$ expected time.},
JOURNAL = {Random Structures \& Algorithms},
VOLUME = {16},
PAGES = {33--46},
%0 Journal Article
%A Cooper, Colin
%A Frieze, Alan M.
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Priebe, Volker
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Average-Case Complexity of Shortest-Paths Problems in the Vertex-Potential Model :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344432
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-3661E3997B3C672A4125684E0045AF9E-CooperFriezeMehlhornPriebe00
%D 2000
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X We study the average-case complexity of shortest-paths problems in the
vertex-potential model. The vertex-potential model is a family of probability
distributions on complete directed graphs with arbitrary real edge lengths but
without negative cycles. We show that on a graph with $n$ vertices and with
respect to this model, the single-source shortest-paths problem can be solved
in $O(n^2)$ expected time, and the all-pairs shortest-paths problem can be
solved in $O(n^2 \log n)$ expected time.
%J Random Structures & Algorithms
%V 16
%& 33
%P 33 - 46
%@ false
T. K. Dey, K. Mehlhorn, and E. A. Ramos, “Curve reconstruction: Connecting dots with good reason,” Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, vol. 15, no. 4, 2000.
Curve reconstruction algorithms are supposed to reconstruct curves from point<br>samples. Recent papers present algorithms that come with a<br>guarantee: Given a sufficiently dense sample of a closed smooth curve,<br>the algorithms construct the correct<br>polygonal reconstruction. Nothing is claimed about the output of the<br>algorithms, if the input is not a dense sample of a closed smooth curve, e.g.,<br>a sample of a curve with endpoints.<br>We present an algorithm that comes with a guarantee for any set $P$ of<br>input points. The algorithm<br>constructs a polygonal reconstruction $G$ and a smooth curve $\Gamma$<br>that justifies $G$ as the reconstruction from $P$.
TITLE = {Curve reconstruction: Connecting dots with good reason},
AUTHOR = {Dey, Tamal K. and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Ramos, Edgar A.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0925-7721},
DOI = {10.1016/S0925-7721(99)00051-6},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E0D72707291A67AFC12569FC005AE002-Ramos2000b},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {2000},
DATE = {2000},
ABSTRACT = {Curve reconstruction algorithms are supposed to reconstruct curves from point<br>samples. Recent papers present algorithms that come with a<br>guarantee: Given a sufficiently dense sample of a closed smooth curve,<br>the algorithms construct the correct<br>polygonal reconstruction. Nothing is claimed about the output of the<br>algorithms, if the input is not a dense sample of a closed smooth curve, e.g.,<br>a sample of a curve with endpoints.<br>We present an algorithm that comes with a guarantee for any set $P$ of<br>input points. The algorithm<br>constructs a polygonal reconstruction $G$ and a smooth curve $\Gamma$<br>that justifies $G$ as the reconstruction from $P$.},
JOURNAL = {Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications},
VOLUME = {15},
NUMBER = {4},
PAGES = {229--244},
%0 Journal Article
%A Dey, Tamal K.
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Ramos, Edgar A.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Curve reconstruction: Connecting dots with good reason :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344454
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E0D72707291A67AFC12569FC005AE002-Ramos2000b
%R 10.1016/S0925-7721(99)00051-6
%D 2000
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X Curve reconstruction algorithms are supposed to reconstruct curves from point<br>samples. Recent papers present algorithms that come with a<br>guarantee: Given a sufficiently dense sample of a closed smooth curve,<br>the algorithms construct the correct<br>polygonal reconstruction. Nothing is claimed about the output of the<br>algorithms, if the input is not a dense sample of a closed smooth curve, e.g.,<br>a sample of a curve with endpoints.<br>We present an algorithm that comes with a guarantee for any set $P$ of<br>input points. The algorithm<br>constructs a polygonal reconstruction $G$ and a smooth curve $\Gamma$<br>that justifies $G$ as the reconstruction from $P$.
%J Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications
%V 15
%N 4
%& 229
%P 229 - 244
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
S. Funke and K. Mehlhorn, “LOOK - a Lazy Object-Oriented Kernel for Geometric Computation,” in Proceedings of the 16th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry (SCG-00), 2000.
TITLE = {{LOOK} -- a Lazy Object-Oriented Kernel for Geometric Computation},
AUTHOR = {Funke, Stefan and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {1-58113-224-7},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-DF4B8280AAF46A9DC12569D700604A45-fm-lalokfgc-00},
YEAR = {2000},
DATE = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 16th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry (SCG-00)},
PAGES = {156--165},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Funke, Stefan
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T LOOK - a Lazy Object-Oriented Kernel for Geometric Computation :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344448
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-DF4B8280AAF46A9DC12569D700604A45-fm-lalokfgc-00
%D 2000
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 2000-06-12 -
%C Hong Kong, China
%B Proceedings of the 16th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry (SCG-00)
%P 156 - 165
%@ 1-58113-224-7
J. Kececioglu, H.-P. Lenhof, K. Mehlhorn, P. Mutzel, K. Reinert, and M. Vingron, “A polyhedral approach to sequence alignment problems,” Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 104, 2000.
TITLE = {A polyhedral approach to sequence alignment problems},
AUTHOR = {Kececioglu, John and Lenhof, Hans-Peter and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Mutzel, Petra and Reinert, Knut and Vingron, Martin},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0166-218X},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-10E1765C74CEAD60C125693F00369C63-KLM+2000},
YEAR = {2000},
DATE = {2000},
JOURNAL = {Discrete Applied Mathematics},
VOLUME = {104},
PAGES = {143--186},
%0 Journal Article
%A Kececioglu, John
%A Lenhof, Hans-Peter
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Mutzel, Petra
%A Reinert, Knut
%A Vingron, Martin
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A polyhedral approach to sequence alignment problems :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344443
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-10E1765C74CEAD60C125693F00369C63-KLM+2000
%D 2000
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Discrete Applied Mathematics
%V 104
%& 143
%P 143 - 186
%@ false
A. Koller, K. Mehlhorn, and J. Niehren, “A Polynomial-Time Fragment of Dominance Constraints,” in Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL-00), 2000.
Dominance constraints are a logical language for describing trees that is
widely used in computational linguistics. Their general satisfiability problem
is known to be NP-complete. Here we identify \emph{normal} dominance
constraints, a natural fragment whose satisfiability problem we show to be in
polynomial time. We present a quadratic satisfiability algorithm and use it in
another algorithm that enumerates solutions efficiently. Our result is useful
for various applications of dominance constraints and related formalisms.
TITLE = {A Polynomial-Time Fragment of Dominance Constraints},
AUTHOR = {Koller, Alexander and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Niehren, Joachim},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {1-558-60729-3},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-5D11991BA7D77D47C12569DC003C0D17-Koller-et-al:dominance-constraints},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann},
YEAR = {2000},
DATE = {2000},
ABSTRACT = {Dominance constraints are a logical language for describing trees that is widely used in computational linguistics. Their general satisfiability problem is known to be NP-complete. Here we identify \emph{normal} dominance constraints, a natural fragment whose satisfiability problem we show to be in polynomial time. We present a quadratic satisfiability algorithm and use it in another algorithm that enumerates solutions efficiently. Our result is useful for various applications of dominance constraints and related formalisms.},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL-00)},
PAGES = {368--375},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Koller, Alexander
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Niehren, Joachim
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Polynomial-Time Fragment of Dominance Constraints :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344451
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-5D11991BA7D77D47C12569DC003C0D17-Koller-et-al:dominance-constraints
%I Morgan Kaufmann
%D 2000
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: -
%C Hong-Kong
%X Dominance constraints are a logical language for describing trees that is
widely used in computational linguistics. Their general satisfiability problem
is known to be NP-complete. Here we identify \emph{normal} dominance
constraints, a natural fragment whose satisfiability problem we show to be in
polynomial time. We present a quadratic satisfiability algorithm and use it in
another algorithm that enumerates solutions efficiently. Our result is useful
for various applications of dominance constraints and related formalisms.
%B Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL-00)
%P 368 - 375
%I Morgan Kaufmann
%@ 1-558-60729-3
K. Mehlhorn and M. Ziegelmann, “Resource Constrained Shortest Paths,” in Algorithms - ESA 2000, Saarbrücken, Germany, 2000.
The resource constrained shortest path problem (CSP) asks for the computation<br>of a least cost path obeying a set of resource constraints. The problem is<br>NP-complete. We give theoretical and experimental results for CSP. In the<br>theoretical part we present the hull approach, a combinatorial algorithm<br>for solving a linear<br>programming relaxation and prove that it runs in polynomial time in the case of<br>one resource. In the experimental part we compare the hull approach to previous<br>methods for solving the LP relaxation and give an exact algorithm based on<br>the hull approach. We also compare our exact algorithm to previous <br>exact algorithms and approximation algorithms for the problem.
TITLE = {Resource Constrained Shortest Paths},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Ziegelmann, Mark},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-540-41004-1},
DOI = {10.1007/3-540-45253-2_30},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-7B769F17BCB8113EC12569D6003664F6-MehlhornZiegelmann2000},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2000},
DATE = {2000},
ABSTRACT = {The resource constrained shortest path problem (CSP) asks for the computation<br>of a least cost path obeying a set of resource constraints. The problem is<br>NP-complete. We give theoretical and experimental results for CSP. In the<br>theoretical part we present the hull approach, a combinatorial algorithm<br>for solving a linear<br>programming relaxation and prove that it runs in polynomial time in the case of<br>one resource. In the experimental part we compare the hull approach to previous<br>methods for solving the LP relaxation and give an exact algorithm based on<br>the hull approach. We also compare our exact algorithm to previous <br>exact algorithms and approximation algorithms for the problem.},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithms -- ESA 2000},
EDITOR = {Paterson, Mike},
PAGES = {326--337},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {1879},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken, Germany},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Ziegelmann, Mark
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Resource Constrained Shortest Paths :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344447
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-7B769F17BCB8113EC12569D6003664F6-MehlhornZiegelmann2000
%R 10.1007/3-540-45253-2_30
%D 2000
%B 8th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms
%Z date of event: 2000-09-05 - 2000-09-08
%C Saarbrücken, Germany
%X The resource constrained shortest path problem (CSP) asks for the computation<br>of a least cost path obeying a set of resource constraints. The problem is<br>NP-complete. We give theoretical and experimental results for CSP. In the<br>theoretical part we present the hull approach, a combinatorial algorithm<br>for solving a linear<br>programming relaxation and prove that it runs in polynomial time in the case of<br>one resource. In the experimental part we compare the hull approach to previous<br>methods for solving the LP relaxation and give an exact algorithm based on<br>the hull approach. We also compare our exact algorithm to previous <br>exact algorithms and approximation algorithms for the problem.
%B Algorithms - ESA 2000
%E Paterson, Mike
%P 326 - 337
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-540-41004-1
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 1879
K. Mehlhorn and S. Thiel, “Faster Algorithms for Bound-Consistency of the Sortedness and the Alldifferent Constraint,” in Principles and practice of constraint programming - CP 2000 (CP-00) : 6th international conference, CP 2000, 2000.
We present narrowing algorithms for the sortedness and the alldifferent
constraint which achieve bound-consistency.
The algorithm for the sortedness constraint takes as input $2n$ intervals $X_1,
\dots, X_n$, $Y_1, \dots, Y_n$ from a linearly ordered set $D$.
Let $\mathcal{S}$ denote the set of all tuples $t \in X_1 \times \cdots \times
X_n \times Y_1 \times \cdots \times Y_n$ such that the last $n$ components of
$t$ are obtained by sorting the first $n$ components. Our algorithm determines
whether $\mathcal{S}$ is non-empty and if so reduces the intervals to
bound-consistency. The running time of the algorithm is asymptotically the
same as for sorting the interval endpoints. In problems where this is faster
than $O(n \log n)$, this improves upon previous results.
The algorithm for the alldifferent constraint takes as input $n$ integer
intervals $Z_1, \dots, Z_n$. Let $\mathcal{T}$ denote all tuples $t \in Z_1
\times \cdots \times Z_n$ where all components are pairwise different. The
algorithm checks whether $\mathcal{T}$ is non-empty and if so reduces the
ranges to bound-consistency. The running time is also asymptotically the
same as for sorting the interval endpoints. When the constraint is for example
a permutation constraint, i.e. $Z_i \subseteq \range{1}{n}$ for all $i$, the
running time is linear. This also improves upon previous results.
TITLE = {Faster Algorithms for Bound-Consistency of the Sortedness and the Alldifferent Constraint},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Thiel, Sven},
EDITOR = {Dechter, Rina},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-41053-8},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-0086A54D2188D040C12569D6002EF134-MehlhornThiel2000},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2000},
DATE = {2000},
ABSTRACT = {We present narrowing algorithms for the sortedness and the alldifferent constraint which achieve bound-consistency. The algorithm for the sortedness constraint takes as input $2n$ intervals $X_1, \dots, X_n$, $Y_1, \dots, Y_n$ from a linearly ordered set $D$. Let $\mathcal{S}$ denote the set of all tuples $t \in X_1 \times \cdots \times X_n \times Y_1 \times \cdots \times Y_n$ such that the last $n$ components of $t$ are obtained by sorting the first $n$ components. Our algorithm determines whether $\mathcal{S}$ is non-empty and if so reduces the intervals to bound-consistency. The running time of the algorithm is asymptotically the same as for sorting the interval endpoints. In problems where this is faster than $O(n \log n)$, this improves upon previous results. The algorithm for the alldifferent constraint takes as input $n$ integer intervals $Z_1, \dots, Z_n$. Let $\mathcal{T}$ denote all tuples $t \in Z_1 \times \cdots \times Z_n$ where all components are pairwise different. The algorithm checks whether $\mathcal{T}$ is non-empty and if so reduces the ranges to bound-consistency. The running time is also asymptotically the same as for sorting the interval endpoints. When the constraint is for example a permutation constraint, i.e. $Z_i \subseteq \range{1}{n}$ for all $i$, the running time is linear. This also improves upon previous results.},
BOOKTITLE = {Principles and practice of constraint programming -- CP 2000 (CP-00) : 6th international conference, CP 2000},
PAGES = {306--319},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {1894},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Thiel, Sven
%E Dechter, Rina
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Faster Algorithms for Bound-Consistency of the Sortedness and the Alldifferent Constraint :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344445
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-0086A54D2188D040C12569D6002EF134-MehlhornThiel2000
%D 2000
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: -
%C Singapore
%X We present narrowing algorithms for the sortedness and the alldifferent
constraint which achieve bound-consistency.
The algorithm for the sortedness constraint takes as input $2n$ intervals $X_1,
\dots, X_n$, $Y_1, \dots, Y_n$ from a linearly ordered set $D$.
Let $\mathcal{S}$ denote the set of all tuples $t \in X_1 \times \cdots \times
X_n \times Y_1 \times \cdots \times Y_n$ such that the last $n$ components of
$t$ are obtained by sorting the first $n$ components. Our algorithm determines
whether $\mathcal{S}$ is non-empty and if so reduces the intervals to
bound-consistency. The running time of the algorithm is asymptotically the
same as for sorting the interval endpoints. In problems where this is faster
than $O(n \log n)$, this improves upon previous results.
The algorithm for the alldifferent constraint takes as input $n$ integer
intervals $Z_1, \dots, Z_n$. Let $\mathcal{T}$ denote all tuples $t \in Z_1
\times \cdots \times Z_n$ where all components are pairwise different. The
algorithm checks whether $\mathcal{T}$ is non-empty and if so reduces the
ranges to bound-consistency. The running time is also asymptotically the
same as for sorting the interval endpoints. When the constraint is for example
a permutation constraint, i.e. $Z_i \subseteq \range{1}{n}$ for all $i$, the
running time is linear. This also improves upon previous results.
%B Principles and practice of constraint programming - CP 2000 (CP-00) : 6th international conference, CP 2000
%P 306 - 319
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-41053-8
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 1894
K. Mehlhorn, “Constraint Programming and Graph Algorithms,” in Automata, Languages and Programming, Proceedings of the 27th International Colloquium (ICALP-00), 2000.
TITLE = {Constraint Programming and Graph Algorithms},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Montanari, Ugo and Rolim, Jos{\'e} D. P. and Welzl, Emo},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-67715-1},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-666E2280A86DB42AC12569DC003C772B-Me:ICALP2000},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2000},
DATE = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Automata, Languages and Programming, Proceedings of the 27th International Colloquium (ICALP-00)},
PAGES = {571--575},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {1853},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Montanari, Ugo
%E Rolim, José D. P.
%E Welzl, Emo
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Constraint Programming and Graph Algorithms :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344452
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-666E2280A86DB42AC12569DC003C772B-Me:ICALP2000
%D 2000
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: -
%C Geneva, Switzerland
%B Automata, Languages and Programming, Proceedings of the 27th International Colloquium (ICALP-00)
%P 571 - 575
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-67715-1
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 1853
K. Mehlhorn and G. Snelting, Eds., Informatik 2000 : Neue Horizonte im neuen Jahrhundert, 30. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik. Springer, 2000.
TITLE = {{Informatik 2000 : {N}eue Horizonte im neuen Jahrhundert, 30. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Informatik}},
EDITOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Snelting, Gregor},
LANGUAGE = {deu},
ISBN = {3-540-67880-8},
DOI = {10.1007 /978-3-642-58322-3},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2000},
DATE = {2000},
PAGES = {205},
SERIES = {Informatik aktuell},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%E Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Snelting, Gregor
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Informatik 2000 : Neue Horizonte im neuen Jahrhundert, 30. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik :
%G deu
%@ 3-540-67880-8
%R 10.1007 /978-3-642-58322-3
%I Springer
%D 2000
%B 30. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik
%Z date of event: 2000-09-19 - 2000-09-22
%D 2000
%C Berlin, Germany
%P 205
%S Informatik aktuell
K. Mehlhorn and S. Schirra, “Geometric Computing with CGAL and LEDA,” in Curve and Surface Design Volume 1, Saint-Malo, France, 2000.
TITLE = {Geometric Computing with {CGAL} and {LEDA}},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Schirra, Stefan},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {0-8265-1356-1},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-05A2008707A0E4E8C12568B000396C7E-Schirra1999},
PUBLISHER = {Vanderbilt University Press},
YEAR = {1999},
DATE = {2000},
BOOKTITLE = {Curve and Surface Design Volume 1},
EDITOR = {Laurent, Pierre-Jean and Sablonni{\`e}re, Paul and Schumaker, Larry L.},
PAGES = {277--286},
ADDRESS = {Saint-Malo, France},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schirra, Stefan
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Geometric Computing with CGAL and LEDA :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344441
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-05A2008707A0E4E8C12568B000396C7E-Schirra1999
%D 2000
%B 4th International Conference on Curves and Surfaces
%Z date of event: 1999-07-01 - 1999-07-07
%C Saint-Malo, France
%B Curve and Surface Design Volume 1
%E Laurent, Pierre-Jean; Sablonnière, Paul; Schumaker, Larry L.
%P 277 - 286
%I Vanderbilt University Press
%@ 0-8265-1356-1
K. Mehlhorn and G. Schäfer, “Implementation of O(nmlog n) Weighted Matchings: The Power of Data Structures,” in Algorithm Engineering (WAE 2000), Saarbrücken, Germany, 2000.
We describe the implementation of an $O(nm \log n)$ algorithm<br>for weighted matchings in general graphs. The algorithm is a variant of the<br>algorithm of Galil, Micali, and Gabow and requires the use of concatenable <br>priority queues. No previous implementation had a worst-case guarantee of <br>$O(nm \log n)$. We compare our implementation to the experimentally fastest <br>implementation (called Blossom IV) due to Cook and Rohe; Blossom IV is an <br>implementation of Edmonds' algorithm and has a running time no better than <br>$O(n^3)$. Blossom IV requires only very simple data structures.<br>Our experiments show that our new implementation is competitive<br>to Blossom IV.
TITLE = {Implementation of $O(nm \log n)$ weighted matchings: The power of data structures},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sch{\"a}fer, Guido},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-42512-8},
DOI = {10.1007/3-540-44691-5_3},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {2000},
DATE = {2000},
ABSTRACT = {We describe the implementation of an $O(nm \log n)$ algorithm<br>for weighted matchings in general graphs. The algorithm is a variant of the<br>algorithm of Galil, Micali, and Gabow and requires the use of concatenable <br>priority queues. No previous implementation had a worst-case guarantee of <br>$O(nm \log n)$. We compare our implementation to the experimentally fastest <br>implementation (called Blossom IV) due to Cook and Rohe; Blossom IV is an <br>implementation of Edmonds' algorithm and has a running time no better than <br>$O(n^3)$. Blossom IV requires only very simple data structures.<br>Our experiments show that our new implementation is competitive<br>to Blossom IV.},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithm Engineering (WAE 2000)},
EDITOR = {N{\"a}her, Stefan and Wagner, Dorothea},
PAGES = {23--38},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {1982},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken, Germany},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schäfer, Guido
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Implementation of O(nmlog n) Weighted Matchings: The Power of Data Structures :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344453
%R 10.1007/3-540-44691-5_3
%D 2000
%B 4th International Workshop on Algorithm Engineering
%Z date of event: 2000-09-05 - 2000-09-08
%C Saarbrücken, Germany
%X We describe the implementation of an $O(nm \log n)$ algorithm<br>for weighted matchings in general graphs. The algorithm is a variant of the<br>algorithm of Galil, Micali, and Gabow and requires the use of concatenable <br>priority queues. No previous implementation had a worst-case guarantee of <br>$O(nm \log n)$. We compare our implementation to the experimentally fastest <br>implementation (called Blossom IV) due to Cook and Rohe; Blossom IV is an <br>implementation of Edmonds' algorithm and has a running time no better than <br>$O(n^3)$. Blossom IV requires only very simple data structures.<br>Our experiments show that our new implementation is competitive<br>to Blossom IV.
%B Algorithm Engineering
%E Näher, Stefan; Wagner, Dorothea
%P 23 - 38
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-42512-8
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 1982
K. Mehlhorn and S. Schirra, “A Generalized and improved constructive separation bound for real algebraic expressions,” Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, MPI-I-2000-1-004, 2000.
We prove a separation bound for a large class of algebraic expressions
specified by expression dags.
The bound applies to expressions whose leaves are integers
and whose internal nodes are additions, subtractions, multiplications,
divisions, $k$-th root operations for integral $k$, and taking roots of
polynomials whose coefficients are given by the values of subexpressions.
The (logarithm of the)
new bound depends linearly on the algebraic degree of the expression.
Previous bounds applied to a smaller class of expressions and did not
guarantee linear dependency.
\ignore{In~\cite{BFMS} the dependency was quadratic.
and in the Li-Yap bound~\cite{LY} the dependency is usually linear, but may be
even worse than quadratic.}
TITLE = {A Generalized and improved constructive separation bound for real algebraic expressions},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Schirra, Stefan},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {MPI-I-2000-1-004},
INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {2000},
DATE = {2000},
ABSTRACT = {We prove a separation bound for a large class of algebraic expressions specified by expression dags. The bound applies to expressions whose leaves are integers and whose internal nodes are additions, subtractions, multiplications, divisions, $k$-th root operations for integral $k$, and taking roots of polynomials whose coefficients are given by the values of subexpressions. The (logarithm of the) new bound depends linearly on the algebraic degree of the expression. Previous bounds applied to a smaller class of expressions and did not guarantee linear dependency. \ignore{In~\cite{BFMS} the dependency was quadratic. and in the Li-Yap bound~\cite{LY} the dependency is usually linear, but may be even worse than quadratic.}},
TYPE = {Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schirra, Stefan
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Generalized and improved constructive separation bound for real algebraic expressions :
%G eng
%Y Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
%C Saarbrücken
%D 2000
%P 12 p.
%X We prove a separation bound for a large class of algebraic expressions
specified by expression dags.
The bound applies to expressions whose leaves are integers
and whose internal nodes are additions, subtractions, multiplications,
divisions, $k$-th root operations for integral $k$, and taking roots of
polynomials whose coefficients are given by the values of subexpressions.
The (logarithm of the)
new bound depends linearly on the algebraic degree of the expression.
Previous bounds applied to a smaller class of expressions and did not
guarantee linear dependency.
\ignore{In~\cite{BFMS} the dependency was quadratic.
and in the Li-Yap bound~\cite{LY} the dependency is usually linear, but may be
even worse than quadratic.}
%B Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
M. Seel and K. Mehlhorn, “Infimaximal frames: a technique for making lines look like segments,” Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, MPI-I-2000-1-005, 2000.
Many geometric algorithms that are usually formulated for points and
segments generalize easily to inputs also containing rays and lines.
The sweep algorithm for segment intersection is a prototypical
example. Implementations of such algorithms do, in general, not
extend easily. For example, segment endpoints cause events in sweep
line algorithms, but lines have no endpoints. We describe a general
technique, which we call infimaximal frames, for extending
implementations to inputs also containing rays and lines. The
technique can also be used to extend implementations of planar
subdivisions to subdivisions with many unbounded faces. We have used
the technique successfully in generalizing a sweep algorithm designed
for segments to rays and lines and also in an implementation of planar
Nef polyhedra.
Our implementation is based on concepts of generic programming in C++
and the geometric data types provided by the C++ Computational
Geometry Algorithms Library (CGAL).
TITLE = {Infimaximal frames: a technique for making lines look like segments},
AUTHOR = {Seel, Michael and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {MPI-I-2000-1-005},
INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {2000},
DATE = {2000},
ABSTRACT = {Many geometric algorithms that are usually formulated for points and segments generalize easily to inputs also containing rays and lines. The sweep algorithm for segment intersection is a prototypical example. Implementations of such algorithms do, in general, not extend easily. For example, segment endpoints cause events in sweep line algorithms, but lines have no endpoints. We describe a general technique, which we call infimaximal frames, for extending implementations to inputs also containing rays and lines. The technique can also be used to extend implementations of planar subdivisions to subdivisions with many unbounded faces. We have used the technique successfully in generalizing a sweep algorithm designed for segments to rays and lines and also in an implementation of planar Nef polyhedra. Our implementation is based on concepts of generic programming in C++ and the geometric data types provided by the C++ Computational Geometry Algorithms Library (CGAL).},
TYPE = {Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik},
%0 Report
%A Seel, Michael
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Infimaximal frames: a technique for making lines look like segments :
%G eng
%Y Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
%C Saarbrücken
%D 2000
%P 16 p.
%X Many geometric algorithms that are usually formulated for points and
segments generalize easily to inputs also containing rays and lines.
The sweep algorithm for segment intersection is a prototypical
example. Implementations of such algorithms do, in general, not
extend easily. For example, segment endpoints cause events in sweep
line algorithms, but lines have no endpoints. We describe a general
technique, which we call infimaximal frames, for extending
implementations to inputs also containing rays and lines. The
technique can also be used to extend implementations of planar
subdivisions to subdivisions with many unbounded faces. We have used
the technique successfully in generalizing a sweep algorithm designed
for segments to rays and lines and also in an implementation of planar
Nef polyhedra.
Our implementation is based on concepts of generic programming in C++
and the geometric data types provided by the C++ Computational
Geometry Algorithms Library (CGAL).
%B Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
S. R. Arikati and K. Mehlhorn, “A Correctness Certificate for the Stoer-Wagner Min-cut Algorithm,” Information Processing Letters, vol. 70, no. 5, 1999.
The Stoer–Wagner algorithm computes a minimum cut in a weighted undirected <br>graph. The algorithm works in n−1 phases, where n is the number of nodes of G. <br>Each phase takes time O(m+nlogn), where m is the number of edges of G, and <br>computes a pair of vertices s and t and a minimum cut separating s and t. We <br>show how to extend the algorithm such that each phase also computes a maximum <br>flow from s to t. The flow is computed in O(m) additional time and certifies <br>the cut computed in the phase.
TITLE = {A Correctness Certificate for the Stoer-Wagner Min-cut Algorithm},
AUTHOR = {Arikati, Srinivasa Rao and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0020-0190},
DOI = {10.1016/S0020-0190(99)00071-X},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E77DC5FAFF8CE44EC12568AB00367ABD-Arikati-Mehlhorn},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {1999},
DATE = {1999},
ABSTRACT = {The Stoer--Wagner algorithm computes a minimum cut in a weighted undirected <br>graph. The algorithm works in n{\textminus}1 phases, where n is the number of nodes of G. <br>Each phase takes time O(m+nlogn), where m is the number of edges of G, and <br>computes a pair of vertices s and t and a minimum cut separating s and t. We <br>show how to extend the algorithm such that each phase also computes a maximum <br>flow from s to t. The flow is computed in O(m) additional time and certifies <br>the cut computed in the phase.},
JOURNAL = {Information Processing Letters},
VOLUME = {70},
NUMBER = {5},
PAGES = {251--254},
%0 Journal Article
%A Arikati, Srinivasa Rao
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Correctness Certificate for the Stoer-Wagner Min-cut Algorithm :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344437
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E77DC5FAFF8CE44EC12568AB00367ABD-Arikati-Mehlhorn
%R 10.1016/S0020-0190(99)00071-X
%D 1999
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X The Stoer–Wagner algorithm computes a minimum cut in a weighted undirected <br>graph. The algorithm works in n−1 phases, where n is the number of nodes of G. <br>Each phase takes time O(m+nlogn), where m is the number of edges of G, and <br>computes a pair of vertices s and t and a minimum cut separating s and t. We <br>show how to extend the algorithm such that each phase also computes a maximum <br>flow from s to t. The flow is computed in O(m) additional time and certifies <br>the cut computed in the phase.
%J Information Processing Letters
%V 70
%N 5
%& 251
%P 251 - 254
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
S. Arya, M. J. Golin, and K. Mehlhorn, “On the Expected Depth of Random Circuits,” Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, vol. 8, no. 3, 1999.
In this paper we analyse the expected depth of random circuits of fixed fanin f<br>. Such circuits are built a gate at a time, with the f inputs of each new gate <br>being chosen randomly from among the previously added gates. The depth of the <br>new gate is defined to be one more than the maximal depth of its input gates. <br>We show that the expected depth of a random circuit with n gates is bounded <br>from above by ef ln n and from below by 2.04 … f ln n.
TITLE = {On the Expected Depth of Random Circuits},
AUTHOR = {Arya, Sunil and Golin, Mordecai J. and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0963-5483},
DOI = {10.1017/S096354839900382X},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-CBF5E4FADC0F4CBDC12571D80047CDEE-mehlhorn99y},
PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press},
ADDRESS = {Cambridge, England},
YEAR = {1999},
DATE = {1999},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper we analyse the expected depth of random circuits of fixed fanin f<br>. Such circuits are built a gate at a time, with the f inputs of each new gate <br>being chosen randomly from among the previously added gates. The depth of the <br>new gate is defined to be one more than the maximal depth of its input gates. <br>We show that the expected depth of a random circuit with n gates is bounded <br>from above by ef ln n and from below by 2.04 {\ldots} f ln n.},
JOURNAL = {Combinatorics, Probability and Computing},
VOLUME = {8},
NUMBER = {3},
PAGES = {209--228},
%0 Journal Article
%A Arya, Sunil
%A Golin, Mordecai J.
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T On the Expected Depth of Random Circuits :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344701
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-CBF5E4FADC0F4CBDC12571D80047CDEE-mehlhorn99y
%R 10.1017/S096354839900382X
%D 1999
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X In this paper we analyse the expected depth of random circuits of fixed fanin f<br>. Such circuits are built a gate at a time, with the f inputs of each new gate <br>being chosen randomly from among the previously added gates. The depth of the <br>new gate is defined to be one more than the maximal depth of its input gates. <br>We show that the expected depth of a random circuit with n gates is bounded <br>from above by ef ln n and from below by 2.04 … f ln n.
%J Combinatorics, Probability and Computing
%V 8
%N 3
%& 209
%P 209 - 228
%I Cambridge University Press
%C Cambridge, England
%@ false
C. Burnikel, K. Mehlhorn, and M. Seel, “A simple way to recognize a correct Voronoi diagram of line segments,” Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, MPI-I-1999-1-007, 1999.
Writing a program for computing the Voronoi diagram of line segments
is a complex task. Not only there is an abundance of geometric cases
that have to be considered, but the problem is also numerically
difficult. Therefore it is very easy to make subtle programming errors.
In this paper we present a procedure that for a given set of sites $S$
and a candidate graph $G$ rigorously checks that $G$ is the correct
Voronoi diagram of line segments for $S$. Our procedure is particularly
efficient and simple to implement.
TITLE = {A simple way to recognize a correct Voronoi diagram of line segments},
AUTHOR = {Burnikel, Christoph and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Seel, Michael},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
NUMBER = {MPI-I-1999-1-007},
INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1999},
DATE = {1999},
ABSTRACT = {Writing a program for computing the Voronoi diagram of line segments is a complex task. Not only there is an abundance of geometric cases that have to be considered, but the problem is also numerically difficult. Therefore it is very easy to make subtle programming errors. In this paper we present a procedure that for a given set of sites $S$ and a candidate graph $G$ rigorously checks that $G$ is the correct Voronoi diagram of line segments for $S$. Our procedure is particularly efficient and simple to implement.},
TYPE = {Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik},
%0 Report
%A Burnikel, Christoph
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Seel, Michael
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A simple way to recognize a correct Voronoi diagram of line segments :
%G eng
%Y Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1999
%P 11 p.
%X Writing a program for computing the Voronoi diagram of line segments
is a complex task. Not only there is an abundance of geometric cases
that have to be considered, but the problem is also numerically
difficult. Therefore it is very easy to make subtle programming errors.
In this paper we present a procedure that for a given set of sites $S$
and a candidate graph $G$ rigorously checks that $G$ is the correct
Voronoi diagram of line segments for $S$. Our procedure is particularly
efficient and simple to implement.
%B Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
C. Burnikel, R. Fleischer, K. Mehlhorn, and S. Schirra, “Efficient exact geometric computation made easy,” in Proceedings of the 15th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry (SCG-99), 1999.
We show that the combination of the CGAL framework
for geometric computation and the number type
leda-real yields easy-to-write, correct
and efficient geometric programs.
TITLE = {Efficient exact geometric computation made easy},
AUTHOR = {Burnikel, Christoph and Fleischer, Rudolf and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Schirra, Stefan},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {1581130686},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-BA77E4D30CB3E7EDC12568AA0076AAB4-BFMS1999},
YEAR = {1999},
DATE = {1999},
ABSTRACT = {We show that the combination of the CGAL framework for geometric computation and the number type leda-real yields easy-to-write, correct and efficient geometric programs.},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 15th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry (SCG-99)},
PAGES = {341--350},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Burnikel, Christoph
%A Fleischer, Rudolf
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schirra, Stefan
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Efficient exact geometric computation made easy :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344436
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-BA77E4D30CB3E7EDC12568AA0076AAB4-BFMS1999
%D 1999
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: -
%C Miami Beach, USA
%X We show that the combination of the CGAL framework
for geometric computation and the number type
leda-real yields easy-to-write, correct
and efficient geometric programs.
%B Proceedings of the 15th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry (SCG-99)
%P 341 - 350
%@ 1581130686
J. Cheriyan and K. Mehlhorn, “An Analysis of the Highest-level Selection rule in the Preflow-push Max-flow Algorithm,” Information Processing Letters, vol. 69, no. 5, 1999.
Consider the problem of finding a maximum flow in a network. Goldberg and <br>Tarjan introduced the preflow-push method for solving this problem. When this <br>method is implemented with the highest-level selection rule, then both the <br>running time and the number of pushes are known to be , where n is the number <br>of nodes and m is the number of edges. We give a new proof based on a potential <br>function argument. Potential function arguments may be preferable for analyzing <br>preflow-push algorithms, since they are simple and generic.
TITLE = {An Analysis of the Highest-level Selection rule in the Preflow-push Max-flow Algorithm},
AUTHOR = {Cheriyan, Joseph and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0020-0190},
DOI = {10.1016/S0020-0190(99)00019-8},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-1CE45F55B8E4C782C12567540032BA8B-Cheriyan-Mehlhorn99},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {1999},
DATE = {1999},
ABSTRACT = {Consider the problem of finding a maximum flow in a network. Goldberg and <br>Tarjan introduced the preflow-push method for solving this problem. When this <br>method is implemented with the highest-level selection rule, then both the <br>running time and the number of pushes are known to be , where n is the number <br>of nodes and m is the number of edges. We give a new proof based on a potential <br>function argument. Potential function arguments may be preferable for analyzing <br>preflow-push algorithms, since they are simple and generic.},
JOURNAL = {Information Processing Letters},
VOLUME = {69},
NUMBER = {5},
PAGES = {239--242},
%0 Journal Article
%A Cheriyan, Joseph
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T An Analysis of the Highest-level Selection rule in the Preflow-push Max-flow Algorithm :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344430
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-1CE45F55B8E4C782C12567540032BA8B-Cheriyan-Mehlhorn99
%R 10.1016/S0020-0190(99)00019-8
%D 1999
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X Consider the problem of finding a maximum flow in a network. Goldberg and <br>Tarjan introduced the preflow-push method for solving this problem. When this <br>method is implemented with the highest-level selection rule, then both the <br>running time and the number of pushes are known to be , where n is the number <br>of nodes and m is the number of edges. We give a new proof based on a potential <br>function argument. Potential function arguments may be preferable for analyzing <br>preflow-push algorithms, since they are simple and generic.
%J Information Processing Letters
%V 69
%N 5
%& 239
%P 239 - 242
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
A. Crauser, P. Ferragina, K. Mehlhorn, U. Meyer, and E. A. Ramos, “I/O-optimal computation of segment intersections,” in Proceedings of the DIMACS Workshop on External Algorithms and Visualization, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1999.
TITLE = {I/O-optimal computation of segment intersections},
AUTHOR = {Crauser, Andreas and Ferragina, Paolo and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Meyer, Ulrich and Ramos, Edgar A.},
EDITOR = {Abello, James M. and Vitter, Jeffrey Scott},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {0-8218-1184-3},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-30957F9FFB46D0DAC12568AE006561FD-CFMMR1999},
YEAR = {1998},
DATE = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the DIMACS Workshop on External Algorithms and Visualization},
PAGES = {131--138},
SERIES = {DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science},
ADDRESS = {New Brunswick, New Jersey},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Crauser, Andreas
%A Ferragina, Paolo
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Meyer, Ulrich
%A Ramos, Edgar A.
%E Abello, James M.
%E Vitter, Jeffrey Scott
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T I/O-optimal computation of segment intersections :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344439
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-30957F9FFB46D0DAC12568AE006561FD-CFMMR1999
%D 1999
%B DIMACS Workshop on External Algorithms and Visualization
%Z date of event: 1998-05-20 - 1998-05-22
%C New Brunswick, New Jersey
%B Proceedings of the DIMACS Workshop on External Algorithms and Visualization
%P 131 - 138
%@ 0-8218-1184-3
%B DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science
A. Crauser and K. Mehlhorn, “LEDA-SM : Extending LEDA to Secondary Memory,” in Algorithm engineering (WAE-99) : 3rd International Workshop, WAE’99, 1999.
During the last years, many software libraries for \emph{in-core} computation
have been developed. Most internal memory algorithms perform very badly when
used in an \emph{external memory} setting. We introduce LEDA-SM that extends
the LEDA-library~\cite{LEDAbook} towards secondary memory computation. LEDA-SM
uses I/O-efficient algorithms and data structures that do not suffer from the
so called {\em I/O bottleneck}. LEDA is used for in-core computation. We
explain the design of LEDA-SM and report on performance results.
TITLE = {{LEDA}-{SM} : Extending {LEDA} to Secondary Memory},
AUTHOR = {Crauser, Andreas and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Vitter, Jeffrey S. and Zaroliagis, Christos D.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-66427-0},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-30D55511C943CF0DC1256888005051DC-Crauser1999a},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1999},
DATE = {1999},
ABSTRACT = {During the last years, many software libraries for \emph{in-core} computation have been developed. Most internal memory algorithms perform very badly when used in an \emph{external memory} setting. We introduce LEDA-SM that extends the LEDA-library~\cite{LEDAbook} towards secondary memory computation. LEDA-SM uses I/O-efficient algorithms and data structures that do not suffer from the so called {\em I/O bottleneck}. LEDA is used for in-core computation. We explain the design of LEDA-SM and report on performance results.},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithm engineering (WAE-99) : 3rd International Workshop, WAE'99},
PAGES = {228--242},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {1668},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Crauser, Andreas
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Vitter, Jeffrey S.
%E Zaroliagis, Christos D.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T LEDA-SM : Extending LEDA to Secondary Memory :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344434
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-30D55511C943CF0DC1256888005051DC-Crauser1999a
%D 1999
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1999-07-19 -
%C London, UK
%X During the last years, many software libraries for \emph{in-core} computation
have been developed. Most internal memory algorithms perform very badly when
used in an \emph{external memory} setting. We introduce LEDA-SM that extends
the LEDA-library~\cite{LEDAbook} towards secondary memory computation. LEDA-SM
uses I/O-efficient algorithms and data structures that do not suffer from the
so called {\em I/O bottleneck}. LEDA is used for in-core computation. We
explain the design of LEDA-SM and report on performance results.
%B Algorithm engineering (WAE-99) : 3rd International Workshop, WAE'99
%P 228 - 242
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-66427-0
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 1668
T. K. Dey, K. Mehlhorn, and E. A. Ramos, “Curve reconstruction: Connecting dots with good reason,” in Proceedings of the 15th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry (SCG-99), Miami Beach, Florida, 1999.
Curve reconstruction algorithms are supposed to reconstruct curves from point
samples. Recent papers present algorithms that come with a guarantee: Given a
sufficiently dense sample of a closed smooth curve, the algorithms construct
the correct polygonal reconstruction. Nothing is claimed about the output of
the algorithms, if the input is not a dense sample of a closed smooth curve,
e.g., a sample of a curve with endpoints. We present an algorithm that comes
with a guarantee for any set $P$ of input points. The algorithm constructs a
polygonal reconstruction $G$ and a smooth curve $\Gamma$ that justifies $G$
as the reconstruction from $P$.
TITLE = {Curve reconstruction: Connecting dots with good reason},
AUTHOR = {Dey, Tamal K. and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Ramos, Edgar A.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-64FD94A32625DBDCC12568AE00634913-DeMeRa1999},
YEAR = {1999},
DATE = {1999},
ABSTRACT = {Curve reconstruction algorithms are supposed to reconstruct curves from point samples. Recent papers present algorithms that come with a guarantee: Given a sufficiently dense sample of a closed smooth curve, the algorithms construct the correct polygonal reconstruction. Nothing is claimed about the output of the algorithms, if the input is not a dense sample of a closed smooth curve, e.g., a sample of a curve with endpoints. We present an algorithm that comes with a guarantee for any set $P$ of input points. The algorithm constructs a polygonal reconstruction $G$ and a smooth curve $\Gamma$ that justifies $G$ as the reconstruction from $P$.},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 15th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry (SCG-99)},
PAGES = {197--206},
ADDRESS = {Miami Beach, Florida},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Dey, Tamal K.
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Ramos, Edgar A.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Curve reconstruction: Connecting dots with good reason :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344438
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-64FD94A32625DBDCC12568AE00634913-DeMeRa1999
%D 1999
%B SCG 1999
%Z date of event: 1999-06-13 - 1999-06-16
%C Miami Beach, Florida
%X Curve reconstruction algorithms are supposed to reconstruct curves from point
samples. Recent papers present algorithms that come with a guarantee: Given a
sufficiently dense sample of a closed smooth curve, the algorithms construct
the correct polygonal reconstruction. Nothing is claimed about the output of
the algorithms, if the input is not a dense sample of a closed smooth curve,
e.g., a sample of a curve with endpoints. We present an algorithm that comes
with a guarantee for any set $P$ of input points. The algorithm constructs a
polygonal reconstruction $G$ and a smooth curve $\Gamma$ that justifies $G$
as the reconstruction from $P$.
%B Proceedings of the 15th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry (SCG-99)
%P 197 - 206
U. Finkler and K. Mehlhorn, “Checking Priority Queues,” in Proceedings of the Tenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA-99), 1999.
TITLE = {Checking Priority Queues},
AUTHOR = {Finkler, Ulrich and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {0-89871-434-6},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-0F5CB4E766B5A9AFC12571D8004AABDE-mehlhorn99x},
YEAR = {1999},
DATE = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Tenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA-99)},
PAGES = {901--902},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Finkler, Ulrich
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Checking Priority Queues :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344704
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-0F5CB4E766B5A9AFC12571D8004AABDE-mehlhorn99x
%D 1999
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1999-01-17 -
%C Baltimore, Maryland, USA
%B Proceedings of the Tenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA-99)
%P 901 - 902
%@ 0-89871-434-6
S. Funke, K. Mehlhorn, and S. Näher, “Structural Filtering: a Paradigm for Efficient and Exact Geometric Programs,” in Abstracts for the 11th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG-99), 1999.
TITLE = {Structural Filtering: a Paradigm for Efficient and Exact Geometric Programs},
AUTHOR = {Funke, Stefan and Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-64A9730F147FBF84C125687E00612DE5-FMN1999},
PUBLISHER = {University of British Columbia},
YEAR = {1999},
DATE = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {Abstracts for the 11th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG-99)},
PAGES = {39--42},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Funke, Stefan
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Structural Filtering: a Paradigm for Efficient and Exact Geometric Programs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344433
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-64A9730F147FBF84C125687E00612DE5-FMN1999
%I University of British Columbia
%D 1999
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: -
%C Vancouver, Canada
%B Abstracts for the 11th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG-99)
%P 39 - 42
%I University of British Columbia
K. Mehlhorn, S. Näher, M. Seel, R. Seidel, T. Schilz, S. Schirra, and C. Uhrig, “Checking geometric programs or verification of geometric structures,” Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, vol. 12, 1999.
TITLE = {Checking geometric programs or verification of geometric structures},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan and Seel, Michael and Seidel, Raimund and Schilz, Thomas and Schirra, Stefan and Uhrig, Christian},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-B81F76D3419B064BC12567680047F566-Mehlhorn-et-al99},
YEAR = {1999},
DATE = {1999},
JOURNAL = {Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications},
VOLUME = {12},
PAGES = {85--104},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%A Seel, Michael
%A Seidel, Raimund
%A Schilz, Thomas
%A Schirra, Stefan
%A Uhrig, Christian
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Checking geometric programs or verification of geometric structures :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344431
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-B81F76D3419B064BC12567680047F566-Mehlhorn-et-al99
%D 1999
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications
%V 12
%& 85
%P 85 - 104
K. Mehlhorn and S. Näher, LEDA: a platform for combinatorial and geometric computing. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Preface page xi
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Some Programs 1
1.2 The LEDA System 8
1.3 The LEDA Web-Site 10
1.4 Systems that Go Well with LEDA 11
1.5 Design Goals and Approach 11
1.6 History 13
2 Foundations 16
2.1 Data Types 16
2.2 Item Types 26
2.3 Copy, Assignment, and Value Parameters 32
2.4 More on Argument Passing and Function Value Return 36
2.5 Iteration 39
2.6 STL Style Iterators 41
2.7 Data Types and C++ 41
2.8 Type Parameters 45
2.9 Memory Management 47
2.10 Linearly Ordered Types, Equality and Hashed Types 47
2.11 Implementation Parameters 51
2.12 Helpful Small Functions 52
2.13 Error Handling 54
2.14 Program Checking 54 v vi Contents
2.15 Header Files, Implementation Files, and Libraries 56
2.16 Compilation Flags 57
3 Basic Data Types 58
3.1 Stacks and Queues 58
3.2 Lists 61
3.3 Arrays 73
3.4 Compressed Boolean Arrays (Type int set) 77
3.5 Random Sources 79
3.6 Pairs, Triples, and such 94 3.7 St
LEDA is a library of efficient data types and algorithms in combinatorial and
geometric computing. The main features of the library are its wide collection
of data types and algorithms, the precise and readable specification of these
types, its efficiency, its extendibility, and its ease of use. 1. Introduction
Combinatorial and geometric computing is a core area of computer science. In
fact, most CS curricula contain a course in data structures and algorithms. The
area deals with objects such as graphs, sequences, dictionaries, trees,
shortest paths, flows, matchings, points, segments, lines, convex hulls, and
Voronoi diagrams and forms the basis for application areas such as discrete
optimization, scheduling, traffic control, CAD, and graphics. There is no
standard library of the data structures and algorithms of combinatorial and
geometric computing. This is in sharp contrast to many other areas of
computing. There are, e.g., packages in statistics (SPSS), numerical analysis
TITLE = {{LEDA}: a platform for combinatorial and geometric computing},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {0-521-56329-1},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A8C1C8C155161CFDC12568B90036AD9C-Mehlhorn1999},
PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press},
ADDRESS = {Cambridge, MA},
YEAR = {1999},
DATE = {1999},
ABSTRACT = {Contents Preface page xi 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Some Programs 1 1.2 The LEDA System 8 1.3 The LEDA Web-Site 10 1.4 Systems that Go Well with LEDA 11 1.5 Design Goals and Approach 11 1.6 History 13 2 Foundations 16 2.1 Data Types 16 2.2 Item Types 26 2.3 Copy, Assignment, and Value Parameters 32 2.4 More on Argument Passing and Function Value Return 36 2.5 Iteration 39 2.6 STL Style Iterators 41 2.7 Data Types and C++ 41 2.8 Type Parameters 45 2.9 Memory Management 47 2.10 Linearly Ordered Types, Equality and Hashed Types 47 2.11 Implementation Parameters 51 2.12 Helpful Small Functions 52 2.13 Error Handling 54 2.14 Program Checking 54 v vi Contents 2.15 Header Files, Implementation Files, and Libraries 56 2.16 Compilation Flags 57 3 Basic Data Types 58 3.1 Stacks and Queues 58 3.2 Lists 61 3.3 Arrays 73 3.4 Compressed Boolean Arrays (Type int set) 77 3.5 Random Sources 79 3.6 Pairs, Triples, and such 94 3.7 St LEDA is a library of efficient data types and algorithms in combinatorial and geometric computing. The main features of the library are its wide collection of data types and algorithms, the precise and readable specification of these types, its efficiency, its extendibility, and its ease of use. 1. Introduction Combinatorial and geometric computing is a core area of computer science. In fact, most CS curricula contain a course in data structures and algorithms. The area deals with objects such as graphs, sequences, dictionaries, trees, shortest paths, flows, matchings, points, segments, lines, convex hulls, and Voronoi diagrams and forms the basis for application areas such as discrete optimization, scheduling, traffic control, CAD, and graphics. There is no standard library of the data structures and algorithms of combinatorial and geometric computing. This is in sharp contrast to many other areas of computing. There are, e.g., packages in statistics (SPSS), numerical analysis (LINPAC...},
PAGES = {1018},
%0 Book
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T LEDA: a platform for combinatorial and geometric computing :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344442
%@ 0-521-56329-1
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A8C1C8C155161CFDC12568B90036AD9C-Mehlhorn1999
%I Cambridge University Press
%C Cambridge, MA
%D 1999
%P 1018
%X Contents
Preface page xi
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Some Programs 1
1.2 The LEDA System 8
1.3 The LEDA Web-Site 10
1.4 Systems that Go Well with LEDA 11
1.5 Design Goals and Approach 11
1.6 History 13
2 Foundations 16
2.1 Data Types 16
2.2 Item Types 26
2.3 Copy, Assignment, and Value Parameters 32
2.4 More on Argument Passing and Function Value Return 36
2.5 Iteration 39
2.6 STL Style Iterators 41
2.7 Data Types and C++ 41
2.8 Type Parameters 45
2.9 Memory Management 47
2.10 Linearly Ordered Types, Equality and Hashed Types 47
2.11 Implementation Parameters 51
2.12 Helpful Small Functions 52
2.13 Error Handling 54
2.14 Program Checking 54 v vi Contents
2.15 Header Files, Implementation Files, and Libraries 56
2.16 Compilation Flags 57
3 Basic Data Types 58
3.1 Stacks and Queues 58
3.2 Lists 61
3.3 Arrays 73
3.4 Compressed Boolean Arrays (Type int set) 77
3.5 Random Sources 79
3.6 Pairs, Triples, and such 94 3.7 St
LEDA is a library of efficient data types and algorithms in combinatorial and
geometric computing. The main features of the library are its wide collection
of data types and algorithms, the precise and readable specification of these
types, its efficiency, its extendibility, and its ease of use. 1. Introduction
Combinatorial and geometric computing is a core area of computer science. In
fact, most CS curricula contain a course in data structures and algorithms. The
area deals with objects such as graphs, sequences, dictionaries, trees,
shortest paths, flows, matchings, points, segments, lines, convex hulls, and
Voronoi diagrams and forms the basis for application areas such as discrete
optimization, scheduling, traffic control, CAD, and graphics. There is no
standard library of the data structures and algorithms of combinatorial and
geometric computing. This is in sharp contrast to many other areas of
computing. There are, e.g., packages in statistics (SPSS), numerical analysis
K. Mehlhorn, “Ten Years of LEDA Some Thoughts (Abstract),” in Algorithm engineering ({WAE}-99) : 3rd International Workshop, 1999.
Stefan Näher and I started the work on LEDA [LED] in the spring on 1989. Many
collegues and students have contributed to the project since then. A first
publication appeared in the fall of the same year [MN89]. The LEDAbook [MN99]
will appear in the fall of 1999 and should be available at WAE99. In my talk I
will discuss how the work on LEDA has changed my research perspective.
TITLE = {Ten Years of {LEDA} Some Thoughts (Abstract)},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Vitter, Jeffrey S. and Zaroliagis, Christos D.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-66427-0},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-34223CA71B684C91C12571D8004922B8-mehlhorn99w},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1999},
DATE = {1999},
ABSTRACT = {Stefan N{\"a}her and I started the work on LEDA [LED] in the spring on 1989. Many collegues and students have contributed to the project since then. A first publication appeared in the fall of the same year [MN89]. The LEDAbook [MN99] will appear in the fall of 1999 and should be available at WAE99. In my talk I will discuss how the work on LEDA has changed my research perspective.},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithm engineering ({\textbraceleft}WAE{\textbraceright}-99) : 3rd International Workshop},
PAGES = {14--14},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {1668},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Vitter, Jeffrey S.
%E Zaroliagis, Christos D.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Ten Years of LEDA Some Thoughts (Abstract) :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344702
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-34223CA71B684C91C12571D8004922B8-mehlhorn99w
%D 1999
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1999-07-19 -
%C London, UK
%X Stefan Näher and I started the work on LEDA [LED] in the spring on 1989. Many
collegues and students have contributed to the project since then. A first
publication appeared in the fall of the same year [MN89]. The LEDAbook [MN99]
will appear in the fall of 1999 and should be available at WAE99. In my talk I
will discuss how the work on LEDA has changed my research perspective.
