

Senior Researchers

Associated Independent Tenure Track Faculty Members

Post-Doc Researchers


Administrative Assistant

System Administrator


From Max Planck Institute for Informatics

NamePositionNow working at
Aniss MaghsoudlouStaff Data EngineerNewyorker, Berlin, Germany
Balakrishnan ChandrasekaranAssistant ProfessorVrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Corinna CoupetteAssistant ProfessorAalto University, Helsinki (after having graduated with the MPI-Inf Dep. Algorithms and Complexity, Saarbruecken, Germany)
Daniel WagnerResearcherDE-CIX Management GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany
Devashish GosainAssistant ProfessorIndian Institute of Technology Bombay, Computer Science and Engineering
Florian StreibeltSenior DeveloperGCS PlusOne Central Engineering API Core, SAP SE, St. Leon Rot, Germany
Franziska Lichtblau

IT Architecture Senior Specialist

SAP Germany
Lars PrehnSoftware EngineerGoogle, Ireland
Malte AppelResearcherInternet Initiative Japan, Tokio, Japan
Mirko PalmerSenior Software EngineerLAWO AG, Raststatt, Germany
Mohamad Hoseini  
Dr. Oliver GasserHead of ResearchIPInfo
Reese EnghardtInternet Researcher and EngineerNetflix, USA
Thorben KrügerResearcherInstitut für Intelligente Kooperierende Systeme (IKS); AG Networks and Distributed Systems (Netsys) Lab at the Otto von Guericke Universität Magdeburg, Germany
Said Jawad SaidiSenior Research EngineerHuawei Technologies Munich Research Center, Germany
Dr. Savvas ZannettouAssistant ProfessorTechnology, Policy, and Management (TPM) faculty, TU Delft, The Netherlands

From TU Berlin

NamePositionNow working at
Aidan WaltonDesign Consultant Engineer IP/MPLS & WirelessStaffordshire University, UK
Almut GotheAdministrative AssistantTU Berlin, Germany
Amir MehmoodAssociate Professor and the Director of High Performance Computing and Networking Lab (HPCNL)Al-Khawarizmi Institute of Computer Science at the University of Engineering & Technology Lahore, Pakistan
Amr OsmanChair of Privacy and SecurityTU Dresden, Germany
Andreas LoukasSr. Principal Scientist
and ML lead

Prescient Design, gRED, Roche, Lausanne, Waadt, Switzerland

Andreas WundsamTech DirectorArista Networks, Menlo Park, USA
Andy RuppDeputy Head Security and Networking LabUniversity of Luxemburg, Luxemburg

