Florian Steurer

Florian Steurer

Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
Saarland Informatics Campus
Campus E1 4
66123 Saarbrücken
E1 4 - 509
+49 681 9325 3538
+49 681 9325 3599

Personal Information

Before joining the Internet Architecture group at the MPI, I worked as a software developer and architect. My interests lie in building fault-tolerant and scalable systems, understanding the underlying mechanisms and measuring and evaluating their characteristics.


Steurer, F., Feldmann, A., & Fiebig, T. (2025). A Tree in a Tree: Measuring Biases of Partial DNS Tree Exploration. In Passive and Active Measurement (PAM 2025). Virtual Event: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-85960-1_5
(Best Paper Award)
@inproceedings{Steurer_PAM2025, TITLE = {A Tree in a Tree: {M}easuring Biases of Partial {DNS} Tree Exploration}, AUTHOR = {Steurer, Florian and Feldmann, Anja and Fiebig, Tobias}, LANGUAGE = {eng}, ISBN = {978-3-031-85959-5}, DOI = {10.1007/978-3-031-85960-1_5}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, YEAR = {2025}, MARGINALMARK = {$\bullet$}, DATE = {2025}, BOOKTITLE = {Passive and Active Measurement (PAM 2025)}, EDITOR = {Testart, Cecilia and van Rijswijk-Deij, Roland and Stiller, Burkhard}, PAGES = {106--136}, SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, VOLUME = {15567}, ADDRESS = {Virtual Event}, }
%0 Conference Proceedings %A Steurer, Florian %A Feldmann, Anja %A Fiebig, Tobias %+ Internet Architecture, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society Internet Architecture, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society Internet Architecture, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society %T A Tree in a Tree: Measuring Biases of Partial DNS Tree Exploration : %G eng %U http://hdl.handle.net/21.11116/0000-0010-89D1-7 %R 10.1007/978-3-031-85960-1_5 %D 2025 %B 26th Annual Passive and Active Measurement Conference %Z date of event: 2025-03-10 - 2025-03-12 %C Virtual Event %B Passive and Active Measurement %E Testart, Cecilia; van Rijswijk-Deij, Roland; Stiller, Burkhard %P 106 - 136 %I Springer %@ 978-3-031-85959-5 %B Lecture Notes in Computer Science %N 15567
Steurer, F., Wagner, D., Lachos, D., Feldmann, A., & Fiebig, T. (2024). The Roots Go Deep: Measuring “.” Under Change. In IMC ’24, ACM on Internet Measurement Conference. Madrid, Spain: ACM. doi:10.1145/3646547.3689008
@inproceedings{Steurer_IMC24, TITLE = {The Roots Go Deep: {M}easuring '.' Under Change}, AUTHOR = {Steurer, Florian and Wagner, Daniel and Lachos, Danny and Feldmann, Anja and Fiebig, Tobias}, LANGUAGE = {eng}, ISBN = {979-8-4007-0592-2}, DOI = {10.1145/3646547.3689008}, PUBLISHER = {ACM}, YEAR = {2024}, MARGINALMARK = {$\bullet$}, DATE = {2024}, BOOKTITLE = {IMC '24, ACM on Internet Measurement Conference}, EDITOR = {Vallina-Rodr{\'i}guez, Narseo and Suarez-T{\'a}ngil, Guillermo and Levin, Dave and Pelsser, Cristal and Pastrana, Sergio and Sun, Yixin}, PAGES = {441--453}, ADDRESS = {Madrid, Spain}, }
%0 Conference Proceedings %A Steurer, Florian %A Wagner, Daniel %A Lachos, Danny %A Feldmann, Anja %A Fiebig, Tobias %+ Internet Architecture, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society External Organizations External Organizations Internet Architecture, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society Internet Architecture, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society %T The Roots Go Deep: Measuring '.' Under Change : %G eng %U http://hdl.handle.net/21.11116/0000-0010-0EB3-5 %R 10.1145/3646547.3689008 %D 2024 %B ACM on Internet Measurement Conference %Z date of event: 2024-11-04 - 2024-11-06 %C Madrid, Spain %B IMC '24 %E Vallina-Rodríguez, Narseo; Suarez-Tángil, Guillermo; Levin, Dave; Pelsser, Cristal; Pastrana, Sergio; Sun, Yixin %P 441 - 453 %I ACM %@ 979-8-4007-0592-2

Previous publications

Hirth, M., Steurer, F., Borchert, K., & Dubiner, D.
"Task Scheduling on Crowdsourcing Platforms for Enabling Completion Time SLAs", 31st International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 31)

Steurer, F., & Pluemicke, M.
"Erweiterung und Neuimplementierung der Java Typunifikation", Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the GI Working Group Programming Languages and Computing Concepts

Research Interests

  • DNS
  • Internet Traffic Analysis
  • Internet Resillience

Honours, Awards & Fellowships

Selected for the Internet Society Pulse Research Fellowship

Best Paper Award for "A Tree in a Tree: Measuring Biases of Partial DNS Tree Exploration" (PAM 2025)

Department Prize for Outstanding Achievements in the Computer Science Program (Institute for Computer Science, University of Würzburg)


  • Winter term 2025: Tutor in Hot Topics in Data Networks Seminar
  • Winter term 2024: Tutor in Hot Topics in Data Networks Seminar
  • Winter term 2023: Tutor in Hot Topics in Data Networks Seminar
  • Summer term 2022: Tutor in Data Networks

Recent Positions

2022 - current:
PhD student at the MPI

2018 - 2022:
Software Consultant at codeunity GmbH, Lossburg, Germany

2017 - 2018:
Working student at the codeunity GmbH, Lossburg, Germany

2013 - 2016:
Student at HOMAG GmbH, Schopfloch, Germany


2016 - 2018:
Master of Computer Science at Julius-Maximilians-Universität, Würzburg

2013 - 2016:
Bachelor of Computer Science at DHBW Stuttgart Campus Horb