%B Algorithm engineering ({WAE}-99) : 3rd International Workshop
%P 14 - 14
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-66427-0
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 1668
K. Mehlhorn, “The Engineering of Some Bipartite Matching Programs,” in Foundations of software technology and theoretical computer science : 19th conference, 1999.
TITLE = {The Engineering of Some Bipartite Matching Programs},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Rangan, C. Pandu and Raman, Venkatesh and Ramanujam, R.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-66836-5},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-D0198E8B1B3DAE17C12571F40033793A-mehlhorn99},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1999},
DATE = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {Foundations of software technology and theoretical computer science : 19th conference},
PAGES = {446--449},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {1738},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Rangan, C. Pandu
%E Raman, Venkatesh
%E Ramanujam, R.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T The Engineering of Some Bipartite Matching Programs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344741
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-D0198E8B1B3DAE17C12571F40033793A-mehlhorn99
%D 1999
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1999-12-13 -
%C Chennai, India
%B Foundations of software technology and theoretical computer science : 19th conference
%P 446 - 449
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-66836-5
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 1738
K. Mehlhorn, “The Engineering of Some Bipartite Matching Programs,” in Algorithms and computation : 10th International Symposium, ISAAC’99, 1999.
TITLE = {The Engineering of Some Bipartite Matching Programs},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Aggarwal, Alok and Rangan, C. Pandu},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-66916-7},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-BB73E47DB0E72648C1256A1500509573-Mehlhorn99},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1999},
DATE = {1999},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithms and computation : 10th International Symposium, ISAAC'99},
PAGES = {1--3},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Aggarwal, Alok
%E Rangan, C. Pandu
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T The Engineering of Some Bipartite Matching Programs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344455
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-BB73E47DB0E72648C1256A1500509573-Mehlhorn99
%I Springer
%D 1999
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1999-12-16 -
%C Chennai, India
%B Algorithms and computation : 10th International Symposium, ISAAC'99
%P 1 - 3
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-66916-7
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
K. Mehlhorn, J.-R. Sack, and J. Urrutia, “Editorial,” Computational Geometry, vol. 12, 1999.
TITLE = {Editorial},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sack, J{\"o}rg-R{\"u}diger and Urrutia, Jorg},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-6A17AB6F7EB1BD1FC12571D8004BA022-mehlhorn99z},
YEAR = {1999},
DATE = {1999},
JOURNAL = {Computational Geometry},
VOLUME = {12},
PAGES = {153--154},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Sack, Jörg-Rüdiger
%A Urrutia, Jorg
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Editorial :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344705
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-6A17AB6F7EB1BD1FC12571D8004BA022-mehlhorn99z
%D 1999
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Computational Geometry
%V 12
%& 153
%P 153 - 154
E. Althaus and K. Mehlhorn, “Maximum Network Flow with Floating Point Arithmetic,” Information Processing Letters, vol. 66, no. 3, 1998.
We discuss the implementation of network flow algorithms in floating point <br>arithmetic. We give an example to illustrate the difficulties that may arise <br>when floating point arithmetic is used without care. We describe an iterative <br>improvement scheme that can be put around any network flow algorithm for <br>integer capacities. The scheme carefully scales the capacities such that all <br>integers arising can be handled exactly using floating point arithmetic. Let n <br>and m be the number of nodes and edges of the network, respectively. For m 109 <br>and with double precision floating point arithmetic, the number of iterations <br>is always bounded by three, and the relative error in the flow value is at most <br>2−19. For m 106 and with double precision arithmetic, the relative error after <br>the first iteration is bounded by 10−3.
TITLE = {Maximum Network Flow with Floating Point Arithmetic},
AUTHOR = {Althaus, Ernst and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0020-0190},
DOI = {10.1016/S0020-0190(98)00043-X},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-529C02DB1FD42F47C125666000312F2A-althaus-mehlhorn98},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {1998},
DATE = {1998},
ABSTRACT = {We discuss the implementation of network flow algorithms in floating point <br>arithmetic. We give an example to illustrate the difficulties that may arise <br>when floating point arithmetic is used without care. We describe an iterative <br>improvement scheme that can be put around any network flow algorithm for <br>integer capacities. The scheme carefully scales the capacities such that all <br>integers arising can be handled exactly using floating point arithmetic. Let n <br>and m be the number of nodes and edges of the network, respectively. For m 109 <br>and with double precision floating point arithmetic, the number of iterations <br>is always bounded by three, and the relative error in the flow value is at most <br>2{\textminus}19. For m 106 and with double precision arithmetic, the relative error after <br>the first iteration is bounded by 10{\textminus}3.},
JOURNAL = {Information Processing Letters},
VOLUME = {66},
NUMBER = {3},
PAGES = {109--113},
%0 Journal Article
%A Althaus, Ernst
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Maximum Network Flow with Floating Point Arithmetic :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344425
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-529C02DB1FD42F47C125666000312F2A-althaus-mehlhorn98
%R 10.1016/S0020-0190(98)00043-X
%D 1998
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X We discuss the implementation of network flow algorithms in floating point <br>arithmetic. We give an example to illustrate the difficulties that may arise <br>when floating point arithmetic is used without care. We describe an iterative <br>improvement scheme that can be put around any network flow algorithm for <br>integer capacities. The scheme carefully scales the capacities such that all <br>integers arising can be handled exactly using floating point arithmetic. Let n <br>and m be the number of nodes and edges of the network, respectively. For m 109 <br>and with double precision floating point arithmetic, the number of iterations <br>is always bounded by three, and the relative error in the flow value is at most <br>2−19. For m 106 and with double precision arithmetic, the relative error after <br>the first iteration is bounded by 10−3.
%J Information Processing Letters
%V 66
%N 3
%& 109
%P 109 - 113
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
A. Crauser, P. Ferragina, K. Mehlhorn, U. Meyer, and E. A. Ramos, “Randomized external-memory algorithms for some geometric problems,” Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, MPI-I-1998-1-017, 1998.
We show that the well-known random incremental construction of
Clarkson and Shor can be adapted via {\it gradations}
to provide efficient external-memory algorithms for some geometric
problems. In particular, as the main result, we obtain an optimal
randomized algorithm for the problem of computing the trapezoidal
decomposition determined by a set of $N$ line segments in the plane
with $K$ pairwise intersections, that requires $\Theta(\frac{N}{B}
\log_{M/B} \frac{N}{B} +\frac{K}{B})$ expected disk accesses, where
$M$ is the size of the available internal memory and $B$ is the size
of the block transfer. The approach is sufficiently general to
obtain algorithms also for the problems of 3-d half-space
intersections, 2-d and 3-d convex hulls, 2-d abstract Voronoi
diagrams and batched planar point location, which require an optimal
expected number of disk accesses and are simpler than the ones
previously known. The results extend to an external-memory model
with multiple disks. Additionally, under reasonable conditions on
the parameters $N,M,B$, these results can be notably simplified
originating practical algorithms which still achieve optimal
expected bounds.
TITLE = {Randomized external-memory algorithms for some geometric problems},
AUTHOR = {Crauser, Andreas and Ferragina, Paolo and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Meyer, Ulrich and Ramos, Edgar A.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {MPI-I-1998-1-017},
INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1998},
DATE = {1998},
ABSTRACT = {We show that the well-known random incremental construction of Clarkson and Shor can be adapted via {\it gradations} to provide efficient external-memory algorithms for some geometric problems. In particular, as the main result, we obtain an optimal randomized algorithm for the problem of computing the trapezoidal decomposition determined by a set of $N$ line segments in the plane with $K$ pairwise intersections, that requires $\Theta(\frac{N}{B} \log_{M/B} \frac{N}{B} +\frac{K}{B})$ expected disk accesses, where $M$ is the size of the available internal memory and $B$ is the size of the block transfer. The approach is sufficiently general to obtain algorithms also for the problems of 3-d half-space intersections, 2-d and 3-d convex hulls, 2-d abstract Voronoi diagrams and batched planar point location, which require an optimal expected number of disk accesses and are simpler than the ones previously known. The results extend to an external-memory model with multiple disks. Additionally, under reasonable conditions on the parameters $N,M,B$, these results can be notably simplified originating practical algorithms which still achieve optimal expected bounds.},
TYPE = {Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik},
%0 Report
%A Crauser, Andreas
%A Ferragina, Paolo
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Meyer, Ulrich
%A Ramos, Edgar A.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Randomized external-memory algorithms for some geometric problems :
%G eng
%Y Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1998
%P 27 p.
%X We show that the well-known random incremental construction of
Clarkson and Shor can be adapted via {\it gradations}
to provide efficient external-memory algorithms for some geometric
problems. In particular, as the main result, we obtain an optimal
randomized algorithm for the problem of computing the trapezoidal
decomposition determined by a set of $N$ line segments in the plane
with $K$ pairwise intersections, that requires $\Theta(\frac{N}{B}
\log_{M/B} \frac{N}{B} +\frac{K}{B})$ expected disk accesses, where
$M$ is the size of the available internal memory and $B$ is the size
of the block transfer. The approach is sufficiently general to
obtain algorithms also for the problems of 3-d half-space
intersections, 2-d and 3-d convex hulls, 2-d abstract Voronoi
diagrams and batched planar point location, which require an optimal
expected number of disk accesses and are simpler than the ones
previously known. The results extend to an external-memory model
with multiple disks. Additionally, under reasonable conditions on
the parameters $N,M,B$, these results can be notably simplified
originating practical algorithms which still achieve optimal
expected bounds.
%B Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
A. Crauser, P. Ferragina, K. Mehlhorn, U. Meyer, and E. A. Ramos, “Randomized External-Memory Algorithms for some Geometric Problems,” in Proceedings of the 14th International Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SCG 1998), Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1998.
TITLE = {Randomized External-Memory Algorithms for some Geometric Problems},
AUTHOR = {Crauser, Andreas and Ferragina, Paolo and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Meyer, Ulrich and Ramos, Edgar A.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {0-89791-973-4},
DOI = {10.1145/276884.276914},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-38864CC856390C3DC125670D00368FF0-CFMMR98},
YEAR = {1998},
DATE = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 14th International Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SCG 1998)},
PAGES = {259--268},
ADDRESS = {Minneapolis, Minnesota},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Crauser, Andreas
%A Ferragina, Paolo
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Meyer, Ulrich
%A Ramos, Edgar A.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Randomized External-Memory Algorithms for some Geometric Problems :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344428
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-38864CC856390C3DC125670D00368FF0-CFMMR98
%R 10.1145/276884.276914
%D 1998
%B Fourteenth Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry
%Z date of event: 1998-06-07 - 1998-06-10
%C Minneapolis, Minnesota
%B Proceedings of the 14th International Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry
%P 259 - 268
%@ 0-89791-973-4
A. Crauser, K. Mehlhorn, U. Meyer, and P. Sanders, “A Parallelization of Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm,” in Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1998 (MFCS 1998), Brno, Czech Republic, 1998.
The single source shortest path (SSSP) problem
lacks parallel solutions which are fast and simultaneously
We propose simple criteria which divide
Dijkstra's sequential SSSP algorithm into a number of phases,
such that the operations within a phase can be done
in parallel. We give a PRAM algorithm based on these criteria
and analyze its performance on random digraphs
with random edge weights uniformly distributed in $[0,1]$.
We use the ${\cal G}(n,d/n)$ model: the graph consists of
$n$~nodes and each edge is chosen with probability $d/n$.
Our PRAM algorithm needs ${\cal O}(n^{1/3} \log n)$
time and ${\cal O}(n \log n+dn)$ work with high probability (whp).
We also give extensions to external memory computation.
Simulations show the applicability of our approach
even on non-random graphs.
TITLE = {A Parallelization of {D}ijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm},
AUTHOR = {Crauser, Andreas and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Meyer, Ulrich and Sanders, Peter},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-64827-5},
DOI = {10.1007/BFb0055823},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1998},
DATE = {1998},
ABSTRACT = {The single source shortest path (SSSP) problem lacks parallel solutions which are fast and simultaneously work-efficient. We propose simple criteria which divide Dijkstra's sequential SSSP algorithm into a number of phases, such that the operations within a phase can be done in parallel. We give a PRAM algorithm based on these criteria and analyze its performance on random digraphs with random edge weights uniformly distributed in $[0,1]$. We use the ${\cal G}(n,d/n)$ model: the graph consists of $n$~nodes and each edge is chosen with probability $d/n$. Our PRAM algorithm needs ${\cal O}(n^{1/3} \log n)$ time and ${\cal O}(n \log n+dn)$ work with high probability (whp). We also give extensions to external memory computation. Simulations show the applicability of our approach even on non-random graphs.},
BOOKTITLE = {Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1998 (MFCS 1998)},
EDITOR = {Brim, Lubo{\v s} and Gruska, Jozef and Zlatu{\v s}ka, Ji{\v r}{\'i}},
PAGES = {722--731},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {1450},
ADDRESS = {Brno, Czech Republic},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Crauser, Andreas
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Meyer, Ulrich
%A Sanders, Peter
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Parallelization of Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344426
%R 10.1007/BFb0055823
%D 1998
%B 23rd International Symposium on the Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
%Z date of event: 1998-08-24 - 1998-08-28
%C Brno, Czech Republic
%X The single source shortest path (SSSP) problem
lacks parallel solutions which are fast and simultaneously
We propose simple criteria which divide
Dijkstra's sequential SSSP algorithm into a number of phases,
such that the operations within a phase can be done
in parallel. We give a PRAM algorithm based on these criteria
and analyze its performance on random digraphs
with random edge weights uniformly distributed in $[0,1]$.
We use the ${\cal G}(n,d/n)$ model: the graph consists of
$n$~nodes and each edge is chosen with probability $d/n$.
Our PRAM algorithm needs ${\cal O}(n^{1/3} \log n)$
time and ${\cal O}(n \log n+dn)$ work with high probability (whp).
We also give extensions to external memory computation.
Simulations show the applicability of our approach
even on non-random graphs.
%B Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1998
%E Brim, Luboš; Gruska, Jozef; Zlatuška, Jiří
%P 722 - 731
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-64827-5
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 1450
A. Crauser, K. Mehlhorn, E. Althaus, K. Brengel, T. Buchheit, J. Keller, H. Krone, O. Lambert, R. Schulte, S. Thiel, M. Westphal, and R. Wirth, “On the performance of LEDA-SM,” Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, MPI-I-1998-1-028, 1998.
We report on the performance of a library
prototype for external memory algorithms and data structures called
LEDA-SM, where SM is an acronym for secondary memory. Our library
is based on LEDA and intended to complement it for large data. We
present performance results of our external memory library prototype
and compare these results with corresponding results of LEDAs
in-core algorithms in virtual memory. The results show that even if
only a small main memory is used for the external memory algorithms,
they always outperform their in-core counterpart. Furthermore we
compare different implementations of external memory data structures
and algorithms.
TITLE = {On the performance of {LEDA}-{SM}},
AUTHOR = {Crauser, Andreas and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Althaus, Ernst and Brengel, Klaus and Buchheit, Thomas and Keller, J{\"o}rg and Krone, Henning and Lambert, Oliver and Schulte, Ralph and Thiel, Sven and Westphal, Mark and Wirth, Robert},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {MPI-I-1998-1-028},
INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1998},
DATE = {1998},
ABSTRACT = {We report on the performance of a library prototype for external memory algorithms and data structures called LEDA-SM, where SM is an acronym for secondary memory. Our library is based on LEDA and intended to complement it for large data. We present performance results of our external memory library prototype and compare these results with corresponding results of LEDAs in-core algorithms in virtual memory. The results show that even if only a small main memory is used for the external memory algorithms, they always outperform their in-core counterpart. Furthermore we compare different implementations of external memory data structures and algorithms.},
TYPE = {Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik},
%0 Report
%A Crauser, Andreas
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Althaus, Ernst
%A Brengel, Klaus
%A Buchheit, Thomas
%A Keller, Jörg
%A Krone, Henning
%A Lambert, Oliver
%A Schulte, Ralph
%A Thiel, Sven
%A Westphal, Mark
%A Wirth, Robert
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T On the performance of LEDA-SM :
%G eng
%Y Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1998
%P 26 p.
%X We report on the performance of a library
prototype for external memory algorithms and data structures called
LEDA-SM, where SM is an acronym for secondary memory. Our library
is based on LEDA and intended to complement it for large data. We
present performance results of our external memory library prototype
and compare these results with corresponding results of LEDAs
in-core algorithms in virtual memory. The results show that even if
only a small main memory is used for the external memory algorithms,
they always outperform their in-core counterpart. Furthermore we
compare different implementations of external memory data structures
and algorithms.
%B Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
T. Hagerup, P. Sanders, and J. L. Träff, “An Implementation of the Binary Blocking Flow Algorithm,” in 2nd Workshop on Algorithm Engineering (WAE 1998), Saarbrücken, Germany, 1998.
TITLE = {An Implementation of the Binary Blocking Flow Algorithm},
AUTHOR = {Hagerup, Torben and Sanders, Peter and Tr{\"a}ff, Jesper Larsson},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
PUBLISHER = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
YEAR = {1998},
DATE = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {2nd Workshop on Algorithm Engineering (WAE 1998)},
EDITOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
PAGES = {143--154},
SERIES = {Research Report},
VOLUME = {MPI-I-98-1-019},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken, Germany},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Hagerup, Torben
%A Sanders, Peter
%A Träff, Jesper Larsson
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T An Implementation of the Binary Blocking Flow Algorithm :
%G eng
%D 1998
%B 2nd Workshop on Algorithm Engineering
%Z date of event: 1998-08-20 - 1998-08-22
%C Saarbrücken, Germany
%B 2nd Workshop on Algorithm Engineering
%E Mehlhorn, Kurt
%P 143 - 154
%I Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
%B Research Report
%N MPI-I-98-1-019
K. Mehlhorn, “Amortisierte Analyse,” in Prinzipien des Algorithmenentwurfs, T. Ottmann, Ed. Heidelberg, Germany: Spektrum, 1998.
TITLE = {{Amortisierte Analyse}},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Ottmann, Thomas},
LANGUAGE = {deu},
ISBN = {3-8274-0238-7},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-85FEE0D8D4D169E8C12571E800535BEB-mehlhorn98},
PUBLISHER = {Spektrum},
ADDRESS = {Heidelberg, Germany},
YEAR = {1998},
DATE = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Prinzipien des Algorithmenentwurfs},
DEBUG = {editor: Ottmann, Thomas},
PAGES = {91--102},
SERIES = {Spektrum-Lehrbuch},
VOLUME = {244},
%0 Book Section
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Ottmann, Thomas
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Amortisierte Analyse :
%G deu
%F EDOC: 344708
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-85FEE0D8D4D169E8C12571E800535BEB-mehlhorn98
%I Spektrum
%C Heidelberg, Germany
%D 1998
%B Prinzipien des Algorithmenentwurfs
%E Ottmann, Thomas
%P 91 - 102
%I Spektrum
%C Heidelberg, Germany
%@ 3-8274-0238-7
%S Spektrum-Lehrbuch
%N 244
K. Mehlhorn, Ed., Fundamentals - Foundations of Computer Science. Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft (OCG) / Austrian Computer Society, 1998.
TITLE = {Fundamentals -- Foundations of Computer Science},
EDITOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-85403-117-3},
PUBLISHER = {{\"O}sterreichische Computer Gesellschaft (OCG) / Austrian Computer Society},
YEAR = {1998},
DATE = {1998},
PAGES = {110},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%E Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Fundamentals - Foundations of Computer Science : Proceedings of the XV. IFIP World Computer Congress
%G eng
%@ 3-85403-117-3
%I Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft (OCG) / Austrian Computer Society
%D 1998
%P 110
K. Mehlhorn, Ed., “2nd Workshop on Algorithm Engineering WAE ’98 -- Proceedings,” Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, MPI-I-1998-1-019, 1998.
TITLE = {2nd Workshop on Algorithm Engineering {WAE} '98 -- Proceedings},
EDITOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {MPI-I-1998-1-019},
INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1998},
DATE = {1998},
TYPE = {Research Report},
%0 Report
%E Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T 2nd Workshop on Algorithm Engineering WAE '98 -- Proceedings :
%O WAE 1998
%G eng
%Y Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1998
%P 213 p.
%B Research Report
K. Mehlhorn and S. Näher, “From Algorithms to Working Programs on the Use of Program Checking in LEDA,” in IFIP World Computer Congress on Fundamentals - Foundations of Computer Science, Vienna, Austria and Budapest, Hungary, 1998.
TITLE = {From Algorithms to Working Programs on the Use of Program Checking in {LEDA}},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-85403-117-3},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-D38E26D276B026AB412567000049A3E2-mehlhorn98z},
PUBLISHER = {{\"O}sterreichische Computer Gesellschaft (OCG) / Austrian Computer Society},
YEAR = {1998},
DATE = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {IFIP World Computer Congress on Fundamentals -- Foundations of Computer Science},
EDITOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
PAGES = {81--88},
SERIES = {Schriftenreihe der {\"O}sterreichischen Computer Gesellschaft},
ADDRESS = {Vienna, Austria and Budapest, Hungary},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T From Algorithms to Working Programs on the Use of Program Checking in LEDA :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344427
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-D38E26D276B026AB412567000049A3E2-mehlhorn98z
%D 1998
%B XV. IFIP World Computer Congress on Fundamentals
%Z date of event: 1998-08-31 -
%C Vienna, Austria and Budapest, Hungary
%B IFIP World Computer Congress on Fundamentals - Foundations of Computer Science
%E Mehlhorn, Kurt
%P 81 - 88
%I Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft (OCG) / Austrian Computer Society
%@ 3-85403-117-3
%B Schriftenreihe der Österreichischen Computer Gesellschaft
K. Mehlhorn, M. Müller, S. Näher, S. Schirra, M. Seel, C. Uhrig, and J. Ziegler, “A computational basis for higher-dimensional computational geometry and applications,” Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, vol. 10, no. 4, 1998.
TITLE = {A computational basis for higher-dimensional computational geometry and applications},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and M{\"u}ller, Michael and N{\"a}her, Stefan and Schirra, Stefan and Seel, Michael and Uhrig, Christian and Ziegler, Joachim},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0925-7721},
DOI = {10.1016/S0925-7721(98)00011-X},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-F3A53D566DCAEF25C125663A003A0B2C-MMNSSUZ98},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {1998},
DATE = {1998},
JOURNAL = {Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications},
VOLUME = {10},
NUMBER = {4},
PAGES = {289--304},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Müller, Michael
%A Näher, Stefan
%A Schirra, Stefan
%A Seel, Michael
%A Uhrig, Christian
%A Ziegler, Joachim
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A computational basis for higher-dimensional computational geometry and applications :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344424
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-F3A53D566DCAEF25C125663A003A0B2C-MMNSSUZ98
%R 10.1016/S0925-7721(98)00011-X
%D 1998
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications
%V 10
%N 4
%& 289
%P 289 - 304
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn and S. Näher, “From Algorithms to Working Programs: On the Use of Program Checking in LEDA,” in Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1998 (MFCS 1998), Brno, Czech Republic, 1998.
TITLE = {From Algorithms to Working Programs: On the Use of Program Checking in {LEDA}},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-64827-5},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-9786581BFEADC37CC12567440049D8FD-MehlhornNäher98},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1998},
DATE = {1998},
BOOKTITLE = {Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1998 (MFCS 1998)},
EDITOR = {Brim, Lubo{\v s} and Gruska, Jozef and Zlatu{\v s}ka, Ji{\v r}{\'i}},
PAGES = {84--93},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {1450},
ADDRESS = {Brno, Czech Republic},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T From Algorithms to Working Programs: On the Use of Program Checking in LEDA :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344429
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-9786581BFEADC37CC12567440049D8FD-MehlhornNäher98
%D 1998
%B 23rd International Symposium on the Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
%Z date of event: 1998-08-24 - 1998-08-28
%C Brno, Czech Republic
%B Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1998
%E Brim, Luboš; Gruska, Jozef; Zlatuška, Jiří
%P 84 - 93
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-64827-5
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 1450
E. Althaus and K. Mehlhorn, “Maximum network flow with floating point arithmetic,” Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, MPI-I-1997-1-022, 1997.
We discuss the implementation of network flow algorithms in floating point
arithmetic. We give an example to illustrate the difficulties that may arise
when floating point arithmetic is used without care. We describe an iterative
improvement scheme that can be put around any network flow algorithm for
integer capacities. The scheme carefully scales the capacities such that all
integers arising can be handled exactly using floating point arithmetic.
For $m \le 10^9$ and double precision floating
point arithmetic the number of iterations is always bounded by three and the
relative error in the flow value is at most $2^{-19}$. For $m \le 10^6$ and
double precision arithmetic the relative error after the first iteration is
bounded by $10^{-3}$.
TITLE = {Maximum network flow with floating point arithmetic},
AUTHOR = {Althaus, Ernst and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {MPI-I-1997-1-022},
INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1997},
DATE = {1997},
ABSTRACT = {We discuss the implementation of network flow algorithms in floating point arithmetic. We give an example to illustrate the difficulties that may arise when floating point arithmetic is used without care. We describe an iterative improvement scheme that can be put around any network flow algorithm for integer capacities. The scheme carefully scales the capacities such that all integers arising can be handled exactly using floating point arithmetic. For $m \le 10^9$ and double precision floating point arithmetic the number of iterations is always bounded by three and the relative error in the flow value is at most $2^{-19}$. For $m \le 10^6$ and double precision arithmetic the relative error after the first iteration is bounded by $10^{-3}$.},
TYPE = {Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik},
%0 Report
%A Althaus, Ernst
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Maximum network flow with floating point arithmetic :
%G eng
%Y Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1997
%P 5 p.
%X We discuss the implementation of network flow algorithms in floating point
arithmetic. We give an example to illustrate the difficulties that may arise
when floating point arithmetic is used without care. We describe an iterative
improvement scheme that can be put around any network flow algorithm for
integer capacities. The scheme carefully scales the capacities such that all
integers arising can be handled exactly using floating point arithmetic.
For $m \le 10^9$ and double precision floating
point arithmetic the number of iterations is always bounded by three and the
relative error in the flow value is at most $2^{-19}$. For $m \le 10^6$ and
double precision arithmetic the relative error after the first iteration is
bounded by $10^{-3}$.
%B Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
C. Cooper, A. M. Frieze, K. Mehlhorn, and V. Priebe, “Average-Case Complexity of Shortest-Paths Problems in the Vertex-Potential Model,” in Randomization and Approximation Techniques in Computer Science, Bologna, Italy, 1997.
We study the average-case complexity of shortest-paths problems in the<br>vertex-potential model. The vertex-potential model is a family of probability <br>distributions on<br>complete directed graphs with \emph{arbitrary} real edge lengths but<br>without negative cycles. We show that on a graph with $n$ vertices and<br>with respect to this model, the single-source shortest-paths problem can be <br>solved in $O(n^2)$<br>expected time, and the all-pairs shortest-paths problem can be solved in $O(n^2 <br>\log n)$<br>expected time.
TITLE = {Average-Case Complexity of Shortest-Paths Problems in the Vertex-Potential Model},
AUTHOR = {Cooper, Colin and Frieze, Alan M. and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Priebe, Volker},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-63248-4},
DOI = {10.1007/3-540-63248-4_2},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-90A9260FCD2CE41AC12564D4004181EA-CooperFriezeMehlhornPriebe97},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1997},
DATE = {1997},
ABSTRACT = {We study the average-case complexity of shortest-paths problems in the<br>vertex-potential model. The vertex-potential model is a family of probability <br>distributions on<br>complete directed graphs with \emph{arbitrary} real edge lengths but<br>without negative cycles. We show that on a graph with $n$ vertices and<br>with respect to this model, the single-source shortest-paths problem can be <br>solved in $O(n^2)$<br>expected time, and the all-pairs shortest-paths problem can be solved in $O(n^2 <br>\log n)$<br>expected time.},
BOOKTITLE = {Randomization and Approximation Techniques in Computer Science},
EDITOR = {Rolim, Jos{\'e}},
PAGES = {15--26},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {1269},
ADDRESS = {Bologna, Italy},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Cooper, Colin
%A Frieze, Alan M.
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Priebe, Volker
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Average-Case Complexity of Shortest-Paths Problems in the Vertex-Potential Model :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344415
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-90A9260FCD2CE41AC12564D4004181EA-CooperFriezeMehlhornPriebe97
%R 10.1007/3-540-63248-4_2
%D 1997
%B International Workshop on Randomization and Approximation Techniques in Computer Science
%Z date of event: 1997-07-11 - 1997-07-12
%C Bologna, Italy
%X We study the average-case complexity of shortest-paths problems in the<br>vertex-potential model. The vertex-potential model is a family of probability <br>distributions on<br>complete directed graphs with \emph{arbitrary} real edge lengths but<br>without negative cycles. We show that on a graph with $n$ vertices and<br>with respect to this model, the single-source shortest-paths problem can be <br>solved in $O(n^2)$<br>expected time, and the all-pairs shortest-paths problem can be solved in $O(n^2 <br>\log n)$<br>expected time.
%B Randomization and Approximation Techniques in Computer Science
%E Rolim, José
%P 15 - 26
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-63248-4
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 1269
A. Crauser, K. Mehlhorn, and U. Meyer, “Kürzeste-Wege-Berechnung bei sehr großen Datenmengen,” in Promotion tut not: Innovationsmotor “Graduiertenkolleg,” Aachen, Germany, 1997.
In diesem Report untersuchen wir die Ein/Ausgabe-Komplexität (I/O Komplexität) <br>des Kürzesten-Wege-Problems mit einem Startknoten (single source shortest path) <br>auf Graphen mit nicht-negativen Kantengewichten. Wir präsentieren einen <br>Algorithmus, der für eine große Klasse zufälliger Graphen eine I/O Komplexität <br>von ${\cal O}(\frac{n}{D}+\frac{m}{DB}\log_{S/B}\frac{m}{B})$ erreicht. Dabei <br>bezeichnen $n,m$ die Anzahl der Knoten bzw. Kanten im Graphen, $S$ ist die <br>Größe des verfügbaren Internspeichers, $B$ bezeichnet die Größe eines <br>Blocktransfers und $D$ ist die Anzahl der unabhängigen<br>parallelen Harddisks; $D$ ist beschränkt auf ${\cal O}(\sqrt{n/d})$.<br>Weiterhin präsentieren wir ein effizientes Phasen-Verfahren für <br>Probleminstanzen, die so groß sind, daß selbst ein boolsches Feld für die <br>Knotenmenge nicht mehr im Hauptspeicher gehalten werden kann.
TITLE = {{K{\"u}rzeste-Wege-Berechnung bei sehr gro{\ss}en Datenmengen}},
AUTHOR = {Crauser, Andreas and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Meyer, Ulrich},
LANGUAGE = {deu},
ISBN = {3-86073-477-6},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-05CFFA38279F854AC125651C005CF6E0-CraMehMey97},
PUBLISHER = {Verlag G{\"u}nter Mainz},
YEAR = {1997},
DATE = {1997},
ABSTRACT = {In diesem Report untersuchen wir die Ein/Ausgabe-Komplexit{\"a}t (I/O Komplexit{\"a}t) <br>des K{\"u}rzesten-Wege-Problems mit einem Startknoten (single source shortest path) <br>auf Graphen mit nicht-negativen Kantengewichten. Wir pr{\"a}sentieren einen <br>Algorithmus, der f{\"u}r eine gro{\ss}e Klasse zuf{\"a}lliger Graphen eine I/O Komplexit{\"a}t <br>von ${\cal O}(\frac{n}{D}+\frac{m}{DB}\log_{S/B}\frac{m}{B})$ erreicht. Dabei <br>bezeichnen $n,m$ die Anzahl der Knoten bzw. Kanten im Graphen, $S$ ist die <br>Gr{\"o}{\ss}e des verf{\"u}gbaren Internspeichers, $B$ bezeichnet die Gr{\"o}{\ss}e eines <br>Blocktransfers und $D$ ist die Anzahl der unabh{\"a}ngigen<br>parallelen Harddisks; $D$ ist beschr{\"a}nkt auf ${\cal O}(\sqrt{n/d})$.<br>Weiterhin pr{\"a}sentieren wir ein effizientes Phasen-Verfahren f{\"u}r <br>Probleminstanzen, die so gro{\ss} sind, da{\ss} selbst ein boolsches Feld f{\"u}r die <br>Knotenmenge nicht mehr im Hauptspeicher gehalten werden kann.},
BOOKTITLE = {Promotion tut not: Innovationsmotor "Graduiertenkolleg"},
EDITOR = {Spaniol, Otto},
PAGES = {113--132},
SERIES = {Aachener Beitr{\"a}ge zur Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Aachen, Germany},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Crauser, Andreas
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Meyer, Ulrich
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Kürzeste-Wege-Berechnung bei sehr großen Datenmengen :
%G deu
%F EDOC: 344403
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-05CFFA38279F854AC125651C005CF6E0-CraMehMey97
%D 1997
%B Inovationsmotor "Graduiertenkolleg": Workshop im Rahmen der GI-Jahrestagung 1997
%Z date of event: -
%C Aachen, Germany
%X In diesem Report untersuchen wir die Ein/Ausgabe-Komplexität (I/O Komplexität) <br>des Kürzesten-Wege-Problems mit einem Startknoten (single source shortest path) <br>auf Graphen mit nicht-negativen Kantengewichten. Wir präsentieren einen <br>Algorithmus, der für eine große Klasse zufälliger Graphen eine I/O Komplexität <br>von ${\cal O}(\frac{n}{D}+\frac{m}{DB}\log_{S/B}\frac{m}{B})$ erreicht. Dabei <br>bezeichnen $n,m$ die Anzahl der Knoten bzw. Kanten im Graphen, $S$ ist die <br>Größe des verfügbaren Internspeichers, $B$ bezeichnet die Größe eines <br>Blocktransfers und $D$ ist die Anzahl der unabhängigen<br>parallelen Harddisks; $D$ ist beschränkt auf ${\cal O}(\sqrt{n/d})$.<br>Weiterhin präsentieren wir ein effizientes Phasen-Verfahren für <br>Probleminstanzen, die so groß sind, daß selbst ein boolsches Feld für die <br>Knotenmenge nicht mehr im Hauptspeicher gehalten werden kann.
%B Promotion tut not: Innovationsmotor "Graduiertenkolleg"
%E Spaniol, Otto
%P 113 - 132
%I Verlag Günter Mainz
%@ 3-86073-477-6
%B Aachener Beiträge zur Informatik
U. Finkler and K. Mehlhorn, “Runtime Prediction of Real Programs on Real Machines,” in Proceedings of the Eighth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 1997), New Orleans, LA, USA, 1997.
TITLE = {Runtime Prediction of Real Programs on Real Machines},
AUTHOR = {Finkler, Ulrich and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {0-89871-390-0},
DOI = {10.5555/314161.314326},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-B696E29D835AE008C125647B0030FC9E-Finkler-Mehlhorn97},
YEAR = {1997},
DATE = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Eighth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 1997)},
PAGES = {380--389},
ADDRESS = {New Orleans, LA, USA},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Finkler, Ulrich
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Runtime Prediction of Real Programs on Real Machines :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344420
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-B696E29D835AE008C125647B0030FC9E-Finkler-Mehlhorn97
%R 10.5555/314161.314326
%D 1997
%B Eighth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
%Z date of event: 1997-01-05 - 1997-01-07
%C New Orleans, LA, USA
%B Proceedings of the Eighth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
%P 380 - 389
%@ 0-89871-390-0
K. Mehlhorn, C. Burnikel, R. Fleischer, and S. Schirra, “A Strong and Easily Computable Separation Bound for Arithmetic Expressions Involving Square Roots,” in Proceedings of the 8th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 1997), New Orleans, LA, USA, 1997.
TITLE = {A Strong and Easily Computable Separation Bound for Arithmetic Expressions Involving Square Roots},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Burnikel, Christoph and Fleischer, Rudolf and Schirra, Stefan},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-0-89871-390-9},
DOI = {10.5555/314161.314421},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-806612651572071EC12564840055AE96-Burnikel-et-al97},
YEAR = {1997},
DATE = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 8th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 1997)},
PAGES = {702--709},
ADDRESS = {New Orleans, LA, USA},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Burnikel, Christoph
%A Fleischer, Rudolf
%A Schirra, Stefan
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Strong and Easily Computable Separation Bound for Arithmetic Expressions Involving Square Roots :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344414
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-806612651572071EC12564840055AE96-Burnikel-et-al97
%R 10.5555/314161.314421
%D 1997
%B 8th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
%Z date of event: 1997-01-05 - 1997-01-07
%C New Orleans, LA, USA
%B Proceedings of the 8th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
%P 702 - 709
%@ 978-0-89871-390-9
K. Mehlhorn, R. Sundar, and C. Uhrig, “Maintaining Dynamic Sequences under Equality Tests in Polylogarithmic Time,” Algorithmica, vol. 17, 1997.
TITLE = {Maintaining Dynamic Sequences under Equality Tests in Polylogarithmic Time},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sundar, R. and Uhrig, Christian},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0178-4617},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-34EAB2E246CE5C41C125642F0034967E-Mehlhorn-Uhrig97},
YEAR = {1997},
DATE = {1997},
JOURNAL = {Algorithmica},
VOLUME = {17},
PAGES = {183--198},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Sundar, R.
%A Uhrig, Christian
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Maintaining Dynamic Sequences under Equality Tests in Polylogarithmic Time :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344411
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-34EAB2E246CE5C41C125642F0034967E-Mehlhorn-Uhrig97
%D 1997
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Algorithmica
%V 17
%& 183
%P 183 - 198
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, M. Müller, S. Näher, S. Schirra, M. Seel, C. Uhrig, and J. Ziegler, “A Computational Basis for Higher-dimensional Computational Geometry and Applications,” in Proceedings of the 13th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry (SCG 1997), Nice, France, 1997.
TITLE = {A Computational Basis for Higher-dimensional Computational Geometry and Applications},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and M{\"u}ller, Michael and N{\"a}her, Stefan and Schirra, Stefan and Seel, Michael and Uhrig, Christian and Ziegler, Joachim},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-0-89791-878-7},
DOI = {10.1145/262839.262982},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-949F36C59F8159DAC12565BC0046C0FF-mmnssuz-cbhcg-97},
YEAR = {1997},
DATE = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 13th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry (SCG 1997)},
PAGES = {254--263},
ADDRESS = {Nice, France},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Müller, Michael
%A Näher, Stefan
%A Schirra, Stefan
%A Seel, Michael
%A Uhrig, Christian
%A Ziegler, Joachim
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Computational Basis for Higher-dimensional Computational Geometry and Applications :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344416
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-949F36C59F8159DAC12565BC0046C0FF-mmnssuz-cbhcg-97
%R 10.1145/262839.262982
%D 1997
%B 13th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry
%Z date of event: 1997-06-04 - 1997-06-06
%C Nice, France
%B Proceedings of the 13th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry
%P 254 - 263
%@ 978-0-89791-878-7
K. Mehlhorn and V. Priebe, “On the All-Pairs Shortest-Path Algorithm of Moffat and Takaoka,” Random Structures and Algorithms, vol. 10, no. 1–2, 1997.
TITLE = {On the All-Pairs Shortest-Path Algorithm of {Moffat} and {Takaoka}},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Priebe, Volker},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {1042-9832},
DOI = {10.1002/(SICI)1098-2418(199701/03)10:1/2<205::AID-RSA11>3.0.CO;2-7},
PUBLISHER = {Wiley},
ADDRESS = {New York, N.Y.},
YEAR = {1997},
DATE = {1997},
JOURNAL = {Random Structures and Algorithms},
VOLUME = {10},
NUMBER = {1-2},
PAGES = {205--220},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Priebe, Volker
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T On the All-Pairs Shortest-Path Algorithm of Moffat and Takaoka :
%G eng
%R 10.1002/(SICI)1098-2418(199701/03)10:1/2<205::AID-RSA11>3.0.CO;2-7
%D 1997
%J Random Structures and Algorithms
%V 10
%N 1-2
%& 205
%P 205 - 220
%I Wiley
%C New York, N.Y.
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, S. Näher, and C. Uhrig, “The LEDA Platform for Combinatorial and Geometric Computing,” in Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP 1997), Bologna, Italy, 1997.
TITLE = {The {LEDA} platform for combinatorial and geometric computing},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan and Uhrig, Christian},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-63165-8},
DOI = {10.1007/3-540-63165-8_161},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1997},
DATE = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP 1997)},
EDITOR = {Degano, Pierpaolo and Gorrieri, Roberto and Mrchetti-Spaccamela, Alberto},
PAGES = {7--16},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {1256},
ADDRESS = {Bologna, Italy},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%A Uhrig, Christian
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
%T The LEDA Platform for Combinatorial and Geometric Computing :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344423
%R 10.1007/3-540-63165-8_161
%D 1997
%B 24th International Colloquium on Algorithms, Languages and Programming
%Z date of event: 1997-07-07 - 1997-07-11
%C Bologna, Italy
%B Automata, Languages and Programming
%E Degano, Pierpaolo; Gorrieri, Roberto; Mrchetti-Spaccamela, Alberto
%P 7 - 16
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-63165-8
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 1256
K. Mehlhorn, T. C. Shermer, and C. Yap, “A Complete Roundness Classification Procedure,” in Proceedings of the 13th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry (SCG 1997), Nice, France, 1997.
TITLE = {A Complete Roundness Classification Procedure},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Shermer, Thomas C. and Yap, Chee},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-0-89791-878-7},
DOI = {10.1145/262839.262917},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-B5A2A3FE2A67256CC12564C2002F847E-Mehlhorn-et-al97},
YEAR = {1997},
DATE = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 13th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry (SCG 1997)},
PAGES = {129--138},
ADDRESS = {Nice, France},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Shermer, Thomas C.
%A Yap, Chee
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Complete Roundness Classification Procedure :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344419
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-B5A2A3FE2A67256CC12564C2002F847E-Mehlhorn-et-al97
%R 10.1145/262839.262917
%D 1997
%B 13th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry
%Z date of event: 1997-06-04 - 1997-06-06
%C Nice, France
%B Proceedings of the 13th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry
%P 129 - 138
%@ 978-0-89791-878-7
K. Reinert, H.-P. Lenhof, K. Mehlhorn, P. Mutzel, and J. Kececioglu, “A Branch-And-Cut Algorithm for Multiple Sequence Alignment,” in RECOMB’97, First Annual International Conference on Computational Molecular Biology, Santa Fe, NM, USA, 1997.
TITLE = {A Branch-And-Cut Algorithm for Multiple Sequence Alignment},
AUTHOR = {Reinert, Knut and Lenhof, Hans-Peter and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Mutzel, Petra and Kececioglu, John},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {0-89791-882-7},
DOI = {10.1145/267521.267845},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-1AB6EADD964D50D7C1256461004A82CD-Lenhof-et-al-1-97},
YEAR = {1997},
DATE = {1997},
BOOKTITLE = {RECOMB'97, First Annual International Conference on Computational Molecular Biology},
PAGES = {241--250},
ADDRESS = {Santa Fe, NM, USA},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Reinert, Knut
%A Lenhof, Hans-Peter
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Mutzel, Petra
%A Kececioglu, John
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T A Branch-And-Cut Algorithm for Multiple Sequence Alignment :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344408
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-1AB6EADD964D50D7C1256461004A82CD-Lenhof-et-al-1-97
%R 10.1145/267521.267845
%D 1997
%B First Annual International Conference on Computational Molecular Biology
%Z date of event: 1997-01-20 - 1997-01-23
%C Santa Fe, NM, USA
%P 241 - 250
%@ 0-89791-882-7
H. Alt, L. Guibas, K. Mehlhorn, R. M. Karp, and A. Wigderson, “A Method for Obtaining Randomized Algorithms with Small Tail Probabilities,” Algorithmica, vol. 16, 1996.
We study strategies for converting randomized algorithms of the Las Vegas type
into randomized algorithms with small tail probabilities.
TITLE = {A Method for Obtaining Randomized Algorithms with Small Tail Probabilities},
AUTHOR = {Alt, Helmut and Guibas, L. and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Karp, Richard M. and Wigderson, A.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0178-4617},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-09A84E84CF6C02CCC1256466004E8640-AltGuibasMehlhornKarp96},
YEAR = {1996},
DATE = {1996},
ABSTRACT = {We study strategies for converting randomized algorithms of the Las Vegas type into randomized algorithms with small tail probabilities.},
JOURNAL = {Algorithmica},
VOLUME = {16},
PAGES = {543--547},
%0 Journal Article
%A Alt, Helmut
%A Guibas, L.
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Karp, Richard M.
%A Wigderson, A.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Method for Obtaining Randomized Algorithms with Small Tail Probabilities :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344404
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-09A84E84CF6C02CCC1256466004E8640-AltGuibasMehlhornKarp96
%D 1996
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X We study strategies for converting randomized algorithms of the Las Vegas type
into randomized algorithms with small tail probabilities.
%J Algorithmica
%V 16
%& 543
%P 543 - 547
%@ false
C. Burnikel, K. Mehlhorn, and S. Schirra, “The LEDA class real number,” Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, MPI-I-1996-1-001, 1996.
We describe the implementation of the LEDA data type {\bf real}. Every integer is a real and reals are closed under the operations addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and squareroot.
The main features of the data type real are
\item The user--interface is similar to that of the built--in data type double.
\item All comparison operators $\{>, \geq, <, \leq, =\}$ are {\em exact}.
In order to determine the sign of a real number $x$ the data type first computes a rational number $q$ such that $|x| \leq q$ implies $x = 0$ and then computes an approximation of $x$ of sufficient precision to decide the sign of $x$.
The user may assist the data type by providing a separation bound $q$.
\item The data type also allows to evaluate real expressions with arbitrary precision. One may either set the mantissae length of the underlying floating point system and then evaluate the expression with that mantissa length or one may specify an error bound $q$. The data type then computes an approximation with absolute error at most $q$.
The implementation of the data type real is based on the LEDA data types {\bf integer} and {\bf bigfloat} which are the types of arbitrary precision integers and floating point numbers, respectively.The implementation takes various shortcuts for increased efficiency, e.g., a {\bf double} approximation of any real number together with an error bound is maintained and tests are first performed on these approximations.
A high precision computation is only started when the test on the {\bf double} approximation is inconclusive.
TITLE = {The {LEDA} class real number},
AUTHOR = {Burnikel, Christoph and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Schirra, Stefan},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
NUMBER = {MPI-I-1996-1-001},
INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1996},
DATE = {1996},
ABSTRACT = {We describe the implementation of the LEDA data type {\bf real}. Every integer is a real and reals are closed under the operations addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and squareroot. The main features of the data type real are \begin{itemize} \item The user--interface is similar to that of the built--in data type double. \item All comparison operators $\{>, \geq, <, \leq, =\}$ are {\em exact}. In order to determine the sign of a real number $x$ the data type first computes a rational number $q$ such that $|x| \leq q$ implies $x = 0$ and then computes an approximation of $x$ of sufficient precision to decide the sign of $x$. The user may assist the data type by providing a separation bound $q$. \item The data type also allows to evaluate real expressions with arbitrary precision. One may either set the mantissae length of the underlying floating point system and then evaluate the expression with that mantissa length or one may specify an error bound $q$. The data type then computes an approximation with absolute error at most $q$. \end{itemize} The implementation of the data type real is based on the LEDA data types {\bf integer} and {\bf bigfloat} which are the types of arbitrary precision integers and floating point numbers, respectively.The implementation takes various shortcuts for increased efficiency, e.g., a {\bf double} approximation of any real number together with an error bound is maintained and tests are first performed on these approximations. A high precision computation is only started when the test on the {\bf double} approximation is inconclusive.},
TYPE = {Research Report},
%0 Report
%A Burnikel, Christoph
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schirra, Stefan
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T The LEDA class real number :
%G eng
%Y Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1996
%P 52 p.
%X We describe the implementation of the LEDA data type {\bf real}. Every integer is a real and reals are closed under the operations addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and squareroot.
The main features of the data type real are
\item The user--interface is similar to that of the built--in data type double.
\item All comparison operators $\{>, \geq, <, \leq, =\}$ are {\em exact}.
In order to determine the sign of a real number $x$ the data type first computes a rational number $q$ such that $|x| \leq q$ implies $x = 0$ and then computes an approximation of $x$ of sufficient precision to decide the sign of $x$.
The user may assist the data type by providing a separation bound $q$.
\item The data type also allows to evaluate real expressions with arbitrary precision. One may either set the mantissae length of the underlying floating point system and then evaluate the expression with that mantissa length or one may specify an error bound $q$. The data type then computes an approximation with absolute error at most $q$.
The implementation of the data type real is based on the LEDA data types {\bf integer} and {\bf bigfloat} which are the types of arbitrary precision integers and floating point numbers, respectively.The implementation takes various shortcuts for increased efficiency, e.g., a {\bf double} approximation of any real number together with an error bound is maintained and tests are first performed on these approximations.
A high precision computation is only started when the test on the {\bf double} approximation is inconclusive.
%B Research Report
J. Cheriyan, T. Hagerup, and K. Mehlhorn, “An o(n3)-Time Maximum-Flow Algorithm,” SIAM Journal on Computing, vol. 25, no. 6, 1996.
TITLE = {An o(n\mbox{$^3$})-Time Maximum-Flow Algorithm},
AUTHOR = {Cheriyan, Joseph and Hagerup, Torben and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0097-5397},
DOI = {10.1137/S0097539791278376},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-BBE2484C8F3EA24AC125642E00537985-Cheriyan-Hagerup-Mehlhorn96},
ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA},
YEAR = {1996},
DATE = {1996},
JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Computing},
VOLUME = {25},
NUMBER = {6},
PAGES = {1144--1170},
%0 Journal Article
%A Cheriyan, Joseph
%A Hagerup, Torben
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T An o(n³)-Time Maximum-Flow Algorithm :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344421
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-BBE2484C8F3EA24AC125642E00537985-Cheriyan-Hagerup-Mehlhorn96
%R 10.1137/S0097539791278376
%7 2006
%D 1996
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J SIAM Journal on Computing
%V 25
%N 6
%& 1144
%P 1144 - 1170
%C Philadelphia, PA
%@ false
J. Cheriyan and K. Mehlhorn, “Algorithms for Dense Graphs and Networks on the Random Access Computer,” Algorithmica, vol. 15, no. 6, 1996.
TITLE = {{Algorithms for Dense Graphs and Networks on the Random Access Computer}},
AUTHOR = {Cheriyan, Joseph and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {deu},
ISSN = {0178-4617},
DOI = {10.1007/BF01940880},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-1089A2F74357A7E5C1256429003325B2-Cheriyan-Mehlhorn96},
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
ADDRESS = {New York},
YEAR = {1996},
DATE = {1996},
JOURNAL = {Algorithmica},
VOLUME = {15},
NUMBER = {6},
PAGES = {521--549},
%0 Journal Article
%A Cheriyan, Joseph
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Algorithms for Dense Graphs and Networks on the Random Access Computer :
%G deu
%F EDOC: 344405
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-1089A2F74357A7E5C1256429003325B2-Cheriyan-Mehlhorn96
%R 10.1007/BF01940880
%D 1996
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Algorithmica
%V 15
%N 6
%& 521
%P 521 - 549
%I Springer-Verlag
%C New York
%@ false
U. Finkler and K. Mehlhorn, “Runtime prediction of real programs on real machines,” Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, MPI-I-1996-1-032, 1996.
Algorithms are more and more made available as part of libraries or tool
kits. For a user of such a library statements of asymptotic
running times are almost meaningless as he has no way to estimate the
constants involved. To choose the right algorithm for the targeted problem
size and the available hardware, knowledge about these constants is
Methods to determine the constants based on regression analysis or operation
counting are not practicable in the general case due to inaccuracy and costs
We present a new general method to determine the implementation and hardware
specific running time constants for combinatorial
algorithms. This method requires no changes of the implementation
of the investigated algorithm and is
applicable to a wide range of
of programming languages. Only some additional code is necessary.
The determined constants
are correct within a constant factor which depends only on the
hardware platform. As an example the constants of an implementation
of a hierarchy of algorithms and data structures are determined.
The hierarchy consists of an algorithm for the
maximum weighted bipartite matching problem (MWBM), Dijkstra's algorithm,
a Fibonacci heap and a graph representation based on adjacency lists.
frequencies are at most 50 \% on the tested hardware platforms.
TITLE = {Runtime prediction of real programs on real machines},
AUTHOR = {Finkler, Ulrich and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {MPI-I-1996-1-032},
INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1996},
DATE = {1996},
ABSTRACT = {Algorithms are more and more made available as part of libraries or tool kits. For a user of such a library statements of asymptotic running times are almost meaningless as he has no way to estimate the constants involved. To choose the right algorithm for the targeted problem size and the available hardware, knowledge about these constants is important. Methods to determine the constants based on regression analysis or operation counting are not practicable in the general case due to inaccuracy and costs respectively. We present a new general method to determine the implementation and hardware specific running time constants for combinatorial algorithms. This method requires no changes of the implementation of the investigated algorithm and is applicable to a wide range of of programming languages. Only some additional code is necessary. The determined constants are correct within a constant factor which depends only on the hardware platform. As an example the constants of an implementation of a hierarchy of algorithms and data structures are determined. The hierarchy consists of an algorithm for the maximum weighted bipartite matching problem (MWBM), Dijkstra's algorithm, a Fibonacci heap and a graph representation based on adjacency lists. ion frequencies are at most 50 \% on the tested hardware platforms.},
TYPE = {Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik},
%0 Report
%A Finkler, Ulrich
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Runtime prediction of real programs on real machines :
%G eng
%Y Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1996
%P 10 p.
%X Algorithms are more and more made available as part of libraries or tool
kits. For a user of such a library statements of asymptotic
running times are almost meaningless as he has no way to estimate the
constants involved. To choose the right algorithm for the targeted problem
size and the available hardware, knowledge about these constants is
Methods to determine the constants based on regression analysis or operation
counting are not practicable in the general case due to inaccuracy and costs
We present a new general method to determine the implementation and hardware
specific running time constants for combinatorial
algorithms. This method requires no changes of the implementation
of the investigated algorithm and is
applicable to a wide range of
of programming languages. Only some additional code is necessary.
The determined constants
are correct within a constant factor which depends only on the
hardware platform. As an example the constants of an implementation
of a hierarchy of algorithms and data structures are determined.
The hierarchy consists of an algorithm for the
maximum weighted bipartite matching problem (MWBM), Dijkstra's algorithm,
a Fibonacci heap and a graph representation based on adjacency lists.
frequencies are at most 50 \% on the tested hardware platforms.
