VIA Center Recognized for Excellent Research in First Scientific Evaluation

On October 16 and 17, 2024, the ‘Saarbrücken Research Center for Visual Computing, Interaction, and Artificial Intelligence (VIA)’ underwent its first scientific evaluation. These evaluations, which serve as an important benchmark for research institutions like the VIA Center, assess the quality and performance of their scientific output. The reviewers particularly praised the center’s high publication output at leading international conferences and the exceptional quality of its research results.

‘We are very pleased that our work has been so positively evaluated by the reviewers. This confirms our approach and motivates us to continue along this path,’ says Professor Christian Theobalt, founding director of the VIA Center.

Professor Bernt Schiele, co-director of the center and head of the research area ‘Vision and Language Models (VLMs)’, which was established this year, adds: ‘Despite being established only two years ago, the VIA-Center has already published its research results at numerous leading international conferences such as CVPR and SIGGRAPH Asia. Through this we were able to provide important impetus for the further development of our research areas.’

The ‘Saarbrücken Research Center for Visual Computing, Interaction and Artificial Intelligence (VIA)’, established in November 2022 at the Saarbrücken MPI for Informatics, is dedicated to basic research in computer graphics, computer vision and human-machine interaction, and links these areas with artificial intelligence and machine learning. Google and the Max Planck Institute for Informatics are conducting joint research projects at the VIA-Center in Saarbrücken. A total of 15 scientists are currently conducting research there. The Center is headed by Founding Director Prof. Christian Theobalt and Co-Director Prof. Bernt Schiele.

More Information:

Philipp Zapf-Schrammm
Max Planck Institute for Informatics
Tel: +49681 9325 4509