Iris Wagner

Iris Wagner

Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
Saarland Informatics Campus
Campus E1 4
66123 Saarbrücken
E1 4 - 502
+49 681 9325 3500
+49 681 9325 5719

Personal Information

I've been working as an assistant since 2000. I started my career in a mechanical engineering company and in 2015 moved to a medium-sized IT consulting firm as a Management Assistant. Since October 2019 I have been Prof. Anja Feldmann's Executive Assistant.

For several years I have been leading the Saarland regional group of the Bundesverband Sekretariat- und Büromanagement. In 2018 I was co-author of the book "Chefsache Assistenz" (Springer-Gabler-Verlag). 2019 I was interviewed by the Online-Portal Diligent Talk.

In 2020, I have been elected as Deputy Equal Opportunities Officer of the MPII.


  • Reading, mostly SciFi, Fantasy and graphic novels. My favourite authors are Tolkien, Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, Christian von Aster, Isa Theobald and some more.
  • Listening to podcasts and music
  • TaiJi Juan & Tribal dancing
  • Cooking; I love asian food!
  • Meeting new people, broaden my horizon, travelling

Recent Positions

Oktober 2019 - today:
Executive Assistant at Max-Planck-Institute for Informatics


September 2015 - September 2019:
Assistant to the Board of Directors & Head of Internal Organisation at PIKON GmbH


August 2000 - August 2015:
Foreign language secretary and sales assistant at VENSYS Energy AG


2011 – 2012:
Management assistant at Bénédikt Akademie Saarbrücken
ELSA Certificate of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry


1998 – 2000:
European Secretary at Euroschule Trier