%B Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
K. Mehlhorn, “Position Paper for Panel Discussion,” in Applied Computational Geormetry, Towards Geometric Engineering (WACG 1996), Philadelphia, PA, USA, 1996.
TITLE = {Position Paper for Panel Discussion},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-540-61785-3},
DOI = {10.1007/BFb0014483},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-28576473E7CA3022C12571D3004577F1-mehlhorn96y},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1996},
DATE = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {Applied Computational Geormetry, Towards Geometric Engineering (WACG 1996)},
EDITOR = {Lin, Ming C. and Manocha, Dinesh},
PAGES = {51--52},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {1148},
ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA, USA},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Position Paper for Panel Discussion :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344699
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-28576473E7CA3022C12571D3004577F1-mehlhorn96y
%R 10.1007/BFb0014483
%D 1996
%B FCRC'96 Workshop, WACG'96
%Z date of event: 1996-05-27 - 1996-05-28
%C Philadelphia, PA, USA
%B Applied Computational Geormetry, Towards Geometric Engineering
%E Lin, Ming C.; Manocha, Dinesh
%P 51 - 52
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-540-61785-3
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 1148
K. Mehlhorn, V. Claus, and W. Thomas, “Komplexitätstheorie und Algorithmik,” in Informatik : Grundlagen - Anwendungen - Perspektiven, 1996.
TITLE = {Komplexit{\"a}tstheorie und Algorithmik},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Claus, Volker and Thomas, Wolfgang},
EDITOR = {Wilhelm, Reinhard},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-406-40338-7},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-9C0260E9098F4D5EC125705B0043EB3F-MehlhornCT93},
YEAR = {1994},
DATE = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {Informatik : Grundlagen -- Anwendungen -- Perspektiven},
PAGES = {113--116},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Claus, Volker
%A Thomas, Wolfgang
%E Wilhelm, Reinhard
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Komplexitätstheorie und Algorithmik :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344523
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-9C0260E9098F4D5EC125705B0043EB3F-MehlhornCT93
%I Beck
%D 1996
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1994-11-14 -
%C Dagstuhl, Germany
%B Informatik : Grundlagen - Anwendungen - Perspektiven
%P 113 - 116
%I Beck
%@ 3-406-40338-7
K. Mehlhorn and P. Mutzel, “On the Embedding Phase of the Hopcroft and Tarjan Planarity Testing Algorithm,” Algorithmica, vol. 16, 1996.
TITLE = {On the Embedding Phase of the Hopcroft and Tarjan Planarity Testing Algorithm},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Mutzel, Petra},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0178-4617},
DOI = {10.1007/BF01940648},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-5AE425F401E9D4DEC125642800569665-Mehlhorn-Mutzel96},
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
ADDRESS = {New York},
YEAR = {1996},
DATE = {1996},
JOURNAL = {Algorithmica},
VOLUME = {16},
PAGES = {233--242},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Mutzel, Petra
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T On the Embedding Phase of the Hopcroft and Tarjan Planarity Testing Algorithm :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344412
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-5AE425F401E9D4DEC125642800569665-Mehlhorn-Mutzel96
%R 10.1007/BF01940648
%D 1996
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Algorithmica
%V 16
%& 233
%P 233 - 242
%I Springer-Verlag
%C New York
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, S. Näher, and C. Uhrig, “The LEDA Platform for Combinatorial and Geometric Computing,” in Beherrschung von Informationssystemen : Tagungsband der Informatik ’96 ; GI - 26. Jahrestagung, 1996.
TITLE = {The {LEDA} Platform for Combinatorial and Geometric Computing},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan and Uhrig, Christian},
EDITOR = {Mayr, Heinrich C.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-85403-088-6},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-5CF29FD394A9242EC12571F4003F9C14-mehlhorn96z},
PUBLISHER = {{\"O}sterreichische Computer Gesellschaft (OCG) / Austrian Computer Society},
YEAR = {1996},
DATE = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {Beherrschung von Informationssystemen : Tagungsband der Informatik '96 ; GI -- 26. Jahrestagung},
PAGES = {43--50},
SERIES = {Schriftenreihe der {\"O}sterreichischen Computer Gesellschaft},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%A Uhrig, Christian
%E Mayr, Heinrich C.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T The LEDA Platform for Combinatorial and Geometric Computing :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344742
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-5CF29FD394A9242EC12571F4003F9C14-mehlhorn96z
%D 1996
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1996-09-25 -
%C Klagenfurt; Österreich
%B Beherrschung von Informationssystemen : Tagungsband der Informatik '96 ; GI - 26. Jahrestagung
%P 43 - 50
%I Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft (OCG) / Austrian Computer Society
%@ 3-85403-088-6
%B Schriftenreihe der Österreichischen Computer Gesellschaft
K. Mehlhorn, S. Näher, T. Schilz, S. Schirra, M. Seel, R. Seidel, and C. Uhrig, “Checking Geometric Programs or Verification of Geometric Structures,” in Proceedings of the 12th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SCG 1996), Philadelphia, PA, USA, 1996.
TITLE = {Checking Geometric Programs or Verification of Geometric Structures},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan and Schilz, Thomas and Schirra, Stefan and Seel, Michael and Seidel, Raimund and Uhrig, Christian},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-0-89791-804-6},
DOI = {10.1145/237218.237344},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-9F353E46955396A7C125642F00534277-Mehlhorn-et-al-1-96},
YEAR = {1996},
DATE = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 12th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SCG 1996)},
PAGES = {159--165},
ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA, USA},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%A Schilz, Thomas
%A Schirra, Stefan
%A Seel, Michael
%A Seidel, Raimund
%A Uhrig, Christian
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Checking Geometric Programs or Verification of Geometric Structures :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344418
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-9F353E46955396A7C125642F00534277-Mehlhorn-et-al-1-96
%R 10.1145/237218.237344
%D 1996
%B 12th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry
%Z date of event: 1996-05-24 - 1996-05-26
%C Philadelphia, PA, USA
%B Proceedings of the 12th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry
%P 159 - 165
%@ 978-0-89791-804-6
K. Mehlhorn, “The LEDA Platform of Combinatorial and Geometric Computing,” in Proceedings of Conference on Computing: The Australian Theory Symposium, 1996.
TITLE = {The {LEDA} Platform of Combinatorial and Geometric Computing},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Houle, Michael E. and Eades, Peter},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0157-3055},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E6A586DB4799AFB7C12571D300468761-mehlhorn96},
YEAR = {1996},
DATE = {1996},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Conference on Computing: The Australian Theory Symposium},
PAGES = {126--126},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Houle, Michael E.
%E Eades, Peter
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T The LEDA Platform of Combinatorial and Geometric Computing :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344700
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E6A586DB4799AFB7C12571D300468761-mehlhorn96
%I ??
%D 1996
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1996-01-29 -
%C Townsville
%B Proceedings of Conference on Computing: The Australian Theory Symposium
%P 126 - 126
%I ??
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, S. Näher, S. Schirra, M. Seel, and C. Uhrig, “A computational basis for higher-dimensional computational geometry,” Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, MPI-I-1996-1-016, 1996.
We specify and implement a kernel for computational geometry in
arbitrary finite dimensional space. The kernel provides points,
vectors, directions, hyperplanes, segments, rays, lines, affine
transformations, and operations connecting these types. Points have
rational coordinates, hyperplanes have rational coefficients, and
analogous statements hold for the other types. We therefore call our
types \emph{rat\_point}, \emph{rat\_vector}, \emph{rat\_direction},
\emph{rat\_hyperplane}, \emph{rat\_segment}, \emph{rat\_ray} and
\emph{rat\_line}. All geometric primitives are \emph{exact}, i.e.,
they do not incur rounding error (because they are implemented using
rational arithmetic) and always produce the correct result. To this
end we provide types \emph{integer\_vector} and \emph{integer\_matrix}
which realize exact linear algebra over the integers.
The kernel is submitted to the CGAL-Consortium as a proposal for its
higher-dimensional geometry kernel and will become part of the LEDA
platform for combinatorial and geometric computing.
TITLE = {A computational basis for higher-dimensional computational geometry},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan and Schirra, Stefan and Seel, Michael and Uhrig, Christian},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
NUMBER = {MPI-I-1996-1-016},
INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1996},
DATE = {1996},
ABSTRACT = {We specify and implement a kernel for computational geometry in arbitrary finite dimensional space. The kernel provides points, vectors, directions, hyperplanes, segments, rays, lines, affine transformations, and operations connecting these types. Points have rational coordinates, hyperplanes have rational coefficients, and analogous statements hold for the other types. We therefore call our types \emph{rat\_point}, \emph{rat\_vector}, \emph{rat\_direction}, \emph{rat\_hyperplane}, \emph{rat\_segment}, \emph{rat\_ray} and \emph{rat\_line}. All geometric primitives are \emph{exact}, i.e., they do not incur rounding error (because they are implemented using rational arithmetic) and always produce the correct result. To this end we provide types \emph{integer\_vector} and \emph{integer\_matrix} which realize exact linear algebra over the integers. The kernel is submitted to the CGAL-Consortium as a proposal for its higher-dimensional geometry kernel and will become part of the LEDA platform for combinatorial and geometric computing.},
TYPE = {Research Report},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%A Schirra, Stefan
%A Seel, Michael
%A Uhrig, Christian
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A computational basis for higher-dimensional computational geometry :
%G eng
%Y Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1996
%P 120 p.
%X We specify and implement a kernel for computational geometry in
arbitrary finite dimensional space. The kernel provides points,
vectors, directions, hyperplanes, segments, rays, lines, affine
transformations, and operations connecting these types. Points have
rational coordinates, hyperplanes have rational coefficients, and
analogous statements hold for the other types. We therefore call our
types \emph{rat\_point}, \emph{rat\_vector}, \emph{rat\_direction},
\emph{rat\_hyperplane}, \emph{rat\_segment}, \emph{rat\_ray} and
\emph{rat\_line}. All geometric primitives are \emph{exact}, i.e.,
they do not incur rounding error (because they are implemented using
rational arithmetic) and always produce the correct result. To this
end we provide types \emph{integer\_vector} and \emph{integer\_matrix}
which realize exact linear algebra over the integers.
The kernel is submitted to the CGAL-Consortium as a proposal for its
higher-dimensional geometry kernel and will become part of the LEDA
platform for combinatorial and geometric computing.
%B Research Report
K. Reinert, H.-P. Lenhof, P. Mutzel, K. Mehlhorn, and J. Kececioglou, “A branch-and-cut algorithm for multiple sequence alignment,” Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, MPI-I-1996-1-028, 1996.
Multiple sequence alignment is an important problem in computational biology.
We study the Maximum Trace formulation introduced by
We first phrase the problem in terms of forbidden subgraphs,
which enables us to express Maximum Trace as an integer linear-programming
and then solve the integer linear program using methods from polyhedral
The trace {\it polytope\/} is the convex hull of all feasible solutions
to the Maximum Trace problem;
for the case of two sequences,
we give a complete characterization of this polytope.
This yields a polynomial-time algorithm
for a general version of pairwise sequence alignment
that, perhaps suprisingly, does not use dynamic programming;
this yields, for instance, a non-dynamic-programming algorithm for
sequence comparison under the 0-1 metric,
which gives another answer to a long-open question in the area of string algorithms
For the multiple-sequence case,
we derive several classes of facet-defining inequalities
and show that for all but one class, the corresponding separation problem
can be solved in polynomial time.
This leads to a branch-and-cut algorithm for multiple sequence alignment,
and we report on our first computational experience.
It appears that a polyhedral approach to multiple sequence alignment
can solve instances that are beyond present dynamic-programming approaches.
TITLE = {A branch-and-cut algorithm for multiple sequence alignment},
AUTHOR = {Reinert, Knut and Lenhof, Hans-Peter and Mutzel, Petra and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Kececioglou, John},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
NUMBER = {MPI-I-1996-1-028},
INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1996},
DATE = {1996},
ABSTRACT = {Multiple sequence alignment is an important problem in computational biology. We study the Maximum Trace formulation introduced by Kececioglu~\cite{Kececioglu91}. We first phrase the problem in terms of forbidden subgraphs, which enables us to express Maximum Trace as an integer linear-programming problem, and then solve the integer linear program using methods from polyhedral combinatorics. The trace {\it polytope\/} is the convex hull of all feasible solutions to the Maximum Trace problem; for the case of two sequences, we give a complete characterization of this polytope. This yields a polynomial-time algorithm for a general version of pairwise sequence alignment that, perhaps suprisingly, does not use dynamic programming; this yields, for instance, a non-dynamic-programming algorithm for sequence comparison under the 0-1 metric, which gives another answer to a long-open question in the area of string algorithms \cite{PW93}. For the multiple-sequence case, we derive several classes of facet-defining inequalities and show that for all but one class, the corresponding separation problem can be solved in polynomial time. This leads to a branch-and-cut algorithm for multiple sequence alignment, and we report on our first computational experience. It appears that a polyhedral approach to multiple sequence alignment can solve instances that are beyond present dynamic-programming approaches.},
TYPE = {Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik},
%0 Report
%A Reinert, Knut
%A Lenhof, Hans-Peter
%A Mutzel, Petra
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Kececioglou, John
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A branch-and-cut algorithm for multiple sequence alignment :
%G eng
%Y Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1996
%P 15 p.
%X Multiple sequence alignment is an important problem in computational biology.
We study the Maximum Trace formulation introduced by
We first phrase the problem in terms of forbidden subgraphs,
which enables us to express Maximum Trace as an integer linear-programming
and then solve the integer linear program using methods from polyhedral
The trace {\it polytope\/} is the convex hull of all feasible solutions
to the Maximum Trace problem;
for the case of two sequences,
we give a complete characterization of this polytope.
This yields a polynomial-time algorithm
for a general version of pairwise sequence alignment
that, perhaps suprisingly, does not use dynamic programming;
this yields, for instance, a non-dynamic-programming algorithm for
sequence comparison under the 0-1 metric,
which gives another answer to a long-open question in the area of string algorithms
For the multiple-sequence case,
we derive several classes of facet-defining inequalities
and show that for all but one class, the corresponding separation problem
can be solved in polynomial time.
This leads to a branch-and-cut algorithm for multiple sequence alignment,
and we report on our first computational experience.
It appears that a polyhedral approach to multiple sequence alignment
can solve instances that are beyond present dynamic-programming approaches.
%B Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
C. Burnikel, J. Könemann, K. Mehlhorn, S. Näher, S. Schirra, and C. Uhrig, “Exact Geometric Computation in LEDA,” in Proceedings of the 11th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SCG 1995), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 1995.
TITLE = {Exact Geometric Computation in {LEDA}},
AUTHOR = {Burnikel, Christoph and K{\"o}nemann, Jochen and Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan and Schirra, Stefan and Uhrig, Christian},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-0-89791-724-7},
DOI = {10.1145/220279.220330},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-2C2F993CF4C38D4FC125645A00342E8E-Burnikel-et-al95},
YEAR = {1995},
DATE = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 11th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SCG 1995)},
PAGES = {C18--C19},
ADDRESS = {Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Burnikel, Christoph
%A Könemann, Jochen
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%A Schirra, Stefan
%A Uhrig, Christian
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Exact Geometric Computation in LEDA :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344409
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-2C2F993CF4C38D4FC125645A00342E8E-Burnikel-et-al95
%R 10.1145/220279.220330
%D 1995
%B 11th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry
%Z date of event: 1995-06-05 - 1995-06-07
%C Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
%B Proceedings of the 11th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry
%P C18 - C19
%@ 978-0-89791-724-7
P. Dietz, K. Mehlhorn, R. Raman, and C. Uhrig, “Lower Bounds for Set Intersection Queries,” Algorithmica, vol. 14, no. 2, 1995.
TITLE = {Lower Bounds for Set Intersection Queries},
AUTHOR = {Dietz, Paul and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Raman, Rajeev and Uhrig, Christian},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0178-4617},
DOI = {10.1007/BF01293666},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-8040226255218E13C125645A0038FF7F-Mehlhorn-Uhrig95},
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
ADDRESS = {New York},
YEAR = {1995},
DATE = {1995},
JOURNAL = {Algorithmica},
VOLUME = {14},
NUMBER = {2},
PAGES = {154--168},
%0 Journal Article
%A Dietz, Paul
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Raman, Rajeev
%A Uhrig, Christian
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Lower Bounds for Set Intersection Queries :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344413
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-8040226255218E13C125645A0038FF7F-Mehlhorn-Uhrig95
%R 10.1007/BF01293666
%D 1995
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Algorithmica
%V 14
%N 2
%& 154
%P 154 - 168
%I Springer-Verlag
%C New York
%@ false
R. Fleischer, H. Jung, and K. Mehlhorn, “A Communication-randomness Tradeoff for Two-processor Systems,” Information and Computation, vol. 116, no. 2, 1995.
We present a tight tradeoff between the expected communication complexity <br>$\bar{C}$ (for a two-processor system) and the number $R$ of random bits used <br>by any Las Vegas protocol for the list-nondisjointness function of two lists <br>of $n$ numbers of $n$ bits each. This function evaluates to $1$ if and only if <br>the two lists correspond in at least one position. We show a <br>$\log(n^2/\bar{C})$ lower bound on the number of random bits used by any Las <br>Vegas protocol, $\Omega(n)\le\bar{C}\le O(n^2)$. We also show that expected <br>communication complexity $\bar{C}$, $\Omega(n\log n) \le\bar{C}\le O(n^2)$, <br>can be achieved using no more than $\log(n^2/\bar{C}) + <br>\lceil\log(2+\log(n^2/\bar{C}))\rceil+6$ random bits.",<br> xxx-references = "STOC::AhoUY83,<br> FOCS::CanettiG90,<br> STOC::Furer87,<br> STOC::HalstenbergR88,<br> STOC::KrizancPU88,<br> FOCS::LovaszS88,<br> STOC::MehlhornS82,<br> STOC::PapadimitriouS82,<br> FOCS::Yao77,<br> STOC::Yao79,<br> FOCS::Yao83",<br> references = "\cite{STOC::AhoUY1983}<br> \cite{FOCS::CanettiG1990}<br> \cite{STOC::Furer1987}<br> \cite{STOC::HalstenbergR1988}<br> \cite{STOC::KrizancPU1988}<br> \cite{FOCS::LovaszS1988}<br> \cite{STOC::MehlhornS1982}<br> \cite{STOC::PapadimitriouS1982}<br> \cite{FOCS::Yao1977}<br> \cite{STOC::Yao1979}<br> \cite{FOCS::Yao1983}
TITLE = {A Communication-randomness Tradeoff for Two-processor Systems},
AUTHOR = {Fleischer, Rudolf and Jung, Hermann and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0890-5401},
DOI = {10.1006/inco.1995.1011},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-2D907E637C8CC37CC125645A003A15F7-Fleischer-Jung-Mehlhorn95},
PUBLISHER = {Academic Press},
ADDRESS = {San Diego},
YEAR = {1995},
DATE = {1995},
ABSTRACT = {We present a tight tradeoff between the expected communication complexity <br>$\bar{C}$ (for a two-processor system) and the number $R$ of random bits used <br>by any Las Vegas protocol for the list-nondisjointness function of two lists <br>of $n$ numbers of $n$ bits each. This function evaluates to $1$ if and only if <br>the two lists correspond in at least one position. We show a <br>$\log(n^2/\bar{C})$ lower bound on the number of random bits used by any Las <br>Vegas protocol, $\Omega(n)\le\bar{C}\le O(n^2)$. We also show that expected <br>communication complexity $\bar{C}$, $\Omega(n\log n) \le\bar{C}\le O(n^2)$, <br>can be achieved using no more than $\log(n^2/\bar{C}) + <br>\lceil\log(2+\log(n^2/\bar{C}))\rceil+6$ random bits.",<br> xxx-references = "STOC::AhoUY83,<br> FOCS::CanettiG90,<br> STOC::Furer87,<br> STOC::HalstenbergR88,<br> STOC::KrizancPU88,<br> FOCS::LovaszS88,<br> STOC::MehlhornS82,<br> STOC::PapadimitriouS82,<br> FOCS::Yao77,<br> STOC::Yao79,<br> FOCS::Yao83",<br> references = "\cite{STOC::AhoUY1983}<br> \cite{FOCS::CanettiG1990}<br> \cite{STOC::Furer1987}<br> \cite{STOC::HalstenbergR1988}<br> \cite{STOC::KrizancPU1988}<br> \cite{FOCS::LovaszS1988}<br> \cite{STOC::MehlhornS1982}<br> \cite{STOC::PapadimitriouS1982}<br> \cite{FOCS::Yao1977}<br> \cite{STOC::Yao1979}<br> \cite{FOCS::Yao1983}},
JOURNAL = {Information and Computation},
VOLUME = {116},
NUMBER = {2},
PAGES = {155--161},
%0 Journal Article
%A Fleischer, Rudolf
%A Jung, Hermann
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Communication-randomness Tradeoff for Two-processor Systems :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344410
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-2D907E637C8CC37CC125645A003A15F7-Fleischer-Jung-Mehlhorn95
%R 10.1006/inco.1995.1011
%D 1995
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X We present a tight tradeoff between the expected communication complexity <br>$\bar{C}$ (for a two-processor system) and the number $R$ of random bits used <br>by any Las Vegas protocol for the list-nondisjointness function of two lists <br>of $n$ numbers of $n$ bits each. This function evaluates to $1$ if and only if <br>the two lists correspond in at least one position. We show a <br>$\log(n^2/\bar{C})$ lower bound on the number of random bits used by any Las <br>Vegas protocol, $\Omega(n)\le\bar{C}\le O(n^2)$. We also show that expected <br>communication complexity $\bar{C}$, $\Omega(n\log n) \le\bar{C}\le O(n^2)$, <br>can be achieved using no more than $\log(n^2/\bar{C}) + <br>\lceil\log(2+\log(n^2/\bar{C}))\rceil+6$ random bits.",<br> xxx-references = "STOC::AhoUY83,<br> FOCS::CanettiG90,<br> STOC::Furer87,<br> STOC::HalstenbergR88,<br> STOC::KrizancPU88,<br> FOCS::LovaszS88,<br> STOC::MehlhornS82,<br> STOC::PapadimitriouS82,<br> FOCS::Yao77,<br> STOC::Yao79,<br> FOCS::Yao83",<br> references = "\cite{STOC::AhoUY1983}<br> \cite{FOCS::CanettiG1990}<br> \cite{STOC::Furer1987}<br> \cite{STOC::HalstenbergR1988}<br> \cite{STOC::KrizancPU1988}<br> \cite{FOCS::LovaszS1988}<br> \cite{STOC::MehlhornS1982}<br> \cite{STOC::PapadimitriouS1982}<br> \cite{FOCS::Yao1977}<br> \cite{STOC::Yao1979}<br> \cite{FOCS::Yao1983}
%J Information and Computation
%V 116
%N 2
%& 155
%P 155 - 161
%I Academic Press
%C San Diego
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, “Experiences with the Implementation of Geometric Algorithms,” in Algorithms and Data Structures (WADS 1995), Kingston, Canada, 1995.
TITLE = {Experiences with the Implementation of Geometric Algorithms},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-540-60220-0},
DOI = {10.1007/3-540-60220-8_90},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-F26BFBE9F85C174BC125645A004D93D0-Mehlhorn95},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1995},
DATE = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithms and Data Structures (WADS 1995)},
EDITOR = {Akl, Selim G. and Dehne, Frank and Sack, J{\"o}rg-R{\"u}diger and Santoro, Nicola},
PAGES = {518--518},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {955},
ADDRESS = {Kingston, Canada},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Experiences with the Implementation of Geometric Algorithms :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344422
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-F26BFBE9F85C174BC125645A004D93D0-Mehlhorn95
%R 10.1007/3-540-60220-8_90
%D 1995
%B 4th International Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures
%Z date of event: 1995-08-16 - 1995-08-18
%C Kingston, Canada
%B Algorithms and Data Structures
%E Akl, Selim G.; Dehne, Frank; Sack, Jörg-Rüdiger; Santoro, Nicola
%P 518 - 518
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-540-60220-0
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 955
K. Mehlhorn and S. Näher, “LEDA : A Platform for Combinatorial and Geometric Computing,” Universität Halle, Halle, 1995.
LEDA is a library of efficient data types and algorithms in combinatorial and
geometric computing. The main features of the library are its wide collection
of data types and algorithms, the precise and readable specification of these
types, its efficiency, its extendibility, and its ease of use.
TITLE = {{LEDA} : A Platform for Combinatorial and Geometric Computing},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-2798FB10F98B1B2CC12571F60051D6CF-mehlhorn95z},
INSTITUTION = {Universit{\"a}t Halle},
ADDRESS = {Halle},
YEAR = {1995},
DATE = {1995},
ABSTRACT = {LEDA is a library of efficient data types and algorithms in combinatorial and geometric computing. The main features of the library are its wide collection of data types and algorithms, the precise and readable specification of these types, its efficiency, its extendibility, and its ease of use.},
TYPE = {Report},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T LEDA : A Platform for Combinatorial and Geometric Computing :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344745
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-2798FB10F98B1B2CC12571F60051D6CF-mehlhorn95z
%Y Universität Halle
%C Halle
%D 1995
%X LEDA is a library of efficient data types and algorithms in combinatorial and
geometric computing. The main features of the library are its wide collection
of data types and algorithms, the precise and readable specification of these
types, its efficiency, its extendibility, and its ease of use.
%B Report
K. Mehlhorn and V. Priebe, “On the All-Pairs Shortest Path Algorithm of Moffat and Takaoka,” in Algorithms - ESA ’95, Corfu, Greece, 1995.
TITLE = {On the All-Pairs Shortest Path Algorithm of Moffat and Takaoka},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Priebe, Volker},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-540-60313-9},
DOI = {10.1007/3-540-60313-1_143},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-95BD0CCD6D014E28C125645A004E08DF-Mehlhorn-Priebe95},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1995},
DATE = {1995},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithms -- ESA '95},
PAGES = {185--198},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
EDITOR = {Spirakis, Paul},
VOLUME = {979},
ADDRESS = {Corfu, Greece},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Priebe, Volker
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T On the All-Pairs Shortest Path Algorithm of Moffat and Takaoka :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344417
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-95BD0CCD6D014E28C125645A004E08DF-Mehlhorn-Priebe95
%R 10.1007/3-540-60313-1_143
%D 1995
%B Third Annual European Symposium on Algorithms
%Z date of event: 1995-09-25 - 1995-09-27
%C Corfu, Greece
%B Algorithms - ESA '95
%P 185 - 198
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-540-60313-9
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%Y Spirakis, Paul
%N 979
K. Mehlhorn, “Guest Editor’s Foreword,” Discrete and Computational Geometry, vol. 14, 1995.
TITLE = {Guest Editor's Foreword},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-1C8877504EBE5C75C12571D3002C4AE7-mehlhorn95},
YEAR = {1995},
DATE = {1995},
JOURNAL = {Discrete and Computational Geometry},
VOLUME = {14},
PAGES = {363--363},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Guest Editor's Foreword :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344698
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-1C8877504EBE5C75C12571D3002C4AE7-mehlhorn95
%D 1995
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Discrete and Computational Geometry
%V 14
%& 363
%P 363 - 363
K. Mehlhorn and S. Näher, “LEDA: A Platform for Combinatorial and Geometric Computing,” Communications of the ACM, vol. 38, no. 1, 1995.
TITLE = {{LEDA}: A Platform for Combinatorial and Geometric Computing},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0001-0782},
DOI = {10.1145/204865.204889},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-150CF9A3413B7CCCC125645A004DDAC0-Mehlhorn-Naeher95},
PUBLISHER = {Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.},
ADDRESS = {New York},
YEAR = {1995},
DATE = {1995},
JOURNAL = {Communications of the ACM},
VOLUME = {38},
NUMBER = {1},
PAGES = {96--102},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T LEDA: A Platform for Combinatorial and Geometric Computing :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344406
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-150CF9A3413B7CCCC125645A004DDAC0-Mehlhorn-Naeher95
%R 10.1145/204865.204889
%D 1995
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Communications of the ACM
%V 38
%N 1
%& 96
%P 96 - 102
%I Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.
%C New York
%@ false
H. Baumgarten, H. Jung, and K. Mehlhorn, “Dynamic Point Location in General Subdivisions,” Journal of Algorithms, vol. 17, no. 3, 1994.
TITLE = {Dynamic Point Location in General Subdivisions},
AUTHOR = {Baumgarten, Hanna and Jung, Hermann and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0196-6774},
DOI = {10.1006/jagm.1994.1040},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-D8B8E86CF9307975C1257054004204B0-Mehlhorn94f},
PUBLISHER = {Academic Press},
ADDRESS = {Orlando, Fla.},
YEAR = {1994},
DATE = {1994},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Algorithms},
VOLUME = {17},
NUMBER = {3},
PAGES = {342--380},
%0 Journal Article
%A Baumgarten, Hanna
%A Jung, Hermann
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Dynamic Point Location in General Subdivisions :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344510
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-D8B8E86CF9307975C1257054004204B0-Mehlhorn94f
%R 10.1006/jagm.1994.1040
%D 1994
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Journal of Algorithms
%V 17
%N 3
%& 342
%P 342 - 380
%I Academic Press
%C Orlando, Fla.
%@ false
G. Bilardi, S. Chaudhuri, D. Dubhashi, and K. Mehlhorn, “A lower bound for area-universal graphs,” Information Processing Letters, vol. 51, 1994.
We establish a lower bound on the efficiency of rea--universal circuits. The
area A u of every graph H that can host any graph G of area (at most) A with
dilation d, and congestion c p A= log log A satisfies the tradeoff A u =
OmegaGamma A log A=(c 2 log(2d))): In particular, if A u = O(A) then max(c; d)
= OmegaGamma p log A= log log A). 1 Introduction Bay and Bilardi [2] showed
that there is a graph H which can be laid out in area O(A) and into which any
graph G of area at most A can be embedded with load 1, and dilation and
congestion O(log A). As a consequence, they showed the existence of an area
O(A) VLSI circuit that can simulate any area A circuit with a slowdown of O(log
A). This note explores the feasibility of more efficient embeddings. Our main
result is Theorem 5 which establishes a limitation relating the area of a
universal graph to the parameters of the embedding. Informally, it asserts that
any circuit which is universal for a family of graphs of area A, a...
TITLE = {A lower bound for area-universal graphs},
AUTHOR = {Bilardi, Gianfranco and Chaudhuri, Shiva and Dubhashi, Devdatt and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-D4180F9759AD181EC12570540041B4CC-Mehlhorn94e},
YEAR = {1994},
DATE = {1994},
ABSTRACT = {We establish a lower bound on the efficiency of rea--universal circuits. The area A u of every graph H that can host any graph G of area (at most) A with dilation d, and congestion c p A= log log A satisfies the tradeoff A u = OmegaGamma A log A=(c 2 log(2d))): In particular, if A u = O(A) then max(c; d) = OmegaGamma p log A= log log A). 1 Introduction Bay and Bilardi [2] showed that there is a graph H which can be laid out in area O(A) and into which any graph G of area at most A can be embedded with load 1, and dilation and congestion O(log A). As a consequence, they showed the existence of an area O(A) VLSI circuit that can simulate any area A circuit with a slowdown of O(log A). This note explores the feasibility of more efficient embeddings. Our main result is Theorem 5 which establishes a limitation relating the area of a universal graph to the parameters of the embedding. Informally, it asserts that any circuit which is universal for a family of graphs of area A, a...},
JOURNAL = {Information Processing Letters},
VOLUME = {51},
PAGES = {101--105},
%0 Journal Article
%A Bilardi, Gianfranco
%A Chaudhuri, Shiva
%A Dubhashi, Devdatt
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A lower bound for area-universal graphs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344509
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-D4180F9759AD181EC12570540041B4CC-Mehlhorn94e
%D 1994
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X We establish a lower bound on the efficiency of rea--universal circuits. The
area A u of every graph H that can host any graph G of area (at most) A with
dilation d, and congestion c p A= log log A satisfies the tradeoff A u =
OmegaGamma A log A=(c 2 log(2d))): In particular, if A u = O(A) then max(c; d)
= OmegaGamma p log A= log log A). 1 Introduction Bay and Bilardi [2] showed
that there is a graph H which can be laid out in area O(A) and into which any
graph G of area at most A can be embedded with load 1, and dilation and
congestion O(log A). As a consequence, they showed the existence of an area
O(A) VLSI circuit that can simulate any area A circuit with a slowdown of O(log
A). This note explores the feasibility of more efficient embeddings. Our main
result is Theorem 5 which establishes a limitation relating the area of a
universal graph to the parameters of the embedding. Informally, it asserts that
any circuit which is universal for a family of graphs of area A, a...
%J Information Processing Letters
%V 51
%& 101
%P 101 - 105
B. Buchberger, K. Mehlhorn, S. Näher, and J. Nievergelt, Eds., “Special issue on algorithms: implementation, libraries and use,” 1994.
TITLE = {Special issue on algorithms: implementation, libraries and use},
EDITOR = {Buchberger, Bruno and Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan and Nievergelt, Jurg},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0747-7171},
YEAR = {1994},
DATE = {1994},
SERIES = {Journal on Symbolic Computation},
VOLUME = {17},
NUMBER = {4},
%0 Journal Article
%E Buchberger, Bruno
%E Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Näher, Stefan
%E Nievergelt, Jurg
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Special issue on algorithms: implementation, libraries and use :
%G eng
%D 1994
%B Journal on Symbolic Computation
%N 17
%@ false
C. Burnikel, K. Mehlhorn, and S. Schirra, “On degeneracy in geometric computations,” in Discrete algorithms (SODA-94) : 5th annual ACM-SIAM symposium, 1994.
TITLE = {On degeneracy in geometric computations},
AUTHOR = {Burnikel, Christoph and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Schirra, Stefan},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {0-89871-329-3},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-EF8DDF197C2DF392C125705400426E50-Mehlhorn94gz},
YEAR = {1994},
DATE = {1994},
BOOKTITLE = {Discrete algorithms (SODA-94) : 5th annual ACM-SIAM symposium},
PAGES = {16--23},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Burnikel, Christoph
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schirra, Stefan
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T On degeneracy in geometric computations :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344511
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-EF8DDF197C2DF392C125705400426E50-Mehlhorn94gz
%D 1994
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1994-01-23 -
%C Arlington, USA
%B Discrete algorithms (SODA-94) : 5th annual ACM-SIAM symposium
%P 16 - 23
%@ 0-89871-329-3
C. Burnikel, K. Mehlhorn, and S. Schirra, “How to Compute the Voronoi Diagram of Line Segments: Theoretical and Experimental Results,” in Algorithms (ESA-94) : 2nd annual European symposium, 1994.
TITLE = {How to Compute the Voronoi Diagram of Line Segments: Theoretical and Experimental Results},
AUTHOR = {Burnikel, Christoph and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Schirra, Stefan},
EDITOR = {van Leeuwen, Jan},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-58434-X},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-62475A7A76D3F761C125705400348F58-Mehlhorn94b},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1994},
DATE = {1994},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithms (ESA-94) : 2nd annual European symposium},
PAGES = {227--239},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Burnikel, Christoph
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schirra, Stefan
%E van Leeuwen, Jan
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T How to Compute the Voronoi Diagram of Line Segments:
Theoretical and Experimental Results :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344506
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-62475A7A76D3F761C125705400348F58-Mehlhorn94b
%I Springer
%D 1994
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1994-09-26 -
%C Utrecht, The Netherlands, September 26-28, 1994
%B Algorithms (ESA-94) : 2nd annual European symposium
%P 227 - 239
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-58434-X
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
M. Dietzfelbinger, A. Karlin, K. Mehlhorn, F. Meyer Auf Der Heide, H. Rohnert, and R. E. Tarjan, “Dynamic Perfect Hashing: Upper and Lower Bounds,” SIAM Journal on Computing, vol. 23, no. 4, 1994.
TITLE = {Dynamic Perfect Hashing: Upper and Lower Bounds},
AUTHOR = {Dietzfelbinger, Martin and Karlin, Anna and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Meyer Auf Der Heide, Friedhelm and Rohnert, Hans and Tarjan, Robert E.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0097-5397},
DOI = {10.1137/S0097539791194094},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-C09019E2C1ECFCF3C125705400353152-Mehlhorn94c},
ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA},
YEAR = {1994},
DATE = {1994},
JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Computing},
VOLUME = {23},
NUMBER = {4},
PAGES = {738--761},
%0 Journal Article
%A Dietzfelbinger, Martin
%A Karlin, Anna
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Meyer Auf Der Heide, Friedhelm
%A Rohnert, Hans
%A Tarjan, Robert E.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
%T Dynamic Perfect Hashing: Upper and Lower Bounds :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344507
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-C09019E2C1ECFCF3C125705400353152-Mehlhorn94c
%R 10.1137/S0097539791194094
%D 1994
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J SIAM Journal on Computing
%V 23
%N 4
%& 738
%P 738 - 761
%C Philadelphia, PA
%@ false
P. Gupta, R. Janardan, and M. Smid, “Efficient Algorithms for Generalized Intersection Searching on Non-iso-oriented Objects,” in Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on Computational Geometry (SCG 1994), Stony Brook, NY, USA, 1994.
TITLE = {Efficient Algorithms for Generalized Intersection Searching on Non-iso-oriented Objects},
AUTHOR = {Gupta, Prosenjit and Janardan, Ravi and Smid, Michiel},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-0-89791-648-6},
DOI = {10.1145/177424.178096},
YEAR = {1994},
DATE = {1994},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on Computational Geometry (SCG 1994)},
EDITOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
PAGES = {369--378},
ADDRESS = {Stony Brook, NY, USA},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Gupta, Prosenjit
%A Janardan, Ravi
%A Smid, Michiel
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Efficient Algorithms for Generalized Intersection Searching on Non-iso-oriented Objects :
%G eng
%R 10.1145/177424.178096
%D 1994
%B 10th Symposium on Computational Geometry
%Z date of event: 1994-06-06 - 1994-06-08
%C Stony Brook, NY, USA
%B Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on Computational Geometry
%E Mehlhorn, Kurt
%P 369 - 378
%@ 978-0-89791-648-6
M. Kaufmann and K. Mehlhorn, “A Linear-time Algorithm for the Homotopic Routing Problem in Grid Graphs,” SIAM Journal on Computing, vol. 23, no. 2, 1994.
TITLE = {A Linear-time Algorithm for the Homotopic Routing Problem in Grid Graphs},
AUTHOR = {Kaufmann, Michael and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0097-5397},
DOI = {10.1137/S0097539789162109},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-738963CFD1353732C12570540043061A-Mehlhorn94h},
ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA},
YEAR = {1994},
DATE = {1994},
JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Computing},
VOLUME = {23},
NUMBER = {2},
PAGES = {227--246},
%0 Journal Article
%A Kaufmann, Michael
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Linear-time Algorithm for the Homotopic Routing Problem in Grid Graphs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344512
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-738963CFD1353732C12570540043061A-Mehlhorn94h
%R 10.1137/S0097539789162109
%D 1994
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J SIAM Journal on Computing
%V 23
%N 2
%& 227
%P 227 - 246
%C Philadelphia, PA
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, S. Näher, and J. Nievergelt, “Introduction,” Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 17, 1994.
TITLE = {Introduction},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan and Nievergelt, Jurg},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0747-7171},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-659422E04BB0418CC125705400327DEF-Mehlhorn94g},
YEAR = {1994},
DATE = {1994},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Symbolic Computation},
VOLUME = {17},
PAGES = {295--295},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%A Nievergelt, Jurg
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Introduction :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344505
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-659422E04BB0418CC125705400327DEF-Mehlhorn94g
%D 1994
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Journal of Symbolic Computation
%V 17
%& 295
%P 295 - 295
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn and S. Näher, “Implementation of a sweep line algorithm for the Straight \& Line Segment Intersection Problem,” Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, MPI-I-94-160, 1994.
We describe a robust and efficient implementation of the Bentley-Ottmann
sweep line algorithm based on the LEDA library
of efficient data types and algorithms. The program
computes the planar graph $G$ induced by a set $S$ of straight line segments
in the plane. The nodes of $G$ are all endpoints and all proper
points of segments in $S$. The edges of $G$ are the maximal
relatively open
subsegments of segments in $S$ that contain no node of $G$. All edges
directed from left to right or upwards.
The algorithm runs in time $O((n+s) log n)$ where $n$ is the number of
segments and $s$ is the number of vertices of the graph $G$. The implementation
uses exact arithmetic for the reliable realization of the geometric
primitives and it uses floating point filters to reduce the overhead of
exact arithmetic.
TITLE = {Implementation of a sweep line algorithm for the Straight {\textbackslash}\& Line Segment Intersection Problem},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
NUMBER = {MPI-I-94-160},
INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1994},
DATE = {1994},
ABSTRACT = {We describe a robust and efficient implementation of the Bentley-Ottmann sweep line algorithm based on the LEDA library of efficient data types and algorithms. The program computes the planar graph $G$ induced by a set $S$ of straight line segments in the plane. The nodes of $G$ are all endpoints and all proper intersection points of segments in $S$. The edges of $G$ are the maximal relatively open subsegments of segments in $S$ that contain no node of $G$. All edges are directed from left to right or upwards. The algorithm runs in time $O((n+s) log n)$ where $n$ is the number of segments and $s$ is the number of vertices of the graph $G$. The implementation uses exact arithmetic for the reliable realization of the geometric primitives and it uses floating point filters to reduce the overhead of exact arithmetic.},
TYPE = {Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Implementation of a sweep line algorithm for the Straight \& Line Segment Intersection Problem :
%G eng
%Y Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1994
%P 41 p.
%X We describe a robust and efficient implementation of the Bentley-Ottmann
sweep line algorithm based on the LEDA library
of efficient data types and algorithms. The program
computes the planar graph $G$ induced by a set $S$ of straight line segments
in the plane. The nodes of $G$ are all endpoints and all proper
points of segments in $S$. The edges of $G$ are the maximal
relatively open
subsegments of segments in $S$ that contain no node of $G$. All edges
directed from left to right or upwards.
The algorithm runs in time $O((n+s) log n)$ where $n$ is the number of
segments and $s$ is the number of vertices of the graph $G$. The implementation
uses exact arithmetic for the reliable realization of the geometric
primitives and it uses floating point filters to reduce the overhead of
exact arithmetic.
%B Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
K. Mehlhorn and P. Mutzel, “On the embedding phase of the Hopcroft and Tarjan planarity testing algorithm,” Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, MPI-I-94-117, 1994.
We give a detailed description of the embedding phase of the Hopcroft
and Tarjan planarity testing algorithm. The embedding phase runs in
linear time. An implementation based on this paper can be found in
TITLE = {On the embedding phase of the Hopcroft and Tarjan planarity testing algorithm},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Mutzel, Petra},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
NUMBER = {MPI-I-94-117},
INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1994},
DATE = {1994},
ABSTRACT = {We give a detailed description of the embedding phase of the Hopcroft and Tarjan planarity testing algorithm. The embedding phase runs in linear time. An implementation based on this paper can be found in [Mehlhorn-Mutzel-Naeher-94].},
TYPE = {Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Mutzel, Petra
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T On the embedding phase of the Hopcroft and Tarjan planarity testing algorithm :
%G eng
%Y Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1994
%P 8 p.
%X We give a detailed description of the embedding phase of the Hopcroft
and Tarjan planarity testing algorithm. The embedding phase runs in
linear time. An implementation based on this paper can be found in
%B Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
K. Mehlhorn, R. Sundar, and C. Uhrig, “Maintaining Dynamic Sequences under Equality-tests in Polylogarithmic Time,” in Proceedings of the Fifth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 1994), Arlington, VA, USA, 1994.
TITLE = {Maintaining Dynamic Sequences under Equality-tests in Polylogarithmic Time},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sundar, R. and Uhrig, Christian},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-0-89871-329-9},
DOI = {10.5555/314464.314496},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-9DAA87D8B497DFE4C125705400438139-Mehlhorn94i},
YEAR = {1994},
DATE = {1994},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Fifth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 1994)},
PAGES = {213--222},
ADDRESS = {Arlington, VA, USA},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Sundar, R.
%A Uhrig, Christian
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Maintaining Dynamic Sequences under Equality-tests in Polylogarithmic Time :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344513
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-9DAA87D8B497DFE4C125705400438139-Mehlhorn94i
%R 10.5555/314464.314496
%D 1994
%B Fifth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
%Z date of event: 1994-01-23 - 1994-01-25
%C Arlington, VA, USA
%B Proceedings of the Fifth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
%P 213 - 222
%@ 978-0-89871-329-9
K. Mehlhorn and S. Näher, “The Implementation of Geometric Algorithms,” in Technology and foundations : Information Processing ’94 ; proceedings of the IFIP 13th World Computer Congress, 1994.
TITLE = {The Implementation of Geometric Algorithms},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan},
EDITOR = {Pehrson, Bjoern and Simon, Imre},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {0-444-81989-4},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-C8AFEDFCEF32E528C125705400359173-Mehlhorn94d},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
YEAR = {1994},
DATE = {1994},
BOOKTITLE = {Technology and foundations : Information Processing '94 ; proceedings of the IFIP 13th World Computer Congress},
PAGES = {223--231},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%E Pehrson, Bjoern
%E Simon, Imre
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T The Implementation of Geometric Algorithms :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344508
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-C8AFEDFCEF32E528C125705400359173-Mehlhorn94d
%I Elsevier
%D 1994
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1994-08-28 -
%C Hamburg, Germany
%B Technology and foundations : Information Processing '94 ; proceedings of the IFIP 13th World Computer Congress
%P 223 - 231
%I Elsevier
%@ 0-444-81989-4
J. van Leeuwen, K. Mehlhorn, and T. Reps, Eds., Report on the Dagstuhl-Seminar on Incremental Computation and Dynamic Algorithms. Schloss Dagstuhl, 1994.
TITLE = {Report on the Dagstuhl-Seminar on Incremental Computation and Dynamic Algorithms},
EDITOR = {van Leeuwen, Jan and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Reps, Thomas},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
PUBLISHER = {Schloss Dagstuhl},
YEAR = {1994},
DATE = {1994},
SERIES = {Dagstuhl-Seminar Report},
ADDRESS = {Wadern, Germany},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%E van Leeuwen, Jan
%E Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Reps, Thomas
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Report on the Dagstuhl-Seminar on Incremental Computation and Dynamic Algorithms : Dagstuhl Seminar 9418
%G eng
%I Schloss Dagstuhl
%D 1994
%B Dagstuhl-Seminar on Incremental Computation and Dynamic Algorithms
%Z date of event: 1994-05-02 - 1994-05-06
%D 1994
%C Wadern, Germany
%S Dagstuhl-Seminar Report
G. Bilardi, S. Chaudhuri, D. P. Dubhashi, and K. Mehlhorn, “A lower bound for area-universal graphs,” Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, MPI-I-93-144, 1993.
We establish a lower bound on the efficiency of area--universal circuits. The area $A_u$ of every graph $H$ that can host
any graph $G$ of area (at most) $A$ with dilation $d$,
and congestion $c \leq \sqrt{A}/\log\log A$ satisfies the tradeoff
A_u = \Omega ( A \log A / (c^2 \log (2d)) ).
In particular, if $A_u = O(A)$ then $\max(c,d) = \Omega(\sqrt{\log A} / \log\log A)$.
TITLE = {A lower bound for area-universal graphs},
AUTHOR = {Bilardi, G. and Chaudhuri, Shiva and Dubhashi, Devdatt P. and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {MPI-I-93-144},
INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1993},
DATE = {1993},
ABSTRACT = {We establish a lower bound on the efficiency of area--universal circuits. The area $A_u$ of every graph $H$ that can host any graph $G$ of area (at most) $A$ with dilation $d$, and congestion $c \leq \sqrt{A}/\log\log A$ satisfies the tradeoff $$ A_u = \Omega ( A \log A / (c^2 \log (2d)) ). $$ In particular, if $A_u = O(A)$ then $\max(c,d) = \Omega(\sqrt{\log A} / \log\log A)$.},
TYPE = {Research Report},
%0 Report
%A Bilardi, G.
%A Chaudhuri, Shiva
%A Dubhashi, Devdatt P.
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A lower bound for area-universal graphs :
%G eng
%Y Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1993
%P 7 p.
%X We establish a lower bound on the efficiency of area--universal circuits. The area $A_u$ of every graph $H$ that can host
any graph $G$ of area (at most) $A$ with dilation $d$,
and congestion $c \leq \sqrt{A}/\log\log A$ satisfies the tradeoff
A_u = \Omega ( A \log A / (c^2 \log (2d)) ).
In particular, if $A_u = O(A)$ then $\max(c,d) = \Omega(\sqrt{\log A} / \log\log A)$.
%B Research Report
K. L. Clarkson, K. Mehlhorn, and R. Seidel, “Four Results on Randomized Incremental Constructions,” Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, vol. 3, no. 4, 1993.
TITLE = {Four Results on Randomized Incremental Constructions},
AUTHOR = {Clarkson, Kenneth L. and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Seidel, Raimund},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0925-7721},
DOI = {10.1016/0925-7721(93)90009-U},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-31E3F456B4CE26D7C125705B00471DCC-Mehlhorn1993h},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {1993},
DATE = {1993},
JOURNAL = {Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications},
VOLUME = {3},
NUMBER = {4},
PAGES = {185--212},
%0 Journal Article
%A Clarkson, Kenneth L.
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Seidel, Raimund
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Four Results on Randomized Incremental Constructions :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344521
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-31E3F456B4CE26D7C125705B00471DCC-Mehlhorn1993h
%R 10.1016/0925-7721(93)90009-U
%D 1993
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications
%V 3
%N 4
%& 185
%P 185 - 212
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
P. Dietz, K. Mehlhorn, R. Raman, and C. Uhrig, “Lower Bounds for Set Intersection Queries,” in Proceedings of the Fourth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 1993), Austin, TX, USA, 1993.
TITLE = {Lower Bounds for Set Intersection Queries},
AUTHOR = {Dietz, Paul and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Raman, Rajeev and Uhrig, Christian},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-0-89871-313-8},
DOI = {10.5555/313559.313686},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-C5442FD2A1D71DB8C125705B0042826D-Mehlhorn93f},
YEAR = {1993},
DATE = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Fourth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 1993)},
PAGES = {194--201},
ADDRESS = {Austin, TX, USA},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Dietz, Paul
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Raman, Rajeev
%A Uhrig, Christian
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Lower Bounds for Set Intersection Queries :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344519
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-C5442FD2A1D71DB8C125705B0042826D-Mehlhorn93f
%R 10.5555/313559.313686
%D 1993
%B Fourth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
%Z date of event: 1993-01-25 - 1993-01-27
%C Austin, TX, USA
%B Proceedings of the Fourth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
%P 194 - 201
%@ 978-0-89871-313-8
K. Dobrindt, K. Mehlhorn, and M. Yvinec, “A Complete and Efficient Algorithm for the Intersection of a General and a Convex Polyhedron,” Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, MPI-I-93-140, 1993.
A polyhedron is any set that can be obtained from the open half\-spaces by a<br>finite number of set complement and set intersection operations. We give an<br>efficient and complete algorithm for intersecting two three--dimensional<br>polyhedra, one of which is convex. The algorithm is efficient in the sense<br>that its running time is bounded by the size of the inputs plus the size of<br>the output times a logarithmic factor. The algorithm is complete in the sense<br>that it can handle all inputs and requires no general position assumption. We<br>also describe a novel data structure that can represent all three--dimensional<br>polyhedra (the set of polyhedra representable by all previous data structures<br>is not closed under the basic boolean operations).
TITLE = {A Complete and Efficient Algorithm for the Intersection of a General and a Convex Polyhedron},
AUTHOR = {Dobrindt, K. and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Yvinec, M.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {MPI-I-93-140},
INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1993},
DATE = {1993},
ABSTRACT = {A polyhedron is any set that can be obtained from the open half\-spaces by a<br>finite number of set complement and set intersection operations. We give an<br>efficient and complete algorithm for intersecting two three--dimensional<br>polyhedra, one of which is convex. The algorithm is efficient in the sense<br>that its running time is bounded by the size of the inputs plus the size of<br>the output times a logarithmic factor. The algorithm is complete in the sense<br>that it can handle all inputs and requires no general position assumption. We<br>also describe a novel data structure that can represent all three--dimensional<br>polyhedra (the set of polyhedra representable by all previous data structures<br>is not closed under the basic boolean operations).},
TYPE = {Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik},
%0 Report
%A Dobrindt, K.
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Yvinec, M.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Complete and Efficient Algorithm for the Intersection of a General and a Convex Polyhedron :
%G eng
%Y Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1993
%P 14 p.
%X A polyhedron is any set that can be obtained from the open half\-spaces by a<br>finite number of set complement and set intersection operations. We give an<br>efficient and complete algorithm for intersecting two three--dimensional<br>polyhedra, one of which is convex. The algorithm is efficient in the sense<br>that its running time is bounded by the size of the inputs plus the size of<br>the output times a logarithmic factor. The algorithm is complete in the sense<br>that it can handle all inputs and requires no general position assumption. We<br>also describe a novel data structure that can represent all three--dimensional<br>polyhedra (the set of polyhedra representable by all previous data structures<br>is not closed under the basic boolean operations).
%B Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
K. Dobrindt, K. Mehlhorn, and M. Yvinec, “A Complete and Efficient Algorithm for the Intersection of a General and a Convex Polyhedron.” 1993.
Un polyedre est tout ensemble qui peut etre obtenu a partir de demi-espaces par
un nombre fini d{'}operations de complement et d{'}intersection. Nous proposons
ici un algorithme complet et efficace pour construire l{'}intersection de deux
polyedres dans l{'}espace tridimensionnel dont l{'}un est convexe.
L{'}algoritme est efficace car son temps de calcul est, a un facteur
logarithmique pres, borne par la taille des entrees plus la taille de la
sortie. L{'}algorithme est complet dans le sens qu{'}il peut traiter toutes les
entrees sans aucune hypothese de position generale. De plus, nous decrivons une
nouvelle structure de donnees susceptible de representer tout polyedre dans
l{'}espace (toutes les structures utilisees precedemment representent seulement
des ensembles de polyedres qui ne sont pas stables pour les operations
booleennes de base).
A polyhedron is any set that can be obtained from the open halfspaces by a
finite number of set complement and set intersection operations. We give an
efficient and complete algorithm for intersecting two three- dimensional
polyhedra, one of which is convex. The algorithm is efficient in the sense that
its running time is bounded by the size of the inputs plus the size of the
output times a logarithmic factor. The algorithm is complete in the sense that
it can handle all inputs and requires no general position assumption. We also
describe a novel data structure that can represent all three-dimensional
polyhedra (the set of polyhedra representable by all revious data structures is
not closed under the basic boolean operations).
