Automated Reasoning


LecturerWeidenbach, Christoph
Schwarz, Simon
StartThursday, October 17, 2024 (Start date changed to Oct 17!)
Room 024, Building E1 4
WhenWednesdays, 16:00 - 18:00 (s.t.) and
Thursdays, 14:00 - 16:00 (s.t.)
WhereRoom 024, Building E1 4
Please note: on Dec 11 the lecture will take place in room 630, building E1 5
TutorialsSolutions provided via email every Tuesday, Q&A Tutorial every Wednesday at 16:00 (s.t.) before lecture

See below

Please note: In addition to the end-of-year break from Dec 23 - Jan 3,  there will be no lecture on Jan 8. The first lecture in 2025 will be on Jan 9.


Please register here for this course.

Don't forget to register for the exams at LSF since we are unable to do this automatically.

If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Müller.


Basic knowledge in theoretical computer science, in particular in logics.

Exercises, Tutorials and Exams

Information on the tutorial, the exercise sheets as well as the exam sheets can be found here.

Please note: Exercise sheets do not have to be submitted. All registered students can take the midterm exam.


The script and other literature used in this course can be found here.


There will be a midterm, a final, and a re-exam. All participants must take part in the midterm exam and in at least one of the final and re-exams. The midterm does not count as an examination but as an examination prerequisite. It is open for every participant of the course. Participation in the midterm is required to participate in the endterm or re-examination.

The endterm and the re-exam are now two seperate and independent examination attempts. Students can take the first one, the second one, or both, but if they take both, these count as two examination attempts (out of a total of three examination attempts permitted for the module).

Please bring your student identity card to the exam. (For further information on the exams and the grading system, see below.)

All examinations are open book.

Dates of the Exams

  • Midterm: Thursday, December 5, 2024, 2 p.m., building E2 5, HS 3

To register for the midterm, please send an email to Jennifer Müller by Wednesday, November 27, 2024.

  • Final: Thursday, February 20, 2025, 2 p.m., building E1 3, HS 1
  • Re-Exam: !New Date + Time! Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 4:15 p.m., building E1 3, HS 3 Thursday, March 27, 2025, 2 p.m.

Please register for the exams at LSF.

Exam inspection

  • Midterm: Wednesday, January 15, 2025, 5:30 p.m., building E1 4, room 024
  • Final: Thursday, March 6, 2025, 1 p.m. - 4 p.m., building E1 5, room 610


The total grade for the course is the weighted average of the grades of all the exams in which one participates:

If one takes part only in the final exam:

Midterm:             25%
Final Exam:         75%

If one takes part only in the re-exam:

Midterm:             25%
Re-Exam:            75%

If one takes part in both the final exam and the re-exam, the better grade from either final or supplementary will be selected.

Midterm:             25%
Final Exam:        75%       - OR -       Re-Exam:          75%

For passing, the weighted average must be better than 4.1. As an exception to the rules above, the following combinations of results are sufficient for passing (with a grade of at least 4.0), even if the weighted average is worse than 4.1:

  • 4.0 or better in the midterm exam, and
    4.0 or better in at least one of the final and re-exams
  • 5.0 in the midterm exam, and
    3.7 or better in at least one of the final and re-exams