Seifeddine Fathalli
- Address
- Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
Saarland Informatics Campus
Campus E1 4
66123 Saarbrücken - Location
- E1 4 - 509
- Phone
- +49 681 9325 0
- Fax
- +49 681 9325 5719
- Get email via email
"The first step in knowledge is to listen, then to be quiet and attentive, then to preserve it, then to put it into practice and then to spread it."
Sufyan ibn Uyaynah.
2019 - now:
PhD Student at Max-Planck Institute for Informatics
2018 – 2019:
Project “Network Verification in Software-defined Networking (SDN)” - Working student at the Technical University of Berlin, FG INET
2016 – 2018:
IT and data management – Working student at Charité Universtätsmedizin Berlin
2015 – 2016:
IT Administrator – Working student at United Digital Group GmbH in Berlin
2012 – 2014:
Computer engineer at Marquardt Automotive Tunisia in Tunis
2015 - 2019:
Computer engineering (MSc.) with specialization in Security at the Technical University of Berlin, Germany.
2006 - 2012:
IT networks and telecommunications (Dipl. Ing.) at INSAT, Tunis.