TITLE = {A Complete and Efficient Algorithm for the Intersection of a General and a Convex Polyhedron},
AUTHOR = {Dobrindt, Katrin and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Yvinec, Mariette},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0249-6399},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-3C05D31C310CBC2AC12571B7002F3002-mehlhorn93j},
YEAR = {1993},
DATE = {1993},
ABSTRACT = {Un polyedre est tout ensemble qui peut etre obtenu a partir de demi-espaces par un nombre fini d{'}operations de complement et d{'}intersection. Nous proposons ici un algorithme complet et efficace pour construire l{'}intersection de deux polyedres dans l{'}espace tridimensionnel dont l{'}un est convexe. L{'}algoritme est efficace car son temps de calcul est, a un facteur logarithmique pres, borne par la taille des entrees plus la taille de la sortie. L{'}algorithme est complet dans le sens qu{'}il peut traiter toutes les entrees sans aucune hypothese de position generale. De plus, nous decrivons une nouvelle structure de donnees susceptible de representer tout polyedre dans l{'}espace (toutes les structures utilisees precedemment representent seulement des ensembles de polyedres qui ne sont pas stables pour les operations booleennes de base). A polyhedron is any set that can be obtained from the open halfspaces by a finite number of set complement and set intersection operations. We give an efficient and complete algorithm for intersecting two three- dimensional polyhedra, one of which is convex. The algorithm is efficient in the sense that its running time is bounded by the size of the inputs plus the size of the output times a logarithmic factor. The algorithm is complete in the sense that it can handle all inputs and requires no general position assumption. We also describe a novel data structure that can represent all three-dimensional polyhedra (the set of polyhedra representable by all revious data structures is not closed under the basic boolean operations).},
%0 Generic
%A Dobrindt, Katrin
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Yvinec, Mariette
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T A Complete and Efficient Algorithm for the Intersection of a General and a Convex Polyhedron :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344613
%@ 0249-6399
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-3C05D31C310CBC2AC12571B7002F3002-mehlhorn93j
%D 1993
%X Un polyedre est tout ensemble qui peut etre obtenu a partir de demi-espaces par
un nombre fini d{'}operations de complement et d{'}intersection. Nous proposons
ici un algorithme complet et efficace pour construire l{'}intersection de deux
polyedres dans l{'}espace tridimensionnel dont l{'}un est convexe.
L{'}algoritme est efficace car son temps de calcul est, a un facteur
logarithmique pres, borne par la taille des entrees plus la taille de la
sortie. L{'}algorithme est complet dans le sens qu{'}il peut traiter toutes les
entrees sans aucune hypothese de position generale. De plus, nous decrivons une
nouvelle structure de donnees susceptible de representer tout polyedre dans
l{'}espace (toutes les structures utilisees precedemment representent seulement
des ensembles de polyedres qui ne sont pas stables pour les operations
booleennes de base).
A polyhedron is any set that can be obtained from the open halfspaces by a
finite number of set complement and set intersection operations. We give an
efficient and complete algorithm for intersecting two three- dimensional
polyhedra, one of which is convex. The algorithm is efficient in the sense that
its running time is bounded by the size of the inputs plus the size of the
output times a logarithmic factor. The algorithm is complete in the sense that
it can handle all inputs and requires no general position assumption. We also
describe a novel data structure that can represent all three-dimensional
polyhedra (the set of polyhedra representable by all revious data structures is
not closed under the basic boolean operations).
K. Dobrindt, K. Mehlhorn, and M. Yvinec, “A Complete and Efficient Algorithm for the Intersection of a General and a Convex Polyhedron,” in Algorithms and data structures (WADS-93) : 3rd workshop, 1993.
TITLE = {A Complete and Efficient Algorithm for the Intersection of a General and a Convex Polyhedron},
AUTHOR = {Dobrindt, Katrin and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Yvinec, Mariette},
EDITOR = {Dehne, Frank K. H. A. and Sack, J{\"o}rg-R{\"u}diger and Santoro, Nicola and Whitesides, Sue},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-57155-8},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-50F158C3CCADEEFEC12570540047FAEB-Mehlhorn93b},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1993},
DATE = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithms and data structures (WADS-93) : 3rd workshop},
PAGES = {314--324},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Dobrindt, Katrin
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Yvinec, Mariette
%E Dehne, Frank K. H. A.
%E Sack, Jörg-Rüdiger
%E Santoro, Nicola
%E Whitesides, Sue
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T A Complete and Efficient Algorithm for the Intersection of a General and a Convex Polyhedron :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344515
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-50F158C3CCADEEFEC12570540047FAEB-Mehlhorn93b
%I Springer
%D 1993
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1993-08-11 -
%C Montréal, Canada
%B Algorithms and data structures (WADS-93) : 3rd workshop
%P 314 - 324
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-57155-8
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
D. P. Dubhashi, K. Mehlhorn, D. Ranjan, and C. Thiel, “Searching, sorting and randomised algorithms for central elements and ideal counting in posets,” Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, MPI-I-93-154, 1993.
By the Central Element Theorem of Linial and Saks, it follows that for
the problem of (generalised) searching in posets, the
information--theoretic lower bound of $\log N$ comparisons (where $N$ is the
number of order--ideals in the poset) is tight asymptotically. We
observe that this implies that the problem of (generalised) sorting
in posets has complexity $\Theta(n \cdot \log N)$ (where $n$ is the
number of elements in the poset). We present schemes for
(efficiently) transforming a randomised generation procedure for
central elements (which often exists for some classes of posets) into
randomised procedures for approximately counting ideals in the poset
and for testing if an arbitrary element is central.
TITLE = {Searching, sorting and randomised algorithms for central elements and ideal counting in posets},
AUTHOR = {Dubhashi, Devdatt P. and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Ranjan, Desh and Thiel, Christian},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
NUMBER = {MPI-I-93-154},
INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1993},
DATE = {1993},
ABSTRACT = {By the Central Element Theorem of Linial and Saks, it follows that for the problem of (generalised) searching in posets, the information--theoretic lower bound of $\log N$ comparisons (where $N$ is the number of order--ideals in the poset) is tight asymptotically. We observe that this implies that the problem of (generalised) sorting in posets has complexity $\Theta(n \cdot \log N)$ (where $n$ is the number of elements in the poset). We present schemes for (efficiently) transforming a randomised generation procedure for central elements (which often exists for some classes of posets) into randomised procedures for approximately counting ideals in the poset and for testing if an arbitrary element is central.},
TYPE = {Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik},
%0 Report
%A Dubhashi, Devdatt P.
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Ranjan, Desh
%A Thiel, Christian
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Searching, sorting and randomised algorithms for central elements and ideal counting in posets :
%G eng
%Y Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1993
%P 8 p.
%X By the Central Element Theorem of Linial and Saks, it follows that for
the problem of (generalised) searching in posets, the
information--theoretic lower bound of $\log N$ comparisons (where $N$ is the
number of order--ideals in the poset) is tight asymptotically. We
observe that this implies that the problem of (generalised) sorting
in posets has complexity $\Theta(n \cdot \log N)$ (where $n$ is the
number of elements in the poset). We present schemes for
(efficiently) transforming a randomised generation procedure for
central elements (which often exists for some classes of posets) into
randomised procedures for approximately counting ideals in the poset
and for testing if an arbitrary element is central.
%B Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
D. P. Dubhashi, D. Ranjan, K. Mehlhorn, and C. Thiel, “Searching, Sorting and Randomised Algorithms for Central Elements and Ideal Counting in Posets,” in Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS 1993), Bombay, India, 1993.
TITLE = {Searching, Sorting and Randomised Algorithms for Central Elements and Ideal Counting in Posets},
AUTHOR = {Dubhashi, Devdatt P. and Ranjan, Desh and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Thiel, Christian},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-57529-4},
DOI = {10.1007/3-540-57529-4_75},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-754F8ECE4A8943D2C125705B00410092-Mehlhorn93e},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1993},
DATE = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS 1993)},
EDITOR = {Shyamasundar, Rudrapatna K.},
PAGES = {436--443},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
ADDRESS = {Bombay, India},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Dubhashi, Devdatt P.
%A Ranjan, Desh
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Thiel, Christian
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Searching, Sorting and Randomised Algorithms for Central Elements and Ideal Counting in Posets :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344518
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-754F8ECE4A8943D2C125705B00410092-Mehlhorn93e
%R 10.1007/3-540-57529-4_75
%D 1993
%B Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science Conference
%Z date of event: 1993-12-15 - 1993-12-17
%C Bombay, India
%B Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science
%E Shyamasundar, Rudrapatna K.
%P 436 - 443
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-57529-4
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
T. Hagerup, K. Mehlhorn, and J. I. Munro, “Maintaining Discrete Probability Distributions Optimally,” in Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP 1993), Lund, Sweden, 1993.
TITLE = {Maintaining Discrete Probability Distributions Optimally},
AUTHOR = {Hagerup, Torben and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Munro, J. Ian},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-56939-1},
DOI = {10.1007/3-540-56939-1_77},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-EB73936149372BF1C1257057004AC7F3-Mehlhorn93d},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1993},
DATE = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP 1993)},
EDITOR = {Lingas, Andrzej and Karlsson, Rolf and Carlsson, Svante},
PAGES = {253--264},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
ADDRESS = {Lund, Sweden},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Hagerup, Torben
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Munro, J. Ian
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Maintaining Discrete Probability Distributions Optimally :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344517
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-EB73936149372BF1C1257057004AC7F3-Mehlhorn93d
%R 10.1007/3-540-56939-1_77
%D 1993
%B 20th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming
%Z date of event: 1993-07-05 - 1993-07-09
%C Lund, Sweden
%B Automata, Languages and Programming
%E Lingas, Andrzej; Karlsson, Rolf; Carlsson, Svante
%P 253 - 264
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-56939-1
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
R. Klein, K. Mehlhorn, and S. Meiser, “Randomized incremental construction of abstract Voronoi diagrams,” Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, vol. 3, 1993.
TITLE = {Randomized incremental construction of abstract Voronoi diagrams},
AUTHOR = {Klein, Rolf and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Meiser, Stefan},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-4857737B7BF5833DC125705B00470C88-Mehlhorn93g},
YEAR = {1993},
DATE = {1993},
JOURNAL = {Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications},
VOLUME = {3},
PAGES = {157--184},
%0 Journal Article
%A Klein, Rolf
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Meiser, Stefan
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Randomized incremental construction of abstract Voronoi diagrams :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344520
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-4857737B7BF5833DC125705B00470C88-Mehlhorn93g
%D 1993
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications
%V 3
%& 157
%P 157 - 184
L. Kucera, K. Mehlhorn, B. Preis, and E. Schwarzenecker, “Exact Algorithms for a Geometric Packing Problem (Extended Abstract),” in STACS 93, 10th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Würzburg, Germany, 1993.
TITLE = {Exact Algorithms for a Geometric Packing Problem (Extended Abstract)},
AUTHOR = {Kucera, Ludek and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Preis, B. and Schwarzenecker, E.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-540-56503-1},
DOI = {10.1007/3-540-56503-5_32},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-22C8D84A4970E264C1257054004746A5-Mehlhorn93a},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1993},
DATE = {1993},
BOOKTITLE = {STACS 93, 10th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science},
EDITOR = {Enjalbert, P. and Finkel, A. and Wagner, K. W.},
PAGES = {317--322},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {665},
ADDRESS = {W{\"u}rzburg, Germany},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Kucera, Ludek
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Preis, B.
%A Schwarzenecker, E.
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Exact Algorithms for a Geometric Packing Problem (Extended Abstract) :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344514
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-22C8D84A4970E264C1257054004746A5-Mehlhorn93a
%R 10.1007/3-540-56503-5_32
%D 1993
%B 10th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science
%Z date of event: 1993-02-25 - 1993-02-27
%C Würzburg, Germany
%E Enjalbert, P.; Finkel, A.; Wagner, K. W.
%P 317 - 322
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-540-56503-1
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 665
K. Mehlhorn, M. Sharir, and E. Welzl, “Tail estimates for the efficiency of randomized incremental algorithms for line segment intersection,” Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, MPI-I-93-103, 1993.
We give tail estimates for the efficiency of some randomized
incremental algorithms for line segment intersection in the
In particular, we show that there is a constant $C$ such that the
probability that the running times of algorithms due to Mulmuley
and Clarkson and Shor
exceed $C$ times their expected time is bounded by $e^{-\Omega (m/(n\ln n))}$
where $n$ is the number of segments, $m$ is the number of
intersections, and $m \geq n \ln n \ln^{(3)}n$.
TITLE = {Tail estimates for the efficiency of randomized incremental algorithms for line segment intersection},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sharir, Micha and Welzl, Emo},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
URL = {},
NUMBER = {MPI-I-93-103},
INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1993},
DATE = {1993},
ABSTRACT = {We give tail estimates for the efficiency of some randomized incremental algorithms for line segment intersection in the plane. In particular, we show that there is a constant $C$ such that the probability that the running times of algorithms due to Mulmuley and Clarkson and Shor exceed $C$ times their expected time is bounded by $e^{-\Omega (m/(n\ln n))}$ where $n$ is the number of segments, $m$ is the number of intersections, and $m \geq n \ln n \ln^{(3)}n$.},
TYPE = {Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Sharir, Micha
%A Welzl, Emo
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Tail estimates for the efficiency of randomized incremental algorithms for line segment intersection :
%G eng
%Y Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1993
%P 12 p.
%X We give tail estimates for the efficiency of some randomized
incremental algorithms for line segment intersection in the
In particular, we show that there is a constant $C$ such that the
probability that the running times of algorithms due to Mulmuley
and Clarkson and Shor
exceed $C$ times their expected time is bounded by $e^{-\Omega (m/(n\ln n))}$
where $n$ is the number of segments, $m$ is the number of
intersections, and $m \geq n \ln n \ln^{(3)}n$.
%B Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
K. Mehlhorn, K. Dobrindt, and M. Yvinec, “A Complete and Efficient Algorithm for the Intersection of a General and a Convex Polyhedron,” Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Sophia Antipolis, France, RR-2023, 1993.
TITLE = {A Complete and Efficient Algorithm for the Intersection of a General and a Convex Polyhedron},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Dobrindt, Katrin and Yvinec, Mariette},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {RR-2023},
INSTITUTION = {Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique},
ADDRESS = {Sophia Antipolis, France},
YEAR = {1993},
DATE = {1993},
TYPE = {Rapport de Recherche},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Dobrindt, Katrin
%A Yvinec, Mariette
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
%T A Complete and Efficient Algorithm for the Intersection of a General and a Convex Polyhedron :
%G eng
%Y Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique
%C Sophia Antipolis, France
%D 1993
%B Rapport de Recherche
K. Mehlhorn and C. Uhrig, “Maintaining dynamic sequences under equality-tests in polylogorithmic time,” Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, MPI-I-93-128, 1993.
We present a randomized and a deterministic
data structure for maintaining a dynamic family of
sequences under equality--tests of pairs of sequences and creations
of new sequences by joining or splitting existing sequences.
Both data structures support equality--tests in $O(1)$ time. The
randomized version supports new sequence creations in $O(\log^2 n)$
expected time
where $n$ is the length of the sequence created. The
deterministic solution supports sequence creations in
$O(\log n(\log m \log^* m + \log n))$ time for the $m$--th operation.
TITLE = {Maintaining dynamic sequences under equality-tests in polylogorithmic time},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Uhrig, Christian},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {MPI-I-93-128},
INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1993},
DATE = {1993},
ABSTRACT = {We present a randomized and a deterministic data structure for maintaining a dynamic family of sequences under equality--tests of pairs of sequences and creations of new sequences by joining or splitting existing sequences. Both data structures support equality--tests in $O(1)$ time. The randomized version supports new sequence creations in $O(\log^2 n)$ expected time where $n$ is the length of the sequence created. The deterministic solution supports sequence creations in $O(\log n(\log m \log^* m + \log n))$ time for the $m$--th operation.},
TYPE = {Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Uhrig, Christian
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Maintaining dynamic sequences under equality-tests in polylogorithmic time :
%G eng
%Y Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1993
%P 17 p.
%X We present a randomized and a deterministic
data structure for maintaining a dynamic family of
sequences under equality--tests of pairs of sequences and creations
of new sequences by joining or splitting existing sequences.
Both data structures support equality--tests in $O(1)$ time. The
randomized version supports new sequence creations in $O(\log^2 n)$
expected time
where $n$ is the length of the sequence created. The
deterministic solution supports sequence creations in
$O(\log n(\log m \log^* m + \log n))$ time for the $m$--th operation.
%B Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
K. Mehlhorn and A. K. Tsakalidis, “Dynamic Interpolation Search,” Journal of the ACM, vol. 40, 1993.
TITLE = {Dynamic Interpolation Search},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Tsakalidis, Athanasios K.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-503CDF6147D5B8E9C12570540048D4B1-Mehlhorn93c},
YEAR = {1993},
DATE = {1993},
JOURNAL = {Journal of the ACM},
VOLUME = {40},
PAGES = {621--634},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Tsakalidis, Athanasios K.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Dynamic Interpolation Search :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344516
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-503CDF6147D5B8E9C12570540048D4B1-Mehlhorn93c
%D 1993
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Journal of the ACM
%V 40
%& 621
%P 621 - 634
K. Mehlhorn, M. Sharir, and E. Welzl, “Tail Estimates for the Efficiency of Randomized Incremental Algorithms for Line Segment Intersection,” Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, vol. 3, no. 4, 1993.
TITLE = {Tail Estimates for the Efficiency of Randomized Incremental Algorithms for Line Segment Intersection},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sharir, Micha and Welzl, Emo},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0925-7721},
DOI = {10.1016/0925-7721(93)90011-T},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-71D01A342BEB4A1DC125705B004734F9-Mehlhorn93i},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {1993},
DATE = {1993},
JOURNAL = {Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications},
VOLUME = {3},
NUMBER = {4},
PAGES = {235--246},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Sharir, Micha
%A Welzl, Emo
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Tail Estimates for the Efficiency of Randomized Incremental Algorithms for Line Segment Intersection :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344522
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-71D01A342BEB4A1DC125705B004734F9-Mehlhorn93i
%R 10.1016/0925-7721(93)90011-T
%D 1993
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications
%V 3
%N 4
%& 235
%P 235 - 246
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, P. Mutzel, and S. Näher, “An implementation of the Hopcroft and Tarjan planarity test and embedding algorithm,” Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, MPI-I-93-151, 1993.
We design new inference systems for total orderings
by applying rewrite techniques to chaining calculi.
Equality relations may either be specified axiomatically
or built into the deductive calculus via paramodulation or superposition.
We demonstrate that our inference systems are compatible
with a concept of (global) redundancy for clauses and inferences
that covers such widely used simplification techniques
as tautology deletion, subsumption, and demodulation.
A key to the practicality of chaining techniques is
the extent to which so-called variable chainings can be restricted.
Syntactic ordering restrictions on terms
and the rewrite techniques which account for their completeness
considerably restrict variable chaining.
We show that variable elimination
is an admissible simplification techniques
within our redundancy framework,
and that consequently for dense total orderings without endpoints
no variable chaining is needed at all.
TITLE = {An implementation of the Hopcroft and Tarjan planarity test and embedding algorithm},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Mutzel, Petra and N{\"a}her, Stefan},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {MPI-I-93-151},
INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1993},
DATE = {1993},
ABSTRACT = {We design new inference systems for total orderings by applying rewrite techniques to chaining calculi. Equality relations may either be specified axiomatically or built into the deductive calculus via paramodulation or superposition. We demonstrate that our inference systems are compatible with a concept of (global) redundancy for clauses and inferences that covers such widely used simplification techniques as tautology deletion, subsumption, and demodulation. A key to the practicality of chaining techniques is the extent to which so-called variable chainings can be restricted. Syntactic ordering restrictions on terms and the rewrite techniques which account for their completeness considerably restrict variable chaining. We show that variable elimination is an admissible simplification techniques within our redundancy framework, and that consequently for dense total orderings without endpoints no variable chaining is needed at all.},
TYPE = {Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Mutzel, Petra
%A Näher, Stefan
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T An implementation of the Hopcroft and Tarjan planarity test and embedding algorithm :
%G eng
%Y Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1993
%P 20 p.
%X We design new inference systems for total orderings
by applying rewrite techniques to chaining calculi.
Equality relations may either be specified axiomatically
or built into the deductive calculus via paramodulation or superposition.
We demonstrate that our inference systems are compatible
with a concept of (global) redundancy for clauses and inferences
that covers such widely used simplification techniques
as tautology deletion, subsumption, and demodulation.
A key to the practicality of chaining techniques is
the extent to which so-called variable chainings can be restricted.
Syntactic ordering restrictions on terms
and the rewrite techniques which account for their completeness
considerably restrict variable chaining.
We show that variable elimination
is an admissible simplification techniques
within our redundancy framework,
and that consequently for dense total orderings without endpoints
no variable chaining is needed at all.
%B Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
H. Alt, R. Fleischer, M. Kaufmann, K. Mehlhorn, S. Näher, S. Schirra, and C. Uhrig, “Approximate Motion Planning and the Complexity of the Boundary of the Union of Simple Geometric Figures,” Algorithmica, vol. 8, no. 5–6, 1992.
TITLE = {Approximate Motion Planning and the Complexity of the Boundary of the Union of Simple Geometric Figures},
AUTHOR = {Alt, Helmut and Fleischer, Rudolf and Kaufmann, Michael and Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan and Schirra, Stefan and Uhrig, Christian},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0178-4617},
DOI = {10.1007/BF01758853},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-3AC2F128A2F05E62C12570700047BD08-Mehlhorn92a},
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
ADDRESS = {New York},
YEAR = {1992},
DATE = {1992},
JOURNAL = {Algorithmica},
VOLUME = {8},
NUMBER = {5-6},
PAGES = {391--408},
%0 Journal Article
%A Alt, Helmut
%A Fleischer, Rudolf
%A Kaufmann, Michael
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%A Schirra, Stefan
%A Uhrig, Christian
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Approximate Motion Planning and the Complexity of the Boundary of the Union of Simple Geometric Figures :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344524
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-3AC2F128A2F05E62C12570700047BD08-Mehlhorn92a
%R 10.1007/BF01758853
%D 1992
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Algorithmica
%V 8
%N 5-6
%& 391
%P 391 - 408
%I Springer-Verlag
%C New York
%@ false
H. Alt, V. Geffert, and K. Mehlhorn, “A Lower Bound for the Nondeterministic Space Complexity of Context-free Recognition,” Information Processing Letters, vol. 42, no. 1, 1992.
TITLE = {A Lower Bound for the Nondeterministic Space Complexity of Context-free Recognition},
AUTHOR = {Alt, Helmut and Geffert, Viliam and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0020-0190},
DOI = {10.1016/0020-0190(92)90127-H},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-FE3660A88DFABA50C125707E002F1570-Mehlhorn92j},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {1992},
DATE = {1992},
JOURNAL = {Information Processing Letters},
VOLUME = {42},
NUMBER = {1},
PAGES = {25--27},
%0 Journal Article
%A Alt, Helmut
%A Geffert, Viliam
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Lower Bound for the Nondeterministic Space Complexity of Context-free Recognition :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344533
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-FE3660A88DFABA50C125707E002F1570-Mehlhorn92j
%R 10.1016/0020-0190(92)90127-H
%D 1992
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Information Processing Letters
%V 42
%N 1
%& 25
%P 25 - 27
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
H. Alt, L. Guibas, K. Mehlhorn, R. Karp, and A. Widgerson, “A Method for Obtaining Randomized Algorithms with Small Tail Probabilities,” Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, MPI-I-92-110, 1992.
We study strategies for converting randomized algorithms of the <br>Las Vegas type into randomized algorithms with small tail <br>probabilities.
TITLE = {A Method for Obtaining Randomized Algorithms with Small Tail Probabilities},
AUTHOR = {Alt, Helmut and Guibas, L. and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Karp, R. and Widgerson, A.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {MPI-I-92-110},
INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1992},
DATE = {1992},
ABSTRACT = {We study strategies for converting randomized algorithms of the <br>Las Vegas type into randomized algorithms with small tail <br>probabilities.},
TYPE = {Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik},
%0 Report
%A Alt, Helmut
%A Guibas, L.
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Karp, R.
%A Widgerson, A.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Method for Obtaining Randomized Algorithms with Small Tail Probabilities :
%G eng
%Y Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1992
%P 5 p.
%X We study strategies for converting randomized algorithms of the <br>Las Vegas type into randomized algorithms with small tail <br>probabilities.
%B Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
H. Baumgarten, H. Jung, and K. Mehlhorn, “Dynamic point location in general subdivisions,” Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, MPI-I-92-126, 1992.
The {\em dynamic planar point location problem} is the
task of maintaining a dynamic set $S$ of $n$ non-intersecting, except
possibly at endpoints, line segments in the plane
under the following operations:
\item Locate($q$: point): Report the
segment immediately above $q$, i.e., the first segment
intersected by an upward vertical ray starting at
\item Insert($s$: segment): Add segment $s$ to the collection
$S$ of segments;
\item Delete($s$: segment): Remove segment $s$ from the
collection $S$ of segments.
We present a solution which requires space $O(n)$,
has query and insertion time and deletion time. A query time
was previously only known for monotone subdivisions and horizontal segments and required non-linear space.
TITLE = {Dynamic point location in general subdivisions},
AUTHOR = {Baumgarten, Hanna and Jung, Hermann and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {MPI-I-92-126},
INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1992},
DATE = {1992},
ABSTRACT = {The {\em dynamic planar point location problem} is the task of maintaining a dynamic set $S$ of $n$ non-intersecting, except possibly at endpoints, line segments in the plane under the following operations: \begin{itemize} \item Locate($q$: point): Report the segment immediately above $q$, i.e., the first segment intersected by an upward vertical ray starting at $q$; \item Insert($s$: segment): Add segment $s$ to the collection $S$ of segments; \item Delete($s$: segment): Remove segment $s$ from the collection $S$ of segments. \end{itemize} We present a solution which requires space $O(n)$, has query and insertion time and deletion time. A query time was previously only known for monotone subdivisions and horizontal segments and required non-linear space.},
TYPE = {Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik},
%0 Report
%A Baumgarten, Hanna
%A Jung, Hermann
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Dynamic point location in general subdivisions :
%G eng
%Y Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1992
%P 30 p.
%X The {\em dynamic planar point location problem} is the
task of maintaining a dynamic set $S$ of $n$ non-intersecting, except
possibly at endpoints, line segments in the plane
under the following operations:
\item Locate($q$: point): Report the
segment immediately above $q$, i.e., the first segment
intersected by an upward vertical ray starting at
\item Insert($s$: segment): Add segment $s$ to the collection
$S$ of segments;
\item Delete($s$: segment): Remove segment $s$ from the
collection $S$ of segments.
We present a solution which requires space $O(n)$,
has query and insertion time and deletion time. A query time
was previously only known for monotone subdivisions and horizontal segments and required non-linear space.
%B Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
H. Baumgarten, H. Jung, and K. Mehlhorn, “Dynamic Point Location in General Subdivisions,” in Proceedings of the 3rd Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 1992), Orlando, FL, USA, 1992.
TITLE = {Dynamic Point Location in General Subdivisions},
AUTHOR = {Baumgarten, Hanna and Jung, Hermann and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-0-89791-466-6},
DOI = {10.5555/139404.139458},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-33580BC04A4EBA94C125707E002EC364-Mehlhorn92g},
YEAR = {1992},
DATE = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 3rd Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 1992)},
PAGES = {250--258},
ADDRESS = {Orlando, FL, USA},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Baumgarten, Hanna
%A Jung, Hermann
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Dynamic Point Location in General Subdivisions :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344532
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-33580BC04A4EBA94C125707E002EC364-Mehlhorn92g
%R 10.5555/139404.139458
%D 1992
%B 3rd Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
%Z date of event: 1992-01-27 -
%C Orlando, FL, USA
%B Proceedings of the 3rd Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
%P 250 - 258
%@ 978-0-89791-466-6
K. L. Clarkson and K. Mehlhorn, “Four results on randomized incremental constructions,” Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, MPI-I-92-112, 1992.
We prove four results on randomized incremental constructions (RICs):
an analysis of the expected behavior under insertion and deletions,
a fully dynamic data structure for convex hull maintenance in
arbitrary dimensions,
a tail estimate for the space complexity of RICs,
a lower bound on the complexity of a game related to RICs.
TITLE = {Four results on randomized incremental constructions},
AUTHOR = {Clarkson, K. L. and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {MPI-I-92-112},
INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1992},
DATE = {1992},
ABSTRACT = {We prove four results on randomized incremental constructions (RICs): \begin{itemize} \item an analysis of the expected behavior under insertion and deletions, \item a fully dynamic data structure for convex hull maintenance in arbitrary dimensions, \item a tail estimate for the space complexity of RICs, \item a lower bound on the complexity of a game related to RICs. \end{itemize}},
TYPE = {Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik},
%0 Report
%A Clarkson, K. L.
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Four results on randomized incremental constructions :
%G eng
%Y Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1992
%P 21 p.
%X We prove four results on randomized incremental constructions (RICs):
an analysis of the expected behavior under insertion and deletions,
a fully dynamic data structure for convex hull maintenance in
arbitrary dimensions,
a tail estimate for the space complexity of RICs,
a lower bound on the complexity of a game related to RICs.
%B Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
K. L. Clarkson, K. Mehlhorn, and R. Seidel, “Four Results on Randomized Incremental Constructions,” in STACS 92, 9th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Cachan, France, 1992.
TITLE = {Four Results on Randomized Incremental Constructions},
AUTHOR = {Clarkson, Kenneth L. and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Seidel, Raimund},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-540-55210-9},
DOI = {10.1007/3-540-55210-3_205},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-FD7446AEC5E2BB15C125707E002BC159-Mehlhorn92f},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1992},
DATE = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {STACS 92, 9th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science},
EDITOR = {Finkel, Alain and Jantzen, Matthias},
PAGES = {463--474},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {577},
ADDRESS = {Cachan, France},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Clarkson, Kenneth L.
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Seidel, Raimund
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Four Results on Randomized Incremental Constructions :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344530
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-FD7446AEC5E2BB15C125707E002BC159-Mehlhorn92f
%R 10.1007/3-540-55210-3_205
%D 1992
%B 9th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science
%Z date of event: 1992-02-13 - 1992-02-15
%C Cachan, France
%E Finkel, Alain; Jantzen, Matthias
%P 463 - 474
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-540-55210-9
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 577
R. Fleischer, K. Mehlhorn, G. Rote, E. Welzl, and C.-K. Yap, “Simultaneous Inner and Outer Approximation of Shapes,” Algorithmica, vol. 8, no. 5–6, 1992.
TITLE = {Simultaneous Inner and Outer Approximation of Shapes},
AUTHOR = {Fleischer, Rudolf and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Rote, G{\"u}nter and Welzl, Emo and Yap, Chee-Keng},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0178-4617},
DOI = {10.1007/BF01758852},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-F3131145572BCD19C125707300491D07-ALGOR::FleischerMRWY1992},
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
ADDRESS = {New York},
YEAR = {1992},
DATE = {1992},
JOURNAL = {Algorithmica},
VOLUME = {8},
NUMBER = {5-6},
PAGES = {365--389},
%0 Journal Article
%A Fleischer, Rudolf
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Rote, Günter
%A Welzl, Emo
%A Yap, Chee-Keng
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Simultaneous Inner and Outer Approximation of Shapes :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344526
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-F3131145572BCD19C125707300491D07-ALGOR::FleischerMRWY1992
%R 10.1007/BF01758852
%D 1992
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Algorithmica
%V 8
%N 5-6
%& 365
%P 365 - 389
%I Springer-Verlag
%C New York
%@ false
R. Fleischer, O. Fries, K. Mehlhorn, S. Meiser, S. Näher, H. Rohnert, S. Schirra, K. Simon, A. Tsakalidis, and C. Uhrig, “Selected Topics from Computational Geometry, Data Structures and Motion Planning,” in Data Structures and Efficient Algorithms, Final Report on the DFG Special Joint Initiative, B. Monien and T. Ottmann, Eds. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 1992.
TITLE = {Selected Topics from Computational Geometry, Data Structures and Motion Planning},
AUTHOR = {Fleischer, Rudolf and Fries, Otfried and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Meiser, Stefan and N{\"a}her, Stefan and Rohnert, Hans and Schirra, Stefan and Simon, Klaus and Tsakalidis, Athanasios and Uhrig, Christian},
EDITOR = {Monien, Burkhard and Ottmann, Thomas},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-55488-2},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-F268ADE4D19F068CC1257074004A96D2-Mehlhorn92e},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany},
YEAR = {1992},
DATE = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {Data Structures and Efficient Algorithms, Final Report on the DFG Special Joint Initiative},
DEBUG = {editor: Monien, Burkhard; editor: Ottmann, Thomas},
PAGES = {25--43},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {594},
%0 Book Section
%A Fleischer, Rudolf
%A Fries, Otfried
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Meiser, Stefan
%A Näher, Stefan
%A Rohnert, Hans
%A Schirra, Stefan
%A Simon, Klaus
%A Tsakalidis, Athanasios
%A Uhrig, Christian
%E Monien, Burkhard
%E Ottmann, Thomas
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Selected Topics from Computational Geometry, Data Structures and Motion Planning :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344528
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-F268ADE4D19F068CC1257074004A96D2-Mehlhorn92e
%I Springer
%C Berlin, Germany
%D 1992
%B Data Structures and Efficient Algorithms, Final Report on the DFG Special Joint Initiative
%E Monien, Burkhard; Ottmann, Thomas
%P 25 - 43
%I Springer
%C Berlin, Germany
%@ 3-540-55488-2
%S Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 594
M. Kaufmann and K. Mehlhorn, “On Local Routing of Two-terminal Nets,” Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B, vol. 55, no. 1, 1992.
TITLE = {On Local Routing of Two-terminal Nets},
AUTHOR = {Kaufmann, Michael and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0095-8956},
DOI = {10.1016/0095-8956(92)90031-R},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-C18F6A9F1D22DA84C125707E003111F9-Mehlhorn92k},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {1992},
DATE = {1992},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B},
VOLUME = {55},
NUMBER = {1},
PAGES = {33--72},
%0 Journal Article
%A Kaufmann, Michael
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T On Local Routing of Two-terminal Nets :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344534
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-C18F6A9F1D22DA84C125707E003111F9-Mehlhorn92k
%R 10.1016/0095-8956(92)90031-R
%D 1992
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B
%V 55
%N 1
%& 33
%P 33 - 72
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
R. Klein, K. Mehlhorn, and S. Meiser, “Randomized incremental construction of abstract Voronoi diagrams,” in Informatik---Festschrift zum 60.~Geburtstag von Günter Hotz, vol. 1, J. Buchmann, H. Ganzinger, and W. J. Paul, Eds. Stuttgart, Germany: Teubner, 1992.
TITLE = {Randomized incremental construction of abstract Voronoi diagrams},
AUTHOR = {Klein, Rolf and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Meiser, Stefan},
EDITOR = {Buchmann, J. and Ganzinger, Harald and Paul, Wolfgang J.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-B6A2476196DB847CC125707E0031FAC1-Mehlhorn92m},
PUBLISHER = {Teubner},
ADDRESS = {Stuttgart, Germany},
YEAR = {1992},
DATE = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {Informatik---Festschrift zum 60.{\textasciitilde}Geburtstag von G{\"u}nter Hotz},
DEBUG = {editor: Buchmann, J.; editor: Ganzinger, Harald; editor: Paul, Wolfgang J.},
VOLUME = {1},
PAGES = {283--308},
%0 Book Section
%A Klein, Rolf
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Meiser, Stefan
%E Buchmann, J.
%E Ganzinger, Harald
%E Paul, Wolfgang J.
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Programming Logics, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Randomized incremental construction of abstract Voronoi diagrams :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344535
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-B6A2476196DB847CC125707E0031FAC1-Mehlhorn92m
%I Teubner
%C Stuttgart, Germany
%D 1992
%B Informatik---Festschrift zum 60.~Geburtstag von Günter Hotz
%E Buchmann, J.; Ganzinger, Harald; Paul, Wolfgang J.
%V 1
%P 283 - 308
%I Teubner
%C Stuttgart, Germany
K. Mehlhorn, S. Meiser, and R. Rasch, “Furthest Site Abstract Voronoi Diagrams,” Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, MPI-I-92-135, 1992.
Abstract Voronoi diagrams were introduced by R. Klein as a<br>unifying approach to Voronoi diagrams. In this paper we study <br>furthest site abstract Voronoi diagrams and give a unified mathematical <br>and algorithmic treatment for them. In particular, we show that furthest <br>site abstract Voronoi diagrams are trees, have<br>linear size, and that, given a set of $n$ sites, the<br>furthest site abstract Voronoi diagram can be computed by a<br>randomized algorithm in expected time $O(n\log n)$.
TITLE = {Furthest Site Abstract {V}oronoi Diagrams},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Meiser, Stefan and Rasch, Roland},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {MPI-I-92-135},
INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1992},
DATE = {1992},
ABSTRACT = {Abstract Voronoi diagrams were introduced by R. Klein as a<br>unifying approach to Voronoi diagrams. In this paper we study <br>furthest site abstract Voronoi diagrams and give a unified mathematical <br>and algorithmic treatment for them. In particular, we show that furthest <br>site abstract Voronoi diagrams are trees, have<br>linear size, and that, given a set of $n$ sites, the<br>furthest site abstract Voronoi diagram can be computed by a<br>randomized algorithm in expected time $O(n\log n)$.},
TYPE = {Research Report},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Meiser, Stefan
%A Rasch, Roland
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Furthest Site Abstract Voronoi Diagrams :
%G eng
%Y Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1992
%P 25 p.
%X Abstract Voronoi diagrams were introduced by R. Klein as a<br>unifying approach to Voronoi diagrams. In this paper we study <br>furthest site abstract Voronoi diagrams and give a unified mathematical <br>and algorithmic treatment for them. In particular, we show that furthest <br>site abstract Voronoi diagrams are trees, have<br>linear size, and that, given a set of $n$ sites, the<br>furthest site abstract Voronoi diagram can be computed by a<br>randomized algorithm in expected time $O(n\log n)$.
%B Research Report
K. Mehlhorn, C. Uhrig, and R. Raman, “Lower bound for set intersection queries,” Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, MPI-I-92-127, 1992.
We consider the following {\em set intersection reporting\/} problem.
We have a collection of initially empty sets and would like to
process an intermixed sequence of $n$ updates (insertions into and
deletions from individual sets) and $q$ queries (reporting the
intersection of two sets). We cast this problem in the
{\em arithmetic\/} model of computation of Fredman
and Yao and show that any algorithm that fits
in this model must take $\Omega(q + n \sqrt{q})$ to
process a sequence of $n$ updates and $q$ queries,
ignoring factors that are polynomial in $\log n$.
By adapting an algorithm due to Yellin
we can show that this bound
is tight in this model of computation, again
to within a polynomial in $\log n$ factor.
TITLE = {Lower bound for set intersection queries},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Uhrig, Christian and Raman, Rajeev},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {MPI-I-92-127},
INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1992},
DATE = {1992},
ABSTRACT = {We consider the following {\em set intersection reporting\/} problem. We have a collection of initially empty sets and would like to process an intermixed sequence of $n$ updates (insertions into and deletions from individual sets) and $q$ queries (reporting the intersection of two sets). We cast this problem in the {\em arithmetic\/} model of computation of Fredman and Yao and show that any algorithm that fits in this model must take $\Omega(q + n \sqrt{q})$ to process a sequence of $n$ updates and $q$ queries, ignoring factors that are polynomial in $\log n$. By adapting an algorithm due to Yellin we can show that this bound is tight in this model of computation, again to within a polynomial in $\log n$ factor.},
TYPE = {Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Uhrig, Christian
%A Raman, Rajeev
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Lower bound for set intersection queries :
%G eng
%Y Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1992
%P 14 p.
%X We consider the following {\em set intersection reporting\/} problem.
We have a collection of initially empty sets and would like to
process an intermixed sequence of $n$ updates (insertions into and
deletions from individual sets) and $q$ queries (reporting the
intersection of two sets). We cast this problem in the
{\em arithmetic\/} model of computation of Fredman
and Yao and show that any algorithm that fits
in this model must take $\Omega(q + n \sqrt{q})$ to
process a sequence of $n$ updates and $q$ queries,
ignoring factors that are polynomial in $\log n$.
By adapting an algorithm due to Yellin
we can show that this bound
is tight in this model of computation, again
to within a polynomial in $\log n$ factor.
%B Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
K. Mehlhorn, “Recent Developments in Algorithms for the Maximum Flow Problem (Abstract),” in Proceedings of Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS 1992), 1992.
TITLE = {Recent Developments in Algorithms for the Maximum Flow Problem (Abstract)},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Shyamasundar, Rudrapatna},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-56287-7},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-3750D6EBDDEFE13DC1257073004D2F13-Mehlhorn92d},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1992},
DATE = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS 1992)},
PAGES = {404--404},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Shyamasundar, Rudrapatna
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Recent Developments in Algorithms for the Maximum Flow Problem (Abstract) :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344527
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-3750D6EBDDEFE13DC1257073004D2F13-Mehlhorn92d
%I Springer
%D 1992
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1992-12-18 -
%C New Delhi, India
%B Proceedings of Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS 1992)
%P 404 - 404
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-56287-7
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
K. Mehlhorn, M. Sharir, and E. Welzl, “Tail Estimates for the Space Complexity of Randomised Incremental Algorithms,” in Discrete algorithms (SODA-92) : 3rd annual ACM-SIAM symposium, 1992.
TITLE = {Tail Estimates for the Space Complexity of Randomised Incremental Algorithms},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sharir, Micha and Welzl, Emo},
EDITOR = {Frederickson, Greg and Graham, Ron and Hochbaum, Dorit S. and Johnson, Ellis and Kosaraju, S. Rao and Luby, Michae and Megiddo, Nimrod and Schieber, Baruch and Vaidya, Pravin and Yao, Frances},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {0-89871-293-9},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-BDA1F134D6477840C125707E002D7ADD-Mehlhorn92gz},
YEAR = {1992},
DATE = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {Discrete algorithms (SODA-92) : 3rd annual ACM-SIAM symposium},
PAGES = {89--93},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Sharir, Micha
%A Welzl, Emo
%E Frederickson, Greg
%E Graham, Ron
%E Hochbaum, Dorit S.
%E Johnson, Ellis
%E Kosaraju, S. Rao
%E Luby, Michae
%E Megiddo, Nimrod
%E Schieber, Baruch
%E Vaidya, Pravin
%E Yao, Frances
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Tail Estimates for the Space Complexity of Randomised Incremental Algorithms :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344531
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-BDA1F134D6477840C125707E002D7ADD-Mehlhorn92gz
%D 1992
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1992-01-27 -
%C Orlando, FL, USA
%B Discrete algorithms (SODA-92) : 3rd annual ACM-SIAM symposium
%P 89 - 93
%@ 0-89871-293-9
K. Mehlhorn and S. Näher, “Algorithm Design and Software Libraries: Recent Developments in the LEDA Project,” in Information Processing ’92, Volume 1 (IFIP 1992), Madrid, Spain, 1992.
TITLE = {Algorithm Design and Software Libraries: Recent Developments in the {LEDA} Project},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-0-444-89747-3},
DOI = {10.5555/645569.659875},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-3BD4A06AA08F3029C125707E002977AD-mehlhorn92d},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
YEAR = {1992},
DATE = {1992},
BOOKTITLE = {Information Processing '92, Volume 1 (IFIP 1992)},
PAGES = {493--508},
ADDRESS = {Madrid, Spain},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Algorithm Design and Software Libraries: Recent Developments in the LEDA Project :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344529
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-3BD4A06AA08F3029C125707E002977AD-mehlhorn92d
%R 10.5555/645569.659875
%D 1992
%B 12th World Computer Congress on Algorithms, Software, Architecture
%Z date of event: 1992-09-07 - 1992-09-11
%C Madrid, Spain
%B Information Processing '92, Volume 1
%P 493 - 508
%I Elsevier
%@ 978-0-444-89747-3
K. Mehlhorn, W. J. Paul, and C. Uhrig, “k versus k+1 Index Registers and Modifiable versus Non-modifiable Programs,” Information and Computation, vol. 101, no. 1, 1992.
TITLE = {$k$ versus $k+1$ Index Registers and Modifiable versus Non-modifiable Programs},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Paul, Wolfgang J. and Uhrig, C},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0890-5401},
DOI = {10.1016/0890-5401(92)90078-T},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-03CFF19B9BCBB98BC12570730048BC83-MehlhornPU1992},
PUBLISHER = {Academic Press},
ADDRESS = {San Diego},
YEAR = {1992},
DATE = {1992},
JOURNAL = {Information and Computation},
VOLUME = {101},
NUMBER = {1},
PAGES = {123--129},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Paul, Wolfgang J.
%A Uhrig, C
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
%T k versus k+1 Index Registers and Modifiable versus Non-modifiable Programs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344525
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-03CFF19B9BCBB98BC12570730048BC83-MehlhornPU1992
%R 10.1016/0890-5401(92)90078-T
%D 1992
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Information and Computation
%V 101
%N 1
%& 123
%P 123 - 129
%I Academic Press
%C San Diego
%@ false
H. Alt, N. Blum, K. Mehlhorn, and M. Paul, “Computing a Maximum Cardinality Matching in a Bipartite Graph in Time O(n^1.5 sqrt(m/log n)),” Information Processing Letters, vol. 37, no. 4, 1991.
TITLE = {Computing a Maximum Cardinality Matching in a Bipartite Graph in Time $O(n^1.5 \sqrtm/\log n)$},
AUTHOR = {Alt, Helmut and Blum, Norbert and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Paul, Markus},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0020-0190},
DOI = {10.1016/0020-0190(91)90195-N},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-B4DF44F2395B88EBC125707E0041B339-Mehlhorn91a},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {1991},
DATE = {1991},
JOURNAL = {Information Processing Letters},
VOLUME = {37},
NUMBER = {4},
PAGES = {237--240},
%0 Journal Article
%A Alt, Helmut
%A Blum, Norbert
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Paul, Markus
%+ Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Computing a Maximum Cardinality Matching in a Bipartite Graph in Time O(n^1.5 sqrt(m/log n)) :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344536
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-B4DF44F2395B88EBC125707E0041B339-Mehlhorn91a
%R 10.1016/0020-0190(91)90195-N
%D 1991
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Information Processing Letters
%V 37
%N 4
%& 237
%P 237 - 240
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
H. Alt, L. Guibas, K. Mehlhorn, R. M. Karp, and A. Wigderson, “A Method for Obtaining Randomized Algorithms with Small Tail Probabilities.” 1991.
We study strategies for converting randomized algorithms of the Las Vegas type
into randomized algorithms with small tail probabilities.
TITLE = {A Method for Obtaining Randomized Algorithms with Small Tail Probabilities},
AUTHOR = {Alt, Helmut and Guibas, L. and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Karp, Richard M. and Wigderson, A.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-B64753780EE89946C12571B7002FC981-mehlhorn91e},
YEAR = {1991},
DATE = {1991},
ABSTRACT = {We study strategies for converting randomized algorithms of the Las Vegas type into randomized algorithms with small tail probabilities.},
%0 Generic
%A Alt, Helmut
%A Guibas, L.
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Karp, Richard M.
%A Wigderson, A.
%+ Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T A Method for Obtaining Randomized Algorithms with Small Tail Probabilities :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344614
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-B64753780EE89946C12571B7002FC981-mehlhorn91e
%D 1991
%X We study strategies for converting randomized algorithms of the Las Vegas type
into randomized algorithms with small tail probabilities.
J. Cheriyan, T. Hagerup, and K. Mehlhorn, “An o(n3)-time maximum-flow algorithm,” Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, MPI-I-91-120, 1991.
We show that a maximum flow in a network with $n$ vertices
can be computed deterministically in $O({{n^3}/{\log n}})$
time on a uniform-cost RAM.
For dense graphs, this improves the
previous best bound of $O(n^3)$.
The bottleneck in our algorithm is a combinatorial
problem on (unweighted) graphs.
The number of operations executed on flow variables is
$O(n^{8/3}(\log n)^{4/3})$,
in contrast with
$\Omega(nm)$ flow operations for all previous algorithms,
where $m$ denotes the number of edges in the network.
A randomized version of our algorithm executes
$O(n^{3/2}m^{1/2}\log n+n^2(\log n)^2/
\log(2+n(\log n)^2/m))$
flow operations with high probability.
For the special case in which
all capacities are integers bounded by $U$,
we show that a maximum flow can be computed
TITLE = {An o(n\mbox{$^3$})-time maximum-flow algorithm},
AUTHOR = {Cheriyan, Joseph and Hagerup, Torben and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {MPI-I-91-120},
INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1991},
DATE = {1991},
ABSTRACT = {We show that a maximum flow in a network with $n$ vertices can be computed deterministically in $O({{n^3}/{\log n}})$ time on a uniform-cost RAM. For dense graphs, this improves the previous best bound of $O(n^3)$. The bottleneck in our algorithm is a combinatorial problem on (unweighted) graphs. The number of operations executed on flow variables is $O(n^{8/3}(\log n)^{4/3})$, in contrast with $\Omega(nm)$ flow operations for all previous algorithms, where $m$ denotes the number of edges in the network. A randomized version of our algorithm executes $O(n^{3/2}m^{1/2}\log n+n^2(\log n)^2/ \log(2+n(\log n)^2/m))$ flow operations with high probability. For the special case in which all capacities are integers bounded by $U$, we show that a maximum flow can be computed},
TYPE = {Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik},
%0 Report
%A Cheriyan, Joseph
%A Hagerup, Torben
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T An o(n³)-time maximum-flow algorithm :
%G eng
%Y Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1991
%P 30 p.
%X We show that a maximum flow in a network with $n$ vertices
can be computed deterministically in $O({{n^3}/{\log n}})$
time on a uniform-cost RAM.
For dense graphs, this improves the
previous best bound of $O(n^3)$.
The bottleneck in our algorithm is a combinatorial
problem on (unweighted) graphs.
The number of operations executed on flow variables is
$O(n^{8/3}(\log n)^{4/3})$,
in contrast with
$\Omega(nm)$ flow operations for all previous algorithms,
where $m$ denotes the number of edges in the network.
A randomized version of our algorithm executes
$O(n^{3/2}m^{1/2}\log n+n^2(\log n)^2/
\log(2+n(\log n)^2/m))$
flow operations with high probability.
For the special case in which
all capacities are integers bounded by $U$,
we show that a maximum flow can be computed
%B Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
J. Cheriyan, T. Hagerup, and K. Mehlhorn, “A lower bound for the nondeterministic space complexity of contextfree recognition,” Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, MPI-I-91-115, 1991.
We show that a maximum flow in a network with $n$ vertices
can be computed deterministically in $O({{n^3}/{\log n}})$
time on a uniform-cost RAM.
For dense graphs, this improves the
previous best bound of $O(n^3)$.
The bottleneck in our algorithm is a combinatorial
problem on (unweighted) graphs.
The number of operations executed on flow variables is
$O(n^{8/3}(\log n)^{4/3})$,
in contrast with
$\Omega(nm)$ flow operations for all previous algorithms,
where $m$ denotes the number of edges in the network.
A randomized version of our algorithm executes
$O(n^{3/2}m^{1/2}\log n+n^2(\log n)^2/
\log(2+n(\log n)^2/m))$
flow operations with high probability.
For the special case in which
all capacities are integers bounded by $U$,
we show that a maximum flow can be computed
TITLE = {A lower bound for the nondeterministic space complexity of contextfree recognition},
AUTHOR = {Cheriyan, Joseph and Hagerup, Torben and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {MPI-I-91-115},
INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1991},
DATE = {1991},
ABSTRACT = {We show that a maximum flow in a network with $n$ vertices can be computed deterministically in $O({{n^3}/{\log n}})$ time on a uniform-cost RAM. For dense graphs, this improves the previous best bound of $O(n^3)$. The bottleneck in our algorithm is a combinatorial problem on (unweighted) graphs. The number of operations executed on flow variables is $O(n^{8/3}(\log n)^{4/3})$, in contrast with $\Omega(nm)$ flow operations for all previous algorithms, where $m$ denotes the number of edges in the network. A randomized version of our algorithm executes $O(n^{3/2}m^{1/2}\log n+n^2(\log n)^2/ \log(2+n(\log n)^2/m))$ flow operations with high probability. For the special case in which all capacities are integers bounded by $U$, we show that a maximum flow can be computed},
TYPE = {Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik},
%0 Report
%A Cheriyan, Joseph
%A Hagerup, Torben
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A lower bound for the nondeterministic space complexity of contextfree recognition :
%G eng
%Y Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1991
%P 4 p.
%X We show that a maximum flow in a network with $n$ vertices
can be computed deterministically in $O({{n^3}/{\log n}})$
time on a uniform-cost RAM.
For dense graphs, this improves the
previous best bound of $O(n^3)$.
The bottleneck in our algorithm is a combinatorial
problem on (unweighted) graphs.
The number of operations executed on flow variables is
$O(n^{8/3}(\log n)^{4/3})$,
in contrast with
$\Omega(nm)$ flow operations for all previous algorithms,
where $m$ denotes the number of edges in the network.
A randomized version of our algorithm executes
$O(n^{3/2}m^{1/2}\log n+n^2(\log n)^2/
\log(2+n(\log n)^2/m))$
flow operations with high probability.
For the special case in which
all capacities are integers bounded by $U$,
we show that a maximum flow can be computed
%B Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
J. Cheriyan and K. Mehlhorn, “Algorithms for dense graphs and networks,” Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, MPI-I-91-114, 1991.
We improve upon the running time of several graph and network algorithms
when applied to dense graphs. In particular, we show how to compute on a
machine with word size $\lambda$ a maximal matching in an $n$--vertex
bipartite graph in time $O(n^{2} + n^{2.5}/\lambda) = 0(n^{2.5}/\log n)$,
how to compute the transitive closure of a digraph with $n$ vertices and
$m$ edges in time $0(nm/\lambda)$, how to solve the uncapacitated transportation
problem with integer costs in the range $[0..C]$ and integer demands in
the range $[-U..U]$ in time $0((n^3(\log\log n/\log n)^{1/2} + n^2 \log U)\log nC)$,
and how to solve
the assignment problem with integer costs in the range $[0..C]$ in
time $0(n^{2.5}\log nC/(\log n/\log \log n)^{1/4})$.
