News & Events
Hiba Arnaout Receives SWSA Distinguished Dissertation Award
Hiba Arnaout receives the SWSA Distinguished Dissertation Award for her dissertation titled "Enriching open-world knowledge graphs with expressive negative statements" at ISWC 2024 conference in November, 2024.
Gerhard Weikum Receives Honorary Doctorate (Dr. h.c.) from the University of Athens
The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens has bestowed the title of an honorary doctor (Dr. honoris causa) on Gerhard Weikum, in recognition of his contributions to the fields of databases, world wide web, and artificial intelligence.
Workshop on Data, Knowledge and Language
This two-day workshop on September 21-22, 2023, attracted 80 alumni of the department, including many university professors and industrial leaders. The workshop featured lively presentations about achievements, challenges and opportunities for data-intensive systems, covering a spectrum of topics from database engines to web science and generative AI. The workshop also offered a lovely farewell to the retiring director Gerhard Weikum.
Azin Ghazimatin Receives GI-DBIS Dissertation Award at BTW 2023
Azin Ghazimatin received the Dissertation Award by the German Informatics Society department of Databases and Information Systems for her dissertation titled "Enhancing Explainability and Scrutability of Recommender Systems" in BTW 2023 conference.
Asia Biega Receives GI-DBIS Dissertation Award at BTW 2021
Asia Biega received the Dissertation Award by the German Informatics Society department of Databases and Information Systems for her dissertation titled "Enhancing Privacy and Fairness in Search Systems" in BTW 2021 conference.
Gerhard Weikum Receives the 2021 Konrad Zuse Medal
Gerhard Weikum received the 2021 Konrad-Zuse-Medaille by the German Informatics Society for his significant contributions in the areas of distributed information systems, performance optimization of database systems, information extraction and knowledge processing. The Zuse Medal is the highest award for computer science in Germany.
DFG Project on Negative Knowledge Receives 312,000 € Funding
The DFG has announced that it will fund the individual research project "Negative Knowledge at Web Scale" with 312,000 € over the next three years. In the project, Simon Razniewski and colleagues will research methods for inferring and ranking negative knowledge in general knowledge repositories, as well as in dedicated domains like consumer electronics or commonsense knowledge.
Hiba Arnaout et al. Receive the Best Poster Award at AKBC 2020
Hiba Arnaout, Simon Razniewski and Gerhard Weikum received the Best Poster Award at the Automated Knowledge Base Construction (AKBC) conference 2020 for their work Enriching Knowledge Bases with Interesting Negative Statements.
Klaus Berberich et al. Receives ECIR 2020 Test of Time Award
Klaus Berberich, Srikanta Bedathur, Omar Alonso and Gerhard Weikum received the Test of Time Award at ECIR 2020 for "A Language Modeling Approach for Temporal Information Needs".
D. Gupta and K. Berberich Receive the Best Poster Award Honorable Mention at WWW 2018
Dhruv Gupta and Klaus Berberich received the Best Poster Award Honorable Mention at The Web Conference (WWW) 2018 for their work on indentifying time intervals for knowlege graph facts.
YAGO Receives IW3C2 Seoul Test of Time Award 2018
The original YAGO paper published at WWW 2007: "YAGO: A Core of Semantic Knowledge Unifying WordNet and Wikipedia" authored by Fabian M. Suchanek, Gjergji Kasneci and Gerhard Weikum, received IW3C2 Seoul Test of Time Award 2018. The award will be presented at the WWW 2018 conference in Lyon.
Patrick Ernst et al. Receive the Best Paper Award at WWW 2017
Patrick Ernst, Amy Siu, and Gerhard Weikum received the Best Paper Award at The Web Conference (WWW) 2018 for their work on harvesting higher-arity facts from textual sources.
Thomas Pellissier Tanon et al. Receive a Best Student Research Paper Nomination at ISWC'17
Thomas Pellissier Tanon, a former intern in our group, together with Daria Stepanova, Simon Razniewski, Paramita Mirza, and Gerhard Weikum received the Best Student Research Paper Runner-Up Award at the ISWC 2017 conference for their work on completeness-aware rule learning from knowledge graphs.
Andrew Yates Receives the Best Paper Award at EMNLP 2017
Andrew Yates et al. received the Best Paper Award at the EMNLP 2017 conference for their work on assessing depression and self-harm risks in online forums.
YAGO2 Paper Receives 2017 AIJ Prominent Paper Award
YAGO2 paper received the 2017 Artificial Intelligence Journal Prominent Paper Award for "combining excellent science with a significant engineering effort". YAGO2 was described as "conveniently searchable, large-scale, highly accurate knowledge base of common facts in machine-processable form", and "invaluable for making sense of internet content and for supporting tasks such as semantic search and text disambiguation, and, in general, for building truly intelligent agents."
More information on the project and the award (in German) here.