Apoorv Shukla

Senior Networks Researcher in CloudHuawei Technologies, German Research Center, Munich, Germany
Arne LudwigSenior DeveloperSAP, Berlin, Germany
Arne Wichmann Freelancer, Specialist in Linux Systems and Security
Benjamin FrankDevelopment ExpertSAP, Potsdam, Germany
Bernhard AgerDept. Informationstechnologie und ElektrotechnikETH Zürich, Switzerland
Britta SchneiderAdministrative Assistant 
Carlo FürstDevelopment ExpertSAP, Potsdam, Germany
Christina RickmannIT-Specialistmgm technology partners GmbH, Munich, Germany
Christoph DietzelGlobal Head of Products & ResearchDE-CIX, Frankfurt, Germany
Cigdem SengülSenior LecturerBrunel University, London, UK
Daniel LevinDevOps/Software Engineer
Distributed Systems Expert
Benocs GmbH, Stacktile GmbH
Doris SchiobergArchitect of Decentralized Systems & LecturerUC Berkeley, USA
Eirini Spartinou  
Enric PujolNetwork Data AnalystBenocs GmbH, Berlin, Germany
Fabian SchneiderSuper-Squad Lead Access 4.0 (Head of Development & Operations)Deutsche Telekom, Darmstadt, Germany
Felix Poloczek Department of Computer Science at the University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
Florin CiucuReader and Deputy Director of Postgraduate Research in the Computer Science DepartmentUniversity of Warwick, Coventry, UK
Galen Wilkerson  
Georgios SmaragdakisProfessorTU Delft, The Netherlands
Gilles TrédanResearcherCNRS, Toulouse, France
Gregor MaierPrincipal EngineerINTEL SDN System Architecture
Gregor Schaffrath Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung
Harald SchiobergStaff Site Reliability EngineerGoogle, Washington, USA
Holger Dreger Siemens Corporate Technology, Munich, Germany
Ingmar PoeseCTOBenocs GmbH, Berlin, Germany
Ioannis Avramopoulos  
Jan BöttgerSolution DesignerDeutsche Telekom
Jörg Wallerich T-Systems, Darmstadt, Germany
Juhoon KimEngineerDeutsche Telekom, Berlin, Germany
Julius Schulz-ZanderSenior Research und Head of Intelligent Network Architectures Research GroupFraunhofer HHI and TU Berlin
Lalith Suresh PuthalathResearch ScientistVMware, Palo Alto, USA
Luigi IannoneExpertHuawei Technologies France
Matthias RostStaf Software EngineerObserve Inc., San Mateo, California, USA
Marco CaniniAssociate ProfessorKing Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, Saudi-Arabia
Michael Martinides  
Michael MiroldCo-founderTestfabrik AG, Germany
Mustafa Al-Bado DellEMC, Ireland
Nadi SarrarDirector of EngineeringAxoni, New York, USA
Niklas SemmlerDeveloperSnowflake Inc., California, USA
Nikolaos ChatzisOptimization EngineerMeta, Munich, Germany
Nils KammenhuberCEO/COOVectory – IT Consulting GmbH & Co. KG, Munich, Germany
Obi Akonjang  
Olaf MaennelProfessor for Cyber SecurityCentre of Digital Forensics and Cyber Security at Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Oliver HohlfeldProfessor & Chair of Distributed Systems groupUniversity of Kassel, Germany
Olivier DousseHead of Data ScienceHERE Technologies, Berlin, Germany
Pan (Ben) HuiProfessor & DirectorHKUST-DT System and Media Laboratory (SyMLab) at Computer Science and Engineering Department of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China
Petr KuznetsovProfessorINFRES, Telecom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France
Philipp RichterSenior Research ScientistAkamai Technologies, Munich, Germany
Philipp S. TieselDeveloper Strategic ProjectsSAP, Potsdam, Germany
Ramin KhaliliPrincipal ResearcherHuawei Technologies, Munich, Germany
Robin SommerCTOCorelight, Munich, Germany
Roger KarrerHead of Data Collection eDiscovery Technology ServicesUBS AG, Zurich, Switzerland
Ruben MerzPrincipal Solutions ArchitectAmazon Web Services, Bern, Switzerland
Sachin Agarwal  
Sonja BucheggerProfessorSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the KTH Royal Institute of Technolgy, Stockholm, Sweden
Srivatsan RaviResearch ScientistInformation Sciences Institute (ISI), University of Southern California (USC), USA
Stefan Kornexl  
Stefan SchmidProfessorTU Berlin, Germany
Steve UhligProfessor of Networks & Head of SchoolSchool of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Queen Mary, University of London, UK
Thomas HühnProf. Dr.-IngHS-Nordhausen, Germany
Thomas KrencPostdoctoral ResearcherCAIDA, University of California, San Diego, USA
Thomas ZinnerAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Information Security and Communication Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
Thorsten FischerLead Security EngineerBCG Digital Ventures, Berlin, Germany
Tobias FiebigSenior ResearcherMax-Planck-Institute for Informatics, Research Group Internet Architecture, Saarbruecken, Germany
Vinay AggarwalGlobal Partner Tech StrategistMicrosoft, Berlin, Germany
Vlad Manilici Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR); Institut für Kommunikation und Navigation; Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
Wolfgang MühlbauerProfessorFakultät Inf, Technische Hochschule Rosenheim, Munich, Germany