Assuming a suitably compressed input, we also show how to do depth--first and
breadth--first search and how to compute strongly connected components and
biconnected components in time $0(n\lambda + n^2/\lambda)$, and how to solve
the single source shortest path problem with integer costs in the range
$[0..C]$ in time $0(n^2(\log C)/\log n)$.
TITLE = {Algorithms for dense graphs and networks},
AUTHOR = {Cheriyan, Joseph and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {MPI-I-91-114},
INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1991},
DATE = {1991},
ABSTRACT = {We improve upon the running time of several graph and network algorithms when applied to dense graphs. In particular, we show how to compute on a machine with word size $\lambda$ a maximal matching in an $n$--vertex bipartite graph in time $O(n^{2} + n^{2.5}/\lambda) = 0(n^{2.5}/\log n)$, how to compute the transitive closure of a digraph with $n$ vertices and $m$ edges in time $0(nm/\lambda)$, how to solve the uncapacitated transportation problem with integer costs in the range $[0..C]$ and integer demands in the range $[-U..U]$ in time $0((n^3(\log\log n/\log n)^{1/2} + n^2 \log U)\log nC)$, and how to solve the assignment problem with integer costs in the range $[0..C]$ in time $0(n^{2.5}\log nC/(\log n/\log \log n)^{1/4})$. \\ Assuming a suitably compressed input, we also show how to do depth--first and breadth--first search and how to compute strongly connected components and biconnected components in time $0(n\lambda + n^2/\lambda)$, and how to solve the single source shortest path problem with integer costs in the range $[0..C]$ in time $0(n^2(\log C)/\log n)$.},
TYPE = {Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik},
%0 Report
%A Cheriyan, Joseph
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Algorithms for dense graphs and networks :
%G eng
%Y Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1991
%P 29 p.
%X We improve upon the running time of several graph and network algorithms
when applied to dense graphs. In particular, we show how to compute on a
machine with word size $\lambda$ a maximal matching in an $n$--vertex
bipartite graph in time $O(n^{2} + n^{2.5}/\lambda) = 0(n^{2.5}/\log n)$,
how to compute the transitive closure of a digraph with $n$ vertices and
$m$ edges in time $0(nm/\lambda)$, how to solve the uncapacitated transportation
problem with integer costs in the range $[0..C]$ and integer demands in
the range $[-U..U]$ in time $0((n^3(\log\log n/\log n)^{1/2} + n^2 \log U)\log nC)$,
and how to solve
the assignment problem with integer costs in the range $[0..C]$ in
time $0(n^{2.5}\log nC/(\log n/\log \log n)^{1/4})$.
Assuming a suitably compressed input, we also show how to do depth--first and
breadth--first search and how to compute strongly connected components and
biconnected components in time $0(n\lambda + n^2/\lambda)$, and how to solve
the single source shortest path problem with integer costs in the range
$[0..C]$ in time $0(n^2(\log C)/\log n)$.
%B Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
M. Dietzfelbinger, A. Karlin, K. Mehlhorn, F. Meyer Auf Der Heide, H. Rohnert, and R. E. Tarjan, “Dynamic Perfect Hashing: Upper and Lower Bounds.” 1991.
The dynamic dictionary problem is considered: provide an algorithm for storing
a dynamic set, allowing the operations insert, delete, and lookup. A dynamic
perfect hashing strategy is given: a randomized algorithm for the dynamic
dictionary problem that takes O(1) worst-case time for lookups and O(1)
amortized expected time for insertions and deletions; it uses space
proportional to the size of the set stored. Furthermore, lower bounds for the
time complexity of a class of deterministic algorithms for the dictionary
problem are proved. This class encompasses realistic hashing-based schemes that
use linear space. Such algorithms have amortized worst-case time complexity
OMEGA(log n) for a sequence of n insertions and lookups; if the worst-case
lookup time is restricted to k then the lower bound becomes $OMEGA (k^cdot^n
sup 1/k$).
TITLE = {Dynamic Perfect Hashing: Upper and Lower Bounds},
AUTHOR = {Dietzfelbinger, Martin and Karlin, Anna and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Meyer Auf Der Heide, Friedhelm and Rohnert, Hans and Tarjan, Robert E.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-5A593B783ED1767CC12571ED0031268B-mehlhorn91d},
YEAR = {1991},
DATE = {1991},
ABSTRACT = {The dynamic dictionary problem is considered: provide an algorithm for storing a dynamic set, allowing the operations insert, delete, and lookup. A dynamic perfect hashing strategy is given: a randomized algorithm for the dynamic dictionary problem that takes O(1) worst-case time for lookups and O(1) amortized expected time for insertions and deletions; it uses space proportional to the size of the set stored. Furthermore, lower bounds for the time complexity of a class of deterministic algorithms for the dictionary problem are proved. This class encompasses realistic hashing-based schemes that use linear space. Such algorithms have amortized worst-case time complexity OMEGA(log n) for a sequence of n insertions and lookups; if the worst-case lookup time is restricted to k then the lower bound becomes $OMEGA (k^cdot^n sup 1/k$).},
%0 Generic
%A Dietzfelbinger, Martin
%A Karlin, Anna
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Meyer Auf Der Heide, Friedhelm
%A Rohnert, Hans
%A Tarjan, Robert E.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Dynamic Perfect Hashing: Upper and Lower Bounds :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344711
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-5A593B783ED1767CC12571ED0031268B-mehlhorn91d
%D 1991
%X The dynamic dictionary problem is considered: provide an algorithm for storing
a dynamic set, allowing the operations insert, delete, and lookup. A dynamic
perfect hashing strategy is given: a randomized algorithm for the dynamic
dictionary problem that takes O(1) worst-case time for lookups and O(1)
amortized expected time for insertions and deletions; it uses space
proportional to the size of the set stored. Furthermore, lower bounds for the
time complexity of a class of deterministic algorithms for the dictionary
problem are proved. This class encompasses realistic hashing-based schemes that
use linear space. Such algorithms have amortized worst-case time complexity
OMEGA(log n) for a sequence of n insertions and lookups; if the worst-case
lookup time is restricted to k then the lower bound becomes $OMEGA (k^cdot^n
sup 1/k$).
R. Fleischer, H. Jung, and K. Mehlhorn, “A Time-Randomness Tradeoff for Communication Complexity,” in Distributed Algorithms, 4th International Workshop, 1991.
TITLE = {A Time-Randomness Tradeoff for Communication Complexity},
AUTHOR = {Fleischer, Rudolf and Jung, Hermann and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {van Leeuwen, Jan and Santoro, Nicola},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-54099-7},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-D70E11179581E87DC125707E00478E5E-Mehlhorn91d},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1990},
DATE = {1991},
BOOKTITLE = {Distributed Algorithms, 4th International Workshop},
PAGES = {390--401},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Fleischer, Rudolf
%A Jung, Hermann
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E van Leeuwen, Jan
%E Santoro, Nicola
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T A Time-Randomness Tradeoff for Communication Complexity :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344539
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-D70E11179581E87DC125707E00478E5E-Mehlhorn91d
%I Springer
%D 1991
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1990-09-24 -
%C Bari, Italy
%B Distributed Algorithms, 4th International Workshop
%P 390 - 401
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-54099-7
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
R. Fleischer, K. Mehlhorn, G. Rote, and E. welzl, “Simultaneous inner and outer aproximation of shapes,” Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, MPI-I-91-105, 1991.
For compact Euclidean bodies $P,Q$, we define $\lambda(P,Q)$
to be the smallest ratio $r/s$ where $r > 0$, $s > 0$ satisfy
$sQ' \subseteq P \subseteq$ $rQ''$. Here $sQ$
denotes a scaling of $Q$ by factor $s$, and $Q', Q''$
are some translates of $Q$. This function $\lambda$ gives us a
new distance function between bodies wich, unlike previously studied
measures, is invariant under affine transformations. If homothetic
bodies are identified, the logarithm of this function is a metric.
(Two bodies are {\sl homothetic} if one can be obtained from the other
by scaling and translation).
TITLE = {Simultaneous inner and outer aproximation of shapes},
AUTHOR = {Fleischer, Rudolf and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Rote, G{\"u}nter and welzl, Emo},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {MPI-I-91-105},
INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1991},
DATE = {1991},
ABSTRACT = {For compact Euclidean bodies $P,Q$, we define $\lambda(P,Q)$ to be the smallest ratio $r/s$ where $r > 0$, $s > 0$ satisfy $sQ' \subseteq P \subseteq$ $rQ''$. Here $sQ$ denotes a scaling of $Q$ by factor $s$, and $Q', Q''$ are some translates of $Q$. This function $\lambda$ gives us a new distance function between bodies wich, unlike previously studied measures, is invariant under affine transformations. If homothetic bodies are identified, the logarithm of this function is a metric. (Two bodies are {\sl homothetic} if one can be obtained from the other by scaling and translation).},
TYPE = {Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik},
%0 Report
%A Fleischer, Rudolf
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Rote, Günter
%A welzl, Emo
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Simultaneous inner and outer aproximation of shapes :
%G eng
%Y Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1991
%P 24 p.
%X For compact Euclidean bodies $P,Q$, we define $\lambda(P,Q)$
to be the smallest ratio $r/s$ where $r > 0$, $s > 0$ satisfy
$sQ' \subseteq P \subseteq$ $rQ''$. Here $sQ$
denotes a scaling of $Q$ by factor $s$, and $Q', Q''$
are some translates of $Q$. This function $\lambda$ gives us a
new distance function between bodies wich, unlike previously studied
measures, is invariant under affine transformations. If homothetic
bodies are identified, the logarithm of this function is a metric.
(Two bodies are {\sl homothetic} if one can be obtained from the other
by scaling and translation).
%B Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
K. Mehlhorn and C.-K. Yap, “Constructive Whitney-Graustein Theorem: Or How to Untangle Closed Planar Curves,” SIAM Journal on Computing, vol. 20, no. 4, 1991.
TITLE = {Constructive Whitney-Graustein Theorem: Or How to Untangle Closed Planar Curves},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Yap, Chee-Keng},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0097-5397},
DOI = {10.1137/0220038},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-4344F8424ED4A21DC125707E004380C4-Mehlhorn91b},
ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA},
YEAR = {1991},
DATE = {1991},
JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Computing},
VOLUME = {20},
NUMBER = {4},
PAGES = {603--621},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Yap, Chee-Keng
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Constructive Whitney-Graustein Theorem: Or How to Untangle Closed Planar Curves :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344537
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-4344F8424ED4A21DC125707E004380C4-Mehlhorn91b
%R 10.1137/0220038
%D 1991
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J SIAM Journal on Computing
%V 20
%N 4
%& 603
%P 603 - 621
%C Philadelphia, PA
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, S. Meiser, and C. Ó’Dúnlaing, “On the construction of abstract Voronoi diagrams,” Discrete & Computational Geometry, vol. 6, 1991.
TITLE = {On the construction of abstract Voronoi diagrams},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Meiser, Stefan and {\'O}'D{\'u}nlaing, Colm},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-B07C89938D9EAD1FC125707E00472A8A-Mehlhorn91c},
YEAR = {1991},
DATE = {1991},
JOURNAL = {Discrete \& Computational Geometry},
VOLUME = {6},
PAGES = {211--224},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Meiser, Stefan
%A Ó'Dúnlaing, Colm
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T On the construction of abstract Voronoi diagrams :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344538
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-B07C89938D9EAD1FC125707E00472A8A-Mehlhorn91c
%D 1991
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Discrete & Computational Geometry
%V 6
%& 211
%P 211 - 224
K. Mehlhorn, M. Sharir, and E. Welzl, “Tail estimates for the space complexity of randomized incremantal algorithms,” Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, MPI-I-91-113, 1991.
We give tail estimates for the space complexity of randomized
incremental algorithms for line segment intersection in the plane.
For $n$ the number of segments, $m$ is the number of intersections,
and $m\geq n \ln n \ln(3) n$, there is a constant $c$ such that
the probability that the total space cost exceeds $c$ times the
expected space cost is $e^{-\Omega(m/(n\ln n)}$.
TITLE = {Tail estimates for the space complexity of randomized incremantal algorithms},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sharir, Micha and Welzl, Emo},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {MPI-I-91-113},
INSTITUTION = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1991},
DATE = {1991},
ABSTRACT = {We give tail estimates for the space complexity of randomized incremental algorithms for line segment intersection in the plane. For $n$ the number of segments, $m$ is the number of intersections, and $m\geq n \ln n \ln(3) n$, there is a constant $c$ such that the probability that the total space cost exceeds $c$ times the expected space cost is $e^{-\Omega(m/(n\ln n)}$.},
TYPE = {Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Sharir, Micha
%A Welzl, Emo
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
%T Tail estimates for the space complexity of randomized incremantal algorithms :
%G eng
%Y Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1991
%P 8 p.
%X We give tail estimates for the space complexity of randomized
incremental algorithms for line segment intersection in the plane.
For $n$ the number of segments, $m$ is the number of intersections,
and $m\geq n \ln n \ln(3) n$, there is a constant $c$ such that
the probability that the total space cost exceeds $c$ times the
expected space cost is $e^{-\Omega(m/(n\ln n)}$.
%B Research Report / Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
K. Mehlhorn and R. E. Trajan, Eds., Effiziente Algorithmen. Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut, 1991.
TITLE = {{Effiziente Algorithmen}},
EDITOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Trajan, Robert E.},
LANGUAGE = {deu},
URL = {urn:nbn:de:bsz:frei3c-oda-bsz3250929153},
PUBLISHER = {Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut},
YEAR = {1991},
DATE = {1991},
PAGES = {16 p.},
SERIES = {Workshop Report},
ADDRESS = {Oberwolfach, Germany},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%E Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Trajan, Robert E.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T Effiziente Algorithmen :
%G deu
%U urn:nbn:de:bsz:frei3c-oda-bsz3250929153
%I Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut
%D 1991
%B Workshop Effiziente Algorithmen
%Z date of event: 1991-08-04 - 1991-08-10
%D 1991
%C Oberwolfach, Germany
%P 16 p.
%S Workshop Report
R. K. Ahuja, K. Mehlhorn, J. B. Orlin, and R. E. Tarjan, “Faster Algorithms for the Shortest Path Problem,” Journal of the ACM, vol. 37, no. 2, 1990.
TITLE = {Faster Algorithms for the Shortest Path Problem},
AUTHOR = {Ahuja, Ravindra K. and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Orlin, James B. and Tarjan, Robert E.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0004-5411},
DOI = {10.1145/77600.77615},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-C9DD2BF40FD35D33C125713A0036B99D-Ahuja-Mehlhorn-Orlin-Tarjan/90},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY},
YEAR = {1990},
DATE = {1990},
JOURNAL = {Journal of the ACM},
VOLUME = {37},
NUMBER = {2},
PAGES = {213--223},
%0 Journal Article
%A Ahuja, Ravindra K.
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Orlin, James B.
%A Tarjan, Robert E.
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
%T Faster Algorithms for the Shortest Path Problem :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344550
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-C9DD2BF40FD35D33C125713A0036B99D-Ahuja-Mehlhorn-Orlin-Tarjan/90
%R 10.1145/77600.77615
%D 1990
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Journal of the ACM
%V 37
%N 2
%& 213
%P 213 - 223
%C New York, NY
%@ false
H. Alt, R. Fleischer, M. Kaufmann, K. Mehlhorn, S. Näher, S. Schirra, and C. Uhrig, “Approximate Motion Planning and the Complexity of the Boundary of the Union of Simple Geometric Figures,” in Computational geometry (SCG-90) : 6th annual symposium, 1990.
TITLE = {Approximate Motion Planning and the Complexity of the Boundary of the Union of Simple Geometric Figures},
AUTHOR = {Alt, Helmut and Fleischer, Rudolf and Kaufmann, Michael and Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan and Schirra, Stefan and Uhrig, Christian},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {0-89791-362-0},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-FEA0794577DFB4ABC125713A00328170-SCG90*281},
YEAR = {1990},
DATE = {1990},
BOOKTITLE = {Computational geometry (SCG-90) : 6th annual symposium},
PAGES = {281--289},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Alt, Helmut
%A Fleischer, Rudolf
%A Kaufmann, Michael
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%A Schirra, Stefan
%A Uhrig, Christian
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Approximate Motion Planning and the Complexity of the Boundary of the Union of Simple Geometric Figures :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344546
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-FEA0794577DFB4ABC125713A00328170-SCG90*281
%D 1990
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1990-06-06 -
%C Berkeley, USA
%B Computational geometry (SCG-90) : 6th annual symposium
%P 281 - 289
%@ 0-89791-362-0
J. Cheriyan, T. Hagerup, and K. Mehlhorn, “Can a maximum flow be computed in $o(nm)$ time?” Teubner, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1990.
TITLE = {Can a maximum flow be computed in \$o(nm)\$ time?},
AUTHOR = {Cheriyan, Joseph and Hagerup, Torben and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-7E19EEBEF919AC1BC12571AA00483ACD-mehlhorn86e},
PUBLISHER = {Teubner},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken, Germany},
YEAR = {1990},
DATE = {1990},
%0 Generic
%A Cheriyan, Joseph
%A Hagerup, Torben
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Can a maximum flow be computed in $o(nm)$ time? :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344596
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-7E19EEBEF919AC1BC12571AA00483ACD-mehlhorn86e
%I Teubner
%C Saarbrücken, Germany
%D 1990
J. Cheriyan, T. Hagerup, and K. Mehlhorn, “Can A Maximum Flow be Computed in o(nm) Time?,” in Automata, languages and programming (ICALP-90) : 17th international colloquium, 1990.
TITLE = {Can A Maximum Flow be Computed in o(nm) Time?},
AUTHOR = {Cheriyan, Joseph and Hagerup, Torben and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Paterson, Michael S.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-52826-1},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A391D1DE09D0E86CC12570840031DFD6-Mehlhorn90c},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1990},
DATE = {1990},
BOOKTITLE = {Automata, languages and programming (ICALP-90) : 17th international colloquium},
PAGES = {235--248},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Cheriyan, Joseph
%A Hagerup, Torben
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Paterson, Michael S.
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Can A Maximum Flow be Computed in o(nm) Time? :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344542
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A391D1DE09D0E86CC12570840031DFD6-Mehlhorn90c
%I Springer
%D 1990
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1990-07-16 -
%C Warwick University, England
%B Automata, languages and programming (ICALP-90) : 17th international colloquium
%P 235 - 248
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-52826-1
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Y.-T. Ching, K. Mehlhorn, and M. H. M. Smid, “Dynamic Deferred Data Structuring,” Information Processing Letters, vol. 35, no. 1, 1990.
TITLE = {Dynamic Deferred Data Structuring},
AUTHOR = {Ching, Yu-Tai and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Smid, Michiel H. M.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0020-0190},
DOI = {10.1016/0020-0190(90)90171-S},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-D08A0120D3CCDD8DC125713A00335589-Ching:1990:DDD},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {1990},
DATE = {1990},
JOURNAL = {Information Processing Letters},
VOLUME = {35},
NUMBER = {1},
PAGES = {37--40},
%0 Journal Article
%A Ching, Yu-Tai
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Smid, Michiel H. M.
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Dynamic Deferred Data Structuring :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344547
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-D08A0120D3CCDD8DC125713A00335589-Ching:1990:DDD
%R 10.1016/0020-0190(90)90171-S
%D 1990
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Information Processing Letters
%V 35
%N 1
%& 37
%P 37 - 40
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
R. Fleischer, K. Mehlhorn, G. Rote, E. Welzl, and C.-K. Yap, “On Simultaneous Inner and Outer Approximation of Shapes,” in Computational geometry (SCG-90) : 6th annual symposium, 1990.
TITLE = {On Simultaneous Inner and Outer Approximation of Shapes},
AUTHOR = {Fleischer, Rudolf and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Rote, G{\"u}nter and Welzl, Emo and Yap, Chee-Keng},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {0-89791-362-0},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-68DF8DE69E2D38F9C125713A00306F9F-SCG90*216},
YEAR = {1990},
DATE = {1990},
BOOKTITLE = {Computational geometry (SCG-90) : 6th annual symposium},
PAGES = {216--224},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Fleischer, Rudolf
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Rote, Günter
%A Welzl, Emo
%A Yap, Chee-Keng
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T On Simultaneous Inner and Outer Approximation of Shapes :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344545
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-68DF8DE69E2D38F9C125713A00306F9F-SCG90*216
%D 1990
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1990-06-06 -
%C Berkeley, USA
%B Computational geometry (SCG-90) : 6th annual symposium
%P 216 - 224
%@ 0-89791-362-0
M. Kaufmann and K. Mehlhorn, “Routing Problems in Grid Graphs,” in Paths, Flows, and VLSI-Layout, Berlin, Germany: Springer, 1990.
TITLE = {Routing Problems in Grid Graphs},
AUTHOR = {Kaufmann, Morgan and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-52685-4},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-4643FBBDCB712E49C12571E7005EABDA-mehlhorn90y},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany},
YEAR = {1990},
DATE = {1990},
BOOKTITLE = {Paths, Flows, and VLSI-Layout},
EDITOR = {Korte, Bernhard and Lov{\'a}sz, L{\'a}szl{\'o} and Pr{\"o}mel, Hans J{\"u}rgen and Schrijver, Alexander},
SERIES = {Algorithms and Combinatorics},
VOLUME = {9},
%0 Book Section
%A Kaufmann, Morgan
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Routing Problems in Grid Graphs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344707
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-4643FBBDCB712E49C12571E7005EABDA-mehlhorn90y
%D 1990
%B Paths, Flows, and VLSI-Layout
%E Korte, Bernhard; Lovász, László; Prömel, Hans Jürgen; Schrijver, Alexander
%I Springer
%C Berlin, Germany
%@ 3-540-52685-4
%S Algorithms and Combinatorics
%N 9
R. Klein, K. Mehlhorn, and S. Meiser, “On the Construction of Abstract Voronoi Diagrams, II,” in Algorithms (ISA-90) : 1st international symposium (SIGAL-90), 1990.
TITLE = {On the Construction of Abstract Voronoi Diagrams, {II}},
AUTHOR = {Klein, R. and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Meiser, Stefan},
EDITOR = {Asano, Tetsuo and Ibaraki, Toshihide and Imai, Hiroshi and Nishizeki, Takao},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-52921-7},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-909C0A62033EA85CC125713B0043B552-KleMehMei90},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1990},
DATE = {1990},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithms (ISA-90) : 1st international symposium (SIGAL-90)},
PAGES = {138--154},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Klein, R.
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Meiser, Stefan
%E Asano, Tetsuo
%E Ibaraki, Toshihide
%E Imai, Hiroshi
%E Nishizeki, Takao
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T On the Construction of Abstract Voronoi Diagrams, II :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344554
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-909C0A62033EA85CC125713B0043B552-KleMehMei90
%I Springer
%D 1990
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1990-08-16 -
%C Tokyo, Japan
%B Algorithms (ISA-90) : 1st international symposium (SIGAL-90)
%P 138 - 154
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-52921-7
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
K. Mehlhorn, S. Näher, and M. Rauch, “On the Complexity of a Game Related to the Dictionary Problem,” SIAM Journal on Computing, vol. 19, no. 5, 1990.
TITLE = {On the Complexity of a Game Related to the Dictionary Problem},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan and Rauch, Monika},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {0097-5397 (print)},
DOI = {10.1137/0219062},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-91D099B5FB5A5FB1C125713A004CC926-Mehlhorn:1990:CGR},
YEAR = {1990},
DATE = {1990},
JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Computing},
VOLUME = {19},
NUMBER = {5},
PAGES = {902--906},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%A Rauch, Monika
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T On the Complexity of a Game Related to the Dictionary Problem :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344551
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-91D099B5FB5A5FB1C125713A004CC926-Mehlhorn:1990:CGR
%R 10.1137/0219062
%D 1990
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J SIAM Journal on Computing
%V 19
%N 5
%& 902
%P 902 - 906
%@ 0097-5397 (print)
K. Mehlhorn and W. Rülling, “Compaction on the Torus,” IEEE Transactions on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 9, 1990.
A compacter takes as input a VLSI layout and produces as output an equivalent
layout of smaller area. An effective compaction system frees the designer from
the details of the design rules, and hence, increases his or her productivity
and on the other hand produces high quality layouts. A general framework for
compaction on a torus is introduced. This problem comes up whenever an array of
identical cells has to compacted. The framework is instantiated by several
specific compaction algorithms: one-dimensional compaction without and with
automatic job insertion and two-dimensional compaction.
TITLE = {Compaction on the Torus},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and R{\"u}lling, W.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0278-0070},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-7575411001D3D220C12571CA00307579-mehlhorn90x},
YEAR = {1990},
DATE = {1990},
ABSTRACT = {A compacter takes as input a VLSI layout and produces as output an equivalent layout of smaller area. An effective compaction system frees the designer from the details of the design rules, and hence, increases his or her productivity and on the other hand produces high quality layouts. A general framework for compaction on a torus is introduced. This problem comes up whenever an array of identical cells has to compacted. The framework is instantiated by several specific compaction algorithms: one-dimensional compaction without and with automatic job insertion and two-dimensional compaction.},
JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems},
VOLUME = {9},
PAGES = {389--397},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Rülling, W.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Compaction on the Torus :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344695
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-7575411001D3D220C12571CA00307579-mehlhorn90x
%D 1990
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X A compacter takes as input a VLSI layout and produces as output an equivalent
layout of smaller area. An effective compaction system frees the designer from
the details of the design rules, and hence, increases his or her productivity
and on the other hand produces high quality layouts. A general framework for
compaction on a torus is introduced. This problem comes up whenever an array of
identical cells has to compacted. The framework is instantiated by several
specific compaction algorithms: one-dimensional compaction without and with
automatic job insertion and two-dimensional compaction.
%J IEEE Transactions on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems
%V 9
%& 389
%P 389 - 397
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn and S. Näher, “A faster compaction algorithm with automatic jog insertion,” IEEE Transactions on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 9, 1990.
The work of F.M. Maley (Proc. Chapel Hill Conf. on VLSI, p.261-83, 1985) on
one-dimensional compaction with automatic jog insertion is refined. More
precisely, an algorithm with running time O((n2+k)log n), where k=O(n3) is a
quantity which measures the difference between the input and output sketch, is
given, and Maley's O(n4) algorithm is improved. The compaction algorithm takes
as input a layout sketch, the wires in a layout sketch are flexible and only
indicate the topology of the layout. The compactor minimizes the horizontal
width of the layout while maintaining its routability. The exact geometry of
the wires is filled in by a router after compaction
TITLE = {A faster compaction algorithm with automatic jog insertion},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0278-0070},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-2D9F3479A212DFC8C12571C5004EB6F3-mehlhorn90z},
YEAR = {1990},
DATE = {1990},
ABSTRACT = {The work of F.M. Maley (Proc. Chapel Hill Conf. on VLSI, p.261-83, 1985) on one-dimensional compaction with automatic jog insertion is refined. More precisely, an algorithm with running time O((n2+k)log n), where k=O(n3) is a quantity which measures the difference between the input and output sketch, is given, and Maley's O(n4) algorithm is improved. The compaction algorithm takes as input a layout sketch, the wires in a layout sketch are flexible and only indicate the topology of the layout. The compactor minimizes the horizontal width of the layout while maintaining its routability. The exact geometry of the wires is filled in by a router after compaction},
JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems},
VOLUME = {9},
PAGES = {158--166},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A faster compaction algorithm with automatic jog insertion :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344693
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-2D9F3479A212DFC8C12571C5004EB6F3-mehlhorn90z
%D 1990
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X The work of F.M. Maley (Proc. Chapel Hill Conf. on VLSI, p.261-83, 1985) on
one-dimensional compaction with automatic jog insertion is refined. More
precisely, an algorithm with running time O((n2+k)log n), where k=O(n3) is a
quantity which measures the difference between the input and output sketch, is
given, and Maley's O(n4) algorithm is improved. The compaction algorithm takes
as input a layout sketch, the wires in a layout sketch are flexible and only
indicate the topology of the layout. The compactor minimizes the horizontal
width of the layout while maintaining its routability. The exact geometry of
the wires is filled in by a router after compaction
%J IEEE Transactions on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems
%V 9
%& 158
%P 158 - 166
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, S. Näher, and C. Uhrig, “Hidden Line Elimination for Isooriented Rectangles,” Information Processing Letters, vol. 35, no. 3, 1990.
TITLE = {Hidden Line Elimination for Isooriented Rectangles},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan and Uhrig, Christian},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0020-0190},
DOI = {10.1016/0020-0190(90)90062-3},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-61A0285E7D3255ECC125713A0034C5F4-Mehlhorn:1990:HLE},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {1990},
DATE = {1990},
JOURNAL = {Information Processing Letters},
VOLUME = {35},
NUMBER = {3},
PAGES = {137--143},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%A Uhrig, Christian
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Hidden Line Elimination for Isooriented Rectangles :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344548
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-61A0285E7D3255ECC125713A0034C5F4-Mehlhorn:1990:HLE
%R 10.1016/0020-0190(90)90062-3
%D 1990
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Information Processing Letters
%V 35
%N 3
%& 137
%P 137 - 143
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn and S. Näher, “Dynamic Fractional Cascading,” Algorithmica, vol. 5, no. 2, 1990.
TITLE = {Dynamic Fractional Cascading},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0178-4617},
DOI = {10.1007/BF01840386},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-8DB5F898715CC384C125713A00300152-ALGOR::MehlhornN1990},
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
ADDRESS = {New York},
YEAR = {1990},
DATE = {1990},
JOURNAL = {Algorithmica},
VOLUME = {5},
NUMBER = {2},
PAGES = {215--241},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Dynamic Fractional Cascading :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344544
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-8DB5F898715CC384C125713A00300152-ALGOR::MehlhornN1990
%R 10.1007/BF01840386
%D 1990
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Algorithmica
%V 5
%N 2
%& 215
%P 215 - 241
%I Springer-Verlag
%C New York
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn and S. Näher, “Bounded Ordered Dictionaries in O(log log N) Time and O(n) Space,” Information Processing Letters, vol. 35, no. 4, 1990.
TITLE = {Bounded Ordered Dictionaries in $O(\log \log n)$ Time and $O(n)$ Space},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0020-0190},
DOI = {10.1016/0020-0190(90)90022-P},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-76FBAD9AB424CC9FC125713A003564B3-Mehlhorn:1990:BOD},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {1990},
DATE = {1990},
JOURNAL = {Information Processing Letters},
VOLUME = {35},
NUMBER = {4},
PAGES = {183--189},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Bounded Ordered Dictionaries in O(log log N) Time and O(n) Space :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344549
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-76FBAD9AB424CC9FC125713A003564B3-Mehlhorn:1990:BOD
%R 10.1016/0020-0190(90)90022-P
%D 1990
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Information Processing Letters
%V 35
%N 4
%& 183
%P 183 - 189
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, S. Näher, and C. Uhrig, “Hidden line elimination for isooriented rectangles,” Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, 1990.
TITLE = {Hidden line elimination for isooriented rectangles},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan and Uhrig, Christian},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-7CE4C02F853E3A79C125721A004E16DA-mehlhorn90},
INSTITUTION = {Fachbereich Informatik, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1990},
DATE = {1990},
TYPE = {Report},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%A Uhrig, Christian
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Hidden line elimination for isooriented rectangles :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344750
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-7CE4C02F853E3A79C125721A004E16DA-mehlhorn90
%Y Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1990
%B Report
K. Mehlhorn and A. Tsakalidis, “Data Structures,” in Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier/MIT, 1990.
TITLE = {Data Structures},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Tsakalidis, A.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-0-444-88071-0},
DOI = {10.1016/B978-0-444-88071-0.50011-4},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-4AC67DDC131AF97BC125713B0037BD0C-Mehlhorn$^+$90},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier/MIT},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands},
YEAR = {1990},
DATE = {1990},
BOOKTITLE = {Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science},
EDITOR = {Leeuwen, Jan},
PAGES = {301--341},
%0 Book Section
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Tsakalidis, A.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Data Structures :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344553
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-4AC67DDC131AF97BC125713B0037BD0C-Mehlhorn$^+$90
%R 10.1016/B978-0-444-88071-0.50011-4
%D 1990
%B Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science
%E Leeuwen, Jan
%P 301 - 341
%I Elsevier/MIT
%C Amsterdam, The Netherlands
%@ 978-0-444-88071-0
K. Mehlhorn, S. Meiser, and C. Ó’Dúnlaing, “On the Construction of Abstract Voronoi Diagrams,” in Theoretical aspects of computer science (STACS-90) : 7th annual symposium, 1990.
TITLE = {On the Construction of Abstract Voronoi Diagrams},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Meiser, Stefan and {\'O}'D{\'u}nlaing, Colm},
EDITOR = {Choffrut, Christian and Lengauer, Thomas},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-52282-4},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E230671A0524C88BC12570830047A546-Mehlhorn90a},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1990},
DATE = {1990},
BOOKTITLE = {Theoretical aspects of computer science (STACS-90) : 7th annual symposium},
PAGES = {227--239},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Meiser, Stefan
%A Ó'Dúnlaing, Colm
%E Choffrut, Christian
%E Lengauer, Thomas
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Computational Biology and Applied Algorithmics, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T On the Construction of Abstract Voronoi Diagrams :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344540
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E230671A0524C88BC12570830047A546-Mehlhorn90a
%I Springer
%D 1990
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1990-02-22 -
%C Rouen, France
%B Theoretical aspects of computer science (STACS-90) : 7th annual symposium
%P 227 - 239
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-52282-4
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
S. Näher and K. Mehlhorn, “LEDA - A Library of Efficient Data Types and Algorithms,” in GI - 20. Jahrestagung I, Informatik auf dem Weg zum Anwender, 1990.
TITLE = {{LEDA} -- A Library of Efficient Data Types and Algorithms},
AUTHOR = {N{\"a}her, Stefan and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Reuter, Andreas},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-53212-9},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-647A88754623EEE8C125713A004E3ED6-DBLP:conf/gi/NaherM90},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1990},
DATE = {1990},
BOOKTITLE = {GI -- 20. Jahrestagung I, Informatik auf dem Weg zum Anwender},
PAGES = {35--39},
SERIES = {Informatik-Fachberichte},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Näher, Stefan
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Reuter, Andreas
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T LEDA - A Library of Efficient Data Types and Algorithms :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344552
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-647A88754623EEE8C125713A004E3ED6-DBLP:conf/gi/NaherM90
%I Springer
%D 1990
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1990-10-08 -
%C Stuttgart, Germany
%B GI - 20. Jahrestagung I, Informatik auf dem Weg zum Anwender
%P 35 - 39
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-53212-9
%B Informatik-Fachberichte
S. Näher and K. Mehlhorn, “LEDA: A Library of Efficient Data Types and Algorithms,” in Automata, languages and programming (ICALP-90) : 17th international colloquium, 1990.
TITLE = {{LEDA}: A Library of Efficient Data Types and Algorithms},
AUTHOR = {N{\"a}her, Stefan and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Paterson, Michael S.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-EF3A385ECC64888DC1257083004C3B00-Mehlhorn90b},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1990},
DATE = {1990},
BOOKTITLE = {Automata, languages and programming (ICALP-90) : 17th international colloquium},
PAGES = {1--5},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Näher, Stefan
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Paterson, Michael S.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T LEDA: A Library of Efficient Data Types and Algorithms :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344541
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-EF3A385ECC64888DC1257083004C3B00-Mehlhorn90b
%I Springer
%D 1990
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1990-07-16 -
%C Warwick University, England
%B Automata, languages and programming (ICALP-90) : 17th international colloquium
%P 1 - 5
%I Springer
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
M. Furer and K. Mehlhorn, “AT^2-Optimal Galois Field Multiplier for VLSI,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 38, no. 9, 1989.
TITLE = {AT$^2$-Optimal Galois Field Multiplier for VLSI},
AUTHOR = {Furer, M. and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0018-9340},
DOI = {10.1109/12.29475},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-7B93E641A08763ABC1257147003CB06D-journals/tc/FurerM89},
PUBLISHER = {IEEE explore},
ADDRESS = {Piscataway, NJ},
YEAR = {1989},
DATE = {1989},
JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Computers},
VOLUME = {38},
NUMBER = {9},
PAGES = {1333--1336},
%0 Journal Article
%A Furer, M.
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T AT^2-Optimal Galois Field Multiplier for VLSI :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344565
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-7B93E641A08763ABC1257147003CB06D-journals/tc/FurerM89
%R 10.1109/12.29475
%D 1989
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J IEEE Transactions on Computers
%V 38
%N 9
%& 1333
%P 1333 - 1336
%I IEEE explore
%C Piscataway, NJ
%@ false
M. Kaufmann and K. Mehlhorn, “Routing Problems in Grid Graphs,” Institut für Ökonometrie und Operations Research, Bonn, 1989.
TITLE = {Routing Problems in Grid Graphs},
AUTHOR = {Kaufmann, Michael and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0724-3138},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-7C8F10A2625E42DBC12571EF00400013-mehlhorn89z},
INSTITUTION = {Institut f{\"u}r {\"O}konometrie und Operations Research},
ADDRESS = {Bonn},
YEAR = {1989},
DATE = {1989},
TYPE = {Report},
VOLUME = {89},
EID = {561},
%0 Report
%A Kaufmann, Michael
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Routing Problems in Grid Graphs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344733
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-7C8F10A2625E42DBC12571EF00400013-mehlhorn89z
%Y Institut für Ökonometrie und Operations Research
%C Bonn
%D 1989
%B Report
%N 89
%N 561
%@ false
M. Kaufmann and K. Mehlhorn, “Routing Problems in Grid Graphs,” SFB Sonderforschungsbereich 124, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, 1989.
TITLE = {Routing Problems in Grid Graphs},
AUTHOR = {Kaufmann, Michael and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-521B7133DEAC9C5FC125721B004C359E-mehlhorn89},
INSTITUTION = {SFB Sonderforschungsbereich 124, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1989},
DATE = {1989},
TYPE = {SFB Report},
VOLUME = {89/05},
%0 Report
%A Kaufmann, Michael
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Routing Problems in Grid Graphs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344759
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-521B7133DEAC9C5FC125721B004C359E-mehlhorn89
%Y Teubner
%C Bonn, Germany
%D 1989
%B SFB Report
%N 89/05
R. Klein, K. Mehlhorn, and S. Meiser, “On the Construction of Abstract Voronoi Diagrams, II,” Universtität des Saarlandes / Fachbereich Informatik, Saarbrücken, A 03/89, 1989.
TITLE = {On the Construction of Abstract {Voronoi} Diagrams, II},
AUTHOR = {Klein, R. and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Meiser, Stefan},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {A 03/89},
INSTITUTION = {Universtit{\"a}t des Saarlandes / Fachbereich Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1989},
DATE = {1989},
%0 Report
%A Klein, R.
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Meiser, Stefan
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T On the Construction of Abstract Voronoi Diagrams, II :
%G eng
%Y Universtität des Saarlandes / Fachbereich Informatik
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1989
J. Loeckx, K. Mehlhorn, and R. Wilhelm, Foundations of Programming Languages. New York, USA: Wiley, 1989.
TITLE = {Foundations of Programming Languages},
AUTHOR = {Loeckx, Jacques and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Wilhelm, Reinhard},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {0-471-92139-4},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-16244484673CECFFC1257147003D129A-books/wi/LoeckxMW89},
PUBLISHER = {Wiley},
ADDRESS = {New York, USA},
YEAR = {1989},
DATE = {1989},
PAGES = {426},
%0 Book
%A Loeckx, Jacques
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Wilhelm, Reinhard
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Foundations of Programming Languages :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344566
%@ 0-471-92139-4
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-16244484673CECFFC1257147003D129A-books/wi/LoeckxMW89
%I Wiley
%C New York, USA
%D 1989
%P 426
K. Mehlhorn and A. K. Tsakalidis, “Data structures,” Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, A 89/02, 1989.
TITLE = {Data structures},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Tsakalidis, Athanasios K.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {A 89/02},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-3838FA99706A4EA0C125721A004F24B8-mehlhorn90w},
INSTITUTION = {Fachbereich Informatik, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1989},
DATE = {1989},
TYPE = {Report},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Tsakalidis, Athanasios K.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Data structures :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344751
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-3838FA99706A4EA0C125721A004F24B8-mehlhorn90w
%Y Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1989
%B Report
K. Mehlhorn and S. Näher, “A library of efficient data types and algorithms,” in Mathematical foundations of computer science (MFCS-89) : 14th international symposium, 1989.
TITLE = {A library of efficient data types and algorithms},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, S},
EDITOR = {Kreczmar, Antoni and Mirkowska, Grazyna},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-51486-4},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E2083BF9C97F4ADFC12571470039EB01-lncs379*88},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1989},
DATE = {1989},
BOOKTITLE = {Mathematical foundations of computer science (MFCS-89) : 14th international symposium},
PAGES = {88--106},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, S
%E Kreczmar, Antoni
%E Mirkowska, Grazyna
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T A library of efficient data types and algorithms :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344564
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E2083BF9C97F4ADFC12571470039EB01-lncs379*88
%I Springer
%D 1989
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1989-08-28 -
%C Porabka-Kozubnik, Poland
%B Mathematical foundations of computer science (MFCS-89) : 14th international symposium
%P 88 - 106
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-51486-4
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
K. Mehlhorn, Ed., Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry 1989 (SCG ’89). ACM, 1989.
TITLE = {Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry 1989 (SCG '89)},
EDITOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {0-89791-318-3},
YEAR = {1989},
DATE = {1989},
PAGES = {401 p.},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%E Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry
1989 (SCG '89) :
%G eng
%@ 0-89791-318-3
%D 1989
%B SCG 1989
%Z date of event: 1989-06-05 - 1989-06-07
%D 1989
%C Saarbrücken
%P 401 p.
K. Mehlhorn and W. J. Paul, “Two Versus One Index Register and Modifiable Versus Non-modifiable Programs,” in Automata, languages and programming (ICALP-89) : 16th international colloquium, 1989.
TITLE = {Two Versus One Index Register and Modifiable Versus Non-modifiable Programs},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Paul, Wolfgang J.},
EDITOR = {Ausiello, Giorgio and Dezani-Ciancaglini, Mariangiola and Ronchi Della Rocca, Simonetta},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-51371-X},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-70D86C7BC1D94A47C1257147002E8EC3-ICALP::MehlhornP1989},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1989},
DATE = {1989},
BOOKTITLE = {Automata, languages and programming (ICALP-89) : 16th international colloquium},
PAGES = {603--609},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Paul, Wolfgang J.
%E Ausiello, Giorgio
%E Dezani-Ciancaglini, Mariangiola
%E Ronchi Della Rocca, Simonetta
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Two Versus One Index Register and Modifiable Versus Non-modifiable Programs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344562
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-70D86C7BC1D94A47C1257147002E8EC3-ICALP::MehlhornP1989
%I Springer
%D 1989
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1989-07-11 -
%C Stresa, Italy
%B Automata, languages and programming (ICALP-89) : 16th international colloquium
%P 603 - 609
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-51371-X
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
K. Mehlhorn, S. Meiser, and C. Ó’Dúnlaing, “On the construction of abstract Voronoi diagrams,” Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, A 89/01, 1989.
TITLE = {On the construction of abstract Voronoi diagrams},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Meiser, Stefan and {\'O}'D{\'u}nlaing, Colm},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {A 89/01},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-EB07D41A65F9FFCBC12571BF00438D8C-mehlhorn89z},
INSTITUTION = {Fachbereich Informatik, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1989},
DATE = {1989},
TYPE = {Report},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Meiser, Stefan
%A Ó'Dúnlaing, Colm
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T On the construction of abstract Voronoi diagrams :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344615
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-EB07D41A65F9FFCBC12571BF00438D8C-mehlhorn89z
%Y Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1989
%B Report
K. Mehlhorn and S. Näher, “LEDA: A library of efficient data types and algorithms,” in Mathematical foundations of computer science (MFCS-89) : 14th international symposium, 1989.
TITLE = {{LEDA}: A library of efficient data types and algorithms},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan},
EDITOR = {Kreczmar, Antoni and Mirkowska, Grazyna},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-51486-4},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-C43526C99DA844B6C125713E00328154-mehlhorn:1989:lledt},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1989},
DATE = {1989},
BOOKTITLE = {Mathematical foundations of computer science (MFCS-89) : 14th international symposium},
PAGES = {88--106},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%E Kreczmar, Antoni
%E Mirkowska, Grazyna
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T LEDA: A library of efficient data types and algorithms :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344555
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-C43526C99DA844B6C125713E00328154-mehlhorn:1989:lledt
%I Springer
%D 1989
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1989-08-28 -
%C Porabka-Kozubnik, Poland
%B Mathematical foundations of computer science (MFCS-89) : 14th international symposium
%P 88 - 106
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-51486-4
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
K. Mehlhorn, S. Näher, and M. Rauch, “On the Complexity of a Game Related to the Dictionary Problem,” in 30th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 1989), 1989.
TITLE = {On the Complexity of a Game Related to the Dictionary Problem},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan and Rauch, Monika},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {0-8186-1982-1},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-1A9F38100734EB07C1257147002F216F-FOCS::MehlhornNR1989},
YEAR = {1989},
DATE = {1989},
BOOKTITLE = {30th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 1989)},
PAGES = {546--548},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%A Rauch, Monika
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T On the Complexity of a Game Related to the Dictionary Problem :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344563
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-1A9F38100734EB07C1257147002F216F-FOCS::MehlhornNR1989
%D 1989
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1989-10-30 -
%C Research Triangle Park, NC, USA
%B 30th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 1989)
%P 546 - 548
%@ 0-8186-1982-1
R. K. Ahuja, K. Mehlhorn, J. B. Orlin, and R. E. Tarjan, “Faster Algorithms for the Shortest Path Problem,” Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, A 88/04, 1988.
TITLE = {Faster Algorithms for the Shortest Path Problem},
AUTHOR = {Ahuja, Ravindra K. and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Orlin, James B. and Tarjan, Robert E.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {A 88/04},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E692C9A89ADA0CEAC125721A004C420A-mehlhorn88l},
INSTITUTION = {Fachbereich Informatik, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1988},
DATE = {1988},
TYPE = {Report},
%0 Report
%A Ahuja, Ravindra K.
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Orlin, James B.
%A Tarjan, Robert E.
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Faster Algorithms for the Shortest Path Problem :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344749
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E692C9A89ADA0CEAC125721A004C420A-mehlhorn88l
%Y Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1988
%B Report
R. K. Ahuja, K. Mehlhorn, J. B. Orlin, and R. E. Tarjan, “Faster Algorithms for the Shortest Path Problem,” MIT Operations Research Center, Cambridge, TR-193, 1988.
TITLE = {Faster Algorithms for the Shortest Path Problem},
AUTHOR = {Ahuja, Ravindra K. and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Orlin, James B. and Tarjan, Robert E.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {TR-193},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-36508A0FC4D47A03C12571F6002BDECF-mehlhorn88z},
INSTITUTION = {MIT Operations Research Center},
ADDRESS = {Cambridge},
YEAR = {1988},
DATE = {1988},
TYPE = {Report},
%0 Report
%A Ahuja, Ravindra K.
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Orlin, James B.
%A Tarjan, Robert E.
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Faster Algorithms for the Shortest Path Problem :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344743
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-36508A0FC4D47A03C12571F6002BDECF-mehlhorn88z
%Y MIT Operations Research Center
%C Cambridge
%D 1988
%P 34 p.
%B Report
H. Alt, K. Mehlhorn, H. Wagener, and E. Welzl, “Congruence, Similarity, and Symmetries of Geometric Objects,” Discrete and Computational Geometry, vol. 3, 1988.
TITLE = {Congruence, Similarity, and Symmetries of Geometric Objects},
AUTHOR = {Alt, Helmut and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Wagener, Hubert and Welzl, Emo},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0179-5376},
DOI = {10.1007/BF02187910},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-98063DE39892889BC12571480031DF6A-journals/dcg/AltMWW88},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
YEAR = {1988},
DATE = {1988},
JOURNAL = {Discrete and Computational Geometry},
VOLUME = {3},
PAGES = {237--256},
%0 Journal Article
%A Alt, Helmut
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Wagener, Hubert
%A Welzl, Emo
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Congruence, Similarity, and Symmetries of Geometric Objects :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344576
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-98063DE39892889BC12571480031DF6A-journals/dcg/AltMWW88
%R 10.1007/BF02187910
%D 1988
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Discrete and Computational Geometry
%V 3
%& 237
%P 237 - 256
%I Springer
%C Berlin
%@ false
M. Dietzfelbinger, K. Mehlhorn, F. Meyer auf der Heide, and H. Rohnert, “Upper and Lower Bounds for the Dictionary Problem,” in Algorithm theory (SWAT-88) : 1st Scandinavian workshop, 1988.
TITLE = {Upper and Lower Bounds for the Dictionary Problem},
AUTHOR = {Dietzfelbinger, Martin and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Meyer auf der Heide, Friedhelm and Rohnert, H.},
EDITOR = {Karlsson, Rolf and Lingas, Andrzej},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-19487-8},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E141385B9807342DC12571470048E6B1-SWAT::DietzfelbingerMHR1988},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1988},
DATE = {1988},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithm theory (SWAT-88) : 1st Scandinavian workshop},
PAGES = {214--215},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Dietzfelbinger, Martin
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Meyer auf der Heide, Friedhelm
%A Rohnert, H.
%E Karlsson, Rolf
%E Lingas, Andrzej
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Upper and Lower Bounds for the Dictionary Problem :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344567
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E141385B9807342DC12571470048E6B1-SWAT::DietzfelbingerMHR1988
%I Springer
%D 1988
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1988-07-05 -
%C Halmstad, Sweden
%B Algorithm theory (SWAT-88) : 1st Scandinavian workshop
%P 214 - 215
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-19487-8
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
M. Dietzfelbinger, A. Karlin, K. Mehlhorn, F. Meyer auf der Heide, H. Rohnert, and R. E. Tarjan, “Dynamic Perfect Hashing: Upper and Lower Bounds,” in 29th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 1988), 1988.
TITLE = {Dynamic Perfect Hashing: Upper and Lower Bounds},
AUTHOR = {Dietzfelbinger, Martin and Karlin, Anna and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Meyer auf der Heide, Friedhelm and Rohnert, Hans and Tarjan, Robert E.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {0-8186-0877-3},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-7A33FA9D7511026EC1257147004BB158-FOCS::DietzfelbingerKMHRT1988},
YEAR = {1988},
DATE = {1988},
BOOKTITLE = {29th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 1988)},
PAGES = {524--531},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Dietzfelbinger, Martin
%A Karlin, Anna
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Meyer auf der Heide, Friedhelm
%A Rohnert, Hans
%A Tarjan, Robert E.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Dynamic Perfect Hashing: Upper and Lower Bounds :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344572
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-7A33FA9D7511026EC1257147004BB158-FOCS::DietzfelbingerKMHRT1988
%D 1988
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1988-10-24 -
%C White Plains, New York, USA
%B 29th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 1988)
%P 524 - 531
%@ 0-8186-0877-3
M. Fürer and K. Mehlhorn, VLSI Algorithms and Architectures. Springer, 1988.
TITLE = {VLSI Algorithms and Architectures},
AUTHOR = {F{\"u}rer, Martin and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Makedon, Fillia and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Papatheodorou, Theodore S. and Spirakis, Paul G.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
DOI = {10.1007/BFb0040367},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-83C3318BF2316001C12572F10053D5EA-mehlhorn86d},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1988},
DATE = {1988},
PAGES = {328},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Compter Science},
VOLUME = {319},
ADDRESS = {Loutraki, Greece},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Fürer, Martin
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Makedon, Fillia
%E Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Papatheodorou, Theodore S.
%E Spirakis, Paul G.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T VLSI Algorithms and Architectures : 3rd Aegean Workshop on Computing, AWOC 88 Corfu, Greece, June 28 – July 1, 1988 Proceedings
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344762
%R 10.1007/BFb0040367
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-83C3318BF2316001C12572F10053D5EA-mehlhorn86d
%I Springer
%D 1988
%B AWOC 1988
%Z date of event: 1988-06-08 - 1988-07-01
%D 1988
%C Loutraki, Greece
%P 328
%S Lecture Notes in Compter Science
%V 319
S. Gao, M. Kaufmann, K. Mehlhorn, W. Rülling, C. Storb, and M. Jerrum, “On Continuous Homotopic One Layer Routing (Extended Abstract),” in Computational geometry and its applications (CG-88) : international workshop, 1988.
TITLE = {On Continuous Homotopic One Layer Routing (Extended Abstract)},
AUTHOR = {Gao, Shaodi and Kaufmann, Michael and Mehlhorn, Kurt and R{\"u}lling, Wolfgang and Storb, Christoph and Jerrum, Mark},
EDITOR = {Noltemeier, Hartmut},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-50335-8},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-06E3C0ED4D9F56C6C125714700508471-lncs333*55},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1988},
DATE = {1988},
BOOKTITLE = {Computational geometry and its applications (CG-88) : international workshop},
PAGES = {55--70},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Gao, Shaodi
%A Kaufmann, Michael
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Rülling, Wolfgang
%A Storb, Christoph
%A Jerrum, Mark
%E Noltemeier, Hartmut
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T On Continuous Homotopic One Layer Routing (Extended Abstract) :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344573
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-06E3C0ED4D9F56C6C125714700508471-lncs333*55
%I Springer
%D 1988
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1988-03-24 -
%C Würzburg, FRG
%B Computational geometry and its applications (CG-88) : international workshop
%P 55 - 70
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-50335-8
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
S. Gao, M. Jerrum, M. Kaufmann, K. Mehlhorn, and W. Rülling, “On Continuous Homotopic One Layer Routing,” in Computational geometry (SCG-88) : 4th symposium, 1988.
TITLE = {On Continuous Homotopic One Layer Routing},
AUTHOR = {Gao, Shaodi and Jerrum, Mark and Kaufmann, Michael and Mehlhorn, Kurt and R{\"u}lling, Wolfgang},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {0-89791-270-5},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-DE47600B4C2E51F0C12571480032DE93-conf/compgeom/GaoJKMR89},
YEAR = {1988},
DATE = {1988},
BOOKTITLE = {Computational geometry (SCG-88) : 4th symposium},
PAGES = {392--402},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Gao, Shaodi
%A Jerrum, Mark
%A Kaufmann, Michael
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Rülling, Wolfgang
%+ Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T On Continuous Homotopic One Layer Routing :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344578
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-DE47600B4C2E51F0C12571480032DE93-conf/compgeom/GaoJKMR89
%D 1988
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1988-06-06 -
%C Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA
%B Computational geometry (SCG-88) : 4th symposium
%P 392 - 402
%@ 0-89791-270-5
H. Jung and K. Mehlhorn, “Parallel Algorithms for Computing Maximal Independent Sets in Trees and for Updating Minimum Spanning Trees,” Information Processing Letters, vol. 27, no. 5, 1988.