Gerhard Weikum Receives 2016 SIGMOD Edgar F. Codd Innovations Award
Gerhard Weikum received the 2016 SIGMOD Edgar F. Codd Innovations Award for his pioneering work on the automatic construction of large knowledge bases. The award is given annually in recognition of innovative and highly significant contributions in the field of database systems.
Maximilian Dylla Receives GI-DBIS Prize for his Dissertation
Maximilian Dylla received the Dissertation Award of the German Computer Science Society (Gesellschaft für Informatik, GI) in the area of Databases and Information Systems for his dissertation titled Efficient Querying and Learning in Probabilistic and Temporal Databases. The award is given every two years and recognizes the best PhD theses in the field. The ceremony took place during the 2015 Database Systems for Business, Technology, and Web Conference (BTW), which took place in Hamburg.
Rainer Gemulla Becomes GI Junior Fellow
Rainer Gemulla has been selected as a Junior Fellow of the German Computer Science Society (Gesellschaft für Informatik, GI). The award was created in 2013 to recognize the best young researchers in computer science.
Ndapandula Nakashole Receives Otto-Hahn Medal for her PhD Dissertation
Ndapandula Nakashole has been awarded the Otto-Hahn Medal 2014 by the Max Planck Society for her PhD dissertation Automatic Extraction of Facts, Relations, and Entities for Web-scale Knowledge Base Population.
Gerard de Melo Receives Dr.-Eduard-Martin-Prize
Gerard de Melo was awarded the Dr.-Eduard-Martin-Prize. The prize is awarded every year to selected doctoral students, who graduated summa cum laude. The prize itself is an owl-shaped bronce sculpture, designed by local artist Hans Schröder. It represents the heraldic animal of the University of the Saarland. The ceremony took place on October 24th, 2012.
Johannes Hoffart et al. Receive the Best Demo Award at WWW 2011
Johannes Hoffart, Fabian Suchanek, Klaus Berberich, Edwin Lewis-Kelham, Gerard de Melo and Gerhard Weikum received the Best Demo Award at the 20th International World Wide Web Conference in Hyderabad, India.
Gerhard Weikum Receives 2011 ACM SIGMOD Contributions Award
Gerhard Weikum receives the 2011 SIGMOD Contributions Award for outstanding service to the database community. The award recognizes his influence on collaboration and publication culture that helped to maintain high standards of quality in face of tremendous growth and broadening of the area. Gerhard Weikum served as PC Chair of SIGMOD, ICDE, and CIDR. As the president of the VLDB Endowment he encouraged adoption of journal-style reviewing culture to combine the best of the conference and journal reviewing process.
G. de Melo and G. Weikum Receive CIKM 2010 Best Interdisciplinary Paper Award
Gerard de Melo and Gerhard Weikum have received the Best Interdisciplinary Paper Award at the 19th ACM International Conference on Information Knowledge Management (CIKM 2010), for their paper MENTA: Inducing Multilingual Taxonomies from Wikipedia. The 2010 edition of the ACM CIKM received a total of 945 full paper submissions, out of which two best papers were chosen based on the votes of an Award Committee consisting of renowned experts from multiple fields. Additionally, Gerard de Melo received a Student Travel Award for the conference.
G. Weikum Accepted as Member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering
Gerhard Weikum has been selected as a member of acatech, the German Academy of Science and Engineering. The organization represents the interests of German sciences and technology and supports policy makers and society with technically qualified evaluations and recommendations. Being recommended and accepted for membership requires a high scientific standing, which is assessed by procuring expert opinions from third parties. Gerhard Weikum was welcomed into the organization on October, 19, 2010, at the academy's annual meeting in Berlin.
Gerhard Weikum Becomes GI Fellow
Gerhard Weikum has been selected as a fellow of the German Computer Science Society (Gesellschaft für Informatik, GI). GI Fellows are selected for outstanding scientific contributions to the field of computer science or to the Society. The award was presented in September 2010 at theINFORMATIK 2010 in Leipzig.
F. Suchanek Receives SIGMOD J. Gray Doctoral Dissertation Honarable Mention
For his 2008 doctoral dissertation Automated Construction and Growth of a Large Ontology, Fabian Suchanek has received the 2010 SIGMOD Jim Gray Doctoral Dissertation Award Honarable Mention. The annual SIGMOD Dissertation Award recognizes excellent research by doctoral candidates in the database field. This award, which was previously known as the SIGMOD Doctoral Dissertation Award, was renamed in 2008 with the unanimous approval of ACM Council in honor of Dr. Jim Gray.
Google Research Award
The group has received a Google Research Award for its work on Reasoning on Entities and Relationships for Finding Answers to Difficult Information Needs. The project studies how advanced search requests can be answered by identifying named entities and their relationships with other entities in potential search results.
