PhD Applications
Direct Applications
Qualified and highly motivated students are encouraged to apply here:
Applications are welcome all year round.
Please include the following information in your application (preferably in a single pdf document):
- CV
- research statement
- full publication list
- list of referees
- your most interesting research paper (if allowed/applicable)
- transcripts of master/bachelor program
IMPRS-TRUST International Max Planck Research School on Trustworthy Computing

The International Max Planck Research School on Trustworthy Computing (IMPRS-TRUST) is a graduate program jointly run by the Max Planck Institute for Informatics (MPI-INF), the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS), the Computer Science Department at Saarland University, and the Computer Science Department at TU Kaiserslautern.
Next deadlines: June 30, 2025 and December 31, 2025
Joint Programs with other Institutions

CLS Max Planck ETH Center for Learning Systems
This is the first Center linking the German Max Planck Society and the leading Swiss university ETH Zurich and brings together leading researchers in the field of learning systems. The Center offers a unique fellowship program, where PhD students are co-supervised by one advisor from ETH Zurich and one fromthe MPI for Intelligent Systems in Tübingen and Stuttgart. PhD students are expected to take advantage of the opportunities offered by both organizations and to actively seek cross-group collaborations.
Previous deadline: November 5, 2024
Next deadline: Fall, 2025

ELLIS European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems PhD Program
The ELLIS PhD & Postdoc Program supports excellent young researchers by connecting them to leading researchers across Europe and offering a variety of networking and training activities, including summer schools and workshops. ELLIS PhDs and postdocs conduct cutting-edge curiosity-driven research in machine learning or a related research area with the goal of publishing in top-tier conferences in the field.
In the ELLIS PhD Program we are hiring in the academic track as well as in the industry track (e.g., in cooperation with Amazon Research Tübingen).
Previous deadline: November 15, 2024
Next deadline: November 15, 2025

The Max Planck Graduate Center for Computer and Information Science
CS@max planck is a highly selective doctoral program that grants admitted students full financial support to pursue doctoral research in the broad area of computer and information science, with faculty at Max Planck Institutes and the best German universities.
Next deadline: December 31 every year for the following fall (for example: apply before December 31, 2025 to start in fall 2026)

The Maryland Max Planck PhD Program in Computer Science
This Maryland Max Planck PhD Program in Computer Science offers students a unique opportunity to pursue a PhD degree under the supervision of faculty from the University of Maryland, USA, and a Max Planck Institute in Germany. Students are co-advised, perform collaborative research, take advantage of the expertise, resources, and culture at both institutions, and spend time in both countries.