TITLE = {Parallel Algorithms for Computing Maximal Independent Sets in Trees and for Updating Minimum Spanning Trees},
AUTHOR = {Jung, Hermann and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0020-0190},
DOI = {10.1016/0020-0190(88)90084-1},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-0FE15B19E71706D4C1257147004B866F-IPL::JungM1988},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {1988},
DATE = {1988},
JOURNAL = {Information Processing Letters},
VOLUME = {27},
NUMBER = {5},
PAGES = {227--236},
%0 Journal Article
%A Jung, Hermann
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Parallel Algorithms for Computing Maximal Independent Sets in Trees and for Updating Minimum Spanning Trees :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344571
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-0FE15B19E71706D4C1257147004B866F-IPL::JungM1988
%R 10.1016/0020-0190(88)90084-1
%D 1988
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Information Processing Letters
%V 27
%N 5
%& 227
%P 227 - 236
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
M. Kaufmann and K. Mehlhorn, “A Linear-Time Algorithm for the Homotopic Routing Problem in Grid Graphs,” SFB Sonderforschungsbereich 124, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, 1988.
TITLE = {A Linear-Time Algorithm for the Homotopic Routing Problem in Grid Graphs},
AUTHOR = {Kaufmann, Michael and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A36B8FDC9FECF482C12571EF003FD0BE-mehlhorn88z},
INSTITUTION = {SFB Sonderforschungsbereich 124, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1988},
DATE = {1988},
TYPE = {Report},
%0 Report
%A Kaufmann, Michael
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Linear-Time Algorithm for the Homotopic Routing Problem in Grid Graphs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344732
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A36B8FDC9FECF482C12571EF003FD0BE-mehlhorn88z
%Y SFB Sonderforschungsbereich 124, Universität des Saarlandes
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1988
%B Report
K. Mehlhorn and C.-K. Yap, “Constructive Hopf’s Theorem: Or How to Untangle Closed Planar Curves,” in Automata, languages and programming (ICALP-88) : 15th international colloquium, 1988.
TITLE = {Constructive Hopf's Theorem: Or How to Untangle Closed Planar Curves},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Yap, Chee-Keng},
EDITOR = {Lepist{\"o}, Timo and Salomaa, Arto},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-447265BC71F0BC1FC1257147004AD953-ICALP::MehlhornY1988},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1988},
DATE = {1988},
BOOKTITLE = {Automata, languages and programming (ICALP-88) : 15th international colloquium},
PAGES = {410--423},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Yap, Chee-Keng
%E Lepistö, Timo
%E Salomaa, Arto
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Constructive Hopf's Theorem: Or How to Untangle Closed Planar Curves :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344569
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-447265BC71F0BC1FC1257147004AD953-ICALP::MehlhornY1988
%I Springer
%D 1988
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1988-07-11 -
%C Tampere, Finland
%B Automata, languages and programming (ICALP-88) : 15th international colloquium
%P 410 - 423
%I Springer
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
K. Mehlhorn, S. Näher, and H. Alt, “A Lower Bound on the Complexity of the Union-Split-Find Problem,” SIAM Journal on Computing, vol. 17, no. 6, 1988.
TITLE = {A Lower Bound on the Complexity of the Union-Split-Find Problem},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan and Alt, Helmut},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0097-5397},
DOI = {10.1137/0217070},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-C0BBC2BBCF0F371BC1257147004A203F-SICOMP::MehlhornNA1988},
ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA},
YEAR = {1988},
DATE = {1988},
JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Computing},
VOLUME = {17},
NUMBER = {6},
PAGES = {1093--1102},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%A Alt, Helmut
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T A Lower Bound on the Complexity of the Union-Split-Find Problem :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344568
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-C0BBC2BBCF0F371BC1257147004A203F-SICOMP::MehlhornNA1988
%R 10.1137/0217070
%D 1988
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J SIAM Journal on Computing
%V 17
%N 6
%& 1093
%P 1093 - 1102
%C Philadelphia, PA
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn and W. Rülling, “Compaction on the Torus,” Facgbereich 10, Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, 08/1988, 1988.
TITLE = {Compaction on the Torus},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and R{\"u}lling, W.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {08/1988},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-71DFD71E680478D4C12571EF003F6FE9-mehlhorn88},
INSTITUTION = {Facgbereich 10, Informatik, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1988},
DATE = {1988},
TYPE = {VLSI Entwurfsmethoden und Parallelitäten},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Rülling, W.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Compaction on the Torus :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344731
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-71DFD71E680478D4C12571EF003F6FE9-mehlhorn88
%Y Facgbereich 10, Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1988
%B VLSI Entwurfsmethoden und Parallelitäten
K. Mehlhorn and C.-K. Yap, “Constructive Hopf’s theorem: or how to untangle closed planar curves.” 1988.
TITLE = {Constructive Hopf's theorem: or how to untangle closed planar curves},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Yap, Chee-Keng},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-CEC1FB9CE68F52F2C12571C20051989E-mehlhorn88m},
YEAR = {1988},
DATE = {1988},
%0 Generic
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Yap, Chee-Keng
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Constructive Hopf's theorem: or how to untangle closed planar curves :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344627
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-CEC1FB9CE68F52F2C12571C20051989E-mehlhorn88m
%D 1988
K. Mehlhorn, “SFB 124: VLSI-Entwurfsmethoden und Parallelität,” in GI - 18. Jahrestagung II, Vernetzte and komplexe Informatik-Systems, 1988.
TITLE = {{{SFB} 124: {VLSI}-Entwurfsmethoden und Parallelit{\"a}t}},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Valk, R{\"u}diger},
LANGUAGE = {deu},
ISBN = {3-540-50360-9},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-29429AD4AA0189ACC125714800321EF7-conf/gi/MehlhornZ88},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1988},
DATE = {1988},
BOOKTITLE = {GI -- 18. Jahrestagung II, Vernetzte and komplexe Informatik-Systems},
PAGES = {3--29},
SERIES = {Informatik-Fachberichte},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Valk, Rüdiger
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T SFB 124: VLSI-Entwurfsmethoden und Parallelität :
%G deu
%F EDOC: 344577
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-29429AD4AA0189ACC125714800321EF7-conf/gi/MehlhornZ88
%I Springer
%D 1988
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1988-10-17 -
%C Hamburg, Germany
%B GI - 18. Jahrestagung II, Vernetzte and komplexe Informatik-Systems
%P 3 - 29
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-50360-9
%B Informatik-Fachberichte
K. Mehlhorn and W. Rülling, “Compaction on the Torus,” in {VLSI} algorithms and architectures : 3rd {A}egean Workshop on Computing, AWOC 88, 1988.
TITLE = {Compaction on the Torus},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and R{\"u}lling, W.},
EDITOR = {Reif, John H.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-96818-0},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-3C99B9AE6F19F644C1257148002AD445-lncs319*212},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1988},
DATE = {1988},
BOOKTITLE = {{\textbraceleft}VLSI{\textbraceright} algorithms and architectures : 3rd {\textbraceleft}A{\textbraceright}egean Workshop on Computing, AWOC 88},
PAGES = {212--225},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Rülling, W.
%E Reif, John H.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Compaction on the Torus :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344574
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-3C99B9AE6F19F644C1257148002AD445-lncs319*212
%I Springer
%D 1988
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1988-06-28 -
%C Corfu, Greece
%B {VLSI} algorithms and architectures : 3rd {A}egean Workshop on Computing, AWOC 88
%P 212 - 225
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-96818-0
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
K. Mehlhorn, Datenstrukturen und effiziente Algorithmen, Band 1: Sortieren und Suchen. Stuttgart, Germany: Teubner, 1988.
TITLE = {{Datenstrukturen und effiziente Algorithmen, Band 1: Sortieren und Suchen}},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {deu},
ISBN = {3-519-12255-3},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-C82F07CA72CDCA1DC12571B600308CC8-mehlhorn88k},
PUBLISHER = {Teubner},
ADDRESS = {Stuttgart, Germany},
YEAR = {1988},
DATE = {1988},
PAGES = {317},
%0 Book
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Datenstrukturen und effiziente Algorithmen, Band 1: Sortieren und Suchen :
%G deu
%F EDOC: 344612
%@ 3-519-12255-3
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-C82F07CA72CDCA1DC12571B600308CC8-mehlhorn88k
%I Teubner
%C Stuttgart, Germany
%D 1988
%P 317
K. Mehlhorn, “A Faster Approximation Algorithm for the Steiner Problem in Graphs,” Information Processing Letters, vol. 27, no. 3, 1988.
TITLE = {A Faster Approximation Algorithm for the Steiner Problem in Graphs},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0020-0190},
DOI = {10.1016/0020-0190(88)90066-X},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-2518D080565ECFEEC1257147004B5D58-IPL::Mehlhorn1988},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {1988},
DATE = {1988},
JOURNAL = {Information Processing Letters},
VOLUME = {27},
NUMBER = {3},
PAGES = {125--128},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Faster Approximation Algorithm for the Steiner Problem in Graphs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344570
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-2518D080565ECFEEC1257147004B5D58-IPL::Mehlhorn1988
%R 10.1016/0020-0190(88)90066-X
%D 1988
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Information Processing Letters
%V 27
%N 3
%& 125
%P 125 - 128
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
A. Albrecht, H. Jung, and K. Mehlhorn, Eds., Parallel Algorithms and Architectures. Springer, 1987.
TITLE = {Parallel Algorithms and Architectures},
EDITOR = {Albrecht, Andreas and Jung, Hermann and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-18099-0},
DOI = {10.1007/3-540-18099-0},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1987},
DATE = {1987},
PAGES = {205 p.},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {269},
ADDRESS = {Suhl, FRG},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%E Albrecht, Andreas
%E Jung, Hermann
%E Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Parallel Algorithms and Architectures : International Workshop Suhl, GDR, May 25–30, 1987 Proceedings
%G eng
%@ 3-540-18099-0
%R 10.1007/3-540-18099-0
%I Springer
%D 1987
%B International Workshop on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures
%Z date of event: 1987-05-27 - 1987-05-30
%D 1987
%C Suhl, FRG
%P 205 p.
%S Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%V 269
H. Alt, T. Hagerup, K. Mehlhorn, and F. P. Preparata, “Deterministic Simulation of Idealized Parallel Computers on More Realistic Ones,” SIAM Journal on Computing, vol. 16, no. 5, 1987.
The authors describe a nonuniform deterministic simulation of PRAMs on module <br>parallel computers (MPCs) and on processor networks of bounded degree. The <br>simulating machines have the same number $n$ of processors as the simulated <br>PRAM, and if the size of the PRAM's shared memory is polynomial in $n$, each <br>PRAM step is simulated by $O(\log n)$ MPC steps or by $O((\log n)^2)$ steps of <br>the bounded-degree network. This improves upon a previous result by Upfal and <br>Wigderson (1984). The authors prove an $\Omega((\log n)^2/\log\log n)$ lower <br>bound on the number of steps needed to simulate one PRAM step on a <br>bounded-degree network under the assumption that the communication in the <br>network is point to point. As an important part of the simulation of PRAMs on <br>MPCs, a new technique for dynamically averaging out a given work load among a <br>set of processors operating in parallel is used.
TITLE = {Deterministic Simulation of Idealized Parallel Computers on More Realistic Ones},
AUTHOR = {Alt, Helmut and Hagerup, Torben and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Preparata, Franco P.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0097-5397},
DOI = {10.1137/0216053},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E25297A1C6B06A65C125714A00588CF3-SICOMP::AltHMP1987},
ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA},
YEAR = {1987},
DATE = {1987},
ABSTRACT = {The authors describe a nonuniform deterministic simulation of PRAMs on module <br>parallel computers (MPCs) and on processor networks of bounded degree. The <br>simulating machines have the same number $n$ of processors as the simulated <br>PRAM, and if the size of the PRAM's shared memory is polynomial in $n$, each <br>PRAM step is simulated by $O(\log n)$ MPC steps or by $O((\log n)^2)$ steps of <br>the bounded-degree network. This improves upon a previous result by Upfal and <br>Wigderson (1984). The authors prove an $\Omega((\log n)^2/\log\log n)$ lower <br>bound on the number of steps needed to simulate one PRAM step on a <br>bounded-degree network under the assumption that the communication in the <br>network is point to point. As an important part of the simulation of PRAMs on <br>MPCs, a new technique for dynamically averaging out a given work load among a <br>set of processors operating in parallel is used.},
JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Computing},
VOLUME = {16},
NUMBER = {5},
PAGES = {808--835},
%0 Journal Article
%A Alt, Helmut
%A Hagerup, Torben
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Preparata, Franco P.
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Deterministic Simulation of Idealized Parallel Computers on More Realistic Ones :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344590
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E25297A1C6B06A65C125714A00588CF3-SICOMP::AltHMP1987
%R 10.1137/0216053
%D 1987
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X The authors describe a nonuniform deterministic simulation of PRAMs on module <br>parallel computers (MPCs) and on processor networks of bounded degree. The <br>simulating machines have the same number $n$ of processors as the simulated <br>PRAM, and if the size of the PRAM's shared memory is polynomial in $n$, each <br>PRAM step is simulated by $O(\log n)$ MPC steps or by $O((\log n)^2)$ steps of <br>the bounded-degree network. This improves upon a previous result by Upfal and <br>Wigderson (1984). The authors prove an $\Omega((\log n)^2/\log\log n)$ lower <br>bound on the number of steps needed to simulate one PRAM step on a <br>bounded-degree network under the assumption that the communication in the <br>network is point to point. As an important part of the simulation of PRAMs on <br>MPCs, a new technique for dynamically averaging out a given work load among a <br>set of processors operating in parallel is used.
%J SIAM Journal on Computing
%V 16
%N 5
%& 808
%P 808 - 835
%C Philadelphia, PA
%@ false
H. Alt, K. Mehlhorn, H. Wagener, and E. Welzl, “Congruence, Similarity and Symmetries of Geometric Objects,” Universität des Saarlandes / Fachbereich Informatik, Saarbrücken, A 02/87, 1987.
TITLE = {Congruence, Similarity and Symmetries of Geometric Objects},
AUTHOR = {Alt, Helmut and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Wagener, Hubert and Welzl, Emo},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {A 02/87},
INSTITUTION = {Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes / Fachbereich Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1987},
DATE = {1987},
%0 Report
%A Alt, Helmut
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Wagener, Hubert
%A Welzl, Emo
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
%T Congruence, Similarity and Symmetries of Geometric Objects :
%G eng
%Y Universität des Saarlandes / Fachbereich Informatik
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1987
H. Alt, T. Hagerup, K. Mehlhorn, and F. P. Preparata, “Deterministic Simulation of Idealized Parallel Computers on more Realistic Ones,” in Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (GDR 1987), Suhl, FRG, 1987.
TITLE = {Deterministic Simulation of Idealized Parallel Computers on more Realistic Ones},
AUTHOR = {Alt, Helmut and Hagerup, Torben and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Preparata, Franco P.},
EDITOR = {Albrecht, Andreas and Jung, Hermann and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-18099-0},
DOI = {10.1007/3-540-18099-0_24},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-826A4048DEF337E3C12571F0004CC44F-Albrecht:1987:PAA},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1987},
DATE = {1987},
BOOKTITLE = {Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (GDR 1987)},
PAGES = {11--15},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {269},
ADDRESS = {Suhl, FRG},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Alt, Helmut
%A Hagerup, Torben
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Preparata, Franco P.
%E Albrecht, Andreas
%E Jung, Hermann
%E Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Deterministic Simulation of Idealized Parallel Computers on more Realistic Ones :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344735
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-826A4048DEF337E3C12571F0004CC44F-Albrecht:1987:PAA
%R 10.1007/3-540-18099-0_24
%D 1987
%B International Workshop on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures
%Z date of event: 1987-05-25 -
%C Suhl, FRG
%B Parallel Algorithms and Architectures
%P 11 - 15
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-18099-0
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 269
H. Alt, K. Mehlhorn, H. Wagener, and E. Welzl, “Convergence, Similarity and Symmetries of Geometric Objects,” in Computational geometry (SCG-87) : 3rd symposium, 1987.
TITLE = {Convergence, Similarity and Symmetries of Geometric Objects},
AUTHOR = {Alt, Helmut and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Wagener, Hubert and Welzl, Emo},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {0-89791-231-4},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E33E0A519E2E141EC1257148003FB601-Welzl87a},
YEAR = {1987},
DATE = {1987},
BOOKTITLE = {Computational geometry (SCG-87) : 3rd symposium},
PAGES = {308--315},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Alt, Helmut
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Wagener, Hubert
%A Welzl, Emo
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Convergence, Similarity and Symmetries of Geometric Objects :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344581
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E33E0A519E2E141EC1257148003FB601-Welzl87a
%D 1987
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1987-06-08 -
%C Waterloo, Canada
%B Computational geometry (SCG-87) : 3rd symposium
%P 308 - 315
%@ 0-89791-231-4
O. Fries, K. Mehlhorn, S. Näher, and A. Tsakalidis, “A log log n Data Structure for Three-sided Range Queries,” Information Processing Letters, vol. 25, no. 4, 1987.
TITLE = {A $\log \log n$ Data Structure for Three-sided Range Queries},
AUTHOR = {Fries, O. and Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan and Tsakalidis, A.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0020-0190},
DOI = {10.1016/0020-0190(87)90174-8},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-6EE89E6E1684AA43C1257148003CE2C3-IPL::FriesMNT1987},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {1987},
DATE = {1987},
JOURNAL = {Information Processing Letters},
VOLUME = {25},
NUMBER = {4},
PAGES = {269--273},
%0 Journal Article
%A Fries, O.
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%A Tsakalidis, A.
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T A log log n Data Structure for Three-sided Range Queries :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344580
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-6EE89E6E1684AA43C1257148003CE2C3-IPL::FriesMNT1987
%R 10.1016/0020-0190(87)90174-8
%D 1987
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Information Processing Letters
%V 25
%N 4
%& 269
%P 269 - 273
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
H. Jung and K. Mehlhorn, “Parallel algorithms for computing maximal independent sets in trees and for updating minimum spanning trees,” SFB Sonderforschungsbereich 124, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, SFB 87/01, 1987.
TITLE = {Parallel algorithms for computing maximal independent sets in trees and for updating minimum spanning trees},
AUTHOR = {Jung, Hermann and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {SFB 87/01},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-CCC100500D62E5B2C12571EF002A55C8-mehlhorn87z},
INSTITUTION = {SFB Sonderforschungsbereich 124, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1987},
DATE = {1987},
TYPE = {Report},
%0 Report
%A Jung, Hermann
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Parallel algorithms for computing maximal independent sets in trees and for updating minimum spanning trees :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344730
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-CCC100500D62E5B2C12571EF002A55C8-mehlhorn87z
%Y SFB Sonderforschungsbereich 124, Universität des Saarlandes
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1987
%B Report
M. Kaufmann and K. Mehlhorn, “On Local Routing of Two-Terminal Nets,” in STACS 87, 4th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Passau, FRG, 1987.
TITLE = {On Local Routing of Two-Terminal Nets},
AUTHOR = {Kaufmann, Michael and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-540-17219-2},
DOI = {10.1007/BFb0039593},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-F4BE997A4CF6965AC125714A00589427-STACS::KaufmannM1987},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1987},
DATE = {1987},
BOOKTITLE = {STACS 87, 4th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science},
EDITOR = {Brandenburg, F. J. and Vidal-Naquet, G. and Wirsing, M.},
PAGES = {40--52},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {247},
ADDRESS = {Passau, FRG},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Kaufmann, Michael
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T On Local Routing of Two-Terminal Nets :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344591
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-F4BE997A4CF6965AC125714A00589427-STACS::KaufmannM1987
%R 10.1007/BFb0039593
%D 1987
%B 4th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science
%Z date of event: 1987-02-19 - 1987-02-21
%C Passau, FRG
%E Brandenburg, F. J.; Vidal-Naquet, G.; Wirsing, M.
%P 40 - 52
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-540-17219-2
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 247
K. Mehlhorn, S. Näher, and H. Alt, “A Lower Bound for the Complexity of the Union-Split-Find Problem,” in Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP-87) : 14th International Colloquium, 1987.
TITLE = {A Lower Bound for the Complexity of the Union-Split-Find Problem},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan and Alt, Helmut},
EDITOR = {Ottmann, Thomas},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-18088-5},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-F4AF0F7B20E773C2C1257148003160BE-mehlhorn87},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1987},
DATE = {1987},
BOOKTITLE = {Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP-87) : 14th International Colloquium},
PAGES = {479--488},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%A Alt, Helmut
%E Ottmann, Thomas
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T A Lower Bound for the Complexity of the Union-Split-Find Problem :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344575
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-F4AF0F7B20E773C2C1257148003160BE-mehlhorn87
%D 1987
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1987-07-13 -
%C Karlsruhe, Federal Republic of Germany
%B Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP-87) : 14th International Colloquium
%P 479 - 488
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-18088-5
K. Mehlhorn and S. Näher, “A Faster Compaction Algorithm with Automatic Jog Insertion,” Fachbereich 10, Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, 15/1987, 1987.
TITLE = {A Faster Compaction Algorithm with Automatic Jog Insertion},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {15/1987},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E853C387F5715DBDC12571C2004EEC2B-mehlhorn87i},
INSTITUTION = {Fachbereich 10, Informatik, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1987},
DATE = {1987},
TYPE = {VLSI Entwurfsmethoden und Parallelitäten},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Faster Compaction Algorithm with Automatic Jog Insertion :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344624
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E853C387F5715DBDC12571C2004EEC2B-mehlhorn87i
%Y Fachbereich 10, Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1987
%B VLSI Entwurfsmethoden und Parallelitäten
K. Mehlhorn and F. P. Preparata, “Area-Time Optimal Division for T=Omega((log n)^1+epsilon),” Information and Computation, vol. 72, no. 3, 1987.
Area-time optimal VLSI division circuits are described for all computation <br>times in the range for arbitrary > 0.
TITLE = {Area-Time Optimal Division for $T=\Omega((\log n)^1+\epsilon)$},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Preparata, Franco P.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0890-5401},
DOI = {10.1016/0890-5401(87)90034-4},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A49932FBD4363719C1257148003CACB1-IC::MehlhornP1987},
PUBLISHER = {Academic Press},
ADDRESS = {San Diego},
YEAR = {1987},
DATE = {1987},
ABSTRACT = {Area-time optimal VLSI division circuits are described for all computation <br>times in the range for arbitrary > 0.},
JOURNAL = {Information and Computation},
VOLUME = {72},
NUMBER = {3},
PAGES = {270--282},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Preparata, Franco P.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Area-Time Optimal Division for T=Omega((log n)^1+epsilon) :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344579
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A49932FBD4363719C1257148003CACB1-IC::MehlhornP1987
%R 10.1016/0890-5401(87)90034-4
%D 1987
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X Area-time optimal VLSI division circuits are described for all computation <br>times in the range for arbitrary > 0.
%J Information and Computation
%V 72
%N 3
%& 270
%P 270 - 282
%I Academic Press
%C San Diego
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, “A Faster Approximation Algorithm for the Steiner Problem in Graphs.” 1987.
TITLE = {A Faster Approximation Algorithm for the Steiner Problem in Graphs},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-C308DB10CE52704EC12571C2004DEC8D-mehlhorn87h},
YEAR = {1987},
DATE = {1987},
%0 Generic
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Faster Approximation Algorithm for the Steiner Problem in Graphs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344623
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-C308DB10CE52704EC12571C2004DEC8D-mehlhorn87h
%D 1987
H. Alt, T. Hagerup, K. Mehlhorn, and F. P. Preparata, “Deterministic Simulation of Idealized Parallel Computers on More Realistic Ones,” in Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, 12th Symposium (MFCS 1986), 1986.
TITLE = {Deterministic Simulation of Idealized Parallel Computers on More Realistic Ones},
AUTHOR = {Alt, Helmut and Hagerup, Torben and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Preparata, Franco P.},
EDITOR = {Gruska, Jozef and Rovan, Branislav and Wiedermann, Juraj},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-BBFBD021943D4AA9C1257149004A041D-MFCS::AltHMP1986},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1986},
DATE = {1986},
BOOKTITLE = {Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, 12th Symposium (MFCS 1986)},
PAGES = {199--208},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Alt, Helmut
%A Hagerup, Torben
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Preparata, Franco P.
%E Gruska, Jozef
%E Rovan, Branislav
%E Wiedermann, Juraj
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Deterministic Simulation of Idealized Parallel Computers on More Realistic Ones :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344587
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-BBFBD021943D4AA9C1257149004A041D-MFCS::AltHMP1986
%I Springer
%D 1986
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1986-08-25 -
%C Bratislava, Czechoslovakia
%B Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, 12th Symposium (MFCS 1986)
%P 199 - 208
%I Springer
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
M. Becker and K. Mehlhorn, “Algorithms for Routing in Planar Graphs,” Acta Informatica, vol. 23, no. 2, 1986.
TITLE = {Algorithms for Routing in Planar Graphs},
AUTHOR = {Becker, Michael and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0001-5903},
DOI = {10.1007/BF00289496},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-0F468D472A0B519DC12571490049D194-ACTAI::BeckerM1986},
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag Heidelberg},
ADDRESS = {Heidelberg},
YEAR = {1986},
DATE = {1986},
JOURNAL = {Acta Informatica},
VOLUME = {23},
NUMBER = {2},
PAGES = {163--176},
%0 Journal Article
%A Becker, Michael
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Algorithms for Routing in Planar Graphs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344586
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-0F468D472A0B519DC12571490049D194-ACTAI::BeckerM1986
%R 10.1007/BF00289496
%D 1986
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Acta Informatica
%V 23
%N 2
%& 163
%P 163 - 176
%I Springer-Verlag Heidelberg
%C Heidelberg
%@ false
M. Fürer and K. Mehlhorn, VLSI Algorithms and Architectures. Springer, 1986.
TITLE = {VLSI Algorithms and Architectures},
AUTHOR = {F{\"u}rer, Martin and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Makedon, Fillia and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Papatheodorou, Theodore S. and Spirakis, Paul G.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-16766-8},
DOI = {10.1007/3-540-16766-8},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-C9D95EADFBBD04FEC12572F10053D4CC-mehlhorn86dz},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1986},
DATE = {1986},
PAGES = {328},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {227},
ADDRESS = {Loutraki, Greece},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Fürer, Martin
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Makedon, Fillia
%E Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Papatheodorou, Theodore S.
%E Spirakis, Paul G.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T VLSI Algorithms and Architectures : Aegean Workshop on Computing Loutraki, Greece, July 8–11, 1986 Proceedings
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344763
%R 10.1007/3-540-16766-8
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-C9D95EADFBBD04FEC12572F10053D4CC-mehlhorn86dz
%I Springer
%D 1986
%B Aegean Workshop on Computing 1986
%Z date of event: 1986-07-08 - 1986-07-11
%D 1986
%C Loutraki, Greece
%P 328
%S Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%V 227
%@ 3-540-16766-8
M. Fürer and K. Mehlhorn, “AT$^2$-Optimal Galois Field Multiplier for VLSI,” in VLSI Algorithms and Architectures, Aegean Workshop on Computing, 1986.
TITLE = {{AT}\${\textasciicircum}2\$-Optimal Galois Field Multiplier for {VLSI}},
AUTHOR = {F{\"u}rer, Martin and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Makedon, Fillia and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Papatheodorou, Theodore S. and Spirakis, Paul G.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-16766-8},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-73F373EB04216BE4C12571AA0048089E-mehlhorn86dy},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1986},
DATE = {1986},
BOOKTITLE = {VLSI Algorithms and Architectures, Aegean Workshop on Computing},
PAGES = {217--225},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Fürer, Martin
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Makedon, Fillia
%E Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Papatheodorou, Theodore S.
%E Spirakis, Paul G.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T AT$^2$-Optimal Galois Field Multiplier for VLSI :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344595
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-73F373EB04216BE4C12571AA0048089E-mehlhorn86dy
%D 1986
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1986-07-08 -
%C Loutraki, Greece
%B VLSI Algorithms and Architectures, Aegean Workshop on Computing
%P 217 - 225
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-16766-8
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
K. Hoffmann, K. Mehlhorn, P. Rosenstiehl, and R. E. Tarjan, “Sorting Jordan Sequences in Linear Time Using Level-Linked Search Trees,” Information and Control, vol. 68, no. 1–3, 1986.
TITLE = {Sorting Jordan Sequences in Linear Time Using Level-Linked Search Trees},
AUTHOR = {Hoffmann, Kurt and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Rosenstiehl, Pierre and Tarjan, Robert E.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0019-9958},
DOI = {10.1016/S0019-9958(86)80033-X},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-C7C1E6DFA15C3E54C1257148004D5FDC-IC::HoffmanMRT1986},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {1986},
DATE = {1986},
JOURNAL = {Information and Control},
VOLUME = {68},
NUMBER = {1-3},
PAGES = {170--184},
%0 Journal Article
%A Hoffmann, Kurt
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Rosenstiehl, Pierre
%A Tarjan, Robert E.
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Sorting Jordan Sequences in Linear Time Using Level-Linked Search Trees :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344585
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-C7C1E6DFA15C3E54C1257148004D5FDC-IC::HoffmanMRT1986
%R 10.1016/S0019-9958(86)80033-X
%D 1986
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Information and Control
%V 68
%N 1-3
%& 170
%P 170 - 184
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
M. Kaufmann and K. Mehlhorn, “On Local Routing of Two-Terminal Nets,” Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, A 84/12, 1986.
TITLE = {On Local Routing of Two-Terminal Nets},
AUTHOR = {Kaufmann, Michael and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {A 84/12},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-6AD4B0F84B47E551C12571EF00287406-mehlhorn86y},
INSTITUTION = {Fachbereich Informatik, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1986},
DATE = {1986},
TYPE = {Report},
%0 Report
%A Kaufmann, Michael
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T On Local Routing of Two-Terminal Nets :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344729
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-6AD4B0F84B47E551C12571EF00287406-mehlhorn86y
%Y Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1986
%B Report
M. Kaufmann and K. Mehlhorn, “Routing through a Generalized Switchbox,” Journal of Algorithms, vol. 7, no. 4, 1986.
TITLE = {Routing through a Generalized Switchbox},
AUTHOR = {Kaufmann, Michael and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0196-6774},
DOI = {10.1016/0196-6774(86)90016-7},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-F941909993656ADFC125714800413CC9-JALGO::KaufmannM1986},
PUBLISHER = {Academic Press},
ADDRESS = {Orlando, Fla.},
YEAR = {1986},
DATE = {1986},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Algorithms},
VOLUME = {7},
NUMBER = {4},
PAGES = {510--531},
%0 Journal Article
%A Kaufmann, Michael
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Routing through a Generalized Switchbox :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344583
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-F941909993656ADFC125714800413CC9-JALGO::KaufmannM1986
%R 10.1016/0196-6774(86)90016-7
%D 1986
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Journal of Algorithms
%V 7
%N 4
%& 510
%P 510 - 531
%I Academic Press
%C Orlando, Fla.
%@ false
T. Lengauer and K. Mehlhorn, “VLSI complexity, efficient VLSI algorithms and the HILL design system,” in Algorithmics for VLSI, C. Trullemans, Ed. London ; Orlando: Academic Press, 1986.
TITLE = {{VLSI} complexity, efficient {VLSI} algorithms and the {HILL} design system},
AUTHOR = {Lengauer, Thomas and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Trullemans, C},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {0-12-701230-3},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A6BDAC462F9D61EEC12571C5004D4786-mehlhorn86},
PUBLISHER = {Academic Press},
ADDRESS = {London ; Orlando},
YEAR = {1986},
DATE = {1986},
BOOKTITLE = {Algorithmics for VLSI},
DEBUG = {editor: Trullemans, C},
PAGES = {33--89},
SERIES = {International lecture series in computer science},
%0 Book Section
%A Lengauer, Thomas
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Trullemans, C
%+ Computational Biology and Applied Algorithmics, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T VLSI complexity, efficient VLSI algorithms and the HILL design system :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344692
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A6BDAC462F9D61EEC12571C5004D4786-mehlhorn86
%I Academic Press
%C London ; Orlando
%D 1986
%B Algorithmics for VLSI
%E Trullemans, C
%P 33 - 89
%I Academic Press
%C London ; Orlando
%@ 0-12-701230-3
%S International lecture series in computer science
J. Loeckx, K. Mehlhorn, and R. Wilhelm, Grundlagen der Programmiersprachen. Stuttgart, Germany: Teubner, 1986.
TITLE = {{Grundlagen der Programmiersprachen}},
AUTHOR = {Loeckx, Jacques and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Wilhelm, Reinhard},
LANGUAGE = {deu},
ISBN = {3-519-02254-0},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-750460F7578DFA43C12571B500453EC2-mehlhorn86p},
PUBLISHER = {Teubner},
ADDRESS = {Stuttgart, Germany},
YEAR = {1986},
DATE = {1986},
PAGES = {448},
%0 Book
%A Loeckx, Jacques
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Wilhelm, Reinhard
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Grundlagen der Programmiersprachen :
%G deu
%F EDOC: 344608
%@ 3-519-02254-0
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-750460F7578DFA43C12571B500453EC2-mehlhorn86p
%I Teubner
%C Stuttgart, Germany
%D 1986
%P 448
K. Mehlhorn and F. P. Preparata, “Routing through a Rectangle,” Journal of the ACM, vol. 33, no. 1, 1986.
In this paper an O(N log N) algorithm for routing through a rectangle is <br>presented. Consider an n-by-m rectangular grid and a set of N two-terminal <br>nets. A net is a pair of points on the boundary of the rectangle. A layout is a <br>set of edge-disjoint paths, one for each net. Our algorithm constructs a <br>layout, if there is one, in O(N log N) time; this contrasts favorably with the <br>area of the layout that might be as large as N2. The layout constructed can be <br>wired using four layers of interconnect with only O(N) contact cuts. A partial <br>extension to multiterminal nets is also discussed.
TITLE = {Routing through a Rectangle},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Preparata, F. P.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0004-5411},
DOI = {10.1145/4904.4994},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-B787798F060A30DFC1257149004A7466-JACM::MehlhornP1986},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY},
YEAR = {1986},
DATE = {1986},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper an O(N log N) algorithm for routing through a rectangle is <br>presented. Consider an n-by-m rectangular grid and a set of N two-terminal <br>nets. A net is a pair of points on the boundary of the rectangle. A layout is a <br>set of edge-disjoint paths, one for each net. Our algorithm constructs a <br>layout, if there is one, in O(N log N) time; this contrasts favorably with the <br>area of the layout that might be as large as N2. The layout constructed can be <br>wired using four layers of interconnect with only O(N) contact cuts. A partial <br>extension to multiterminal nets is also discussed.},
JOURNAL = {Journal of the ACM},
VOLUME = {33},
NUMBER = {1},
PAGES = {60--85},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Preparata, F. P.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Routing through a Rectangle :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344588
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-B787798F060A30DFC1257149004A7466-JACM::MehlhornP1986
%R 10.1145/4904.4994
%D 1986
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X In this paper an O(N log N) algorithm for routing through a rectangle is <br>presented. Consider an n-by-m rectangular grid and a set of N two-terminal <br>nets. A net is a pair of points on the boundary of the rectangle. A layout is a <br>set of edge-disjoint paths, one for each net. Our algorithm constructs a <br>layout, if there is one, in O(N log N) time; this contrasts favorably with the <br>area of the layout that might be as large as N2. The layout constructed can be <br>wired using four layers of interconnect with only O(N) contact cuts. A partial <br>extension to multiterminal nets is also discussed.
%J Journal of the ACM
%V 33
%N 1
%& 60
%P 60 - 85
%C New York, NY
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn and B. H. Schmidt, “On BF-orderable Graphs,” Discrete applied mathematics, vol. 15, no. 2–3, 1986.
TITLE = {On {BF}-orderable Graphs},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Schmidt, Bernd H.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0166-218X},
DOI = {10.1016/0166-218X(86)90051-X},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-16AFFD20477B642CC12571AA004BC49E-mehlhorn86g},
PUBLISHER = {North-Holland},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {1986},
DATE = {1986},
JOURNAL = {Discrete applied mathematics},
VOLUME = {15},
NUMBER = {2-3},
PAGES = {315--327},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schmidt, Bernd H.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T On BF-orderable Graphs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344597
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-16AFFD20477B642CC12571AA004BC49E-mehlhorn86g
%R 10.1016/0166-218X(86)90051-X
%D 1986
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Discrete applied mathematics
%V 15
%N 2-3
%& 315
%P 315 - 327
%I North-Holland
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, F. P. Preparata, and M. Sarrafzadeh, “Channel Routing in Knock-Knee Mode: Simplified Algorithms and Proofs,” Algorithmica, vol. 1, no. 2, 1986.
TITLE = {Channel Routing in Knock-Knee Mode: Simplified Algorithms and Proofs},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Preparata, Franco P. and Sarrafzadeh, Maji},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0178-4617},
DOI = {10.1007/BF01840443},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-D37E91FC48E6396CC12571480041DD91-ALGOR::MehlhornPS1986},
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
ADDRESS = {New York},
YEAR = {1986},
DATE = {1986},
JOURNAL = {Algorithmica},
VOLUME = {1},
NUMBER = {2},
PAGES = {213--221},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Preparata, Franco P.
%A Sarrafzadeh, Maji
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Channel Routing in Knock-Knee Mode: Simplified Algorithms and Proofs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344584
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-D37E91FC48E6396CC12571480041DD91-ALGOR::MehlhornPS1986
%R 10.1007/BF01840443
%D 1986
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Algorithmica
%V 1
%N 2
%& 213
%P 213 - 221
%I Springer-Verlag
%C New York
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, Datenstrukturen und effiziente Algorithmen, Band 1: Sortieren und Suchen. Stuttgart, Germany: Teubner, 1986.
TITLE = {{Datenstrukturen und effiziente Algorithmen, Band 1: Sortieren und Suchen}},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {deu},
ISBN = {3-519-02255-9},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E482E9BDBED605FAC1257052002D30D0-mehlhorn86a},
PUBLISHER = {Teubner},
ADDRESS = {Stuttgart, Germany},
YEAR = {1986},
DATE = {1986},
PAGES = {314},
%0 Book
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Datenstrukturen und effiziente Algorithmen, Band 1: Sortieren und Suchen :
%G deu
%F EDOC: 344504
%@ 3-519-02255-9
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E482E9BDBED605FAC1257052002D30D0-mehlhorn86a
%I Teubner
%C Stuttgart, Germany
%D 1986
%P 314
K. Mehlhorn and F. P. Preparata, “Area-time Optimal Division for T=Omega(log n)$^1+epsilon$",” in STACS 86, 3rd Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, 1986.
TITLE = {Area-time Optimal Division for T=Omega(log n)\${\textasciicircum}1+epsilon\$"},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Preparata, Franco P.},
EDITOR = {Monien, Burkhard and Vidal-Naquet, Guy},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-16078-7},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-B396ACBF6CA09F34C125714D002F14C3-conf/stacs/MehlhornP86},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1986},
DATE = {1986},
BOOKTITLE = {STACS 86, 3rd Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science},
PAGES = {341--352},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Preparata, Franco P.
%E Monien, Burkhard
%E Vidal-Naquet, Guy
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Area-time Optimal Division for T=Omega(log n)$^1+epsilon$" :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344592
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-B396ACBF6CA09F34C125714D002F14C3-conf/stacs/MehlhornP86
%I Springer
%D 1986
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1986-01-16 -
%C Orsay, France
%B STACS 86, 3rd Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science
%P 341 - 352
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-16078-7
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
K. Mehlhorn and A. K. Tsakalidis, “An Amortized Analysis of Insertions into AVL-Trees,” SIAM Journal on Computing, vol. 15, no. 1, 1986.
TITLE = {An Amortized Analysis of Insertions into {AVL}-Trees},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Tsakalidis, Athanasios K.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0097-5397},
DOI = {10.1137/0215002},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-8AC0447AF545EF95C1257148004101AB-SICOMP::MehlhornT1986},
ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA},
YEAR = {1986},
DATE = {1986},
JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Computing},
VOLUME = {15},
NUMBER = {1},
PAGES = {22--33},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Tsakalidis, Athanasios K.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T An Amortized Analysis of Insertions into AVL-Trees :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344582
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-8AC0447AF545EF95C1257148004101AB-SICOMP::MehlhornT1986
%R 10.1137/0215002
%D 1986
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J SIAM Journal on Computing
%V 15
%N 1
%& 22
%P 22 - 33
%C Philadelphia, PA
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn and S. Näher, “Dynamic fractional cascading,” Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, A 86/06, 1986.
TITLE = {Dynamic fractional cascading},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {A 86/06},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E636D6E59FA5E2EBC125721A004F876B-mehlhorn86z},
INSTITUTION = {Fachbereich Informatik, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1986},
DATE = {1986},
TYPE = {Report},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Dynamic fractional cascading :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344752
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E636D6E59FA5E2EBC125721A004F876B-mehlhorn86z
%Y Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1986
%B Report
K. Mehlhorn, “Über Verdrahtungsalgorithmen,” Informatik Spektrum, vol. 9, no. 4, 1986.
TITLE = {{{\"U}ber Verdrahtungsalgorithmen}},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {deu},
ISSN = {0170-6012},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-8574DE34A0E72FB7C12571AA00465F70-mehlhorn86c},
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
YEAR = {1986},
DATE = {1986},
JOURNAL = {Informatik Spektrum},
VOLUME = {9},
NUMBER = {4},
PAGES = {227--234},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Über Verdrahtungsalgorithmen :
%G deu
%F EDOC: 344594
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-8574DE34A0E72FB7C12571AA00465F70-mehlhorn86c
%D 1986
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Informatik Spektrum
%V 9
%N 4
%& 227
%P 227 - 234
%I Springer-Verlag
%C Berlin
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, S. Näher, and H. Alt, “A Lower Bound for the Complexity of the Union-Split-Find Problem.” 1986.
TITLE = {A Lower Bound for the Complexity of the Union-Split-Find Problem},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan and Alt, Helmut},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-224FAC398455B63AC12571C2004F90CE-mehlhorn86r},
YEAR = {1986},
DATE = {1986},
%0 Generic
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%A Alt, Helmut
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T A Lower Bound for the Complexity of the Union-Split-Find Problem :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344625
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-224FAC398455B63AC12571C2004F90CE-mehlhorn86r
%D 1986
H. Alt and K. Mehlhorn, “Searching Semisorted Tables,” SIAM Journal on Computing, vol. 14, no. 4, 1985.
TITLE = {Searching Semisorted Tables},
AUTHOR = {Alt, Helmut and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0097-5397},
DOI = {10.1137/0214059},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-76994D7E468EEA4EC12571AE004800F2-mehlhorn85b},
ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA},
YEAR = {1985},
DATE = {1985},
JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Computing},
VOLUME = {14},
NUMBER = {4},
PAGES = {840--848},
%0 Journal Article
%A Alt, Helmut
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Searching Semisorted Tables :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344599
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-76994D7E468EEA4EC12571AE004800F2-mehlhorn85b
%R 10.1137/0214059
%D 1985
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J SIAM Journal on Computing
%V 14
%N 4
%& 840
%P 840 - 848
%C Philadelphia, PA
%@ false
H. Alt, T. Hagerup, K. Mehlhorn, and F. P. Preparata, “Deterministic simulation of idealized parallel computers on more realistic ones,” Sonderforschungsbereich 124, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, SFB 85/36, 1985.
TITLE = {Deterministic simulation of idealized parallel computers on more realistic ones},
AUTHOR = {Alt, Helmut and Hagerup, Torben and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Preparata, Franco P.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {SFB 85/36},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-964293B2B27701B3C12571BF004A4E81-mehlhorn85kz},
INSTITUTION = {Sonderforschungsbereich 124, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1985},
DATE = {1985},
TYPE = {Report},
%0 Report
%A Alt, Helmut
%A Hagerup, Torben
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Preparata, Franco P.
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Deterministic simulation of idealized parallel computers on more realistic ones :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344616
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-964293B2B27701B3C12571BF004A4E81-mehlhorn85kz
%Y Sonderforschungsbereich 124, Universität des Saarlandes
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1985
%B Report
O. Fries, K. Mehlhorn, and S. Näher, “Dynamization of geometric data structures,” SFB Sonderforschungsbereich 124, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, SFB 85/02, 1985.
TITLE = {Dynamization of geometric data structures},
AUTHOR = {Fries, O. and Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {SFB 85/02},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-D87766346FC9E3D0C12571F6004EB972-mehlhorn85z},
INSTITUTION = {SFB Sonderforschungsbereich 124, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1985},
DATE = {1985},
TYPE = {Reports},
%0 Report
%A Fries, O.
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Dynamization of geometric data structures :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344744
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-D87766346FC9E3D0C12571F6004EB972-mehlhorn85z
%Y SFB Sonderforschungsbereich 124, Universität des Saarlandes
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1985
%B Reports
O. Fries, K. Mehlhorn, and S. Näher, “Dynamization of geometric data structures,” in Computational geometry (SCG-85) : 1st symposium, 1985.
TITLE = {Dynamization of geometric data structures},
AUTHOR = {Fries, O. and Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {0-89791-163-6},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E2694E234F4C62D1C12571B2002F099A-mehlhorn85e},
YEAR = {1985},
DATE = {1985},
BOOKTITLE = {Computational geometry (SCG-85) : 1st symposium},
PAGES = {168--176},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Fries, O.
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Dynamization of geometric data structures :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344603
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E2694E234F4C62D1C12571B2002F099A-mehlhorn85e
%D 1985
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1985-06-05 -
%C Baltimore, MD, USA
%B Computational geometry (SCG-85) : 1st symposium
%P 168 - 176
%@ 0-89791-163-6
S. Hertel and K. Mehlhorn, “Fast Triangulation of the Plane with Respect to Simple Polygons,” Information and Control, vol. 64, no. 1–3, 1985.
TITLE = {Fast Triangulation of the Plane with Respect to Simple Polygons},
AUTHOR = {Hertel, Stefan and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0019-9958},
DOI = {10.1016/S0019-9958(85)80044-9},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-01363B719EE8C282C12571B10032416B-mehlhorn85ez},
PUBLISHER = {Academic Press},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY},
YEAR = {1985},
DATE = {1985},
JOURNAL = {Information and Control},
VOLUME = {64},
NUMBER = {1-3},
PAGES = {52--76},
%0 Journal Article
%A Hertel, Stefan
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Fast Triangulation of the Plane with Respect to Simple Polygons :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344601
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-01363B719EE8C282C12571B10032416B-mehlhorn85ez
%R 10.1016/S0019-9958(85)80044-9
%D 1985
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Information and Control
%V 64
%N 1-3
%& 52
%P 52 - 76
%I Academic Press
%C New York, NY
%@ false
K. Hoffmann, K. Mehlhorn, P. Rosenstiehl, and R. E. Tarjan, “Sorting Jordan sequences in linear time,” in Computational geometry (SCG-85) : 1st symposium, 1985.
TITLE = {Sorting Jordan sequences in linear time},
AUTHOR = {Hoffmann, Kurt and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Rosenstiehl, Pierre and Tarjan, Robert E.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {0-89791-163-6},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-6880458F61F7D58BC12571B2002F8557-mehlhorn85ey},
YEAR = {1985},
DATE = {1985},
BOOKTITLE = {Computational geometry (SCG-85) : 1st symposium},
PAGES = {196--203},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Hoffmann, Kurt
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Rosenstiehl, Pierre
%A Tarjan, Robert E.
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Sorting Jordan sequences in linear time :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344604
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-6880458F61F7D58BC12571B2002F8557-mehlhorn85ey
%D 1985
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1985-06-05 -
%C Baltimore, MD, USA
%B Computational geometry (SCG-85) : 1st symposium
%P 196 - 203
%@ 0-89791-163-6
H. Mannila and K. Mehlhorn, “A Fast Algorithm for Renaming a Set of Clauses as a Horn Set,” Information Processing Letters, vol. 21, no. 5, 1985.
TITLE = {A Fast Algorithm for Renaming a Set of Clauses as a Horn Set},
AUTHOR = {Mannila, Heikki and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0020-0190},
DOI = {10.1016/0020-0190(85)90096-1},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-10C573887897F861C12571AE0045DDF6-mehlhorn85a},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {1985},
DATE = {1985},
JOURNAL = {Information Processing Letters},
VOLUME = {21},
NUMBER = {5},
PAGES = {269--272},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mannila, Heikki
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Fast Algorithm for Renaming a Set of Clauses as a Horn Set :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344598
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-10C573887897F861C12571AE0045DDF6-mehlhorn85a
%R 10.1016/0020-0190(85)90096-1
%D 1985
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Information Processing Letters
%V 21
%N 5
%& 269
%P 269 - 272
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn and K. Simon, “Intersecting Two Polyhedra One of which is Convex,” in Fundamentals of Computation Theory (FCT 1985), Cottbus, GDR, 1985.
TITLE = {Intersecting Two Polyhedra One of which is Convex},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Simon, Klaus},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-540-15689-5},
DOI = {10.1007/BFb0028837},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-93E66CE9259795CDC12571B200317983-mehlhorn85h},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1985},
DATE = {1985},
BOOKTITLE = {Fundamentals of Computation Theory (FCT 1985)},
EDITOR = {Budach, Lothar},
PAGES = {534--542},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {199},
ADDRESS = {Cottbus, GDR},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Simon, Klaus
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Intersecting Two Polyhedra One of which is Convex :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344606
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-93E66CE9259795CDC12571B200317983-mehlhorn85h
%R 10.1007/BFb0028837
%D 1985
%B International Conference on Fundamentals of Computation Theory
%Z date of event: 1985-09-09 - 1985-09-13
%C Cottbus, GDR
%B Fundamentals of Computation Theory
%E Budach, Lothar
%P 534 - 542
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-540-15689-5
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 199
K. Mehlhorn and F. P. Preparata, “Area-time optimal division for T=omega((logn)1+epsilon).” 1985.
TITLE = {Area-time optimal division for T=omega((logn)1+epsilon)},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Preparata, Franco P.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-FFD9BA758857B977C12571C200535891-mehlhorn85k},
YEAR = {1985},
DATE = {1985},
%0 Generic
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Preparata, Franco P.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Area-time optimal division for T=omega((logn)1+epsilon) :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344628
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-FFD9BA758857B977C12571C200535891-mehlhorn85k
%D 1985
K. Mehlhorn and A. K. Tsakalidis, “Dynamic Interpolation Search,” in Automata, languages and programming (ICALP-85) : 12th international colloquium, 1985.
TITLE = {Dynamic Interpolation Search},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Tsakalidis, Athanasios K.},
EDITOR = {Brauer, Wilfried},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-15650-X},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-3B6379EA608DE4F2C12571B100309D11-mehlhorn85dz},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1985},
DATE = {1985},
BOOKTITLE = {Automata, languages and programming (ICALP-85) : 12th international colloquium},
PAGES = {424--434},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Tsakalidis, Athanasios K.
%E Brauer, Wilfried
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Dynamic Interpolation Search :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344600
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-3B6379EA608DE4F2C12571B100309D11-mehlhorn85dz
%D 1985
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1985-07-15 -
%C Nafplion, Greece
%B Automata, languages and programming (ICALP-85) : 12th international colloquium
%P 424 - 434
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-15650-X
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
K. Mehlhorn and B. H. Schmidt, “On BF-perfect graphs.” 1985.
TITLE = {On {BF}-perfect graphs},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Schmidt, Bernd H.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A64C893EF996488CC12571EF00270654-mehlhorn85},
YEAR = {1985},
DATE = {1985},
%0 Generic
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schmidt, Bernd H.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T On BF-perfect graphs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344728
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A64C893EF996488CC12571EF00270654-mehlhorn85
%D 1985
K. Mehlhorn, Ed., STACS 85. Springer, 1985.
TITLE = {{STACS 85}},
EDITOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-13912-5},
DOI = {10.1007/BFb0023988},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1985},
DATE = {1985},
PAGES = {374 p.},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {182},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%E Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T STACS 85 : 2nd Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science Saarbrücken, January 3–5, 1985
%G eng
%@ 3-540-13912-5
%R 10.1007/BFb0023988
%I Springer
%D 1985
%B STACS 1985
%Z date of event: 1985-01-03 - 1985-01-05
%D 1985
%C Saarbrücken
%P 374 p.
%S Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%V 182
K. Mehlhorn and A. K. Tsakalidis, “Routing Through a Generalized Switchbox,” in Automata, languages and programming (ICALP-85) : 12th international colloquium, 1985.
TITLE = {Routing Through a Generalized Switchbox},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Tsakalidis, Athanasios K.},
EDITOR = {Brauer, Wilfried},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-15650-X},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E338A20861DD6835C12571B200338382-mehlhorn85d},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1985},
DATE = {1985},
BOOKTITLE = {Automata, languages and programming (ICALP-85) : 12th international colloquium},
PAGES = {328--337},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Tsakalidis, Athanasios K.
%E Brauer, Wilfried
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Routing Through a Generalized Switchbox :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344607
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E338A20861DD6835C12571B200338382-mehlhorn85d
%I Springer
%D 1985
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1985-07-15 -
%C Nafplion, Greece
%B Automata, languages and programming (ICALP-85) : 12th international colloquium
%P 328 - 337
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-15650-X
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
H. Alt, K. Mehlhorn, and J. Munro, “On the complexity of partial match retrieval,” Information Processing Letters, vol. 19, 1984.
TITLE = {On the complexity of partial match retrieval},
AUTHOR = {Alt, Helmut and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Munro, J.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-F8869AD39C56B21BC12571C500447747-mehlhorn84o},
YEAR = {1984},
DATE = {1984},
JOURNAL = {Information Processing Letters},
VOLUME = {19},
PAGES = {61--65},
%0 Journal Article
%A Alt, Helmut
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Munro, J.
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T On the complexity of partial match retrieval :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344688
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-F8869AD39C56B21BC12571C500447747-mehlhorn84o
%D 1984
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Information Processing Letters
%V 19
%& 61
%P 61 - 65
H. Alt, K. Mehlhorn, and J. I. Munro, “Partial Match Retrieval in Implicit Data Structures,” Information Processing Letters, vol. 19, no. 2, 1984.