Fabian Suchanek Receives Otto-Hahn Medal for his Dissertation
Fabian Suchanek has been awarded the Otto Hahn Medal 2010 by the Max Planck Society for his dissertation Automated Construction and Growth of a Large Ontology.
Gerhard Weikum Keynote Speaker at WSDM 2009
Gerhard Weikum gave a keynote talk at the ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM 2009). The talk was titled Harvesting, Searching, and Ranking Knowledge from the Web and presented the group's grand vision of turning the Web into a comprehensive knowledge base that can be efficiently searched with high precision.
Sebastian Michel Awarded Two Prizes for Dissertation
Sebastian Michel has received two awards for his doctoral dissertation on top‐k aggegation queries in large‐scale distributed systems. At the BTW 2009 conference, he received a prize by the German Computer Society's Special Interest Group on Information Systems (GI DBIS) for the best dissertation, together with a 2000 EUR cheque sponsored by IBM Germany. Additionally, he has been awarded the Otto-Hahn medal 2007 by the Max Planck Society.
Martin Theobald Awarded SIGMOD 2006 Dissertation Honorable Mention Award
Two outstanding dissertations have received Honorable Mention recognizing their excellent theoretical foundations and development of algorithms with outstanding performance gains and impact in highly relevant applications. Among them Martin Theobald for his PhD thesis TopX: Efficient and Versatile Top-K Query Processing for Text, Structured, and Semistructured Data. The annual SIGMOD Dissertation Award recognizes excellent research by doctoral candidates in the database field. For 2006, 15 extremely high-quality dissertations were nominated by their departments. The dissertations were evaluated by the SIGMOD Dissertation Awards Committee for technical depth and significance of the research contribution, potential impact on theory and practice, and quality of the presentation. All submissions were of extremely high quality and SIGMOD congratulates all the nominated students and their departments for their excellent work and contributions to our field.
The Awards Committee: Hans-Joerg Schek (Chair), Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Sophie Cluet, Tamer Ozsu for Jim Gray, Masaru Kitsuregawa, Gail Mitchell, Beng Chin Ooi.
The awards have been presented at the newly established SIGMOD Award Ceremony Session.
Martin Theobald Awarded Prize for Dissertation
Martin Theobald will receive a prize by the German Computer Society's Special Interest Group on Information Systems (GI DBIS) for the best dissertation. The award has been presented at the BTW 2007 conference.
CIKM06 Best Interdisciplinary Paper Award
The Paper Discovering and Exploiting Keyword and Attribte-Value Co-Occurrences to Improve P2P Routing Indices by group members Sebastian Michel, Matthias Bender, Gerhard Weikum, and Christian Zimmer (in collaboration with Peter Triantafillou and Nikos Ntarmos from University of Patras) was awarded the Best Interdisciplinary Paper Award at this year's ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) in Arlington, VA.
Prof. Gerhard Weikum Appointed ACM Fellow
The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) has recently released this year's list of newly appointed Fellows. Among these ACM Fellows is Prof. Gerhard Weikum, the current managing director of the institute and head of the Databases and Information Systems department. The appointment as a Fellow is one of the highest honors of the ACM, which is the most important and comprehensive umbrella association of Computer Science. Prof. Weikum is honored for his groundbreaking research in the fields of databases and information systems, in particular for his contributions to improve the reliability and the performance of large-scale, distributed information systems. The induction of the ACM Fellows will be held at the ACM Award Banquet which is scheduled for Saturday, May 20, 2006 in San Francisco.
The circle of fellows is dominated by outstanding researchers from US elite educational institutions, such as Stanford, Berkeley, or CMU. Since 1993, only seven German researchers have been appointed ACM fellows, among them three researchers from the federal state of Saarland (Prof. Kurt Mehlhorn, Prof. Reinhard Wilhelm, and Prof. Gerhard Weikum).
Julia Luxenburger Awarded Prize for Research Work and Dedication
Julia Luxenburger, a former PhD student at our group, received a prize for her diploma thesis from the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI, Regionalgruppe Saarland). The prize not only honors her outstanding research on improving internet search engines, but also explicitly her dedication to the Saarland University, where she developed a departmental information system and a prepraratory Math class for freshmen and tutored a large number of students.
Dr.-Eduard-Martin-Prize for Arnd Christian König
Arnd Christian König, a former group member currently working at Microsoft Research, is awarded the Dr.-Eduard-Martin-Prize for his dissertation Query Estimation Techniques in Database Systems.
The Freundesvereinigung der Universität des Saarlandes (Association of friends of the University of the Saarland) awards the Dr.-Eduard-Martin-Prize to the best 2001/2002 dissertations of each of the nine faculties. The prize itself is an owl-shaped bronce sculpture, designed by local artist Hans Schröder. It represents the heraldic animal of the University of the Saarland.
The ceremony took place Dec 10, 2003.