Dr. Uwe Waldmann
Saarland Informatics Campus
Campus E1 5 – Raum 638
66123 Saarbrückenmehr
The Guidelines of the Scientific Council for Electing Ombudspersons to Max Planck Institutes and the Sections of the Max Planck Society state:
"Anyone who finds themselves confronted with specific circumstances which might violate the rules of good scientific practice or give cause to suspect scientific misconduct should be afforded an effective opportunity to voice their concerns without fear of prejudice to their own person."
"An independent, appropriately qualified person of considerable personal integrity should be elected from among the academic staff at each institute ... of the Max Planck Society to act as an ombudsperson in cases of conflict on matters of good scientific practice."
Some rules relevant for computer scientists:
The complete "Rules of Good Scientific Practice", as adopted by the senate of the of the Max Planck Society, can be found here.
The obvious things, such as fabrication or falsification of data, infringement of intellectual property (plagiarism, theft of ideas), or impairment of the research work of others.
"The purpose of ombudspersons is to create a point of contact and advice independent of the institute management for those wishing to give evidence or information. The ombudsperson has the duty to preserve confidentiality. In performing his or her tasks, the ombudsperson is independent of the institute management and of superiors and colleagues."
"The ombudsperson must ... be available immediately in a consultative capacity in all matters relating to good scientific practice and in the case of suspected scientific misconduct. The ombudsperson should also resolve potential conflict situations in which junior scientists in particular may find themselves as a result of conflict between loyalty towards a superior or a working group and to their commitment to scientifically correct conduct."
Uwe Waldmann (since December 2013)