TITLE = {Partial Match Retrieval in Implicit Data Structures},
AUTHOR = {Alt, Helmut and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Munro, J. Ian},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0020-0190},
DOI = {10.1016/0020-0190(84)90098-X},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-ED8874F7D05532BFC12571C20054D9D0-mehlhorn84i},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {1984},
DATE = {1984},
JOURNAL = {Information Processing Letters},
VOLUME = {19},
NUMBER = {2},
PAGES = {61--65},
%0 Journal Article
%A Alt, Helmut
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Munro, J. Ian
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Partial Match Retrieval in Implicit Data Structures :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344630
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-ED8874F7D05532BFC12571C20054D9D0-mehlhorn84i
%R 10.1016/0020-0190(84)90098-X
%D 1984
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Information Processing Letters
%V 19
%N 2
%& 61
%P 61 - 65
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
M. Becker and K. Mehlhorn, “Algorithms for routing in planar graphs.” 1984.
TITLE = {Algorithms for routing in planar graphs},
AUTHOR = {Becker, Michael and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-7E7CFB7E371FB0A8C12571BF004AC631-mehlhorn84d},
YEAR = {1984},
DATE = {1984},
%0 Generic
%A Becker, Michael
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Algorithms for routing in planar graphs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344617
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-7E7CFB7E371FB0A8C12571BF004AC631-mehlhorn84d
%D 1984
M. Fontet and K. Mehlhorn, Eds., STACS 84. Springer, 1984.
TITLE = {{STACS 84}},
EDITOR = {Fontet, M. and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-12920-0},
DOI = {10.1007/3-540-12920-0},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1984},
DATE = {1984},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {166},
ADDRESS = {Paris},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%E Fontet, M.
%E Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T STACS 84 : Symposium of Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science Paris, 11–13 April, 1984
%G eng
%@ 3-540-12920-0
%R 10.1007/3-540-12920-0
%I Springer
%D 1984
%B STACS 1984
%Z date of event: 1984-04-11 - 1984-04-13
%D 1984
%C Paris
%S Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%V 166
S. Hertel, M. Mäntylä, K. Mehlhorn, and J. Nievergelt, “Space Sweep Solves Intersection of Convex Polyhedra,” Acta Informatica, vol. 21, 1984.
Summary Plane-sweep algorithms form a fairly general approach to <br>two-dimensional problems of computational geometry. No corresponding general <br>space-sweep algorithms for geometric problems in 3- space are known. We derive <br>concepts for such space-sweep algorithms that yield an efficient solution to <br>the problem of solving any set operation (union, intersection, ...) of two <br>convex polyhedra. Our solution matches the best known time bound of O(n log n), <br>where n is the combined number of vertices of the two polyhedra.
TITLE = {Space Sweep Solves Intersection of Convex Polyhedra},
AUTHOR = {Hertel, Stefan and M{\"a}ntyl{\"a}, Martti and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Nievergelt, Jurg},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0001-5903},
DOI = {10.1007/BF00271644},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-7BF2C9A2AD39015EC12571B200303B0E-mehlhorn84oz},
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag Heidelberg},
ADDRESS = {Heidelberg},
YEAR = {1984},
DATE = {1984},
ABSTRACT = {Summary  Plane-sweep algorithms form a fairly general approach to <br>two-dimensional problems of computational geometry. No corresponding general <br>space-sweep algorithms for geometric problems in 3- space are known. We derive <br>concepts for such space-sweep algorithms that yield an efficient solution to <br>the problem of solving any set operation (union, intersection, ...) of two <br>convex polyhedra. Our solution matches the best known time bound of O(n log n), <br>where n is the combined number of vertices of the two polyhedra.},
JOURNAL = {Acta Informatica},
VOLUME = {21},
PAGES = {501--519},
%0 Journal Article
%A Hertel, Stefan
%A Mäntylä, Martti
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Nievergelt, Jurg
%+ Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Space Sweep Solves Intersection of Convex Polyhedra :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344605
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-7BF2C9A2AD39015EC12571B200303B0E-mehlhorn84oz
%R 10.1007/BF00271644
%D 1984
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X Summary  Plane-sweep algorithms form a fairly general approach to <br>two-dimensional problems of computational geometry. No corresponding general <br>space-sweep algorithms for geometric problems in 3- space are known. We derive <br>concepts for such space-sweep algorithms that yield an efficient solution to <br>the problem of solving any set operation (union, intersection, ...) of two <br>convex polyhedra. Our solution matches the best known time bound of O(n log n), <br>where n is the combined number of vertices of the two polyhedra.
%J Acta Informatica
%V 21
%& 501
%P 501 - 519
%I Springer-Verlag Heidelberg
%C Heidelberg
%@ false
K. Hoffmann and K. Mehlhorn, “Intersecting a line and a simple polygon,” Eatcs Bulletin, vol. 22, 1984.
TITLE = {Intersecting a line and a simple polygon},
AUTHOR = {Hoffmann, K and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0252-9742},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-2024725D60FE55A7C12571C2005AB41A-mehlhorn84l},
YEAR = {1984},
DATE = {1984},
JOURNAL = {Eatcs Bulletin},
VOLUME = {22},
PAGES = {120--121},
%0 Journal Article
%A Hoffmann, K
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Intersecting a line and a simple polygon :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344633
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-2024725D60FE55A7C12571C2005AB41A-mehlhorn84l
%D 1984
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Eatcs Bulletin
%V 22
%& 120
%P 120 - 121
%@ false
K. Hoffmann, K. Mehlhorn, P. Rosenstiehl, and R. E. Tarjan, “Sorting Jordan Sequences in Linear Time,” Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, A 84/09, 1984.
TITLE = {Sorting {Jordan} Sequences in Linear Time},
AUTHOR = {Hoffmann, Kurt and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Rosenstiehl, Pierre and Tarjan, Robert E.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {A 84/09},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-7BABD1D5D59C6B5BC12571BF004F763B-mehlhorn93k},
INSTITUTION = {Fachbereich Informatik, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1984},
DATE = {1984},
%0 Report
%A Hoffmann, Kurt
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Rosenstiehl, Pierre
%A Tarjan, Robert E.
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
External Organizations
%T Sorting Jordan Sequences in Linear Time :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344618
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-7BABD1D5D59C6B5BC12571BF004F763B-mehlhorn93k
%Y Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1984
M. Kaufmann and K. Mehlhorn, “Routing through a generalized switchbox.” 1984.
TITLE = {Routing through a generalized switchbox},
AUTHOR = {Kaufmann, Michael and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-8BA5D529DEA4BB97C12571C000350572-mehlhorn84g},
YEAR = {1984},
DATE = {1984},
%0 Generic
%A Kaufmann, Michael
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Routing through a generalized switchbox :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344619
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-8BA5D529DEA4BB97C12571C000350572-mehlhorn84g
%D 1984
M. Kaufmann and K. Mehlhorn, “Local Routing of Two-terminal Nets is Easy,” Universität des Saarlandes / Fachbereich Informatik, Saarbrücken, A 84/12, 1984.
TITLE = {Local Routing of Two-terminal Nets is Easy},
AUTHOR = {Kaufmann, Michael and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {A 84/12},
INSTITUTION = {Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes / Fachbereich Informatik},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1984},
DATE = {1984},
%0 Report
%A Kaufmann, Michael
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Local Routing of Two-terminal Nets is Easy :
%G eng
%Y Universität des Saarlandes / Fachbereich Informatik
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1984
T. Lengauer and K. Mehlhorn, “Four Results on the Complexity of VLSI Computation,” Advances in Computing Research, vol. 2, 1984.
TITLE = {Four Results on the Complexity of {VLSI} Computation},
AUTHOR = {Lengauer, Thomas and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-AE54E4D7389391F7C12571C50040A095-mehlhorn84m},
PUBLISHER = {JAI Press Inc.},
ADDRESS = {San Jose, CA},
YEAR = {1984},
DATE = {1984},
JOURNAL = {Advances in Computing Research},
VOLUME = {2},
PAGES = {1--22},
%0 Journal Article
%A Lengauer, Thomas
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Computational Biology and Applied Algorithmics, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Four Results on the Complexity of VLSI Computation :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344683
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-AE54E4D7389391F7C12571C50040A095-mehlhorn84m
%D 1984
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Advances in Computing Research
%V 2
%& 1
%P 1 - 22
%I JAI Press Inc.
%C San Jose, CA
T. Lengauer and K. Mehlhorn, “The HILL system: A Design Environment for the Hierarchical Specification, Compaction, and Simulation of Integrated Circuit Layouts,” in Conference on Advanced Research in VLSI, Cambridge, MA, USA, 1984.
TITLE = {The {HILL} system: A Design Environment for the Hierarchical Specification, Compaction, and Simulation of Integrated Circuit Layouts},
AUTHOR = {Lengauer, Thomas and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {0-89006-136-X},
PUBLISHER = {Artech House},
YEAR = {1984},
DATE = {1984},
BOOKTITLE = {Conference on Advanced Research in VLSI},
EDITOR = {Penfield, Paul},
PAGES = {139--149},
ADDRESS = {Cambridge, MA, USA},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Lengauer, Thomas
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
%T The HILL system: A Design Environment for the Hierarchical Specification, Compaction, and Simulation of Integrated Circuit Layouts :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344690
%D 1984
%B 6th Conference on Advanced Research in VLSI
%Z date of event: 1984-01-23 - 1984-01-25
%C Cambridge, MA, USA
%B Conference on Advanced Research in VLSI
%E Penfield, Paul
%P 139 - 149
%I Artech House
%@ 0-89006-136-X
K. Mehlhorn, Data structures and algorithms. Volume 1 : Sorting and searching. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 1984.
TITLE = {Data structures and algorithms. Volume 1 : Sorting and searching},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Brauer, Wilfried and Rozenberg, Grzegorz and Salomaa, Arto},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-13302-X},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-5F3CE1A64DB6032BC12571B50045CD2D-mehlhorn84a},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany},
YEAR = {1984},
DATE = {1984},
PAGES = {336},
%0 Edited Book
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Brauer, Wilfried
%A Rozenberg, Grzegorz
%A Salomaa, Arto
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Data structures and algorithms. Volume 1 : Sorting and searching :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344609
%@ 3-540-13302-X
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-5F3CE1A64DB6032BC12571B50045CD2D-mehlhorn84a
%I Springer
%C Berlin, Germany
%D 1984
%P 336
K. Mehlhorn and U. Vishkin, “Randomized and Deterministic Simulations of PRAMs by Parallel Machines with Restricted Granularity of Parallel Memories,” Acta Informatica, vol. 21, 1984.
The present paper provides a comprehensive study of the following problem. <br>Consider algorithms which are designed for shared memory models of parallel <br>computation (PRAMs) in which processors are allowed to have fairly unrestricted <br>access patterns to the shared memory. Consider also parallel machines in which <br>the shared memory is organized in modules where only one cell of each module <br>can be accessed at a time. Problem. Give general fast simulations of these <br>algorithms by these parallel machines. <br>Each of our solutions answers two basic questions. (1) How to initially <br>distribute the logical memory addresses of the PRAM, to be simulated, among the <br>physical locations of the simulating machine? (2) How to compute the physical <br>location of a logical address during the simulation?<br>We utilize two main ideas for the first question. <br><br><br><br>(a) <br>Randomization. The logical addresses are randomly distributed among the memory <br>modules. This is done using universal hashing. <br>(b) <br>Copies. We keep copies of each logical address in several memory modules. <br><br>In a typical time cycle of the PRAM some number of memory requests has to be <br>satisfied. As a primary objective, our simulations minimize the maximum number <br>of memory requests which are assigned to the same module. Our solutions also <br>optimize the following computational resources. They minimize the size of the <br>physical memory, the time for computing the mapping from logical to physical <br>addresses and the space for storing this mapping.<br>We discuss extensions of our solutions to various PRAMs and various shared <br>memory parallel machines. Our solution is also applicable to synchronous <br>distributed machines with no shared memory where the processors can communicate <br>through a bounded degree network.<br>A preliminary version of this paper was presented at the 9th Workshop on <br>Graphtheoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG-83), Fachbereich Mathematic, <br>Universität Osnabrück, June 1983
TITLE = {Randomized and Deterministic Simulations of {PRAMs} by Parallel Machines with Restricted Granularity of Parallel Memories},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Vishkin, Uzi},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0001-5903},
DOI = {10.1007/BF00264615},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-992E2A38139ADBC8C12571C500437AE0-mehlhorn84n},
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag Heidelberg},
ADDRESS = {Heidelberg},
YEAR = {1984},
DATE = {1984},
ABSTRACT = {The present paper provides a comprehensive study of the following problem. <br>Consider algorithms which are designed for shared memory models of parallel <br>computation (PRAMs) in which processors are allowed to have fairly unrestricted <br>access patterns to the shared memory. Consider also parallel machines in which <br>the shared memory is organized in modules where only one cell of each module <br>can be accessed at a time. Problem. Give general fast simulations of these <br>algorithms by these parallel machines. <br>Each of our solutions answers two basic questions. (1) How to initially <br>distribute the logical memory addresses of the PRAM, to be simulated, among the <br>physical locations of the simulating machine? (2) How to compute the physical <br>location of a logical address during the simulation?<br>We utilize two main ideas for the first question. <br><br><br><br>(a) <br>Randomization. The logical addresses are randomly distributed among the memory <br>modules. This is done using universal hashing. <br>(b) <br>Copies. We keep copies of each logical address in several memory modules. <br><br>In a typical time cycle of the PRAM some number of memory requests has to be <br>satisfied. As a primary objective, our simulations minimize the maximum number <br>of memory requests which are assigned to the same module. Our solutions also <br>optimize the following computational resources. They minimize the size of the <br>physical memory, the time for computing the mapping from logical to physical <br>addresses and the space for storing this mapping.<br>We discuss extensions of our solutions to various PRAMs and various shared <br>memory parallel machines. Our solution is also applicable to synchronous <br>distributed machines with no shared memory where the processors can communicate <br>through a bounded degree network.<br>A preliminary version of this paper was presented at the 9th Workshop on <br>Graphtheoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG-83), Fachbereich Mathematic, <br>Universit{\"a}t Osnabr{\"u}ck, June 1983},
JOURNAL = {Acta Informatica},
VOLUME = {21},
PAGES = {339--374},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Vishkin, Uzi
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Randomized and Deterministic Simulations of PRAMs by Parallel Machines with Restricted Granularity of Parallel Memories :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344687
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-992E2A38139ADBC8C12571C500437AE0-mehlhorn84n
%R 10.1007/BF00264615
%D 1984
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X The present paper provides a comprehensive study of the following problem. <br>Consider algorithms which are designed for shared memory models of parallel <br>computation (PRAMs) in which processors are allowed to have fairly unrestricted <br>access patterns to the shared memory. Consider also parallel machines in which <br>the shared memory is organized in modules where only one cell of each module <br>can be accessed at a time. Problem. Give general fast simulations of these <br>algorithms by these parallel machines. <br>Each of our solutions answers two basic questions. (1) How to initially <br>distribute the logical memory addresses of the PRAM, to be simulated, among the <br>physical locations of the simulating machine? (2) How to compute the physical <br>location of a logical address during the simulation?<br>We utilize two main ideas for the first question. <br><br><br><br>(a) <br>Randomization. The logical addresses are randomly distributed among the memory <br>modules. This is done using universal hashing. <br>(b) <br>Copies. We keep copies of each logical address in several memory modules. <br><br>In a typical time cycle of the PRAM some number of memory requests has to be <br>satisfied. As a primary objective, our simulations minimize the maximum number <br>of memory requests which are assigned to the same module. Our solutions also <br>optimize the following computational resources. They minimize the size of the <br>physical memory, the time for computing the mapping from logical to physical <br>addresses and the space for storing this mapping.<br>We discuss extensions of our solutions to various PRAMs and various shared <br>memory parallel machines. Our solution is also applicable to synchronous <br>distributed machines with no shared memory where the processors can communicate <br>through a bounded degree network.<br>A preliminary version of this paper was presented at the 9th Workshop on <br>Graphtheoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG-83), Fachbereich Mathematic, <br>Universität Osnabrück, June 1983
%J Acta Informatica
%V 21
%& 339
%P 339 - 374
%I Springer-Verlag Heidelberg
%C Heidelberg
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, Data structures and algorithms. Volume 3 : Multi-dimensional searching and computational geometry. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 1984.
TITLE = {Data structures and algorithms. Volume 3 : Multi-dimensional searching and computational geometry},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Brauer, Wilfried and Rozenberg, Grzegorz and Salomaa, Arto},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-13642-8},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-DFAA2F70F1A330E5C12571B5004AEC47-mehlhorn84b},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany},
YEAR = {1984},
DATE = {1984},
PAGES = {284},
%0 Edited Book
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Brauer, Wilfried
%A Rozenberg, Grzegorz
%A Salomaa, Arto
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Data structures and algorithms. Volume 3 : Multi-dimensional searching and computational geometry :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344611
%@ 3-540-13642-8
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-DFAA2F70F1A330E5C12571B5004AEC47-mehlhorn84b
%I Springer
%C Berlin, Germany
%D 1984
%P 284
K. Mehlhorn and F. P. Preparata, “Area-Time Optimal VLSI Integer Multiplier with Minimum Computation Time,” in Automata, languages and programming (ICALP-84) : 11th colloquium, 1984.
TITLE = {Area-Time Optimal {VLSI} Integer Multiplier with Minimum Computation Time},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Preparata, Franco P.},
EDITOR = {Paredaens, Jan},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-13345-3},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-B69968A8F84208F7C12571C20053E5FF-mehlhorn84h},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1984},
DATE = {1984},
BOOKTITLE = {Automata, languages and programming (ICALP-84) : 11th colloquium},
PAGES = {347--357},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Preparata, Franco P.
%E Paredaens, Jan
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Area-Time Optimal VLSI Integer Multiplier with Minimum Computation Time :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344629
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-B69968A8F84208F7C12571C20053E5FF-mehlhorn84h
%I Springer
%D 1984
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1984-07-16 -
%C Antwerp, Belgium
%B Automata, languages and programming (ICALP-84) : 11th colloquium
%P 347 - 357
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-13345-3
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
K. Mehlhorn, “AT2-optimal VLSI for Integer Division and Integer Square Rooting,” Integration, the VLSI Journal, vol. 2, no. 2, 1984.
TITLE = {{$AT^2$}-optimal {VLSI} for Integer Division and Integer Square Rooting},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0167-9260},
DOI = {10.1016/0167-9260(84)90020-8},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-487B7B9C9130EC32C12571C50049789F-mehlhorn84r},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {1984},
DATE = {1984},
JOURNAL = {Integration, the VLSI Journal},
VOLUME = {2},
NUMBER = {2},
PAGES = {163--167},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T AT²-optimal VLSI for Integer Division and Integer Square Rooting :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344691
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-487B7B9C9130EC32C12571C50049789F-mehlhorn84r
%R 10.1016/0167-9260(84)90020-8
%D 1984
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Integration, the VLSI Journal
%V 2
%N 2
%& 163
%P 163 - 167
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, “On Optimal VLSI-Circuits for the Basic Arithmetic Functions,” in 9. Colloquium on Trees in Algebra and Programming (CAAP’84), 1984.
TITLE = {On Optimal {VLSI}-Circuits for the Basic Arithmetic Functions},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Courcelle, Bruno},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {0-521-26750-1},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-6669E459D4834BC8C12571C20055ACC0-mehlhorn84k},
PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press},
YEAR = {1984},
DATE = {1984},
BOOKTITLE = {9. Colloquium on Trees in Algebra and Programming (CAAP'84)},
PAGES = {23--30},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Courcelle, Bruno
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T On Optimal VLSI-Circuits for the Basic Arithmetic Functions :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344632
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-6669E459D4834BC8C12571C20055ACC0-mehlhorn84k
%I Cambridge University Press
%D 1984
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1984-03-05 -
%C Bordeaux, France
%B 9. Colloquium on Trees in Algebra and Programming (CAAP'84)
%P 23 - 30
%I Cambridge University Press
%@ 0-521-26750-1
K. Mehlhorn, Data structures and algorithms. Volume 2 : Graph algorithms and NP-completeness. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 1984.
TITLE = {Data structures and algorithms. Volume 2 : Graph algorithms and {NP}-completeness},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Brauer, Wilfried and Rozenberg, Grzegorz and Salomaa, Arto},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-13641-X},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-219FC6DFFB2849EBC12571B5004015DF-mehlhorn84bz},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany},
YEAR = {1984},
DATE = {1984},
PAGES = {260},
%0 Edited Book
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Brauer, Wilfried
%A Rozenberg, Grzegorz
%A Salomaa, Arto
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Data structures and algorithms. Volume 2 : Graph algorithms and NP-completeness :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344610
%@ 3-540-13641-X
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-219FC6DFFB2849EBC12571B5004015DF-mehlhorn84bz
%I Springer
%C Berlin, Germany
%D 1984
%P 260
K. Mehlhorn, “Channel Routing in Knock-Knee Mode: Simplified Algorithms and Proof.” 1984.
TITLE = {Channel Routing in Knock-Knee Mode: Simplified Algorithms and Proof},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-950AA6CCFFD68B11C12571EF00221ACD-mehlhorn84},
YEAR = {1984},
DATE = {1984},
%0 Generic
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Channel Routing in Knock-Knee Mode: Simplified Algorithms and Proof :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344727
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-950AA6CCFFD68B11C12571EF00221ACD-mehlhorn84
%D 1984
K. Mehlhorn, “Über Verdrahtungsalgorithmen,” in GI Jahrestagung (Fachgespräche), 1984.
TITLE = {{{\"U}ber Verdrahtungsalgorithmen}},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Ehrich, Hans-Dieter},
LANGUAGE = {deu},
ISBN = {3-540-13862-5},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-6D814727BE5E834EC12571C200551F6E-mehlhorn84j},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1984},
DATE = {1984},
BOOKTITLE = {GI Jahrestagung (Fachgespr{\"a}che)},
PAGES = {79--89},
SERIES = {Informatik-Fachberichte},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Ehrich, Hans-Dieter
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Über Verdrahtungsalgorithmen :
%G deu
%F EDOC: 344631
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-6D814727BE5E834EC12571C200551F6E-mehlhorn84j
%I Springer
%D 1984
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1984-10-01 -
%C Braunschweig, Germany
%B GI Jahrestagung (Fachgespräche)
%P 79 - 89
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-13862-5
%B Informatik-Fachberichte
S. Hertel and K. Mehlhorn, “Fast Triangulation of Simple Polygons,” in Fundamentals of Computation Theory, Proceedings of the 1983 International FCT-Conference (FCT 1983), 1983.
TITLE = {Fast Triangulation of Simple Polygons},
AUTHOR = {Hertel, Stefan and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Karpinski, Marek},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-12689-9},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-5BC162B5C728E373C12571C2005E288D-mehlhorn83fz},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1983},
DATE = {1983},
BOOKTITLE = {Fundamentals of Computation Theory, Proceedings of the 1983 International FCT-Conference (FCT 1983)},
PAGES = {207--218},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Hertel, Stefan
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Karpinski, Marek
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Fast Triangulation of Simple Polygons :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344637
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-5BC162B5C728E373C12571C2005E288D-mehlhorn83fz
%D 1983
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1983-08-21 -
%C Borgholm, Sweden
%B Fundamentals of Computation Theory, Proceedings of the 1983 International FCT-Conference (FCT 1983)
%P 207 - 218
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-12689-9
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
J.-W. Hong, K. Mehlhorn, and A. L. Rosenberg, “Cost Trade-offs in Graph Embeddings, with Applications,” Journal of the ACM, vol. 30, no. 4, 1983.
An embedding of the graph G in the graph H is a one-to-one association of the <br>vertices of G with the vertices of H. There are two natural measures of the <br>cost of a graph embedding, namely, the dilationcost of the embedding: the <br>maximum distance in H between the images of vertices that are adjacent in G; <br>and the expansion-cost of the embedding: the ratio of the size of H to the size <br>of G. The main results of this paper illustrate three situaUons wherein one of <br>these costs can be minimized only at the expense of a dramatic increase in the <br>other cost. The first result establishes the following: There is an embedding <br>of n-node complete ternary trees in complete binary trees with dilation-cost 2 <br>and expansion cost O(n~), where ~ = 1og3(4/3); but any embedding of these <br>ternary trees in binary trees that has expansion-cost c < 2 must have <br>dilation-cost G(logloglogn). The second result provides a stronger but less <br>easily stated example of the same type of trade-off. The third result concerns <br>generic binary trees, that is, complete binary trees into which all n-node <br>binary trees are "efficiently" embeddable. There is a generic binary tree into <br>which all n-node binary trees are embeddable with dilauon-cost O(1) and <br>expansion-cost O(n ~) for some fixed constant c; if one insists on embeddings <br>whose dilation-cost is exactly 1, then these embeddings must have <br>expansion-cost f~(n¢~°*~)/~); tf one insists on embeddmgs whose expansion-cost <br>is less than 2, then these embeddings must have dilation cost ~(log log log n) <br>An interesting application of the polynomial size genenc binary tree m the <br>first part of this three-part result is to yield simplified proofs of several <br>results concerning computational systems with an intrinsic nouon of <br>"computation tree," such as alternating and nondeterministic Turing machines <br>and context-free grammars.
TITLE = {Cost Trade-offs in Graph Embeddings, with Applications},
AUTHOR = {Hong, Jia-Wei and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Rosenberg, Arnold L.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0004-5411},
DOI = {10.1145/2157.322401},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A69B3CED089DAD4CC12571C2005BBD29-mehlhorn83f},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY},
YEAR = {1983},
DATE = {1983},
ABSTRACT = {An embedding of the graph G in the graph H is a one-to-one association of the <br>vertices of G with the vertices of H. There are two natural measures of the <br>cost of a graph embedding, namely, the dilationcost of the embedding: the <br>maximum distance in H between the images of vertices that are adjacent in G; <br>and the expansion-cost of the embedding: the ratio of the size of H to the size <br>of G. The main results of this paper illustrate three situaUons wherein one of <br>these costs can be minimized only at the expense of a dramatic increase in the <br>other cost. The first result establishes the following: There is an embedding <br>of n-node complete ternary trees in complete binary trees with dilation-cost 2 <br>and expansion cost O(n~), where ~ = 1og3(4/3); but any embedding of these <br>ternary trees in binary trees that has expansion-cost c < 2 must have <br>dilation-cost G(logloglogn). The second result provides a stronger but less <br>easily stated example of the same type of trade-off. The third result concerns <br>generic binary trees, that is, complete binary trees into which all n-node <br>binary trees are "efficiently" embeddable. There is a generic binary tree into <br>which all n-node binary trees are embeddable with dilauon-cost O(1) and <br>expansion-cost O(n ~) for some fixed constant c; if one insists on embeddings <br>whose dilation-cost is exactly 1, then these embeddings must have <br>expansion-cost f~(n¢~°*~)/~); tf one insists on embeddmgs whose expansion-cost <br>is less than 2, then these embeddings must have dilation cost ~(log log log n) <br>An interesting application of the polynomial size genenc binary tree m the <br>first part of this three-part result is to yield simplified proofs of several <br>results concerning computational systems with an intrinsic nouon of <br>"computation tree," such as alternating and nondeterministic Turing machines <br>and context-free grammars.},
JOURNAL = {Journal of the ACM},
VOLUME = {30},
NUMBER = {4},
PAGES = {709--728},
%0 Journal Article
%A Hong, Jia-Wei
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Rosenberg, Arnold L.
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Cost Trade-offs in Graph Embeddings, with Applications :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344635
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A69B3CED089DAD4CC12571C2005BBD29-mehlhorn83f
%R 10.1145/2157.322401
%D 1983
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X An embedding of the graph G in the graph H is a one-to-one association of the <br>vertices of G with the vertices of H. There are two natural measures of the <br>cost of a graph embedding, namely, the dilationcost of the embedding: the <br>maximum distance in H between the images of vertices that are adjacent in G; <br>and the expansion-cost of the embedding: the ratio of the size of H to the size <br>of G. The main results of this paper illustrate three situaUons wherein one of <br>these costs can be minimized only at the expense of a dramatic increase in the <br>other cost. The first result establishes the following: There is an embedding <br>of n-node complete ternary trees in complete binary trees with dilation-cost 2 <br>and expansion cost O(n~), where ~ = 1og3(4/3); but any embedding of these <br>ternary trees in binary trees that has expansion-cost c < 2 must have <br>dilation-cost G(logloglogn). The second result provides a stronger but less <br>easily stated example of the same type of trade-off. The third result concerns <br>generic binary trees, that is, complete binary trees into which all n-node <br>binary trees are "efficiently" embeddable. There is a generic binary tree into <br>which all n-node binary trees are embeddable with dilauon-cost O(1) and <br>expansion-cost O(n ~) for some fixed constant c; if one insists on embeddings <br>whose dilation-cost is exactly 1, then these embeddings must have <br>expansion-cost f~(n¢~°*~)/~); tf one insists on embeddmgs whose expansion-cost <br>is less than 2, then these embeddings must have dilation cost ~(log log log n) <br>An interesting application of the polynomial size genenc binary tree m the <br>first part of this three-part result is to yield simplified proofs of several <br>results concerning computational systems with an intrinsic nouon of <br>"computation tree," such as alternating and nondeterministic Turing machines <br>and context-free grammars.
%J Journal of the ACM
%V 30
%N 4
%& 709
%P 709 - 728
%C New York, NY
%@ false
T. Lengauer and K. Mehlhorn, “The HILL System: A Design Environment for the Hierarchical Specification, Compaction, and Simulation of Integrated Circuit Layouts,” Unviersität Saarbrücken, Saarbrücken, SFB 124 02/1983, 1983.
TITLE = {The {HILL} System: A Design Environment for the Hierarchical Specification, Compaction, and Simulation of Integrated Circuit Layouts},
AUTHOR = {Lengauer, Thomas and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {SFB 124 02/1983},
INSTITUTION = {Unviersit{\"a}t Saarbr{\"u}cken},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1983},
DATE = {1983},
TYPE = {Sonderforschungsbereich 124, VLSI Entwurfsmethoden und Parallelitaet},
VOLUME = {02/1983},
%0 Report
%A Lengauer, Thomas
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
%T The HILL System: A Design Environment for the Hierarchical Specification, Compaction, and Simulation of Integrated Circuit Layouts :
%G eng
%Y Universität des Saarlandes / Fachbereich 10
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1983
%P 11 p.
%B Sonderforschungsbereich 124, VLSI Entwurfsmethoden und Parallelitaet
%N 02/1983
T. Lengauer and K. Mehlhorn, “Four results on the complexity of VLSI computations.” 1983.
TITLE = {Four results on the complexity of {VLSI} computations},
AUTHOR = {Lengauer, Thomas and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-99C7B98D9AA68535C12571C0003DEF2B-mehlhorn83a},
YEAR = {1983},
DATE = {1983},
%0 Generic
%A Lengauer, Thomas
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Computational Biology and Applied Algorithmics, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Four results on the complexity of VLSI computations :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344621
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-99C7B98D9AA68535C12571C0003DEF2B-mehlhorn83a
%D 1983
T. Lengauer and K. Mehlhorn, “VLSI Complexity, Efficient VLSI Algorithms and the HILL Design System.” 1983.
TITLE = {{VLSI} Complexity, Efficient {VLSI} Algorithms and the {HILL} Design System},
AUTHOR = {Lengauer, Thomas and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-4B7C55FF20ABE389C12571C0003E6B18-mehlhorn83c},
YEAR = {1983},
DATE = {1983},
%0 Generic
%A Lengauer, Thomas
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Computational Biology and Applied Algorithmics, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T VLSI Complexity, Efficient VLSI Algorithms and the HILL Design System :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344622
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-4B7C55FF20ABE389C12571C0003E6B18-mehlhorn83c
%D 1983
K. Mehlhorn and F. P. Preparata, “$AT^2$-optimal VLSI multipliers with minimum computation time,” Information & Control, vol. 58, 1983.
TITLE = {\${AT}{\textasciicircum}2\$-optimal {VLSI} multipliers with minimum computation time},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Preparata, F. P.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-47B16B1D9A35AE78C12571C50042D9F9-mehlhorn83n},
YEAR = {1983},
DATE = {1983},
JOURNAL = {Information \& Control},
VOLUME = {58},
PAGES = {137--196},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Preparata, F. P.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T $AT^2$-optimal VLSI multipliers with minimum computation time :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344686
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-47B16B1D9A35AE78C12571C50042D9F9-mehlhorn83n
%D 1983
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Information & Control
%V 58
%& 137
%P 137 - 196
K. Mehlhorn and F. P. Preparata, “Routing through a Rectangle.” 1983.
TITLE = {Routing through a Rectangle},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Preparata, F. P.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-D049DDD02B655816C12571EE0066EA3F-mehlhorn83},
YEAR = {1983},
DATE = {1983},
%0 Generic
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Preparata, F. P.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Routing through a Rectangle :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344726
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-D049DDD02B655816C12571EE0066EA3F-mehlhorn83
%D 1983
K. Mehlhorn and T. Lengauer, “VLSI Complexity, Efficient VLSI Algorithms and the HILL Design System,” Fachbereich 10 - Angewandte Mathematik und Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, A 83/03, 1983.
TITLE = {{VLSI} Complexity, Efficient {VLSI} Algorithms and the {HILL} Design System},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Lengauer, Thomas},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {A 83/03},
INSTITUTION = {Fachbereich 10 -- Angewandte Mathematik und Informatik, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1983},
DATE = {1983},
TYPE = {Report},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Lengauer, Thomas
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T VLSI Complexity, Efficient VLSI Algorithms and the HILL Design System :
%G eng
%Y Fachbereich 10 - Angewandte Mathematik und Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1983
%B Report
K. Mehlhorn and B. H. Schmidt, “A Single Shortest Path Algorithm for Graphs with Separators,” in Fundamentals of Computation Theory, Proceedings of the 1983 International FCT-Conference (FCT 1983), 1983.
TITLE = {A Single Shortest Path Algorithm for Graphs with Separators},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Schmidt, Bernd H.},
EDITOR = {Karpinski, Marek},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-12689-9},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-553C2C6C53A56BB6C12571C2005C2FE8-mehlhorn83fy},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1983},
DATE = {1983},
BOOKTITLE = {Fundamentals of Computation Theory, Proceedings of the 1983 International FCT-Conference (FCT 1983)},
PAGES = {302--309},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schmidt, Bernd H.
%E Karpinski, Marek
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T A Single Shortest Path Algorithm for Graphs with Separators :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344636
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-553C2C6C53A56BB6C12571C2005C2FE8-mehlhorn83fy
%D 1983
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1983-08-21 -
%C Borgholm, Sweden
%B Fundamentals of Computation Theory, Proceedings of the 1983 International FCT-Conference (FCT 1983)
%P 302 - 309
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-12689-9
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
K. Mehlhorn and F. P. Preparata, “Area-Time Optimal VLSI Integer Mutliplier with Minimum Computation Time,” Information and Control, vol. 58, no. 1–3, 1983.
TITLE = {Area-Time Optimal {VLSI} Integer Mutliplier with Minimum Computation Time},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Preparata, Franco P.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0019-9958},
DOI = {10.1016/S0019-9958(83)80061-8},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-AC32208EAB7D1AD4C12571C200609CB8-mehlhorn83k},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {1983},
DATE = {1983},
JOURNAL = {Information and Control},
VOLUME = {58},
NUMBER = {1-3},
PAGES = {137--156},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Preparata, Franco P.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Area-Time Optimal VLSI Integer Mutliplier with Minimum Computation Time :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344640
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-AC32208EAB7D1AD4C12571C200609CB8-mehlhorn83k
%R 10.1016/S0019-9958(83)80061-8
%D 1983
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Information and Control
%V 58
%N 1-3
%& 137
%P 137 - 156
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn and F. P. Preparata, “Area-Time Optimal VLSI Integer Multiplier with Minimum Computation Time.” 1983.
TITLE = {Area-Time Optimal {VLSI} Integer Multiplier with Minimum Computation Time},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Preparata, Franco P.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-9856CD7E869C7BE1C12571C2005ED519-mehlhorn83i},
YEAR = {1983},
DATE = {1983},
%0 Generic
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Preparata, Franco P.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Area-Time Optimal VLSI Integer Multiplier with Minimum Computation Time :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344638
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-9856CD7E869C7BE1C12571C2005ED519-mehlhorn83i
%D 1983
K. Mehlhorn and U. Vishkin, “Granularity of parallel memories.” 1983.
TITLE = {Granularity of parallel memories},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Vishkin, Uzi},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-7348A30BA03D72D9C12571C200513A2B-mehlhorn83d},
YEAR = {1983},
DATE = {1983},
%0 Generic
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Vishkin, Uzi
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Granularity of parallel memories :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344626
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-7348A30BA03D72D9C12571C200513A2B-mehlhorn83d
%D 1983
K. Mehlhorn, “AT2-optimal VLSI for Integer Division and Integer Square Rooting,” Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, 83/02, 1983.
TITLE = {{$AT^2$}-optimal {VLSI} for Integer Division and Integer Square Rooting},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {83/02},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-08E23B3B72D49256C12571C2005FDC16-mehlhorn83j},
INSTITUTION = {Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1983},
DATE = {1983},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T AT²-optimal VLSI for Integer Division and Integer Square Rooting :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344639
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-08E23B3B72D49256C12571C2005FDC16-mehlhorn83j
%Y Universität des Saarlandes
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1983
B. von Braunmühl, S. Cook, K. Mehlhorn, and R. Verbeek, “The Recognition of Deterministic CFL’s in Small Time and Space,” Information and Control, vol. 56, no. 1–2, 1983.
Let S(n) be a nice space bound such that log2 n S(n) n. Then every DCFL is <br>recognized by a multitape Turing machine simultaneously in time O(n2/S(n)) and <br>space O(S(n)), and this time bound is optimal. If the machine is allowed a <br>random access input, then the time bound can be improved so that the time-space <br>product is O(n1 + ).
TITLE = {The Recognition of Deterministic {CFL}'s in Small Time and Space},
AUTHOR = {von Braunm{\"u}hl, Burchard and Cook, Stephen and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Verbeek, Rutger},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0019-9958},
DOI = {10.1016/S0019-9958(83)80049-7},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-3ECB4E3035DE4038C12571C2005B6BB6-mehlhorn83e},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {1983},
DATE = {1983},
ABSTRACT = {Let S(n) be a nice space bound such that log2 n S(n) n. Then every DCFL is <br>recognized by a multitape Turing machine simultaneously in time O(n2/S(n)) and <br>space O(S(n)), and this time bound is optimal. If the machine is allowed a <br>random access input, then the time bound can be improved so that the time-space <br>product is O(n1 + ).},
JOURNAL = {Information and Control},
VOLUME = {56},
NUMBER = {1-2},
PAGES = {34--51},
%0 Journal Article
%A von Braunmühl, Burchard
%A Cook, Stephen
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Verbeek, Rutger
%+ External Organizations
External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T The Recognition of Deterministic CFL's in Small Time and Space :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344634
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-3ECB4E3035DE4038C12571C2005B6BB6-mehlhorn83e
%R 10.1016/S0019-9958(83)80049-7
%D 1983
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X Let S(n) be a nice space bound such that log2 n S(n) n. Then every DCFL is <br>recognized by a multitape Turing machine simultaneously in time O(n2/S(n)) and <br>space O(S(n)), and this time bound is optimal. If the machine is allowed a <br>random access input, then the time bound can be improved so that the time-space <br>product is O(n1 + ).
%J Information and Control
%V 56
%N 1-2
%& 34
%P 34 - 51
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
M. Becker, W. Degenhardt, J. Doenhardt, S. Hertel, G. Kaninke, W. Kerber, K. Mehlhorn, S. Näher, H. Rohnert, and T. Winter, “A Probabilistic Algorithm for Vertex Connectivity of Graphs,” Information Processing Letters, vol. 15, no. 3, 1982.
TITLE = {A Probabilistic Algorithm for Vertex Connectivity of Graphs},
AUTHOR = {Becker, Michael and Degenhardt, W. and Doenhardt, J. and Hertel, S. and Kaninke, G. and Kerber, W. and Mehlhorn, Kurt and N{\"a}her, Stefan and Rohnert, H. and Winter, T.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0020-0190},
DOI = {10.1016/0020-0190(82)90046-1},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-616C11FCA8416505C12571C2006662F6-mehlhorn82e},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {1982},
DATE = {1982},
JOURNAL = {Information Processing Letters},
VOLUME = {15},
NUMBER = {3},
PAGES = {135--136},
%0 Journal Article
%A Becker, Michael
%A Degenhardt, W.
%A Doenhardt, J.
%A Hertel, S.
%A Kaninke, G.
%A Kerber, W.
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Näher, Stefan
%A Rohnert, H.
%A Winter, T.
%+ Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T A Probabilistic Algorithm for Vertex Connectivity of Graphs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344645
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-616C11FCA8416505C12571C2006662F6-mehlhorn82e
%R 10.1016/0020-0190(82)90046-1
%D 1982
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Information Processing Letters
%V 15
%N 3
%& 135
%P 135 - 136
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
B. Eisenbarth, N. Ziviani, G. H. Gonnet, K. Mehlhorn, and D. Wood, “The Theory of Fringe Analysis and Its Application to 2-3 Trees and B-Trees,” Information and Control, vol. 55, no. 1–3, 1982.
TITLE = {The Theory of Fringe Analysis and Its Application to 2-3 Trees and B-Trees},
AUTHOR = {Eisenbarth, Bernhard and Ziviani, Nivio and Gonnet, Gaston H. and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Wood, Derick},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0019-9958},
DOI = {10.1016/S0019-9958(82)90534-4},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-1E17E0190352B243C12571C20061E7E1-mehlhorn83b},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {1982},
DATE = {1982},
JOURNAL = {Information and Control},
VOLUME = {55},
NUMBER = {1-3},
PAGES = {125--174},
%0 Journal Article
%A Eisenbarth, Bernhard
%A Ziviani, Nivio
%A Gonnet, Gaston H.
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Wood, Derick
%+ Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T The Theory of Fringe Analysis and Its Application to 2-3 Trees and B-Trees :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344642
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-1E17E0190352B243C12571C20061E7E1-mehlhorn83b
%R 10.1016/S0019-9958(82)90534-4
%D 1982
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Information and Control
%V 55
%N 1-3
%& 125
%P 125 - 174
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
J.-W. Hong and K. Mehlhorn, “Cost tradeoffs in graph embeddings, with applications.” 1982.
TITLE = {Cost tradeoffs in graph embeddings, with applications},
AUTHOR = {Hong, Jia-Wei and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A6083182590C228DC12571C2006F9639-mehlhorn82g},
YEAR = {1982},
DATE = {1982},
%0 Generic
%A Hong, Jia-Wei
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Cost tradeoffs in graph embeddings, with applications :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344647
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A6083182590C228DC12571C2006F9639-mehlhorn82g
%D 1982
S. Huddleston and K. Mehlhorn, “A New Data Structure for Representing Sorted Lists,” Acta Informatica, vol. 17, 1982.
TITLE = {A New Data Structure for Representing Sorted Lists},
AUTHOR = {Huddleston, Scott and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0001-5903},
DOI = {10.1007/BF00288968},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-2633E7E3CBC7232EC12571C20062B82F-mehlhorn82c},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
YEAR = {1982},
DATE = {1982},
JOURNAL = {Acta Informatica},
VOLUME = {17},
PAGES = {157--184},
%0 Journal Article
%A Huddleston, Scott
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A New Data Structure for Representing Sorted Lists :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344643
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-2633E7E3CBC7232EC12571C20062B82F-mehlhorn82c
%R 10.1007/BF00288968
%D 1982
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Acta Informatica
%V 17
%& 157
%P 157 - 184
%I Springer
%C Berlin
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, “On the Program Size of Perfect and Universal Hash Functions,” in Proceedings of the 23th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 1982), Chicago, IL, USA, 1982.
TITLE = {On the Program Size of Perfect and Universal Hash Functions},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {02725428},
DOI = {10.1109/SFCS.1982.80},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-29E08001B14594F9C12571C2006A17DB-mehlhorn82f},
YEAR = {1982},
DATE = {1982},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 23th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 1982)},
PAGES = {170--175},
ADDRESS = {Chicago, IL, USA},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T On the Program Size of Perfect and Universal Hash Functions :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344646
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-29E08001B14594F9C12571C2006A17DB-mehlhorn82f
%R 10.1109/SFCS.1982.80
%D 1982
%B 23th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science
%Z date of event: 1982-11-03 - 1982-11-05
%C Chicago, IL, USA
%B Proceedings of the 23th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science
%P 170 - 175
%@ 02725428
K. Mehlhorn, “Balanced Trees as a Datastructure for Representing Sorted Lists,” in Colloquium Complexiteit en Algoritmen, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1982.
TITLE = {Balanced Trees as a Datastructure for Representing Sorted Lists},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
PUBLISHER = {Mathematisch Centrum},
YEAR = {1982},
DATE = {1982},
BOOKTITLE = {Colloquium Complexiteit en Algoritmen},
EDITOR = {Vit{\'a}nyi, P. M. B. and van Leeuwen, J. and van Emde Boas, P.},
PAGES = {69--91},
SERIES = {Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam: MC syllabus},
VOLUME = {48},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Balanced Trees as a Datastructure for Representing Sorted Lists :
%G eng
%D 1982
%B Colloquium Complexiteit en Algoritmen
%Z date of event: 1982 - 1982
%C Amsterdam, The Netherlands
%B Colloquium Complexiteit en Algoritmen
%E Vitányi, P. M. B.; van Leeuwen, J.; van Emde Boas, P.
%P 69 - 91
%I Mathematisch Centrum
%B Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam: MC syllabus
%N 48
K. Mehlhorn, “A Partial Analysis of Height-Balanced Trees Under Random Insertions and Deletions,” SIAM Journal on Computing, vol. 11, no. 4, 1982.
TITLE = {A Partial Analysis of Height-Balanced Trees Under Random Insertions and Deletions},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
DOI = {10.1137/0211061},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-07D206E48B060ABAC12571C20061B2CC-mehlhorn82a},
ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA},
YEAR = {1982},
DATE = {1982},
JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Computing},
VOLUME = {11},
NUMBER = {4},
PAGES = {748--760},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Partial Analysis of Height-Balanced Trees Under Random Insertions and Deletions :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344641
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-07D206E48B060ABAC12571C20061B2CC-mehlhorn82a
%R 10.1137/0211061
%D 1982
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J SIAM Journal on Computing
%V 11
%N 4
%& 748
%P 748 - 760
%C Philadelphia, PA
K. Mehlhorn and E. M. Schmidt, “Las Vegas Is better than Determinism in VLSI and Distributed Computing,” in Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 1982), 1982.
TITLE = {Las Vegas Is better than Determinism in {VLSI} and Distributed Computing},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Schmidt, Erik M.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A7759EBF3E212F0DC12571C200634B91-mehlhorn82d},
YEAR = {1982},
DATE = {1982},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 1982)},
PAGES = {330--337},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schmidt, Erik M.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Las Vegas Is better than Determinism in VLSI and Distributed Computing :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344644
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A7759EBF3E212F0DC12571C200634B91-mehlhorn82d
%D 1982
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1982-05-05 -
%C San Francisco, California, USA
%B Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 1982)
%P 330 - 337
H. Alt, K. Mehlhorn, and J. I. Munro, “Partial Match Retrieval in Implicit Data Structures,” in Mathematical foundations of computer science (MFCS-81) : 10th symposium, ,, 1981.
TITLE = {Partial Match Retrieval in Implicit Data Structures},
AUTHOR = {Alt, Helmut and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Munro, J. Ian},
EDITOR = {Gruska, Jozef and Chytil, Michal},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-10856-4},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-86173698172E1E49C12571C20078FB72-mehlhorn81e},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1981},
DATE = {1981},
BOOKTITLE = {Mathematical foundations of computer science (MFCS-81) : 10th symposium, ,},
PAGES = {156--161},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Alt, Helmut
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Munro, J. Ian
%E Gruska, Jozef
%E Chytil, Michal
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Partial Match Retrieval in Implicit Data Structures :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344653
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-86173698172E1E49C12571C20078FB72-mehlhorn81e
%I Springer
%D 1981
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1981-08-31 -
%C Strbské Pleso, Czechoslovakia
%B Mathematical foundations of computer science (MFCS-81) : 10th symposium, ,
%P 156 - 161
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-10856-4
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
J.-W. Hong, K. Mehlhorn, and A. L. Rosenberg, “Cost Tradeoffs in Graph Embeddings, with Applications (Preliminary Version),” in Automata, languages and programming (ICALP-81) : 8th international colloquium, 1981.
TITLE = {Cost Tradeoffs in Graph Embeddings, with Applications (Preliminary Version)},
AUTHOR = {Hong, Jia-Wei and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Rosenberg, Arnold L.},
EDITOR = {Even, Shimon and Kariv, Oded},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-10843-2},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-4368E8E1F2EDEB24C12571C200769666-mehlhorn81a},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1981},
DATE = {1981},
BOOKTITLE = {Automata, languages and programming (ICALP-81) : 8th international colloquium},
PAGES = {41--55},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Hong, Jia-Wei
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Rosenberg, Arnold L.
%E Even, Shimon
%E Kariv, Oded
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Cost Tradeoffs in Graph Embeddings, with Applications (Preliminary Version) :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344649
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-4368E8E1F2EDEB24C12571C200769666-mehlhorn81a
%I Springer
%D 1981
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1981-07-13 -
%C Acre (Akko), Israel
%B Automata, languages and programming (ICALP-81) : 8th international colloquium
%P 41 - 55
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-10843-2
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
S. Huddleston and K. Mehlhorn, “Robust balancing in B-trees,” in Theoretical computer science : 5th GI-conference, 1981.
TITLE = {Robust balancing in B-trees},
AUTHOR = {Huddleston, S. and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Deussen, Peter},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-10576-X},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-47162D6AD35E586FC12571C200776ECB-mehlhorn81c},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1981},
DATE = {1981},
BOOKTITLE = {Theoretical computer science : 5th GI-conference},
PAGES = {234--244},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Huddleston, S.
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Deussen, Peter
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Robust balancing in B-trees :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344651
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-47162D6AD35E586FC12571C200776ECB-mehlhorn81c
%I Springer
%D 1981
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1981-03-23 -
%C Karlsruhe, Germany
%B Theoretical computer science : 5th GI-conference
%P 234 - 244
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-10576-X
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
T. Lengauer and K. Mehlhorn, “On the Complexity of VLSI-Computations,” VLSI Systems and Computations, vol. ??, 1981.
TITLE = {On the Complexity of {VLSI}-Computations},
AUTHOR = {Lengauer, Thomas and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-0B5F49FB503DB66EC12571C2007A30AB-mehlhorn81g},
YEAR = {1981},
DATE = {1981},
JOURNAL = {VLSI Systems and Computations},
VOLUME = {??},
PAGES = {89--99},
%0 Journal Article
%A Lengauer, Thomas
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Computational Biology and Applied Algorithmics, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T On the Complexity of VLSI-Computations :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344654
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-0B5F49FB503DB66EC12571C2007A30AB-mehlhorn81g
%D 1981
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J VLSI Systems and Computations
%V ??
%& 89
%P 89 - 99
K. Mehlhorn and M. H. Overmars, “Optimal Dynamization of Decomposable Searching Problems,” Information Processing Letters, vol. 12, no. 2, 1981.
TITLE = {Optimal Dynamization of Decomposable Searching Problems},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Overmars, Mark H.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0020-0190},
DOI = {10.1016/0020-0190(81)90010-7},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-62AD3C1CAE46C5D3C12571C200773295-mehlhorn81b},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {1981},
DATE = {1981},
JOURNAL = {Information Processing Letters},
VOLUME = {12},
NUMBER = {2},
PAGES = {93--98},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Overmars, Mark H.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Optimal Dynamization of Decomposable Searching Problems :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344650
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-62AD3C1CAE46C5D3C12571C200773295-mehlhorn81b
%R 10.1016/0020-0190(81)90010-7
%D 1981
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Information Processing Letters
%V 12
%N 2
%& 93
%P 93 - 98
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, “Lower Bounds on the Efficiency of Transforming Static Data Structures into Dynamic Structures,” Mathematical Systems Theory, vol. 15, no. 1, 1981.
TITLE = {Lower Bounds on the Efficiency of Transforming Static Data Structures into Dynamic Structures},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {1432-4350},
DOI = {10.1007/BF01786969},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-7F0F6C1BF9549A10C12571C20071A334-mehlhorn81dz},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
YEAR = {1981},
DATE = {1981},
JOURNAL = {Mathematical Systems Theory},
VOLUME = {15},
NUMBER = {1},
PAGES = {1--16},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Lower Bounds on the Efficiency of Transforming Static Data Structures into Dynamic Structures :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344648
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-7F0F6C1BF9549A10C12571C20071A334-mehlhorn81dz
%R 10.1007/BF01786969
%D 1981
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Mathematical Systems Theory
%V 15
%N 1
%& 1
%P 1 - 16
%I Springer
%C Berlin
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, “Arbitrary Weight Changes in Dynamic Trees,” Revue Française d’Automatique, d'Informatique et de Recherche Opérationnelle : RAIRO, vol. 15, no. 3, 1981.
TITLE = {Arbitrary Weight Changes in Dynamic Trees},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0399-0540},
DOI = {10.1051/ita/1981150301831},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-67792A1F7526589FC12571C2007808FE-mehlhorn81d},
PUBLISHER = {EDP Sciences},
ADDRESS = {Les Ulis Cedex, France},
YEAR = {1981},
DATE = {1981},
JOURNAL = {Revue Fran{\c c}aise d'Automatique, d'Informatique et de Recherche Op{\'e}rationnelle : RAIRO},
VOLUME = {15},
NUMBER = {3},
PAGES = {183--211},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Arbitrary Weight Changes in Dynamic Trees :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344652
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-67792A1F7526589FC12571C2007808FE-mehlhorn81d
%R 10.1051/ita/1981150301831
%D 1981
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Revue Française d'Automatique, d'Informatique et de Recherche Opérationnelle : RAIRO
%V 15
%N 3
%& 183
%P 183 - 211
%I EDP Sciences
%C Les Ulis Cedex, France
%@ false
D. Altenkamp and K. Mehlhorn, “Codes: Unequal Probabilities, Unequal Letter Cost,” Journal of the ACM, vol. 27, no. 3, 1980.
The construction of alphabetic prefix codes with unequal letter costs and <br>unequal probabilities is considered. A variant of the noiseless coding theorem <br>is proved giving closely matching lower and upper bounds for the cost of the <br>optimal code. An algorithm is described which constructs a nearly optimal code <br>in linear time.
TITLE = {Codes: Unequal Probabilities, Unequal Letter Cost},
AUTHOR = {Altenkamp, Doris and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0004-5411},
DOI = {10.1145/322203.322205},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-263BE100C3B23D4FC12571C2007A9D16-mehlhorn80d},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY},
YEAR = {1980},
DATE = {1980},
ABSTRACT = {The construction of alphabetic prefix codes with unequal letter costs and <br>unequal probabilities is considered. A variant of the noiseless coding theorem <br>is proved giving closely matching lower and upper bounds for the cost of the <br>optimal code. An algorithm is described which constructs a nearly optimal code <br>in linear time.},
JOURNAL = {Journal of the ACM},
VOLUME = {27},
NUMBER = {3},
PAGES = {412--427},
%0 Journal Article
%A Altenkamp, Doris
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ External Organizations
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Codes: Unequal Probabilities, Unequal Letter Cost :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344655
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-263BE100C3B23D4FC12571C2007A9D16-mehlhorn80d
%R 10.1145/322203.322205
%D 1980
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X The construction of alphabetic prefix codes with unequal letter costs and <br>unequal probabilities is considered. A variant of the noiseless coding theorem <br>is proved giving closely matching lower and upper bounds for the cost of the <br>optimal code. An algorithm is described which constructs a nearly optimal code <br>in linear time.
%J Journal of the ACM
%V 27
%N 3
%& 412
%P 412 - 427
%C New York, NY
%@ false
N. Blum and K. Mehlhorn, “On the Average Number of Rebalancing Operations in Weight-Balanced Trees,” Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 11, no. 3, 1980.
TITLE = {On the Average Number of Rebalancing Operations in Weight-Balanced Trees},
AUTHOR = {Blum, Norbert and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0304-3975},
DOI = {10.1016/0304-3975(80)90018-3},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-FC518D33FD8B461AC12571C2007B674A-mehlhorn80c},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {1980},
DATE = {1980},
JOURNAL = {Theoretical Computer Science},
VOLUME = {11},
NUMBER = {3},
PAGES = {303--320},
%0 Journal Article
%A Blum, Norbert
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T On the Average Number of Rebalancing Operations in Weight-Balanced Trees :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344657
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-FC518D33FD8B461AC12571C2007B674A-mehlhorn80c
%R 10.1016/0304-3975(80)90018-3
%D 1980
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Theoretical Computer Science
%V 11
%N 3
%& 303
%P 303 - 320
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
R. Güttler, K. Mehlhorn, and W. Schneider, “Binary Search Trees: Average and Worst Case Behavior,” Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik, vol. 16, no. 1–3, 1980.
TITLE = {Binary Search Trees: Average and Worst Case Behavior},
AUTHOR = {G{\"u}ttler, Reiner and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Schneider, Wolfgang},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-85022B32198193ECC12571C2007D051C-mehhorn80e},
YEAR = {1980},
DATE = {1980},
JOURNAL = {Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik},
VOLUME = {16},
NUMBER = {1-3},
PAGES = {41--61},
%0 Journal Article
%A Güttler, Reiner
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schneider, Wolfgang
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Binary Search Trees: Average and Worst Case Behavior :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344659
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-85022B32198193ECC12571C2007D051C-mehhorn80e
%D 1980
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik
%V 16
%N 1-3
%& 41
%P 41 - 61
K. Mehlhorn and M. H. Overmars, “Optimal dynamization of decomposable searching problems.” Teubner, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1980.
TITLE = {Optimal dynamization of decomposable searching problems},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Overmars, Mark H.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-993EB9CB6B7A9113C125721A00515DD2-mehlhorn80},
PUBLISHER = {Teubner},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken, Germany},
YEAR = {1980},
DATE = {1980},
%0 Generic
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Overmars, Mark H.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Optimal dynamization of decomposable searching problems :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344753
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-993EB9CB6B7A9113C125721A00515DD2-mehlhorn80
%I Teubner
%C Saarbrücken, Germany
%D 1980
K. Mehlhorn, “Pebbling Mountain Ranges and its Application of DCFL-Recognition,” in Automata, languages and programming (ICALP-80) : 7th annual international colloquium, 1980.
TITLE = {Pebbling Mountain Ranges and its Application of {DCFL}-Recognition},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Bakker de, Jacobus W. and van Leeuwen, Jan},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-10003-2},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-641769E313A6365CC12571C2007AD145-mehlhorn80b},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1980},
DATE = {1980},
BOOKTITLE = {Automata, languages and programming (ICALP-80) : 7th annual international colloquium},
PAGES = {422--435},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Bakker de, Jacobus W.
%E van Leeuwen, Jan
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Pebbling Mountain Ranges and its Application of DCFL-Recognition :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344656
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-641769E313A6365CC12571C2007AD145-mehlhorn80b
%I Springer
%D 1980
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1980-07-14 -
%C Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands
%B Automata, languages and programming (ICALP-80) : 7th annual international colloquium
%P 422 - 435
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-10003-2
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
K. Mehlhorn, “A New Data Structure for Representing Sorted Lists,” in Graph-theoretic concepts in computer science (WG-80) : 6th international workshop, 1980.
TITLE = {A New Data Structure for Representing Sorted Lists},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Noltemeier, Hartmut},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-10291-4},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-6043825C1A1D0D9DC12571C2007BB357-mehlhorn80dz},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1980},
DATE = {1980},
BOOKTITLE = {Graph-theoretic concepts in computer science (WG-80) : 6th international workshop},
PAGES = {90--112},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Noltemeier, Hartmut
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A New Data Structure for Representing Sorted Lists :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344658
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-6043825C1A1D0D9DC12571C2007BB357-mehlhorn80dz
%D 1980
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1980-06-15 -
%C Bad Honnef/Bonn, Germany
%B Graph-theoretic concepts in computer science (WG-80) : 6th international workshop
%P 90 - 112
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-10291-4
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
K. Mehlhorn, “An Efficient Algorithm for Constructing Nearly Optimal Prefix Codes,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 26, no. 5, 1980.
TITLE = {An Efficient Algorithm for Constructing Nearly Optimal Prefix Codes},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0018-9448},
DOI = {10.1109/TIT.1980.1056250},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E7590FFFB6FD8EAAC12571C3001592EE-mehlhorn80f},
PUBLISHER = {IEEE explore},
ADDRESS = {Piscataway, NJ},
YEAR = {1980},
DATE = {1980},
JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Information Theory},
VOLUME = {26},
NUMBER = {5},
PAGES = {513--517},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T An Efficient Algorithm for Constructing Nearly Optimal Prefix Codes :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344676
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E7590FFFB6FD8EAAC12571C3001592EE-mehlhorn80f
%R 10.1109/TIT.1980.1056250
%D 1980
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
%V 26
%N 5
%& 513
%P 513 - 517
%I IEEE explore
%C Piscataway, NJ
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, “Lower bounds on the efficiency of transforming static data structures into dynamic structures,” Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, A 80/05, 1980.
TITLE = {Lower bounds on the efficiency of transforming static data structures into dynamic structures},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {A 80/05},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-B794D441A2E44241C125721A00550AED-mehlhorn80z},
INSTITUTION = {Fachbereich Informatik, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1980},
DATE = {1980},
TYPE = {Report},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Lower bounds on the efficiency of transforming static data structures into dynamic structures :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344754
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-B794D441A2E44241C125721A00550AED-mehlhorn80z
%Y Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1980
%B Report
H. Alt and K. Mehlhorn, “Complexity Arguments in Algebraic Language Theory,” Revue Française d’Automatique, d'Informatique et de Recherche Opérationnelle : RAIRO / Association Française pour la Cybernétique Economique et Technique, vol. 13, no. 3, 1979.
TITLE = {Complexity Arguments in Algebraic Language Theory},
AUTHOR = {Alt, Helmut and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
DOI = {10.1051/ita/1979130302171},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-C995E3DE17BE4310C12571C30018E2F9-mehlhorn79a},
PUBLISHER = {EDP Sciences},
ADDRESS = {Les Ulis Cedex, France},
YEAR = {1979},
DATE = {1979},
JOURNAL = {Revue Fran{\c c}aise d'Automatique, d'Informatique et de Recherche Op{\'e}rationnelle : RAIRO / Association Fran{\c c}aise pour la Cybern{\'e}tique Economique et Technique},
VOLUME = {13},
NUMBER = {3},
PAGES = {217--225},
%0 Journal Article
%A Alt, Helmut
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Complexity Arguments in Algebraic Language Theory :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344674
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-C995E3DE17BE4310C12571C30018E2F9-mehlhorn79a
%R 10.1051/ita/1979130302171
%D 1979
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Revue Française d'Automatique, d'Informatique et de Recherche Opérationnelle : RAIRO / Association Française pour la Cybernétique Economique et Technique
%V 13
%N 3
%& 217
%P 217 - 225
%I EDP Sciences
%C Les Ulis Cedex, France
K. Mehlhorn, “Searching, Sorting and Information Theory,” in Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1979 (MFCS 1979), Olomouc, Czechoslovakia, 1979.
TITLE = {Searching, Sorting and Information Theory},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {978-3-540-09526-2},
DOI = {10.1007/3-540-09526-8_10},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-BEA2CBAAAAFA3C47C12571C30016D9AC-mehlhorn79dz},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1979},
DATE = {1979},
BOOKTITLE = {Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1979 (MFCS 1979)},
EDITOR = {Be{\v c}v{\'a}{\v r}, Ji{\v r}{\'i}},
PAGES = {131--145},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {74},
ADDRESS = {Olomouc, Czechoslovakia},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Searching, Sorting and Information Theory :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344673
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-BEA2CBAAAAFA3C47C12571C30016D9AC-mehlhorn79dz
%R 10.1007/3-540-09526-8_10
%D 1979
%B 8th Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
%Z date of event: 1979-09-03 - 1979-09-07
%C Olomouc, Czechoslovakia
%B Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1979
%E Bečvář, Jiří
%P 131 - 145
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-540-09526-2
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%N 74
K. Mehlhorn and M. Tsagarakis, “On the isomorphism of two algorithms: Hu/Tucker and Garsia/Wachs,” Colloque de Lille “les Arbres en Algebre et en Programmation,” vol. ??, 1979.
TITLE = {On the isomorphism of two algorithms: Hu/Tucker and Garsia/Wachs},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Tsagarakis, M.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-BA94352450B2F603C12571C4004A42A0-mehlhorn79i},
YEAR = {1979},
DATE = {1979},
JOURNAL = {Colloque de Lille 'les Arbres en Algebre et en Programmation'},
VOLUME = {??},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Tsagarakis, M.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T On the isomorphism of two algorithms: Hu/Tucker and Garsia/Wachs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344680
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-BA94352450B2F603C12571C4004A42A0-mehlhorn79i
%D 1979
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Colloque de Lille 'les Arbres en Algebre et en Programmation'
%V ??
K. Mehlhorn and M. Tsagarakis, “On the Isomorphism of two Algorithms: Hu/Tucker and Garsia/Wachs,” Fachbereich 10 - Angewandte Mathematik und Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, A 79/01, 1979.
TITLE = {On the Isomorphism of two Algorithms: Hu/Tucker and Garsia/Wachs},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Tsagarakis, Marcos},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {A 79/01},
INSTITUTION = {Fachbereich 10 -- Angewandte Mathematik und Informatik, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1979},
DATE = {1979},
TYPE = {Report},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Tsagarakis, Marcos
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
External Organizations
%T On the Isomorphism of two Algorithms: Hu/Tucker and Garsia/Wachs :
%G eng
%Y Fachbereich 10 - Angewandte Mathematik und Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1979
%B Report
K. Mehlhorn, “Some Remarks on Boolean Sums,” Acta Informatica, vol. 12, 1979.
Summary Neciporuk, Lamagna/Savage and Tarjan determined the monotone network <br>complexity of a set of Boolean sums if any two sums have at most one variable <br>in common. Wegener then solved the case that any two sums have at most k <br>variables in common. We extend his methods and results and consider the case <br>that any set of h +1 distinct sums have at most k variables in common. We use <br>our general results to explicitly construct a set of n Boolean sums over n <br>variables whose monotone complexity is of order n 5/3. The best previously <br>known bound was of order n 3/2. Related results were obtained independently by <br>Pippenger.<br>This paper was presented at the MFCS 79 Symposium, Olomouc, Sept. 79
TITLE = {Some Remarks on Boolean Sums},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0001-5903},
DOI = {10.1007/BF00268321},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E1DE71087E352B48C12571C300168CA5-mehlhorn79j},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
YEAR = {1979},
DATE = {1979},
ABSTRACT = {Summary  Neciporuk, Lamagna/Savage and Tarjan determined the monotone network <br>complexity of a set of Boolean sums if any two sums have at most one variable <br>in common. Wegener then solved the case that any two sums have at most k <br>variables in common. We extend his methods and results and consider the case <br>that any set of h +1 distinct sums have at most k variables in common. We use <br>our general results to explicitly construct a set of n Boolean sums over n <br>variables whose monotone complexity is of order n 5/3. The best previously <br>known bound was of order n 3/2. Related results were obtained independently by <br>Pippenger.<br>This paper was presented at the MFCS 79 Symposium, Olomouc, Sept. 79},
JOURNAL = {Acta Informatica},
VOLUME = {12},
PAGES = {371--375},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Some Remarks on Boolean Sums :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344675
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-E1DE71087E352B48C12571C300168CA5-mehlhorn79j
%R 10.1007/BF00268321
%D 1979
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X Summary  Neciporuk, Lamagna/Savage and Tarjan determined the monotone network <br>complexity of a set of Boolean sums if any two sums have at most one variable <br>in common. Wegener then solved the case that any two sums have at most k <br>variables in common. We extend his methods and results and consider the case <br>that any set of h +1 distinct sums have at most k variables in common. We use <br>our general results to explicitly construct a set of n Boolean sums over n <br>variables whose monotone complexity is of order n 5/3. The best previously <br>known bound was of order n 3/2. Related results were obtained independently by <br>Pippenger.<br>This paper was presented at the MFCS 79 Symposium, Olomouc, Sept. 79
%J Acta Informatica
%V 12
%& 371
%P 371 - 375
%I Springer
%C Berlin
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, “Dynamic Data Structures,” Mathematical Centre Tracts, vol. 108, 1979.
TITLE = {Dynamic Data Structures},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-7E505DBD50E3C147C12571C50032333A-mehlhorn79c},
YEAR = {1979},
DATE = {1979},
JOURNAL = {Mathematical Centre Tracts},
VOLUME = {108},
PAGES = {71--96},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Dynamic Data Structures :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344681
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-7E505DBD50E3C147C12571C50032333A-mehlhorn79c
%D 1979
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Mathematical Centre Tracts
%V 108
%& 71
%P 71 - 96
K. Mehlhorn, “Dynamic Binary Search,” SIAM Journal on Computing, vol. 8, no. 2, 1979.
We consider search trees under time-varying access probabilities. Let $S = \{ <br>B_1 , \cdots ,B_n \} $ and let $p_i^t $ be the number of accesses to object <br>$B_i $ up to time $t$, $W^t = \sum {p_i^t } $. We introduce D-trees with the <br>following properties.1) A search for $X = B_i $ at time $t$ takes time $O(\log <br>W^t /p_i^t )$. This is nearly optimal.2) Update time after a search is at most <br>proportional to search time, i.e. the overhead for administration is small.
TITLE = {Dynamic Binary Search},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
DOI = {10.1137/0208014},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-52CF93F0C3FC4A64C12571C30015D1B8-mehlhorn79bz},
ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA},
YEAR = {1979},
DATE = {1979},
ABSTRACT = {We consider search trees under time-varying access probabilities. Let $S = \{ <br>B_1 , \cdots ,B_n \} $ and let $p_i^t $ be the number of accesses to object <br>$B_i $ up to time $t$, $W^t = \sum {p_i^t } $. We introduce D-trees with the <br>following properties.1) A search for $X = B_i $ at time $t$ takes time $O(\log <br>W^t /p_i^t )$. This is nearly optimal.2) Update time after a search is at most <br>proportional to search time, i.e. the overhead for administration is small.},
JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Computing},
VOLUME = {8},
NUMBER = {2},
PAGES = {175--198},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Dynamic Binary Search :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344665
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-52CF93F0C3FC4A64C12571C30015D1B8-mehlhorn79bz
%R 10.1137/0208014
%D 1979
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X We consider search trees under time-varying access probabilities. Let $S = \{ <br>B_1 , \cdots ,B_n \} $ and let $p_i^t $ be the number of accesses to object <br>$B_i $ up to time $t$, $W^t = \sum {p_i^t } $. We introduce D-trees with the <br>following properties.1) A search for $X = B_i $ at time $t$ takes time $O(\log <br>W^t /p_i^t )$. This is nearly optimal.2) Update time after a search is at most <br>proportional to search time, i.e. the overhead for administration is small.
%J SIAM Journal on Computing
%V 8
%N 2
%& 175
%P 175 - 198
%C Philadelphia, PA
K. Mehlhorn, “Konzepte der Komplexitätstheorie illustriert am Beispiel des Sortierens,” in GI - 9. Jahrestagung, Bonn, Germany, 1979.
TITLE = {{Konzepte der Komplexit{\"a}tstheorie illustriert am Beispiel des Sortierens}},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {deu},
ISBN = {978-3-540-09664-1},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-642-67444-0_2},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-EFB90768F4CF3E16C12571C5003D31D2-mehlhorn79e},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1979},
DATE = {1979},
BOOKTITLE = {GI -- 9. Jahrestagung},
EDITOR = {B{\"o}hling, K. H. and Spies, P. P.},
PAGES = {16--22},
SERIES = {Informatik-Fachberichte},
VOLUME = {19},
ADDRESS = {Bonn, Germany},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Konzepte der Komplexitätstheorie illustriert am Beispiel des Sortierens :
%G deu
%F EDOC: 344682
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-EFB90768F4CF3E16C12571C5003D31D2-mehlhorn79e
%R 10.1007/978-3-642-67444-0_2
%D 1979
%B GI - 9. Jahrestagung
%Z date of event: 1979-10-01 - 1979-10-05
%C Bonn, Germany
%B GI - 9. Jahrestagung
%E Böhling, K. H.; Spies, P. P.
%P 16 - 22
%I Springer
%@ 978-3-540-09664-1
%B Informatik-Fachberichte
%N 19
K. Mehlhorn, “Some Remarks on Boolean Sums,” in Mathematical foundations of computer science (MFCS-79) : 8th symposium, 1979.
TITLE = {Some Remarks on Boolean Sums},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Becv{\'a}r, Jir{\'i}},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-09526-8},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-F544090012F0EC44C12571F0004437CF-mehlhorn79d},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1979},
DATE = {1979},
BOOKTITLE = {Mathematical foundations of computer science (MFCS-79) : 8th symposium},
PAGES = {375--380},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Becvár, Jirí
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Some Remarks on Boolean Sums :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344734
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-F544090012F0EC44C12571F0004437CF-mehlhorn79d
%I Springer
%D 1979
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1979-09-03 -
%C Olomouc, Czechoslovakia
%B Mathematical foundations of computer science (MFCS-79) : 8th symposium
%P 375 - 380
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-09526-8
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
K. Mehlhorn, “Parsing Macro Grammars Top Down,” Information and Control, vol. 40, no. 2, 1979.
TITLE = {Parsing Macro Grammars Top Down},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0019-9958},
DOI = {10.1016/S0019-9958(79)90362-0},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-B54672CDD6C48EF5C12571C300160E5E-mehlhorn79b},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
ADDRESS = {Amsterdam},
YEAR = {1979},
DATE = {1979},
JOURNAL = {Information and Control},
VOLUME = {40},
NUMBER = {2},
PAGES = {123--143},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Parsing Macro Grammars Top Down :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344671
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-B54672CDD6C48EF5C12571C300160E5E-mehlhorn79b
%R 10.1016/S0019-9958(79)90362-0
%D 1979
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Information and Control
%V 40
%N 2
%& 123
%P 123 - 143
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%@ false
D. Altenkamp and K. Mehlhorn, “Codes: Unequal Probabilities, Unequal Letter Cost,” Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, A 78/18, 1978.
TITLE = {Codes: Unequal Probabilities, Unequal Letter Cost},
AUTHOR = {Altenkamp, Doris and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {A 78/18},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-CCF0ADCE913AB9C1C12571EE004980CD-mehlhorn78xx},
INSTITUTION = {Fachbereich Informatik, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1978},
DATE = {1978},
TYPE = {Report},
%0 Report
%A Altenkamp, Doris
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Codes: Unequal Probabilities, Unequal Letter Cost :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344712
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-CCF0ADCE913AB9C1C12571EE004980CD-mehlhorn78xx
%Y Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1978
%B Report
D. Altenkamp and K. Mehlhorn, “Codes: Unequal Probabilities, Unequal Letter Cost,” in Automata, languages and programming (ICALP-78): 5th international colloquium, 1978.
TITLE = {Codes: Unequal Probabilities, Unequal Letter Cost},
AUTHOR = {Altenkamp, Doris and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Ausiello, Giorgio and B{\"o}hm, Corrado},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-08860-1},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-8D7B7BD9FE0DA0FDC12571EE00496241-mehlhorn78},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1978},
DATE = {1978},
BOOKTITLE = {Automata, languages and programming (ICALP-78): 5th international colloquium},
PAGES = {15--25},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Altenkamp, Doris
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Ausiello, Giorgio
%E Böhm, Corrado
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Codes: Unequal Probabilities, Unequal Letter Cost :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344713
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-8D7B7BD9FE0DA0FDC12571EE00496241-mehlhorn78
%I Springer
%D 1978
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1978-07-17 -
%C Udine, Italy
%B Automata, languages and programming (ICALP-78): 5th international colloquium
%P 15 - 25
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-08860-1
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
H. Alt and K. Mehlhorn, “Complexity Arguments in Algebraic Language Theory,” Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, A 78/10, 1978.
TITLE = {Complexity Arguments in Algebraic Language Theory},
AUTHOR = {Alt, Helmut and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {A 78/10},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-D9304BAAF05DC341C12571EE006659AC-mehlhorn78w},
INSTITUTION = {Fachbereich Informatik, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1978},
DATE = {1978},
TYPE = {Report},
%0 Report
%A Alt, Helmut
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Complexity Arguments in Algebraic Language Theory :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344724
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-D9304BAAF05DC341C12571EE006659AC-mehlhorn78w
%Y Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1978
%B Report
N. Blum and K. Mehlhorn, “On the Average Number of Rebalancing Operations in Weight-Balanced Trees,” Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, A 78/06, 1978.
TITLE = {On the Average Number of Rebalancing Operations in Weight-Balanced Trees},
AUTHOR = {Blum, Norbert and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {A 78/06},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-2F9C105B21ECFA15C12571EE0065ACD5-mehlhorn78t},
INSTITUTION = {Fachbereich Informatik, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1978},
DATE = {1978},
TYPE = {Report},
%0 Report
%A Blum, Norbert
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T On the Average Number of Rebalancing Operations in Weight-Balanced Trees :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344723
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-2F9C105B21ECFA15C12571EE0065ACD5-mehlhorn78t
%Y Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1978
%B Report
K. Mehlhorn, “Effiziente Algorithmen: Ein Beispiel,” Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, A 78/02, 1978.
TITLE = {Effiziente Algorithmen: Ein Beispiel},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {A 78/02},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-475BE2D5B3E9A720C12571EE00637FDB-mehlhorn78},
INSTITUTION = {Fachbereich Informatik, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1978},
DATE = {1978},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Effiziente Algorithmen: Ein Beispiel :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344721
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-475BE2D5B3E9A720C12571EE00637FDB-mehlhorn78
%Y Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1978
%P 28 p.
K. Mehlhorn, “Sorting Presorted Files,” Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, A 78/12, 1978.
TITLE = {Sorting Presorted Files},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {A 78/12},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-11148402580FF5B1C12571EE00669A5D-mehlhorn78u},
INSTITUTION = {Fachbereich Informatik, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1978},
DATE = {1978},
TYPE = {Report},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Sorting Presorted Files :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344725
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-11148402580FF5B1C12571EE00669A5D-mehlhorn78u
%Y Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1978
%B Report
K. Mehlhorn, “An efficient algorithm for constructing nearly optimal prefix codes,” Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, A 13/78, 1978.
TITLE = {An efficient algorithm for constructing nearly optimal prefix codes},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {A 13/78},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A0F7D7C47933A7D2C12571EE0051A8D8-mehlhorn78y},
INSTITUTION = {Fachbereich Informatik, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1978},
DATE = {1978},
TYPE = {Report},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T An efficient algorithm for constructing nearly optimal prefix codes :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344714
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A0F7D7C47933A7D2C12571EE0051A8D8-mehlhorn78y
%Y Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1978
%B Report
K. Mehlhorn, “Effiziente Algorithmen: Ein Beispiel,” Informatik-Spektrum, vol. 1, 1978.
TITLE = {Effiziente Algorithmen: Ein Beispiel},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-525D5A37B59D4E21C12571C3001A1FCE-mehlhorn78a},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
YEAR = {1978},
DATE = {1978},
JOURNAL = {Informatik-Spektrum},
VOLUME = {1},
PAGES = {81--89},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Effiziente Algorithmen: Ein Beispiel :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344664
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-525D5A37B59D4E21C12571C3001A1FCE-mehlhorn78a
%D 1978
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Informatik-Spektrum
%V 1
%& 81
%P 81 - 89
%I Springer
%C Berlin
K. Mehlhorn, “Arbitrary Weight Changes in Dynamic Trees,” Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, A 78/04, 1978.
TITLE = {Arbitrary Weight Changes in Dynamic Trees},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {A 78/04},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-B10ACF025929A77FC12571EE0063BFE1-mehlhorn78z},
INSTITUTION = {Fachbereich Informatik, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1978},
DATE = {1978},
TYPE = {Report},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Arbitrary Weight Changes in Dynamic Trees :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344722
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-B10ACF025929A77FC12571EE0063BFE1-mehlhorn78z
%Y Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1978
%B Report
P. Deussen and K. Mehlhorn, “Van Wijngaarden Grammars and Space Complexity Class EXSPACE,” Acta Informatica, vol. 8, 1977.
Summary Top-down and bottom-up decision strategies for van Wijngaarden
grammars led to type R and type L van Wijngaarden grammars. The corresponding
language families are now shown to be equal and, furthermore, to equal EXSPACE.
Thus, EXSPACE is characterised syntactically, and the closure properties of
type L and type R languages are those of EXSPACE.
TITLE = {Van Wijngaarden Grammars and Space Complexity Class {EXSPACE}},
AUTHOR = {Deussen, Peter and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {0001-5903 (Print) 1432-0525 (Online)},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A7195BC80DE10FF6C12571C3001BAF35-mehlhorn77d},
YEAR = {1977},
DATE = {1977},
ABSTRACT = {Summary  Top-down and bottom-up decision strategies for van Wijngaarden grammars led to type R and type L van Wijngaarden grammars. The corresponding language families are now shown to be equal and, furthermore, to equal EXSPACE. Thus, EXSPACE is characterised syntactically, and the closure properties of type L and type R languages are those of EXSPACE.},
JOURNAL = {Acta Informatica},
VOLUME = {8},
PAGES = {193--199},
%0 Journal Article
%A Deussen, Peter
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Van Wijngaarden Grammars and Space Complexity Class EXSPACE :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344670
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A7195BC80DE10FF6C12571C3001BAF35-mehlhorn77d
%D 1977
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X Summary  Top-down and bottom-up decision strategies for van Wijngaarden
grammars led to type R and type L van Wijngaarden grammars. The corresponding
language families are now shown to be equal and, furthermore, to equal EXSPACE.
Thus, EXSPACE is characterised syntactically, and the closure properties of
type L and type R languages are those of EXSPACE.
%J Acta Informatica
%V 8
%& 193
%P 193 - 199
%@ 0001-5903 (Print) 1432-0525 (Online)
K. Mehlhorn, “A best possible bound for the weighted path length of binary search trees,” SIAM Journal on Computing, vol. 6, 1977.
The weighted path length of optimum binary search trees is bounded above by
$\sum \beta_i + 2\sum \alpha_j + H$ where $H$ is the entropy of the frequency
distribution, $\sum \beta _i $ is the total weight of the internal nodes, and
$\sum \alpha_j$ is the total weight of the leaves. This bound is best possible.
A linear time algorithm for constructing nearly optimal trees is described.
TITLE = {A best possible bound for the weighted path length of binary search trees},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-1AA761D05D1DC144C1257141004868DC-Mehlhorn77a},
YEAR = {1977},
DATE = {1977},
ABSTRACT = {The weighted path length of optimum binary search trees is bounded above by $\sum \beta_i + 2\sum \alpha_j + H$ where $H$ is the entropy of the frequency distribution, $\sum \beta _i $ is the total weight of the internal nodes, and $\sum \alpha_j$ is the total weight of the leaves. This bound is best possible. A linear time algorithm for constructing nearly optimal trees is described.},
JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Computing},
VOLUME = {6},
PAGES = {235--239},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A best possible bound for the weighted path length of binary search trees :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344560
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-1AA761D05D1DC144C1257141004868DC-Mehlhorn77a
%D 1977
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X The weighted path length of optimum binary search trees is bounded above by
$\sum \beta_i + 2\sum \alpha_j + H$ where $H$ is the entropy of the frequency
distribution, $\sum \beta _i $ is the total weight of the internal nodes, and
$\sum \alpha_j$ is the total weight of the leaves. This bound is best possible.
A linear time algorithm for constructing nearly optimal trees is described.
%J SIAM Journal on Computing
%V 6
%& 235
%P 235 - 239
K. Mehlhorn, “Dynamic Binary Search,” in Automata, Languages and Programming : Fourth Colloquium (ICALP-77), 1977.
TITLE = {Dynamic Binary Search},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Salomaa, Arto and Steinby, Magnus},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-08342-1},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A4CEC0CE7651A91CC1257149004AB250-mehlhorn77},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1977},
DATE = {1977},
BOOKTITLE = {Automata, Languages and Programming : Fourth Colloquium (ICALP-77)},
PAGES = {323--336},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Salomaa, Arto
%E Steinby, Magnus
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Dynamic Binary Search :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344589
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A4CEC0CE7651A91CC1257149004AB250-mehlhorn77
%I Springer
%D 1977
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1977-07-18 -
%C Turku, Finland
%B Automata, Languages and Programming : Fourth Colloquium (ICALP-77)
%P 323 - 336
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-08342-1
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
K. Mehlhorn, Effiziente Algorithmen. Stuttgart, Germany: Teubner, 1977.
TITLE = {{Effiziente Algorithmen}},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {deu},
ISBN = {3-519-02343-1},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-06AFA69E483D405AC12571C3001C3891-mehlhorn77c},
PUBLISHER = {Teubner},
ADDRESS = {Stuttgart, Germany},
YEAR = {1977},
DATE = {1977},
PAGES = {233},
%0 Book
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Effiziente Algorithmen :
%G deu
%F EDOC: 344660
%@ 3-519-02343-1
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-06AFA69E483D405AC12571C3001C3891-mehlhorn77c
%I Teubner
%C Stuttgart, Germany
%D 1977
%P 233
H. Alt and K. Mehlhorn, “Lower Bounds for the Space Complexity of Context-Free Recognition,” in Third International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, 1976.
TITLE = {Lower Bounds for the Space Complexity of Context-Free Recognition},
AUTHOR = {Alt, Helmut and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Michaelson, S. and Milner, R.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-0DC1428DF5BE30AFC12571C3001E4E5D-mehlhorn76e},
PUBLISHER = {Edinburgh University Press},
YEAR = {1976},
DATE = {1976},
BOOKTITLE = {Third International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming},
PAGES = {338--354},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Alt, Helmut
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Michaelson, S.
%E Milner, R.
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Lower Bounds for the Space Complexity of Context-Free Recognition :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344661
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-0DC1428DF5BE30AFC12571C3001E4E5D-mehlhorn76e
%I Edinburgh University Press
%D 1976
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1976-07-20 -
%C Edinburgh, UK
%B Third International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming
%P 338 - 354
%I Edinburgh University Press
R. Güttler, K. Mehlhorn, W. Schneider, and N. Wernet, “Binary Search Trees: Average and Worst Case Behavior,” in GI - 6. Jahrestagung, 1976.
TITLE = {Binary Search Trees: Average and Worst Case Behavior},
AUTHOR = {G{\"u}ttler, Reiner and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Schneider, Wolfgang and Wernet, Norbert},
EDITOR = {Neuhold, Erich J.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-07912-2},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-B66C195A12299A73C12571C3002178DF-mehlhorn76g},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1976},
DATE = {1976},
BOOKTITLE = {GI -- 6. Jahrestagung},
PAGES = {301--313},
SERIES = {Informatik-Fachberichte},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Güttler, Reiner
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schneider, Wolfgang
%A Wernet, Norbert
%E Neuhold, Erich J.
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Binary Search Trees: Average and Worst Case Behavior :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344672
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-B66C195A12299A73C12571C3002178DF-mehlhorn76g
%I Springer
%D 1976
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1976-09-29 -
%C Stuttgart, Germany
%B GI - 6. Jahrestagung
%P 301 - 313
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-07912-2
%B Informatik-Fachberichte
R. Güttler, K. Mehlhorn, and W. Schneider, “Binary Search Trees: Average and Worst Case Behavior,” Fachbereich Informatik, Universiät des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, A 76/01, 1976.
TITLE = {Binary Search Trees: Average and Worst Case Behavior},
AUTHOR = {G{\"u}ttler, Reiner and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Schneider, Wolfgang},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {A 76/01},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-DC5C301480A4D2D3C12571EE0062D2BB-mehlhorn76y},
INSTITUTION = {Fachbereich Informatik, Universi{\"a}t des Saarlandes},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1976},
DATE = {1976},
TYPE = {Report},
%0 Report
%A Güttler, Reiner
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Schneider, Wolfgang
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Binary Search Trees: Average and Worst Case Behavior :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344718
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-DC5C301480A4D2D3C12571EE0062D2BB-mehlhorn76y
%Y Fachbereich Informatik, Universiät des Saarlandes
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1976
%B Report
M. Heydthausen and K. Mehlhorn, “Top Down Parsing of Macro Grammars,” in GI - 6. Jahrestagung, 1976.
TITLE = {Top Down Parsing of Macro Grammars},
AUTHOR = {Heydthausen, Manfred and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Neuhold, Erich J.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-07912-2},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-22031385C052354EC12571C30020463D-mehlhorn76f},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1976},
DATE = {1976},
BOOKTITLE = {GI -- 6. Jahrestagung},
PAGES = {95--108},
SERIES = {Informatik-Fachberichte},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Heydthausen, Manfred
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Neuhold, Erich J.
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Top Down Parsing of Macro Grammars :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344662
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-22031385C052354EC12571C30020463D-mehlhorn76f
%I Springer
%D 1976
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1976-09-29 -
%C Stuttgart, Germany
%B GI - 6. Jahrestagung
%P 95 - 108
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-07912-2
%B Informatik-Fachberichte
M. Heydthausen and K. Mehlhorn, “Top down parsing of macro grammars (preliminary report),” Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, A 76/03, 1976.
TITLE = {Top down parsing of macro grammars (preliminary report)},
AUTHOR = {Heydthausen, Manfred and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {A 76/03},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-FF55806DAD143A65C12571EE006346A7-mehlhorn76z},
INSTITUTION = {Fachbereich Informatik, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1976},
DATE = {1976},
TYPE = {Report},
%0 Report
%A Heydthausen, Manfred
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Top down parsing of macro grammars (preliminary report) :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344720
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-FF55806DAD143A65C12571EE006346A7-mehlhorn76z
%Y Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1976
%B Report
K. Mehlhorn, “Bracket-languages are recognizable in logarithmic space,” Information Processing Letters, vol. 5, 1976.
TITLE = {Bracket-languages are recognizable in logarithmic space},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-404DD54D042B6F39C12571C3001D6B46-mehlhorn76fz},
YEAR = {1976},
DATE = {1976},
JOURNAL = {Information Processing Letters},
VOLUME = {5},
PAGES = {168--170},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Bracket-languages are recognizable in logarithmic space :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344663
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-404DD54D042B6F39C12571C3001D6B46-mehlhorn76fz
%D 1976
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Information Processing Letters
%V 5
%& 168
%P 168 - 170
K. Mehlhorn, “Polynomial and abstract subrecursive classes,” Journal of Computer and System Sciences, vol. 12, 1976.
TITLE = {Polynomial and abstract subrecursive classes},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-9E248D8ABB0187BEC1257140004E8015-Mehlhorn76c},
YEAR = {1976},
DATE = {1976},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Computer and System Sciences},
VOLUME = {12},
PAGES = {147--178},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Polynomial and abstract subrecursive classes :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344559
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-9E248D8ABB0187BEC1257140004E8015-Mehlhorn76c
%D 1976
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Journal of Computer and System Sciences
%V 12
%& 147
%P 147 - 178
K. Mehlhorn and Z. Galil, “Monotone Switching Circuits and Boolean Matrix Product,” Computing, vol. 16, 1976.
We explore the concept of local transformations of monotone switching circuits,
i.e. what kind of local changes in a network leave the input/output behavior
invariant. We obtain several general theorems in this direction. We apply these
results to boolean matrix product and prove that the school-method for matrix
multiplication yields the unique monotone circuit.
TITLE = {Monotone Switching Circuits and Boolean Matrix Product},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Galil, Zvi},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {0010-485X (printed version)},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-21414D3E9446C0B9C125714000474E8D-Mehlhorn76j},
YEAR = {1976},
DATE = {1976},
ABSTRACT = {We explore the concept of local transformations of monotone switching circuits, i.e. what kind of local changes in a network leave the input/output behavior invariant. We obtain several general theorems in this direction. We apply these results to boolean matrix product and prove that the school-method for matrix multiplication yields the unique monotone circuit.},
JOURNAL = {Computing},
VOLUME = {16},
PAGES = {99--111},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Galil, Zvi
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Monotone Switching Circuits and Boolean Matrix Product :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344557
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-21414D3E9446C0B9C125714000474E8D-Mehlhorn76j
%D 1976
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X We explore the concept of local transformations of monotone switching circuits,
i.e. what kind of local changes in a network leave the input/output behavior
invariant. We obtain several general theorems in this direction. We apply these
results to boolean matrix product and prove that the school-method for matrix
multiplication yields the unique monotone circuit.
%J Computing
%V 16
%& 99
%P 99 - 111
%@ 0010-485X (printed version)
K. Mehlhorn, “Dynamic Binary Search Trees : Extended Abstracts,” Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, A 76/11, 1976.
TITLE = {Dynamic Binary Search Trees : Extended Abstracts},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {A 76/11},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-4DB45610584D49AEC125721B0034C6DA-mehlhorn76w},
INSTITUTION = {Fachbereich Informatik, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1976},
DATE = {1976},
TYPE = {Report},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Dynamic Binary Search Trees : Extended Abstracts :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344757
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-4DB45610584D49AEC125721B0034C6DA-mehlhorn76w
%Y Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1976
%B Report
K. Mehlhorn, “Dynamic Binary Search,” Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, A 76/02, 1976.
TITLE = {Dynamic Binary Search},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {A 76/02},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-ACF3094A758009F6C12571EE00627387-mehlhorn76x},
INSTITUTION = {Fachbereich Informatik, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1976},
DATE = {1976},
TYPE = {Report},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Dynamic Binary Search :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344717
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-ACF3094A758009F6C12571EE00627387-mehlhorn76x
%Y Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1976
%B Report
K. Mehlhorn, “An Improved Lower Bound on the Formula Complexity of Context-Free Recognition,” Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik, vol. 12, 1976.
TITLE = {An Improved Lower Bound on the Formula Complexity of Context-Free Recognition},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-B7336C0700B7EF4EC1257140004E0BE1-Mehlhorn76b},
YEAR = {1976},
DATE = {1976},
JOURNAL = {Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik},
VOLUME = {12},
PAGES = {523--524},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T An Improved Lower Bound on the Formula Complexity of Context-Free Recognition :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344558
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-B7336C0700B7EF4EC1257140004E0BE1-Mehlhorn76b
%D 1976
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%J Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik
%V 12
%& 523
%P 523 - 524
K. Mehlhorn, “An improved lower bound on the formula complexity of context-free recognition,” Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, 1976.
TITLE = {An improved lower bound on the formula complexity of context-free recognition},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-CD622EEA82E2D4C9C125721B00327D32-mehlhorn76v},
INSTITUTION = {Fachbereich Informatik, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1976},
DATE = {1976},
TYPE = {Report},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T An improved lower bound on the formula complexity of context-free recognition :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344756
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-CD622EEA82E2D4C9C125721B00327D32-mehlhorn76v
%Y Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1976
%B Report
K. Mehlhorn, “An O(n log n) lower bound for the synchronous circuit size of integer multiplication.” 1976.
TITLE = {An O(n log n) lower bound for the synchronous circuit size of integer multiplication},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A97CA50A05501AAFC12571EE0062FC2F-mehlhorn76},
YEAR = {1976},
DATE = {1976},
%0 Generic
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T An O(n log n) lower bound for the synchronous circuit size of integer multiplication :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344719
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-A97CA50A05501AAFC12571EE0062FC2F-mehlhorn76
%D 1976
H. Alt and K. Mehlhorn, “Untere Schranken für den Platzbedarf bei der kontext-freien Analyse,” Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, A 75/13, 1975.
TITLE = {{Untere Schranken f{\"u}r den Platzbedarf bei der kontext-freien Analyse}},
AUTHOR = {Alt, Helmut and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {deu},
NUMBER = {A 75/13},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-769ABA454C51A8F2C12571EE00623B1C-mehlhorn75},
INSTITUTION = {Fachbereich Informatik, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1975},
DATE = {1975},
TYPE = {Report},
%0 Report
%A Alt, Helmut
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Untere Schranken für den Platzbedarf bei der kontext-freien Analyse :
%G deu
%F EDOC: 344716
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-769ABA454C51A8F2C12571EE00623B1C-mehlhorn75
%Y Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1975
%B Report
H. Alt and K. Mehlhorn, “A Language over a One Symbol Alphabet Requiring only O(log log n) Space,” SIGACT News, vol. 7, 1975.
TITLE = {A Language over a One Symbol Alphabet Requiring only O(log log n) Space},
AUTHOR = {Alt, Helmut and Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISSN = {0163-5700},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-2AFA9560C97B3A66C1257147002E4BCA-mehlhorn75bz},
YEAR = {1975},
DATE = {1975},
VOLUME = {7},
PAGES = {31--33},
%0 Journal Article
%A Alt, Helmut
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Max Planck Society
Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A Language over a One Symbol Alphabet Requiring only O(log log n) Space :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344561
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-2AFA9560C97B3A66C1257147002E4BCA-mehlhorn75bz
%D 1975
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%V 7
%& 31
%P 31 - 33
%@ false
K. Mehlhorn, “A game on graphs.” 1975.
TITLE = {A game on graphs},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-9C5359F8DF938EB0C125721B00355F9B-mehlhorn75a},
YEAR = {1975},
DATE = {1975},
%0 Generic
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T A game on graphs :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344758
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-9C5359F8DF938EB0C125721B00355F9B-mehlhorn75a
%D 1975
K. Mehlhorn and Z. Galil, “Monotone Switching Circuits and Boolean Matrix Product,” in Mathematical foundations of computer science (MFCS-75) : 4th symposium, 1975.
TITLE = {Monotone Switching Circuits and Boolean Matrix Product},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt and Galil, Zvi},
EDITOR = {Becv{\'a}r, J{\'i}r{\'i}},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-07389-2},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-98E501178DCEC09FC12571B10040F8F3-mehlhorn75y},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1975},
DATE = {1975},
BOOKTITLE = {Mathematical foundations of computer science (MFCS-75) : 4th symposium},
PAGES = {315--319},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%A Galil, Zvi
%E Becvár, Jírí
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Monotone Switching Circuits and Boolean Matrix Product :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344602
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-98E501178DCEC09FC12571B10040F8F3-mehlhorn75y
%D 1975
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1975-09-01 -
%C Mariánské Lázne, Czechoslovakia
%B Mathematical foundations of computer science (MFCS-75) : 4th symposium
%P 315 - 319
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-07389-2
K. Mehlhorn, “Nearly Optimal Binary Search Trees,” Acta Informatica, vol. 5, 1975.
Summary We discuss two simple strategies for constructing binary search trees:
Place the most frequently occurring name at the root of the tree, then proceed
similary on the subtrees and choose the root so as to equalize the total weight
of the left and right subtrees as much as possible, then proceed similarly on
the subtres. While the former rule may yield extremely inefficient search
trees, the latter rule always produces nearly optimal trees.
TITLE = {Nearly Optimal Binary Search Trees},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-546F7E6343E5772DC12571C3002DEA6B-mehlhorn75f},
YEAR = {1975},
DATE = {1975},
ABSTRACT = {Summary  We discuss two simple strategies for constructing binary search trees: Place the most frequently occurring name at the root of the tree, then proceed similary on the subtrees and choose the root so as to equalize the total weight of the left and right subtrees as much as possible, then proceed similarly on the subtres. While the former rule may yield extremely inefficient search trees, the latter rule always produces nearly optimal trees.},
JOURNAL = {Acta Informatica},
VOLUME = {5},
PAGES = {287--295},
%0 Journal Article
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Nearly Optimal Binary Search Trees :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344677
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-546F7E6343E5772DC12571C3002DEA6B-mehlhorn75f
%D 1975
%* Review method: peer-reviewed
%X Summary  We discuss two simple strategies for constructing binary search trees:
Place the most frequently occurring name at the root of the tree, then proceed
similary on the subtrees and choose the root so as to equalize the total weight
of the left and right subtrees as much as possible, then proceed similarly on
the subtres. While the former rule may yield extremely inefficient search
trees, the latter rule always produces nearly optimal trees.
%J Acta Informatica
%V 5
%& 287
%P 287 - 295
K. Mehlhorn, “Best possible bounds for the weighted path length of optimum binary search trees,” in Automata Theory and Formal Languages, 2nd GI Conference, 1975.
TITLE = {Best possible bounds for the weighted path length of optimum binary search trees},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Barkhage, H.},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-07407-4},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-32B72371C30CD6D9C12571C3002E85BC-mehlhorn75by},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1975},
DATE = {1975},
BOOKTITLE = {Automata Theory and Formal Languages, 2nd GI Conference},
PAGES = {31--41},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Barkhage, H.
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T Best possible bounds for the weighted path length of optimum binary search trees :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344678
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-32B72371C30CD6D9C12571C3002E85BC-mehlhorn75by
%D 1975
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1975-05-20 -
%C Kaiserslautern, Germany
%B Automata Theory and Formal Languages, 2nd GI Conference
%P 31 - 41
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-07407-4
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
K. Mehlhorn, “Bracket-Languages are Recognizable in Logarithmic Space,” Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, A 75/12, 1975.
TITLE = {Bracket-Languages are Recognizable in Logarithmic Space},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
NUMBER = {A 75/12},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-004CFA1819B81136C12571EE0062008F-mehlhorn75z},
INSTITUTION = {Fachbereich Informatik, Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes},
ADDRESS = {Saarbr{\"u}cken},
YEAR = {1975},
DATE = {1975},
TYPE = {Report},
%0 Report
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Bracket-Languages are Recognizable in Logarithmic Space :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344715
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-004CFA1819B81136C12571EE0062008F-mehlhorn75z
%Y Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes
%C Saarbrücken
%D 1975
%B Report
K. Mehlhorn, “Polynomial and abstract subrecursive classes,” Cornell University, New York, NY, 1974.
TITLE = {Polynomial and abstract subrecursive classes},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-36CD53AFA3712590C1257218003C5669-mehlhorn75b},
SCHOOL = {Cornell University},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY},
YEAR = {1974},
DATE = {1974},
%0 Thesis
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Polynomial and abstract subrecursive classes :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 434956
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-36CD53AFA3712590C1257218003C5669-mehlhorn75b
%I Cornell University
%C New York, NY
%D 1974
%V phd
%9 phd
K. Mehlhorn, “Polynomial and Abstract Subrecursive Classes,” in Conference Record of Sixth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of computing (STOC-74), 1974.
We define polynomial time computable operator. Our definition generalizes
Cook's definition to arbitrary function inputs. Polynomial classes are defined
in terms of these operators; the properties of these classes are investigated.
Honest polynomial classes are generated by running time. They posses a modified
Ritchie-Cobham property. A polynomial class is a complexity class iff it is
honest. Starting from the observation that many results about subrecursive
classes hold for all reducibility relations (e.g. primitive recursive in,
elementary recursive in), which were studied so far, we define abstract
subrecursive reducibility relation. Many results hold for all abstract
subrecursive reducibilities.
TITLE = {Polynomial and Abstract Subrecursive Classes},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {--},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-63A954F1A9EEB61AC12571C3001B5234-mehlhorn74a},
YEAR = {1974},
DATE = {1974},
ABSTRACT = {We define polynomial time computable operator. Our definition generalizes Cook's definition to arbitrary function inputs. Polynomial classes are defined in terms of these operators; the properties of these classes are investigated. Honest polynomial classes are generated by running time. They posses a modified Ritchie-Cobham property. A polynomial class is a complexity class iff it is honest. Starting from the observation that many results about subrecursive classes hold for all reducibility relations (e.g. primitive recursive in, elementary recursive in), which were studied so far, we define abstract subrecursive reducibility relation. Many results hold for all abstract subrecursive reducibilities.},
BOOKTITLE = {Conference Record of Sixth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of computing (STOC-74)},
PAGES = {96--109},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Polynomial and Abstract Subrecursive Classes :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344667
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-63A954F1A9EEB61AC12571C3001B5234-mehlhorn74a
%D 1974
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1974-04-30 -
%C Seattle, Washington, USA
%X We define polynomial time computable operator. Our definition generalizes
Cook's definition to arbitrary function inputs. Polynomial classes are defined
in terms of these operators; the properties of these classes are investigated.
Honest polynomial classes are generated by running time. They posses a modified
Ritchie-Cobham property. A polynomial class is a complexity class iff it is
honest. Starting from the observation that many results about subrecursive
classes hold for all reducibility relations (e.g. primitive recursive in,
elementary recursive in), which were studied so far, we define abstract
subrecursive reducibility relation. Many results hold for all abstract
subrecursive reducibilities.
%B Conference Record of Sixth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of computing (STOC-74)
%P 96 - 109
%@ --
K. Mehlhorn, “The ‘almost all’ theory of subrecursive degrees is decidable,” in Automata, languages and programming : 2nd colloquium (ICALP-74), 1974.
TITLE = {The 'almost all' theory of subrecursive degrees is decidable},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
EDITOR = {Loeckx, Jacques},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {3-540-06841-4},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-C7A57ECB57F1B837C12571400043FB06-Mehlhorn74},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1974},
DATE = {1974},
BOOKTITLE = {Automata, languages and programming : 2nd colloquium (ICALP-74)},
PAGES = {317--325},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%E Loeckx, Jacques
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
Max Planck Society
%T The 'almost all' theory of subrecursive degrees is decidable :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344556
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-C7A57ECB57F1B837C12571400043FB06-Mehlhorn74
%I Springer
%D 1974
%B Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1974-07-29 -
%C Saarbrücken, Germany
%B Automata, languages and programming : 2nd colloquium (ICALP-74)
%P 317 - 325
%I Springer
%@ 3-540-06841-4
%B Lecture Notes in Computer Science
K. Mehlhorn, “Polynomial and abstract subrecursive classes.” IEEE, Ithaca, NY, USA, 1974.
TITLE = {Polynomial and abstract subrecursive classes},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-CB4F313ADF303BD4C1257218003D231C-mehlhorn74},
ADDRESS = {Ithaca, NY, USA},
YEAR = {1974},
DATE = {1974},
%0 Generic
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T Polynomial and abstract subrecursive classes :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344748
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-CB4F313ADF303BD4C1257218003D231C-mehlhorn74
%C Ithaca, NY, USA
%D 1974
%Z name of event: Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1973-10-15 -
%Z place of event: Iowa City, Iowa, USA
K. Mehlhorn, “On the Size of Sets of Computable Functions,” in 14th Annual Symposium on Switching & Automata Theory (SSAT-73) (SWAT 1973), Iowa City, Iowa, USA, 1973.
TITLE = {On the Size of Sets of Computable Functions},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
ISBN = {--},
DOI = {10.1109/SWAT.1973.23},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-CA39A2975EE5617BC12571C40041429E-mehlhorn73a},
YEAR = {1973},
DATE = {1973},
BOOKTITLE = {14th Annual Symposium on Switching \& Automata Theory (SSAT-73) (SWAT 1973)},
PAGES = {190--196},
ADDRESS = {Iowa City, Iowa, USA},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T On the Size of Sets of Computable Functions :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344679
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-CA39A2975EE5617BC12571C40041429E-mehlhorn73a
%R 10.1109/SWAT.1973.23
%D 1973
%B 14th Annual Symposium on Switching & Automata Theory
%Z date of event: 1973-10-15 -
%C Iowa City, Iowa, USA
%B 14th Annual Symposium on Switching & Automata Theory (SSAT-73)
%P 190 - 196
%@ --
K. Mehlhorn, “The ‘almost all’ theory of subrecursive degrees is decidable.”IEEE, Ithaca, NY, USA, 1973.
TITLE = {The "almost all" theory of subrecursive degrees is decidable},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-64BB5EC72EAD40C0C125721B0033D2F8-mehlhorn73},
ADDRESS = {Ithaca, NY, USA},
YEAR = {1973},
DATE = {1973},
%0 Generic
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T The "almost all" theory of subrecursive degrees is decidable :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344755
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-64BB5EC72EAD40C0C125721B0033D2F8-mehlhorn73
%C Ithaca, NY, USA
%D 1973
%Z name of event: Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1973-10-15 -
%Z place of event: Iowa City, Iowa, USA
K. Mehlhorn, “On the Size of Sets of Computable Functions.” IEEE, Ithaca, NY, USA, 1973.
TITLE = {On the Size of Sets of Computable Functions},
AUTHOR = {Mehlhorn, Kurt},
LANGUAGE = {eng},
LOCALID = {Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-0A0DBFF5664F861EC125721800301F3D-mehlhorn73b},
ADDRESS = {Ithaca, NY, USA},
YEAR = {1973},
DATE = {1973},
%0 Generic
%A Mehlhorn, Kurt
%+ Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society
%T On the Size of Sets of Computable Functions :
%G eng
%F EDOC: 344746
%F OTHER: Local-ID: C1256428004B93B8-0A0DBFF5664F861EC125721800301F3D-mehlhorn73b
%C Ithaca, NY, USA
%D 1973
%Z name of event: Untitled Event
%Z date of event: 1973-10-15 -
%Z place of event: Iowa City, Iowa, USA